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Dawn's Light- Hanger bay


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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The hanger bay of the ship is located here. It is quite vast, comprising of multiple levels and hatches to allow free movement in and out. There also appear to be platforms designed to hold USLD fighter craft, known as Scythe's.
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Adria arrives at the hangar bay, waiting until it pressurizes before entering the main area to greet their new shipmates.
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

The large ship that had landed inside of the hanger bay opens, a wide assortment of men and women of all races and color begin to exit, one of them in particular stand out, wearing USLD Fleet Command Lieutenant stripes on his uniform "Are you the commanding officer?" he asks as he hurriedly walks over to Adria, the other people gathering behind him "Just show us a schematic of the ship and we'll get to work." a voice in the crowd says as they all eye Adria
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Adria shook her head. "No, Michael is, but this ship seems for now to only respond to something in my DNA. I've already seen to it though that has been altered for the rest of you. Follow me over to this screen here and I'll call up the schematics for you."

She leads them over to a display, then activates it without touching it. Instantly a display of the entire ship and it's systems comes on the screen.
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Upon seeing the display, people instantly begin to disperse and move about, seemingly knowing about the teleporter systems "Take me to this Michael, if you would be so kind, miss." the Lieutenant says in a fairly formal tone "Admiral Holt specifically requested I keep an eye on his actions to make sure he is right for the job." he says, his arms crossed behind his back in a military fashion
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

"As you wish. He should still be on the bridge I believe, this way."

She led him to one of the transporters, and when they were both inside she activated it, taking them to the bridge.
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

A nearby transport flares up and Michael as well as Adria appear, entering the hanger bay and waiting for the rest of the squad "The announcement should have reached everyone."
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

"Agreed, but they will likely take longer to get here than we did. After all, we had the benefit of having a transporter right there on the bridge within sixteen steps of us. They probably aren't so close to one. So before it gets too crowded in here, tell me... will I be returning to this ship with you or staying here?"
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

"I already contacted HQ. They said that since you are the only one with total access to this ship, the said for me to keep you on. Congratulations, Number One." Michael says, smiling as he cracks his neck "Do you accept the position and all responsibilities that go with being my Vice-Captain?"
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Melissa strides into the Hangar Bay and heads for Michael and Adria. She comes to a halt in front of Michael, stands stiffly at attention, and with a salute says, "Reporting as ordered, Commander."
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Adria allowed herself a small, relieved smile before nodding. "Yes sir, it would be my pleasure. Thank you."
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Michael nods at Adria's reply, then salutes Melissa "At ease. We're to wait here for the rest of the crew."
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Melissa nods and replies, "Sir," before shifting position to a less stiff stance.
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Linda appears from the transporter, walking up to them and leaning against the side of the ship, slowly rubbing her leg where the Creeper had gashed it.

"Sir." She says in greeting after a moment.
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Coming from her explorings, Xer takes the rear, nodding to the others she saw quietly, still rubbing her injured arms and body, having spent a few secs to repair the worse rends in her clothing from the attack as well.
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

"Ah. Good, good. Everyone is here." Michael says, smiling as he notices one is missing "Where is 366?" he asks, looking over at Xerberus and smiling "You look like you went through hell."
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

The creature nodded back. "That's a word for it, yeah...." she said quietly, her wings folding behind her.
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

In accordance with a long tradition of Operatives, 366 pipes up from less than a foot behind Burrito.

"Right here......."

There is a long pause.

Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

Michael turns suddenly upon hearing 366 speak up "Good. You're here. We'll be taking this ship down to the Ganymede base." he says, motioning for the ship "Is anyone here qualified to fly this thing?" he asks in a moment of clarity
Re: Dawn's Light- Hanger bay

"Does it have a scope and a trigger?" Linda asks sarcastically, an obvious and resounding 'No'.