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Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Nizzal sat on her bunk and sighed. She should have picked a better ship off-world, but she'd been too freaked out at the time to stop for a moment, too scared that every moment in the space port was another that the police were closer to getting there and arresting her. So, she'd ended up boarding a ship to Nar Shaddaa.

Nar Shaddaa! What was the saying, 'a hive of scum and villainy'? Except the hive was a moon -a whole moon of unending megatropolis. Sure, Coruscant was all city, too, but where she'd lived was nice. Safe, bright, everything. This place... this place was filled to the brim with thieves, thugs, pirates, even murderers... shit. She'd barely ever been off Coruscant, and she'd flung herself out with practically no money and no plan - to Nar Shaddaa. Even going home and turning herself in sounded like a good idea in comparison - at least she wasn't going to get blasted, or knifed in an alley, or enslaved there. No... probably just put in jail forever. Or maybe executed. Shit. Probably better to take her chances out here - try to scrape together enough creds to get off-world and head someplace better. Safer.

Which is exactly what she was doing. She was actually doing pretty well for herself, she reckoned - after all, besides her little bout of radical-reformist idiocy, she'd been a sheltered girl for pretty much all her life, and here she was, skimming the books off a place in Nar Shaddaa. She figured she could keep it up for just a little longer while she listened around for someone needing something sliced... then she could just... quietly disappear, off into another part of the city, before anyone realized anything. Hopefully. Please. Then, she'd get the hell out of here, and when she'd saved up enough, bug out off this moon and never look back.

Man, this blew. She missed mom and dad - no matter how stuffy and boring their rules were, at least it hadn't been scary like this at home...
Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Begin the hacky doom...
Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Let's get a feel for your abilities...

Make a Computer Use check to see just how successful you've been at infiltrating the local systems.
Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Derf. You want me to roll it?

Computer Use check
1d20+8 = 12

Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

You're doing well enough to be getting by comfortably, but not so well as to draw unwanted attention to yourself. It might be wise to make backup plans, however, just in case...
Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Nizzal might have been living as 'alright' as alright could get in a place like this, but she was forcing herself to save every credit she didn't absolutely need - her apartment was small, and she wasn't treating herself to as many sweets or otherwise like she would have in her previous life.

When she sat down to assess how she'd been doing so far, a few things kept nagging at her. She'd been careful, of course, but... well... had she been careful enough? She should probably make sure her stuff was all packed and ready to run if she had to. Her commlink, credstick and blaster were practically always on her belt - her stick, she checked on discreetly every so often to make sure it hadn't gotten plucked - while she kept her knife in her boot. Everything else was in a backpack, ready to go at a moment's notice.

Her escape route was to go out the window into the alley... she'd thought to hide a few scratch-built remote-mines in the trash back there, keyed to a certain frequency and keyword on her commlink, in case anyone thought to secure there before coming to knock down her door. She wanted them to just flash bright and bang loud - maybe billow out smoke afterwards, to give her some cover... that way, if she got caught anyway, she could at least beg mercy, and try to escape again, later.

After that, it was just a matter of weaving through backalleys and whatnot until she lost whoever it was... she'd tried to case the area, though she'd not got very far before the notion that she was essentially sight-seeing in the dangerous alleyways of Nar Shaddaa got her to return home.

This was all assuming she couldn't talk her way out of whatever, though - she was pretty good at that, after all. But then again, while her tongue had gotten her past security guards and into cantinas back home, she wasn't confident she could talk her way past thugs who knew tricks like her's. She still wasn't sure whether answering the door or just hightailing it if someone came calling was the better idea...

Once she'd reviewed that, she decided she should perhaps take her backpack and try to see if she could hear the word out on the streets. Particularly if the word included any work she might be able to handle, or - even better - if anyone was hiring hands to get off-world.

Demolitions check
8+10 = 18
I'd like to (retroactively) have crafted and set 2 simple bombs outside, and set and hidden them in garbageandstuff. Only if they're non-lethal sorta stun-and-smoke bombs, though - can I do that?

Also, is this the sorta thing where you take 10 or whatever.

Gather Info check
14+4 = 18 <_>
Specific question to the effect of 'Is there work' and then sifting through that for anything Niz could do or whatever, though I also want to hear whatever news there is to hear - maybe someone's conveniently hiring to get off-world? :3


Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

The traps in the alley and the escape route strike me as sensible precautions.

You manage to tap into a subnet used by members of the Exchange to share news. Sort of the "Society Pages" of the underworld... Interestingly, the major buzz right now seems to surround a mysterious ship that has recently docked. It is believed to be some sort of luxury yacht, or something of that nature. Much of the speculation surrounds the fact that the ship is all but unsecured, and/or how much it would be worth on the black market.
Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Interesting... what was a lux yacht doing on Nar Shaddaa, without guards? She knew a few corps ran shadier research labs here, but someone in that business would probably have guards on a ship like that... if not bring a less noticeable ship all together.

Nizzal drummed her chin as she thought. It couldn't be that easy. Surely there was a catch - and if not, why hadn't anyone pulled anything yet?

Whatever - maybe she could stow away on it, or hire onto it as crew or something. She doubted it could be anything worse than Nar Shaddaa. She checked the news for where it was docked - perhaps she could do a little recon and find out something about this mystery ship.

She only wanted to check the gate, at first - watch it awhile to learn if the place was still public despite the unusual ship docked there, or if they'd somehow taken the entire dock, so whatever business was happening was kept a secret.

It was a little difficult, but also wanted to hide her face some, in case anyone from Aumilie's ended up looking for her... or if someone at the dock objected to her presence, she could at least escape and return, in different clothing. Maybe. A hood, and some loose enough clothing that her lekku wouldn't protrude too much would do it, she thought.

Man, pretty shitty rolls. Also confusing dice inputs.

Disguise check = 12, apparently
1d20+7, fuck

Gather Info check = 7
1d20+4, ow.

Info gatheran in the form of hanging out and staking watch, or something.
Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Go ahead and do a Spot check, as well.

The docking port is easy enough to find, and there's a few reasonably innocuous spots for secret observation at a safe distance. Which seems like a good plan since there appears to be movement in the general vicinity of where the ship's located.
Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Eyeball check
Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Although nothing definite could be determined immediately about what was going on inside the docking port, Nizzal would notice another Twi'lek nearby, possibly moving with some purpose.

And that's your cue, Chibi.
Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Arali strode through the crowd, determined to not waste the opportunity she'd been given. She'd received a tip about a gaggle of young girls about to be sold. This was the last day. This was it. There was no turning back.
Re: Day 1 - Nar Shaddaa, Nizzal'shak

Nizzal yawned, sitting on crate some distance from the dock entrance. Nothing much of note had happened in the half hour or so she'd been sitting here, watching. An unusual Twi'lek caught her eye - Rutian blue, like most, but the end of her right lekku looked strange. She was tall, too...

Chibs, what's the prosthetic look like? Normal, or are you like I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS and it's all artificial and robolookin'. Also what's she wearing and stuff.