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Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
Reputation score
Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 98 Status: Fine

It had taken a while but Kero had finally tracked down one of the 'heroes' that had slain his fellow academics. Actually, it hadn't taken very long at all. It seems this one was due for a death, as he had vocally acknowledged his deed and made a scene when leaving the area. All Kero had to due was keep his hood down and follow the noise. Granted, the walk had been long and none to pleasent but he was here. Unfortunately, the man had seperated from his comrades at the very first town and the others had been more discreet.

The 'hero' was named Guile Byron. He was young, foolhardy, and very strong. He wasn't the best sword in the area but he had enough power to make up for his lack of skill. He was a human and had returned to his home, a small house at the edge of a town. When Kero arrived, he saw the man enter a nearby tavern. Now begins Kero's revenge...
Re: Death For Death (Lion

'How... Despicable.' Kero thought as he followed after the 'hero', the young man far ahead of him, his hood kept up as his piercing grey eyes stare towards the back of the man's head. 'Not a care in the world... Not even enough to look over his shoulder.' He scoffs internally as he follows after the young, bold fool, coming to a stop a bit away as he observes him entering into a tavern. 'Would be rather easy to teach him his lesson when he is drunk.' Rolling his eyes, he opts to wait outside of the tavern.

Moving into a nearby little alley, he checks his inventory as he waits, making sure his revolver is loaded just in case and has enough ammo for if he has to get into an extended fight before he slips it back out of view... Today feels like it is going to be a good one.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 98 Status: Fine

Kero's hopes of a quick resolution waned quickly. As time went on, more people gathered in the tavern and barely anyone left. Soon it was loud and bright. Outside, however, it was getting cold and damp. Finally, just before he was about to give up, he saw Guile exit the building, saying goodbyes to friends still having fun. He stretched a little before going down the road to his home. He didn't seem to notice Kero but just as he passed, an owl hooted. The man looked at the side but Kero was hiding in the darkness. Guile shrugged and continued. He would reach his home soon.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Hardly turned off by the rain as he finished inventory and continued to wait, muttering something under his breath as more and more people entered into the tavern. 'As much as trying to attack him when he is in a public place is tempting... Probably would be a poor idea.' He cannot help but feel his lip curl up into a smile. Slinking back into the dark, he tenses as the man nearly spots him from near bad luck... After Guile passed, he looked towards where the owl was, squinting towards the bird before he resumes tailing the 'hero'.

'Now...' Staring at his target, he feels his fingers drum against his tucked away revolver... 'Getting into his house should not be difficult... I just hope he lives alone.' Pondering his options, he continued to follow at a distance.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 98 Status: Fine

With no interference, Guile reached his home quickly and entered it. A lamp was lit. Kero hadn't seen anyone else enter the house or greet Guile so he probably was alone. Now it came down to strategy: How was Kero going to get in? There was a door and a window but the back of the house was mashed right against another house so there was no backdoor. There was no opening in the roof, either. None of these houses were big enough to have a fireplace. The house itself probably had only two or three rooms at the most. As Kero analyzed the situation, the owl hooted again. It was kind of annoying.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero waited for only for a bit longer before he stepped forward, glancing up towards the owl to give it a short glare. Returning his attention forward, he pauses just before he is standing on the man's doorstep. 'Time for a soul to be put to rest...' Shutting his eyes, he lets out a breath... Before his body begins to shudder, then fade. 'Just ants will do this time.' Kero thinks before he fully disappears, leaving behind a swarm of ants on the ground that immediately begin their march under the door, 3 brave little Kero ants ahead of the large swarm to take a peek under the door first.

5 EP for Form of the Swarm to begin the march of the ants.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 93 Status: Fine

The scouts that Kero sent ahead revealed to him that Guile was at a table in his kind of kitchen/dining room area. He was drinking water and having a meal consiting mostly of meat, though he did also have an apple. He was in the middle of the meal when Kero came in. There was a sword in the room, hanging on hooks that had been screwed into the wall. The sword occasionally glowed blue.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

The leading trio of ants continue their march after a momentary pause, the rest of the swarm crawling under the door as well as they make their way further in. Some of the ants do move towards the young man though, climbing up the table leg to provide a distraction as they threateningly move towards his food as the rest of the swarm make their way towards what looks like is a bedroom. Ants in the bed must be a horrible thing.

The ants climbing the table are going to try to keep the man distracted while the rest move into the bedroom to begin reforming.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 93 Status: Fine

The man frowns at the ants. "Not again, you little bastards." He swats at the ants, flicking them off the table and smashing others. Then he frowns and takes a tentative sniff of his hand. He wrinkles his nose. "Damn, those things smell nasty!" He stomped on the rest of the ants and went in the wash room to clean off his hand. On his way out, when Kero was almost reformed, he paused. It wasn't a big place so it was hard for Kero to effetively hide. His eyes widened "What the hell...?" He jumped back into the other room and grabbed his blade.

Combat Begins! I'm feeling generous so I'll let you go first. Remember, if you take too long, other people are liable to hear the noise and check it out.

Kero 18 + 29 v 60 + 14 FAILURE
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero already has his hand raised by the time he reformed and began to speak. "Remember me, by chance?" Is all he says before his lips begin to move without words coming out. After a second, he snaps his fingers. "I have someone you may want to meet..." His voice lowers before his free hand raises in a light flourish. "Come, my passed colleague!" As he spoke, his fingers raised as he calls upon one of his recently passed colleagues, intent on allowing them to personally get their revenge upon the man in his own home.

Using Call Spirit to bring the spirit of one of the necromancers who died, primarily focusing upon one who Guile killed in between him and Guile. Ghostly meat shield. Spending 8 EP initially, and spending 2 more to give him Unarmed Fighter, so 12 EP spent. First combat in DG, so hopefully this works.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 83 Status: Fine

Mist filled the room, then was drawn into a humanoid figure. It was indeed one of Kero's former comrades. He looked much like he did in death, with his right arm missing and holes in his chest from which spilled spectral blood that dripped to the floor, then faded away. It opened its empty eyes and looked at the Guile, then Kero. "YOU BROUGHT ME BACK!?" The spirit howled in anger but was bound by the power and so moved in front of Kero as Guile stepped forward. He slashed with his blade, now glowing bright blue and takes a decent chunk out of the spirit. However, it hasn't slowed it down. It grabs Guile and slams him against the wall and turns him into red pulp. Then it turns on Kero, grabbing for him. Before his hands can touch him, however, they turned to mist, reforming when the spirit drew back. "KERO, RELEASE ME!"

You probably should have tested this earlier...
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

As much as once more seeing his previously living ally slightly burned his mind, he cannot help but keep a straight face as the spirit makes short work of the hero. He seems moreso surprised by remains of the hero than anything... Or lack thereof, Kero's eyes opening widely as he looks towards the red pulp upon the wall. '... Well! Probably put a bit too much power into that.' As he is spoken to, his thoughts are broken as he looks down towards the spirit's hands of his deceased ally as they fade while they near him before looking back up towards him, a satisfied smile on his face. "Of course. I was only going to keep you here until that man was disposed of. I'll leave you in peace now." He seems... Disturbingly delighted about Guile being turned into a fine paste. Probably a success in his book!

Putting away his revolver, he releases the man's spirit as he rubs his chin... 'Probably about time to leave... Plus I need to find the other heroes as well.' Disregarding the violent mess in the room, he moves towards the dining room. 'No idea if others may come...' With that, he yet again turns into the swarm of ants, intent on leaving the same way that he came in. At least if anyone comes into the house now, they will have no idea to how Guile died... Well, at least not know what caused it.

Sorry that took me a while. Family stuff and all that... Plus, people who keep trying to peek at the computer screen. Form of the Swarm to leave.
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Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 78 Status: Fine

Using his abilities, Kero easily manages to escape without anyone seeing him. Simply by reforming out of sight, Kero manages to make sure no one could have put him at the scene of the murder using normal methods. That was a good thing, as the activity inside the house had caused an alarm to go out. Soon the village was wide awake, despite the late hour. Militia had formed and were sweeping the streets. Soon they'd start looking nearby the village. Kero could leave but he could probably just sneak his way back inside if he wanted and claimed he was there all along.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Reforming a fair bit away from the house inside of an alley, Kero slumps against the wall as he lets out a breath. 'I should put less power into the spirit summoning... Though it was very effective...' A rather vile smirk grows upon the man's lips as he thinks back to what happened mere minutes ago... Before a thought cut into his head, wiping that smirk away. '... Hm. Still, I should still limit my power if I use that again. There is no telling what may happen if I put too much power into it once more and call upon a spirit that actually may be able to put their hands on me...' Letting out a light sigh, he glances around the alley, then upwards towards the sky. 'Now, I should leave town first, then plan my next course of action.' Kero peeks out from the alley way cautiously, looking for anyone really quick before he calmly walks towards the nearest way out of the town.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 78 Status: Fine

Well, now you are outside of town. You have no idea where the rest of the 'heroes' are, though. What are you going to do?
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

As he leaves the town, Kero glances over his shoulder before he lets out a soft sigh of relief. 'One down... Now...' One hand moves up to brush along his chin as he delves into his options. 'As much as going into that tavern would be a fun idea no doubt... There is something that needs to be done.' Glancing around again, he sees if he can spot anywhere else he can go. Maybe a nearby forest, or somewhere else that is secluded to do this? As long as he can get distance from the town first.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 98 Status: Fine

There is plenty of forest surrounding the village. Scouting around, Kero found two roads, one that leads west, back the way Kero had came, and one leading north. The northern road was wider and seemed to be more well traveled. Or he could head out into the wilderness.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

The trees that surrounded the village caught Kero's eyes first. Privacy would be best for what he needed to do after all. Stepping towards the tree line, he slows down as he gets closer, gazing out into the dark as the dark elf weighs his options. After a few moments, he nods to himself. 'Not too far in, just enough that those in the town won't be able to see me...' Nodding his head, he takes one last sweep of the trees. If he doesn't spot anything, he would step into the forest. Hopefully the treeline was thick enough that he wouldn't need to go too far in.

After he disappears a bit into the forest so no one outside could look in and see him, the elf glances over his shoulder before he nods his head. 'This should be about right.' After a final check to make sure the coast is clear, he lets out a sigh before he once more calls for a spirit. "Come, Guile... Speak softly, and do not move." Calling for Guile's spirit in specific, he makes sure to not pump too much energy into it this time.

Call of spirit, and this time using just using 2 EP.
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Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero Xuran: HP =48, PP = 48, EP = 98 Status: Fine

The spirit struggled for a moment before shaping in front of Kero. His eyes were dull and empty. He wasn't like the other spirit at all. Maybe how long you were dead mattered? Anyway, Kero now has Guile's spirit in front of him.
Re: Death for Death (Lionfire GM'd by dragoon93041)

Kero's lips curled up in a smile as the spirit began to shape up in front of him, though the look in the spirit's eyes did give him pause as he raises an eyebrow while his smile faltered. "... Guile?" The elf frowns as he leans forward, snapping his fingers a few times in front of the spirit's face. "Awake in there? I have questions for you." A frown finally crosses his lips as he stares at the spirit after a few more snaps of his fingers. '... Hm. Hopefully he gets his head straight soon, or else I may need to return to town after all.' Shaking his head, he stares at the spirit's eyes, searching for that light of intelligence. Not going according to plan exactly, but it is just a small bump in the road.

After a second or two, he huffs as he finally speaks. "Well, irregardless, I am looking for your friends that you were with when you attacked the necromancers." Kero speaks firmly, a part of him hopeful that he will get the answers that he needs. "Where did they all go? Are there any of them inside of the town you were living in?"
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