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RPG Loli [でぼの巣製作所] でぼの巣製作所ゲームス / Debonosu Works Games

They have three new games all with different names, what do I do!?

I have decided to move them all into "One-Offs" for now until any of them have enough to put as a series (thinking 3-4 entries).
are these machine translatable? I'm the type where if i play a new franchise i have to go chronological
Earlier Reimeiki games and everything pre-Reimeiki can be easily text-hooked with Textractor. (if it's a Studio ego! era game that you got through DMM, you'll need to hook a .bin file rather than the game's exe file, it's a little weird). You'll probably want to use Google Translate camera mode on your phone to translate menus and item names, though.

But starting around Reimeiki #15 (the Keika/Hatsuka/Natsu set) there was some engine change that Textractor never updated for, and trying to hook the games made at that point and later becomes an absolute pain in the ass.

It can be done but it literally took me an hour to hook a single game, since you have to do the "search for hooks" option and then painstakingly go through an enormous number of outputs to find one that's actually outputting complete sentences. And then I needed to reinstall stuff because my hard drive died and my previously found hooks stopped working. And then that game got an English release, so I sure as shit wasn't going through that again.
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Man, i would have loved to understand how to translate the OLD games with that exe
Earlier Reimeiki games and everything pre-Reimeiki can be easily text-hooked with Textractor. (if it's a Studio ego! era game that you got through DMM, you'll need to hook a .bin file rather than the game's exe file, it's a little weird). You'll probably want to use Google Translate camera mode on your phone to translate menus and item names, though.

But starting around Reimeiki #15 (the Keika/Hatsuka/Natsu set) there was some engine change that Textractor never updated for, and trying to hook the games made at that point and later becomes an absolute pain in the ass.

It can be done but it literally took me an hour to hook a single game, since you have to do the "search for hooks" option and then painstakingly go through an enormous number of outputs to find one that's actually outputting complete sentences. And then I needed to reinstall stuff because my hard drive died and my previously found hooks stopped working. And then that game got an English release, so I sure as shit wasn't going through that again.
How do you run a .bin?
Because textractor hooks stuff that is running.
Also I was farily certain I've hooked a few games that are newer than the keika ones, so just now I tried to hook Isami no Shou, and while it did give me an error of something something DEBONOSU PATTERN NOT FOUND, there was a hook among them that gets the text right? and i didn't have to search for hooks
Man, i would have loved to understand how to translate the OLD games with that exe
What exe?
If you start Textractor in admin mode, Textractor will show you all running processes, not just the .exes. So to test I booted up Ama Kagura and I had a "main.bin" with Ama Kagura's desktop icon that I was able to hook Textractor into, and that gave me access to the text, though I had to search around for the right string to grab text out of it. And it took a couple tries because Ama Kagura is fucking old and rooting around in it with Textractor locked up the game a couple times.

Edit: Yeah, Ama Kagura does not like it if I minimize the window while it's text-hooked.

Second Edit: You should only need to do this if the game was bought through DMM and is "protected" by their SoftDenchi DRM. Also, this should work with any game "protected" with SoftDenchi.
Huh. I think DLSite has its own DRM thingy for older games, wonder if you need this method with those too.
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Kagura Ryouentan #1 is out. No idea if it needs content tags, probably not?

Wonder how it'll do since it's a scaled back version of other games. It's currently sitting at #8 in the rankings on DLSite's Pro side. (Compared to Kagura Genesis reaching #1 on its release day.)
Oh my. Part of me is afraid/sad that there is a new artist, paranoid me thinks maybe yamamoto is about to retire for good, but maybe it's just so she works a little less cuz i mean she is also working on the new one which was announced at the same time, and she does deserve the rest.
But on the other hand i'm really really digging the new artist from what i'm seeing haven't gotten the game yet. I'm loving the artstyle so far, i can say with certainty it was a fucking great pick, that artist is good ye.

hold on, belkezar what do you mean scaled back? looks like a normal reimeiki short kind of game like the others?
Yamamoto-sensei seems to be fine, since she was doing Genesis and she's doing the art for the upcoming game with the blond twerp. I think this was just a short break.

Ryouentan's intended as some sort of "intro" game that looks to be noticeably shorter than the Reimeiki games. if I understood the details, it's basically a single stage with 4 monsters and 8 CGs total. It's also at like 1/4th the price of a Reimeiki game.
I see. Hmmm... Then I'm inclined to think that maybe they're testing the waters with the new artist, see the reception, but that's completely pulled out of my ass.
Also a shame, I would've loved more CGs because personally I've already approved of him.
Actually looking at the CG gallery I saw posted - Ryouentan's got only 4 base CG with two scenes per monster. You can still tell the scenes apart because the girl appears to be a masochist - she is definitely enjoying the monster rape the second time around.

Ryouentan does not have the bad-end CG/scene that's been standard since Reimeiki 7, which surprised me.
The next game Shinpuki has some changes that set it apart from the Reimeiki series. The main character and youkai all appear to use 3d models now instead of the 2d sprites. It also looks like there are going to be 3 different bad ending scenarios likely triggered in simular ways to the Tamakagura series.
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So it's an engine change/update? Interesting.

Was a little disappointed there was no April 1st announcement this year, considering the 50/50 shot of it being something real.
We have a new Manyuki game on the way with the two sisters Keika and Hatsuka. It was a pretty safe pick that these two would be in a game together at some point.

Updated OP, I have changed the links to go to the Debonosu website, I think it makes more sense as there are various places that sell them.
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A seedbed bad-end with sisters should be nice to see.

Yeah, linking the maker webpage probably makes the most sense.
Keika and Hatsuka!?!?!?
the BEST girls are back
i'm really gonna miss youko though
if she appears i'm having a metldown
or mikiya the mc from natsu holy fuck that would be so so so epic
and chances are he will iirc the mc from tama kagura appears in the endings of chihaya no shou or yukari no shou