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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Grave knows better than to charge him head-on. He knows, however, how to be tricky, but to beat Gig he'd have to call in a few favors. On the other hand, he has a more important mess to deal with - he still doesn't know the limit of his new abilities.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

True, though for what I have planned only Siphon or Burrito will be beating him. Though by all means beat the shit out of him beforehand, it may end up helping Burrito/Siphon in stopping him.

And as far as I know Burrito wont be on for most of the weekend as he's going away.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Don't be so sure she can't hang with Gig. Some changes were made that have been approved of, that are also being kept mum for the moment. I have a feeling you'll see them soon enough.

As for Siphon, well he might be a bit busy for a bit with the anti-viral bomb creation. Ya know the drill, make a bomb that works for only you, and try not to vaporize ... the whole planet. Tricky stuff :p
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Shush Siphon. They'll get suspicious.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I think enough hints have been dropped that people can figure out at least what's happened to Sin, if not exactly what she can do now.

In another note, if Gig takes Shrike as seriously as Oni took Grave that first time, she'd have him checkmated in only a move or two ;)
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

And as far as I know Burrito wont be on for most of the weekend as he's going away.

Bullshit. I still have internet occasionally down here. Although it's working off of Vista >.>
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Well you didnt tell me THAT part :p

EDIT: Also, try to pospone going after Gig at the moment, I'm waiting for Host to reply in the RP.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Yeah he has seemed to forgotten about Grave and Gig...
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Actually, I was just really pressed for time and getting out what I could while I could… damn RL crap.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Allrighty, I am going to be gone for likely about four or five days. Knowing us, you may or may not get through the whole Gig thing by the time I'm back. I'd like to be able to be a part of the TP and Supermeme situation, so if possible, can we hold off on that until either Sunday or Monday (which will be the earliest I'll be able to post at length.) Barring that, I'm PMing Siphon and Shrike (who will understand what in the hell I'm talking about) and I give them permission to puppet Copper while I'm not here.

Ciao for now!
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

The events unfolding with Sin as a character were all approved by Siphon almost a month ago.

Sin has the ability to kills Gods, and is in fact been used to kill them before. I apologize for the bit of God Modding but I figured it was a decent way to show off what she was able to do. Apparantly though Gig's clones are unable to die.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

yeah I know that, but what gives you the right to decide if one of the clones should happen to die when you say it does? They're directly connected to Gig, so unless he's killed first they won't die. I've already had everything I've planned approved by Burrito, whom, if I may point out, is the main GM and his decision overrules everybody elses. They aren't as powerful as Gig though, hence why I allowed the attack to destroy it but not fully kill it.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Oni is right. I approved of everything he's done and been doing. Plus, if you recall, Siphon walked out. So he's no longer able to tell you what can and can't happen until he comes back.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Alright alright. I concede. I was just using it to get the point across my apologies.

So... is Sin no longer approved then?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

She is. Just stating that Siphon is no longer to be contacted for matters pertaining to DULMF.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'm aware. This was something that was settled, almost back before the Nod base came into play.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'm still following this I just need time to rework some items Burrito.

This whole thing was approved well over a month ago with things so I'd like to not see the surprise card, especially since this was run by BOTH you and Burrito, Oni.

Also just a thought, how can something be destroyed but not killed? By definition, if the clone was destroyed, it would be 'dead', regardless of it was undead or not to begin. So by that, what your saying is that it wasn't actually destroyed, just 'hurt'?
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Also just a thought, how can something be destroyed but not killed? By definition, if the clone was destroyed, it would be 'dead', regardless of it was undead or not to begin. So by that, what your saying is that it wasn't actually destroyed, just 'hurt'?

I would say that it’s a case of fighting a shadow; the clones will be destroyed but then just be made anew by Gig... a case of 'reform unless the main is killed'.

…In fact, judging by what Oni’s posted, that’s exactly what it is.