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Demon Girl Leader Board

Re: Demon Girl Leader Board

The bot was binned, meaning the necro was technically you, the irony being that you were getting upset about a necro. Also there's a rule about not getting upset about necros.

Re: Demon Girl Leader Board

So... I don't HAVE to only look?

I can touch and poke too?

And people can't yell?



(There was a point where the library blocked this site from the server so I couldn't get on without using alternate means... For nearly a year I was doing Necro threads and getting yelled at...

This information would have been most useful then...)
Re: Demon Girl Leader Board

The bot was binned, meaning the necro was technically you, the irony being that you were getting upset about a necro. Also there's a rule about not getting upset about necros.

oh FML >,<
Re: Demon Girl Leader Board

Aww. My score is waaaay down on the list now.

Haha, back in Job Corps I made bets with people. Beat Demon Girl on Hard and win 25 bucks. They had to wager 5. They had all the time they wanted to train for it and I beat it in front of them so it looked simple.

Made 65 bucks off that. Good work, Line.
Re: Demon Girl Leader Board

Aww. My score is waaaay down on the list now.

Haha, back in Job Corps I made bets with people. Beat Demon Girl on Hard and win 25 bucks. They had to wager 5. They had all the time they wanted to train for it and I beat it in front of them so it looked simple.

Made 65 bucks off that. Good work, Line.

Wait a hell now... You're a fellow Jobbie? Oh, jeez, I thought I finally ditched all of them. :)

Now I want to try this leaderboard thing, see what happens. Be back with an edit.
EDIT: Holy Bawls. I do not remember it being this hard.
Last edited:
Re: Demon Girl Leader Board

My problem is i push and hold right, then just push up or down as I see fit.
Re: Demon Girl Leader Board

I made it to the leaderboard!!! YAY!!!! :D

Re: Demon Girl Leader Board

You were up at 6am playing Demon Girl? That's impressive. Slightly less impressive is you using internet explorer.
Re: Demon Girl Leader Board

You were up at 6am playing Demon Girl? That's impressive. Slightly less impressive is you using internet explorer.

Let's just say there was a bet, and I don't like to lose. ;) Still, I've been hoping to get on the leaderboard ever since I joined. On my old laptop, I used to use Opera, but I just didn't get a chance to download it again. Don't know if that is any more or less impressive though. ^_^