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Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Chapter 1: Demonic Homolog

Another unique visitor, to the most unique island. People who ventured to this island were labeled as fools if they did so willingly. Death was guaranteed, sailor's were sure. But as one with such a devilish appearance, Lycoris truthfully had no where else to go in the world, other than a land where none returned from. Where the entrance to Hell was supposedly located.

Riding her boat, fit for one crew member to travel across seas, a storm attacked Lycoris as she drew near. But rather than attempt to destroy her mode of transportation, the waves and wind seemed to speed her advance towards the island. While the waves would likely have crushed her ship should she have been sailing in any other direction, Lycoris' ship never even had a single moment of risk. It seemed as if fate itself wanted Lycoris to reach the island she ventured for.

The very next morning, the storm was in the distance, still raging behind her. The island was quickly coming into sight, and for some strange reason, the air around her started to become cold. The land ahead seemed frozen in ice, and as her ship sailed inwards, a snow flake suddenly landed against her forehead, before many more flakes of snow began to fill the area around her. Magic was clearly behind the reason for all this snow, that much was certain. But for so much land to be covered in it was astounding. Lycoris would know that it would take an extraordinary amount of power to perform such a lasting and immense feat.

Nearing the frozen shore, a town would be seen through the vision dimming snow. Many trails of black smoke came from chimneys, and many more people were about, fishing, preparing to go hunting, and some appeared to actually be visiting from another place, dressed in heavy clothes that didn't match the villagers, and were often armed with some sort of weapon.

Upon seeing Lycoris on her boat, some of the villagers and visitors gathered along the shore where they expected her to land. And the most notable member of the welcoming group immediately struck Lycoris as a demon. She stood at a height actually smaller than her own, and just like Lycoris, seemed to be able to ignore factors such as temperature, as she was dressed in very revealing, sexual clothes, despite having a flat chest.

Dressed in leather boots and a bra and panties made of jet black string connected to skull pieces that covered her private parts, the red headed demon with hair done back into a pair of pony tails was angrily looking to and fro among the onlooking, seemingly human members of Lycoris' welcoming party, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" she shouted angrily, to which the villagers responded fearfully, "Get back to work! Or else you'll be food to Lesser Succubi for the rest of your lives!"

Quickly skittering away, the villagers obeyed her. And when she turned back to see Lycoris just landing ashore, she planted a hand on her hip to regard the newcomer, narrowing her eyes as she seemed to stare at Lycoris' own. They were just as equally red as the small demoness possessed. This fact seemed to interest her as she waited for Lycoris to leave her boat.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

It was no surprise to her that many considered her insane for buying the small boat and setting off for the infamous island. In fact she was quite sure she'd disappear into the murky depths when the storm brewed around her. She wasn't a sailor by trade, her knowledge only enough to get herself where she needed to go and hopefully in one piece. She didn't know if it was an apathy for her own existence or a sense of fate that kept her heading towards the island, but she never once turned her boat from it's course. Whether fate or luck, she made it through, almost sure that she had covered the distance far quicker than she should have.

When the island finally came into sight she was surprised to see it covered in ice. The snow that soon fell around her seemed unnatural as well. She'd heard enough about magic to assume it was the cause, but to see such an area blanketed in white was intimidating. Whoever was controlling the snow had a great deal of power indeed, a power that she couldn't be sure to silence with a spear or axe if it came to that.

As she approached she saw a group of people on the shore, one in particular holding her attention. She didn't know what she had expected to run into upon her arrival, though she had hoped for time to get her bearings before running into a demon. Strangely she wasn't instantly afraid of this confrontation, if indeed it became a confrontation. Her eyes sweeping over the scantily clad demon before resting on her eyes for the longest time.

“Just like mine...” She shook her head, directing the boat to land as she set about collecting her belongings. She tightened the straps on her armour and slung her pack onto her back. She had brought some food, water and a few basic supplies to make camp with but otherwise had little more than the tools of her trade with her; her clothing, her armour, a shield, a voulge and a hand axe. She didn't see any need to approach this situation with hostility, demon or not, so she left her axe strapped to her leg and the voulge slung over her shoulder. She held her shield with her left hand simply because it was easier to carry it when she had her pack on her back. With a deep sigh she hauled herself from the boat, knowing now that she had sealed her fate for better or for worse. Given that her welcoming party now consisted of one individual it was a simple choice of who to approach first.

Well met, it seems you've got some authority around here, would you be able to tell me about the surrounding lands?” She put on a smile, trying to seem nice and approachable, which was always harder to do when you were armed and armoured. She didn't feel the need to comment about the demon's attire or even to ask her if she was a demon. She wasn't too concerned with that detail so she wouldn't pretend to be. Even if she found her gaze lingering on those eyes a little too long.

“Is it always this cold?” She asked, turning her head to look around, more as an excuse to avoid the demon's eyes for a moment. Though knowing the source of the snow would be a great help in knowing what to avoid here as well.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

The little demon squinted an eye at Lycoris, twisting her lips as she regarded the white haired traveler as if she were odd. "What's your deal?" she asked suddenly, "Did you hit your head and suddenly started thinking you were a human? Cut that formal crap!" she snapped. Then, her expression softened, seeming to come to a realization, "Oh, you must be a Dullahan. Explains why you'd wear that stupid armor instead of showing some skin. Did the Demon Lord send you to help, or something?" she inquired.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

While deception wasn't her forté by any means, it was quite clear that being a human here didn't put you in very high regards with the local demons. She had heard as much when she was planning her trip of course, but it was hard to say how many of the rumours and tales about a place were true without first hand experience.

"Oh." she started, bringing her free hand up to rub her head a little. "Yes, my apologies. I'm to provide aid to the area however I am best able." She hoped that she was getting this dullahan thing down and perhaps more importantly that they normally acted less... well rape happy than the stories of this suggested a lot of the monsters were. The ruse might be a little difficult to keep up otherwise.

It was not lost on her that she'd been on the island scant minutes and she'd already been mistaken for a demon. That was something she would worry about later though. If she could use this opportunity to find out what was going on then around here it'd make knowing where to go next a lot more simple.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

The red head demoness grinned slyly, leaning in towards Lycoris intently, "But first, we've gotta fill up that tank of yours, don't we? Can't have you going crazy while on the job." Gesturing at Lycoris to follow, the demoness turned around before Lycoris could possibly object. "Come on, let's go, royal knight," she giggled at the emphasis on her title.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Lycoris couldn't help but feel as though keeping up this ruse had just become a little more difficult. Filling up her tank could mean any number of things but given it was this island and the monsters were well known for craving male seman, she wasn't expecting this to go well. If she folded her hand too early though she could well end up in a far worse position than having to have a little sex. She just prayed she wouldn't have this demon watching her the whole time.

"I wouldn't want to be a hindrance," she agreed as she followed along with the demoness. "Do you already have a job in mind for me?" She asked, hoping to get something on what was going on before whatever she's being taken to do.

"Also I don't believe we've exchanged names. Unless you would rather stick to addressing me by my title," the white haired knight smiled. At least she was getting a chance to learn about the demons of this island without a fight so far.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

"Stop being such a smartass!" the red headed demon scolded her. "Were you a human that just got her head chopped off recently? Keep talking like that, and I'm liable to shove my own cock into your mouth to shut you up." she said with a strong indication of an intent to do so, "Really, I can't stand demons who use manners. Trying to talk like a high class human to seem cool I guess."

The short, flat chested demon turned her head to look back at Lycoris with a grin that showed a single, pointy tooth, "By the way... Do you like women or men? I can fuck you, if you want. Or I can get one of my larger breasted vassals to fill you up, if you'd prefer not to ride one of these pathetic humans. And I do mean pathetic, these people are spineless wimps that don't even fight back. Really boring if you're looking for a good time."
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

"This is all a little new yes," Lycoris decides to admit, hoping that inexperience would at least get her a pass until she could get this down. Apparently she was going to have to approach things differently here. "Fine, I'll cut it out with the manners. A pain in the ass to keep up anyway, no idea how I used to put up with it."

When the short demon turned around and presented her options, Lycoris couldn't help but blush a little at the forwardness. The question posed seemed to be completely loaded as well. Fuck a demon or fuck a pathetic human that no demon would ever want to fuck given a choice between the two. That was the impression she got from the small demon anyway. Considering the demon's earlier comment about stuffing a cock into her mouth, she wasn't going to doubt they had the ability to do that. It was clear she didn't fit in personality wise as it was so choosing a man might well increase the doubt that she was a demon and land her in hot water. Then again she wasn't sure what this demon thought she was or how easily it'd be able to tell she was a human when they got into the bedroom. All things considered though, if the demon didn't find out she'd still have to contend with everything else on the island.

"Why don't you fill me up then?" she replied after a pause. "Unless you'd rather I go break a few humans?" Being a smartass was, unfortunately, something that came naturally for her. She hoped she wasn't going to regret this choice but at least one way or the other she'd know how much of a demon she was. Of course it could also end very badly, but if not she figured it was better to impress her current superior than not. Perhaps it was a slim hope but she hoped this one that shared her eyes might be at least willing to hear her out if this plan all backfired.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Upon hearing Lycoris's preference for her, the red haired demon grinned with delight, hips angling in a sexy manner, and hands resting on the curves, "So you do have taste!" she complimented her, though the compliment itself seemingly benefited herself more than Lycoris.

Stepping forward, the demon wrapped her arm around Lycoris's shoulders intently, holding her face close in a suggestive manner, grinning slyly at her fellow demon. "Call me Etna, or you can say 'fuck me,' whenever you think about me. All the same." she giggled.

Proceeding to lead Lycoris into a nearby house, Etna's hands were already prying loosely at her armor, eager to undo them, "We'll get this stupid armor off first... Just try to keep your head on~" she chuckled, opening the door and urging Lycoris inside.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Well her decision certainly seemed to make the demon happy. That was nice but when the smaller red head leaned in close Lycoris couldn't help but wonder just what she was getting herself into. Being with another girl wasn't new to her, but none of them had the ability to grow cocks that apparently the demon did. There were so many things that could go horribly wrong for her right now that she really shouldn't have been somewhat interested in seeing how this played out. She'd hardly been expecting this so soon after landing here, yet it felt strangely natural to some part of her.

"I'm Lycoris, seems like it'll be a pleasure working with you," she comments with a grin. It might well be a pleasure, though right now she was trying to distract herself from everything that could go wrong. The demon didn't look like all that much but if things ended up in a fight then, unless the stories were horribly exaggerated, she'd be looking at having her ass handed to her. Perhaps in more ways than one.

Still she didn't have much time to think about anything as she was ushered to the house and urged inside. Those wandering hands making her squirm a little. "Hey now, someone's eager," she teased, "I guess being surround by useless humans will do that though." Hopefully she was coming off a little more demon like now, making a note to avoid any blows to the head. With any luck a dullahan's head wasn't something that just rolled off at the slightest touch.

When inside she set about loosening her breastplate, dropping her weapons, shield and pack by a wall. She made sure her voulge was laying flat on the ground though, the handle of the polearm pointing out towards the middle of the room. That way it'd be easier to grab should she need it. With that sorted she removed her breastplate and set to work on her boots, though her body was still well covered by the dress like attire she had on underneath. Unless her skirt was flared up you'd be unlikely to see anything of her skin beyond her head normally. Apparently the complete opposite to how demons preferred to dress judging by her current company.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

The red favoring demon folded her arms as Lycoris made her way about taking her gear and armor off. Seeing what Lycoris was doing, she promptly kicked the sword aside with her sexy boot, causing it to slide until flat against the wall, well out of immediate reach. And when Lycoris would bend over to adjust her shoes, Etna's tail swooped under her skirt, and pulled it up, while she leaned over to peak at Lycoris' panty shot.

"You've got to be kidding me." she laughed, letting Lycoris' skirt fall, "Why don't you spit it out?" she suddenly suggested, her face plain, with a slight tinge of a smile bearing a single, pointy tooth, "Come on, with panties like those, I can tell you weren't planning on sex anytime soon." She leaned in, arms wrapping around Lycoris' waist, while her face came up right next to the silver haired half-demon's cheek, Etna's red eyes staring at the side of the girl's face. "Spill the beans, tell me why you're wearing clothes like these. What kinda demon doesn't have ANY sex appeal?"
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Hearing her weapon being kicked out of the way, Lycoris slowed her actions, now making sure to tighten the metal boot. Enough that it wouldn't be a hindrance if she had to move, but still trying to keep up the charade just a little longer. Feeling her skirt getting hiked up was a little more of a shock though, a blush rising on her cheeks as she remained still. Letting the red headed demon wrap around her and lean close. Apparently she wasn't stupid. That was unfortunate.

"Hey now, I just like to leave a little to the imagination," the red eyed knight smiles back to the demon girl. Her head craning so her lips could brush against the red head's cheek. "Besides, how will you know if I don't have any sex appeal if you don't try me?" she whispers in a low, seductive tone, letting her hands slide slowly to the ones now around her waist. Not a moment later she tries to kick off from the ground and launch herself backwards, hoping to take the demon by surprise. If she could get out of the grip she'd try to pin the demon, not really wanting to have this turn into a proper fight. She had no idea how powerful this demon was let alone how many minions she had or how much control she had over the humans here.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Kicking back, Etna gave a grunt as Lycoris fell on top of her, then frowning with slight irritation as the white haired half demon spun around, and pinned her hands down. Etna's brow angled in a sign of anger, and her lips curved downwards in obvious sign of displeasure. However, her tone was still confident, "You think you got me under wraps like this?" she asked haughtily, "You forgot an important detail."

A moment later, Etna's tail squirmed around, went under Lycoris' dress, and curved into her panties. And like a tentacle, squirmed it's way into her butt, forcing it's way into her back entrance. Pulling her panties down enough, Etna's tail would begin a thrusting motion, unless Lycoris would do something to stop it.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

It was easy to forget about the extra appendage, she'd never had to pin anyone with a tail before. More to the point she'd not really expected it to be able to do much down there, so when it did slide into her rear she gasped at the sudden intrusion. "T-that's... more nimble than I would have thought," she commented, wishing she had a tail to restrain the red head's right now. She tried to shift her legs around to hook the thing out of her while keeping the demon girl pinned down. Though keeping her pinned was more important than dealing with the tail, she didn't need her getting the upper hand any more than she was.

"Look, I don't know what I am. I just came here to find out," She tells the demon honestly. Elaborating could wait until she had managed to get that tail out of her. It was hard to really concentrate on much else with it back there.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Trying to hook her leg around, Etna showed immediate interest of tipping her over. But soon after a couple attempts to try and get the tail out, Etna actually hooked her legs around Lycoris', holding them down, and spreading them apart by pushing at her thighs. Meanwhile, the tail started to make slightly deeper thrusts into her rectum. "I knew you were lying." Etna giggled, "You're actually full of energy!"

"You've gotta be pretty dumb to not be able to tell what you are. You're a cold blooded demon, just like me." she said simply, "Now, you're starting to piss me off. You promised me a good time, and I just hate teases. They're no fun at all." Her hands, bound by Lycoris, ball up into fists, "I could keep doing you in the butt with my tail, if you wanna keep this up."
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

When the red headed demon wrapped her legs around Lycoris she was left without the ability to do much of anything about the tail taking her rear. She bit down on her lips, trying to ignore it though it was getting rather difficult when it could move deeper inside her. She found herself managing to grin down at the demon girl though, despite the situation. She leaned in close to brush her lips over the other girl's stealing a quick kiss before pulling back just a little way. "I did, and I'd be happy to have some with you but... ah... I can't move much right now," she informed Etna, wriggling a little on top of her.

"If you let me go, I'll let you go. We can have our fun. Mmph... then maybe you can help me with my little identity crisis in return for my services hmm?" she asked the demon, watching hers eyes intently. She wasn't going to believe just like that she was a demon. Apparently though she passed enough to at least fool a real demon. That was good news while she was here but disheartening all the same. There had to be something more to it though, her parents had been human... as far as she knew. It wouldn't make much sense for them to cast her out otherwise, apart from her having some fairly obvious demon like traits. Besides if she was really a demon she'd have that tail pinned to.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Etna's eyes half closed, and her lips twisted in annoyance, "Hellooo~? You attacked me." she reminded Lycoris. "I don't think I can count on you to not slam me around more if I let your legs go. And this may not be my favorite position, but," she giggled, her tail coming out of your butt enough to swirl along the anal ring, "Your energy is slowly seeping into me. So I can deal with it."
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Lycrois couldn't help but let out a soft moan under the attentions of the tail, knowing that the demon was very much right. "You're a demon, I didn't know what you were going to do," she tells the red head with a grin. "If I knew you just wanted to play so badly..." she releases the girl's arms, leaning on one of her elbows now. Her free hand slowly tracing down the demon's side, before curling her fingers under her panties and diving two fingers into her body. "I would have obliged sooner," she finished.Two could play at this game, though the demon still had the tail advantage.

"Etna, I thought you were the one who was going to be slamming me? If you ask nicely maybe I'll move for you," she teased, leaning in to the girl's neck to nip at her softly. Something was different about this to what she had experienced before, bar the obvious tail assaulting her ass. This probably shouldn't have been turning her on so much. She was soon moaning more frequently, not trying to hold back the sounds the demon's attentions were creating. Perhaps they were more alike than she'd first admit, or perhaps it was being on this island that was screwing with her reasoning.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Etna's face heated when Lycoris started trailing her hand down into her skin tight, black panties, her hand came to her mouth to cover a moan as the white haired girl nibbled on her neck, and a wide grin, with a pair of sharp, vampiric teeth poking out, shaped along the features of her face to demonstrate her enjoyment.

With a cry of enjoyment, instead of releasing Lycoris, her legs went up to wrap around her waist, to cling to her. The hand in her panties would feel something peculiar hardening right in the general area where her clit was, like a small nub. After a time, it kept growing larger. When Lycoris might take notice of it, she would realize her palm was brushing along a futanari cock as she continued to dip her hands inside the demon's folds.

Hands free, Etna immediately reached down to get a handful of Lycoris ass in her grip. Giggling, she massaged the curves of attractive flesh, spreading them apart with longing. Letting one hand hold one cheek apart from the other, Etna's other hand reached down to caress along Lycoris' private bits, massaging the petite sex organ. "Shut up already~" she chuckled.
Re: Demonic Homolog (Lycoris)

Lycoris had to smirk as she heard the demon girl moan at her attentions. She continued to nibble on the girl's neck and shoulder as she felt something brushing against her hand, taking a few moments to realise what it must be. She shifted her hand making sure to let her palm brush over the growing shaft each time she dove her fingers into the demon's sex. It seemed this situation was taking a turn for the better, at least for the moment. Not that she could worry about anything beyond the moment with the state she was getting worked into right now.

The knight couldn't help but moan into the girl's neck as she felt the hands move to her ass and sex, a hot blush rising on her pale face. She leaned back, grinning down to the demon as she moved in to nip at the girl's lower lip. "Make me," she simply replied, her crimson eyes staring into Etna's eyes in return, as she waited to see what the redhead would do with that comment. Her hand moved to wrap around the growing cock, pumping it slowly as she held a mischievous smile on her face.