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Deralia, Outer Rim Planet


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Deralia, one of the planets in the Galactic Outer Rim. Relatively unimportant, very little of note is currently going on.

The only major incident is a sudden surge in localized criminal activity. The surge was great enough that the planetary government hired outside help, in the form of Mandalorians, to assist their own security forces in reigning in the criminals.

Seemingly unrelated, the nascent reformed Jedi Council has sent one of the Academy's students to the planet to look for unusual disturbances, one of many such missions.

Current time is approximately 1800 hours, local time. (Early evening)
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Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Adaavi stepped lightly off the small transport shuttle's ramp and looked around. It was early evening, and the relatively few people milling about didn't seem to be outstanding, so she simply folded her arms and began walking. The first cantina she saw that seemed well enough to not be entirely populated by criminals, she entered, taking a seat at the bar quietly and asking the bartender for a water...
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

V16-M1-GTS found itself disappointed again. Its latest target was just as boring as the rest had been. The man’s office love affair had been promising, and the droid had wasted precious time waiting for the day to end and the target to return home. But what had it found? Its target lived with his wife and daughter, and spent his time at home working on routine reports. Reports! To the droid, there was nothing more boring in all the galaxy then routine reports. It was not that desperate. Not yet, anyway.

It needed to find a suitable candidate, and fast. It had maybe half a day left. It was currently evening, and workers the planet over would be returning to their homes. The interesting ones, however, they tended to have a different destination. Cantinas. Searching its memory, V16-M1-GTS located the nearest cantina and headed for it, keeping to the shadows. It would have preferred a disreputable one, but the droid was only judging based on distance. It was beginning to realise that may soon no longer have the liberty of choice…
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Adaavi got her glass quickly, and the Dark Eye would be able to find a number of spots that offered fairly decent coverage of the room. One thing that would catch both of their attentions is a number of humans scattered around the room...and there was something a little unusual about them.

((Spot check if you want to determine anything about the scattered humans. I'll trust rolls for now.))
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

((Spot check 1d20+2=14))

Adaavi sipped from her glass, trying to decide what was off about the myriad humans scattered around the cantina...
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

(Your notice came a few minutes too late, I preformed hide and move silently rolls along with the spot. I probably didn't need to, at the very least with the hide.)
Hide 42 (Natural 20)

Move Silently 16

Spot 16

GTS knows well that there are only two categories for lone droids to be put into – rouge droids, or droids performing their programmed duties. As an information gathering droid, it didn’t want to be thought of as either. (People might get the wrong idea and think that it had come to pry!) Instead, the droid made good use of its programming and hid itself from the sight of the patrons of the cantina, moving into position and searching for a suitable master.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

((No worries, Host. I don't penalize players for making uncalled for skill checks, especially if said checks would fit for the character.))

Both the Dark Eye and Adaavi rather quickly figure out that the scattered humans that seemed unusual were likely part of the same group...and likely mercenary types. All of them had armor of the same general design.

Two of the group would stand out a little bit more than the others. One of them appeared to be the oldest, and seemed to be in about the center of the group, making it likely that he was the leader. The other that stood out was a younger man sitting, seemingly alone, at a table not too distant from the older man. Notably, he seemed to have less armor on, and was wearing a black jacket common to spacers. He also had a bag sitting next to him.

Although not obvious, it was highly likely from their postures that all of the humans in that group were armed in some fashion.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Adaavi started paying more attention to the group, though she did nothing yet. The matching suits indicated organization and good funding, so it was unlikely that they were thugs or similar, and as such less likely to cause trouble.

The younger man caught her eye though, if only because he didn't seem to fit with the rest of the group...
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Things would suddenly click, for Adaavi at least. All members of the group were wearing Mandalorian designed armor. The group was likely one of the patrols assisting the local government in its efforts to reign in the local street-level criminal surge. The armor certainly explained the apparent organization of the group.

About this time, a motley group of about four came in, perhaps a little rowdy. They also seemed to catch the attention of the two notables among the human group.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Right, Mandalorians. Adaavi chided herself. Once again, she wondered how many of the race was left off this planet, and what could have drawn the battle-hardened group here for glorified police work. The entire race has almost perished centuries ago, and they had never had truly recovered, she remembered that much. If there was so many on this planet, it must be nearly all of them...

She broke out of her reverie by the new arrivals, and noticed how both the younger man and the older mandalorian turned to watch the small group, as she did herself. Unkempt hair, a foundless swagger, mismatched clothes... Bruisers, almost without a doubt. But they wouldn't be stupid enough to try anything with this much authority, would they?
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

The new arrivals didn't seem to notice the Mandalorians. However, they also seemed to be more interested in drinks than trouble at the moment.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Satisfied that the new arrivals weren't going to start anything, or at least not yet, Adaavi took another sip of her water and returned to her casual inspection of the unusual pair, trying to see if there was any visual things they had in common, to explain why they seemed to get along.

((Spot 1d20+2= 11))
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

It's pretty clear that while the leader was Mandalorian himself, the younger man looked more...local. About the only real things that were in common between the two were the armor and the way both of them watched the room. It's likely that the younger man has some military-style training. Given the fact he's wearing Mandalorian armor, it would seem to be a safe guess that they were the source of that training.

About this time, a commotion started near the rowdy group. They were starting to get drunk, and one of them started harassing one of the servers, a younger Twi'lek female.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

((*facepalm*, didn't realize the younger one was in their armour as well... Ah well, doesn't really change much))

Adaavi let out a sigh, standing slowly and moving to place herself between the rowdy bunch and the waitress. "Sorry to intrude," she says calmly, picking out the one that seemed to be the leader and focusing on him. "Is there a problem here?"
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

The one Adaavi address seemed about to respond, when his buddies suddenly scrambled to shut him up, and haul him out. If the Jedi stopped to look, she'd notice why.

The leader of the Mandalorians had stood up and was standing near the spacer's table. The occupant of that table had shifted to a more alert posture, and his right hand was under the table, and both were watching the retreating rowdies. Obviously, the thugs had decided that there was a little too much trouble in the place at the moment.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Adaavi smiles softly, giving the Twi-lek waitress a soft pat on the back, before going to introduce herself to her back-up.

"Thank you for the assistance, I'm Padawan Adaavi." She says graciosly.
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

The Dark-Eye was overjoyed. At first there were only people in uniform, and as much as having weapons was likely to make someone interesting (the droid was rather convinced that they had some), in the droid’s experience, people in uniform were bad choices. Then the drunks had come in. Drunks + people in uniform with weapons = interesting, but only if done right. While the droid thought furiously about how to get the drunks angry at the Mandilorians, the Jedi woman sent things down a different - but also interesting - path. She had made things interesting… gone out seeking an interesting situation of her own accord. The Dark-Eye watched carefully, turning on its recorder. She would have to be evaluated…

----------------------Moments Later---------------------------

If a droid could fume, this one was doing so. There had been such an interesting event brewing, and those suited idiots had destroyed it at its peak! Well, the next interesting situation was going to be on them! The little droid would see to it
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

((GTS has absolutely no idea what the GM's got planned...Suffice to say, that was not the last the drunks will be heard from.))

Adaavi's greeting isn't immediately acknowledged. The older man had turned to the spacer and snorted. "Worthless thugs. First sign of people who actually know how to fight, and they haul ass."

The pilot seems about to respond when a voice comes out of the pack sitting next to him. "What's this about a fight?" This was followed by a long eared, red furred head and hand popping up out, with the paw-like hand holding a grenade. The man simply slapped the paw back into the bag before responding. "Likely just went to find some buddies, Sindar. I figure we'll be seeing them again. In the meantime, we've been addressed."
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

Adaavi nodded and repeated herself with a smile, one pair of arms clasped behing her back and the other lightly crossed in front of her chest.

"Yes, I'm Padawan Adaavi, and I wished to thank you for your assistance with that rowdy group. Sindar, was it?" She asked the larger Mandalorian, before turning to the spacer and his bag. "And who might you two be?"

((One, of course he has no idea what your planning, that's why he's making his own plans ;) Two, it is so hard for me to talk like that and not drip sarcasm the entire time :/ ))
Re: Deralia, Outer Rim Planet

"Ethan Skye. And the nutjob here calls himself Paddy." The Kushiban's fur had started to lighten, but then flashed darker at the human's comment. "Hey!"

Sindar gave an amused snort before making his way back to his table, and the meal he'd been in the middle of.