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Derpgen Sheets

Re: Derpgen Sheets

Azelith, the Daemon Possessed Brawler

Name: Azelith (Host body's name: Delvin Balimund)
Class: Warrior
Race: Human (Badarian)
Sex: Male

Body = 40 (32+8 [Exceptional x3])
Mind = 14 (10+4)
Spirit = 20 (8+12)

Hit Points (HP) = 87 (57 + 30 [Resilient])
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 44
Spirit Energy (EP) = 47
Speed = 35
Dodge = 13d10+2 (7d10+2 + 3d10 + 1d10 [Unarmed Fighter + Evasion])
Armor = 14 AV (2 nAV + 12 Armor = 14 AV)
Grapple = 11d10 + 2 (8d10 + 3d10 [Grapple Expert] + 2 [Berserker])
Spirit Ceiling = 5 (8 - 3 EV)

Reflexes = 20
Focus = 11
Willpower = 13

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 15 (Evasion)
Bull Rush Mod = 5
Overrun Mod = 5
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 11

When dodging AoE rolls, takes 1/4th damage due to Evasion.

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0

-*Unarmed Fighter (Style) - The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a 3d10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons. The character may take one skill, chosen from the unarmed fighter list.

-Skill with [Unarmed] - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls and +3 bonus to damage with the chosen weapon, as well as a Skill. The weapons that can be chosen are - One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, Bastard Swords, One Handed Blunt Weapons, Two Handed Blunt Weapons, Polearms, Shortened Polearms, One Handed Axes, One Handed Whip Weapons, Two Handed Whip Weapons, Unarmed, Rifles, Pistols, Heavy Guns, Crossbows, Primitive Ranged Weapons, Natural Weapons, or Throwing Weapons. The character may take one skill.

-Grapple Expert - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to their Grapple stat, as well as a Skill choice from the Grapple skills list.

-*Resilient - Grants the character an additional 30 max hit points. +30 HP, in other words.

-Exceptional (x3) - The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among their main stats. Races that may take more than 3 Flaws for Talent credit ignore scaling when taking this Talent, but only at character creation.

-Skilled - The character can choose an additional 4 Skills.

-*Natural Spirit Wielder (Daemonic Wielder) - Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Spirit Talents list. Cannot be chosen by Spirit User, and can be taken an extra time beyond the first for every 30 points of Spirit possessed by the character.
Shell Flaws:
-Fertile - The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. They get a +5 bonus to Pregnancy rolls. This Flaw may be taken multiple times, the second instance increasing the bonus to +10 and the third to +15.

-Excitable - Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains the Aroused status, or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.


Soul Flaws:
-Magic Word (RP) - The character chooses a single word (must be reasonably possible to be spoken without anyone else knowing the weakness as determined by GM), and whenever they hear that word, they become overwhelmed by an extreme emotion. (Rage, laughter, depression, etc) A phrase, or a specific meaning can be chosen instead of a single word, and a specific action can be chosen instead of a particular emotion. If the effects of this have severe mechanical influences, such as being forcibly knocked Prone or made to attack someone by someone else speaking a word, this can be counted as a regular Flaw as opposed to an RP one. (When magic word is spoken, he is prone to striking either the one saying it to silence them, or a nearby object to confirm he does not want to talk about it in the slightest. Persistence in the matter is not beneficial for one's health, as it can lead to more strikes. Friends get an open palmed slap if they are lucky, people that are not get a punch.)

-Slow Learner - The character loses 8 trade dice. May only be taken at character creation.

-*Cursed - The character has some sort of curse, or alternatively a cursed item. The details of it and how severe it is must be worked out with your GM.

-*Bloodthirsty (RP) - The character cannot, under any circumstances, back down from a fight. Even if defeat seems certain, and/or engaging in battle endangers their allies, they must fight until they themselves fall, or every enemy has been defeated.

Mutations: N/A

Special Mutations:
Supernatural - The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption from anything but creatures with Corruptive, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. This mutation is acquired as soon as a creature’s mutation counter hits 12, but racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward the number of mutations needed in order to get this. A supernatural creature is always counted as having at least 12 mutations for the purposes of how many mutations they require in order to reach Corruptive and how much corruption they need to take in order to acquire another mutation unless they already have more.

Weapon Attack = 11d10+7 (8d10 innate from Body, + 3d10 from Skill with Unarmed, + 2 from Berserker, + 5 from Reliance on Might)

12 skills in total (5 [Warrior's Skill] + 4 [Skilled] + 1 [Unarmed Style] + 1 [Skill with Unarmed] + 1 [Grapple Expert])

-Armored Champion (Passive) - The character is more comfortable when fighting in armor, allowing them to ignore the penalties caused to Dodge and Speed caused by the EV of their gear.

-Berserker (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Natural AV, Grapple checks, and melee weapon damage. Requires the Bloodthirsty Flaw.

-Bladesinger (Passive) - Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with powers. Requires: Any Spirit Talent that gives powers.

-Disarm – The character may choose to forsake the damage done by their attack to instead disarm their opponent. A creature wielding a weapon that is hit by this attack loses that weapon unless they beat the character in an opposed Reflexes check. The character may optionally choose to take and wield or throw the disarmed weapon aside as a move action. Requires Duelist or Unarmed Fighter.

-Evasion (Passive) - If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than the usual 1/4. The character also gains a 1d10 bonus to Dodge and a +10 bonus to checks made to Tumble.

-Pummel - The character may take a -10 penalty to their grapple check in order to make a grapple action allowing them to make up to three attacks against a target that they are grappling with instead of just one. These must be attacks allowed in a grapple. Requires Grapple Expert.

-Rage – The character enters a frenzy as a free action, getting a 2d10 bonus to attack rolls and Grapple, a +6 bonus to melee weapon damage, a +10 bonus to Bull Rush and Overrun checks both offensive and defensively, and a +10 bonus to Natural AV and offensive Reflexes checks. Their Dodge and Parry dice are all treated as if they had all been a roll of 2, the character cannot communicate with other creatures or act in a rational manner, cannot go out of their way to avoid danger even if it is obvious if such would leave them unable to attack something, cannot cast spells or use powers, and must attempt to attack in some way if able to, even if only to start a grapple check or by making a Bull Rush or Overrun check, every round or fall out of rage. While enraged, they get a +10 bonus to Resistance checks to avoid the Horny, Charmed, Dominated, or Stunned statuses, though they cannot enter Rage while under any of those statuses and then get a bonus to resisting it. Leaving rage causes the character to gain an instance of the Weakened status that lasts until the battle ends. For the purpose of whether or not a character would leave rage, pleasure attacks do count as attacks. Requires Berserker.

-Stunning Blow – The character may choose to take a -1d10 penalty to their attack roll and a -5 penalty to damage, but if they hit their target must win a Reflexes vs Focus check against them or be Stunned. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

-Skirmisher (Passive) - The character gains a 1d10 bonus to Dodge and a 1d10 bonus to weapon attack rolls so long as they've moved at least 10 feet this round, gets a +5 bonus to Tumble checks, and may move their full Speed while using Defensive Fighting or Full Defense.

-Shattering Blow – The character can choose to take a -3d10 penalty to their attack roll for an unarmed attack, and if the attack hits they have their damage dice increased to 4d8+10 for Unarmed Damage or 4d12 for Natural Attacks. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

-Tantric Durability (Passive) - The character is able to use Reflexes in place of Willpower to resist pleasure.

-Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Willpower check vs a set DC or be unable to attack the character that round. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. The DC for this check is equal to the damage dealt on the killing blow divided by 10, and then multiplied by the tier of the monster. (Damage/10) * Tier in other words. Characters with the Foul Aura mutation get a +4 bonus to this DC, and characters with the Nightmarish Image power active gain the bonus to Resistance provided by that power to this DC as well.

Enhanced Shell
The character enhances their body, but also damages it.
-Buff Power.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, the character must pay X - 4 EP and X - 5 HP in upkeep every round.
-The character gains a 2X bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls relying on Body, Bull Rush checks, Overrun checks, Swim checks, and AV, a 5 foot bonus to speed for every 4 EP in X, and two of the following: A 2X bonus to Resistance checks against hostile effects, Dodge, or Grapple, or +2 trade dice in Stealth and Perception for every 5 points of X.

Daemon Fire: The character pays X + 1 EP.
The character deals (2d4 + 1) * X damage to HP and X damage to EP to any creatures within a 10 foot radius sphere, within a 120 foot long five foot wide line, or within a 40 foot long 90 degree cone.
The character deals (2d6 + 2) * X damage to a single within line of sight with a +10 bonus to hit.
The character may, alternatively, empower a melee weapon or bullets with this power. They may enhance up to X bullets, and each bullet deals an additional +4 damage and causes any creature hit by them to also take 4 EP damage. Enhanced bullets remain so until the end of the encounter. A weapon enhanced has a maximum X of 5, with an upkeep of X - 3, and deals an additional Xd10 + X damage and 2X EP damage. This costs an additional 1 EP to activate.

Regenesis: The character pays X EP.
The character regains 10X HP, and can pay additional EP in increments of 2 to remove instances of Aroused, Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, or Weakened.
This power may be maintained by paying X - 1 upkeep, causing its effects upon activation to occur every round so long as it is maintained but reducing the healing to 6X. This upkeep is reduced by 3 for characters with Warp Shell or Enhanced Shell active. If this is active and the character is reduced to 0 HP, keep track of how much less than 0 they would have. Unless their body is completely obliterated or their soul is eaten, the character may keep this active so long as they don’t run out of EP, returning to consciousness if they rise above 0 HP.
This power can be used while the character is Bound or in a Submission Hold.

Pleasure Damage

Penetration = 2d8 + 13
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10

Inventory =

-Cursed Cestuses: 1d8 + 2 + 20 + 3 (1d8+2 Innate, +20 from Body, +3 from Fist Weapon bonus)

-Chain mail: AV = 12, EV = 3, TP = 50, DU = 4

22 points starting (30 - 8 (Slow Learner))
5 in Acrobatics
(Natural) 5 in Language (Helltongue)
3 in Language (Badarian)
4 in Lore (Daemons)
3 in Lore (Demons)
4 in Perception (2 Innate + 2)
5 in Disable Devices
2 in Stealth (2 Innate)
4 in Casting (20 Mind/5)


How long have I slept in that damned dungeon hallway...? How many centuries have passed since my shell was destroyed... The memory kept replaying every single day, and while I wished to forget, it is hard to forget the day your original body is destroyed. But I am getting ahead of myself a bit. If you do not mind listening to my tale, allow me to explain myself and my plight.​

I do not know how long it has been since my passing, but when I had my body, I was on top of the world... Kind of. The strength I possessed... The wealth and prestige I once had... I miss how simple those days were for me. I doubt you have heard of me until now, but I used to run a... Different, sort of dungeon. My compatriots would wait by the entrance. Heroes would come out of curiosity, and my compatriots would offer them the challenge. My dungeon, while dangerous, offered its wealth to those brave enough to enter... Or, they could have my compatriots bring them safely down to the final room to challenge me to pass all of the hidden rewards within it's trap riddled halls. I would offer them wealth in exchange for a duel. If they win, they get half of my current wealth and safe passage back out. If they failed, they would lose their wealth instead, but live to challenge me again later. It went well for a long time, and only people that challenged the actual dungeon would sometimes die... But, eventually, a holy man approached.​

I thought it was strange when one of my compatriots warned me of his arrival. While it was not uncommon for holy men and healers to come with their apparent leader to heal them after or before a fight, or for going through the dungeon, but none have ever came on their own... But, irregardless, I allowed him in and let him pass the dungeon to get right to where I awaited his arrival. When he did, I greeted him with open arms, and offered my challenge... Though he must have been impatient that day, for he immediately placed a binding on me. I can admit I was caught off guard by the suddenness of it all, but before I could react and try to break free from the surprisingly powerful binding, he stepped forward with a Cudgel appearing in his hand.​

The last thing I felt that day was the pain of the Cudgel impacting with my skull, then everything went quiet... And honestly, I was unhappy with this development. Okay, unhappy was a MASSIVE understatement, but still, it was not a pleasant experience. But before my soul could escape, he did... Something, I do not know how, but it dragged me back towards my body... Or, in specific... My Caestuses. My soul became trapped within them, and the seal he placed upon it made sure I could not escape or form a new shell until it was removed. Needless to say, I was absolutely livid by this point. If I was able to vocalize my rage by that point, I would have caved in the dungeon itself with how much I was ranting and raving. I could not see, but I felt him carrying the caestuses with him as he was leaving. My yelling probably annoyed him, and I felt him throw me away like rubbish onto the dungeon floor. And from there, I was left to sit and rot, unable to move or do anything about my predicament.​
Time passed, and after a while my rage subsided and I was left to my regrets and my thoughts... Until recently, that is. I felt new hands touch the Caestuses, taking them with him through my old home. As he explored my dungeon, I whispered ever so softly into his ears suggestions with the faint remains of my power that wasn't sealed away. And, after so long, he finally caved in. Before he went to bed, he listened to my suggestions and went to bed wearing my Caestuses. I would have begged his forgiveness for my trickery, but... I made it quick. My soul began to overpower and engulf his own, and as his body laid there I began to take over slowly. Won't be too much longer now before I can start moving... But I want to see what is left of my little world.​
I do not know what is left of my dungeon, and what may be left within it that hasn't been taken... But I will have my name be remembered once more, and my power returned to me. It is only a matter of time... I just hope there is something left of my home.​
Standing at a good 5 ft 11 inches and with a rather toned physique, the body he now owns is of a rather healthy Badarian who has a dirty blondish color of hair that is kept untidy, yet short. His eyes are a rather subdued brown color, nearly hazel in shade. Clothed in snugly fitted chainmail that covers nearly the entirety of his upper body outside of his neck and head, and his lower body clothed in brown cloth pants with matching boots that has a bit of chainmail beneath that as well over the groin and hip area, leaving the legs themselves mostly free to move around. He holds a now confident stature to himself, and while he isn't as strong as his original shell, he makes it a slight point to keep up his physical fitness as well as show it off a bit as well, muscles hidden beneath his chainmail and clothing beneath it. While the chain mail once had an insignia that was upon the shoulder facing forward, it is now ruined and nearly unrecognizable. Most likely done by Azelith himself to make hide who the original holder of his body was.

The Cestuses themselves are a rather sudden contrast in comparison to the rest of his outfit. It looks like as if it is made with black leather, though it's time just sitting on a dungeon floor did no favors to the condition of the pair of armored gauntlets. Covering over a large section of the forearm, glints of metal that is hidden beneath the forearm hints at the metal plate that is beneath it for use of blocking strikes and adding further weight to strikes. The covering over the back of each hand also bares wear and tear as well to show more metal. Each finger is covered as well with the knuckles in particular each having a metal jutting out like small claws when he clenches his fists, though the cut of the leather allows individual finger movement to grab things... Or people. The underside of the hands are left uncovered, but the forearms have the leather wrapped entirely around them in a protective wrapping with no true hint of how to remove it without prying it off.

The Out of Character Section
He uses the Possessed Template:

A spirit that has gained a physical body by taking over someone else's own. These unwelcome visitors normally overstay their welcome, and cause more damage the longer they stay within the host's body.
Special Mutation: Supernatural

While this character is moreso focused upon fighting and the sort, I don't mind most sexual situations, outside of vore, unbirth, scat, and guro.

Also... It is a pain in the ass to find a good image of Cestuses.
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Eirlys, cursed bunnygirl. Mostly just an idea arising from thinking about the Cursed flaw in DG4 that turned into an interesting character. May still need a bit more fleshing out.
Name: Eirlys
Class: Mage
Race: Rabbit Wilderhearted Human
Sex: Female
Background: Academy Educated

Body = 10
Mind = 38 (8)
Spirit = 10

Hit Points (HP) = 44 (10)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 78 (30)
Spirit Energy (EP) = 44 (10)
Speed = 35 (10)
Dodge = 7d10+7 (3)
Armor = 8 [0 Natural, 8 Worn]
Grapple = 2d10+3 (3)
Spirit Ceiling = 9

Reflexes = 14 (5)
Focus = 24 (5)
Willpower = 14 (5)

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = +0
Bull Rush Mod = +0
Overrun Mod = +0
Orgasm Threshold = 4 (2)
Pleasure Resistance = 17

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0


Lucky - Gain +3 to Attack, Dodge, Grapple, Perception, Stealth, and Resistance rolls.
Just a Little Longer - Gain +20 PP
Exceptional - Gain +8 Mind
Mental Fortitude - Gain +10 HP, PP, and EP.
Focus in Water - Cast up to 5th level Water spells and when casting water spells gain +10 to Casting checks, +1d10 to Attack rolls, +2 Damage per spell level, +1 per spell level to stats from Buffs, and +2 Body and +1 AV per spell level for Summoned creatures.
Specialized Mage (Water / Fire) - Double the effects of Focus in Water, but may never cast Fire spells above level 1 or take Focus in Fire.
Potent Spells - Gain +10 to Resistance checks on spells cast, inflict an additional instance of stackable status effects if the target fails the check by 10 or more.
Quick - Gain +10 Speed
Resistant - Gain +5 to all Resistances.
Knowledgeable - Use Mind instead of Body to determine how much PP damage is dealt, Orgasm Threshold is based on Mind instead of Body, and Resisting PP damage is based on Focus instead of Willpower.
Wealthy - Gain an additional 250 denarii.
Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic) - Gain 3 Succubus Powers.


Tainted Bloodline - Receive 1.5x normal Corruption.
Excitable - Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character makes a Willpower check against a DC equal to the pleasure they’ve taken that round. If they fail, the character gains the Aroused status, or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
Sensitive - Receive +5 PP Damage.
Fertile - Receive +5 to Pregnancy rolls.
Fetish: Creampies - Receive an additional +8 PP damage when being cummed inside of.
Extreme Fetish - Whenever taking PP damage from a fetish, take 1d8+1 Willpower damage.
Cursed - Cursed to submit to the will of anyone who successfully impregnates her. Functions as the Charmed status, making her see the person triggering it as a lover.

Mutations 0/18

Natural Attack - The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual. Their unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + Body/3 damage, but no longer allow the character to benefit from the Unarmed Fighter Talent, though they may still use skills from it while unarmed.
Odd Skin (Tribal Body Markings)
Funny Ears (Bunny Ears)
Tail (Bunny Tail)
Pheromones - The character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth checks, and friendly characters are more interested in sex with them.
Soft Skin - Your character causes +2 PP during non-oral foreplay.
Whip-Tongue - Your character causes +2 PP damage during oral foreplay.
Breeder - When the character is pregnant or has impregnated someone else, the gestation period of their offspring is shortened by half.

Spell Attack = 7d10+6 (9d10+6 with Water) (3)
Base Casting = 19 (39 with Water)
Favored Elements = Water

Magic Feats

Elemental Mastery - Spells that deal elemental damage deal +1 damage per spell level. Spells that deal Cold damage ignore half of the Natural AV of the target in addition to the Worn AV already ignored.
Summoning Master - Summoned creatures gain +2 Body and +1 Natural AV per spell level, and the Hard to Hit and Healthy Talents. May summon two of any creature from spells level 3 or lower by sacrificing the other bonuses from this power and paying an additional 1 EP per spell level. May have up to an additional 3 summoned creatures by sacrificing an upkeep slot.
Borealcaster - Spells that deal damage of the Cold type deal an additional +1 damage per spell level, and those spells that have a check to cause their targets to become Weakened gain a +8 bonus to their Resistance checks.

Succubus Power Attack = 7d10+6 (3)
Succubus Powers

Apparent Innocence (Passive) - The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will usually be the last one to be attacked unless they obviously display that they're the thread. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out or rape them. This has no effect on non-intelligent creatures or on PCs, and characters that display plainly that they are a threat will be treated as such. In addition, the character gains a +5 Resistance bonus when attempting to Charm a target.
Incredible Stamina (Passive) - The character can have 2 additional orgasms before gaining an instance of the Weakened status because of them, may choose to automatically ignore the first 5 PP damage that they would take every round even if they aren’t resisting pleasure via Willpower, and have the amount of EP that would be drained from them through PP damage that they take reduced by 5.
Desperation - The character can pay X EP at the start of their turn in order to increase their Dodge, their Grapple to escape, or any single Resistance stat against hostile effects by 2X until their next turn, or reduce all incoming PP damage by 2X until their next turn.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 13
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10


Battlemage Robes (AV = 8, EV = 0, TP = 15/25, DU = 1)

30 Denarii


Perception: 3d10+3 (3)
Stealth: 3d10+1 (3, -2)

Alchemy - 4d10
Cooking - 4d10
Enchanting - 5d10
Engineering:General - 3d10
Herbalism - 4d10
Instrument: Piano - 3d10
Language: Crolian - 5d10
Language: Badarian - 3d10 (3d10)
Language: Elven - 3d10 (3d10)
Lore: Aliens - 4d10 (4d10)
Lore: Demons - 4d10 (4d10)
Lore: Dragons - 4d10 (4d10)
Lore: Faeries - 4d10 (4d10)
Lore: History - 5d10 (4d10)
Lore: Magic - 6d10 (4d10)
Lore: Religion - 3d10 (3d10)
Mathematics - 6d10 (4d10)
Medicine - 3d10
Performance: Singing - 3d10
Reading/Writing - 6d10 (4d10)
Sewing - 4d10

Character Image

A student of magic in Crolia, and coming from a fairly wealthy upbringing, Eirlys’ early life left little to be desired. She was no genius or prodigy, but she consistently excelled in her studies nonetheless. A small and relatively quiet girl, Eirlys never really attracted much attention from others. She had her small group of friends, was for the most part on good terms with her teachers, and got good grades in her studies, but never stood out. She was content with this life though, never having many aspirations of her own.

Things changed as she grew older, becoming a rather attractive young woman. There were of course several of her classmates who pursued her for a time, but most unusual was one of her teachers taking a particular interest in her. She did her best to keep her distance, only doing what was required of her as a student and avoiding him outside of her classes, but he didn’t take her rejection well. He continued to push harder until eventually culminating in him placing a curse on her.

He intended to both humiliate her and force her to bend to his wishes, the curse altering her body, taking on both the obvious rabbit-like features and more subtle internal changes as well. As if that alone wasn’t enough, the main function of the curse was much more sinister, and he took great pleasure in describing it to her exactly what it would do when he had her cornered and alone. Not only had the transformation to her body made her more fertile, more receptive, and even accelerated pregnancies, it affected the mind as well. Were anyone to successfully impregnate her, she would be bound to their will, alter her perception of them to a friend and lover.

He obviously intended to be the one to make use of that feature of the curse. It was only sheer luck that allowed her to escape, managing to strike him with a nearby potted plant in a blind panic as he tore her robes from her body, stunning him long enough for her to flee into the night. She was left with nothing more than the clothes on her back, and even those were not in the best of shape. She had no idea how to reverse the curse that had been placed on her, and was too afraid to return to the academy, the only place she could think of that might hold the knowledge she required. She couldn’t return home, he knew her home, that was exactly where he’d expect her to run. She could only run, flee the city itself and hope that she could find something or someone to help her.

The Out of Character Section
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Kaia, Zip Zap Woof Magic Student Thing (Tentative)
Name: Kaia
Class: Student (Classless) (Mind main stat)
Race: Wolfir (Psyker, Elementalkin (Lightning))
Sex: Female

Primary Stats:
Body: 16 = 8 + 8 + 0
Mind: 38 = 30 + 8 + 0
Spirit: 12 = 12 + 0 + 0

Secondary Stats:
Hit Points (HP): 41

Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 52

Spirit Energy (EP): 59

Speed: 35

Dodge: 9d10+8

Armor Value: 0

Perception: 19 (+2 Keen Eye, Ear, Nose)

Stealth: 11

Grapple: 3d10+1

Spirit Ceiling: 6

Reflexes: 13
Focus: 19
Willpower: 1

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod = *
Orgasm Threshold = 1
Pleasure Resistance =

Experience: Starts at 0
Corruption: Also starts at 0

Racial: Good Reflexes
Template: Focus in (Lightning)
Template: Greater Energy Pool
Hard to Hit
Natural Mage (Magic Feats)
Natural Warrior (Skilled)
Resistant Soul

Racial: Fertile 1
Racial: Prideful (RP)
Racial: Poor Willpower
Template: Selfish
Template: Easily Aroused
Cursed - Collar
Easily Tired
Magic Word – 'Sit' – Knocked Prone
Mutated 5
Weakened Essence

Mutations: 4/18
Racial: Fangs
Racial: Funny Ears
Racial: Heat/Rut
Racial: Keen Ears
Racial: Keen Eyes
Racial: Keen Nose
Racial: Natural Attack
Racial: Night Eyes
Racial: Odd Skin
Racial: Snug
Racial: Tail
Racial: Whip Tongue
Healing Milk
Magic Fangs

Special Mutations:
Template: Naturally Warped
Template: Immunity (Element)
Pack Hunter
Wolfir Genes

Weapon Attack: 3d10 + 1
Skills: Magic Tricks (Aether)
Magic Tricks (Body)
Magic Tricks, Advanced (Body)

Spell Attack: 7d10 + 3
Base Casting: 19
Favored Elements: Lightning
Magic Feats: Empower Spell
Elemental Mastery

Pleasure Damage
Penetration: 2d8 + Body/3
Foreplay: 2d4 + Body/4


Alchemy 2
Herbalism 4
Language (Crolia) 5
Lore (Magic) 2
Reading/Writing 3
Sewing 4

Kaia was born in captivity to a pair of enslaved Wolfir. Naturally, at a young age, she began work as a servant, doing chores about the home for her owner, a rich lord in Crolia. Her life was expected to be simple, as a slave's should be, but her destiny was changed during a fateful trip.

She had tagged along with a caravan on its way to collect taxes from the lord's local lands and to buy whatever luxuries that had arrived at a nearby coastal city. Kaia was there to but attend to the guards. Inevitably, bandits raided the convoy. Many were slain, even Kaia's own parents, in the attack. The young Wolfir would have also fallen had her magical mutation not come to light, electricity arcing about, striking down any who threatened her. The lord's personal mage (A master, naturally. The lord saw him as nothing more than a fancy bodyguard, but it afforded the mage funds and a place to do research), too, had accompanied this caravan and took great interest in Kaia. After all, elementalkin were rare enough as it was, but for a lowly wolfir to exhibit such connection to the elements piqued the mage's interest.

The master mage purchased Kaia from the lord to be a personal servant. The mage manipulated and experimented on the poor Wolfir, just to see how this unusual specimen would react. Some findings were boring disappointments, other results were more interesting. Throughout this, the mage was teaching Kaia some basic magic to see if her elemental connection was a fluke or if a dumb Wolfir could actually learn. While Kaia learned, the mage quickly grew frustrated (the teaching life was not for him) and resigning to outsourcing the magical education.

The OOC section:
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Kavic 'Shocktrooper' Toth, a captured Badarian warfighter!

I'm looking for feedback on this guy. I'm not positive I got everything right with the 4.0 setup, but I've been going over it for awhile and I think I at least got the silly mistakes, like using the 3.5 sheet... Anyway, if anyone was particularly inclined to message me with feedback I would appreciate it. Still have to do items, but those won't factor much since he's a POW.

Also, I am looking for a GM for him now that I've figured out his backstory, if anyone is interested.

Name: Kavic 'Stormtrooper' Toth
Class: Warrior
Race: Human (Badarian) (Educated Lightningkin templates)
Sex: Male

Body: 50=30+20(Talent)
Mind: 30=10+12(Talent)+8(Template)
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 70
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 60
Spirit Energy (EP): 70= 50+20(talent)
Speed: 35
Dodge: 11d10
Armor: 20 (when armored)
Perception: 22
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 10d10
Spirit Ceiling: 14 (12 when armored)

-Reflexes: 25
-Focus: 20
-Willpower: 13

Defensive Bonuses:
Lightning: Immune
Succubus Powers: +2d10 dodge, +10 to resistance checks
EP Damage: +5 damage received when any received
Corruption: Doesn't receive corruption from warped, naturally warped, or naturally supernatural. Multiply corruption from Supernatural/Corruptive by 1.5
Bullets and Bludgeons: +10 AV
Tumble Mod: None, reflex check
Bullrush Mod: None, grapple check
Overrun Mod: None, 1d100+Body
Orgasm Threshold: 3
Pleasure Resisted: 17= 5+7(willpower)+5(untemptable)
PP Damage: +8 damage from females with tufted or pointed ears e.g. kitsune, su-ku-ta, and elves
Pregnancy: +5 to pregnancy rolls

Corruption (Naturally Warped): 0/400

Talents, Flaws, Mutations, Skills:
*Template: Focus in Lightning: +10 to lightning BC, +1d10 to related attack, +2 related damage/level, buffs increase by another +1/level, summons +2 body+1AV/level
*Template: Greater Energy Pool +20EP
*Warrior: Skill with Rifles: +3d10 to rifle attacks
*Warrior: Skill with Pistols: +3d10 to pistol attacks
*Warrior: Grapple Expert: +3d10 to grapple stat
*Warrior: Skilled x1
*General: Natural Mage (Focus Wind): +10 to wind BC, +1d10 to related attack, +2 related damage/level, buffs increase by another +1/level, summons +2 body +1AV /lv
*General: Exceptional x4: 20 body, 12 mind

*Template: Selfish(RP)
*Template: Open soul
*Template: Easily Aroused
*Template: Fertile: +5 to pregnancy rolls
*Talent: Bloodthirsty(RP):
*Talent: Enslaved(RP): Enslaved by fae (or kitsune)
*Talent: Tainted Bloodline: Take 1.5x corruption
*Talent: Fetish: Tufted ears! e.g. kitsune and su-ku-ta
Fetish: Pointed ears (elves)

Mutations: 3/18
*Template: Immunity (Lightning)

Special Mutations:
*Template: Naturally Warped: No corruption from Warped or naturally Supernatural

Weapon Attacks (unimproved): 10d10
Damage: Mark 32 Battle Rifle: 3d6 + 4; Mark 7 Heavy Pistol: 3d10 + 4; Pump Action Trench Gun: 4d12 + 4
*GEN: Armored Champion (Passive): Ignores penalties to dodge and speed caused by EV of gear
*GEN: Untethered Mind and Soul (Passive): EV of gear doesn't effect base casting, only half of it, rounded down, applies to spirit ceiling
*GEN: Battlemage (Passive): Use Body to determine spell attacks instead of Mind
*GUN: Pistolero (Passive): Reload 2 pistols at once without trouble, no penalties to attack or dodge for pistols in melee, may use pistol in grapple, attack penalty for shooting while moving reduced by 1
*GUN: Bayonet (Passive): In melee: Pistols can be 1 handed blunt, rifles can be polearms, both with -1d10 attack penalty.
*GUN: Deadly Aim: No move action, trade up to 10 points of dodge for +1/point to attack and damage, or +2 reflex vs having shot parried by shield
*GUN: Called Shot: Acts last in turn, -2d10 attack and dodge penalty, damage dice maxed and doubled, stacks with sneak attack, rapid shot: all take penalty, 1st gets buff
*WH: Untemptable: +2d10 dodge vs succubus powers, +10 resistance resistance vs succubus powers, +5 resist pleasure
*GRE: Brawler (Passive): Join grapple vs stunned/prone as free action, no penalty to dodge while grappling, can dodge AoE as normal if not bound or in submission hold, can move grappled opponent to get hit by attacks from outside grapple if they miss if they won the last grapple check
Spell Attack: 6d10
Base Casting: 15; 25 for favored elements
Favored Elements: Lightning, Wind
Magic Feats:

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+17 PP
Foreplay = 2d4+13 PP

Armor: Heavy Riot Gear: AV = 20, EV = 5, TP = 50, DU = 6, bullet resistant, strong against bludgeoning, metal
Weapon 1: Kradian Mark 32 Battle Rifle (13d10+10) 3d6 + 4, 35 feet, 30 shots before reload, 2 rounds to reload, 10 AV ignored, Fires Type 14 Badarian Heavy Rounds, may fire up to 4 additional shots or 2 additional bursts with rapid fire, Causes 2EV, Magazine-Fed, Burst Fire, Ignores Dodge bonus from Shields

Weapon 2: Kradian Mark 7 Heavy Pistol (13d10+10) 3d10 + 4, 20 feet, 6 shot before reload, 2 round reload, 10 AV ignored, Fires Type 7 Badarian Light Rounds, may fire up to 1 additional shots with rapid fire, no special abilities

Weapon 3: Pump Action Trench Gun (13d10+5) 4d12 + 4, 20 feet, 6 shots before reload, 3 round reload, 10 AV ignored, Fires Shells, may fire up to 2 additional times with rapid fire, Incremental Reload and fires in a 30 degree cone or in a line

Ammo: x1 30 round magazine (Type 14 Badarian Heavy Rounds), x72 Type 7 Badarian Light Rounds, x12 Shells (Buckshot), x6 Shells (Slug)

Trades: Starting Dice: 0/36
Native Language: Human/basic/common/Badarian? 5 dice
*Template: Math 3 dice
*Template: Reading/Writing 3 dice
Acrobatics: 2
Disable Devices: 4
Enchanting: 7 (spent 8 dice)
Herbalism: 4
Medicine: 6
Navigation: 2
Smithing: 7 (spent 8 dice)
Tracking/Woodcraft: 2

Kavic is fairly tall and strong. With a heavy build and an unyielding mentality, Kavic has no trouble moving with heavy gear that normally gives other soldiers a fair bit of trouble.
Bio: Born to human parents in the insular and xenophobic Badarian city of Lockacre, Kavic was marked from birth. His father was a smith and his mother was a mage of middling power, though somehow the magical potential she passed on to him in the womb was amplified. He never got a straight answer from his parents, but she had apparently been exposed to some sort of strong magical source during her pregnancy which resulted in his being born as something more magical than the average human mage. Physically this was to his great advantage as he was stronger and faster than his peers from an early age. Of course, it also marked him as an outcast, as the magical essence that permeated him separated him from the rest of society, causing almost anyone who met him to look down on him. He was ostracized by children his age, and regarded with scorn by his elders. His parents, while somewhat supportive, did little to shield him from the reproach of others. By the time he was taken away to the Incantarium by government agents, anger, resentment, and a desire to be more powerful than the cowardly people who scorned him burned strongly inside of him and spurred the development of his cruelly intelligent psyche.

The anger inside of Kavic propelled him to excellence in the Incantarium. He wasn't the top of his class for magic, however he did display proficiency with the widest range of disciplines. Rather than focus on magic, high aptitude for martial disciplines made him a rare hybrid threat. Beyond the indoctrination he received at the hands of Imperial mages at the Incantarium, he also received special classes and training for various weapons, common soldier tasks, small unit tactics, and general leadership. His proficiency with martial and magical arts set with his powerful ambition and hate of foreigners made him an ideal officer candidate for the Imperial Army. The Officer School reinforced his distrust of other races, spirit wielders, and mages who had not pledged their lives to the Empire. It also granted him the basic education he needed to be an effective communicator and problem solver. By the time he graduated from Officer School, Kavic was highly skilled with a wide range of personal firearms and displayed a great inclination to learn the use of other weapons. His time in the Incantarium enhanced his natural grasp of the lightning element and helped him learn a new element, wind. On top of this, he was a driven and highly aggressive soldier. He had a strong desire to learn, and made a point to study soldier manuals and magical tomes on his own time to further increase his own effectiveness as a soldier.

Given control of a small platoon of soldiers after he graduated, the people he commanded and interacted with tended not to trust him because he was born warped. However, by displaying extreme aggression towards other races and cultures and cultivating similar aggression within his subordinates Kavic was able to divert their distrust away from himself and build a rapport with them in the process. His unit received orders to fight in the north against the Crolians and marched from the Necropolis barely months after he graduated in order to support a planned push through the Pass of Ghosts. This rush meant that he did not receive the rigorous counter-mage and spirit-oppressor training that the best officers received, however the instructional tomes of those schools found their way into his pack before he set out. The timing of Kavic's deployment actually worked quite well for him as his formation was near no major population centers when the aliens attacked.

Almost a year passed since the invasion. The Empire was fragmented, and the Imperial Army had disintegrated. Kavic and his platoon had remained with their unit and found themselves in the employ of one of the larger noble factions that remained. With the dire state of the continent, his unit was responsible for protecting the faction's lands from aliens, encroaching outsiders, and even other Badarian factions on occasion. It was dangerous work and even inside their protected zones they were never truly safe, whether from larger forces or from the corrupted cultists with their freakish devotion to aliens. Still, it was a living and Kavic was a good leader and soldier. Unfortunately all it took was one mission for him to lose everything.

Kavic was tasked with leading a raid on a Gemini cultist compound and freeing any prisoners they had taken for the aliens. The operation appeared to go smoothly, despite the presence of sizable alien garrison to complement the cultists. However skill, superior weapons, surprise, and momentum could only carry the day against so much. The compound was home to what amounted to an underground breeding factory for the aliens hidden beneath the small collection of walled in buildings. In addition to the aliens and cultists roaming above there was a far larger amount lurking under ground that surged to the surface when an Elder Lord burst through the ground. Either the reinforcements or the Elder Lord would have been too much for Kavic's forces to deal with; both proved overwhelming. They took heavy casualties and the only thing that kept them alive was the intervention of a large Fey raiding party that sought to liberate their own captives. The two-pronged assault was able to eliminate the alien threat, but the Badarians fell back out for fear of the fey. Kavic was rendered unconscious during battle with the Elder Lord and his soldiers did not recover his body due to the confusion of the withdrawal. Instead, he was picked up by the Fey and brought back to one of their glades.

Capture by the faeries turned out to be a mixed blessing for Kavic. They were able to do a better job healing him than the healers he would have seen at his encampment would have done. Of course as soon as they realized he was a member of an ultra-nationalist force that would kill them, unaligned mages and spirit wielders, and pretty much anyone who wasn't human almost as soon as they would aliens they slapped him in chains and a sealing collar. They decided that they would not kill him, mainly because his attack had opened the way for the rescue of many faeries from the alien compound.

And so Kavic found himself a largely despised prisoner among a race he equally despised for the majority of his life.

The OOC section:
As an alternative to the above bio, neither faction picks him up after the battle and he is instead rescued by a kitsune who comes through after. Possible reasons for enslavement could be for use as a source of insemination, or as a source of labor if she recognized him as a capable enchanter or smith. I'd be happy to work that angle

I'm looking for a gradual redemption of this character. After enduring his captivity and beginning to at least develop a little familiarity with some of his captors circumstances occur that force his captors to return his weapons and remove his collar so that he can help defend them. For the Mass Effect players I'm thinking of something similar when Joker had to unchain Edi's AI core thing, I don't remember what it was called. In other words, I'm looking for something to force Kavic and his captors to work together and trust each other, at least a little bit. I'd also like for a romance to develop with a female non-human in the fey camp or kitsune, hence the fetishes.

Smut: no yaoi, scat, guro, watersports, or dude taking it in the ass. Other than that I'm probably good for it.

Attack Cheat Sheet:
Base Weapon Attack: 10d10
Rifles, Pistols: +13d10
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Place hold for DG4 Rape slime Tori.
Name: Tori
Class: Succubus
Race: Living Slime
Sex: Female

Body = 20 + 12= 32
Mind = 20
Spirit = 10 + 4= 14

Hit Points (HP) = 59 (32B + 10M + 7S + 10Talent ) ((Tranferred to EP))
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) =83 (16B + 20M + 7S + 40Talent )
Spirit Energy (EP) = 109 (16B + 10M + 14S + 10Talent + 59HP )

Speed = 30 - 10 = 20
Dodge = 2d10 + 6d10 (3B + 2M + 1S) = 8d10+6
Armor = 0
Grapple = 3d10 + 6d10+2 = 9d10+2
Spirit Ceiling = 26 (109/5)

Reflexes = 16 - 5 = 11
Focus = 6 + 7 = 13 - 5 = 8
Willpower = 6 + 3 = 9 - 5 = 4

Defensive Bonuses:
Tumble Mod = 0
Bull Rush Mod = 0
Overrun Mod = 0
Orgasm Threshold = 1 + 3 = 4
Pleasure Resistance = 5 + 5 = 10

Experience = 2/8

Corruption = 0

Talents: 12 (5Starting + 3Flaws + 1Racial + 2Granted + 1Bought)
-Just Getting Started - Grants the character an additional 30 max pleasure. +30 PP, in other words.
-Kama-Sutra - You are a very skilled sexual partner when you choose to be. Change the calculation for pleasure damage from foreplay to 2d6 + Body/3 and penetrative sex to 2d10 + Body/2. The minimum pleasure dealt by the character also increases by 3, both for foreplay and penetration.
-Natural Mage (Focus in [Body]) - Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Mage Talents list. Cannot be chosen by Mages, and can be taken an extra time beyond the first for every 30 points of Mind possessed by the character.
--Focus in [Body] - The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element. In addition, they gain a +15 bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, get a 1d10 bonus to attack rolls for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, buffs increase the chosen stat (and only stats, not dice or other additions) by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +2 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be taken multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.
-Superior Mage (Mental Fortitude) - The character gains a Talent that they can only take from Mage Talent list. In order to take a Talent from the Mage list, they already have to have taken Natural Mage. This Talent can only be chosen twice, and each time must be with a different choice. Cannot be chosen with Natural Succubus.
--Mental Fortitude - The character gains +10 max HP, PP, and EP.
-Erotic Wizard - The character gains a Mage Feat, the ability to cast 1st and 2nd level spells of any element, and a +4 bonus to Casting. Requires Superior Mage.
-Erotic Magus - The character gains a number of Magic Feats equal to Mind/20 rounded down, and no longer takes penalties to casting due to taking PP damage, orgasms, or being Penetrated. Requires Erotic Wizard.
-Succubus Magic - The character chooses three succubus special abilities. They gain access to those abilities.
-Multitalentedx2 - The character gains any one of the following - 2 Skills. This Talent cannot be taken with Natural Succubus or Superior Succubus.

--Racial Talents:
---Grapple Expert - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to their Grapple stat.

Flaws: 8 (4Racial + 3Talents + 1Class)
-Excitable - Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains the Aroused status, or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
-Easily Aroused - Whenever the character would gain the Aroused status, they instead gain the Horny status.
-Weakness (Large Breasts) - Whenever the character encounters Breasts that are above what can be considered Large in accordance with the PC, in combat, the GM rolls 1d4, and on a roll of 1 the character loses their turn.

--Class Flaws:
---Lustful (RP) - The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.

----Racial Flaws:
-----Lustful (RP) - The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.
-----Open Soul - The character takes an additional 5 EP damage or drain whenever anything would cause them to take any. This Flaw may be taken up to five times, but only the first, third, and fifth instances count towards Talent credits.
-----Sluggish - The character takes a -10 penalty to their Speed stat.
-----Weak - The character takes a -5 penalty to all of their Resistances.

Mutations: 9/18
-Healing Fluids - allowing people to heal 2d6 HP and gain a +10 bonus to Resistance checks against poisons and diseases when they ingest her fluids.

--Class Special Mutations:
---Soul Eater - The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.

Special Mutations:
----Racial Special Mutations:
-----Damage Reduction ½ - Whenever the character would take damage, the amount of damage subtracted from their HP is multiplied by .5, which will normally be a fraction. Armor and resistances are subtracted before this multiplication. A specific type of damage can be placed in front of this mutation, and if so only that type of damage is affected by this mutation. A character may only benefit from their best source of universal Damage Reduction, but all conditional damage reductions can apply in addition to the character’s best unconditional DR.
-----Physical Damage Reduction ½ - Whenever the character would take physical damage, the amount of physical damage subtracted from their HP is multiplied by .5, which will normally be a fraction. Armor and resistances are subtracted before this multiplication. A specific type of damage can be placed in front of this mutation, and if so only that type of damage is affected by this mutation. A character may only benefit from their best source of universal Damage Reduction, but all conditional damage reductions can apply in addition to the character’s best unconditional DR.
-----Malleable Form - The character's body is made of a liquid instead of a solid. They can change their shape at will, but generally have some sort of normal form that they usually keep. The character cannot become pregnant, and can only impregnate others through magical means. Instead, they reproduce by splitting once they have absorbed enough energy.
Unlike other races, Slimes do not have an HP stat, nor do they have a maximum EP. Instead, they add whatever their HP would be to their max EP. This is considered their normal EP, but it can be exceeded by draining energy from other creatures. Any damage that the character takes goes to their EP. Any HP they would regain or EP that they would drain causes their EP to increase, but once at their “max” EP healing or draining HP or regaining EP through any means other than draining cannot allow them to go any higher, requiring that they drain EP to gain any more EP. Once a character with this mutation reaches three times their normal EP, they lose exactly 1/2 of it, gain 8 experience and split in half, producing another living slime with their memories, personality and skill and power set. The two generally diverge from there as they naturally don’t want to stay near each other, the clone not gaining the experience and not being under any compulsion to listen to or obey the original.
A character with this mutation that is reduced to 0 EP is permanently destroyed. Characters with this mutation do not take damage from resisting pleasure and only take PP damage if they choose to, are immune to the Prone, Webbed, and Stunned statuses, do not gain instances of Weakened from orgasming, and cannot be Pinned or put into a Submission Hold. When two creatures with this mutation come into contact, they can as a grapple action try to absorb one another, resulting in each draining an amount of EP equal to their Spirit Ceiling from the other until they are separated or until one runs out of EP.
-----Natural Linguist - The character is treated as if they have 5 dice in every language.
-----Naturally Supernatural - The character was born supernatural, but don’t cause as much corruption as a demon or similar creatures would. They are immune to corruption under the same rules as if they had the Supernatural mutation, but only corrupt others as if they had the Warped mutation. A Naturally Supernatural creature is always counted as having at least 9 mutations for the purposes of how many mutations they require in order to reach Supernatural and how much corruption they need to take in order to acquire another mutation unless they already have more.
-----Soul Eater - The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.
-----Tentacles - The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and (optionally) takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent and (optionally) can impregnate as if they had a penis, or they may choose to only deal penetration pleasure to themselves. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round against all of the creatures that they are grappling, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature to bring them into the grapple as they would normally. In addition, the character can attempt an action against all creatures that they are in a grapple with every round at no penalty as if they were grappling each individually, and may rape creatures that they have in a submission hold.

Weapon Attack:
Damage: 6d10+2
-Unarmed Damage: 2d4 + Body/4
-One Handed Whip: 1d10 + 1 + Body/2 (16) [ + 1d8Force + 1d4 Enchanted Crystal Whip Only]
-Two Handed Whip: 2d8 + 3 + Body/2 (16) [ + 1d8Force + 1d4 Enchanted Crystal Whip Only]

Skills: 4 (4Multitalented)
-Brawler (Passive) - The character may join grapples against prone or stunned enemies as a free action. The character no longer takes a penalty to Dodge when grappling, can dodge AoE attacks as if they weren't in a grapple so long as they aren't Bound or in a Submission Hold, and can move creatures into the way in order to take attacks if those attacks would miss, resulting in an automatic hit so long as they have won the most recent grapple check whenever an attack from outside of the grapple misses them. Requires Grapple Expert.
-Battlemage (Passive) - Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with spells. Requires: Any Focus in {Element} Talent OR Experienced Caster.
-Stranglehold - When the character has a target in a grapple, they may as a grapple action at a -2d10 penalty attempt to choke a creature as if they had it in a Submission Hold, dealing normal damage as if choking the creature. Requires Grapple Expert.
-Spell Resistance (Passive) - The character ignores the first 10 points of damage that would be caused by any spell or power, even if that spell or power would ignore all AV. They may also Dodge spells and powers that would normally automatically hit, though they take a -10 penalty to Dodge against such attacks.

Spell Attack = 6d10+2 (+ 1d10 = 7d10+2 for Body)

DG4 Spell Sheet:

Base Casting = Focus + 4 = 12 (+ 15 = 27 for Body Spells)

Favored Elements:
--[Focus In Body] +1 to Spell Level
--[Physician] +1 to Spell Level

Magic Feats: 2
-Enchanter - The character may enchant their own magic items, gaining the Enchanting trade or increasing it by 2 dice and treating the denarii costs of all enchantments as if they were halved (rounded up) from their prices in the shop. Enchanting an item with a spell or power requires that the character doing the enchanting be able to use that spell or power, but this requirement may be worked around by paying an additional 30 denarii. For every 20 denarii worth of enchantments on an item, the process requires one hour of dedicated work, but this may be spread across multiple periods of time so long as it is done in one hour increments. Using the Enchant Weapon and Bolster Power Feats costs 1 less EP to activate and deals an additional 4 damage.
-Physician (Body) – Healing spells are always treated as if they’d rolled at least half of their max on their damage dice when determining the amount of HP they restore. Buffs from the Body element give an extra +1 bonus per spell level to whichever stat they increase. The character may maintain Regenerative Aura as a free action by making a casting check as per normally maintaining an emanation spell and paying an extra 2 EP. Requires Focus in Body.

Succubus Power Attack = 6d10 + 2

Succubus Powers: 6 (3Starting + 3Talent)
-Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive)x3 - Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Willpower stat take 2d6 damage. Creatures reduced to 0 Willpower by this ability gain the Aroused status and have their Willpower reset, and if their Willpower drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status. If the character with this power has the Enthrall talent and a target with the Horny status as a result of this power has or is made to orgasm this encounter then that target automatically becomes enthralled and the enthralling character gains a +10 bonus against attempts by the target to break free of their control. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times, and the Willpower damage stacks. If a second instance of this exists, the potential targets of this take Willpower damage as if only one instance existed from minor amounts swallowed, taking the damage even in rounds that the creature with this hasn’t orgasmed, or from things like small amounts of saliva or orgasms into orifices other than the mouth. If a third instance exists, topical application deals damage as if there were two instances fewer. A character with this power may reduce or deactivate its effects using Shapeshifting, and is also immune to Willpower damaging aphrodisiacs that would cause less Willpower damage than their own.
-Rhythm - While penetrated (or penetrating) in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5; when penetrated the maximum value is increased by 1 for every partner brought to orgasm or each time deny release is activated but resets as soon as this character is no longer penetrated in a hole other than their mouth, and when penetrating the same principle applies except that it resets upon pulling out. .
-Shapeshifting - The character gains the Shapeshifter Special mutation. This power also allows characters with Shapeshifter to gain Doublecock, Snug/Stretching, Healing Milk, and Greater Vaginal Tongue even if they wouldn't meet the requirements for doing so normally (though they would still need to shift previous steps in cases of mutations which have prerequisites) for 2 EP per mutation per hour. The character must have be Naturally Warped or higher to take this power.
-Tonight, You - When in a grapple the character can, as a free action after making a successful grapple check against a target for the round, make a Resistance check against that target. If they win, their target's clothing is shifted (if they have any) and they are penetrated/penetrate the character and everything that that entails. If the character loses this check, nothing happens. If the target is Pinned or in a submission hold, this can be used once per round as a free action if the character tries to do something else.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d10 + Body/2 (16)
Foreplay = 2d6 + Body/3 (10)

Spirit Powers:
-Vampiric Futanari: The character grows a penis temporarily. If they already have a penis, they can use this to alter the shape and size of what they already have, or to temporarily grow a 2nd one. A character with this active orgasms and impregnates as normal.
-Utility Power.
-Costs 2 EP to activate as a free action and lasts until deactivated or until the character rests.
-The target touched creature gains a penis shaped to the caster’s specifications. This power does not require an attack roll, but when used on another creature they may negate it if they win a Willpower check. They may also use it only to gain the Soul Eater benefits and not grant a penis.
-For 1 extra EP per mutation, the character (or the character they're using this power on) may gain an instance of any of the Large/Tight mutation up to a maximum of three times and only gaining the PP damage bonus when penetrating other creatures, the Potent mutation, or any of the mutations requiring the Futanari, Large/Tight, or Potent mutations. This may be used when activating Vampiric Futanari as a free action, and after activation as a move action.
-The character also gains the Soul Eater Special Mutation while this is active if they don't already possess it if they use it on themselves. When used on another creature, the character may choose to give them Soul Eater, or to allow the character (or any creature) to drain them instead, even if the caster doesn’t have Soul Eater, in which case the creature effectively gains 2 instances of the Open Soul Flaw so long as this power is in effect.
-This power can be used at any time, even when the character is Horny, in a Submission Hold, or Bound.
-If applied to a slime, they may impregnate as if they were a normal biological creature. Any children produced are always full slimes.

-Enchanted Vibrating (Crystal) Chain:
These weapons have a range of 10 feet, and may be used to initiate a Grapple attempt against an enemy. Mind score of 30. EP Pool of 10.
--Weapon enchanted to deal an additional 1d8 damage of Force for 40 denarii. (Enchanter Feat 20 Denarii)
--Weapon enchanted to deal an additional 1d4 costs 20 (Enchanter Feat 10 Denarii)
--Level 1 spell ({F} Vibrating Touch (Touch)) [Trigger]: 40 denarii (Enchanter Feat 20 Denarii)
---{F} Vibrating Touch (Touch) [Can be used to deal PP damage instead of HP damage. Can be cast as part of a foreplay attack as a free action.]
----Trigger: Active Bound Spell on Successful Hit.
*Left at Village* One Clay Waterproof Jug

19 Denarii

Backstory: Uncivilized
The character has had little to no contact with civilized areas, and instead lived in the wilds without any pretense of being civilized. They have no starting money, but gain an additional 8 trade dice that must be spent on Acrobatics, Herbalism, Tracking/Woodcraft, Trapping and Woodworking. They cannot take the Disable Devices, Reading/Writing or Smithing trades at all, or the Mathematics trade beyond 2 dice. Mechanists cannot take this backstory.

Trades: 29 (15Monster + 4Mind + 2 Enchantment + 8 Backstory-Uncivilized)
*Natural Linguist-Free*Language - Omnilingual 5
*Enchanter-2 Dice Free* Enchanting 4 + 2 = 6
Alchemy 3
Herbalism 3
Acrobatics 5
Perception 3
Medicine 6
Tracking/Woodcraft 3

Bio: Tori began her life as a Regular Slime fissuring off her ‘mother’ and moving away to keep alive. Finding prey in the Jungle wasn’t hard it was a simple life until Tori got the Drop on a careless Succubus experimenting with an old magic book. She changed that day her wonderful sapphire blue jelly turning a rich dark crimson, which she was later told was like crystallized blood. Her need for fluids grew to include a craving for bits of souls of others something she hasn’t fully realized. Words for spells and the ability to channel magic grew in her as the book disappeared into her body she quickly found a knack for [body] magic and grew in proficiency of its use. The only remains of the book was a surprisingly long sapphire colored chain which she could tell was enchanted in some way she keeps the chain inside her when out of combat loosely ‘coiled’ in her torso pulling it out when she needs to subdue her food. Tori’s already blossoming skills for the Sensual Arts jumped by leaps and bounds as did her Need for Sex something her new mind briefly noticed before she shoved it away to indulge in the pleasure and her personal kink of fondling the breasts of her latest catch. Shifting into a full ‘humanoid’ form she sets off for the Monastery to learn more about this wonderful ‘magic’.

OOC Info:
not looking for much in ways of Special things. I like Breast play lactation especially and bondage situations. Pretty much it nothing I dislike its all good in the Smut department. I am looking for vague very open stories at least at first to get used to ya Anything that is fight centered as well. The combat mechanics is what drew me into Dark Gate.

Starting Location:
The Ironrose Monastery
-The largest remaining monastery, and holder of many of the arcane secrets discovered by the peoples of the amazon over the years. Unlike many of its kind, it has thrived following the invasion, a small community steadily growing around it.
Buff - The character produces an effect that temporarily increases a stat or set of stats, which must be chosen from a list of options at cast time. How much the spell increases that stat (multiplied as usual by spell level) is listed below. Buffs that grant AV always grant it in the form of magical AV. All buffs cost upkeep equal to their effective spell level - 2 on any round in which the character would gain a benefit from them. Buffs may be cast on other characters or creatures to give them the same buff that the character would gain if casting it on themselves. Rounding always takes place before multiplication by spell level.
Armor = +Mind/8 to AV
Attack = +Mind/15 d10s to all attack rolls
Combat = +Mind/8 to weapon attack rolls and to Dodge, and +Mind/10 to weapon damage rolls
Dodge = +Mind/15 d10s to Dodge
Focus = +Mind/8 to Focus
Grapple = +Mind/20 d10s to Grapple
Perception = +Mind/8 to Perception
Reflexes = +Mind/8 to Reflexes
Resistances = +Mind/12 to Reflexes, Focus, and Willpower
Sex = +Mind/8 to pleasure damage dealt, +Mind/10 to resisting pleasure
Speed = +5 feet to movement per spell level
Spells = +Mind/10 to casting checks, +Mind/8 to spell attack rolls, +1 damage per spell level for all spells
Spirit = +Mind/8 to attack rolls with Powers, +Mind/12 to Willpower, +1 free X input for damage dealing powers
Stealth = +Mind/8 to Stealth
Willpower = +Mind/8 to Willpower
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Laelia, Kitsune scholar/engineer with a cursed artifact problem.
Name: Laelia
Class: Warrior
Race: Kitsune
Sex: Female
Background: Well Educated

Body = 40
Mind = 12 (12)
Spirit = 30 (12, 8)

Hit Points (HP) = 61
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 47
Spirit Energy (EP) = 56
Speed = 35
Dodge = 10d10-1 (-2)
Armor = 9 [3 Natural, 6 Worn]
Perception = 4d10
Stealth = 3d10 (-1d10)
Grapple = 8d10+0
Spirit Ceiling = 11 (1, -1)

Reflexes = 20
Focus = 11
Willpower = 17

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 5
Bull Rush Mod = 5
Overrun Mod = 5
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 14

Miscellaneous Bonuses/Penalties
+5 to Resistance checks when using skills.
+5 to checks made to resist being disarmed and to parry checks (And +5 max Parry DC) while wielding Chrysanta.
+5 to Spell/Power attack rolls while wielding Chrysanta.
Ignores the "strong against" property of armours with Chrysanta.
-5 to Resistance checks to avoid being Blinded or Deafened, and an addition -2 versus being Blinded by bright lights.
+5 to Pregnancy rolls.
+5 to PP Damage taken.
+8 to PP Damage taken through her ears and tail.
1.5x Corruption gain.
Ignore a single 1’s result penalty on Perception checks relating to sight or hearing. No sight penalty in darkness.

Experience = 16
Corruption = 0


Reliance on Might (Warrior Inherent Bonus) - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Exceptional - Gain +8 Spirit.
Skill with Chrysanta (Custom Combi-Weapon) - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon. The character may take one skill.
Two Weapon Fighter (Style) - Allows the character to fight with a weapon in each hand at a reduced penalty. Normally, fighting with two melee weapons would cause the character to take a -3d10 penalty to their attack rolls and take a -10 penalty to damage. With this Talent those penalties are reduced to -1d10 and -5 instead. The character may take one skill, chosen from the Two Weapon Fighter list.
Natural Spirit Wielder (Alchemist) - The character gains 4 Powers from the Alchemist power list.
Natural Spirit Wielder (Skilled Wielder) - The character gains 2 Wielder Aptitudes and increases their Spirit Ceiling by 1.
Skilled - The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Wealthy - The character starts the game with an additional 250 denarii, which they may spend immediately at character creation. May not be taken outside of character creation.


Fertile - The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. They get a +5 bonus to Pregnancy rolls.
Sensitive - The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Tainted Bloodline - The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal.
Cursed - Laelia doesn’t know the true nature of the curse plaguing her, but it was a result of her curiosity getting out of hand when she stumbled upon a cursed ritual knife in an old ruin in Amazonia. That blade immediately embedded itself into her chest, something that seemingly should have killed her, and continually saps at her strength, resulting in her seemingly poor health. She has found no safe way to isolate or remove it, even with her natural shapeshifting ability, though she has since managed to offset the worst of its effects through alchemical means for the time being. (Mechanically up to the GM exactly how to handle this, though having her suffer weakened status or draining EP occasionally, or even more severe effects at times is probably a good start. Was meant to be partially represented by her Fragile flaw as well, at least in its more long-term effects. Could even try to overpower her will again and make her do things. As for what it’s actually doing I have some ideas but am also open to anything. Can be discussed if anyone happens to pick this up. Or feel free to leave me in the dark about it too).
Fragile - Whenever the character’s HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
Fetish (Ears and Tail) - Laelia's animal-like aspects are particularly sensitive, a skilled touch there very difficult for the kitsune to resist, and she takes +8 PP damage from it.
Indebted (RP) - Laelia still owes the scholar who aided her as child, as per her agreement that she'd pay back the costs of her education once she'd had the means to make money herself. She has covered some of it since then, but still owes more yet.
Mutated 3 - The character gains 3 mutations.

Mutations 3/18

Tail - Fluffy.
Funny Ears - Also fluffy.
Keen Ears - The character's hearing is exceptional. They get to ignore a single 1’s result penalty on Perception checks so long as it's relating to hearing, and the character's hearing range is generally considered to be increased and they're more capable of being able to distinguish slight differences in noises than an average human's ears. They take a -5 penalty to Resistance checks to avoid being Deafened.
Keen Eyes - The character's eyesight is exceptional. They get to ignore a single 1’s result penalty on Perception checks so long as it's relating to sight, and the character's sight range is generally considered to be increased and they're more capable of noticing small movements or objects than a normal human's eyes. They take a -5 penalty to Resistance checks to avoid being Blinded.
Night Eyes - Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas, but take a -2 penalty to checks to avoid being Blinded by bright lights.

Special Mutations

Kitsune Heritage - Whenever the character would deal PP damage, they may drain EP as if they had the Soul Eater special mutation. A kitsune who drains a creature down to 0 EP may continue to drain it for 5 more rounds, and every round thereafter the creature being drained must win a Willpower check against the kitsune (no bonuses or penalties are applied for this check, included those applied by active buffs, poisons, or debuffs) or be absorbed by them. If a drained creature wins all 5 checks or the draining is interrupted, the kitsune's ability backlashes, not only returning all of their stolen energy but also granting them all of the kitsune's, effectively dropping the kitsune to 0 EP and knocking them unconscious. A kitsune may consume a soul not protected by a body by making a Willpower check against the soul, and may continue to do so as long as they are within 10 feet of the spirit.
Naturally Warped - The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others. The character doesn't deal corruption to others unless they also have other mutations that would cause them to deal corruption, but they don’t take corruption as if they had the Warped special mutation.
Shapeshifter - The character can change their physical form at will. At any time as a standard action, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the normal mutations not marked such that they can’t be taken via shapeshifting. If they do not have the either the Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural Special Mutations, they cannot exceed the number of normal mutations that they already have using shapeshifting by more than one. Shapeshifting is limited to the base mutations plus one step, a character cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements unless they have the base mutations without shifting into them, and only one instance of each mutation can be shifted into at a time if a mutation can be taken multiple times. Shapeshifted mutations do not count for any prerequisites. This mutation cannot be used to gain or hide other special mutations.

Weapon Attack = 12d10+7 (5, 3d10, 1d10+2)

Flurry - The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to four attacks, but all attacks are made at a -3d10 penalty to attack rolls and take a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not all be against the same target. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Scissor Defense - The character trades their standard action for the round and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge. In return, they get a +10 bonus to Natural AV and automatically attack (using both of their weapons) any enemy that hits them in melee until the beginning of their next turn, so long as that enemy is within reach. If an attack is a grapple attempt, these attacks resolve prior to the grapple being initiated. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Storm of Strikes - The character may choose to take a -10 penalty to damage on each of their attacks, in doing so causes their target to take a -10 penalty to attack rolls for each hit that lands in their next turn. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Whirling Death - The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage and Natural AV and get a 1d10 bonus to attack rolls with melee weapons, but take 5 points of damage per round that ignores all AV and DR and must attack at least once every round or have this skill be automatically deactivated. This skill lasts until deactivated and may be activated only once per combat. If a character using this misses all of their attacks for the round, they automatically fall out of Whirling Death and lose their standard action next round. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Smith (Passive) - The character gets a +3 bonus to Natural AV, and a character may smith their own items, gaining the Smithing trade or increasing it by 2 dice, and may enhance items by either adding upgrades or creating them from materials at half the listed cost in the shop. They may also fully repair their own armor for half the usual price in materials.
Weapon Focus: Chrysanta (Custom Combi-Weapon) (Passive) - The character gets a 1d10 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type and gets a +5 bonus to Reflexes checks to avoid being disarmed or Parried when wielding that weapon. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon.
Weapon Specialization: Chrysanta (Custom Combi-Weapon) (Passive) - The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type.
Grandmaster (Passive) - The character gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons with which they have Weapon Specialization, and the armor of creatures that the character attacks is treated as if it didn’t have the Strong Against ability when wielding such weapons if it did have them. In addition, the character gets a +5 bonus to checks made to resist being disarmed and to Parry checks, and increases their max Parry DCs by 5 while wielding weapons with which they have Weapon Specialization.
Rend - The character takes a -1d10 penalty to all of their attacks for the round. If the character hits the same creature with both of their weapons in the same turn, they deal an additional 2d12 + 2 damage to that creature. This damage is added to the damage dealt by whichever weapon the character hits with second, and may only be dealt once per round to any one creature. This damage treats any armor’s DU as one less for the purpose of how much TP damage it does.
Crippling Blow - The character may forsake dealing damage to their target’s HP in order to deal damage to one of their Resistance stats instead at a ratio of their choosing. Armor is subtracted first, but the character must decide before attacking how much of their damage to convert in the form of a fraction. This resistance damage do not actually cause penalties towards check or stack with resistance damage from other sources and disappears after one round if no more is taken, but if damaged to the point that they hit 0 by this skill it inflicts a status effect chosen when the character declared their attack. A character targeting Reflexes may attempt to inflict Weakened, Prone, or Stunned. A character targetting Focus may attempt to inflict Dazzled, Blinded, or Stunned. A character targeting Willpower may attempt to inflict Dazzled, Paralyzed, or Stunned. Damage is halved against Resistances compared to what it would cause in HP damage. If an attack deals enough damage to reduce their targeted resistance to 0 multiple times and the status they have chosen can be stacked, multiple stacks can be caused per attack.

Power Attack = 6d10+0
Wielder Aptitudes

Engineer - The character gains a number of benefits when using Alchemist powers.
-Assemble Contraption’s bonus costs are reduced from 2 to 1.
-Reshape has its maximum size cap removed (just keep doubling the size and increasing the cost multiplier by 1 to determine EP cost) and can be used in combat as the Animate power, but only using its binding version.
-Transformation’s activation cost is reduced by 2.
-Attacks with Seal gain a +2 bonus per die to hit.

Soul’s Strength - The character's buff powers are more potent. Whenever a power would increase a secondary stat by a multiplier based on X
- Increase a single secondary stat's buff multiplier by 1 for free.
- Increase another secondary stat's multiplier by 1 for +1 upkeep. This can be done multiple times.
- Increase a single secondary stat's multiplier by 2 for +2 upkeep. This can only be done once.
- For buffs that increase a primary stat increase the multiplier by 2 for +1 upkeep.


Assemble Contraption

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 13
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10


Chrysanta (Custom Combi-Weapon)
A weapon of Laelia’s own design, it appears as a short, double-bladed polearm. One end is a shorter, pointed tip primarily intended for thrusting (Though long enough to be capable of being used as a slashing weapon as well) while the other is a longer sword blade. The sword blade can be detached, separating the weapon into a sword and a short spear. A heavy revolver is integrated into the sword half, for ranged combat or as a surprise attack in melee. While the main structure of the weapon and all of the mechanical components are simple steel, the blades are crafted from amazonian jade, forged with magic into a deadlier edge than any common metal.
Sword End: (Attack +6, 2d6 + 34, One-Handed Weapon.)
Spear End: (Attack +5, 2d8 + 29, Can make a piercing attack to ignore 2 AV, One-Handed Weapon.)
Integrated Pistol: (Attack +6, 4d8 + 7, Range 25 feet, 9 shots before reload, 2 round reload, 15 AV ignored. Fires Type 15 Badarian Slugs, may fire up to 1 additional shots with rapid fire, Incremental Reload. Can be fired as part of a melee attack with the sword to grant +5 Damage on the attack, +10 to hit, or a +10 to Dodge and defensive Reflex checks until the beginning of the next turn.)
General: +5 to Spell/Power Attack rolls.

-One Handed Sword (2d6 + Body/2, one handed)
-Shortened Polearm (2d8 - 2 + Body/2, one handed)
-Badarian Heavy Revolver (+5 attack, 4d8 + 6, 25 feet, 6 shots before reload, 3 round reload, 15 AV ignored. Fires Type 15 Badarian Slugs, may fire up to 1 additional shots with rapid fire, Incremental Reload.)

Mechanically collapsible.
Material: Spellforged Jade - Get a +5 bonus to attack rolls for spells and powers as well as the weapon, also deals +5 damage. If you would roll for sentience, roll again if the item didn’t become sentient or gain a new option with the first roll.
Modification (Sword Weighting): Perfect Balance – Gains +1 attack and +1 damage.
Modification (Polearm Tip): Armour Piercing – May choose to deal piercing damage with this weapon in order to ignore 2 AV.
Modification (Pistol): Custom Bored Barrel – +1 attack/damage
Modification (Pistol): Heavy Cylinder - a revolver may hold an additional 3 bullets.
Modification (Pistol): Speed Loader - reduces the reload of revolvers by 1 round.

Leather Armour (AV = 6, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 2 ) (Worn)
Academy Uniform (Clothes) (AV = 0, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2)

Enchanted Glasses (30 Spirit, 10/10 EP. Enchanted with Analysis, Detect Magic function only.)
The character can spend 3 EP as a move action in order to detect magical effects around them, as per Arcane’s level 2 detect magic spell. They may also use this ability to analyze chemicals and mechanical devices to gain the same sort of information.

19 Type 15 Badarian Slugs

1 Energy Potion

Raw Potion Ingredients. (10 Denarii Worth)
Portable Alchemy equipment
Tool Kit

Bottle of Oil

16 Denarii

Attack Calculations
Ranged Attack (Pistol)
Attack: 12d10+13
Damage: 4d8 + 13, Ignores 15 AV.

Basic Attack Chain
Sword Attack: 11d10+13
Sword Damage: 2d6 + 29
Spear Attack: 11d10+12
Spear Damage: 2d8 + 24, Ignores 2 AV

Sword Attack (x2): 8d10+13
Sword Damage: 2d6 + 23
Spear Attack (x2): 8d10+12
Spear Damage: 2d8 + 18, Ignores 2 AV


Perception - 4d10
Stealth - 3d10 (-1d10)

Acrobatics - 4d10
Alchemy - 6d10
Engineering - 6d10
Herbalism - 4d10
Language: Crolian - 5d10
Language: High Amazonian - 3d10 (3d10)
Language: Badarian - 3d10 (3d10)
Lore (Artifacts) - 4d10
Lore (History) - 4d10 (4d10)
Mathematics - 4d10 (4d10)
Reading/Writing - 5d10
Smithing - 5d10 (2d10)

Character Image

In her ordinary form Laelia is petite, standing a little shorter than the norm (Before her ears are taken into account) and has a slim build, although closer inspection might reveal that she is surprisingly fit as well. Her general behaviour tends to imply she is considerably physically weaker than she actually is as a result of the strength-draining effects of the artifact that has bound itself to her leaving her appearing fragile and occasionally a little sickly. The most obvious anomaly in her appearance, when it isn’t concealed by her clothes, is the brilliant violet gem that is all that is visible of the artifact embedded in her chest, just above her left breast. Unfortunately it has defied all attempts to remove it, having melded to thoroughly with her body to simply cut out without likely killing her in the process. Her other most noticeable aspects, when they aren’t concealed by her shapeshifting, are her foxlike ears and tail, both the same silver-white as her hair and tipped in black. Her hair is long enough to reach just past the base of her tail, and the silver-white colouration along with her pale complexion and light golden eyes leave the only dark aspect of her appearance the black fur at the tips of her ears and tail.

( )

The Out of Character Section

The blade might simply be a cursed item, but I figured that the more likely explanation is that some kind of daemon was sealed inside of it, gathered enough power over the centuries to briefly overpower her will when she touched it, and is now draining her to power itself enough to break free.

Laelia has made something of a side business selling potions to her fellow students. She has avoided anything dangerous, mostly just dealing in simple energy potions and the like (And the occasional morning after potion, but she keeps quiet about those).

Gained 2 Exp, Spent 3 coins.
Gained 2 Exp, used a Healing Potion.
Used 5 bullets, collected 9 Denarii, a bottle of oil, and a map.
Gained 4 Exp.
Gained 8 Exp.
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Celeste Neriya, demonic demon hunter.
Name: Celeste Neriya
Class: Warrior
Race: Part Demon
Sex: Female
Background: Basic (Village Girl)

Body = 50 (4, 16)
Mind = 16 (6)
Spirit = 16 (6)

Hit Points (HP) = 66
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 49
Spirit Energy (EP) = 49
Speed = 25 (-10)
Dodge = 7d10-4 (-10)
Armor = 16 (0 Natural, 16 Worn)
Grapple = 10d10+0
Spirit Ceiling = 5 (-5)

Reflexes = 30 (5)
Focus = 18 (5)
Willpower = 18 (5)

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod =
Orgasm Threshold = 3
Pleasure Resistance = 20 (5)

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0


Exceptional 2 - Gain +16 Body.
Duelist (Style) - A character with this Talent gets a 2d10 bonus to Dodge and +2 to weapon damage rolls so long as they are using a single weapon in one hand and nothing in the other.
Skilled 2 - The character can choose an additional 6 Skills.
Skill with One Handed Swords - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Resistant - The character gets a +5 bonus to all of their Resistances.
Wealthy - The character starts the game with an additional 250 denarii, which they may spend immediately at character creation. May not be taken outside of character creation.


Hatred: Demons [RP] - You are possessed of an overriding hatred of some group, nationality, or race. You may not aid a member of a group you hate without there being a compelling reason to do so.
Fetish: Demons - The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage. Celeste was conditioned extensively by her former demon masters, and that conditioning still sticks to some degree, making her much more receptive to any kind of demons whether she likes it or not.
Tainted Bloodline - The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal.
Easily Tired - Whenever the character’s EP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
Obvious - The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.
Extreme Fetish - Whenever the character would be at risk of taking PP damage from a fetish (or experiencing if their fetish wouldn’t normally caused PP damage), they take 1d8+1 Willpower damage, becoming Aroused upon reaching 0 Willpower and then having it reset, and then becoming Horny upon reaching 0 Willpower again.
Mutated 9 - The character gains 9 mutations.

Mutations 9/18

Horns - The character gets a horn or horns, usually but not always located somewhere on their head.
Keen Eyes - The character's eyesight is exceptional. They get +2 to perception checks so long as it's relating to the character can see or could potentially see and the character's sight range is generally considered to be increased and they're more capable of noticing small movements or objects than a normal human's eyes. They take a -5 penalty to Resistance checks to avoid being Blinded.
Night Eyes - Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas, but take a -2 penalty to checks to avoid being Blinded by bright lights.
X-Ray Vision - Your character can see through solid objects, including clothes. Creatures gain no bonus to Stealth for cover not made of lead against the character.
Soft Skin - Your character causes +2 PP during non-oral foreplay.
Whip Tongue - Your character causes +2 PP damage during oral foreplay.
Tight - The character deals +2 PP to your opponent during penetrative sex.
Snug - The character is incredibly tight or well endowed, resulting in a +5 bonus (or -5 penalty) to Grapple checks against ending penetration.
Foul Aura - The character has an aura about them that causes others to know to distrust them. Non-hostile NPCs are less willing to work with the character due to them being seemingly corrupted.

Special Mutations

Demon - The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
Warped - The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to half the pleasure that they deal.

Weapon Attack = 13d10+0 (3d10)

Grip of Denial (Passive) - Whenever the character grapples another creature, it must win a Reflexes vs Focus check with no buffs to Resistance taken into account in order to cast a spell successfully, or must win a Reflexes vs Willpower check with no buffs to Resistance taken into account in order to use a Power.
Spell Resistance (Passive) - The character ignores the first 10 points of damage that would be caused by any spell or power, even if that spell or power would ignore all AV. They may also Dodge spells and powers that would normally automatically hit, though they take a -10 penalty to Dodge against such attacks.
Mage-Hunter (Passive) - Gain 2d10 Dodge against spells, all Resistance checks against Magic based attacks get a +10 bonus, and AoE spells deal 1/8 damage if they miss. Requires Mind 14+ and cannot be taken by Mages or Succubi with Mind as their primary stat.
Spirit-Oppressor (Passive) - Gain 2d10 Dodge against powers, all Resistance checks against Spirit based attacks get a +10 bonus, and AoE powers deal 1/8 damage if they miss. Requires Spirit 14+ and cannot be taken by Spirit Wielders or Succubi with Spirit as their primary stat.
Untemptable (Passive) - Gain 2d10 Dodge against succubus powers, all Resistance checks against Succubus abilities get a +10 bonus, and the character can resist an additional 5 PP when trying to resist pleasure.
Dedicated Witch Hunter - The character may spend a standard action to seal off their soul in order to better fight succubi and similar creatures. The character becomes immune to the Charmed, Dominated, Aroused, and Horny status, as well as the Puppeteer Spirit Power, gets a 2d10 bonus to Dodge against Spells, Powers, and Succubus Powers, and reduces all PP and EP damage taken by 10, but is also treated as if they're Sealed at an impossible DC and also dispels any abilities which would be hindered by the Sealed status that they already had active. This lasts five rounds and cannot be dismissed, but can be dispelled as if it were a spell or power.
Fencer (Passive) - You are more adept at facing an enemy that wields a weapon, as such you have a better chance at parrying and dodging their attacks as well as delivering your own. When fighting against an enemy wielding a manufactured melee weapon of any kind the character gains a 1d10 bonus to Dodge against their attacks, a +5 bonus to Parry DCs and Reflexes checks, a 1d10 bonus to attack rolls against armed opponents, and deal an additional +3 damage per attack against them. This additional 1d10 for Dodge is rolled once, and the result is applied optionally if the character is being attacked by multiple creatures at once while some of them are using manufactured melee weapons while others are using unarmed attacks or somesuch. This bonus also applies against handguns used in melee range. Requires Duelist.
Lightning Strikes - The character attacks three times instead of only once, but each attack takes a -2d10 penalty to its attack roll and a -5 penalty to damage. These attacks need not be against the same creature. Requires Duelist.
Intercepting Strike - The character may sacrifice an attack in order to make a feint, either with their shield or with their weapon, as a prepared action when an opponent attacks them. If they win the feint check, the opponent’s attack misses, they lose all other attacks for that round, and take a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Shield Fighter or Duelist.
Favored Enemy: Demons (Passive) - Against your favored enemy, you gain 1d10 to attack rolls, +5 weapon damage, +5 to Resistance checks, +5 Perception, and +5 Stealth, but take a -1d10 penalty to Dodge.
Strong Willed (Passive) - The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions, or any effect that would affect their mind. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses, among other things. They also gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.
Spirited Warrior - The character may pay X EP (up to a max of 10) as a free action in order to increase their Dodge by 2X, their Natural AV by X, all Resistances by X, a single Resistance by 2X, increase their damage on each attack by 2X if they make only a single attack or by X if they make multiple attacks, increase a Parry DC by X, or increase their attack rolls by 2X. This skill can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling. The bonuses to Resistance granted by this skill only benefit offensive Resistance checks when used for Reflexes checks. The value of X may not be greater than 10 on any given round, but the EP may be spread across multiple bonuses.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 19 (2)
Foreplay = 2d4 + 15 (2)


Steel Sabre (+2 Attack, 2d6 + 29, one handed)
Celeste’s prefered weapon for general use. A simple but functional sabre, unadorned but well-made.
Material: Orcish Pattern Steel – Gains +1 Attack and +1 Damage.
Weighting: Balanced – Gains +1 Attack and +1 Damage.

Demonsbane (+3 Attack, 2d6 + 25 Damage, One Handed)
Oriana’s blade, later claimed by Celeste. It is a simple straight sword, but forged of a metal that makes it especially effective against creatures of supernatural origins
Material: Cold Iron – +8 Damage against Warped or Supernatural (Including Naturally) targets, -8 otherwise. Double effects of Ironbane.
Weighting: Light – Gains +4 attack but suffers -2 damage.

Spellforged Plate (AV = 16, EV = 5, TP = 40, DU = 5, strong against piercing, slashing, spells, and spirit powers. +10 Resistance vs. spells, spirit, and succubus powers.)
Oriana’s old armour. A light plate made with materials designed to ward off magic or other supernatural powers.
Base: Breastplate – AV = 14, EV = 4, TP = 40, DU = 5, strong against piercing and slashing.
Material: Spellforged Jade – Gain +2 AV, +1 EV, and armor is considered strong against spells and spirit powers and grants a +10 bonus to Resistance checks against them and against succubus powers. If you would roll for sentience, roll again if the item didn’t become sentient or gain a new option with the first roll.

25 Denarii


Perception - 6d10
Stealth - 2d10-18 (-8, -10)

Acrobatics - 3d10
Agriculture - 2d10
Animal Husbandry - 2d10
Herbalism - 2d10
Language (Badarian) - 5d10
Lore (Demons) - 4d10
Lore (Magic) - 3d10
Medicine - 3d10
Reading/Writing - 3d10
Riding - 2d10
Sewing - 2d10
Tracking/Woodcraft - 3d10

Character Image

Celeste’s birth came in the wake of the seventh demon invasion. Her mother was Adeline Neriya, a warrior who had tried—and failed—to fight back the demons. Instead she was captured by them, made a simple slave like so many others. She tried to fight back, but to little avail, she was never able to even attempt to escape on her own. The prospect was only made more difficult when within mere weeks she was already very visibly pregnant.

Eventually though, relief did come. She and the others who had been captured alongside her were rescued. Adeline was able to return to her home, but it was already far too late to do anything about her accelerated pregnancy. In the end she decided to take care of the girls she gave birth to, regardless of the nature of their conception.

Celeste and her sister Kayla had an unusual childhood, but not an unpleasant one. Their half-demon nature led to them growing incredibly fast compared to human standards, and within a year they were already almost fully physically mature. The reception they received was mixed, but not hostile, but the two of them often kept to themselves regardless. Celeste had always felt a little uncomfortable because of the hostility so many people seemed to hold toward demons, even if it wasn’t necessarily directed at her. As she got older and eventually grew to understand what had lead to her birth, even if her mother never actually told her, she came to realize that it was often pity others saw them with. Her feelings were conflicted

Unfortunately she would never have the chance to work out those feelings on her own. Their peaceful life was disrupted by what had seemingly been a simple group of travelers staying in town. The deception was eventually revealed, that they were in fact demons who had concealed their nature with magic and trickery. By that time it was too late, though. Many in the town had already been seduced or enthralled, and when some among them attempted to drive the demons away they were subdued by their own friends and family who had already fallen under the demons’ spells.

Celeste fought with everything she had, but while her mother had taught her the basics of swordsmanship she was still a novice. She too was eventually subdued, delayed only by the demons’ desire to leave them unharmed. At first they’d tried to seduce the half-demon sisters into joining them, but they were met with little success. While Kayla was stubborn but otherwise passive in her refusal, Celeste was aggressive, taking every opportunity to lash out at her captors. Even repeated punishments were ineffective in quelling her rebelliousness.

When they returned to an old fort they had appropriated as their home with their captives, both the willing and those in chains, Celeste was taken by one of the apparent leaders among them, a succubus by the name of Cerys. The succubus apparently found her rebellious nature ”cute” and “charming”, claiming they would have a lot of fun together. Unfortunately for Celeste, she also happened to be a powerful psychic. While she could have simply used that power to force the half-demon to obey her, Cerys claimed that her personality was too endearing to do that to her.

Instead she planted suggestions, twisting her emotions against her, all while tormenting her physically as well. It wasn’t torture, Celeste could have taken that better, it would have only fuelled her anger and hatred towards the demons who were doing this to them. No, the succubus instead treated her like a plaything, toying with her body in every way imaginable even as she fed upon her energy for sustenance. Worst of all, she was in Celeste’s head the entire time, ensuring that she grew to enjoy it even as she desperately wanted to hate it.

Cerys was a harsh mistress, but despite that the few times she managed to catch a glimpse what had become of the others who had been taken with her Celeste had to wonder if she was the fortunate one instead. Cerys had taken a personal liking to her from the moment they met, twisted as her idea of affection was, and she didn’t like to share. That meant Celeste had been spared the attention of the other demons, or the goblins they kept as guards and general servants. And especially the beasts. Celeste had been horrified when she’d seen a pair of hellhounds with one of the slaves.

Cerys was gentle as often as she was rough, and seemed to have some genuine affection for her, even if she seemed to see her as some sort of pet. Surely that was a better fate than being passed around by all the other demons down below, wasn’t it? Sometimes she wondered that, but she refused to accept it. That was how the succubus wanted her to think. She had fallen far from her initial aggressive resistance, but even after so long she still rebelled. She had stopped lashing out at everything, learned when submission was the best answer. Instead she silently bore the torment, each new humiliation simply feeding her resolve, and her anger.

She continued to bide her time, and eventually her chance came. Cerys had left with several of the others, presumably to ensnare more mortals to bring back. The succubus trusted the mental shackles she had left Celeste with and the demons who remained behind to keep her from running off, but Celeste had been silently fighting to undermine that influence for months, waiting for a chance. She couldn’t break them entirely, but she could slip through just enough to flee. She wanted to save everyone else, to find her mother and her sister, but she wasn’t even in a state to fight off one of the goblins, much less the rest, and she had no idea where they were kept, or if they were even still here.

Celeste had to flee alone, but even freedom wasn’t an escape from her problems. She had no coin, no friends or family to turn to for aid, and barely even clothes on her back. She hadn’t had any of her own, none that she’d have wanted to wear, Cerys hadn’t let her have such things. What she had she’d stolen from Cerys’ own wardrobe, and the demoness didn’t keep many modest or practical outfits—or any that would fit the comparatively smaller Celeste well.

When she finally managed to make it back to civilization, she was only met with scorn and disgust. The evidence of her demonic heritage was impossible to hide in the curled horns on her head, and she counted herself lucky nobody tried to kill her on the spot. Perhaps strangely, she didn’t hate the people who scorned her and turned her away, refusing to aid her. She understood perfectly well why they would, being what she was. It only fed her hatred of the demons further.

She finally found a kindred spirit several weeks after her escape, in the form of a woman who very nearly did kill her. She had bitterly cursed the demons who were responsible for everything that had gone wrong with her life when held at swordpoint. Some time later after a recounting of her story, she found that this woman, Oriana as she introduced herself, was of the same mind as her. Oriana had fought the demons during their invasion and had lost people she cared about to them. She had wanted to continue to fight until they were driven back to Hell, but apparently other crises had drawn the world’s attention while Celeste was imprisoned, another invasion of other beings, leaving the demons free reign to consolidate themselves. Neither of them could stand that thought.

Oriana took Celeste in, offering her shelter and to train her so that she could fight back as she so desperately wished to. Celeste gratefully accepted her offer. Eventually, once Celeste was recovered enough and ready to fight, she led oriana to the old fortress where she’d been held captive, only to find it empty. Apparently they had moved on, possibly to avoid retribution if the escaped Celeste told others of their location. There was no trail for her to follow, it had already been too long.

With hopes of ever seeing her mother or sister again all but crushed, Celeste threw herself into her training with renewed passion. If she couldn’t save them, she would simply have to avenge them. She could still prevent this from happening to others, if only she was strong enough to fight the demons herself. Oriana continued where Celeste’s training with the sword from her mother had left off, and taught her how to shield her mind from their magic. She dedicated every spare moment to training, her single-minded desire for revenge overriding nearly all else. She did continue to listen for any sign of her family or the demons that took them, but she had little hope for success.

She did find what she was looking for nearly a year later, but not in the way she had expected. She passed an uncannily familiar woman in the market one morning, a nagging voice in the back of her mind telling her that she knew that face from somewhere. When she was training by herself later that day she finally remember how she knew the woman. It was Cerys. It was the same human appearance she had taken when she had seduced Celeste’s home town. She rushed back into town to find her, to stop her, but nobody could tell her where the woman was.

When she ran to Oriana’s home to warn her, she found her nightmares coming true once again. In the house was Cerys in her true form, lounging on Oriana’s bed with the woman obediently tending to her whims. Cerys only smiled when she Celeste, casually remarking how difficult her “new friend’s” personality was, and how she’d had to be very thorough in her “corrections”. Celeste had simply flown into a rage, trying to strike down the demon right there, but at Cerys’ command Oriana tried to stop her. Whatever the succubus had done to Oriana had also left her without all of her usual ability, so Celeste was able to fight her off long enough to wound Cerys, but not long enough to prevent her from escaping.

She eventually managed to subdue Oriana, wondering if it was even possible to reverse what the demon had done to her, but by the time she was done Cerys was nowhere to be found. When she returned, finally giving up the search, she found that Oriana had vanished as well. Yet again, Cerys had taken everything from her, and didn’t seem likely to stop. She’d caught the demon off guard by resisting her attempts to probe at her mind again, but she knew that wouldn’t stop Cerys. She needed to hunt her down before she could hurt anyone else. There was a silver lining though, small as it was. Cerys was looking for her too, and maybe, just maybe she could lead Celeste to her family.

With that in mind she took Oriana’s armour and blade, swearing to save her as well if she could, or avenge her if she couldn’t, and set out to hunt Cerys down, hopefully for good this time. If she crossed paths with any other demons along the well, she would give them the same fate. She wouldn’t let them continue to do this to others as well.

General Notes

Celeste is very wary of sex in general. Both because of past trauma from her time as a demon’s slave, and because she refuses to spread the demonic corruption in her to others. For a similar reason, she has no desire to have any children even in the distant future, because that would mean bringing more part-demons like herself into the world. She would rather let her demon blood die with her.

She doesn’t hate others like herself or her sister, or those corrupted by demons against their will. Only true demons, those who willingly join them, and those who have given in and embraced their demonic side.

Celeste is aware of Acheron, and of how many people are becoming more accepting of demons in general, but she refuses to believe that any of them could change their ways.
Last edited:
Re: Derpgen Sheets

Phyrra, Angel of Retribution

Name: Phyrra
Class: Warrior
Race: Angel
Sex: Female

Body: 24(+12)(+4)=40
Mind: 16(+12)(+4)=32
Spirit: 10(+16)=26

Hit Points (HP): 99
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 65
Spirit Energy (EP): 62
Speed: 20-6=14
Dodge: 49
Armor: Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20
Stealth: 20
Grapple: 40
Spirit Ceiling: 12-6=6


Shield Fighter: Allows the character to attack using both their weapon and their shield in the same round. These attacks can be against different targets. Defensive Fight penalties apply at 1/2 the usual rate to shield bash attacks, though they still apply normally to any regular attacks.
Skill with [Bastard Swords]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Skill with [Shields]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Skilled: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.
(Flaw)Resilient: Grants the character an additional 30 max hit points. +30 HP, in other words.
(Flaw)Spirit Companion: Like the Arcane Companion Talent, except a Spirit Companion starts with 6 Body, 10 Mind, 24 Spirit, 1 Talent that give access to powers, and 1 Spirit Aptitude.
Spirit Companions have access to the following Wielder Talents: Massive Energy Pool, Soul Sense, Skilled Wielder, Powers.
(Flaw)Exceptional: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.

-Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
-Prideful (RP) : The character is possessed of immense pride in themselves, their race, their station, an organization that they belong to, or something similar. They will not suffer the dignity of whatever they take pride in to be insulted, will not allow its name to be besmirched, and will not allow it to go undefended under any circumstances. They will commit to violence in defending it if need be.
-Fetish:Anal The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage. Examples include particular types of creatures, such as demons, faeries, plants or beasts, particular acts or positions such anal, creampies or double penetration, or anything else you might be able to think of. If you’re not sure if something would be appropriate for this, just ask your GM.
This Flaw can be taken as many times as you like, but only two instances of it can be used to grant the character additional Talents.
Sexual Weakness: Orgasming causes an instance of Weakness until the victim has had a chance to rest.
Weakness (Tentacles) : Whenever the character encounters the thing that they are weak against (tentacles, giant boobs, fluffy tails, futas, ect) in combat, the GM rolls 1d4, and on a roll of 1 the character loses their turn.
Mutated x4 The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.

Open Soul
Tainted Bloodline
Greater Wings
Selective Fertility
Breeder: When the character is pregnant or has impregnated someone else, the gestation period of their offspring is shortened by half.
*Exhibitionist: The character is affected by being seen in the nude. They gain +1 to all non-damage, non-resistance rolls but suffer 4 resistance damage for each unique character or creature that sees them when they're naked. If they fall to 0 resistance their resistance is reset, they become aroused, and the roll bonus resets back to 0, at which point they begin the process again and become horny if they drop to 0 a second time. The roll bonus and resistance damage reset when the character gets dressed or orgasms, but the aroused status does not reset by redressing and persists for either an hour or until the character orgasms. The horny status is handled normally.
*Connection: Same as "Fertile Mouth" except for the characters ass. This mutation can only be taken by female characters that don’t have the Infertile Flaw.

Fertile Mouth: If a character swallows a creature’s cum, they get a pregnancy roll (even if that monster normally wouldn't need one.) This mutation can only be taken by female characters that don’t have the Infertile Flaw.
Futanari: If selected by a female character, they grow a penis. If selected by a male character, they grow a vagina and boobs. Futa's will generally be more feminine than masculine regardless of their original sex.
*Heat/Rut: The character's body has been mutated such that their fertility and level of sexual desire peaks on random days. At the beginning of each in-game day if the character is not pregnant (not applicable for futanari characters), the GM rolls 1d4. On a 2+, for the rest of the day until the next roll the character takes a -1 penalty to rolls to be impregnated or impregnate and gains +10 resistance against attempts to inflict Aroused or Horny on them and reduces PP damage taken by the same amount. On a roll of 1, the character enters heat/rut for that day. They gain a +2 bonus on rolls to impregnate/be impregnated, take +10 PP damage, take a -10 penalty to grapple rolls to avoid or end penetrations, are considered as having the lustful flaw and the pheromones mutation complete with the stealth penalty (with the effects and penalties doubled if they already have pheromones), and lose 1d6 resistance (2d6 against characters with pheromones) per round when in close proximity with a character that they can be impregnated by or impregnate and upon reaching 0 resistance they become aroused and their resistance is reset at which point they become horny if they reach 0 resistance again. Resistance damage only resets by resting away from the character who caused it or by having sex with that character.
Lactation: The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2. Can only be taken by female characters.
1) *Healing Milk: Creatures/people that ingest the characters milk heals 1d6+4HP per turn drinking.
Multy-Orgasmic: The character is able to orgasm more rapidly. Whenever they orgasm, their PP rests to ½ of its maximum value rather than full.
Potent: The character's orgasms are very messy--time to change the sheets. In addition, the character gets a +1 to impregnation rolls.
1) *Overproductive: Every four hours the character goes without orgasm gives them a cumulative +1 to their next roll to impregnate/be impregnated, this bonus resets upon orgasm (don't ask how this works for female characters, it's all a wizard's doing) and cannot exceed a +3 bonus.
Pheromones: The character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex with them.

Shield Slam – The character makes only a Shield Bash attack for the round, but that attack deals +10 damage, and the creature hit by it must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. Requires Shield Fighter.
Shield Cover – The character cannot move or make any attacks, but they and all creatures standing behind them do not take damage from any attacks unless they are coming from directly behind the character using this skill. Requires Shield Fighter.
Defensive Stance - The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them and misses. Requires Duelist OR Shield Fighter.
Triple Strike - The character becomes unable to fight defensively and takes a -6 penalty to attack rolls and Dodge for the round, but gets a second attack with their shield. All attacks with their shield gain a +4 bonus to damage. Requires Shield Fighter.
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending an action.
Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)(Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.
Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword)(Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.
Grandmaster (Bastard Sword)(Passive) - The character gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage, and ignores ½ of the AV granted by their target's worn armor when wielding a weapon that they have Specialized in.

Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.
(30 denarii)
1d12 + 1 + 20+14-3= 1d12+32 damage, deals +6 damage if used in two hands. Takes a -3 penalty to attack rolls.
d20+12+8= d20+20+40=d20+60
Round Heavy Shield: DB = 10. EV = 2. Deals +4 damage when used to Shield bash.
2d6 + 20 damage
Phyrra is an angel of retribution sent from the heavens, she is in charge of avenging wronged innocents and delving out justice to the wicked. She has been sent to Earth to investigate a rumor of a maze that is overflowing with demons and other foul monsters that lure and trap innocent female adventurers and turn into fuck doll slaves. She ventures forth into the labyrinth to put an end to it once and for all..... If she can......
As an angel, Phyrra has a strong hatred towards and for all things demonic in nature. She is very sure of herself and that she is in the right; she is also quite self righteous and haughty. She takes great pride in her angelic nature and her stature as the angel of retribution.
The OOC section:
Humans: 10
MalexFemale: 10
FemalexFemale: 8
MalexMale: 0
Pregnancy: 10
Birthing: 10
Eggplay: 10
Non Consent Sex / Rape: 10
BDSM: 10
Monsters: 10
Roughness: 10
Tentacles: 10
Mindbreak: 6
Futanari: 8
Transformation: 7
Bestiality: 7
NTR / Cuckoldry: 7
Group / Gangbang: 10
Cumming inside: 10
Facials: 10
Femdom: 10
Maledom: 10
Furry / Anthro: 5
Double Penetration: 10
Double in one hole (double vaginal, anal, etc): 9
Emotional or public humiliation: 9 (this includes minor scar and water works- public enemas and being made to urinate in public only)
Dehumanization (human furniture, ponygirls / pet play, etc): 9
Consent-inducing drugs or alcohol: 8
Mind Control: 6
Scarfing or Breath Control: 9
Lactation: 9
Size Difference: 9
Re: Derpgen Sheets

Work in progress: Oboros the Jurrogumo Succubus-mage/Seamstress- Enchantress Businesswoman

Name: Oboros
Class: Succumage seamstress/enchantress
Race: Jurrogumo
Sex: Female

Body = 12(+8)=20
Mind = 26(+10)(+8)=44
Spirit = 12(+6)=18

Hit Points (HP) =*51
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) =63
Spirit Energy (EP) =41
Speed = 30
Dodge = 9d10+5
Armor =
Perception = 20
Stealth = 28
Grapple = 4d10
Spirit Ceiling = 8

Reflexes = 4+20
Focus = 22
Willpower =*3+20

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =*
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod =*

Experience =*
Corruption =*

*Focus in Entropy,
(2)Jack of All Trades
Guardian Companion
Natural Succubus
+Succubus Magic*
+Focus in Nature
+Magic Feats

*Easily Aroused,
*Fertile 3,
*Open Soul

Mutations: 18/18
*Clawed Feet,
*Climbing Talons, Deadly *Venom x2,
*Doubly Potent Venom, *Fangs,
*Fearsome Maw,
*Fertile Mouth,
*Greater Claws,
*Night Eyes,
* Potent Venom,
*Razor Fingers, *Venomous Attack (on fangs, Paralyzed)

Special Mutations*
*Armored Carapace, *Double Form,
*Egg Layer,
*Natural Linguist, *Naturally Supernatural, *Ovipositor,

Weapon Attack =*4d10

Spell Attack =*8d10+4
Base Casting =*22
Favored Elements:

Magic Feats
Martial Magician

Succubus Power Attack =*8d10+4
Succubus Powers
Apparent Innocence

Pleasure Damage
Penetration =*2d8+14
Foreplay =*2d4+11


Leatherworking - 5 dice
Sewing - 8 dice
Enchantment- 6 Dice
Trading- 5 Dice

((I think I boffed on resistances and I'm not sure how to do tumble, bull rush and overrun.))
Like this, only with the lower body of a sun tiger tarantula. In her arachne form.

The Out of Character Section

Makeda the Shield Breaker 2.0
Class: Warrior
Race: Oni

Body = (+12) (+8) +30= 50
Mind = 10
Spirit = 10 (+8)= 18

Hit Points (HP) =*(+10)(+30) (+30) (+64) = 134
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) =(+10) (+44) = 54
Spirit Energy (EP) = (+10) (+48) = 58
Speed =25+10(-10)=25
Dodge =9d10(-2d10)+5= 7d10+5
Armor = (14 Nat)
Perception = 22
Stealth = 22
Grapple = 13d10+10(+13 against smaller creatures)
Spirit Ceiling =

Reflexes = +25
Focus = +13
Willpower =*+16

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =*-10
Bull Rush Mod = +20
Overrun Mod =*+20

Experience =*
Corruption =*

Mental Fortitude
Battle Hardened
Grapple Expert
Unarmed Fighter (Style)
Warrior Exemplar*

Dominant (RP)
Mutated 16
Enslaved (RP)
Prideful (RP)
Selfish (RP)
Magic Word (RP) (Cunt)

Mutations: 18/18
Gore Horns
Natural Attack
Venomous Attack 3 (Horns: Paralyzed, Fangs: Horny, Claws: Weakened)
*Potent Venom
Doubly Powerful Venom
* Odd Skin
Armored Hide
Natural Armor
Storm of Claws
Large 3
Special Mutations*

Weapon Attack =*2d12+18

Iron Body
Natural Warrior
Storm of Claw and Fang
Flurry of Blows
Undying Rage

Pleasure Damage
Penetration =*2d8+22
Foreplay =*2d4+12




The Out of Character Section

DG4 Cattleya, possibly:
Body: 40
Mind: 20
Spirit: 10
HP: 40+10+5= 55-10=45
EP: 20+10+10=40
PP: 20+20+5=45
Speed: 20
Dodge: 9d10+5
AV: (Nat: 20)+2=22
Perception: 20
Stealth: 20
Grapple: 12d10
Spirit Ceiling: 8

Reflexes: +20
Focus: +14
Willpower: +20

Unarmed Fighter
Warrior Exemplar
Grapple Expert
Sexual Tyrannosaurus
Fuck Me
Succubus Magic
*Just a lil longer
*Kama Sutra
*Apparent Innocence
*Deny Release
*Natural Succubus
Superior Succubus
*Inherent Succubus
Manifested Succubus
Skilled 5

Mutated X

Glowy Fluids
Toxic Fluids
Blood Spray
Blinding Spray
Odd Skin
Armored Hide 3
Natural Armor
Dangerous Tail
Vestigial Wings
Greater Wings
Aerial Warrior
Magic Hide
Natural Attack
Armored Carapace

Attack: 8d10+3
Natural Attack: 2 d12+16
Defensive Grappler
Iron Body
Shattering Blow

Powerful Embrace


Superior Grappler
Natural Warrior
Storm of Claw and Fang

Superhuman Toughness
Strong willed

Smithing 10d10
Enchanting 7d10
Trading 8d10
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Yet another derp, and my first fully human one I believe.

Rani Devadas
Name: Rani Devadas
Class: Warrior
Race: Human Psyker
Sex: Female
Background: Destined

Body = 50 (32)
Mind = 10
Spirit = 22

Hit Points (HP) = 66
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 46
Spirit Energy (EP) = 62 (10)
Speed = 35
Dodge = 15d10+1 (4d10, 1d10)
Armor = 3 [3 Natural, 0 Worn]
Grapple = 10d10+0
Spirit Ceiling = 7 (-5)

Reflexes = 34 (9)
Focus = 11
Willpower = 15

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 15
Bull Rush Mod = 5
Overrun Mod = 5
Orgasm Threshold = 3
Pleasure Resistance = 13

Miscellaneous Bonuses/Penalties
-3d10 Dodge if using a weapon.
+3 to Parry checks, Parry DCs, and max Parry DCs.
+5 to Reflexes checks to avoid being disarmed or Parried while unarmed.
+12 to Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions (Dominated, Charmed, Horny, etc.)
-10 Damage taken from Spells/Powers. May dodge spells/powers that normally cannot be dodged at a -10 penalty.
+5 EP Damage Taken.

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0


Exceptional 4 - Gain +32 Body
Skill with Unarmed - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon. The character may take one skill.
Unarmed Fighter (Style) - The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a 3d10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons. The character may take one skill, chosen from the unarmed fighter list.
Warrior Exemplar - The character gets a 1d10 bonus to Dodge and to weapon attack rolls, a +3 bonus to natural AV, and a +3 bonus to damage rolls with weapons whose damage is reliant on their Body stat, and a +3 bonus to Parry checks, Parry DCs, and max Parry DCs.
Skilled 2 - The character can choose an additional 6 Skills.
Good Reflexes - The character gets a +9 bonus to Reflexes.
Natural Spirit Wielder (Spirit Warrior) - The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Spirit Warrior power list.


Antagonistic (RP) - Unless the character genuinely respects or works under him/her/it, he/she will be prone to insulting, teasing, pranking, and/or harassing nearby sentient creatures who are aware of his presence. Rani is mostly cold and dismissive to others and their problems, only caring about her mission and the rare person who might gain her friendship or respect.
Hemophiliac - Whenever the character takes damage, they begin to bleed. For every round following and until the end of the encounter or until they are healed, the character takes 2d4 points of damage that ignores all AV and DR as if it were HP paid.
Easily Tired - Whenever the character’s EP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
Handicap (Spirit) - Your character suffers one of the ill effects of having less than 10 in a stat, irrelevant of what that stat is. That stat may not be below 10, or ever drop below 10. The same stat may not be chosen as handicapped multiple times. Due to her unusual and secluded upbringing, Rani grew up with very little friendly human contact, leaving her somewhat emotionally stunted.
Open Soul - The character takes an additional 5 EP damage or drain whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Fragile - Whenever the character’s HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
Tainted Bloodline - The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal.
Mutated 1 - The character gains 1 mutation.

Mutations 1/18

Spiritual Dam - The character gains +10 max EP, but also -5 Spirit Ceiling.

Special Mutations

Psyker - Whenever a character spend more EP than their Spirit Ceiling, the added cost of EP and HP isn't spent, and instead the GM rolls on the random psychic phenomena table. The amount of points the character spends past their spirit ceiling is the magnitude of the phenomena, denoted M. ( )

Weapon Attack = 11d10+0 (1d10) | 15d10+0 with Unarmed

Flurry of Blows - The character can strike repeatedly. They may take up to 4 additional attacks, but for each attack beyond the first the character takes a cumulative -1d10-2 penalty to attack rolls and a -4 penalty to damage for all attacks made that round. The same penalties apply to each attack.
Nerve Pinch - The character takes a -1d10 penalty to attack and a -5 penalty to damage for the round, but if they hit and deal damage, the creature struck must win a Reflexes vs Focus check against the character or gain an instance of the Paralyzed status.
Stunning Blow - The character may choose to take a -1d10 penalty to their attack roll and a -5 penalty to damage, but if they hit their target must win a Reflexes vs Focus check against them or be Stunned.
Trip - The character can choose not deal damage on a successful attack, and instead force the creature they’re attacking to make a Reflexes check against them. If the creature loses this check, they are knocked Prone. Against opponents who are Stunned, an attack made with this skill automatically hits, deals damage as a normal unarmed attack (optionally), and the target automatically loses the Reflexes check. Does nothing to people already knocked Prone.
Banishing Strike - The character may choose to take a -1d10 penalty to attack and a -4 penalty to damage on a given attack in order to make it a banishing strike. Striking a summoned creature with a banishing strike automatically banishes nonsentient summons and forces sentient ones to make a Resistance check against the character or be banished, effectively removing it from combat immediately and returning it to where it was before it was summoned. Striking a creature with an active Spell or Power forces them to make a Resistance check against the character with both sides using only their base Resistance score, and if the character wins one of their active effects (determined at random but never a negative effect) is dispelled. For every 10 by which a character beats an opponent, they may dispel another effect. In addition, attacking a magical barrier with this allows the character make a dispel check against it as if attacking the caster only with a +10 bonus. A character may choose to make an attack with this skill deal no damage in order to also allow it to ignore any Dodge bonuses or attack negating abilities from spells or powers possessed by their target.
Dedicated Witch Hunter - The character may spend a standard action to seal off their soul in order to better fight succubi and similar creatures. The character becomes immune to the Charmed, Dominated, Aroused, and Horny status, as well as the Puppeteer Spirit Power, gets a 2d10 bonus to Dodge against Spells, Powers, and Succubus Powers, and reduces all PP and EP damage taken by 10, but is also treated as if they're Sealed at an impossible DC and also dispels any abilities which would be hindered by the Sealed status that they already had active. This lasts five rounds and cannot be dismissed, but can be dispelled as if it were a spell or power.
Meisterhau - The character attempts to close the opponent’s line of attack with their own strike when making only a single attack. The character takes a -2d10 penalty on their attack roll, and in exchange any target they hit with this attack must successfully make a Reflexes check against them when attempting any melee attack of their own or automatically miss. When used against a target that’s attempting to parry, the DC is disregarded and a Reflexes check happens, and whoever wins the Reflexes check gets to make their attack or attacks as normal. For the purpose of automatic hits, treat this skill like using a Parry.
Spell Resistance (Passive) - The character ignores the first 10 points of damage that would be caused by any spell or power, even if that spell or power would ignore all AV. They may also Dodge spells and powers that would normally automatically hit, though they take a -10 penalty to Dodge against such attacks.
Bladesinger (Passive) - Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with powers.
Strong Willed (Passive) - The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions, or any effect that would affect their mind. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses, among other things. They also gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.
Evasion (Passive) - If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than the usual 1/4. The character also gains a 1d10 bonus to Dodge and a +10 bonus to checks made to Tumble.
Weapon Focus: Unarmed (Passive) - The character gets a 1d10 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type and gets a +5 bonus to Reflexes checks to avoid being disarmed or Parried when wielding that weapon.
Weapon Specialization: Unarmed (Passive) - The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type
Cross Counter - The character may spend their standard action and take a -1d10 penalty to Dodge in order to make a Reflexes check against any enemy that attacks them in melee combat. If the character wins this check, they make an unarmed attack that may be altered by skills as normal that cannot be parried, if it hits, causes the creature hit to make a penalty to their attack roll equal to the damage they take.

Power Attack = 10d10+0

Battle Aura - The character begins to glow as power surges through their body, granting them heightened strength and speed temporarily.
-Buff Power.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls relying on Body, and Dodge equal to 3X, a +X bonus to Resistance and Perception checks, a +2X bonus to Tumble, Overrun, Bull Rush, and Swim checks, and +5 Speed for every 3 in X. The character cannot attempt to make any Stealth checks so long as this Power is active.

Instant Transmission - The character can teleport themselves and anyone they are in contact with to any location that they have been previously, or can see from where they are.
-Utility Power.
-If out of combat, the character pays 6 EP, and teleports to any location that they have previously been to or can see from their current position.
-If in combat, the character pays X EP and teleports to any location up to 15X feet away from where they currently are. The space they enter must be empty and completely visible to them. or the attempt fails.
-Any creature touching a character using this power goes with them, as do any objects that the character can carry.

Energy Blast - The character uses their energy directly to attack an enemy. These blasts can look however the character likes.
-Damage Power.
-The character pays X EP.
-One target creature within line of sight of the character takes (3d4 + 1) * X damage.
-Alternatively, the character may enhance X arrows or bolts, each of which gets a +2 bonus to attack and damage and always count as magic. These arrows/bolts become mundane again at the end of the encounter.
-A character with Battle Aura active may trade EP from their Aura in order to increase the effective X value of this power, effectively decreasing the X of their active Battle Aura.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 17
Foreplay = 2d4 + 13


Unarmed Damage - 1d8+34 (3, 4)

Clothes - AV = 0, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2
Light clothes, part of an outfit designed designed for ceremonial use, that Rani often wore while training.

Lila's Charm - 10 point EP Pool.
A small charm carved for Rani by Lila, made from an unusual stone capable of storing a small portion of Rani's power.

Healing Potion
Universal Antidote


Perception - 5d10
Stealth - 5d10

Acrobatics - 5d10
Animal Husbandry - 2d10
Herbalism - 2d10
Language (Low Amazonian) - 5d10
Language (High Amazonian) - 4d10
Lore (Local Folklore) - 3d10
Reading/Writing - 2d10
Sewing - 2d10
Tracking/Woodcraft - 2d10

Rani was born under a rare omen, or so she was told. The ground shook only moments before her birth, and that night the moon shone red. A remote village, isolated deep within the Amazon, her people were old-fashioned and superstitious, and such omens had been predicted months before by the resident mystic. When the being that called itself the God of the Mountain began to demand sacrifices from their village, and a landslide buried several of the outlying homes when they refused, the mystic predicted the birth of one who would one day end its tyranny. Until then they were forced to comply with its demands, or risk the lives of the entire village.

For Rani, being this prophesied saviour was nothing glorious, or even pleasant, but she knew nothing else. She was taken from her family before she was even old enough to remember them, all but confined to the temple as she was put through rigorous training even from childhood. She was taught everything the village elders and the mystic thought she would need to know to complete what they called her mission, but it was rare for her to have any human contact apart from them, and they were distant, aloof figures. To everyone else, on the rare occasions that they met, Rani was an enigmatic figure, never seeming to display emotion or desire. The elders said she was disciplined, but in truth she simply never learned how to properly communicate with others.

To her, everything was black and white, that was what she was taught. She was to destroy and evil being that was terrorizing the village, every moment was to be dedicated to that goal. Endless training left her the pinnacle of physical ability despite her relatively young age, and with some time the mystic even taught her how to tap into her inner power—yet at the same time, that power was unstable. Even the mystic did not fully understand it, but claimed it was simply another sign that she was truly the one that would save them, that she was connected to a power greater than her own.

It was perhaps this power that saved her too in a way, the only thing that allowed her to learn to be human as well as a warrior. She learned to transport herself with a mere thought, and began to use this power early each morning, transporting herself to a hill overlooking the town that she had once seen when she was taken out into the jungle for lessons. She had fallen in love with the view of the sunrise from that spot, but she had been forbidden to return on her own. With this power, in an insignificant act of rebellion, she woke each morning and returned to that hill to meditate as she watched the sun rise and the people of village go about their daily return. She never spoke of it to the elders, and always returned before they came to wake her, but eventually she was discovered.

It wasn't by anyone she knew, it was simply a girl from the village who stumbled upon her one morning. It was the first friendly contact she'd ever had with another person for as long as she could remember, and it was difficult at first. The girl, Lila she later learned, was patient with her though, meeting her each morning and talking to her, watching the sunrise with her. It gave Rani's life meaning beyond her mission, and she looked forward to her meetings each morning.

And then one day Lila stopped coming. She was confused at worst, but soon grew worried as it continued for weeks. Finally, she asked the elders, uncaring about revealing her secret meetings if it would get her the truth. The elders were evasive though, refusing to answer her question and constantly bringing the subject back to her defiance of their orders. Frustrated, for the first time ever Rani openly refused an order, vanishing before then and returning to her hill. After simply staring at the village for hours, she finally approached it, full of trepidation but resolute in her desire to find her only friend.

It didn't take her long to find the truth. Most of the villagers were surprised to see her out, and seemingly even a little afraid of her, but there was no secret about Lila's whereabouts. The God of the Mountain had demanded another sacrifice, this time of a young maiden from the village, and Lila had been the one chosen. Hearing that her sworn enemy, the one she had trained all her life to defeat had taken her only friend away was all the motivation Rani needed to begin her journey early. The elders tried to stop her, telling her that she wasn't ready, that she would be throwing away everything they'd worked on for so long, but they couldn't stop her. Rani had long since outstripped even her teachers in physical ability, much less a few old men, and she refused to wait even another day, much less the years they demanded.

In the end she set on her way with nothing but the clothes on her back—mere ceremonial wear from the temple—a charm Lila gave to her a month prior, and a few gifts given to her by Lila's family when she expressed her intent to save the girl. Her father was the village's alchemist, not quite a doctor but at least capable of brewing medicines, several of which he passed on to Rani before she left, along with some food for her journey. She would slay whatever beast lived on the mountain, fulfil her "destiny", and bring her friend back, one way or another.

The Out of Character Section

If you want to make the Elders into even bigger assholes, I considered the idea that they discovered what she was doing in the mornings, and selected Lila specifically as a "punishment" for Rani for disobeying them. Of course, that backfired a little.

"God of the Mountain" is probably not a literal god. Possibly some kind of demon or other supernatural creature pretending to be one.
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Re: Derpgen Sheets


Also here's a duelist demon lady who bleeds on people.

I am sad I cannot actually afford the new release.

This isn't done yet but it is going to be a alchemist monster hunter doodly.


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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Name: Maen AKA Cinder
Class: Warrior
Race: Dragonkin
Sex: Male
Backstory Template: Destined

Body = 30 (20 B + 10 B)
Mind = 14 (10 B + 4 R)
Spirit = 30 (20 B + 10 R)

Hit Points (HP) = 82 (50 B + 30 T)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 44
Spirit Energy (EP) = 52

Speed = 30
Dodge = 15d10+2 (2d10 + 7d10+2 B + 5d10 T + 1d10 S)
Armor = 15 (0 B + 5 T + 8 M + 2 S)
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 2d10-8
Grapple = 6d10
Spirit Ceiling = 10

Reflexes = 20
Focus = 4
Willpower = 10

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 6
Bull Rush Mod = 6
Overrun Mod = 6
Orgasm Threshold = 1
Pleasure Resistance = 10
+4 bonus to any Resistance check against anything that would give them the Charmed, Dominated, Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened statuses.
+12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions, or any effect that would affect their mind. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses, among other things.
+2 bonus to resisting EP damage.
+12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses, as well as to checks made to resist other creatures attempting to Bull Rush or Overrun them.
Resistance to Heat/Fire 20
No damage on successful dodge of AoE attacks
Ignores first 10 damage from any spell or power
May dodge spells or powers that normally cannot be dodged with a -10 to the dodge attempt

Class Bonus:
Warrior’s Skill - The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.
Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience =
Corruption =

Pain Resistant
Skill With Natural Weapons
Natural Spirit User*2
Hard to Hit
Warrior Exemplar

R: Pain Resistant
The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's Natural Armor by 5.

1: Skill With Natural Weapons
The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.

2: Hard to Hit
The character gets a 2d10 bonus to Dodge.

3: Skilled (Spell Resistance, Grandmaster, Weapon Specialization)
The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.

4: Natural Spirit User (Dragonfire Adept)
The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Dragonfire Adept power list.

5: Natural Spirit User (Skilled Wielder)
The character gains 2 Wielder Aptitudes and increases their Spirit Ceiling by 1.

6. Agile
The character gets a 3d10 bonus to Dodge.

F1: Resilient
Grants the character an additional 30 max hit points. +30 HP, in other words.

F2: Skilled (Evasion, Strong Willed, Sturdy)
The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.

F3: Warrior Exemplar
The character gets a 1d10 bonus to Dodge and to weapon attack rolls, a +3 bonus to natural AV, and a +3 bonus to damage rolls with weapons whose damage is reliant on their Body stat, and a +3 bonus to Parry checks, Parry DCs, and max Parry DCs

Fetish (Strong Women)

R: Prideful [RP]
The character is possessed of immense pride in themselves, their race, their station, an organization that they belong to, or something similar. They will not suffer the dignity of whatever they take pride in to be insulted, will not allow its name to be besmirched, and will not allow it to go undefended under any circumstances. They will commit to violence in defending it if need be.

1: Fertile*3
The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. They get a +15 bonus to Pregnancy rolls.

2: Fetish (Strong Women)
Maen especially enjoys dominating women who are obviously strong. That means being muscular and having a Body of at least 30. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.

3. Obvious
The character takes a -6 penalty to Stealth checks.

4: Mutations 9 (Clawed Feet, Magic Hide, Greater Claws, Rending Claws, Magic Fangs, Armored Hide, Armored Hide, Armored Hide, Storm of Claws)
The character gains a number of mutations, which DO count towards becoming Warped/Supernatural. Mutated X only ever gives a single Talent credit regardless of how many mutations are taken, and only gives credit if those mutations would in some way significantly inhibit the character: by default, only angels gain talent credit for this Flaw. Any creature who has Naturally Warped, Warped, Naturally Supernatural, Supernatural, and/or Corruptive may take this in order to take up to their normal mutation count (3, 6, 9, 12, and 18 respectively) without further increasing their counter.

5: Dominant [RP]
The character has a domineering streak, making it difficult for them to take orders from others. Whether they are a natural leader or simply a loner, the character is unable to be happy unless they are the one making all of the decisions.

Mutations: 9/18
Odd Skin
Dangerous Tail
Natural Attack

Clawed Feet:
The character has claws on their feet. They cannot wear shoes, which doesn't really matter all that much mechanically, and can use them as natural weapons. They get a +2 bonus to Resistance checks made to resist being knocked Prone.

Claws sprout from the character's fingers, giving them natural weapons that deal +2 damage but also causing the character to take a -2 penalty on attack rolls made with weapons.

Greater Claws:
The character's claws grow even larger and more dangerous. Increase the damage bonus to +4, but the penalty to attack rolls with weapons increases to -5.

Rending Claws:
The character’s claw attacks ignore half of worn armor AV and deal double damage to TP.

The character gets a horn or horns, usually but not always located somewhere on their head.

Magic Hide:
The character’s natural armor counts as magic armor if it would benefit the character.

Natural Attack:
The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual. Their unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + Body/3 damage, but no longer allow the character to benefit from the Unarmed Fighter Talent, though they may still use skills from it while unarmed. Requires at least one of the following: Clawed Feet, Claws, Dangerous Tail, Fearsome Maw, Horns, Serpentine Body.

The character may make multiple attacks with natural attacks. Each of their natural weapons may be used as a melee attack each round, but every attack for the round takes a -1 penalty per die to attack rolls, and for each attack beyond the first every attack takes an additional -5 penalty to their attack rolls and a -6 penalty to damage rolls. Each attack must be made with a different natural weapon, but claws and wings may be used twice, and there is no upper limit. The multiple attacks granted by this mutation may not be used along with skills granting multiple attacks.

Storm of Claws:
The character can take more attacks with their claws using Multiattack, allowing them to take a total of 4 attacks using only their claws. They may still make other natural attacks as normal.

Magic Fangs:
The character’s natural attacks deal magic damage, allowing them to surpass certain types of defenses.

The character’s Natural Attacks ignore the natural AV of their targets.

Odd Skin (Scales):
The character has unusual skin in some way, such as a particularly unusual skin color or by having fur or scales.

Armored Hide:
The character's skin has become strong enough to resist attacks. Whether this is through a tough hide, thick scales or skin becoming as hard as steel, the effect is the same. The character gets a +2 bonus to Natural Armor. This mutation can be taken up to 3 times.

The character grows a tail. It can be of any kind that you like. This mutation can be taken as many times as the character likes.

Dangerous Tail:
The character's tail can be used to deal attacks. If so, it deals an additional +4 damage but takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll.

Special Mutations
The character has the blood of dragons flowing through their veins. They possess resistance to fire allowing them to resist the first 20 damage that any attack using fire might deal, are difficult to harm in general giving them 2 natural AV, and are difficult to cripple in battle or control, giving them a +4 bonus to any Resistance check against anything that would give them the Charmed, Dominated, Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened statuses.

The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption from anything but creatures with Corruptive, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. This mutation is acquired as soon as a creature’s mutation counter hits 12, but racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward the number of mutations needed in order to get this. A supernatural creature is always counted as having at least 12 mutations for the purposes of how many mutations they require in order to reach Corruptive and how much corruption they need to take in order to acquire another mutation unless they already have more.

Weapon Attack = 6d10 (6d10)
Natural Warrior
Storm of Claws and Fangs
Weapon Focus (Claw)
Weapon Specialization (Claw)
Strong Willed
Spell Resistance

Natural Warrior:
The character is adept at using their natural weapons, giving them a +3 bonus to all attack and damage rolls involving natural weapons. In addition, any natural weapon attack that a character doesn’t use contributes a +5 bonus to the DC when they try to Parry, to a max of 4 sacrificed attacks. Requires Natural Attack.

Storm of Claw and Fang:
The character is adept at using their natural weapons for multiple attacks. Whenever using Flurry of Blows with natural weapons or Multiattack, they reduce the penalty to attack and damage rolls. When using Multiattack, the penalties to damage are reduced to -3 attack and -3 damage per added attack respectively. When using Flurry of Blows with natural weapons, they trade a -4 penalty to attack instead of -1d10 for each extra attack, and the damage penalty is reduced to -3 for each extra attack. Requires Multiattack.

Weapon Focus (Claws):
The character gets a 1d10 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type and gets a +5 bonus to Reflexes checks to avoid being disarmed or Parried when wielding that weapon. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon.

If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than the usual 1/4. The character also gains a 1d10 bonus to Dodge and a +10 bonus to checks made to Tumble.

Strong Willed:
The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions, or any effect that would affect their mind. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses, among other things. They also gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.

The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses, as well as to checks made to resist other creatures attempting to Bull Rush or Overrun them. They also gain a +2 bonus to Natural AV.

Spell Resistance:
The character ignores the first 10 points of damage that would be caused by any spell or power, even if that spell or power would ignore all AV. They may also Dodge spells and powers that would normally automatically hit, though they take a -10 penalty to Dodge against such attacks.

The character gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons with which they have Weapon Specialization, and the armor of creatures that the character attacks is treated as if it didn’t have the Strong Against ability when wielding such weapons if it did have them. In addition, the character gets a +5 bonus to checks made to resist being disarmed and to Parry checks, and increases their max Parry DCs by 5 while wielding weapons with which they have Weapon Specialization. Requires Weapon Specialization.

Weapon Specialization (Claws)
The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.

Power Attack = 6d10
Wielder Aptitudes
Various buffs to Dragonfire Adept powers
Efficient Wielder:
Spirit Power buffs activated by the character cost 3 less EP (minimum 0) to upkeep. This reduced upkeep may be traded in order to increase the bonus granted to any one stat by an active power by X. In addition, the character may change an active buff power to another one that they know as a free action by paying the activation cost of the new power plus two. This aptitude may be taken up to 3 times, and each time beyond the first reduces the activation cost of switching a power as a free action by one.

Dragon's Breath
Draconic Transformation
Dragon's Pride

Dragon's Breath: The devastating fiery breath of a dragon!
-Damage Power.
-The character pays X EP.
-Choose one of the following ranges. All creatures caught within that range take (2d6 -1) * X Heat/Fire damage.
1) A 10 foot radius explosion anywhere within the character's line of sight.
2) A 120 foot long line originating from the character.
3) A 90 foot long 30 degree cone originating from the character.
4) A 60 foot long 60 degree cone originating from the character.
5) A 30 foot long 90 degree cone originating from the character.
-Alternatively, the character empowers a melee weapon or ammunition as a free action. A melee weapon enhanced has a maximum X of 5, with an upkeep of X - 3, and deals an additional Xd6 + 2X fire damage. A character may enhance up to X units of ammunition, each of which gets a 2d6 bonus to damage. Enhanced ammunition becomes mundane again at the end of the encounter.
-Dragon’s Breath also ignores all resistances to fire and treats Immunity to fire damage as if it were 20 resistance, and Warding cannot negate it.
Draconic Transformation:
-Buff Power.
-The character spends X - 1 EP. They must also pay X - 4 EP upkeep. .
-The character gets a +2X bonus to melee damage, Bull Rush checks, Overrun Checks, Swim checks, and weapon and power attack rolls, a +X bonus to AV and Grapple checks, and a +X bonus to damage rolls with ranged weapons dependent on Body.
-The character may pay an additional 2 EP to grant themselves Flight at their Speed for the duration of the power without increasing its upkeep. When activating this power, they may also activate Dragon’s Ferocity and/or Dragon’s Pride as a free action.
-Draconic Transformation can be used when the character is Bound or in a Submission Hold but deal X damage to the character. In addition, AV from Draconic Transformation may not be ignored.
Dragon's Pride: Dragons are proud creatures. It only follows suit that those who venerate them begin to manifest much the same sort of invigorating arrogance when confronted by lesser creatures.
-Buff Power.
-The character pays X - 2 EP and X - 5 EP upkeep.
-The character gets a +2X bonus to Dodge, a +2X bonus to Perception and grapple rolls to escape, and a +X bonus to all Resistance checks and an additional +X bonus to defensive Resistance checks.
-Alternatively, this may be used to add a +X bonus to resisting pleasure damage, a +2X bonus to penetrative pleasure damage and a +X bonus to foreplay pleasure damage, and forces both the user and any partners to make a Willpower check against each other, at which the user gets a +X bonus, the loser of which takes Willpower damage equal to the difference that causes Aroused if they reach 0 and Horny if they reach 0 again.
-This power cannot be countered or dispelled, and is not deactivated by sealing effects.
- Dragon's Pride can be used when the character is Bound or in a Submission Hold but deal X damage to the character, and Dragon's Pride may additionally be used even when Sealed for an additional cost of 4 EP.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d4+ 7
Foreplay = 2d8+10

Loin Cloth
Thick Gloves (Claws make it difficult to have sex with most mortals without a LOT of blood. Occasionally used to handle delicate things.)
Quill and Ink
Leather Sack

Single Claw:
Attack: 11d10 + 10
Damage: 2d12 + 24
Ignores half of worn AV and deals double TP damage
Ignores natural AV

Attack: 11d10 + 8
Damage: 2d12 + 23
Ignores natural AV

Claw Attack #1-4:
Attack: 11d10 - 6
Damage: 2d12 + 9

Attack: 11d10 - 6
Damage: 2d12 + 8

Acrobatics: 2d10
Lore (Dragons): 4d10
Medicine: 4d10
Navigation: 2d10
Reading/Writing: 4d10
Tracking: 2d10
Traps: 2d10
Perception: 2d10
Stealth: 2d10

Scales also cover some of upper arms and chest

Maen was born for greatness, or at least that's the conclusion he has come to. He knows nothing of his father, for his human mother never spoke of him but his heritage was plain to see. Although he was an outcast in the village he was born in, he didn't mind. The opinions of inferior mortals meant nothing to him (or so he told himself). His mother was, of course, the exception, but when she died due to a particularly virulent disease, he decided to leave his home and journey to greatness. He had been taught about the great dragons that lived. He also learned of various other legendary creatures as well. He decided that his name would be among that list. However, he was aware that he was no where near that goal. He was strong, certainly, both in body and spirit, but there were others that eclipsed him in both. He would have to train and he decided the best way to do that was to fight champions. He is traveling from village to village, offering to fight the strongest of the village, using denarii as a tool to lure them in through a bet. His bet always included a second condition: a night with the strongest female in the village. He would have children to continue his legacy and only the strongest woman were worthy of it. And obviously he was meant to have children, for his seed was particularly potent.

The Out of Character Section
Mean is an arrogant asshole who disdains anything that is crafted by 'mortals' beyond bare necessities. He's convinced this journey will somehow fill the void in his life that was left by his mother's death and his lack of knowledge of his father. He counts humans, most beastmen (though not kitsune), and the least of demons and faeries (kobolds and goblins), and most Londorians (though obviously not draconians) as 'mortals'.

If someone is both stronger than him and doesn't reject him due to his attitude, he would probably be extremely confused, especially if they were female and/or 'mortal'. Enough time with them might make him reassess his world view though he is unlikely to stick around for long after being beaten unless he sees some way of getting stronger.

He is actually aching to find out who his father is but doesn't have any clues to go on other than his appearance and blood so he wants to find someone who can figure that out.

Do not like: Femdom, Guro, Scat, Snuff, Pegging, Yaoi
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

A catgirl idea I had floating around.
Name: Niabi
Class: Warrior
Race: Su-ku-ta
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Wildlander

Color Key
Black = Base or from Class bonus
Blue = From Talent
Red = From Skill
Green = From Mutation

Body = 30 + 12 = 42
Mind = 10 + 4 = 14
Spirit = 10

Hit Points (HP) = 42 + 7 + 5 = 54
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 21 + 14 + 5 = 40
Spirit Energy (EP) = 21 + 7 + 10 = 38
Speed = 25 + 10 = 35
Dodge = 2d10 + 4d10 + 1 + 1d10 + 2 + 1d10 + 3d10 + 2d10 + 1d10 = 12d10 + 3 plus 2d10 with Duelist
Armor = 0
Perception = 6d10 + 6 + 2 for sight/sound or 6 for smell
Stealth = 6d10 + 3
Grapple = 8d10 + 2
Spirit Ceiling = 6


Reflexes = 21 + 9 = 30
Focus = 7 + 5 = 12
Willpower = 7 + 3 = 10
-5 to all checks vs Blind, Deafened, or anything relating to smell or her breathing it in

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = +15
Bull Rush Mod = +5
Overrun Mod = +5
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 5 + 5 = 10
+5 to Resistance checks for all skills!

Class Bonus
Warrior’s Skill - The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.
Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0

Exceptional x2 - Get +16 to base stats
Agile - Get 3d10 Dodge
Duelist - Get 2d10 Dodge and +2 damage when only using a one handed weapon
Good Reflexes - Get +9 Reflexes
Skilled - Get 3 Skills
Jack of all Trades - Get 10 trade dice
Stealthy - Get +3 Stealth and improved sneak attack
Perceptive - Get +6 to Perception checks

Mutated 2 - Heat and Scent Tracking get!
Fertile 1 - Get +5 to maekbebbehz
Submissive - Tries to stand up for herself but folds easily, her willful nature having been punished throughout her entire life.
Hemophiliac - Take 2d4 bleed damage per round after taking damage unless healed somehow.
Easily Tired - Take Weakened if they drop below half health.
Enslaved - Was basically born a slave, but managed to run away. May not get far.

Funny Ears - Cat Ears
Tail - Cat Tail
Keen Ears - get +2 to perception checks for hearing, but -5 Resistance against being Deafened.
Keen Eyes - get +2 to perception checks for sight, but -5 Resistance against being Blind.
Keen Nose - get +2 to perception checks for smell, but -5 Resistance against anything resulting from her inhaling or smelling something
Litters - Roll 1d6+2 for number of eggs released, roll to impregnate each individually. See mutation doc for full details.
Heat/Rut - Roll 1d6 each day, on a 6 go into anti-heat, and on a 1 go into heat. See mutation doc for full details.
Night Eyes - See in the dark!
Scent Tracking - get additional +4 to perceptions checks for smell, and +1 to trade dice rolls for tracking if she can use her sense of smell.

Special Mutations
Beastman Genes

Weapon Attack = 8d10 + 2 + 5 = 8d10+7
Skills 1 + 4 + 3 = 8
Battle Dance - Take 5 damage per round to gain 2d10 attack/Dodge and must attack every round, only activated once per combat, getting hit results in a Reflexes checks vs DC equal to damage dealt or fall Prone and end this, if the attack would knock Prone normally it does so with no check to resist. Getting grappled ends battle dance.
Defensive Stance - Trade standard action for 2d10 dodge and a free attack at -1d10 to hit vs anyone who attacks and misses.
Power Strike - Trade Dodge for extra attack/damage at 1:1 rate with a max of 10. Cannot be used with Defensive Stance and only applies to first hit with Lightning Strikes.
Lightning Strikes - Three attacks at -2d10 to hit and -5 damage.
Weakening Strike - Take -1d10 attack and -4 damage to inflict a one turn stack of Weakened on hit.
From Behind - May take -10 to Dodge and Tumble in order to make a Tumble check against an opponent and anyone adjacent, success moves the PC behind the enemy and allows their first attack to count as a sneak attack, failure makes them knocked prone and allows the enemy to attempt to start a grapple or make an attack as a free action.
Evasion - Ignore all damage and effects when dodging an area of effect attack and get 1d10 Dodge and +10 Tumble.
Guileful Strike - May trade sneak attack damage bonus to make the target make a Reflexes check or take any two statuses: Blinded, Paralyzed, Prone, Stunned, or Weakened. Knocking the target Prone deals 10 additional damage.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 14
Foreplay = 2d4 + 11


Short Hunting Spear (8d10+7) 2d8 - 2 + 21 + 2 = 2d8 + 21
Throwing Spears (8d10+7) 4d6+11, 25 feet, 2 shots per stack, 0 AV ignored

Trades 25 base dice, plus 6 from Wildlander plus 10 from Jack of All Trades
Acrobatics = 4d10
Language (Wolfgrowl) = 5d10
Lore (Arlosian Flora/Fauna) = 3d10
Lore (Arlosian Legends) = 2d10
Herbalism = 3d10
Medicine = 3d10
Navigation = 4d10
Tracking/Woodcraft = 6d10
Trapping = 5d10
Woodworking = 3d10

Perception = 2d10 + 4d10 = 6d10
Stealth = 2d10 + 4d10 = 6d10

While with her creamy skin, red hair, green eyes, curvy figure but slim waist would have likely put earned her many an admirer on Heloras, especially with her exotic look for her native Anudor, on Arlos her features and race only served to make life more difficult for Niabi. Long ago, a strange vessel had arrived on their shores, bringing strangers who were taken as captives. The warriors of the tribe who had captured them mated with those captives, as was their right, but unbeknownst to them it caused the introduction of su-ku-ta genes into the wolfir race. The result has carried the feline humanoid's DNA into future generations, naturally spreading as the neighboring tribes intermingled and took captives from one another. This resulted in the occasional birth of a su-ku-ta among those carrying the recessive genes, something that the wolfir have taken as a curse from the gods for their transgressions. Called curse-bloods or filth-bloods or weak-bloods depending on tribe, native su-ku-ta are often treated as second class at best.

While those of her blood are often never left to rise above the level of a slave, Niabi has lived a life of discontent in that station. Doubly cursed by her entirely human appearance and pale complexion compared to the native wolfir, Niabi was disowned by her parents, the chief and his mate at the time of her birth. Raised among slaves as a slave, she nonetheless sought to master the skills of a warrior. Even with none willing to teach her, she learned voraciously, a naturally keen and curious mind allowing her to take up skills by observing other warriors. She learned the woods and how to move through them, how to use the spear and the club and the knife, how to run with the pack that refused to acknowledge her. She learned to use poisons and poultices to cure her natural fragility, aided eventually by the long suffering shamaness of her tribe, Huata.

Throughout the years she learned to fight despite every aspect of resistance to it, learned to hunt, and as she grew older sought to prove herself. She hunted as well as many of the men, refused advances of those who began to demand her total submission even despite the beatings they sometimes issued to try and quell her wilfulness. No protection came from her former family, or even from her hesitant mentor, and so she learned to fend for herself.

Unfortunately, as she reached sexual maturity, things began to change. The hunters of her generation began to prepare to enter adulthood, and she was denied even the chance to compete. Niabi fought and argued for hours, days, weeks, all to no avail. She wouldn't be allowed to prove herself, wouldn't be allowed even the chance to show that she could equal any of the other members of her tribe. The trials of proving came and went, while she was left to perform the most menial of tasks sullenly and listen to their stories of glory and struggle and triumph. Some came back with prizes, slaves captured from other tribes, and a sense of dread settled into the pit of her stomach as that awakened terrible inclinations for her future.

Female slaves were stripped of their rank and rights when taken in battle, any marriage they may have had previously considered null and void unless they could be retaken or earn their freedom somehow. Any accomplished warrior could choose to take a female slave as a concubine, a woman whom he could use freely outside of his marriage if his successes for the tribe suggested his lineage was of particular value. Niabi dreaded such a fate, especially as the leers of those whom she had once considered peers grew more distinct and it seemed all the more likely.

Then, one day, exactly what she had been afraid of happened. A male wolfir with dark fur who couldn't have been more canine without walking on four legs, a male just a few years older than her named Rowwag, approached her as she was busy mixing medicines. He demanded she follow him to his tent, and the scent of his rutting pheromones immediately keyed her in to his intentions even before she had turned to face him. Niabi refused, vehemently, but after a few moments of heated conversation her simply grabbed her and began dragging her away. She fought and screamed, but he was the stronger between the two of them. What was worse was what the rest of the tribe did. No one stopped him, or even made an effort. They all simply watched, if even that, as she was dragged halfway across camp. They listened to her screams for help, first as she was taken and then when she was beaten, and then her shrieks and eventually sobs as she was raped, and did nothing. For over an hour she was on the floor of Rowwag's tent, her clothes shredded and dignity destroyed as he took out his hormonal needs upon her, and when he was done she was left to take what was left of her meager garments and drag herself away before he could do it again.

It was a wretched experience. If he had done as much to any of the other daughters of the tribe, he would have never succeeded. He would have been stopped, punished, perhaps even exiled, but not for her. Despite all she had done, all she had sought to do, she was still a slave... And she had nowhere to turn, no one to speak to. The other slaves, many of whom were warriors from other tribes, reviled her for her heritage and thought what had happened was what she deserved for bringing dishonor to her parents by her birth. The other hunters, even those she had formed relationships with, held much the same attitude. Her parents were long dead, and the other elders were of no aid either.

After a few weeks, it became clear that she wasn't pregnant with Rowwag's litter, an effect of her own cycle conveniently being the reverse of his own. The assault had triggered her own heats however, which had been late enough that she had begun to believe that maybe she would be spared them, and she only escaped being put to use in that revolting way again because of the intervention of Huata, the old medicine woman who had taught her those skills she couldn't learn simply by replicating what she saw and trying to do it herself. The shaman held only the barest of sympathy for her, but it was enough to get Niabi to spill her heart, for no one else would even have sat in her presence long enough to listen. The older woman listened, and when she had finished speaking the shaman thought for a moment before offering Niabi a way out. There were those slaves who, rarely, were not taken as concubines, but instead offered their services as the village wetnurse instead. Niabi would have to bear a litter herself first, but so long as she kept at the task consistently after she likely wouldn't have to carry a second, and would still be of use to the tribe. To Huata, it likely seemed like she was offering a bastion of hope, but to Niabi it was another horror, and she left in despair to the shaman's disapproving clucking.

To be used as a breeder and a fucktoy for a "worthy hunter" or a cow for the tribe's pups when their mothers were too busy... Both futures horrified her, and Niabi knew she could not survive either fate for long before despair claimed her life. And so, finally, she opted to do what she had never considered, what was seen as so great a loss that it was considered a fate worse than death to have it forced upon a person. She would leave the tribe, strike out on her own, and run far from all she had known lest they send hunters to retrieve her. It would have been called madness to consider exiling oneself voluntarily, but a slave wouldn't normally even be given the option, even one as reviled as Niabi, and so she would have to prepare and leave in secret. She prepared herself, gathering what meager supplies she could without taking too much while steeling herself for the deed itself. Sneaking out of the village undetected was no easy feat, not when many of its inhabitants could see as well under moonlight as sunlight, but she was no stranger to the dark herself.

She left, three weeks after Rowwag's assault and a week after Huata's efforts to console her, taking only some shredded clothing - what she had left after her rape - and some simple spears she had crafted herself. Little more than a day's worth of food and water, no containers for anything she might need on her own, no tools. She had been raised among wolfir, and even if she wasn't one she lived as they did. One did not take from the pack, one gave to it, strengthened it with every act. Taking even herself was something close to sacrilege, and it left Niabi's stomach in knots into the morning as she fled through the woods. As she moved through the wilds, however, the skills she had learned kicked in. She knew where to find water that was safe to drink, how to find food, how to make her trail harder to follow, where to go to avoid the territory of the other nearby tribes. She knew how to hunt, how to make the tools she would need to craft traps for fish and game out of wood and stone, how to make medicines and poisons to make hunting easier and prevent infection. She adapted like a true hunter, and while she might not be the best of fighters without proper training, Niabi survived.

Her only goal was to make a life for herself somewhere. She could not go back, would not accept the life she had been offered, but knew that she would not face an easy life on her own. She had no pack to hunt with, no one to care for her if she grew sick or was injured, no one to help her if a wolfir hunting party stumbled across her whether it be from another tribe or her own come to reclaim her. How long could she keep going? How long could she run from what others had determined was already her fate?

The Out of Character Section
Catgirl concept given actual sheet. Something to let me work through more Arlos/Wolfir lore and such.
Re: Derpgen Sheets

Name: Nixi Destel
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Wildlander

Body = 30 (30b)
Mind = 10 (10b)
Spirit = 10 (10b)

Hit Points (HP) = 40 (30B+5M+5S)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 30 (15B+10M+5S)
Spirit Energy (EP) = 30 (15B+5M+10S)
Speed = 30 (25b+5B)
Dodge = 13d10 (2d10b+3d10B+1d10M+1d10S+5d10T+1d10Sk)
Armor = 0
Perception = 6d10b+3Sk
Stealth = 6d10b+3T
Grapple = 6d10 (30B/5)
Spirit Ceiling = 6 (30/5)

Reflexes = 15 (30B/2)
Focus = 8 (30B/6 + 10M/3)
Willpower = 8 (30B/6 +10S/3)

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = +10Sk +5C
Bull Rush Mod = +5C
Overrun Mod = +5C
Orgasm Threshold = 1 (30B)
Pleasure Resistance = 9 (5b+4W)

Class Bonus:

Warrior’s Skill - The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.

Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience =
Corruption =


Sniper - The character deals +6 damage on all ranged attacks.
Sniper - The character deals +6 damage on all ranged attacks.
*Agile - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to Dodge.
Skill with [Rifles] - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Hard to Hit - The character gets a 2d10 bonus to Dodge.
Skilled - The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Skilled - The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
*Stealthy - The character gets a +3 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit (except for ranged attacks which get a +20 bonus to hit) and have their damage dice maximized and doubled on all attacks. If the attack is an attempt to start a grapple rather than an attack that deals damage, the attacker instead gets a free grapple action against their target. Only the first attack of any given round (or first two with two weapon fighting) can be a Sneak attack.

Fertile - The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. They get a +5 bonus to Pregnancy rolls. This Flaw may be taken multiple times, the second instance increasing the bonus to +10 and the third to +15.
*Excitable - Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character makes a Willpower check against a DC equal to the pleasure they’ve taken that round. If they fail, the character gains the Aroused status, or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
Open Soul - The character takes an additional 5 EP damage or drain whenever anything would cause them to take any. This Flaw may be taken up to five times, but only the first, third, and fifth instances count towards Talent credits.

Mutations: 0/18

Special Mutations

Weapon Attack = 6d10B
Evasion (Passive) - If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than the usual 1/4. The character also gains a 1d10 bonus to Dodge and a +10 bonus to checks made to Tumble.
Quick Reload (Passive) – Decrease the reload time of any weapon wielded by the character by 1 round. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Perception, and gains the Tracking trade or increases it by 2 dice. With Skill with a ranged weapon that uses ammunition, this skill allows for crafting special Arrows/Bolts/Bullets for materials costing half the listed shop price.
Weapon Focus: Rifle (Passive) – The character gets a 1d10 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type and gets a +5 bonus to Reflexes checks to avoid being disarmed or Parried when wielding that weapon. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon.
Weapon Specialization: Rifle (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.
Spell Resistance (Passive) - The character ignores the first 10 points of damage that would be caused by any spell or power, even if that spell or power would ignore all AV. They may also Dodge spells and powers that would normally automatically hit, though they take a -10 penalty to Dodge against such attacks.
Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Willpower check vs a set DC or be unable to attack the character that round. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. The DC for this check is equal to the damage dealt on the killing blow divided by 10, and then multiplied by the tier of the monster. (Damage/10) * Tier in other words. Characters with the Foul Aura mutation get a +4 bonus to this DC, and characters with the Nightmarish Image power active gain the bonus to Resistance provided by that power to this DC as well.
Called Shot – The character acts last in the current turn and takes a -2d10 penalty to their Dodge and their attack roll until their next turn, but their attacks have their damage dice maximized and doubled and ignore any AV granted by armor. This doubling stacks with the doubled damage from a sneak attack if the attack is a sneak attack. This skill can be used in combination with the Rapid Shot skill, but all of the attacks take the penalty but only the first shot gets the bonuses. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Sudden Shot – The character may enter a special Overwatch with a weapon, giving them a 2d10 bonus to attack and allowing them to select a specific creature to focus on if they like. The first creature to attack them or move toward them triggers this Overwatch, or the creature they have selected. If the character has the Stealthy Talent, this attack also prompts a Perception check from the creature being attacked versus the character’s Stealth, making the attack a sneak attack if the character wins that check. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Strike the Weak Spot (Passive) – Whenever the character would make a sneak attack, they may ignore the target’s Worn AV and any other bonuses to defense applied by their armor. Requires Stealthy.

Spell Attack =
Base Casting =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Power Attack =
Wielder Aptitudes


Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 10 (30B/3)
Foreplay = 2d4 + 7 (30B/4)

Breech Loading Rifle (6d10B+3d10T+1d10Sk+10b+5C attack) 3d8 + 8b+12T+4Sk, 40 feet, 1 shot before reload, 1(0) round to reload, ignores 10 AV Fires 33 Caliber Shot, may fire up to 0 additional shots with rapid fire, Ignores the Dodge Bonus from Shields
Clothes: AV = 0, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2
Cost = 3 denarii, Cloth
30 #33 Caliber Shot
50 Denarii


Language: 5b
Tracking/Woodcraft: 6Tr+2Sk
Navigation: 6Tr
Reading/Writing: 2Tr
Metallurgy: 4Tr
Lore (Animals): 2Tr
Mathematics: 4Tr
Smithing: 4Tr
Alchemy: 2Tr

Perception = 2b+4Tr
Stealth = 2b+4Tr

A hunter from more rural areas, Nixi has always sought to be self sufficient as best she could be. An expert tracker, she's focused her efforts on cleansing dangerous beasts who threaten others from settled regions.

Long having a fascination with firearms, the idea there may be superior materials outside the more settled regions has intrigued Nixi, and she's prepared to set off and see what she can secure. Maybe she can create a gun that would be the envy of the world for it's magnificence. Either way she had plenty of bullets to deliver to dangerous bodies who would seek to harm her.

The Out of Character Section
DPS reporting.
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Name: Andrea
Class: Mechanist? Spirit wielder otherwise
Race: Human (30 trade dice)
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Tradesman’s Apprentice (5 to relevant Trade, 3 to Math and 3 to Read/Writing, +50 Denarii)

Body = 10
Mind = 10
Spirit = 46

Hit Points (HP) = 38
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 38
Spirit Energy (EP) = 56
Speed = 25
Dodge = 8d10 (2d10+4d10S+1d10M+1d10B)
Armor = 0
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10
Grapple = 2d10
Spirit Ceiling = 11 (56/5)

Reflexes = 11 (46S/6 + 10B/3)
Focus = 11 (46S/6 + 10M/3)
Willpower = 23 (46S/2)

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod =
Orgasm Threshold = 2 (46S)
Pleasure Resistance = 28 (5+23S)

Class Bonus
Wielder’s Aptitude - The character gets 1 + Spirit/20 Wielder Aptitudes, rounded down. (+3)

Mastery of Spirit - The character is better able to efficiently channel their power. They spend 1 less on summon and utility powers compared to non-wielders using powers, to a minimum of 3 EP. Their buffs costs 1 less EP to upkeep and 2 less to activate. Their damage and weapon powers except for Black Dragon are treated as if they had an extra 1 EP put into them for the purpose of how much damage they inflict.

Experience =
Corruption =

*Alchemist - The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Alchemist power list.
*Demonologist - The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Demonologist power list.
*Massive Energy Pool - The character gets +30 max EP.
Soul Sense - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls for Powers.
*Spunky - The character uses Spirit instead of Body to determine how much PP they deal. The amount of orgasms that they can have before gaining an instance of the Weakened status becomes based on Spirit instead of Body, and reduces PP by 4 more when resisting pleasure.
(Flaw)Exceptional - The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among their main stats.
(Flaw)Exceptional - The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among their main stats.
(Flaw) *Rimewielder - The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Boreal power list.
(Flaw) *Natural Succubus (Fuck Me) - Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Succubus Talents list. Cannot be chosen by succubi, cannot be the Superior X/Cross-Class Talents, and can be taken an extra time beyond the first for every 30 points in the character’s primary stat.
(Flaw) Soul Sense - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls for Powers.

*Extreme Fetish

Mutations: 0/18

Special Mutations

Weapon Attack =

Spell Attack =
Base Casting =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Power Attack = 9d10+1
Wielder Aptitudes
Ice Wizard
Alechemist Powers-
Assemble Contraption
Rimewielder Powers-
Polar Binding
Blood Freeze
Frost Armour

Demonologist Powers-
Devil's Lightning
Form of the Swarm (Moths)
Summon Demon
Hellfire Blast

Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8+15 (46/3)
Foreplay = 2d4+11 (46/4)

Clothes: AV = 0, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2
Cost = 3 denarii, Cloth
Kradian Mark 11 Light Pistol (+10 attack) 3d8 + 2, 20 feet, 12 shot before reload, 2 round reload, 10 AV ignored
Fires Type 7 Light Rounds, may fire up to 3 additional shots with rapid fire, no special abilities
72 Type 7 Light Rounds
50 Denarii

Trades(30 from human)
5 in relevant trade (Engineering)
3 in mathmatics
3 in Read and Writing
X in Disable Devices
X in Alchemy

Perception = 2
Stealth =2


Andrea is a rather odd individual, initially an apprentice engineer working for a master engineer, she eventually started to focus her spiritual powers toward such practice, animating and summoning mechanical constructions when she can't make them herself.

Eventually though she found some books on demonology, and soon enough started to branch her skills out, picking up demonskills, though she tries to hide them as much as possible, and boreal abilities to round out her skill sets.

The Out of Character Section
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Nesak, Kobold that would be king.

Name: Nesak Goldblood
Class: Wielder
Race: Kobold
Sex: Male
Backstory Template: Wildlander

Body = 10
Mind = 10
Spirit = 62 (30 B + 32 T)

Hit Points (HP) = 47
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 47
Spirit Energy (EP) = 102 (72 B + 30 T)
Speed = 25
Dodge = 10d10+2 (10d10+4 - 2 A)
Armor = 6 (0 B + 6 A)
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10 (6d10 B; Reroll 9s [Obvious])
Grapple = 2d10
Spirit Ceiling = 19 (20 B - 1 A)

Reflexes = 18 (13 B + 5 T)
Focus = 18 (13 B + 5 T)
Willpower = 36 (31 B + 5 T)

Defensive Bonuses
Orgasm Threshold = 4
Pleasure Resistance = 23

Class Bonus
Wielder’s Aptitude - The character gets 1 + Spirit/20 Wielder Aptitudes, rounded down.

Mastery of Spirit - The character is better able to efficiently channel their power. They spend 1 less on summon and utility powers compared to non-wielders using powers, to a minimum of 3 EP. Their buffs costs 1 less EP to upkeep and 2 less to activate. Their damage and weapon powers except for Black Dragon are treated as if they had an extra 1 EP put into them for the purpose of how much damage they inflict. (Included)

Experience =
Corruption =

1- Alchemist: 5 Alchemist Powers
2- Exceptional: +8 Spirit
3- Massive Energy Pool: +30 EP
4- Exceptional: +8 Spirit
5- Exceptional: +8 Spirit
F1- Exceptional: +8 Spirit
F2- Spunky: PP bonus damage depends on Spirit
F3- Resistant: 5 to all resistances

Hatred (Londorians)
Obvious: -6 Stealth
Open Soul: +5 EP damage taken

Mutations: 0/18

Special Mutations
Naturally Warped

Power Attack = 12d10+2
Wielder Aptitudes
Engineer: Buff Engineer Powers (Included)
Potent Spirit: +8 Willpower or DC bonus for Nesak's powers
Burning Spirit: EP drain deals damage to drainer; damage powers gain bonus damage of X * 2 (Included)
Overlord- Buffs summons

-The character may, as a free action, spend 0 EP in order to analyze a creature who is within line of sight. They may learn various things about that creature including its race, level of corruption, magical and spiritual abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Purely physical or mental things like skills or thoughts are not detectable with this ability, and it is blocked entirely by thick clothing of heavy armor that covers most of the body.
-The character can spend 1 EP as a move action in order to survey a creature. If that creature uses an ability that costs EP which the character isn't already able to use within the next round, the characters gains access to it and may use it as per normal for double the EP cost for the rest of the encounter. They use the effective Mind stat of their target for spells.
-The character can spend 1 EP as a move action in order to detect magical effects around them, as per Arcane’s level 2 detect magic spell. They may also use this ability to analyze chemicals and mechanical devices to gain the same sort of information.
-The character can spend 1 + X EP as a standard action in order to steal magical effects from a target and take on that magical effect, like an active buff, weapon power, etc; themselves, but must make a Willpower check with a +X bonus against their target, if they fail then they accomplish nothing.

Assemble Contraption
-The character pays X - 1 EP. Breaking one's spirit ceiling with this power causes the character to take double the normal damage, or just an amount equal to the amount they would normally take if they didn't have Psyker if they have Psyker.
-The creature created by this power always appears directly next to the character that summoned it and has the following stats: Body = 8X + 10, Mind = 2X, AV = 2X + 5, up until Body would exceed the summoner's Spirit stat, at which point it increases at a rate of 4X instead. It has a melee attack that deals 2d6 + Body/2 damage, and a ranged attack with a 50 foot range that deals 3d4 + Mind damage that uses Mind or Body to attack, whichever is higher. The creature always has the Golem and Mindless Special Mutations, if its Body stat ever exceeds 60 it gets the Juggernaut and Large Special Mutations, and if its Body stat ever exceeds 80 replace the Large Special Mutation with the Massive Special Mutation.
-In additional, the character can pay an additional 1 EP to grant a contraption any of the following as many times as they like:
1) +6 Mind.
2) The contraption can fly at its Speed. Taking this twice gives the contraption the ability to fly at double its Speed instead.
3) Increase the range of their ranged attack by 50 feet or their melee attack by 5 feet, to a max of 300 feet and 20 feet respectively.
4) Their ranged attack may be given the charging, burst fire, or automatic options possessed by ranged weapons.
-They may pay an additional 1 EP to grant a contraption any of the following as many times as they like:
1) Gain an instance of the Fuck Me, Grapple Expert, Hard Hitter, Hard to Hit, or Pain Resistant Talents, or the Immunity (Element), Soul Eater, or Tentacles Special Mutations. The Soul Eater mutation returns energy to the character who summoned the Contraption.
2) Gain the Immobile Special Mutation, the Battle Hardened and Resilient Talents, and a +4 bonus to Body and Mind. This may only be taken once.
3) Gain any two of the following skills: Evasion, Flurry of Blows, Iron Body, Leap Glomp, Powerful Embrace, Rapid Shot (their ranged attack may be fired up to 4 times per round), Stranglehold, Superhuman Toughness.
-Items may be used as part of assembled contraptions and incorporated into them, and the contraption may use them as a character would. They cannot be given items after being assembled, but the items used can be reclaimed.

Chemical Splash
-The character pays X EP. They then choose one of the following effects:
1) One creature within 40 feet of the character takes ((1d10 + 2) * (X+1)) + (X * 2) damage that treats all armor as if it had a DU of 1 unless that armor is made out of darksteel, daemonmetal, or void iron.
2) All creatures within a 90 degree, 30 foot cone originating from the character take (1d10 * (X+1)) + (X * 2) damage that treats all armor as if it had a DU of 1 unless that armor is made out of darksteel, daemonmetal, or void iron.
-By paying an additional X/3 EP, rounded up, they may cause the effects of this power to happen again on the next round to all creatures who were affected by it.
-By paying an additional 3 EP, the character can force creatures hit by this power to make a Reflexes check against a DC equal to 4X (or 5X if the character chooses to negate the power’s damage) or gain one of the following statuses: Aroused/Horny, Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, Weakened, or Webbed. An extra 1 EP may be spent to add extra instances of Paralyzed or Weakened, or two extra instances of Webbed. Creatures who have been Analyzed by the character take a -5 penalty to this check. Having access to this Power allows the character to give similar status effects to any usage of the Bomb power via a DC 4X check, 5X if they have opted to negate the damage, for 4 EP.
-Ignores worn AV and deals double damage to armor

-The character pays X EP. (-1 EP cost minimum 3)
-One target creature which must be within touching range has all active effects upon them dispelled if they fail a Willpower check for powers and/or a Willpower vs Focus check for spells (roll for each) and optionally takes X damage. If that creature attempts to activate a Power, cast a Spell, or use any ability that requires EP, no matter what it is, they must win Resistance check with the stat used depending on the nature of the ability against a DC equal to 3X, or the attempt fails. If the creature that is the target of this power was helpless (has the Bound or Submission Hold status, is unconscious, etc,) when this Power was used on them then the check becomes 4X. This power ends only when the seal is removed by someone other than the targeted creature.
-This power may be applied to a touched melee weapon, causing it cause an effect as if the character had used a dispel effect on those struck by the weapon, for 5 EP and 1 EP upkeep. The dispel check is a Willpower vs Resistance check using the Willpower of the character using this ability, with the Resistance stat used by the target depending on the nature of the ability. Also gains +2 per bonus die to hit.

-A character using this ability pays X - 5 EP when they activate it, and must also pay X - 6 EP upkeep.
-A character with this ability active gets a +2X bonus to AV and other bonuses depending on which of the following the character chooses: Body, Mind, Spirit, Sex.
Body - +3X bonus to Grapple and weapon attack rolls, +2X to Dodge, weapon damage relying on Body and Reflexes, +X to Focus, Willpower, AV, and pleasure damage dealt, and gains 5 feet of Speed and +1 trade die in Stealth and Perception for every 5 points of X. The characters gains 4X temporary HP. *
Mind - +3X bonus to spell attack, a +2X bonus to Dodge and Focus, +X to pleasure damage dealt, Reflexes and Willpower, +1 trade die in Perception for every 5 points of X, and +1 to spell damage per spell level for every 4 points of X.
Spirit - +3X bonus to power attack rolls, +2X bonus to Dodge and Willpower, +X to pleasure damage dealt, Reflexes and Focus, +1 trade die in Perception for every 5 points of X, and add 1 to the effective X value of other powers for every 5 points of X. If this would increase the upkeep of another active power, ignore the additional upkeep.
Sex - +3X to pleasure damage dealt and succubus power attack, +2X to Grapple, +X to all attack rolls, Dodge, and all Resistance checks, the character gains 2X temporary HP and PP, orgasms restoring all of the temporary PP in addition to the character’s normal PP, and gains +1 trade die in Stealth and Perception for every 5 points of X.
-The HP gained from using this power lasts only until the character deactivates it, and the character can be knocked out or even killed when they deactivate this power if their HP would drop to 0 or less.
-This power can be deactivated at any time, but the transformation back to the character's normal form takes a turn to complete, effectively making them skip a turn when they turn this off.
-This power can be used while Bound or in a Submission Hold, but if it is used under those circumstances the character also takes 2d6 + X damage that ignores AV.
-By paying an additional 1 EP, the character may temporarily gain any 2 mutations that they meet the requirements for. This has no effect on upkeep and may be done as a free action with other activations of this power. No mutation gained by this power ever counts for a prerequisite for anything other than gaining other mutations with it.
-Alternatively, a character may have a Juggernaught Transformation. Doing so, they pay 3 + X EP, where X is equal to the difference between the character’s Body stat and 100 divided by 10, rounded up, and 5 EP upkeep. Doing so, they gain 20 AV, 100 temporary HP and the Juggernaut and Massive Special Mutations and treat their Body stat for the purpose of weapon attack, weapon damage, and grapple as if it were 120. The character may also pay an additional 2 EP and increase upkeep by 1 to increase their effective Body by another 10 and get another 20 temporary HP.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration: 2d8 + 17
Foreplay: 2d4 + 13

Leather Armor (AV= 6, EV=1, TP=30, DU=2)
Hunting Dagger (2d6+5)
Universal Antidote
Silver Amulet with White Gem
Ingredients for Healing Potion

Natural Linguist (5 dice in all languages)
Alchemy - 4d10
Herbalism - 4d10
Navigation- 4d10
Tracking/Woodcraft- 4d10
Trapping- 2d10
Lore (Faeries)- 4d10

Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10

Nesak was born the seventh son of the seventh son of the rulers of the Goldbloods, a tribe of kobolds known for having especially lusterous skin. The tribe dwells in a land beyond the mainland, on an island seen by mainlanders. Unfortunately, the tribe lives on the edges of Fae land. Nearby lives a race of highly hostile, reptialian creatures known as the Londorians. This proximity has brought them conflict for ages, greatly reducing their population. The hostilies have recently become even worse. In another generation, the Goldbloods will go extinct.

His father, a warrior, is a stubborn kobold. He insists on holding their ground. His eldest brother, another warrior, supports him. The third son believes they should simply leave, passing the burden to another clan. Nesak believes there is another way.

Nesak was not blessed with bodily strength but instead a powerful amount of spiritual energy. This drew the attention of Sadim, a minor spirit linked to both gold and leadership. Nesak believes that by imbuing his clan with the energy of the spirit, they could become strong enough to survive. His brothers and fathers will not let him even try to experiment, so he has decided to leave his home until he has proof his ideas will work. Then he shall return and elevate his tribe above the weakness that keeps them as the weakest of the fae.

The Out of Character Section
Nesak is a kobold with a mission. He's tired of his tribe suffering and he's fed up with the way others treat kobolds. If Nesak has his way, his entire tribe will become legendary for their strength. Unfortunately, he's got no idea how to make something like that work. His tribe isn't exactly knowledgeable and he lacks access to any fonts of information so he has to travel.

As for sex: I'm not good with yaoi, pegging, femdom, scat, gore, vore
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Vampire Naga Knight derpgen

Name: Leonora Birou
Class: Warrior
Race: Naga
Sex: Female with ovipositor
Backstory Template: Basic for 5 more trade dice
Template: Vampire

Color Key
Black = Base or from class bonus
Purple = From Race
Pink = From Template
Blue = From Talent or Flaw
Red = From Skill
Green = From Mutation

Body = 4 + 12 + 28 + 14 = 58 (it costs 3 to get the final +2, so 1 point is lost)
Mind = 2 + 8 = 10
Spirit = 2 + 4 + 14 = 20

Hit Points (HP) = 58 + 5 + 10 + 20 + 30 = 123
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 29 + 10 + 10 = 49
Spirit Energy (EP) = 29 + 5 + 20 = 54
Speed = 25 + 10 - 10 = 25 (15 in armor)
Dodge = 2d10 + 5d10 + 4 + 1d10 + 2d10 + 1d10 = 11d10 + 4 (11d10 - 4 in armor) +3d10 Dodge when Unarmed to increase it to 14d10
Armor = 11 + 6 + 2 = 19 Natural AV that counts as magic, with an additional 16 that's strong against slashing attacks from armor for a total of 35
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10 rerolling 2s for checks based on sight (5d10 in armor)
Grapple = 11d10 + 3 + 3d10 + 1d10 = 15d10+3
Spirit Ceiling = 11 (7 in armor)

Reflexes = 29
Focus = 10 + 3 = 13
Willpower = 10 + 7 = 17

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 5
Bull Rush Mod = 5 + 10 = +15, +27 defensively
Overrun Mod = 5 + 10 = +15, +27 defensively
Orgasm Threshold = 3
Pleasure Resistance = 5 + 9 = 14

Cheat Sheet
Damage Reduction 1/2 that goes to DR 3/4 against things ignoring DR

Bite is 3d10+5 damage ignoring all damage resistance, possibly dealing as much pp damage that can't be resisted, possibly inflicting Weakened if the enemy fails a Reflexes check at which she gets a +8 bonus from Potent Venom.

+3 to Parry DCs, max Parry DC, and Parry checks. Additional +5 to Parry DC when a natural attack not used, and +5 to Parry checks with natural weapons.

+5 to Resistance checks with skills.

+12 Resistance vs stunned/prone/movement and on defensive bull rush and overrun.

Natural AV counts as magic AV and cannot be ignored.

Take +5 EP damage, take +2 PP damage when penetrated. Takes +8 PP when performing oral or feeding on blood. Takes 1d8+1 Willpower damage towards Aroused/Horny when they have an opportunity to feed or give head.

Becomes Weakened if they fall below half their EP.

Resists 10 cold damage, but whenever they would take it they proc a 1d4 roll that might cause them to skip their turn on a 1.

+10 to swim checks

Class Bonus
Warrior’s Skill - The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.
Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0

Healthy (+20 HP and a skill get)
Shadowmancer (Get 2 + Spirit/20 = 3 Powers from Shadowmancer)
Grapple Expert (Get 3d10 bonus to Grapple and a skill get)
Exceptional x2 (+16 stat points)
Resilient (Get +30 HP)
Battle Hardened (+8 nat AV)
Warrior Exemplar (+1d10 attack and Dodge, +3 nat AV, weapon damage, +3 to Parry checks, DCs, and max DCs)
Skill with Unarmed (+3d10 to hit with natural weapons and a skill get)
Skilled (3 more skills get)
Unarmed Fighter (Improved unarmed damage, +3d10 Dodge, skill get)

Tainted Bloodline (Take 1.5x corruption)
Sluggish (Lose 10 Speed)
Selfish (In it for number one)
Phobia: Sunlight (Fuck daylight yo)
Fetish: Drinking Blood (+8 PP get when she feeds)
Easily Tired (Get an instance of Weakened when they fall below 1/2 EP, ignores racial immunity to getting Weakened)
Open Soul (Take +5 EP damage when they take any)
Fertile 2 (+10 to acquiring eggs she has to find a host for)
Weakness: Cold (When exposed to the cold, roll 1d4, and on a 1 lose a turn)
Extreme Fetish (Take 1d8+1 willpower damage when she has an opportunity to fulfill a fetish, heading towards Aroused and then Horny)
Dominant (Likes to be on top... In bed and out of it.)
Fetish: Giving Oral (+8 PP when using her mouth. Ever get head from a vampire snake?)
Mutated 12
Hared: People who are alive (Leonora is not a happy person)

Mutations: 12/18
Odd Skin (Got a scaly tail)
Natural Attack (2d12 + Body/3 natural attacks)
Whip Tongue (+2 PP when giving oral)
Water Tail (Perfectly comfortable in water, get +10 to Swim Checks)
Fangs (Teefs)
Venomous Attack (Weakened) (Bitten characters make a Reflexes check or become Weakened)
Night Eyes (See in the dark)
Whip Tongue (+2 more PP when giving head)
Potent Poison x2 (+16 to poison Reflexes check)
Tight/Large (+2 to PP damage from sex)
Odd Textures (+4 PP to PP damage from sex, but receive +2 as well)
Armored Hide x3 (+6 natural AV)
Chameleon Skin (Reroll 2s on Stealth Checks based on sight)
Dangerous Tail (Natural attack that takes -2 to hit but deals +4 damage)
Magic Hide (Natural AV counts as magic for the purpose of what ignores it)
Claws (+2 damage to claw hits)
Venomous Attack (Weakened) (Struck characters make a Reflexes check or become Weakened)

Special Mutations
Damage Reduction 1/2 (Reduce all damage by half after armor and resistances.)
Daylight Weakness (Take 10 damage/round that ignores all AV and resistances when in direct sunlight. Can only move or do things to expedite movement while this is happening. Being reduced to 0 HP by this permanently kills the vampsnek.)
Supernatural (Is MAGICAL. Doesn't take corruption, deals it to most things.)
Undead (Immune to poison, bleeding, HP drain, choking, and drowning. Can only take Resistance damage, Weakened or Paralyzed from their own Flaws/Mutations. Get 10 cold resistance.)
Vampire (Can bite people to deal 3d10+5 HP damage that is treated like paid HP, healing her for the same. Can be painful or pleasurable, dealing PP damage to the person bitten that cannot be reduced by willpower equal to the HP damage dealt. Cannot regain more than half of their maximum HP through any method other than feeding. Can inject venom through bites at the same time.)
Powerful Embrace 10 (Must beat her grapple check by 10 or more in order to actually get an action.)
Serpentine Body (SNEK TAIL!!! +10 to Bull Rush and Overrun)
Egg Layer + Ovipositor (Lays eggs instead of having flaily screaming babies. Prefers to make someone else carry them to term.)

Weapon Attack = 11d10 + 3 + 5 + 1d10 = 12d10 + 8
Skills 1 + 5 + 3 + 4 = 13 skillz
1) Powerful Embrace (Automatically deals 1d10 + 6 damage in grapples whenever they make a successful check, including bonus from superior grappler.)

2) Superior Grappler (+1d10 grapple, +2 damage to attacks made in grapples and powerful embrace.)

3) Leap Glomp (Make grapple attempt at -1d10-5 to hit, if successful also make a check to do something against the opponent at the same penalty. If either fails no grapple and fall prone.)

4) Natural Warrior (+3 to attack/damage with natural weapons, if any natural attack is not used add +5 to Parry DCs.)

5) Multiattack (Attack with multiple natural weapons, take -5 to hit for second attack and -5 to hit and damage for each attack beyond that.)

6) Storm of Claw and Fang (Multiattack penalty reduced to -3, flurry becomes -4 to hit and -3 damage per additional attack.)

7) Flurry of Blows (Attack up to 5 times for penalties, -4 to hit and -3 damage per additional attack from Storm of Claw and Fang.)

8) Weapon Focus: Unarmed (+1d10 to hit and +5 to Parry checks.)

9) Close Engagement (Make -2d10 grapple check against an opponent as an attack.)

10) Superhuman Toughness (Natural AV cannot be ignored, DR is reduced a step rather than ignored.)

11) Cross Counter (Defensive mode causing -1d10 Dodge that allows Reflexes checks vs attacks, proccing attacks that if hit cause a penalty to their attack equal to any damage taken.)

12) Shattering Blow (Take -3d10 to hit in order to increase damage to 4d12 from 2d12.)

13) Sturdy (+12 Resistance vs stunned/prone/movement and on defensive bull rush and overrun, +2 AV)

Power Attack = 4d10
Wielder Aptitudes
Dark Armor
Shadows Made Manifest

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 19 + 6 = 2d8 + 25
Foreplay = 2d4 + 15 + 4 with oral = 2d4 + 15, total of +19 when giving head

This section will be big and probably dumb, but is also where all of the attack stats are located.
+4d10+3 to hit and +3 damage for all natural weapons on top of base weapon attack
Base natural/unarmed is 16d10+11 to hit for 2d12+22 damage, +2 damage dealt when in a grapple.

Tail Attack (16d10 + 9) 2d12 + 26 damage which is probably bashing

Bite (16d10 + 11) 2d12 + 22 damage, or 3d10+5 ignoring everything and healing just as much, always with Reflexes check at +16 to cause Weakened

Claws (16d10+11) 2d12 + 24 damage, with Reflexes check at +16 to cause Weakened

Now for all of the skill stats!
Flurry: -4 to hit and -3 damage per additional attack. Must all be same natural weapon.
-4/-3 for 2 attacks, -8/-6 for 3 attacks, -12/-9 for 4 attacks, -16/-12 for all 5 attacks.

Multiattack: -5 to hit, then -3 to hit and damage for each individual attack beyond the second, claws attack twice and bite/tail attack once each max.
-5 to hit for both two attacks, -8 to hit and -3 damage for three, -11 to hit and -6 damage for all four.

Scale Mail AV = 16, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 5, strong against slashing.

50 denarii

Trades 20 dice total
Language (Badarian) 5d10 (free)
Reading/Writing 2d10
Mathematics 2d10
Navigation 2d10

Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10

That I spent waaaaay too much time/effort on for a derpgen that will probably never see play.

The Out of Character Section
A vampire who is also a snake. Seeking BLOODY REVENGE and such. Seems pretty self explanatory.
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Since I'm too lazy to do all the formatting and make a separate post for each of them, here are a bunch more derpgens I made but never posted:

Lyra, Faerie Knight of the Spring Court (Who already has a thread, I just realized I never posted her sheet publicly anywhere).

Liselotte, former noblewoman turned vampire through unusual means. Also likes making swords fly around.

Ianthe, Fallen Angel with a very literal take on a "swordwaifu".

Senka, Kumiho (Half-kitsune template) and not a very nice person. Also eats hearts and stuff. (Still need to finish writing the background for this one, but I have one in mind).

Iris, Pixie mage. Another case where I've got a background in mind but never got around to actually writing it.

And several older or less well fleshed out ideas that are mostly finished (Some are out of date with the more recent changes to DG4 rules, will get to that eventually...):

Vena, Avian wilderhearted with a pair of modified pistols. Never decided exactly what to do with her beyond the basic concept, though.

Thyra, Dragonkin warrior raised from childhood by orcs. Another concept I have yet to fully flesh out, just the basics figured out.
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Victoria, the vampire knight

From Race
From Talent
From Flaw
From Class
From Mutations

Name: Victoria
Class: Warrior
Race: Vampire
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Noble Born

Body = 30 + 12 + 8 = 50
Mind = 10
Spirit = 10 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 30

Hit Points (HP) = (50 + 5 + 15 + 20) = 90
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = (25 + 10 + 15) = 50
Spirit Energy (EP) = 25 + 5 + 30 = 60
Speed = (25 + 10 - 10) = 25
Dodge = 2d10 + 5d10 + 1d10 + 3d10 = 11d10
Armor = 26
Perception = No penalties to sight in the dark. -2 to checks against blinded by light
Stealth =
Grapple = 10d10 - 3d10 = 7d10
Spirit Ceiling = 12 (8 when wearing armor)

Reflexes = (25 + 5) = 30
Focus = (11 + 5) = 16
Willpower = (18 + 5) = 23

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = + 5
Bull Rush Mod = + 5
Overrun Mod = + 5
Orgasm Threshold = 1 + 2 = 3
Pleasure Resistance = (5 + 9) = 14
Resist 10 Cold
Do not need to breathe
Cannot be Paralyzed or Weakened (except through TOO MUCH CUMMING)
+ 5 to parry DC

Class Bonus
Warrior’s Skill - The character gets (1 + 50/10) = 6 Skills
Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills

Experience =
Corruption =


Exceptional x3
Natural Spirit: Demonologist
Heavy Weapons Specialist
Skill with: Zweihander
Heavy Hitter

Easily Tired
Fetish: Drinking Blood
Open Soul
Phobia: Sunlight

Sexual Weakness

Mutations: X/18
Night Eyes

Special Mutations
DR 1/2
Daylight Weakness

Weapon Attack = 10d10 + 1d10 + 3d10 + 5 = 14d10 + 5 to-hit
2d12 + 1d10 + 25 + 10 + 8 = 2d12 + 1d10 + 43 damage
Supreme Might
Crushing Blow
Armored Champion

Double Strike
Untethered Mind and Soul
Heavy Metal

Power Attack = 6d10
Wielder Aptitudes

Form of the Swarm
Gorgon's Gaze
Summon Demon
Vampiric Futanari

Dark Armor
Patch of Darkness
Rupturing Shadows

Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 17
Foreplay = 2d4 + 13

Zweihander (Enchanted with an extra d10 of damage)
Shiversteel Full Plate: AV = 26, EV = 8, TP = 60, DU = 8, strong against slashing and fire/heat. Metal.

Trades (15 + 10) 6
Alchemy = 3d10
Acrobatics = 3d10
Language: Badarian = 5d10
Lore: History = 4d10
Lore: Feudalism = 4d10
Lore: Knightly Orders = 4d10
Mathematics = 4d10
Reading/Writing = 4d10
Lore: Badaria = 5d10
Riding = 3d10
Sewing = 3d10
Trading = 3d10

Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10

Roughly 110 years ago Victoria d'Orsenne was born to a Badarian baron in the northwest of the country, not far from the border with Crolia. Even if they were minor nobles she grew up rich and spoiled, used to having things her way and to having the adoration of many people, at least when she was there to witness. For the first 25 or so years of her life she did nothing of note, simply existing and enjoying the pleasures that were available to her.

All that came crashing down around her when her father was deposed by her uncle in a bloody coup. Her father and elder brother dead, Victoria and her mother fled to the north into Crolia where they would be safe from any further danger from her uncle. Still she found this turn of events nearly incomprehensible, couldn't quite believe what had happened. No matter what, she would never be a commoner, that much was certain! From a very young age she had had an affinity for demonic magics that had been fairly well hidden from others, and though she had never worked to cultivate her skills she had a feeling she could use them to her benefit here. Seeking strength to restore herself to her rightful place, now as a baroness, she sought to summon a demon to teach her, to fight for her...

After a fashion she succeeded, though not quite in the way she had intended. The demon she summoned happened to be dying just at the moment of her call, and with nowhere else to go in a bid of desperation his soul invaded her own rather than materialize a body, merging the two of them. It was an immensely painful and unpleasant thing, her body and soul warping and twisting into something far different from what it had been before. By the time the transformation was through she had become a vampire, a monster of legend, far more capable physically and in her soul than she had ever been before. It opened up many new doors to her, and closed many others...

From the time she saw her first knight Victoria had been enamored. Besides the fact that she had developed a tremendous crush on the man at first sight she had idolized him, wanting to be like him in some regard. Her childish desire had faded somewhat as she grew into her cushy lifestyle, and as her body developed into something weak and frail, incapable of the feats of strength necessary to become a knight. But now, as a vampire, with her ability to live that pleasant and lazy lifestyle... now she was drawn in undeath to what she couldn't do in life. She took up a sword and began to train almost immediately, in part simply because she could, in part because she hoped to use the skills she gained to eventually reclaim her rightful place.

For nearly eighty years she set to perfecting herself as much as possible, becoming a knight in all but name and developing her skill with both demon magic and at manipulating shadow itself. Then she heard that her uncle's line had died out with his son, leaving no one to inherit the barony that should have belonged to her. And so she set out for her home, her heart set on reclaiming her birthright!


The Out of Character Section

Cheat Sheet

Zweihander attack: 14d10 + 5 to-hit, 2d12 + 1d10 + 43 damage

Supreme Might: 14d10 - 5 to-hit, 2d12 + 1d10 + 55 damage, +3 to everything parry related
14d10 - 10 to-hit, 2d12 + 1d10 + 63 damage, +6 to everything parry related
14d10 - 15 to-hit, 2d12 + 1d10 + 71 damage +9 to everything parry related

Slay: Dodge becomes 8d10, -5 to parry DC. Damage becomes 6d12 + 3d10 + 43

Whirlwind: Attack everyone in melee range. 12d10 + 5 to-hit, 2d12 + 1d10 + 38 Damage, 9d10 dodge.

Crushing Blow: Damage becomes 2d12 + 1d10 + 33. If hit, reflex save or stunned and weakened.

Double Strike: Two attacks at 12d10 + 5 to-hit, 2d12 + 1d10 + 38 damage apiece.

Heavy Metal: Cede initiative for +10 AV. Anything she hits makes a reflex save or is stunned. Every attack against her gives her +2 to stun check, +1d10 to-hit, and +5 damage.

Guillotine: If attacking an opponent with <30 HP or <1/2 HP remaining, or brings an opponent below 30 HP, or deals more than 1/2 of max HP damage to an opponent, Reflex save or die.

Armored Champion: No penalty to dodge or speed from her armor.

Untethered Mind and Soul: Only half of armor's EV is applied to spirit ceiling.

Spirit Powers:
Form of the Swarm: Pay 6 EP to burst into bats! Can be used while bound if a DC 30 willpower check is made. Reforming takes a full turn. Can't do anything while in swarm form.

Gorgon's Gaze: Pay 5 EP and win a Willpower vs. Resistance check to either turn them to stone and kill them, trapping their soul in the statue, or gain 5 stacks of Paralyzed. Even if the check is lost, 1 stack of Paralyzed is gained.

Summon Demon: 3*#of creatures*tier of creatures.

Vampiric Futanari: Touch grants a penis of caster's choice, gives them Soul Eater. Spend 1 EP for up to 3 Large, Potent, etc. Can force the target to gain Open Soul x 2

Dark Armor: Pay X - 1 EP, X - 4 upkeep. + 2X AV, Damage, Bull Rush, Overrun, Swim, and Grapple. +1 Stealth die per 5 X. Can pay 1 EP for either tentacles or Greater Wings, but 1 extra EP upkeep. Can be used while bound or in a submission hold.

Patch of Darkness: Pay 5 EP, 1 EP upkeep. Make a PATCH OF DARKNESS that blinds whatever is in it and preventing anything from seeing into it.

Shadowstalker: Pay 5 EP. Move silently from shadow to shadow within 100 feet
force an opponent to make a Willpower vs. Focus check or take various status penalties
turn invisible for 1 EP upkeep

Rupturing Shadows: Pay 1 + X EP. One target creature in 50 feet takes (2d4 + 4)X damage that ignores non-natural AV. + 1 to-hit per die.

From Race
From Talent
From Flaws
From Class
From Armor

Name: Victoria
Class: Warrior
Race: Vampire
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Noble Born

Body = 24 + 12 = 36
Mind = 10
Spirit = 16 + 4 = 20

Hit Points (HP) = 36 + 5 + 10 + 20 = 71
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 18 + 10 + 10 = 38
Spirit Energy (EP) = 18 + 5 + 20 = 44
Speed = 30
Dodge = 8d10 + 1d10 + 3d10 + 6
Armor = 8 + 3 + 5 + 26
Perception =
Stealth =
Grapple = 6d10 + 1
Spirit Ceiling = 9

Reflexes = 18
Focus = 9
Willpower = 13

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = +5
Bull Rush Mod = +5
Overrun Mod = +5
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 12

Class Bonus
4 Skills

Experience =
Corruption =


Battle Hardened
Heavy Hitter
Heavy Weapon Specialist
Skill with Two-Handed Swords
Warrior Exemplar
Pain Resistant

Easily Tired
Fetish: Drinking Blood
Open Soul
Phobia: Sunlight

Fetish: Outercourse
Fetish: Large Breasts
Weakness: Female Demons

Mutations: X/18
Night Eyes

Special Mutations
Damage Reduction 1/2
Daylight Weakness

Weapon Attack = 7d10 + 3d10 + 2 + 5 + 8
Spirited Warrior
Superhuman Toughness
Armored Champion

Crushing Blow
Supreme Might

Power Attack = 4d10
Wielder Aptitudes

Dark Armor
Patch of Darkness

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 12
Foreplay = 2d4 + 9

Full Plate: Shrapnel Protection, Electrical Nodes Upgrade
Zweihander: Lanyard
Kite Shield

Lore: History = 4d10
Mathematics = 4d10
Reading/Writing = 4d10
Lore: Badaria = 5d10
Riding = 4d10
Trading = 3d10
Perception = 5d10
Stealth = 3d10
Tracking/Woodcraft = 2d10
Enchanting = 3d10

Long, long ago Victoria was born to a minor line of nobility in Badaria, destined to one day be a countess. She was well educated in most every possible area by the many tutors her parents hired for her, though she was deeply lazy and abrasive to more or less everyone she happened to come across.

That all changed when a strange, handsome young man visited their compound. Despite herself and his low birth Victoria found herself quite taken with the lad, and before she knew it he had seduced her. She found herself helpless to resist him, in fact. And when he sank his fangs into her neck, well... at that point there was little she could do. The transformation into a vampire was quite unpleasant, the consequences even worse. Disowned by her family, hunted by townsfolk... but it did come with benefits as well. She found herself physically and spiritually stronger than she had ever imagined, able to manipulate the world around her through shadows with only a concentrated thought.

The young noble fled for a long time, through sheer luck learning to control herself and her new urges and powers before being killed by angry townsfolk. It left her to consider her options... and after some time she decided to take up fighting. She would have to defend herself anyway, right? And besides, it was worthy of her blood. It took some effort to convince someone to teach her the sword, but when she finally found someone she took to it quickly enough. Her laziness cured by sudden passion and new purpose, Victoria began to wander the land of Doneviron, honing her craft. She found it all so very fun and fresh, especially as she got better and better at it.

Of course, now it has been a long time. A long, long time. The vampiress has seen many battles and slain many foes, accomplishing all she set out to do and more. Now there is only one last accomplishment for her to hunt...

The Out of Character Section
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Re: Derpgen Sheets

Sophia, the alarune mage

From Race
From Talent
From Flaws
From Class
From Mutations

Name: Sophia
Class: Mage
Race: Alarune
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Basic

Body = 10
Mind = 26
Spirit = 14

Hit Points (HP) = 10 + 13 + 7 + 10 = 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 5 + 26 + 7 + 10 = 48
Spirit Energy (EP) = 5 + 13 + 14 + 20 + 10 = 62
Speed = 25 - 10 = 15
Dodge = 5d10 + 10
Armor =
Perception =
Stealth =
Grapple =
Spirit Ceiling = 6

Reflexes = 7 + 5 = 12
Focus = 13 + 5 = 18
Willpower = 9 + 5 = 14

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod =
Orgasm Threshold = 1
Pleasure Resistance = 10

Class Bonus
2 Magic Feats
+4 to casting checks

Experience =
Corruption =

Focus in Nature
Specialized Mage
Greater Energy Pool
Magical Accuracy

Mental Fortitude

Slow Learner
Weakened Essence
Handicap: Body

Mutations: X/18
Naturally Warped
Selective Fertility


Special Mutations

Spell Attack = 5d10 + 3d10 + 2 (+2d10 if Nature)
Base Casting = +12 + 4 (+30 if Nature)
Favored Elements

Magic Feats
Druidic Secrets
Summoning Master

Buff Master
Glowing Presence
Quicken Spell
Split Mind
Intensify Spell
Maximize Spell

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 3 + 2
Foreplay = 2d4 + 3


Agriculture = 4d10
Animal Husbandry = 3d10
Herbalism = 6d10
Tracking/Woodcraft = 4d10
Perception = 2d10
Stealth = 2d10


Sophia was born in a quiet little section of Amazonia a few years ago, cultivated by a fae of the court of Spring. A well-meaning Alarune with a passion for nature and its beauty, she's dedicated herself to helping protect it from the encroachments of all who might soil it. Of course, there's only so much of her to dedicate... While she has innate magical ability, her talent is limited. The idea of her actually going into combat against the various dangers of the jungle was a bit too much for her keepers, so they set her up in the quietest, most pristine part of the Amazon to be a warden of nature. Gods help her, she does try!

The Out of Character Section

Casting: 64

10 body, 1 AV. +8 Body and AV per spell level. +2 Body and AV per level and Hard to Hit + Healthy or Two summons.
Buffs: +3 to stats per spell level
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