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DG/Hentai Experiences

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
Reputation score
I was bored tonight so I tried to get a high score in demon girl like any normal person would ya know? On my first try I almost got a personal best (40,302) I know I'm terrible:(

Anyway, after that I couldn't come close to 40k again and I started to get really frustrated. And thats when I started to get really turned on by the blue tentacles at the end. Ok Ok it wasn't the tentacle but the girl moaning:rolleyes: That got me thinking why am I all of a sudden turned on now after I was just playing for fun before.

I think its either...
1) I was so frustrated from losing I just gave up and got horny or....
2) My frustration made an emotional current that I flung onto demon girl and her blue tentacle friends...like OMG take that demon girl

That description wasn't good at all but still. Either way I think my emotional connection made it a more erotic experience. Anyone else wanna share experiences like that from Demon Girl or other hentai?

~Princesses always win~
Re: DG/Hentai Experiences
