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DLSite Game Manager 0.3.3


Jungle Girl
Dec 17, 2013
Reputation score
Hello, I have created a program that makes it easier to organize a massive collection of RPG Maker games. I originally created this program a long time ago to organize my own game collection and continued to develop it as a hobby. I now consider the program mostly finished and I hope that someone will find it as useful as I have.

Here are some images of the program in action:

The program can currently:
  • Find RJCodes in file names, folder names and text files and use them to download game information and sample images from DLSite.
  • Attach AGTH (or Chiitrans) and Translation Aggregator to games when they are run.
  • Find the correct h-code for Wolf RPG games depending on its version.
  • Extract CG from encrypted RPG Maker and Wolf RPG archives.
  • Extract games from zip and rar-archives.
  • Translate Japanese title and tags.
  • Quickly find games matching a specific tag or RJCode.
  • Change the screen resolution while playing games (I like to lower my resolution when playing RPG Maker games to make the window appear larger).

Below is a detailed user manual. It's kind of long, but I recommend that you at least skim it because some of the things this program can do aren't very obvious.

Adding games
To add your existing collection of games to the game library, click add games in the action menu and select the folder where you keep your RPG Maker games as the scan folder and proceed. The program will create a list of all the .exe files in this folder. Go through this list and remove any entries that aren't actually games, such as uninstallers.

When you press "add", the program will connect to DLSite and download information and images for games whose RJCodes it was able to identify. This will probably take a while. Adding my collection of 170 games took 5 minutes. For games without an RJCode, you can manually add one later by selecting the game in the list, clicking "edit", entering a valid RJCode and clicking "download info".

Adding a single game
The easiest way to add a new game to your collection is to drag and drop an exe, zip or rar file into the program window. Archives will be unpacked to the "game folder" path specified in the settings menu. If the archive name or any file or folder names inside the archive contains an RJCode, information and images will be automatically downloaded before the game is added to the list.

When you add an executable file, the program will ask if it should move the folder that contains the file to your game folder. This behavior can be disabled in the settings menu. You can also drag and drop folders into the program window, which will add all executable files inside the folder to the list of games. Dragging and dropping multiple files, folders and archives of different types is supported.

Adding images
The thumbnails displayed in the upper right corner can be enlarged by mousing over them. To scroll to the next image, left click an image. To add a new image to a game, right click an image, or the empty space where an image should have been, and select "add new image". The image will be copied to the game's image folder. A game's "list image" is the image displayed to the left of the game's title in the list view and above the game's title in the tile view. To change a game's list image, right click a thumbnail. If you have a very high resolution monitor, all images will probably appear small. You can fix this in the settings menu.

Customizing the list
By default, the list of games is sorted and grouped by the non-visible "date added" column. Many columns are hidden by default and can be displayed by right clicking the column header. You can reorder columns by dragging them around in the column header and resize them by dragging the line between columns. To view the game collection as tiles instead of as a list, select "view" and "tiles" in the top left.

Some fields in the information panel to the right below the images are also hidden by default. To show them or hide others, right click the panel.

To use AGTH and Translation Aggregator to translate games, set the AGTH and translator program paths in the settings menu to your "agth.exe" and "Translation Aggregator.exe" paths respectively. If you are using Chiitrans, set the AGTH path to your "chiitrans.exe" and leave the translator program path blank. To disable AGTH for a single game or change its AGTH parameters, right click a game in the list and select "properties". The parameters you choose here will override the default parameters.

CG extraction
To extract CG from an RPG Maker or Wolf RPG game, right click the game and select "Extract CG". You can also select a specific archive to extract by selecting "Action" and "Extract CG" in the top left. A program called arc_conv is used for extraction, so a lot more than RPG Maker archives can be extracted, for example .xp3 archives.

Press ctrl-F to display the search bar. You can search for titles, RJCodes, circle names, categories, ratings, languages and tags. When searching for multiple tags, use comma to seperate them. For example searching for "breast, sex" will display all games that have a tag containing "breast" and a tag containing "sex".

Screen resolution
To change the desktop resolution when running any game, select a resolution in the settings menu. To change the desktop resolution when running a specific game, right click the game and select properties. The desktop resolution will revert back to what is was before the game was ran when either the game or Game Manager exits, whichever comes first.

Ok, that pretty much covers it. Have fun organizing your games and let me know below if you have any questions or suggestions for improvement :)

Download mirror 1:

Download mirror 2:

0.3.3 (30.11.2017)
  • Fixed an issue where sample images were not being downloaded due to DLSite updating their site layout yet again (thanks Azdie!)
0.3.2 (26.02.2017)
  • Fixed an issue where sample images were not being downloaded due to DLSite updating their site layout (thanks Azdie!)

0.3.1 (31.07.2015)
  • Fixed an issue where no game information would be downloaded if Google Translate is unavailable.

0.3 (26.07.2015)
  • Added support for DLSite codes starting with VJ or BJ.
  • Fixed an issue causing HTML code to appear in some game titles.
  • Fixed an issue where preview images and tags were not being downloaded for some games.

0.2.1 (10.03.2015)
  • Fixed a bug causing the title of some games to appear in a strange position when viewing the list in details mode.

0.2 (07.02.2015)
  • Japanese title and tags are now automatically translated to English with Google Translate if an English DLSite page is unavailable. This can be disabled in options.
  • To translate title and tags for existing games, right click one or more games and select "translate title".
  • Added an option to display cover images (the big image on a DLSite page) instead of the smaller list images. I think this makes tile view look better.
  • A game's cover image can be changed by right clicking the thumbnails in the upper right corner.
  • Games now have a data field for language. This field will default to Japanese for all games with an rjcode.
  • Added a dupe detection tool that finds games with the same rjcode, title or path.
  • Added an option to rename extracted CG archives.
  • Games can now be grouped by title. This will display games by their initial letter.
  • Games can now be filtered by rating. Inputting 5 in the search field will only display your favorite games.
  • The program no longer freezes when hiding or showing columns in tile view.
  • Fixed some rare crashes.

0.1 (20.11.2014)
  • Initial release.
Source code
The program is a Windows Forms application created with C# .NET. The bulk of the UI is created with a slightly modified version of , a library for creating better lists in Windows.

To compile and run the code, open GameManager.sln in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or later and press F5 or choose "debug -> start debugging" in the context menu.

The source code is published under a copyleft license, which means that you are free to modify and share the program in any way that you wish, as long as you include your modified source code with your redistribution.

Mirror 1:
Mirror 2:
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Demon Girl
Apr 1, 2012
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

Awesome Work, this program is very usefull, you're a gentleman and a scholar :)


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

Downloading now, thank you very much! My RPG Maker folder has become an unwieldy beast. :eek:


Jungle Girl
Jul 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

You deserve a medal!

thanks for sharing this :)


Demon Girl
Feb 24, 2012
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

Great job! A thousand thanks, good Sir! :)


Mystic Girl
May 12, 2013
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

Hello, I have created a program that makes it easier to organize a massive collection of RPG Maker games. I originally created this program a long time ago to organize my own game collection and continued to develop it as a hobby. I now consider the program mostly finished and I hope that someone will find it as useful as I have.

Some examples of ways to display a game collection: imgur.com/a/F6kcr
Damn, I was designing something like this as well to manage my own games, but you've beaten me way much ahead of me :)

Yours looks way better than what I tried to accomplish. Props to you.

Edit: Although, in my case, I'm trying to make DLsite and Getchu game manager, not just DLsite.
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Apr 3, 2009
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

Is there any way to add custom notes to games? I often leave links to the ULMF topic about the game in my game folder, particularly when there's a walkthrough.


Jungle Girl
Dec 17, 2013
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

Is there any way to add custom notes to games? I often leave links to the ULMF topic about the game in my game folder, particularly when there's a walkthrough.
Yes, there is a field called 'comments' meant for custom text. To display it, right click the area above the edit button and press comments. You can also display this text in the list if you want by right clicking the column header and pressing comments, but I don't think that will be very useful for links.

Damn, I was designing something like this as well to manage my own games, but you've beaten me way much ahead of me :)

Yours looks way better than what I tried to accomplish. Props to you.

Edit: Although, in my case, I'm trying to make DLsite and Getchu game manager, not just DLsite.
The games that aren't on DLsite are usually on Getchu, so getting images from there as well is a very good idea. Good luck if you choose to continue to work on your game manager. I hope my project has given you some inspiration :)
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

This look like an awesome tool.

Thanks kindly for making it, and even more for sharing it.


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 13, 2012
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

This is a great tool. But does this only work for EXE games? I have some SWF games as well, but the program does not recognize them.


Sex Demon
Dec 31, 2011
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

what is this ?
is it a game maker ?


Jungle Girl
Dec 17, 2013
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

This is a great tool. But does this only work for EXE games? I have some SWF games as well, but the program does not recognize them.
You can add flash games by dragging and dropping the swf files into the program window. You can also add them with action -> add game if you change the filter in the bottom right from "executable or archive" to "all files".

If you're running games with agth, you need to uncheck "run game with agth" in the properties menu of each flash game because agth will crash if you try to run it with an swf file. I'll try to improve flash game integration in the next version. I only have a couple of flash games myself, so these things didn't cross my mind.


Jungle Girl
Dec 17, 2013
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

what is this ?
is it a game maker ?
No, not at all. This is a game library management application used to run and organize RPG Maker games. Sort of like a Steam or iTunes for hentai games. If you don't have a large collection of games that you're struggling to organize, you probably won't find it very useful.


Jungle Girl
May 24, 2013
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

This is incredibly well done, thank you!


Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2013
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

Now I can finally keep everything in order, thanks man. :D


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

This is some fine work right here. Bottoms up!


Demon Girl
Sep 9, 2012
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

thx for the hard work

i was waiting for something like this for long time now

and u made my dream come true

thx alot ^^;


Demon Girl
Sep 9, 2012
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

thx for ur hard work

i have question r u going to make more updates or not ?
i am hopping u will do that ^^;

thx again


Mystic Girl
May 12, 2013
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

The games that aren't on DLsite are usually on Getchu, so getting images from there as well is a very good idea. Good luck if you choose to continue to work on your game manager. I hope my project has given you some inspiration :)
Thanks, although I am a bit stumped with getchu pages, because they don't really have HTML address page, unlike DLsite. I mean, take this page for example:

I can download images just fine just from knowing the ID number, but I can't download the HTML file for that page, so I can't parse the page information on that game automatically... Do you perhaps have some idea on this?

Man, this getchu is so similar yet so different from DLSite...


Jungle Girl
Dec 17, 2013
Reputation score
Re: DLSite Game Manager 0.1

thx for ur hard work

i have question r u going to make more updates or not ?
i am hopping u will do that ^^;

thx again
I'm pretty happy with the program in its current state, so there aren't any updates planned at the moment. However, if someone reports a bug or requests a new feature that I agree would be useful, I will probably start working on one. Anything in particular you're looking for in an update?

Thanks, although I am a bit stumped with getchu pages, because they don't really have HTML address page, unlike DLsite. I mean, take this page for example: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=825238

I can download images just fine just from knowing the ID number, but I can't download the HTML file for that page, so I can't parse the page information on that game automatically... Do you perhaps have some idea on this?

Man, this getchu is so similar yet so different from DLSite...
I don't know what framework you're using, but the standard way of downloading HTML in .NET seems to be working just fine as long as you include the gc=gc parameter to bypass the "you must be 18 or older" screen. Here's the code I used to test this:

WebClient downloader = new WebClient();
downloader.Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("EUC-JP");
string html = downloader.DownloadString("http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=825238&gc=gc");
File.WriteAllText("C:\\html.txt", html);