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RPG RPG Maker Localization [ドライドリーム / Dry Dream] 淫魔王と失われた聖杯 / Succubus King and the Lost Grail (RJ291396, RE291396)

Hello, sorry for the late response.
Had the developer uploaded the patch/translation, I would have updated this thread.

I am uncertain which of the previous posts led you to believe the patch/translation had been uploaded, but the situation in regards to its release has not changed.

The developer is holding onto the patch/translation files and it is up to them to release it.
Considering how long it has been, it's likely they really are holding out for a DLsite official translation.

I agree wholeheartedly. Plus, DLsite seems to be weirdly focusing on audio/vocal products now, too.
I plan on poking the developer again soon to see if I can get them to release the patches for the two games I did for them -- or, at the very least, find out if DLsite is actually going to translate them.
Man that really sucks because it would mean that all your hard work would have been a waste...
I mean it would probably cost less using your work than hiring translators and either way we have to buy the game anyway so why not just save the time?
Dry Dreams actions are questionable and it makes me think that they just dont trust foreign fans (I just assume you are not japanese)
I mean... it's slightly irritating that I spent time making two translations that may never make it out there, but I can see things from the developer's side too.
If they can't understand English, they'd have no way to check the translation. Moreover, having the "Official DLsite Translation" tag would have more value to the average person, helping to drive more sales -- though I think most of the people on this site know what a translation from DLsite looks like.

And yes, I'm not Japanese, though I do live in Japan. Really close to DLsite HQ, ironically.
I mean... it's slightly irritating that I spent time making two translations that may never make it out there, but I can see things from the developer's side too.
If they can't understand English, they'd have no way to check the translation. Moreover, having the "Official DLsite Translation" tag would have more value to the average person, helping to drive more sales -- though I think most of the people on this site know what a translation from DLsite looks like.

And yes, I'm not Japanese, though I do live in Japan. Really close to DLsite HQ, ironically.
Yes, but most of the purchases are from "cultured" people, so the tag rating would probably look like this in my opinion:
Native professional translator >= handmade fan translation >>> DLsite translation (often MTL)
Looking from the salespoint perspective, the sooner the translations, the higher the chances that the product is being bought, as it would be available earlier.
And Dry Dream's works all appeal to a certain audience so if more of them are translated more money for them.
Sorry for the long rant, anyway I am surprised to see that you are not so frustrated, after Dry Dream did something like this and I guess you won't do another translation of their works?
Really, it just depends on the developer's choice.
In some cases, they will be elated at the effort put in by a volunteer. Other times they will be suspicious, which they have good reason to be. A lot of the translations posted on DLsite are half-assed. I mean, just look at Nightmare Girls from Diselmine. The damn thing isn't even half-translated but it was posted anyway at full price.
Then you see the Succubus Senki translation project which has the best possible communication with the dev himself.
In the end, it is their own work and they have the right to decide how it is handled.
I think Dry Dream is going to keep aiming for official DLsite translations - unless I can find a way to market games better than them (unlikely).

But, yeah, I'll be keeping my hands off their games for the foreseeable future. Not out of spite, but they have a certain objective and there's no place in me for it -- pretty much what
Bezerker77 said.
If they intend on waiting for an official translation why don't you just ask if you can post the translation files, its not like you are posting the whole game, we'll still have to buy it and that way he can still try to get an official translation but get sales in the meantime.
If they intend on waiting for an official translation why don't you just ask if you can post the translation files, its not like you are posting the whole game, we'll still have to buy it and that way he can still try to get an official translation but get sales in the meantime.
I think he mentioned that his dlsite account would be at risk so he won't upload it
Pretty much what MisaShot said.

If I uploaded it here, that would be illegal. The only way it wouldn't be would be if I were to get written permission from Dry Dream.
Based on the distribution agreements they've made, it's possible I'd have to get permission from DLsite and DMM, too.

Moreover, I've been in contact with DLsite a few times with regards to my projects, so they're aware that I translate games.
I have over 2k products on my DLsite account which I really don't want to lose.
I responded on another site, but I'll post here too, just in case:

Unfortunately, the developer is still holding onto the patch/translation files and it doesn't look like they're going to be uploaded any time soon.
I translated two of their games, and I'd really like to see the patches uploaded... so, once I have completed my translation of Zansenki Exuer, I'll see if I can get the developer to upload them.

Until then, the game remains untranslated.