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Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Most situations will operate in a free-flowing environment where we can develop story together without need for lots of mechanics. However, sometimes I may decide that your game is in need of some dreaded dice rolls. Or maybe we just need to change things up to make things interesting. In these situations, there will be a few rules I'll use.

1. Most skills/attributes have been condensed into 3 categories, which you rank on your char. sheet
  • Social
  • Mental
  • Physical
The more points you have in an attribute, the more dice roll chances you get. So if you had 3 points in social, you would get 3 chances to succeed on a social action.

2. Each action has a set difficulty, with the level of difficulty being the threshold your character needs to meet on a d10 in order to be successful. Here are some examples.
  • Three Easy (Making pasta)
  • Four Routine (Being stealthy. You're a vampire. It's what you do.)
  • Five Straightforward (Seducing someone who’s already “in the mood”)
  • Six Standard (Firing a gun)
  • Seven Challenging (Finding a hidden clue.)
  • Eight Difficult (Seducing someone who hates your guts. Congrats, that doesn't happen often.)
  • Nine Extremely difficult (Eluding a Nosferatu hunter.)
  • Ten Legendary Difficulty (Spanking the Toreador primogen and getting away with it.)
  • Eleven Impossible (Hand to hand combat with a pack of angry lupines. That's stupid. Don't do it.)

Note: if your character has some special traits developed through the story, I may make a difficult action easier for you or harder depending on the circumstances.

Extra Note: It is possible to botch actions! Each time you roll a d10, a 1 is considered a botch. A botch cancels out 1 successful roll. However, if you roll two successes, your action still succeeds. If you roll a botch with no successes, general bad stuff happens.

3. Each character will have a pool of 15 Blood Points to spend during the course of the night. Blood points can be replenished by feeding or resting. It costs blood points to use disciplines and a few other abilities. Each vampire spends 1 blood point to get up each night. If you have low blood points, you are susceptible to frenzy, torpor, and possibly final death.

4. Masquerade: In general, you need to hide the fact that you are a vampire or the prince will get pissed at you. Things like jumping on someone's back and gorging their blood in broad moonlight are automatic masquerade fails. Other more subtle actions can lead to suspicion that might lead to masquerade fails if you don't cover up. Masquerade fails and redemptions will be worked out during the course of the game based on your character, but in general if you break the masquerade, you're going to have problems.

5. Blood Binding: A vampire must activate the "Blood Binding" ability in order to bind another vampire to them. Activate the ability by spending 3 BP before or during the feeding. If the biting vampire isn't being consensually bound, they'll have a chance to resist by rolling the mental attribute against difficulty 8. If Blood Binding isn't active, there is no risk of being bound to the vampire you're biting.
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