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Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)

Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"Those runes bother me too... Though I guess we're bothered by them for entirely different reasons..." She was more bothered by not being allowed to do anything in her own home, not really paying any mind as to WHY they were there, because she actually knew why and just didn't have any plans on sharing. Still, she was happy that Alicia was willing to make an exception in this case and leave her be, really she already had enough to do to make her happy for the next few years.

As she poked the wall, her hand would feel that the wall was definitely rather moist, and as she did the ghost would suddenly gasp and let out a small moan, the wall seeming to almost quiver once being poked. The wall would also seem to get a little wetter, as though she had only made the ghost more aroused from doing that. But the strangest effect would be that poking the wall would send a warm sensation through Alicia, not particularly arousing considering she had only gently poked it, but it definitely felt... nice? "Mmmmm... Would you mind doing that again? Oh... sorry about the... Unggh... door. I can't really control this place right when I feel like this..."

Those hands continued making their lewd gestures, stroking an invisible ghost cock right in front of her visitor. Meanwhile, it felt as though there was a gentle breeze in the room... despite there being no windows and the door being shut. The gentle breeze would focus in on Alicia, blowing against her thigh, feeling like a gentle caress of a lover rather than just a bit of wind. "Are you sure... you don't wanna stay a bit... and play?" Suddenly the hands would disappear, and she wouldn't be able to see the ghost at all again... until she'd feel a hand on her shoulder, soft, cold, yet somehow slightly comforting... The hand would slowly rub up and down Alicia's shoulder if not stopped, feeling initially cold, but starting to leave behind a warm feeling instead. "I can be gentle with you if you want... Nnnnghhh... It's just been soooooooo long..."
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"... your wall is leaking. Also .. its warm." That was not overly witty, but the best Alicia could come up with at the moment. She had heard of haunts having a connection to the place they were bound to after a while but..

"Poke the wall agian? like this?" She poked again, a bit weirded out thena pproached the door, attempting to open it. "Right.. " This was a little too weird for Alicia.. the voice sounded female, yet.. well, that wasn't the most.. unusual part looking at the.. moist walls.

She blushed at the sudden breeze, the hand, this was all.. strange and, not at all how she was used to feeling when encountering haunts. "So long until wha? Until you've made out.. l.. listen, this is way too weird." She backed off a little, properly trying the door and clearing her throat. Also, the idea of being gentle if she wanted implied there were.. other options. Perhaps it was best to abandon this particular burial, it was most certainly out of the usual, Alicia decided, slowly backing off, looking around in the room around her.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


The spirit merely moaned when she was told that her walls were 'leaking', though she supposed that was a pretty decent word to describe what was happening. "Nngh... I won't really be able to fix that right nooOOoow... Though you definitely COULD fix the walls WITH me..." The moans became louder and slightly lewder as time continued to pass, the ghost enjoying things more and more as time went on.

The wall would quiver slightly once again, and this time the moan would echo through the entire house, causing even more water to slide down the walls, flowing rather than trickling now. The feeling of warmth would return a little stronger with the second poke, accompanied by a... sensation of safety? The feelings would fade rather quickly considering the poke barely lasted for any amount of time. "Oooooohhh... Yeeeeessss... Just like that..." Attempting to open the door would prove to be ineffectual, as it had suddenly become locked, and striking the door would prove that it was far more durable than it had appeared earlier. "I'll... try to open it in a little bit... Mmmmmmmm..." She assured, her voice growing increasingly lewd and horny.

"Sooooooo long since I had someone beautiful and sexy like you to... Unf... play with... If you don't want it to be gentle... I could get really rough with you instead..." This time she'd feel a cold hand squeeze her bottom, before fading away into tingling, pleasurable warmth. Then she'd feel a soft, cool, gentle kiss on her neck, feeling oddly... comforting during all this lewd stuff happening. In reality, the spirit was softening her up just a little bit, working carefully to make her ready for what would be the 'main event'. "I can make you feel soooo gooood... We could both feel this... Nnf... pleasure... I promise you'd love it..."
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


".. Right, listen, I'm an undertaker, not a .. renovator, or.. whatever you have in mind.." She tried to clarify to the moaning ghost, feeling oddly more claustrophobic now than with a ravaging undead that wanted to tear her throat out.. albeit, she had to admit, she wouldn't chose that company over the present. She had noted the odd tingling after poking the wall, but there were more pressing things to pay attention to right now.

"Play with? Err.. hold on." Well, the ghost was mostly insubstantial, so she didn't have much to worry about, presumambly.

Presumambly. She chided herself as she felt a hand grasping at her. Cold and.. "Eeep!" She eeped, feeling her bottom groped and blushing, remaining in that touch for just a moment too long..and of course not having an easy time shooing away an insubstantial 'Attacker`'. being kissed right after and feeling.. oddly warm?
"W.. what pleasure.. uhm.. I get you are pent up but this is .. err.." She looked about, realizing she was literally having well.. not sex, but.. at least close proximity with someone she had never seen before. and STILL didn't see. The ghost also seemed rather insistant and she wasn't sure about the 'roughness.' And the wettening walls.. even though she had to admit that this had felt.. interesting, this was way too strange!

"Alright, I... appreciate the compliments, but I think you should slow down. I'm warning you, I can just as easily place that rune back where it came from." This was a bluff.. she had no idea how these runes functioned beyond trying to stick it back. She still held the thing up demonstratively. She wasn't intentionally antagonizing the ghost, but neither would she just let herself get randomly sexed by a strange ghost in a wettening room, she decided, looking around cautiously.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


It seemed like the spirit wasn't going to give up so easily, at least not to the excuse of her being an undertaker rather than anything else that the ghost wanted. "Nnngghhh... Oh come on... we're all more than JUST our jobs... Mnnggghhh... You're an undertaker... But you're also a sexy, gorgeous, capable thing..." She complimented, though her compliments were just more aspects related to what she planned to DO with Alicia, showing where her mind was at the moment. Alicia would feel a very slight, weak impulse to feel the wall a little more, her body naturally missing that nice tingly feeling just a little bit, though it wouldn't be all that hard to resist that impulse. Without being disturbed any further, the walls would continue at their current rate of moistening, ceasing the odd quivering after not being touched for a little while.

The ghost made note that Alicia didn't seem to move away from her groping as quickly as someone that didn't enjoy it might, figuring that she could probably keep going so long as she did it right. She'd feel another kiss on her neck, a little higher up from the last one, that warm and content feeling flowing into her again, making her feel almost... safe? "It's more than... MMMM... pent up... I haven't felt pleasure in years... Even humans... feel release in their sleep if they wait long enough... Ooooooohhhhhh... I wasn't even able to feel that... I haven't gotten release in years... left wanting for soooooo long..." Well, Alicia had theorized that the ghost might have gone insane from being around so long, it seemed that really she had just gotten extremely horny, rather than angry or violent. While other spirits went crazy and grew cruel, this one had been left without any pleasure and had just developed an even stronger desire for it than she had in life... Nothing like that had ever been recorded before though, which means the mortician may have actually stumbled upon a completely new discovery.

The ghost hadn't admitted it, but she knew a little more about the runes than she had let on, having known who put them there and why, and knowing just enough more to know that Alicia was bluffing. But she decided to play along, happy to indulge a bit knowing that she was completely safe from that thing being reinstated. "Nnnnggghhh... Well we can't have that... Such a naughty girl..." Alicia's hands would suddenly start feeling a little cold... before quickly growing pleasantly warm... as though the warmth that normally filled ones whole body when horny was only in her hands. It wouldn't take her long to realize the ghost was possessing her hands a bit, and as such her hands would actually feel what the spirit's hands were feeling instead. Normally that just meant that her hands would grow cold, but instead they grew heated from the ghost being horny. They would start to move a little bit, but so long as Alicia focused it would be extremely simple to retain control of her own hands, possession of any body part being difficult if the subject knew what was happening and knew how to resist.

However... as she focused on keeping control of her hands, she'd feel another kiss, this one lingering even longer, keeping the warmth flowing through her from the comfortable kiss. And rather than a grab or squeeze, she'd feel something rather hard and... phallic... pressing against her bottom, causing that same heated tingling, but more intense than before, feeling so much nicer than it had even a few moments ago... "Guess I have to be more... Ungh... forceful with you..." And if Alicia stopped focusing on her hands for even a moment, she'd hear the rune and her shovel fall to the floor, her hands releasing their grip as soon as the ghost could exercise even the most minor amount of control over her body.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"Not -just- an undertaker, we are professionals in the fifth generation and uh.." She looked at the odd walls a little, not feeling like arguing out in such strange a situation. Why was she so fascinated about those weird walls? The situation was all the more unusual as Alicia didn't even -feel- all that odd. Was she enjoying this perverse ghosts schemes?

"Well you don't even have a body!"
She objected. She had never heard of a horny ghost. Granted, it beat the horrid haunting of a rage filled spirit, but it was just rather.. unprofessional? Was that the right word? She didn't have time to ponder this before she looked down at the odd feeling on her hands. "H.. hoi!" She shook her hands, distractedly by the attempted posession, out of habit trying to focus and force the ghostly presence out.. though of course that left her open to another kiss, this one actually making her gasp softly.. and not in shock.

"W.. wait , what are you.. eeep!" She blushed as she felt the feeling of something thick and cock shaped up against her bottom, enough of a distraction to be followed by a clanking noise from the rune and the shovel falling to the ground. Raher than worry about that though, the warming tingling caused her to push her bottom out a little, rubbing up against that ghostly appendage, the would be ghost-hunter exhaling hotly in an almost-moan. "Th.. this can't be happening.." She decided with a distracted blush, growing more.. yielding under the ghosts forceful approach.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


The ghost really didn't feel like arguing over what Alicia was and wasn't when it came to her profession, instead focusing on the pleasure she was feeling, and sharing it with the only other person in the manor. "Nnnnggghhh... I'm just rewarding you for finally letting... Mmmmmmm... me feel pleasure again. By giving you that same pleasure..." She explained, the walls still flowing with a bit of water, and still tempting her to feel them again, get that nice tingling to go through her body one more time. This whole situation may have been odd, but the ghost was being careful to make sure that it was at least pleasant, feeling good for the both of them.

If Alicia had any experience with possessions, she'd be surprised that her hands didn't feel cold or uncomfortable, which were both common sensations to come from being possessed by a spirit. "I mean... I don't have a Gnnghh... body right NOW. But I can definitely get one... Oooooohhhh... Yours looks like it's a little pent up too..." While she definitely wouldn't be as pent up as the spirit, said spirit had a hunch that the woman didn't get as much pleasure as she deserved. The soft gasp only helped encourage the horny ghost, planing another soft kiss on her neck, holding it there for longer, each kiss feeling warmer than the last, the uncomfortable cold fading faster and the nice warmth remaining with her.

She felt a feeling of success once she heard the shovel and rune falling to the floor, showing that she was more in control of the situation than Alicia may have initially wanted. "Oh but it is happening dear... and I can tell you LOVE it." The hard cock would keep rubbing against her bottom, going just a little faster as she saw the mortician relenting, giving in to the wonderful warmth and pleasurable sensations that it brought. "Let's see if this makes you understand a little more..." The ghost would suddenly fly THROUGH Alicia, allowing her for a few moments to feel exactly what the ghost was feeling. It felt... hot and aroused, but more than that, for the briefest moments it felt as though Alicia hadn't orgasmed for years, having been aroused and unable to find relief in any way. Then the feeling would pass as the ghost only held onto control of her hands, kissing her and pushing her cock against her bottom to try and ensure she kept control of those hands.

Then Alicia would feel her hands moving, one reaching up grope and squeeze her own breasts, rubbing them. The other would reach down between her legs and start teasing her own sex, the ghost fondling her... or... making her masturbate? Meanwhile, she might feel her clothes start to come undone, slowly but surely working to reveal her body. Then she'd feel that strange, warm and tingly possession starting to reach into her legs, the ghost seeming to try and move her just a little bit, if she could gain control she'd start moving the mortician back slowly, pressing even more into that hard, throbbing, intensely pleasurable, ghost cock.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"Alright,..." The Grave-digger began, not quite sure how to talk to the lewd ghost beyond this. Still struggling against the weird wall-fetshization urges she felt as well as wondering about the posession, she couldn't help but complain. "Hoi! My body is NOT up for the taking!" Even through the oddly comforting ghostly molestations, squirming under the ghostly advances, feeling that shaft rubbing all up against her..

"H.. haaah.." She panted, rather than giving an immediate answer, gasping at the sensation of something outright passing through her, more quivering than shivering under this particular ghosts influence. The feeling of being both aroused and pent-up was odd to say the least, tough Alicia managed to hold on against the lustful feelings comparably well, shaking her head slightly, dizzily, only to find out that the ghost had more attempted to distract than entice her, her own breasts roaming over her body, an odd sensation to say the least.

"Wha... hey, what are you.. hamnn...!" She gasped as her hands came to explore under her clothings, feeling her soft, smooth, not too impressively sized, admittedly, breasts, while her other hand wandered to search out her sex, biting her lips in lustful emberassment. "H.. haaah.." She gasped as the invisible force undressed her, her body a bit pale, smooth, with a cute little tuft of pubic hair above her smooth sex, though, currently the ghost may be more focused on her round bottom, cooing out: "Ahmnn.. y.. yeeess.." As she pushed herself up against the Ghostly shaft, feeling it pressure up against her backdoor, letting that same pressure tease her, though not going so far as to impale herself upon the ghost. Simultaneously, unknowingly or not, reaching out to steady herself up against the wet wall. "A.. alright, geesh. This is so weird, but... I guess theres worse things that could be happening." The molestations finally made her admit, though a part of her wondered how she could hear a female voice.. yet feel what most definitly seemed to be a male appendage press up against her.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"I'll be sure to give you lots of pleasure... and I'll make sure you enjoy it all..." The spirit moaned, glad to see that Alicia was at least not actively trying to stop what she was doing, which she would take as encouragement to keep going. "Sorry Cutie..." She'd say, still softly molesting her with those tingly, inviting, nice feeling ghostly hands. "But I want this to feel as good as possible... And so you don't get a say in a little bit of fun possession..." If she protests at all, those hands would speed up a little and the shaft would rub against her bottom a little more firmly now, as though promising her what she'd be getting if she allowed the ghost to do as she pleased.

The ghost made note of her quivering, glad that her pleasure was being so readily accepted. And seeing as she had gotten a bit of sensation from the possession, she decided to add another factor into this. "You're doing soooo gooood... I'm sure you loved that little bit of arousal... That's how I feel... That's how you can feel if I just possess you for a little bit..." It'd feel as if the voice was now whispering directly into her ear, before a cool breath would slide over her ear, some even going in, making the inside of her feel tingly like the rest of her had. She'd keep blowing into Alicia's ear, a gust of warmth and enticing pleasure following that breath, the spirit encouraging Alicia to enjoy it all even more, to love the feelings.

She continued moving Alicia's hands across her body, feeling her up softly, her hands that of an experienced lover, being molested by her hands... yet not her hands at the same time. Her hands would be more experienced than she'd ever remember, tracing a finger around the lips of her pussy, building the tingly pleasure but not letting her go too far unless the ghost wanted to allow it. The ghost rubbed her shaft against that soft, round bottom, that hard member throbbing against her as the rubbing continued, teasing her with what might come if she keeps complying with the horny spirit. Once her hand pushed against the wet wall, the possessed hands would quiver and the ghost would moan loudly once again. And as her hand pressed against it, a wave of content and wonderful feelings would flow into her, along with helping to satisfy that powerful desire to feel the walls. More water would start trailing down the wall, eventually flowing onto Alicia's hand, which would feel absolutely wonderful. A surge of pleasant feelings would cascade through her, trying to make her feel more content with everything happening around her, trying to make her enjoy what was going on even more. "Yeeesss... Worse things than some nice sensations and pleasure... There's nothing wrong with enjoying it all... maybe even getting possessed by the nice ghost... after all, she just wants to give you pleasure."

After touching the wall, those words would sound more... kind? It seemed like there wasn't a hint of ill will in the ghost's voice, and in reality there wasn't, but it would be harder to try and refuse being possessed by the nice ghost that was still feeling her up. Her legs would be possessed in the same manner as her hands, giving the spirit control enough to spread her legs a little more, allowing her to feel that hard, ghostly shaft moving in between her legs and gently rubbing against her pussy. She'd move it back and forth, back and forth, letting the gentle tingly feeling now build in her sex, that ghost cock feeling so nice... so hard... so long... right there just ready to impale her.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


The gravedigger panted a bit, clearly overwhelmed by the lewd sensations going on all around her. This was, admittedly, the first time she had been posessed for.. well, lewdities and the fact that she still felt a ghostly shaft gave her all the more reason to pause. "Eh, might as well have fun before I banish you..." She ultimately decided.

"Just getting me horny wont stop me from fulfilling my mission though." She objected, with determination at the gropy ghost. The feeling of her own hands feeling her up was certainly weird though. She did have to fight back a slight yelp under the touch, looking at the watery.. discharge from the wall, meeping as her legs were made to spread by an invisible force. She blush-moaned at the feeling of something rubbing in between there, though with the combination of 'just feeling nice' and ghostly teasing it was hard to get lost in the moment. "Listen, this is feeling nice and kinky and all, but you're not the first ghost I deal with, I admit, different and interesting from feeling spooky, but I ain't getting horny from you just... projecting some feelings onto me. I think you are looking for a more eeepy helpless suprised gal you know. I will have my fun with ya, sure but after that, you're going to find your peace, in your grave, thats how these things go, alright?" She bargained and cooed softly. she was dedicated to her task, after all.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


The fondling and caressing would continue right up until Alicia reaffirmed her need to complete her duty and put the ghost to rest. Suddenly the groping would stop, the spirit completely pulling out of the mortician, leaving her without any of the tingly feelings or pleasuring. "Well that's a total mood killer..." She muttered, sounding more disappointed than anything, the walls would suddenly stop dripping, and the air of the room seemed to completely clear up. "The door is unlocked now... I just want to live and enjoy myself and have fun with an occasional cute girl like you and then if they're unhappy I'd give them free potions and let them go and I just wanna help people!" She said, almost as if she was about to start pouting. The spirit would remain there, waiting for whatever Alicia was about to say when they'd both hear the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. Apparently the ghost had been too wrapped up in her pleasure to notice someone else entering the house. Before they could say anything, the door would burst open and a female figure would be standing at the door, holding a red staff that had some symbols on the end of it.


"Spirit lost in Limbo, prepare yourself to be laid to rest by a true exorcist, for I am Mara Nightshade! Worry not, I shall end your suffering and bring honor to my name! This shall be your last day trapped here and... wait what?" The woman would look at Alicia with confusion before getting an angry look on her face. "You look like a... Hey! This is MY exorcism! Not yours! I'm the one that's supposed to handle this!" She pointed her staff at Alicia, not wanting to lose a moderately known case in the local area, especially not to someone that she didn't actually recognize yet.

"Tch... Why does no one believe that I am just happy and content where I am? I just wanna be left to be me..." The woman would completely ignore those words, instead staring daggers at Alicia, gripping her staff as though she were expecting a fight. "I am not having some no name, two-bit exorcist show me up. I'm exorcising this ghost from here and that's final, so you can leave while I handle the job and add some well deserved reputation to MY name!"

"Geez... I liked you better than this one. At least you actually heard me out when I talked..." The spirit muttered, already knowing which person of the two that she preferred to be around.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


Alicia was just in that grey zone between being aroused enough to just give in and still not quite sure about a spirit molesting her when.. the same just stopped. "Humnn.. errr.. sorry, but yeah, as I said. I'd make a joke about first dates, but your first date, is date of birth, second is... err, listen you are not a malvolent spirit, clearly, but you can't -live- here, you got to find rest and move on to the afterlife, or whatever. and don't mistake me for a priest saying that.. I don't care about this nonsense, but do you know what your undead kind does to the good name of a funeral home? I've had a grandpa raise from his grave to try and eat his grandchildren when I decided I had enough with you lot." She crossed her arms and decided to leave out were the world would be if the undead were in a whole more.. molesty. She suspected some people would make sure to seek her out but she wasn't sure that was a world she wanted to go to either, so she was about to try the door and bid the ghost goodbye, when..

"O ho ho ho ho. It's an exorcist." She crossed her arms. "Chant a bit, burn some incense, claim the job is done and not even bury the body, I know your kind. You don't put skeletons in proper coffins, rather, you slap weird papers all over them and sprinkle the place with smelly stuff. No manners, no professionalism!" She accused.. which had less weight, considering her only barely hidden arousal and slightly lewd posture and disarrayed clothing.

"Also, I came first." She added, on the side. "I'm not a no-name-exorcist, I'm no exorcist at all, I'm a disgruntled gravedigger that goes out doing the job you people apparently aren't apt enough to do I am not pying you several gold pieces just to have you show up, slam some papers on my clients, rustle your prayer beads or whatever and leave, with the body just lying about .. or worse, once or the body actually just.. crumpled into ashes! the family exspecially did -not- want a cremation! Miss Moser was vivid when I had to tell her.
'No miss moser, that was an exorcist.. yes, yes miss moser, sorry mam.. n.. no we can't put him back together, he's dust.. yes, well as I said it's not quite our fault.. sory mam' .. and so on and so forth and I had another customer waiting, she didn't care if she made a scene or not!
Also, this ghost is all weird and molesty, so you know what, I did plan to leave anyway, but not if you make things worse. I do have a contract to bury thig host.. err..no one objected to it at least and by now this is developing to be a difficult case, thats 20 silver plus expenses, so who'll pay me?"
Considering the difference between an exorcists payment and a simple gravediggers payment, this was likely a small sum by comparison of course.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"See, but, why does any funeral home have to worry about my situation when no one wants a funeral, nor is there a body anywhere here to have one anyway. I don't want a funeral, I have no family to want a funeral for me, I never wrote a will... Really there's no point for any sort of funeral, I am happy where I am, and would pay you far more just to let me live how I am. If you need to make sure I'm not evil you could visit me every so often to check, and then I'd give you some potions and everything would be ok..." The ghost argued, really just wanting to have her fun now that she had an entire 'life' ahead of her to just enjoy the way she wanted. Plus... she doubted any afterlife would keep her as happy and entertained as she was right now. Not only that... but... well... she could have quite a bit of fun if Alicia visited her every so often... But any musings she had on those ideas were stopped by the exorcist, making the ghost surprised that two different people were trying to remove her from this place at the same time.

The exorcist, Mara, stomped her foot a few times angrily, like a child pouting over their parent telling them to clean their room. "I will NOT stand for these insults! Unlike you, we exorcists are not just some fool with a shovel looking to make a little bit of silver! We train and learn for years, while any idiot with enough strength to hold a shovel and lift a coffin could do your job! The body is of no concern to us, our job is to exorcise the spirits trapped in places like this, regardless of whatever a family wants. If they want the ghost gone then we get rid of the ghost! I will pay you NOTHING! For this is MY job, so get out while I handle this myself, because clearly you haven't even done anything worthwhile so far! For example..." She'd tap her staff against the ground twice, focusing for a quick moment as her hand would glow with magical energy... and then suddenly a form would start to appear in the room, her magic forcing the ghost into a form where she could at least be seen...


The ghost looked... surprisingly human, though her ears were pointed, indicating that she was an elf. She wore a rather cute looking outfit, with a big orange bow in her long black hair. Though if either of them looked, there was a slight bulging in her skirt between her legs. The only real indication that she wasn't human was the blue, ghostly color of her skin. "Tsk... Well darn. That's no fun. I didn't want to be seen cause I get all embarrassed... That was mean..." The ghost said idly, unable to turn herself invisible again from whatever magic the exorcist had cast. "There we go... now you can't hide you poor, lost soul! You shall be brought into the light and sent on your way, no longer trapped in limbo!" She announced dramatically, acting as though Alicia wasn't even there at this point.

"You realize how unreasonable she sounds to YOU is kind of how you seem to me... But even then, you were more kind and reasonable about it..." The ghost would whisper to Alicia, not wanting to get close to the exorcist just yet, knowing that she likely had quite a few spells to deal with her, and therefore wanting to keep as far away as possible for now.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"It's not about good and evil, its about the principle.. and you don't exactly -live- no body is an issue though, could you point out where that is?" She said, hopeful, .. seriously, this was why she had initially hesitated about the ghost-contract, those were harder to get unless you settled for an urn of ectoplasm.. and somehow, Alicia worried about asking the ghost for her ectoplasm..

But that all paled in relevance compared to the exorcists temper tantrum."First of all, this is an Eisenberg mark II, and trust me when I say that this shovel has dealt with -a lot- of reluctant clients, as I like to call them." She patted her shovel. ".. also I have you know that theres a lot more to funeral business then that! Do you know the proper flower arrangement for a widows burial? Do you? You'd propably try to plaster some of your paper stickers all around instead!" She pushed her arms into her side. "Yeah damn right the body is of no concern to you, I know that." She watched the tapping, then remarked. "Huh, so being a ghost for long times makes your breasts grow.

.. anyway, can you be any more melodramatic? I am still getting paid here, and not in boisterous phrases!"
She noticed the ghost kind of... coddling up to her, not sure how she should feel about that, considering the ghosts unusual and lewd nature, but she was more annoyed about the exorcist than worried about the ghost.

"Alright enough of this." She reached out, hooking her shovel under the exorcists staff, then tugged forward, pulling it off of her with one swift tug. "You got no idea the arm strength digging graves gives you, whilest the hardest you do is tap your staff eh?" She twirled the thing. "Gotta say, the appear trick was neat, how does this work? I could buy it from you. .. looks expensive but I got a few gold coins on me, had some good contracts earlier." Lacking magic, she was physically superior to the exorcist, most likely, who was used with dealing with etheral and thus not too physically challenging threats. "Like this?" She theorized, tapping the staff on the ground again curiously.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


The ghost, now that she was visible, would just give a shrug at the question of where her body actually was. Technically she knew a bit about where her body was, but there was no real way for her to give a specific location about all of that. Either way, they were both way more busy with the rude and rather childish exorcist that neither of them had reason to want in the manor.

Mara rolled her eyes and put on a mocking tone, exaggerating Alicia's voice to make her sound even sillier as she spoke. "'Oh look at my fancy shovel. I could whack people in the head with it! It's so expensive it probably cost 10 silver! Bla bla bla' Anyone can stick a piece of flat metal on a stick and give it a fancy name. A shovel is a shovel." She got a slightly smug look though when Alicia mentioned the flower arrangement. "Oh yes, I'm sure putting flowers in a pretty little pattern is sooooo difficult. Funny enough, a friend of mine tells me the same skills are needed for work in a brothel. So you've got the skills of a whore but less money and less... 'lively' clients." She laughed, holding her hand up to her lips in a very haughty laugh. Meanwhile the ghost would still keep her commentary going, only speaking to Alicia considering how the exorcist just sort of ignored her. "Awwwww... That's really mean. Don't worry sweetheart, I may not be lively, but I'd pay lots for those kind of services if they were from you."

"Yeah... they've gotten loads bigger over the past few years! Either they've filled with milk, or they've filled with some sort of ectoplasm. Haven't even been able to try to empty them out with all the runes and everything." She explained, gripping her boobs a bit and pushing them out towards Alicia, as though she was trying to give an example about how big they really became. "Oooh I know! Maybe you can help me drain them later!"

"Waaah!" Alicia's theory was entirely correct, as the exorcist was physically rather weak, and her light staff was pulled from her grip without much trouble. "Y-You Dolt! Y-Y-You uncultured brute! You nincompoop! Give me that back! That is mine! I made it! Give it back!" She really did seem child like, throwing her tantrum and yelling for her 'toy' back. "Don't mess with thaaat! You don't know how that works! You haven't been trained in the slightest on how to use these kinds of things!" Though other than her whining and insulting, she wouldn't try anything physical, already seeing that she couldn't challenge Alicia in a physical competition.

Though when Alicia tapped the staff against the ground... she'd feel some sort of energy in the room. And then she'd see a slightly red aura glow around the spirit, her face turning a little confused as this new energy flowed around her. "Huh... weird... I wonder what that did..." Meanwhile, Mara seemed a little worried, and glared at Alicia. "You damned moron! Stop playing with that as though it were a toy! You have no idea what you might end up doing! Return that to me this instant!" "Oh she's being so rude to you... I try to be nice, but even she might test my patience..."
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"You sound like a lass that has never been whacked in the face with a shovel before." Alicia said, both as a thinly veiled threat and creative counter to the mockery. "At least my staff has anything on its end." She smugly claimed, compared to the exorcists-stick..thing.

"Oh thats it, I am now decidedly cross with you." She narrowed her eyes, but was of too good upbringing to be overly insulting despite the haughtyness. "Wait.. err.. what kind of services are you talking about now.." she looked at the ghost, kind of gandering at the answer..

And having her train of thought crashed, burned and then molten and repurposed by the ecto-plasmic-breast.. statement. "A.. absolutely not.. For starters you are incorporeal so I couldn't.." She quickly tried to excuse.

"Whats a nincomwhat? Anyway.. huh.. she didn't disappear again, and now you are red.. perhaps I did it wrong?" She tapped the staff again, then, turned it around, tapping it upside downedly. "How's that, feel any different?" She inquired, now more explorative than listening to the poor exorcist. "You can have your staff back when you say the magic word. And no, no exorcism mumbo jumbo. Let us behave a bit more like adults. This staff is kind of useful, where can I buy one? What other things can it do?" She mused, experimenting.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"And YOU sound like a woman that hasn't attended a day of etiquette training in her life. So mnnyeh!" Mara would say before sticking her tongue out at Alicia... not doing anything for herself at this point now that she was left without her only 'weapon'. "At least my staff can actually DO something when a ghost is around. You can't whack something that's incorporeal, in case you didn't know." "You know... she's the kind of person I'd have to 'heal' in a different way back when I was alive. Had to teach them to behave when it came to treating other people." The spirit commented... though how a healer could 'heal' a bratty personality was a bit of a curious idea.

"Oh so you finally caught up with me then? Cause I've been cross with you since the moment I saw YOU stealing MY business! So I guess we're even now!" The ghost giggled a bit at the mention of the 'services' that she would like to get from Alicia. "Oh you know, a nice romantic candlelit dinner that I could cook, then a little chat about us... followed by a trip to the bedroom where I'd properly show you my collection of special sex toys. Just normal things..." Maybe even corrupt and control that hot little body of yours... Of course, the last part she kept to herself for now, just teasing the cute gravedigger for now.

"But you already have the staff! You could totally make me corporeal and then we could get some of that ectoplasm I've built up for years and years. I'd even hold you and help you feed from it personally if you wanted!" She offered, having already read about what that might actually do to a human. Few ever learned about that, though because they figured ghosts would never be kinky.

"A 'nincompoop'! And if you don't know what one is then you definitely ARE one! Stop playing with my staff! That alters the energies of a spirit in all sorts of ways if you don't use it right!" The spirit, now glowing with a sort of red energy simply chuckled as Alicia experimented. Though when she tapped the staff upside down, the spirit would let out a small moan of surprise, and the slight bulge that was in between her legs would grow in size, now very obvious in her skirt. "Ooooh! That one was neat! Heh... I bet a lot of male ghosts would go crazy if you told them you could do that!" "The 'magic word' is 'Give me back my staff before I go to the Red Exorcists and have them come after you for all the troubles your causing one of their members'! You can't 'buy' one of those staffs! You have to actually make it yourself! The Red Exorcists only make them for their members to use! And it can do a whole bunch of things when it comes to spirits, it can change their appearance, alter the flow of energy around them and make them visible, it can cut them off from the source of their power or even enhance their connection to it. So give it back!" Well... she apparently still didn't know what the actual 'Magic Word' was meant to be...
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"Oh yeah? I'd like to see how you used yout riggedy staff to whack a proper ghoul over the head then." She hmpfed. "And errr.. I might be ok with the dinner part.. wait what are we going on about again.. oh yes." She cleared her throat, being a bit overwhelmed by the combination of odd situation and lewd haunt.

"Well calling people poop is the epitome of immaturity, so theres that.. alright I can't deal with both of you at the same time." She decided, crossing her arms, exspecially after the bulge-resizing bit of the staff. "I'ma ask a less pompous red exorcist, as for you..." She flexed, stepping to the window of the room, lazily opening it up.

"Goodluck." She commented, aiming.. then tossing the staff as far outside as she could, landing in the undergrowth outside the mansion. "I'm sure you can find it with a little bit of searching. Shoo." She made a shooing motion to the exorcist.

"Weellll seems we are on a clock pervy ghost lady. Seeing how you are unconvinced right now, I want to add that for a simple up price of a few silver you get to pick from a selection of interesting gravestones, by the by, what'd I put on it? I rarely get to converse with clients you see.." She also was rarely.. hit on by clients, at least not in the way that didn't involve a screaming for brains.

She also tried her hardest to ignore the.. excessive voluptousness of the ghost that, if her little.. distraction for the exorcist had worked, once again took center stage in her attention. ".. by the by this red glow, think thats there to stay? Might need a properly sealed coffin for that one.. Well, this job is more unusual than most." She decided.

"...Yeah and apparently exorcists are there too.. that's it, increasing it to a 10 gold difficulty fee, apologies, but this is all quite confounding." She nodded her head, trying to stay all proper business about this.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"I don't NEED to whack such creatures with my staff to deal with them! I have more than enough spells to disable such creatures!" Meanwhile, the ghost seemed to actually find some sort of amusement out of distracting her by carrying on two conversations. "We were going on about how I could cook you
a lovely romantic candle lit dinner before leading into a night of wonderful passion between you and I that neither of us would ever be able to forget."
She said with a smile.

"No, you dolt! Nincompoop doesn't mean that! It's simply another word for 'fool', and judging by how you didn't know that, you indeed prove that it's an apt description!" "You know, funny thing is I've heard stories that most, if not all, the red exorcists are this pompous. Apparently they think that they're the greatest group around and all that other self aggrandizing stuff."

Mara's eyes would widen as her staff was thrown out the window, a look of anger building as she stomped her feet a few times. "You... You... You HOOLIGAN!" But then she'd run out the door, clearly planning on retrieving her staff and coming back to give Alicia a piece of her mind. Meanwhile, the ghost would giggle at the display, unable to help herself as she saw someone so clearly rude being given a little bit of comeuppance.

"See... if I'm supposedly a client, don't I reserve the right to refuse services? I'll pay you in excess for time lost, but really I don't want any of that burial stuff. As a client I officially request that you not continue with your services aside from removing the runes, and I will pay you quite a bit if you continue on with these special services... Mmmmmmmm... And maybe I could pay you large sums for even more 'special' services..." She offered, still seeming just as perverted and lewd as she had a little bit ago.

"No idea if this glow will stay though... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Oh! I know! I get that we're on a clock here and all that, but if you wait here for... 15 minutes while I figure something out then I'm almost certain I could convince you to let me be... How about this then, if I'm not back in 15 minutes, I'll pay you 40 gold in potions and other assets and comply with whatever request you want. But if I'm back before then, you'll have to at least hear me out, ok?"

Though she wouldn't actually wait for an answer, floating out of the room, the door once again sealing for a while, leaving Alicia alone in the room for supposedly 15 minutes. The only thing left at this point were those rather lewd pictures the ghost had been looking for. Things would be rather silent, in fact, Alicia wouldn't even feel like she was being watched any more, she was alone for now. A decent amount of time would pass, about 14 minutes before the door to the room would open. But rather than the ghost, the exorcist walked back in, with her staff in hand now, looking at Alicia. Well... so much for the ghost making it back in time before the little bratty woman returned. But that just meant she'd be getting quite a bit of gold. Except... when she looked at the exorcist... she seemed far more... subdued, than before. Her expression wasn't even angry, and her eyes seemed... emptier than before... but that just meant...

The exorcist would lift her staff and point it at Alicia, and suddenly she'd feel as though she were moving through quicksand, a simple spell to make her entire body slow and sluggish. "So what do you think? Thanks for tossing her staff away, would've never been able to get in here with her holding that thing. On the bright side, now that I'm in I can make her lift the staff just fine! She's got LOTS of magical power and potential really, just what I needed. Soooooo... How about we discuss this on a more even ground, eh?" The possessed Mara spoke, having the spirit's voice rather than her own, and having a very good idea of how to use all the magical energy that an exorcist normally possessed.
Re: Doubtful Ice Cream (Pervy/Shotgungunshot)


"Wait, I'm losing track of things here, how do we get from whacking undead to candlelit dinners. Do you even have non-rotten food in this place?" Though she had noted that something around her had.. shifted, but perhaps that was just her imagination.

"You know, calling others 'poop' of any variety is not overly mannered or mature my dear." She nodded, then turned to the ghost. "She seems to have a bit of an ego, yes. Anyway, got rid of her. Perhaps we should relocate before she returns.." The gravedigger pondered.

"Well.. yes, you do reserve the right to refuse services of couse, though there is a withdrawal fee. Usually clients are less.. talkative." She mused. "Also, I think I have a form somewhere you can fill out to show us why you weren't satisfied with our services." She reached out for her backpack.

"I errr.. guess I can remove those runes, though its not really my expertise, they seem to come off easily enough." She cough-blushed at the offer of.. extra services, pulling out a piece of paper that apparently allowed one to rate services and explain any sort of dislike one had, though, realizing the ghosts incorporality, she hesitated.

"Hrmnn.. this is quite peculiar. Humnn? Well, I guess I can wait for a few minutes, no problem, exspecially with that kind of offer. I shall wait here then." She nodded, deciding to put her complaint form away, and spent the time .. off examining this strange architecture closer.

"Oh great, you are back. I feel like I'm not getting my golds worth anytime and.. huughh.. what are you doing!" She complained at the sudden feeling of sluggishness, only to raise her brows.. something seemed.. off. "I'm not sure err.. posessing her is an acceptable.. way of doing business.. I mean, I certainly can't bury anyone alive but.. I mean, she was annoying but still.." She pondered, not quite certain what to think of the posession..