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Dragon Game interest check.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Okay, so I've been floating the idea around about hosting a game where the players are all either Dragons, dragon riders, or friends of the dragon riders, set in http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=25182 which I am still tweaking lore-wise.

There's two different ways this can go. Either I host it as a Pathfinder game with a few houserules thrown in to make everything flow properly, and it'll start at 8th level, or it can be freeform, and there will thus be a much, much wider variety of dragons to choose from as they won't have to be statted.

As a note on dragon riders: Regardless of how this game is hosted, the one overarching theme of it is that the Dragon Riders share a bond with their dragons and all dragonkind, allowing them to understand and communicate with any species of Dragon. Most Dragons whose heads are as big as a Medium creature's or larger can comprehend and speak humanoid tongues, in addition to their own Draconic language. Most Dragon Riders learn Draconic as a way of strengthening their bonds between them and their dragon.

For the Freeform game: If you can bring me a good enough source of info about a Dragon Breed, and that breed isn't MASSIVE compared to a regular human, then chances are I'll allow it. As a note, all dragons labelled under "Seen in the Franchise" on are likely going to be allowed.

Also of note: This will be taking a page from a certain source, so most breeds will have a limited number of times they can use their breath weapon per day, requiring time to rest and regain their energy. This is usually tied directly into how strong the dragon itself is.

Another note: I've changed quite a bit since I last hosted an actual game, so some of you may or may not be wondering about Erotic content. Yes and no. The world isn't designed to be one giant smut factory, but it's still Bronze/Iron age. So there's always the possibility of enemy soldiers taking a female character prisoner and having their way with her. Or you might encounter a succubus who wants to avoid a fight. Long story short, there will be Ero content, but that's not the focus of the game.

Another Note 2, Electric Boogaloo: Rathuris was kind enough to supply a very useful book, In The Company of Dragons, to anyone who wishes to play a Dragon should this be made a Pathfinder game and not a Freeform game.
On the topic of players being dragons, note that only the strongest of dragons can assume a Humanoid form. Bear this in mind when making a Dragon character.

Yet another Note, Editing is Fun Edition: A lot of players want to know the basic context of what their characters will be doing. Essentially, you'll all be under the employ or service of one of the nobles near the Wildlands border. Nobles tend to engage each other in open armed conflict, as well as political maneuvering when it stands to gain them something.

Another Note, the Fourth: It was brought to my attention that some people may be playing solely as Dragons. I would like to note here that I have absolutely no problems with players playing both a rider and their Dragon if there aren't other PC's to do so.

This is just an interest check. If you already know which way you want the game to go, feel free to include that in your post. Either way, this will be hosted via IRC/Java for PF/Freeform, respectively, if it ever gets off the ground. Questions, feel free to ask here or in the Shoutbox.
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Re: Dragon Game interest check.

Count me in. I am fine with either game.

I am also thinking of playing as a bonded dragon. :)
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

Also fine, and yay the book I lent Rath has been lent to others :3.

Me too on the dragon count and the game count heh. I'm good with either.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

I'm interested. Good for either statted or freeform, but I also have to warn that trying to nail me down to a specific time is hell. I'll do all I can, but i'd rather step back out than make everyone else play at some ridiculous hour because of my schedule.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

AWRIGHT! Before anyone else joins, I'd like to say I want this game to happen Fridays or Saturdays. If you're available on those days, give me some times that will be good for you and I'll go from there.

As another note, because the players who have shown interest are good for either, I'm slowly leaning towards it being a Freeform game.

EDIT: Also, as a note, I'm still looking for players, and slots are still open.
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Re: Dragon Game interest check.

Fridays are best for me, pretty much any time.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

I am available for both times as Caulder and I discussed earlier. :D

Also my dragon will be needing a rider. :)
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Re: Dragon Game interest check.

I can usually do both days, but only int he mornings. I tend to work from about 5pm EST and onwards. Friday would be preferable, the rare times i get saturdays off, I usually wind up out of the house, paintballing or other stuff.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

I am available all day both days so I can do early both days.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

Alright, so, after conversing with Shrike, it looks like the time we'll be playing is 1PM EST. If anyone else is still interested in joining, feel free to say so. I still have to get a few things straightened out so we won't be starting this week.

A little exposition on where the game takes place in the setting detailed in the first post: The players are all Riders and their Dragons, pledged in service to Lady Amelia Black, current ruling member of the Black Family, who own almost a quarter of the farmland bordering the Wildlands, surrounded by 3 other Noble houses and their own intentions. Amelia Black is one of the more politically focused nobles, generally attempting peaceful accords over warfare, though her army is the largest of the 4 in the general area, and is almost entirely comprised of Wildmen who serve in exchange for protection and shelter for their families.

And here's an exceptionally barebones sheet template for you to put your characters on:

Character Name:
Race: ((Or Breed if you're a dragon.))
Physical description and/or link to a picture:
Gear: ((Basically, what your character lugs around with them when they aren't lounging around the Lady's Keep.))
Motivations: ((Motivations for pledging yourself to Lady Black's service. Put however much you're comfortable revealing to the other players. Also put the rewards that you might have stipulated for your service. This can be anywhere from a big pile'o'gold, to room and board at her manor as you serve, to a promise of land to live on once you decide to settle down and retire. Dragon Riders are highly valued by nobles, so they're willing to do just about anything to earn their pledge.))

On that note, be aware that there are several Riders who serve Lady Black, all of them with their own motivations and goals.
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Re: Dragon Game interest check.

Unless anyone else is interested, I may as well come up with a Rider as well as a dragon. I suppose if either interests someone as a partner, i could dump one or the other, or use both if need be.

Character Name: Elise Baen'und
Race: Drow Elf
Physical description and/or link to a picture:
Gear: Elise is a mage of some ability. She eschews physical armour for magical protection, and relies on spells for offense as well. She carries a handful of wands into combat, simple offensive spells in most of them, relying on her own preperation for utility and less used magical options. She supports her dragon to some extent as well, aiding in defense and casting spells at enemies attempting to keep their distance. A magical ring provides her and her gear immunity to acid.
Motivations: Elise and her dragon has been pledged to Lady Black's service by her house, as part of a deal to maintain trade and mutual profit between them. For her own part, she has private quarters provided next to her dragon's, with enough space and supplies to continue her magical research. She requires little else, and her house reaps most of the reward. Bethore demands her own cut, of course.

Character Name: Bethore
Breed: Blackknapper (Black/Boneknapper Hybrid)
Physical description and/or link to a picture:
Abilities: Despite her comparatively frail-looking build, Bethore is of a strong and resilient breed. Acid runs through her blood, and she breathes a cloud of of it as well, with impressive spread, but less frequency, twice a day at the most. She has taken up the boneknapper tradition of collecting bones for armour, hard plates covering most of her form, blackened from long exposure to her acidic clouds.
Personality: Curt, almost feral compared to some other dragons. More clever than intelligent, and damn near berzerk in combat, heading straight for the center of any fray and lashing out indiscriminately. Soft spot for her rider, who she trusts implicitly.
Gear: Saddle for her Rider, armour made of bones.
Motivations: Greed. Bethore has a small personal Hoard and private quarters in Lady Black's estate, which she guards zealously when she is not out on a mission. Said hoard grows after each mission, the dragon taking her payment and adding it to the stash, rarely spending it on anything past more elaborate riches.
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Re: Dragon Game interest check.

Rider plus dragon (Flying Wyvern, to be technical, though it doesn't actually fly...). A few liberties taken with Monster Hunter stuff to make it fit.

Character Name: Astris Dragon-Maiden
Race: Human (Outlander)
Physical description and/or link to a picture: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=268&pictureid=14658
Gear: Tigrex-tooth Macuahuitl, Clothing (consists of hides, bones and horns, mostly from creatures not native to Ainia), Shortbow, Primitive arrows (Flint, Chert, Obisidian and Tigrex tooth tipped), Wyrm Fang Spear.
Motivations: New to the world, and to civilization in general, Astris is curious about many aspects of both. She has no real desire to return to her world and so seeks recognition in her new one.
Personality: Astris is almost as violent as Ferax, kept in check by her ability to think rationally. She's still new to civilized society, and tends to act in inappropriate ways, particularly when decorum is required. She sees most people living in civilization to be like sheep (or the aptonoths of her home), meek and suited more as prey than respect, being softened by the ease of their lifestyles. She respects strength, both physical and mental, and, though proud of her abilities, will submit to another should they best her.

Astris's weapons are mostly made from teeth Ferax sheds on an almost daily basis, or from stones, the later of which she prefers to use first, saving the tigrex-tooth arrows for strong looking foes. The blade of her spear is made from a huge fang of some prehistoric dragon, long dead. She found its skeleton while foraging and managed to find most of an intact fang large enough to use for a weapon. It's sharp enough to cut stone and remains as sharp as the day she found it.

Note on the relationship of Astris and Ferax: Astris met Ferax after taking down an aptonoth for food with the tigrex looking for food as well. The fight between them was a lengthy one, but eventually Astris managed to fight Ferax into submission. Recognizing her strength, he started following her. Even now, they'll often fight for supremacy. Astris is just barely able to keep ahead of Ferax though, her agility and cool head in combat keeping her on top.

It was during the fight for dominance with Ferax that the two of them were drawn into Ainia, somewhere in what she would later find to be called the Wildlands. They made contact with some of the beings living there. After a few tries, one of the groups decided to talk after being clobbered by the pair. Getting directions from them, Astris and Ferax made their way to Lady Black's estate. The exotic dragon and the fact that the two of them made a formidable team made them pretty appealing.

Astris herself comes from a world where giant monsters clashing with humans is common and grew up in the wilds, fighting such giant monsters most of her life. As such, she has no hesitation going toe-to-claw with dragons. If able to keep the fight on the ground, she'll often dismount Ferax to fight alongside him. When she does ride Ferax, she does so without a saddle. It's doubtful the dragon would even submit to wearing one.

Character Name: Ferax
Species: Tigrex (Male)
Physical description and/or link to a picture: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=268&pictureid=14659
Gear: None
Motivations: Food, Promise of combat, Loyalty to Astris (In that order)
Personality: Like most Tigrex, Ferax is both highly aggressive and cunningly intelligent. It's only with Astris that he becomes calm enough to take into the new civilization; It'd be more accurate to say that he becomes slightly less aggressive, and won't attack without provocation. Note: Provocation can include, but is not limited to: Eye contact, standing within claw-swipe distance, making loud noises, standing with in pouncing distance, carrying food, acting wounded, smelling like food, carrying a weapon, looking like food. Also note: for Ferax, almost anything that moves is considered to be potential food.
Tigrex vocal chambers aren't designed for speach of any kind (they're designed for releasing concussive roars), but Ferax is able to understand Draconic and some Common words taught to him by Astris.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

Character Name: Lasidyso
Race: Elf
Physical Description:
Gear: Lasidyso goes into battle wearing leather armour. He carries two twin blades, one a void black, and the other of whitel metal. The black blade as been echanted to produce a flame, and the white creates frost. He also carries a pick. And enchanted ring enchanted with a spell to slow his fall should he be desaddled. He also carries a bow should he need to fight at a range. Beyond that, he relies solely upon his skill in battle.
Personality: Lasidyso is quite daring in battle, even when in the air, and has on a few occassions had Odussotqo draw close to rival riders so that could hop off on to their dragon to battle their rider. Despite his often daring, and his beautiful dance like style of sword fighting, he is fairly quiet and reserved.
Motivations: Lasidyso has set out to make a name for both himself and Odussotqo. Hoping to prove that he and his partner are the best warriors in the world.

Backstory: Lasidyso grew up within the White city. As a small children, he had heard of stories of men and woman being chosen to be dragon riders, and like most children, dreamt of becoming such. One day, curiousity had gotten the best of him and he set out to find a dragon lair. On the fringes of the city, he stumbled upon a nearly empty lair, and inside was what remained of a clutch of dragon eggs. The eggs having all hatched. After snooping around, he found a single unhatched egg hidden between a few rocks. The lonely egg not having hatched. Lasidyso took the egg back home with him.

Lasidyso spent months of wrapping and warming the egg. Lasidyso began to think it was a bad egg, when one day he heard a small crack come from it. After a few hours, Lasidyso realized that the dragon within the egg was having trouble escaping and went to work helping to free the new dragon.

It did not take long for Lasidyso to free the little white metalic dragon. Helping the small dragon out of the egg created a bond between them. They later descovered that Odussotqo was the result of a white dragon having mated with a silver dragon. Due to some of the disdain and hatred of his mixed blood Odussotqo set out to prove himself.

Character Name: Odussotqo (Snowy White Lightning in the common tongue.)
Race: Silver/White Dragon
Physical Description:
Odussotqo is lithe for a dragon his size and stands about 7ft high at the shoulder. Reaching easily 35 feet in length from nose to tail tip. Other the scales on his neck and belly, his body is smooth lacking the hard scales of others of his kind.
Gear: Odussotqo wears a iron chain and plate armour designed to protect his hide from some of the more devastating weapons. He also wears a flight saddle with a few easy to remove straps.
Abilities: Odussotqo's are not as durable as others of his kind and relies upon armour for most protection. Due to his weaker hide, he has trained himself to be stronger and faster then others of his size. He is able to turn and maneuver much better then those of his size. His talents lay in offensive capabilities, being able to breath his breath attack nearly 8 times a day, either releasing a blast of lightning, or a chilling frost. Though the spread of both is not very great and meant for close quarters combat. His breath can sometimes linger afterwards making his bites more brutal. He is also capable of using his magic to sheath his claws in one of his natural elements.
Personality: Odussotqo is a cautious and calm dragon. In battle he relies upon his speed and maneuverability against his opponents and relies upon his armour ro protect his scaleless hide. Despite his reliance upon armour to protect himself, he is often in close quarters battle using his suprising strength and claws.
Motivations: Odussotqo wishes to prove that despite his very tainted blood, that he is a true dragon. And much of the hoard that he has acquired has been spent on getting his armour.
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Re: Dragon Game interest check.

Character Name: Vraik Whitewitch
Race: Gnoll
Physical description and/or link to a picture:
Gear: Piecemeal armor, Channeling gloves, 6 javelins, 2 nets, 2 bolas, Manacles, Sacrificial Sickle
Motivations: Vraik's reasons for serving are her own, but she is mostly self sufficient, using what she can take or make herself. Her only payment is in one emerald for each task she must undertake, given to her partner.

Character Name: Whisperfang
Race: Green Dragon
Physical description and/or link to a picture:
Gear: Fungal saddle, lot's of moss.
Motivations: Whisperfang comes with Vraik for it's own reasons, simply saying that it and Vraik have a deal. The emeralds Vraik always gives it may be part of it.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

So, everything seems to be in order. Barring Ragnarok or being eaten alive by a Bewilderbeast, game will go ahead as planned at 1PM EST, 10AM PST, or 6PM GMT, this Friday, whichever of those timezones you might be in.

We will be using the Java chatroom Hope runs, located , and I'll be setting up a custom room for it and such.
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Re: Dragon Game interest check.

I should be there. No longer working mornings, so can even start a bit earlier if need be. If I don't appear, someone poke me on AIM if possible, I'm probably just asleep.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

So, seeing as it's no longer a conflict of interest for Shrike, would starting it at 9AM EST be a problem for anyone else? I figure that should be a big enough gap between this game's start and the start of Hope's game to not cause any problems.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

I could probably manage that.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

Just expect me to be all blarghle flargh frozen peas.
Re: Dragon Game interest check.

I'm definitely going to need some coffee, but yeah, I should be there.