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Dragon Maidens and Demon Schlongs II - Return of Pudding (Mindflayer/Pervy)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Demonslut ending:
Evangeline moaned around the tongue as it slithered into her mouth, and even as it began doing its dirty work inside of her, Eva lifted her left leg a bit and giggled playfully as she felt her inhibitions leaving her, giving her mistress an even better angle to fuck her, so that huge demonic dick could kiss her womb with every thrust. Even as she felt her mistress pumping her full of corrupted sperm once again, Eva gave the tiefling girl one last load for the road in a sense, as Eva saw her surroundings changing around her.

"Is this... hell? Are there lots of sluts to pump full of my cum? To pump me full of cum?" Eva asked, biting her bottom lip as she looked around, before voraciously kissing her mistress on the lips, eagerly seeking more.

It was then that Evangeline found she didn't care one single bit about anything but what She wanted now. No more stupid rules, no more silly things imposed on her. No... now she could be free, of all restraints, forever, and Evangeline found that she really didn't mind that, even if deep down one small part of her old self might still remain, though it was fading to let her new self feel freedom that she'd never felt before.

Back to tiefling "doctor":

Evangeline could only suspect that whatever "doctor" Silverstein was doing, it had to be magical in nature, blood magic from the looks of it. Though she knew not all blood magic was bad. But whatever this tiefling woman was doing, it couldn't be good, surely. She didn't really think running would work, because that might only anger her and have her shouting after Eva. So, Evangeline decided to try and reason with "doctor" Silvertein.

"Um... I think I should be going now, actually. Uh, you should really get that checked, you know before it gets infected," Eva told the tiefling "doctor" before she quickly bolted out of the room, shoving the "doctor" out of the way if she had to, and sprinting away in the direction she had been going before getting stopped here.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Now now, this is just a little blood magic.. wait, where are you going!" The tiefling huffed, -definitly- confirming Eva's suspicions as she rushed out and into the corridor.. where she was once more confronted with other, skimpily, rubber-like outfit clad patients, wandering about .. and with the problem that she didn't know a way outside.. the main door still seemed like a bad idea..

She had to question someone, but clearly, the staff was into it and the patients were being controlled to like it. With worried determination, Eva looked about... only to be met by a trio of nurses.. one seemed familiar, the other two, both brunettes, all with too short skirts smirked.. and approached Eva.
"There you are.. little escapee.. people've gotten worried." One of them smirks, while the other added. "I think the overseer will want to play with you, personally." The third cheered: "If you are a good enough horny slut, perhaps you'll be turned into a nurse yourself, for being as resistant as you were!" They cheer, stepping to block off Eva's way out.

"If you resist we'll have to get.. naughty.." one of the nurses.. threatens?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Darting out, Eva left the tiefling behind and rushed past more and more patients that were rather... messed up it seemed like. Passing them by, she kept moving, though she stopped cold when running into the nurses.

"I... n-no, leave me alone you crazy witches. I just want to go home! This place is nuts, and I'm not gonna let you keep me here any longer," Eva shouted at the nurses as she tried to just force her way through the nurses and keep going before they could fully block her off from moving forward.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Eva pushed past the three nurses, rather than getting entangled. A hand tried to grab her, but the grab.. almost more like a lewd grope, failed to hald the powerful dragon-blood. Even if one of the nurses scratched her bottom painfully, she just ran on, past a half naked girl, mumbling something about having to be obediant, past an elf girl staring blankly at an empty wall whilest slowly caressing along her breasts, finally past the next corner and then...

And then she noticed the dull throbbing in her bottom, looking down on herself, to see a half-emptied syringe stuck in her butt.. that hadn't been a scratch at all.. the dull, warm throbbing in her bottom intensified, and Eva found herself almost stumbling.. she could hear the nurses in pursuit, but with her legs wavering right now, what should she do?

[Try and hide among the other patients?]

[Keep on Running to find an exit?]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Eva burst through their little blockade, though not before one managed to grope her a bit. Another managed to scratch her butt somewhat too, but she ignored the pain and kept running as fast and hard as she could. She didn't want to be stuck here any longer than necessary. Rushing down the corridor, Eva sped past the poor elf girl, and rounded the corner, glancing back to see if the nurses were pursuing. It was then that she noticed the syringe stuck in her tush.

"D-Dammit... what did she inject me with?" Eva murmured.

She didn't have long to wait, as her legs stumbled a bit, and she had to brace herself against the wall with one strong hand to keep from falling over. "N-No... it's... more of that a-aphrodisiac stuff I'll bet. Or a sleeping agent..." Eva growled softly.

Knowing she couldn't outrun them like this, Evangeline darted into the crowd of patients in an attempt to avoid detection from the nurses, slipping in between two or three taller girls and ducking down a bit as she pulled the syringe out and tossed it over towards the corridor she'd been running down to throw them off her trail. After doing this, she kept an eye out just over the girls shoulders that she was taking cover behind near one of the walls.

(Try and hide among the other patients.)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Hiding among the other patients worked out great, with the, admittedly cute, nurses hesitating, looking left and right, clearly uncertain where to pursue her to.. She had shaken them off.. now if only she could get rid of that throbbing heat, literally, a throbbing between her legs.. if she could just focus herself past that, she'd be golden..

And then, there was a hand, grabbing her bottom. As she turned, one of the patients in their fetish-outfits leaned forwards, kissing her. Before she could even protest, another hand reached out to cup her breast.. and a third hand managed to briefly grab a hold of her cock, before she could shake it off.. although not without a strong rubbing along it.

Evangeline was stronger, and taller than most of the patients, but with her ducking so low among them, now there were several curious, horny hands reaching out for her, a herd-mentality.. all now focusing on grabbing and molesting her. Struggle as she might, soon she felt like every inch of her body was being explored by curious hands, more or less gentle for their parts, and quite curious.. if Evangeline wasn't feeling so weak-kneed after the injection she could have tried fighting this, but as was, she found a lustful hand spreading her legs, everyone looking at her with lewd intent...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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As she hunkered down there in the midst of the other patients, Eva sighed softly as she watched the nurses retreating, unsure where she'd gone, and moving to look elsewhere. "Hah... that was close. N-Now to... w-what?" Eva murmured softly to herself before letting out a gasp when she felt the hand groping her butt.

Another hand joined the first, and then another. Then one of the patients kissed her on the lips before she could react, as she was distracted with the groping hands. "W-Wait please... n-no... don't g-grab me there. I... mmph... s-stop I... I'm already so h-hot as it is..." Eva whimpered to the group surrounding her.

Eva tried, she truly did, to gently push the crowd back with her bigger and stronger arms, but there were far too many of them, and her body was just way too aroused to resist the urges pervading her body. It didn't take long for the molesters surrounding her to have her on her knees, as they gave out shortly into the assault. "I... w-wait please... l-let's at least... n-not do it r-right in the halls where they'll f-find me..." Eva moaned softly even as the hand began spreading her legs, her cheeks flushed with arousal as she knew what was about to happen with so many surrounding her like this.

She'd reach up one last time in a vain attempt to push two of the assailants away, but when she reached up to do so, all that ended up happening was her palms closed around two different breasts, and on instinct her hands squeezed said breasts. "I... g-goddess I need it so bad. Body's... s-so hot..." Eva panted softly, her body too hot and bothered to resist those groping hands any further, and the ones closing in around her would be able to easily see her cock twitching with need as it sprang to full mast.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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The lewd hands just kept coming and grapping, making Evangeline feel surrounded by a cage of lustful bodies reaching out for her all over. Before she even finished protesting, there was a soft, warm.. but nonetheless hard cock-tip invading her backdoor, and her pushing hand was held.. licked.. and then guided down to a large girl-cock, attached to a playful half-elfish looking woman.

Not that Evangeline could make out that many details, her whole drugged world seemingly having been reduced to a swarm of groping hands and hot, aroused bodies. Someone pushed her face between their feminine loins, another had found particular fun squeezing and encouraging her breasts with soft teases.

Two pairs of hands closed around her cock, stroking with greedy interest.. before a soft, moist pussy wiggled up to her, on all fours, a girl moaning encouragingly about taking her.. and making this newcomer take her.. If this drugged-out groping didn't stop soon, she'd go crazy....
It occured to her that this is what might have filled this twisted hospitals floors. Anyone of the patients that tried to escape was just grabbed by their fellow.. inmates, and molested, fucked in an orgy of flesh until they were ready to be harvested and processed into happy, horny sex-slave hospital products themselves.

Little Evangeline could do about it now, not because she couldn't struggle, but because being touched and fucked all over and fucking those all around her just felt way too good..

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"H-Hah no... n-not there. It's... o-ooh goddess..." Eva tried to moan out as she felt the large cock pressing against her tight virtually untouched pucker.

Feeling that happening back there, Eva hadn't the mental fortitude to resist the other hands continuing to both grope, and guide her hand to the shaft, and her other hand she thought was grabbing another hot hard length, but she couldn't be certain with everything going on. When her nose was buried between another woman's legs, all she could smell was the woman's lusty scent, and that alone was enough to heighten her state of arousal. Her hand on the half-elf's cock was already instinctively stroking it, while her tongue pushed out into the woman's sex that her face was buried in.

The hands teasing her breasts would find her nipples hard enough to cut glass from how aroused she was, and she showed no signs of resistance any longer now by this point. Her own long thick cock was eagerly pumping her precum from its tip even before the hands grabbed and started stroking it. The moment she felt the pussy rubbing up against her tip, Evangeline knew that she couldn't resist it for long. Though she tried, ultimately within half a minute or biting her bottom lip to try and do so, her resistance faltered, and the moment the wiggling hips positioned the girls pussy properly, Evangeline's hips pushed forward.

"N-Ngh... s-so tight... f-fuck... I can't... stop myself. It's all... s-so good..." Eva moaned into the pussy her face was still buried in, her entire body feeling like it was on fire with desire, aching to pump the horny pussy she was now inside of as full of her sperm as she could.

If she could pull her face away from the woman's crotch, the group surrounding her would see how horny she was, the partially glazed over look in her eyes indicating that she wanted more, even if they hadn't already heard her moaning like a whore. She'd look around, searching for a cock to suck on, and her lips would immediately latch onto it, be it male or female that it belonged to, she didn't care, she just needed to suck on something while everything around her kept her good and horny for more.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Eva's protests were silenced.. physically by that nice, soft, moist pussy and emotionally by... all those lewd, lustful groping hands wandering all over her body. Why fight this, when she was wonderfully fucking.. and being fucked by all these lustful hands roaming her.. even as she licked one woman to orgasm, a suprisingly large elfish shaft took her mouth and attention next.

"Don't stop!" One of the other girls encouraged.. even whilest moaning and thrusting into Evangelines backdoor.. slow and gentle, but far too deep to escape without moaning. She pushed her onto the pussy of Evangelines next victim, a girl greeting her among the lust-crazed patients with a happy wiggling of her soft hips, tugging that draconic-cock deeper into her warm, wet depths.

"Oh there she is!" Eva noticed one of the nurses, having found her, out of her periphery.. most of her sight was occupied with the cock she was bopping up and down on, and the nice pussy.. was it the first or already a second? She was pumping full of wonderful seed now. However, rather than interrupt her fun... that'd be the worst! The nurses approached, patting her backdoor.. there was a brief, painful sensation and then everything felt even better and relaxing and Eva just wanted to suck and fuck, even as she heard:

"Woah, don't give her a full dosage, I already tagged her with like half, do you want her to just fuck for the rest of her life?" A second nurse responded: "Hehe, so what if I do?" "Hah.. good point.. she does look hot.. let's watch a little more.. hmn.. fuck.."
But what cared Evangline about this, there were more cocks to suck and stroke.. one currently beginning to shoot a thick, sticky warm load over her face.. hmn.. just where it belonged, dripping off of her lewd body..

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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She couldn't resist her urges, especially not with that aphrodisiac and... whatever else was with it, in the injection she'd received earlier. The hands, they were all so soft, so nice, and oh so pleasing to feel wandering all over her body. Feeling the spasming of the woman she'd been eating out, Eva couldn't help but feel pleased at her shuddering, and moments later she immediately wrapped her lips around the elven shaft presented to her, sucking greedily on it in her lust.

"I... c-can't stop now e-even if I wanted to, to be honest with you," Eva moaned to the girl that urged her to keep going and not to stop.

Feeling her own length throbbing and aching for release, she started hammering a bit harder and faster into the girl's pussy, even while her tight little ass was being filled repeatedly with the girl's cock behind her. This worked her between the two, heightening her pleasure more and more as she felt her prostate being rubbed and bumped against by the girl behind her. It wouldn't take long for Eva's own cock to pump the pussy it was captured inside of so full and so quickly that it back blasted out to splatter onto her body and the one she was fucking too.

Her mind was just as aroused as her body by this point, and she felt another prick against her butt cheek. With this injection, any semblance of resistance faded as she fell into a rut, and felt the burning desire to keep plowing these girls around her. Even as the nurses spoke to one another, Eva didn't stop, and she kept sucking and swinging her hips, and stroking other girl dicks that she had grabbed a hold of by this point, happily drinking down what cum fell onto her tongue, and letting the rest drench her face and body.

"M-Mmm... m-more... give me more girls. It's s-so good..." Eva moaned softly and latched onto another cock near her face, sucking greedily on it too even while her hips started knocking away like mad into the... was this the second or third girl? She couldn't be sure. But to be honest, she didn't really care at this point, because it just felt too good to care anymore.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Yes.. nice, soft, fuckable bodies all around Eva.. it was truly a wonderful situation, fucking and sucking and being fucked.. what else mattered compared to this wonderful pleasure?

"She'll need a lot of processing after two doses.. oh well.. It's kind of cute with her just a sex slave, lets keep herl ike that, for now."
One of the nurses decided, with a lewd smirk on her lips.

And that would be Evangelines fate. It was hard to tell how long the orgy lasted, and it took some efforts from the nurses.. one of them stroking her cock to soothe her, the other cleaning her off.... to get Eva settled in nice with a tight, semi-see through patient uniform. She already was an addicted to fucking, all the training had to teach her now was how to behave about it. She was still rather aware what a slave auction was of course, but when it was finally time for her to be auctioned off she didn't wonder about her fate or worry about her future... she was just looking forward to who she'd get to fuck in the future, as the deluxe sales feature of this auction, elf-dragon princess for sale.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Happy End Finish:
Evangeline, knowing that she really should, that she truly Needed to resist these pleasures, couldn't get her body to listen. In the end, all her body desired was another nice warm body to have fun with, to be inside of, or be fucked by.

By the time the nurses were playing with her, she desired only one thing, to fuck them. Whether they wanted to or not, Eva tried to pull their clothes enough to gain access to their pussies, or at least one of them. Her dick was eager to be inside of them, and demanded she at least try to. "P-Please... need to... f-fuck you three... so bad..." Eva moaned to the nurses, pulling the one in front of her closer so she could kiss her.

When she had been "subdued" by the nurses and afterwards they trained her, Eva was far too gone in the lust department to resist them anymore. When it came time for her auction to begin, she cared not that she was being sold as a slave. She merely cared who would buy her, and if they'd be able to fuck her senseless as often as possible. She would be an eager sex slave too, happily jumping into bed with her new master or mistress and offering her cock, pussy, ass, breasts, and or mouth to them at anytime they pleased.

Back to the chase:

Eva burst through their little blockade, though not before one managed to grope her a bit. Another managed to scratch her butt somewhat too, but she ignored the pain and kept running as fast and hard as she could. She didn't want to be stuck here any longer than necessary. Rushing down the corridor, Eva sped past the poor elf girl, and rounded the corner, glancing back to see if the nurses were pursuing. It was then that she noticed the syringe stuck in her tush.

"D-Dammit... what did she inject me with?" Eva murmured.

She didn't have long to wait, as her legs stumbled a bit, and she had to brace herself against the wall with one strong hand to keep from falling over. "N-No... it's... more of that a-aphrodisiac stuff I'll bet. Or a sleeping agent..." Eva growled softly.

"C-Come on Eva... m-move your butt. You gotta keep moving. Just... keep moving," Eva muttered even as her legs demanded she slow down and rest, forcing herself to keep running away from the nurses, moving almost blindly now in her haste to escape, not really caring where she ended up so long as it was somewhere other than here, where she Could rest without any trouble or pursuit.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Evangline struggled on, a warm, distracting tingling running through her veins, panting.. and.. if she was honest with herself, subtly moaning under her breath. Finally, she pushed on and through, opening a door infront of her.. and then slamming it shut, sinking with her back leaned up against it, her slightly tired, dozed eyes rising.. to see a luxurious office, a slightly startled but.. average looking blonde smiling over to her.

"Oh hello there, you must be princess Evangeline."
She smiled, sorting her papers aside and standing up.. for a moment the dragon-elf could have sworn she saw a shimmer of magic around the unremarkable womans form.

"I am Lady Anextraza but, for simplicities sake, you can call me.. The Overseer."
She declared, snipping a finger, and behind her, Evangeline heard the noise of a door locking, magically.
"I must say that you've made it so far is almost as impressive as you storming right at me, what did make you want to go in here.. a subtle desire to just submit and surrender, defiance,.. hope.. blind, -bad- luck?" She smiled, tilting her head ever so slightly.

Evangeline finds herself standing with an unassuming blonde woman in a professionally clean hospital outfit. for now seperated by a table, but with this Overseer quickly approaching, Evangeline has to make up her mind on what to do, quickly. The door behind her seems to be locked, chairs stand by the large oaken desk and bookshelves line the walls. Perhaps Evangline could grab a chair or large tome or even one of the little statues of suspiciously nude women decorating the desk as paperweights to have a makeshift weapon, maybe she could try to flee the door.. or reason with this Overseer...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Rushing through the door and slamming it shut behind her, Eva panted softly as she leaned against it and began to sink down a bit. She barely caught herself before nodding off, feeling quite tired after that injection. It was then that she realized she was in an office, and before her, she saw the blonde haired woman.

"I... I'm Eva, y-yeah," Evangeline replied softly, noting the magic in the air, or... what she thought was magic anyway.

"S-So you're the one that brought me here? I... I want..." Eva began to stammer out as the woman's fingers snapped and she heard the door locking behind her. "N-No... I... I just wanted to get out of here..." Eva panted, feeling weak thanks to the drugs in her bloodstream, but knowing she Had to try and find some means of escape.

No... fighting in this condition wouldn't end well, she knew. Eva quickly tried to open the door again to run back out, and when she found it was locked, she gulped and quickly grabbed one of the nearby chairs, lifting it up and slamming it into the door to try and breach it. "S-Stay back. I don't want anything else to do with this place. I just want to go home..." Eva stammered out, trying to force the door open if she could before anything else could happen.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Yes, indeed cutie." The almost a little too harmless looking blonde smirked. "I brought you here because, well.. you would make for great high quality breeding stock." She raised her brows, slowly approaching as she watched Eva's chair-breaking attempts.

"You know you'll damage the wood at this rate... " The woman sighed,.. before something coiled around Eva's throat , warm, and wet, and slimey.. and as she glanced back, perhaps in shock, she'd see a tentacle, slithering out from under the woman-thing's dress, and holding her by the throat.

"I respect your combat spirit, most definitly! You got further than expected, despite being so.. timid.. But ... it's alright. you've fought enough. Just give up.. give in. You fought long and hard and you'll like it here.. soon."
She promised, more tentacle slithering out as her form flickered ever so slightly with the blur of illusiory magic being disturbed, several large, thick, strong and, more troublesome, lewd looking tendrils slithering out from under her skirt, poised to strike, as the blonde woman-thing offered, a strange, sexual scent permeating the air as she spoke:

"Why don't you just give up, now? It'll be easier. You don't have to keep running or fighting?"

"Or would you rather make this hard on yourself?" She sighed out.

(Let's try giving up! It might be the key to victory! :p)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"I... I'm not breeding stock. I'm just... n-ngh... no... I... I'll s-stop, please don't hurt me..." Evangeline squeaked as she felt the tentacle wrapping around her neck, squeezing a bit, as Eva dropped to her knees and let the chair go.

The scent filling the air as more of those tendrils showed themselves began to calm Evangeline down. It was rather... nice smelling. Soothing. Relaxing. "Why... won't I like it here now? Why... s-soon?" Eva asked the blonde haired... woman.

"I... don't want to fight anymore. I don't like fighting," Eva sighed softly, the scent keeping her somewhat docile as her hands dropped to her sides. "Please don't make me fight anymore... I'm tired of it," Eva said softly, in a defeated tone as she stopped fighting the inevitable.

(Surrender we go. :3)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"That's just the attitude I'd expect from some new breeding stock. Don't worry, you'll be well fed and taken care of." The woman approached, reaching out to pat Evangeline's head softly. "You don't have to fight anymore, alright?" She encouraged, even as a tendril snuggled up to the dragon-elf's thigh, .. before rubbing right there, hefting up her balls almost playfully.. before beginning to prod at her entrance!

"That's a good girl.. good breeder. No need to fight or worry or struggle. Just relax." She offered, as another tendril lifted up, dripping a more intensely sweet smelling, pinkish-white liquid as it slithered up to Eva's mouth.. she'd find the taste overly relaxing and delicious, as the tendril around her neck loosened, allowing her to slump relaxedly.. even with the pressure of something entering her, spreading her sex and beginning to push into her.

The woman-thing above her cooed softly as a warm lifted Eva's own shaft in arousal. "Just drink your yummy fertility juice and relax. No more fighting. Good girls don't fight their fate, understood?" She encouraged.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Eva moaned softly and shuddered as her balls were hefted up and her rear gently pressed against. "H-Hah please... I'm... s-so hot..." Eva panted softly, her mouth drinking the sweet liquid down which only served to arouse her more and more heavily the more she drank it down.

The moment the tendril pushed into her from below, spreading her open gently at least, Eva's body had already caved to the arousal, and she was gently rocking her hips on the thing penetrating her, moaning cutely as she did while her left hand drifted to her own shaft. Her hand, now grasping her length, began to slowly slide and down her length as she glanced up at the woman. "P-Please I... I need it so bad. My body is... it f-feels like it's on fire. I... I'll be a g-good girl, just please... l-let me put it in you..." Eva moaned to the woman, wiggling her ass back and forth a bit as if trying to entice the woman, clearly eager for more stimulation.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Ohohohohooo" The woman cooed along, laughing with Eva's request mirthfully, watching the woman writhe in arousal, nodding, .. and stepping closer. "How daring of you, but alright.. I promise you'll enjoy cumming so much, you wont want to leave.."

She declared, approaching and lifting away her skirt, a professional looking attire subtly hiding a gorgeous pair of pussy lips beneath, smooth and perfect, almost a little too much so, as the Overseer, Eva's mistress, approached her, a hand caressing along her cheeks whilest tendrils writhed over her body, the one in Evangelines sex particular having it's way with her with calm and steady, but deep and powerful thrusts.

The overseer parted her pussylips, nodding invitingly. "Go ahead... you are invited in." She encouraged, making sure to lean in just close enough so that Eva could feel the warm, inviting wetness of those walls up against the tip of her shaft, whilest still making her do the work, a debauched smile upon the mistress lips as she nodded. "Breathe in deep, fuck and be fucked, work to embrace your fate, my new, eager breeder. Go ahead, don't hold back. You want it too, don't you?"