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Drawings from Sin

Re: Drawings from Sin

You're lacking fundamental knowledge that involves two things: anatomy and depth perception. I don't think my full explanation will get through you, so I recommend a different purpose in your posts.

Show us a "sketchier" attempt at your drawings. One of my expectations is tons of lines used to align parts (e.g. a cross on the facial skull, coil technique to control perspective of body parts).

Also, I'm not sure if you soul-searched enough to describe what your influences are or what kind of style you're trying to achieve. Either you should try more facial expressions or draw cartoon-like characters so you can focus on effective/expressive results.

For the hardest criticism on some of your postings, open up the spoiler below:

1. When the breast is being grabbed, the skin fat should bulge between the fingers. It's also important to note which direction the hand is pushing toward.

2. While I see some imagination with your hairstyles, they still require more effort. This is arguably one very tough part of drawing, but making more strands and consistent movement increases art's effectiveness.

3. Several of the poses you've drawn needs effective planning and collective knowledge. I can sense that your face and body are separated, producing a particular feel that the body lacks three-dimensional depth. Don't give me the crap about limiting your time with an artwork. If it were up to me, you should never tell me your personal life affects your drawings.

And p.s.: Get some technology if you're ready to pound on some rivals.
Wow LF.. lot there to consider. Don't know how to start my reply..

I have always had a love for drawing and art, in all its many forms. In childhood I watched many western and eastern cartoons, to name a few.
-All the Disney movies
-Neon Genesis Evangelion
-All of Hayao Miyazaki's works

I don't think I'm really trying to copy any "one" style, I just try to improve what, where, and when I can. I never look at others art and go "man I wish I could draw that", instead I'd probably think "man I wish I was able to draw like that", because I want to draw, just not what everyone else does.

That's why if I use an example to draw from its usually a picture from real life. One hentai artist I admire is Julius Zimmerman, as well as Serega from MnF, no offense to you LF, because you're a fantastic artist as well.

Facial expressions are hard sure, most of the things I've drawn haven't called for too many different one's. Why?

Because like you've said I lack anatomy and depth perception, which are actually two things I'm trying to work on by adding shading, as well as looking at actual pictures of real women before and while drawing, the expressions I draw are usually just a smile because that's all the pose called for.

Face and body separation?
Where the head doesn't look like it belongs on the body in its position?

Coil drawing eh, haven't tried it yet. I've seen some people do it but never researched it much, advice on it?

Cross for face:
I usually don't draw it in very darkly, but I use it.

Yeah hair is awkward at times, to find the right flow, or style, I think I've gotten better at it, however I'll try to find a way to add more strands.

As to your last part on giving you crap, and getting more tech to pound my rival's.

I'm making excuses, but I do have a full life, and since I lack the tech to go farther than I do atm, I just practice what I can, when I can. That does not mean my heart is any less in it, even for my shitty art it takes much effort, especially when I look at guys like yours and realize how much more I have to do.

Thanks for your time and input, it's always welcome.

However I am a visual person, so if you can ever post picture examples I'd understand them better.

Oh and here is the example I used for my last drawing,

The drawing

I think I did ok.
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Re: Drawings from Sin

Had a bit of time, sketched some lips, tried a hand, a weird face, a couple of poses using coil work, just experimented a bit.


Tried drawing some tongue out mouths, and they are hard.
Re: Drawings from Sin

You have a good perception and eyes in my opinion, at least your proportions don't go all over the place when you try something different, the problem is that you don't sketch nor construct from the ground up what you're studying giving your characters a lack of volume unlike your references.

Focus on making some studies for a while, go crazy sketching and making a mess to study how the skeleton of your works look and to get the best foundation for the final art. You can even focus on just making torsos, heads or hips if that's what you like.

These are some of the studies we do in my class

Details is what you want to know and understand. What bones and muscles do you want to stand out? How do you want your character to feel? Skinny, a bit fleshy and fatty or ridiculously soft and plump? How do you want to make breasts and butts? In order to know that you need to study basic anatomy and depth perception, and from that take the parts you like for your own style.

The only criticism I can help you with is the hair. If you want to draw good hair and learn move away from the cartoon and manga nonsense, they won't help you because of how simple they are in detail.

Choose where the hair starts, hair isn't a helmet, we all have certain parts that define how our hair behaves, those points are the ones that will tell you where to move the strands in order to make it look natural. How many strands of hair you are willing to make is up to you, the more you draw the better it will look.

That last part applies to everything in general, not just hair, the more you detail and study a certain part the better it will look, that's why art is a game of patience more than raw skill.
Re: Drawings from Sin

You have a good perception and eyes in my opinion, at least your proportions don't go all over the place when you try something different, the problem is that you don't sketch nor construct from the ground up what you're studying giving your characters a lack of volume unlike your references.

Focus on making some studies for a while, go crazy sketching and making a mess to study how the skeleton of your works look and to get the best foundation for the final art. You can even focus on just making torsos, heads or hips if that's what you like.

These are some of the studies we do in my class

Details is what you want to know and understand. What bones and muscles do you want to stand out? How do you want your character to feel? Skinny, a bit fleshy and fatty or ridiculously soft and plump? How do you want to make breasts and butts? In order to know that you need to study basic anatomy and depth perception, and from that take the parts you like for your own style.

The only criticism I can help you with is the hair. If you want to draw good hair and learn move away from the cartoon and manga nonsense, they won't help you because of how simple they are in detail.

Choose where the hair starts, hair isn't a helmet, we all have certain parts that define how our hair behaves, those points are the ones that will tell you where to move the strands in order to make it look natural. How many strands of hair you are willing to make is up to you, the more you draw the better it will look.

That last part applies to everything in general, not just hair, the more you detail and study a certain part the better it will look, that's why art is a game of patience more than raw skill.
First, thanks for your comments.

What you say is true, it does seem to me that I start a few steps ahead, and I am definitely seeking the details to fill in these things I create.

You and others are so great with hair, it seems to give me trouble when I try going extravagant.

I have studied proportions, anatomy, and many things, I've probably watched videos on drawing all parts of the body, and will continue to do so.
-But I have yet to go to classes and seek the constructive order that I need at time's.

I can't let these things I am not able to do yet stop me from practicing, from being proactive. So I learn what I can from where and who I can, when able.

I will try, and try more, I will listen to all of what you folks say, and I hope one day to be effective, and successful in my works.
Re: Drawings from Sin

Hair Practice

Re: Drawings from Sin

Was trying a few things, came up with this Chiquita Banana ballerina lady thing lol.

Re: Drawings from Sin

Am unfinished project, and some steps I took to get there.




Coil drawing really helps at time's.
Re: Drawings from Sin

More work done, probably close to done with it, any ideas what she might need?

Tried new stuff like angry face, arm back a bit, muscle tones, few other things.
Re: Drawings from Sin

With feet and a few adjustments.
Re: Drawings from Sin

Some work I did today, mostly studied today.

Re: Drawings from Sin

More practice today, hope to have it full.
Re: Drawings from Sin

More practice from the other continued.
Re: Drawings from Sin

I really like those last sketches. There's definite signs of perspective improvement there. :D
Re: Drawings from Sin

A base perhaps.

Any advice would be nice, I feel like her back muscles are off somehow.
Re: Drawings from Sin

One I did for kicks, has more of a cartoony face.
Re: Drawings from Sin

Feelings on the below picture?
Re: Drawings from Sin

As an ass-man, I can't complain - although I prefer the one with a cartoony face.
Re: Drawings from Sin

I think you have to try to draw with graphic tablet, the pictures quality will be much better.
Re: Drawings from Sin

As an ass-man, I can't complain - although I prefer the one with a cartoony face.
The body, not the face right?

I think you have to try to draw with graphic tablet, the pictures quality will be much better.
Never heard of those, I'll look into it, thanks!

Went back and touched up that picture from the other day, I didn't like the eyes.


It was my wife's idea to add the drink lol.
Re: Drawings from Sin

Yeah, the ass, not the face. :p Though I don't think the face is all half-bad, myself. :)