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DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Shinto Victory

Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

Ikumi stared wide eyed at the mark, leaning in and tracing her fingers across the mark on Keiko's soft skin. "Such powerful magic. No one should be allowed to play with our souls like this."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

"That's... Oddly erotic... And horrible! We can't let this continue! We must find out who is doing this and bring them to justice!"
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

Vaiza looks at Keiko worriedly. "A Crazed Maiden? As if there aren't enough disasters here now." She grimaced once more, taking out her water bottle and drinking from it. "What's next? We find out that the shrine was a demon a whole time? Ugh..."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

Keiko leans into Ikumi's soft touch, finding comfort in the other maiden's arms. "I'm so scared right now."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

Upon hearing Vaiza's fearful cry, Hikari quickly emerged from her room. She walked quickly, but with all the grace of a noble to the scream's origin. Once stepping into the room, she stared, wide-eyed, but grim faced at the foul display, fuming as the sanctity of this most holy site once again being defiled. "Disgusting" she spat in revulsion as the others mourned the lost Alisa, "This fiend must be brought to justice before she can befoul our sacred temple any more!"

As the others began to discuss amongst themselves, Hikari swiftly joined in, trying to be calm in the face of this horrific event. "I saw nothing as well," she responded after Suki's question, before turning to regard the newly marked Keiko. "So we face more than one who seeks to destroy our holy ground?" Vaiza's absent minded question about the temple, brought Hikari's ire to her though, "Never say such a thing! This is a holy site, and we are it's guardians. We will discover who did these deeds and deal with them as our sacred mission dictates."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

" Well, no one joined me last night.. Would have been more fun I think. What is all this commotion about."

Yamane finally realizes what is going on. Their leader was raped for all to see as they woke up. Maybe Yamane could have heard something were it not for her own moans throughout the night drowning out anything she may have heard.

Anyone get something useful from the night?
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

Miyuki examined the strange mark on Keiko's belly.

"Well that's silly. What kind of maiden marks their targets with a symbol they can actually see?"

She pats Keiko on the shoulder. "Dun' worry about it. We'll take out these rape-obsessed cultists before the crazed maiden can call her own band of horrible rape monsters. And then to celebrate, we'll have a big party while we nurse our leader back to health!"

Miyuki opens a jug of 'water' and takes a swig.

"Okay! So since no one admits to seeing anything except crazy marks on their bellies, it's high time we started throwing accusations around! There's no better way we can fight against the evil sluts than by threatening them with Holy Fire and seeing what lies pour from their tentacle cock-sucking mouths!"

Miyuki raises her fist in the air and scrunches up her eyes.

"I think Ikumi (Toxicshock) should be the first to feel the heat. So much silence thus far (and yet feels the need to justify it ooc-ly) makes me think she's got something to hide. And yes, I'm well aware of her beautiful, innocent appearance, with a gorgeous, cute body that I wish I could oil up and rub myself against all day, BUT we cannot let her slide just because of that. We're all sexy and hot, so we must decide! Who here are trying to fly under a radar, and who here are willing to argue and vote for justice!"

To sum up, ooc-ly, I'm accusing Toxic because:

1. He felt a need to justify his absence. It's day one, and nothing has gone on yet except some RPing. No one, until myself right now, has bothered to cast a vote. Why justify then, unless you're already feeling concerned about your role identity?

2. Someone needed to start the ball rolling. Lynch is the most likely way we can kill the cultists. Unless you're a trapper/interrogator, it's the only way.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

(Warden's can kill too, but many evils are also night immune. Though the Warden is told that person is immune, allowing them to convey that to their fellow maidens. If they're immune, they're almost always not Shinto unless there's some Interrogator shenanigans that happened the same night.)
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

I wake up to a commotion in the place of the Caretaker now lies Alisa, tears and alarmed shouts fill the temple. One girl even showing off a Demonic Mark, "Now lets all calm down we knew that the Demons would not be stopped by the passing of the Caretaker, we must find the cancerous root of the demons from our number!"
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Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

(If you want to vote to Lynch someone, be obvious about it. If being obvious is difficult or you're not sure how to make it clear to me that you want to see someone burn alive, put your lynch vote at the bottom of your post, and type: "I vote to lynch (Insert Person here)")

(Also my god that text is so pink I cannot read it.)
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

Keiko wraps her arm around Ikumi. "Hey! I think it's a little odd that you're throwing accusations around already, Miyuki, especially given that you're liquoring us all up." She pauses for a moment. "But it's not exactly proof of your guilt, either. So unless I hear evidence, I'm going to withhold from voting. But I'll be keeping an eye on you."

"I'm not voting today, unless someone presents further evidence."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

Had meant to vote for Ikumi.

Unfortunately, through heated whispers with Ikumi, Miyuki has learned that the green-haired girl is feeling sick (IRL) and thus has gone to sleep for a bit.

This doesn't mean that Ikumi is innocent, but it does mean that we probably won't succeed in getting any answers or declarations from her right away, so for the time being, it may be best to move on.

... So I will switch my vote to Keiko for the moment.

"Keiko! A vote to not use the Holy Flame is to grant another night of killing to our cultist enemies! Explain yourself! For until you do, I shall have to vote for you!"

(Vote for Keiko (Hope))
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

(Six votes are needed to burn a maiden at the Pyre)

(1/6 Votes for Keiko)
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

... So I will switch my vote to Keiko for the moment.

"Keiko! A vote to not use the Holy Flame is to grant another night of killing to our cultist enemies! Explain yourself! For until you do, I shall have to vote for you!"

(Vote for Keiko (Hope))
"Would you see us all burned to satisfy your bloodlust? How many of our sister-priestesses must we kill in chance they might be Cultists? Is no Priestess here capable of investigation?"
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

"It's not bloodlust, it's our sacred duty to destroy evil tentacle minions. Any true priestess sacrificed to the Holy Flame will be reincarnated if our actions here are successful.

"Anyone must see that this is the only way. If we are not to use the Holy Flame, then we simply wait Night after Night and hope that some investigator maiden can get lucky multiple times. It's foolish in its extreme.

"Yes, if we vote, we may make a mistake, but to do nothing is an even greater error. There are too many possible maidens who do not want to see the temple survive."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

"And if we are wrong, we do our enemies job for them, doubling the speed they cull us.," says Vaiza simply, "And they may vote as well."

She shrugs, "I will not vote for Keiko."
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

"Thank you, Vaiza and Shinobu. It's good to see that not everyone is willing to risk our lives on guesswork." Keiko tosses her raven hair back and gives Miyuki a stern look.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

"It's disappointing to see so many sloots decide it would be better to wander back to their beds in the night and spread their legs wide than to actually force the traitors in our midst to put their necks on the line defending themselves." Miyuki stuck her tongue out at Keiko and then took another drink of "water" from her jug.

As a player, I will never ever vote for a no lynch unless the nature of the rules gives us a valid reason for doing so. I'm not convinced that this ruleset does that. Any tactic that avoids votes and forcing discussion seems to only promote uncertainty - and that's a quality that only Evil roles benefit from.

You may argue that we have a trapper and an interrogator on our side, but even the interrogator who has gotten lucky on night one and investigated an evil is not going to come out and say it so early. The idea of relying solely on an interrogator's sayso to lynch someone is absurdity. Lynches are the only real "bullets" the Good team has to rid itselves of the evils. Especially with night immunity evils.
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

Hikari stayed silent as the other sisters began bickering amongst themselves. Finally, she clapped her hands, hard enough to be heard and silence the heated debate, but light enough so as not to seem crude. "Please sisters, calm yourselves," she said sternly, before taking a moment to straighten her dress. She looked at each of the assembled maidens in turn before addressing them as one.

"It is obvious that we must begin rooting out this evil before it claims us all" Hikari said, nodding to Miyuku in agreement. She waited only a moment, before turning to Shinobu and adding, "But to make accusations with no proof at all is worse than evil, it is suicidal!" Hikari moved over to Keiko, and softly caressed the girls face with the her fingers. "Keiko is a victim! She has been unfairly targeted by a foul being, devoid of compassion, who wishes to sacrifice her for no other reason than she is one of us!" Moving behind Keiko, Hikari wrapped her arms around the stricken maiden protectively, gently groping her soft skin, before adding, "If we decide to burn her without cause, can we truly be any different?"

After a few moments, Hikari removes her hands and steps away from Keiko before approaching Miyuki. Looking deep into the blue-haired drunken miko's eyes, Hikari sternly continues, "But as Miyuki has pointed out, Keiko's soul would be safe from harm and evil in the afterlife, even with her mark, as long as she be innocent and pure." Turning back, she looks upon Keiko serenly, and says, "I'm sorry Keiko, but action must be taken if we are to purify this temple."

Vote to lynch Keiko (Hope)
Re: DTT Revival - Game 1 ; Day 2

"Given that more of us are good than bad, you two seem determined to even those odds. Think, sisters. Acting without evidence only reduces our chance to survive."

As another player, I find that voting randomly at the beginning (which is what two of our players are doing) is more likely to catch a good character than a bad one. Random voting at the outset favors the evil characters, which is why you wait until there's at least a clue before shooting wildly into a crowd.

tl;dr It's a rookie mistake.