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DTT4 - Day 2

Re: DTT4 - Day 2

Actually Bartnum has a 50% chance to be a demon, since I'm not one, I don't believe you are one, and only either plmnko or Gremlin is a demon, not both(unless the other parasite was stupid). It's also rather strange that SiphonTalvest didn't PM anyone else about plmnko and Gremlin, since he apparently sent PMs about you. I mean, he could've included that information.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

Saying I have a 50% chance of being a demon because you don't think Aika is one? Just because you don't think they are one, doesn't mean they're not. Which would mean I had a 33% chance.

Also, you can't prove that you aren't one, though I don't think you are.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

First point:

It doesn't matter if both girls claimed to Siphon or not until they claim something different right now. Gremlin has claimed normal girl today, read up. I'm sure plmnko will too (she sort of has already claimed it by not calling me a liar when I said both her and Gremlin claimed normal girls in my first post of this day). If she doesn't then both Gremlin and I will know for a fact she is a demon so that would be a bad move on her part.

Second point (agreeing with Bartnum here):

Assuming we have 2 normal girl claims, lynching one of them has a 50% of hitting a demon, whereas (assuming I can't convince Bartnum I'm the priestess) lynching someone else has a 25% chance of success.

Third point:

I'm going to take you through this one step of clear, non-flawed logic at a time, Bartnum.

One in each post, so that you can't lose track.

1) I cannot be a parasite demon, since dreana targetted me night 1.

Please agree with this, so we can move on to the next part.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

I'm sorry, I don't follow. Why does that mean you can't be a Parasite demon?

Though it does mean you could have been converted, and Diagasvesle, through some moment of utter stupidity, could have ignored your warning and protected a demon.

Furthermore, why are we doing this? What was wrong with my sugestion of lynching Gremlin?
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Re: DTT4 - Day 2

It means I can't be a parasite demon because the demons have no way of targetting each other.

The next point you made I'm going to ignore for now, it will be covered later.

And we are doing this now because if someone is cleared, then they get to lead the lynch. And I might prefer to choose plmnko based on peoples' actions so far.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

The demons have no way of targetting each other.

Ryu, care to confirm this?

The next point you made I'm going to ignore for now, it will be covered later.

Yeah, when you've thought up a lie that sounds convinving enough. That, or you're hoping I'll forget.

And I might prefer to choose plmnko based on peoples' actions so far.

Exactly. Dreana's action. The one where she converted Gremlin.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

You are so aggressive. The logic I have against that is

2) If a parasite demon did convert night 1 and was saved, there would have been 3 demons night 2.
3) Following from 2, assuming the priestess did not prevent any converts, the game would be over right now.
4) Following from 3, either the priestess successfully prevented a convert, or there was no convert night 1.
5) If I got converted night 1 by dreana who was saved, then the priestess successfully prevented the night 2 convert.
6) Following from 5, we should have a priestess claim, which we don't. Therefore I cannot have been converted night 1.

but I haven't got to that yet, I was waiting for us to settle on the first point.

Anyway, I'm quite annoyed at myself because I've realised one hole in my logic, which is that I could have made a deal with dreana during night 2 for her to convert me and for me to not use my prevention powers, which while unlikely (since it would require her trust that I wouldn't just protect myself and make her fail her convert), is technically possible.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

I could have made a deal with dreana during night 2 for her to convert me and for me to not use my prevention powers, which while unlikely (since it would require her trust that I wouldn't just protect myself and make her fail her convert), is technically possible.

You're not doing yourself any favours.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

I think it's very clear why I think you're a Demon. And I've already posted a very plausible theory. Your claim of Priestess IS flawed, because the real priestess may have been converted.

At the very least we can eliminate the above.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

Actually, the post I made before this one expalins how you just prevented us from doing so.

I tire of this. For now, at least, I'm willing to partially trust you. I still say we should lynch Gremlin though. If she is innocent, then we can lynch plmnko. It will also prove my theory wrong, and we can all start to get along.

Unless my theory is correct, I can find no reason why you would not do this.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2


What don't you get? There can't have been 2 converts, so there is no way both I'm a demon and there's also a converted priestess out there. Seriously, in the whole of my experience with this setup, I've seen a converted priestess once, and that was because they were protecting the claimed security instead of themselves (the nurse was still alive).

The priestess nearly always chooses themselves, so really the whole idea of a converted priestess is absurd.

In any case, there is no way that I was not, at some point, the priestess. Yes, there is a small chance I was converted night 2, but that is it.

You've just been searching and searching for different ways in which I might be guilty over and over again, saying you have very good reasons for suspecting me, and even wanted to lynch me at one point. That's really weird. I thought you should know.

And don't give me that "Siphon said so" rubbish, point 1 shows that siphon's last thoughts were flawed.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

You haven't proved point 1 yet. I'm still waiting for Ryu to confirm it. Unless you'd rather explain it to me?

And I still want to lynch you. But lynching Gremlin will work better.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

(aika, my computer is maintenance. sorry for write later and for the grammar)

Aika the problem was than you or sylp say the last day than the only person than dont have send a message to silphon was the normal girl (sorry but my computer dont work). Also im going to say than im the normal girl and blablabla im going to lynch gremlin. I think than you are not a parasite, you are just unlucky
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

Just about.

Alright, for now I'm trusting Aika, but I still say we Lynch Gremlin.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

I'm going to unvote until we have input from the 6th alive person, Cloud.

He hasn't been online in a while - what does the game leader Ryu suggest?
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

by lynching me we'll just be loseing quite spectacularly, theres 4-5 of us, and 1-2 of them. Assumeing the best case scenario where the priestess was targetted and protected herself, then there is only 1 demon left. However by lynching the incorrect person it'll end up as 4 of us against 1 of them, followed by that 1 killing one of us and converting one of us, making it 2 against 1, with no one knowing who that last one is. It'll be upto luck then as to who has the better argument.

But since it likely isnt the best case scenario there are 4 of us and 2 of them running around, we have to lynch the correct person or we will all fail. We have no way of knowing who was changed over night. but considering the current direction of things, there is a 33% chance or so of getting a demon with who we pick. So we need to pick carefully.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

I have picked carefully.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

Lynch plmnko I'm not going to trust Bartnum.
Re: DTT4 - Day 2

I'm going to unvote until we have input from the 6th alive person, Cloud.

He hasn't been online in a while - what does the game leader Ryu suggest?

((Ryu said in signups that if someone was inactive for a long period he'd have Tomoe replace them.))