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Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)


Nov 10, 2008
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The Dungeon of Doors Version 2(Created by XSI)

Everything in here is optional, all that is needed to play is a name and character picture

(Please note a lot of the good bits of version 1 stayed, so this may look similar)

The new and improved version 2 takes place in the same world as the first, and the original is still around, however, now the players are free to explore a large area of land, water, sky, and even a few different dimensions in search of...Their own goals. DoD v2 is free of goals and railroading, the only things that will happen to a character are things they allowed to happen, through actively causing them, sheer luck, or inactively sitting by. Make your own destiny, be free.

(new)Features: Freedom, A leadership system, Crafting, Wars, Construction, And more.

This chatgame is (Feel free to ask about it) played in chatrooms, I currently go to:

(Chibi's chat)

XSI(me) will GM Dungeon of Doors, but the system is free to use.
In order to join an ongoing game, just message the GM and ask, if no game is currently being played, feel free to ask anyway.

-System and character creation-

Magic is thought up on the go, but has to be approved before being used.(Private message to GM)

Treasure can be carried in containers, such as backpacks and chests, and not saying you take it along means you will leave it where you found it. A character can wear up to 5 necklaces and 10 rings, after which they will need to store the items in a container, or carry them by hand, which is very limited (Up to 20 coins/hand or 1 item/hand), and gives a negative to all actions they take while carrying it.

While grouping up with others is allowed, there is no team score, so players will have to divide their loot amongst each other.

Both male and female characters are allowed(Herms are allowed as well, and as herms they can choose from both male only and female only advantages for their male/female parts.), but female characters are preferred unless the player with the male character likes M/M(possible sexual) encounters.

Starting equipment is one weapon and one set of armour/clothes of the user's choice.(No godmode materials, I will not give you a soulstealing sword made of adamantiunfindablium.)

A character may pick special advantages/disadvantages to change their experience, for better, or worse. Unless stated, an atribute can only be picked once.(Note that in DoD, most monsters a character encounters will be of roughly equal strength, stacking a lot on one thing does not mean instant victory)

Every advantage/disadvantage has a value, in "Advantage points", or AP. A character needs to have a positive amount of AP, or have 0 AP left. A character can spend these points on advantages, and get more points by taking disadvantages.
The cost in AP is the number in front of it. A +x means you get x AP for taking that one.

Every new character starts with 10 points.(Note, not all good advantages are always good, and not all bad are always bad. Some are situational)


-Base Stats-
(X)Strong: +1/2/3/4/5 to Rolls involving Strength, Costs 1/3/6/10/15 depending on rank, Max 5 Picks
(X)Fast: +1/2/3/4/5 to Rolls involving Speed, Costs 1/3/6/10/15 depending on rank, Max 5 Picks
(X)Smart: +1/2/3/4/5 to Rolls involving Intelligence, Costs 1/3/6/10/15 depending on rank, Max 5 Picks
(3)Enduring: Character gets a base +1 to hp.(Can be taken 5 times, in the official DoD, 1hp= get hit once in actual combat, anybody using the system may change this value to fit their game.)

(X)Extra equipment start: Start with extra equipment of your choice, remember to let the gm approve it and the price.
(X)Natural weapons: Character has natural weapons, granting bonusses depending on the weapon, mostly used in combat, but some things may help with other things. Cost depends on weapon/effect, GM has to approve it first.
(X)Different genetelia: Character has different genetelia then normal, granting an effect, or bonus. Cost depends on effect. (Player chooses effect, but GM will have to aprove/disaprove and price. Having multiple genetelia falls under this.)

-Combat Skills-
(2)Weapon Proficiency: +2 to rolls with weapon of choice, can be picked up to 5 times.
(4)Weapon Mastery: +2 to rolls involving a weapon of the type selected, can be picked up to 5 times for every weapon.
(3)Magician: Character gets +2 to spellcasting, can be taken up to 5 times.
(3)Armour Proficiency: +2 to rolls involving armour of type selected. (Includes defensive rolls while wearing the armour)
(3)Shield Proficiency: +2 to rolls involving the use of a shield of type selected, can be picked up to 5 times.

-Defensive Traits-
(X)Natural armour: Scales, or a very thick hide covers the body, giving the character a +1 to his/her armour value. Can be picked up to 5 times, costs: 2/6/14/30/62, leftmost is one pick, rightmost is 5 picks. Costs are totals.
(3)Magic Resistance: Character gets +1 to rolls about magic resisting, can be taken max 5 times.
(3)Poison Resistance: Character has a +2 chance to resist poison, can be taken a max of 5 times. (Without this, all poison effects the character)

-Crafting/Skill Skills-
(3)Crafting proficiency: +2 to rolls involving crafting of the type selected, can be picked up to 5 times for every craft.
(3)Observant: +3 to rolls for discovering hidden things, which can be traps, monsters, treasure, and more. Can be taken a max of 3 times.
(3)Strongwilled: +3 to rolls for giving in to sex, can be taken a max of 5 times.
(3)Seducer: +3 to rolls for convincing the opponent to have sex with the character, instead of fighting.(Can be picked up to 3 times)
(3)Escape artist: +3 to rolls involving escaping grapples, ties, or other things holding down/impairing the character.
(2)Rope skills: The general usage of rope, +4 to rolls involving the use of a rope.
(3)Casual puzzler: a 1 out of 20 chance that the character will see right through a puzzle or trap to see exactly how to disable it for every pick. Can be picked up to 5 times. Only works on small or simple puzzles.
(4)Puzzler: Requires Casual puzzler, applies the same chance to normal difficulty puzzles.
(5)Master puzzler: Requires puzzler, same chance will now apply to advanced puzzles.
(3)Camouflage expert: +2 to rolls for staying hidden when using a kind of camouflage, can be picked 5 times.
(4)Natural camouflage: +3 to rolls for sneaking and/or staying hidden. Stacks with other effects. Will not be in effect when the character's natural camouflage doesn't help at all.-Like a polar bear in the desert, or a tiger on ice.
(2)Toy expert: +2 to rolls using toys of any kind, I think whoever reads this knows what kind of toys this is used for. (Can be taken a max of 5 times)

(2)Basic Appraisal: The character can easily see which items are worth more then others.
(3)Expert Appraisal: requires good with value, the character can see how much a item is worth in gold.
(3)Magical identification: Can identify magical items in a crude manner(Shows the kind of magic, no details)
(4)Expert magic identification: Shows in detail what a magical item does(Needs magical identification)
(3)Advanced weapon identification: Identify strange looking weapons, and what they are strong/weak against.(Gives a bonus for the character when fighting with, or against the identified weapon)
(3)Item identification: Allows the player to identify strange, exotic and otherwise otherworldly items.-Example, demon weapons and items.
(2)Basic creature identification: Allows the player to identify common and simple creatures.
(3)Advanced creature identification: Needs basic version. Allows the player to identify rare and special creatures
(2)Basic Herbal Lore: A character can determine the properties and direct usages of common herbs and plants
(3)Expert Herbal Lore: A character can determine the propertiesand direct usages of rare herbs and plants
(3)Tracking: Allows character to track where creatures, including players, went in the area.
(3)Advanced tracking: Needs tracking, Allows a character to follow a specific track, or see what kind of creature made the tracks.

-Other Traits-
(2)Lucky: Effect is different based on situation.(Minor positive effects)
(4)Bloodlust: Character can attack two times in one turn, but anything that happens to the character will get a +5 to its roll, including grapples, attacks, and even traps.
(4)Healing Milk: A Characters Milk heals 1/3/5 HP, and Minor/Common/Major Diseases*/Poisons*, Based on Rank, Max 3 Picks. *May not work on everything.
(4)Healing Cum: A Characters Cum heals 1/3/5 HP, and Minor/Common/Major Diseases*/Poisons*, Based on Rank, Max 3 Picks. *May not work on everything.
(5)Spatial thinking: all containers used by this character have 50% more space.
(4)Darksight: Character can see in natural darkness.
(4)Waterbreathing: The Character can spend time underwater indefinitely
(4)Amphibian: The Character doesn't suffer Swimming Fatigue after swimming for a long time.
(8)Flight: The Character can fly, wings are obvious, but other kinds of flight will have to be suggested/explained to the GM for every character. A character with wings but not this will not be able to fly with the wings
(0)Parental instincts: Character will be able to identify their offspring when seeing them.

°~-=Neutral:=-~° A blessing or a curse..Depends on the situation.

-Body Properties-
(3)Unusual Being- Does not need to breathe, and can survive some hostile areas some races cant. But some creatures rather like this, so these strange traits may make the character more desirable to them...
(0)Egglayer:(Female only) Instead of live birth, eggs come out much easier, and they don't cry. But, because eggs are smaller, more fit inside. (+3 to max offspring, stacks with max offspring disadvantage, egg laying females have a minimum that is 2/3th of their max, rounded up. In addition to this, eggs take longer to mature, making a pregnancy with eggs last longer..And then the eggs themself have to hatch after that, taking even more time.)

(0)Magic sperm(Male only): Children born from the character's sperm are a random race.
(0)Magic womb(Female only): Children born from this character are a random race.
(1)Extra milk:(Female only) Breasts produce more milk, which helps in a way, but also makes the female more wanted by whatever creatures she meets.

(0)Beautiful: Hostiles are more interested sexually in the character, +5 to rolls of whether or not a spotted monster is interested in the character for a sexual reason.
(0)Provoking: Hostiles are more interested in fighting the character. +5 to the chance of a monster wanting to fight.

(2)Sterile: (Male only) -1 to pregnancy rolls, can not reduce below base. Can not be picked along with a points giving (dis)advantage to male seed.(This can be used to nullify an opponent with fertile, or pvp where that is used.)
(2)Infertile(Female only) -1 to pregnancy rolls, can not reduce below a 1/20 chance, counts as advantage for points after 2 picks. Can not be picked along with a point giving (dis)advantage regarding female reproduction. (This can be used to nullify an opponent with potent seed, or pvp where that is used.)

-Mental Properties-
(0)After Battle lust: After winning a battle, character will become aroused and get -5 to resisting sex, and +5 to attempting to start sex in a forcefull way.
(0)Parental instincts: Character will always be able to identify their children, but suffers a -3 to all rolls for every child they lose for 3 days, stacking and refreshing the day counter if more are lost.


-Base Stats-
(+2)Weak: -1 to rolls involving strength(Can be picked multiple times)
(+2)Slow: -1 to rolls involving speed(Can be picked multiple times)
(+2)Dull Mind: -1 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles(Can be picked multiple times
(+3)Bad Stamina: -1 to base hp. Can't be taken so the character has less then 1 hp(9 times max).

-Combat Skills-

-Defensive Traits-
(+2)Weak to Magic: -1 to rolls of resisting magic, can be taken a max of 5 times.
(+4)Weaker to Poison: Effects of poison of all kinds doubled for character. May be picked twice(Which will double the doubled effect...Making it 4x)

(+3)Weak willed: -3 to rolls for giving in to sex, can be taken a max of 5 times.
(+3)Inattentive: -3 to rolls for discovering hidden things, which can be traps, monsters, treasure, and more. Can be taken a max of 5 times.
(+4)Bad escaper: -3 to rolls involving escaping grapples, ties, or other things holding down/impairing the character. Can be taken a max of 5 times. Can not be picked along with good at escaping.
(+3)Easy to notice: -2 to all rolls involving camouflage or hiding, can be picked a max of 5 times.

-Sex Related-
(+X)Heat: Every so often, the Character will enter a state of Heat, and must satisfy their sexual needs, +5 Points if required to find a Partner, +5 Points if Required to get Pregnant(Female), +5 Points if Required to Impregnate(Male), Base Points is determined by the GM, based on frequency of the Heat.
(+3)Constantly aroused: -5 to all rolls when being sexually assaulted. +5 to starting sex.
(+4)Nympho: Requires constantly aroused, another -5 to all rolls when being sexually assaulted, and +3 to starting sex.
(+3)Submissive: -2 to escaping dominant things, can be picked 5 times.
(+2)Extra sensitive: Character has a very sensitive body, making him/her climax faster and get aroused easier. There is a -2 to all rolls involving the prevention of arousal/climax (Can be taken up to 5 times, each time making the character more sensitive.)
(+3)Fetish: Player chooses a fetish, when said fetish happens to the character, all rolls of the character are reduced by 4, can be picked once for every fetish. Fetishes can overlap.(+3 only counts for the first 2 fetishes, after that another fetish only gives +2)
(+2)Fertile/Potent: +3 to Pregnancy Rolls, Can be picked until pregnancy chance is 100%(6 Times)
(+2)Enduring seed:(Male only) The seed from the male stays in the female body longer, giving it more chances at finding the egg. Each level gives an additional preg roll. Can cause multiple pregnancies if the female has that and multiple successes.(Can be picked a max of 5 times)
(+2)Increase offspring: +1 to max of offspring, minimum will always be at most 3 lower then max unless female lays eggs. Looses it's point as being bad(So it evens out the good ones) after 7 picks, but may still be picked after that.
(+5)Multiple-Pregnancies: (Female only) character may become pregnant again even while pregnant, can be taken once for each possible additional pregnancy. Max of 5. (Note this will be heavy on the character, and having 5 pregnancies going on at the same time will land her in trouble, provided she isn't already However, it won't cause anything a few good days of rest won't fix. Only the first pick gives +5, the second +6, third +7, fourth +8, last +9)
(+3)Need for milking(Female): character requires herself to be milked regularly or suffers penalties. (Can be taken up to 3 times, each time making the effect bigger)
(+3)Need for milking(Male): character requires himself to lose his load regularly or suffers penalties. (Can be taken up to 3 times, each time making the effect bigger)
(+4)Connected holes, mouth:(Female only) The mentioned hole is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to get pregnant by blowjobs.
(+4)Connected holes, anus:(Female only) The mentioned hole is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to pregnant by anal.
(+8)Connected ho-... 'part', skin:(Female only) The mentioned part of the character is connected with the reproductive system, allowing the character to pregnant by having the part come in contact with cum.
(+4)Homing cum, anus(Male only) The male version of connected holes, allowing the character to impregnate by anal sex.
(+4)Homing cum, mouth(Male only) The male version of connected holes, allowing the character to impregnate by oral sex.
(+8)Homing cum, skin contact(Male only) The male version of connected holes, allowing the character to impregnate by ..Read the name. (Requires both lower ranked homing cum. Just as another warning, getting things pregnant -will- have consequences. Very bad consequences if it didn't want to.)
(+10)Homing cum, expanded (Male only, needs any other homing cum) The male version of connected holes, this one makes it so that the cum keeps potent even in fluids and after time has passed. Does not work on large bodies of water unless coupled with many, many picks of extra large cumshot.

-Other Traits-
(+2)Unlucky: Effect is different based on situation. (Minor negative effects)
(+2)Naked start: Character starts naked, without equipment
(+4)Vow of poverty: Character may never own more then 750 gold worth in items. When he/she does, the character will suffer -1 to all rolls for every 100 gold above 750.
(+3)Expanded vow of poverty: Vow of poverty's gold limit is set to 250 instead of 750, must have vow of poverty to take.
(+2)'Free spirited': gets a -2 penalty to all rolls when using any kind of clothing covering more then half the torso. Can be picked up to 5 times.
(+5)Nudist: Wearing anything will incur a -3 penalty to all rolls for every piece of clothing or armour.
(+5)Coward: Gets a -2 to all rolls for every hostile present. Stacks with other things. Can be taken once. Does not effect running away.
(+5)Pacifist: Gets a -5 to all combat rolls. May only be taken once.
(+4)Honourable: If the character attacks something that is defeated already or doesn't want to fight, all rolls for the rest of the day will suffer a cumulative -3 penalty.
(+4)Life Lover: Character can never kill anything, when the character does kill something by mistake or accident, he will get -10 to all rolls for 3 ingame days.
(+3)Kleptomaniac: Character will have an urge to take all valuable or shiny things. This must be roleplayed, GM enforced.
(+3)Claustrophobia: Character gets -3 to all rolls when in a small space. Can be picked up to 3 times.
(+3)Agoraphobia: Character gets -3 to all rolls when in a wide, open space. Can be picked up to 3 times.
(+2)Naturalist: Character gets a -2 to all rolls in Cities/Manmade Areas, can be picked up to 5 times. Can not be picked with Citydweller.
(+2)Citydweller: Character gets a -2 to all rolls in natural Areas, can be picked up to 5 times. Can not be picked with Naturalist.
(+4)Hemophobia: When the character sees blood, roll a d20, if the result is below 10, character will faint.
(+5)Bad space management: all containers used by this character have 50% less space.
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Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

Question: why is homing cum, which makes it easier to impregnate someone an advantage, while skills that increase the number of offspring a guy can sire a disadvantage.
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

Because after some small testing, I've found it was great for causing chaos. Especially when combined with Magic sperm.

Test subjects masturbated into the water source of a village, everyone in the village got pregnant. When/if I fix that problem I will change it so that it is a disadvantage as well. For now, it's just done because I would have some trouble keeping track of entire pregnant villages, especially if the person with it would move on to other villages, that would get messy really quickly.
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

Lol, that's great.
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

looks good but

Question how do you create your character? pm? or what a character sheet would also be nice
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

On a character sheet I basicly only want 4 things, but more is always good to know.

Character name/gender/race/description: The usual stuff.
Starting gear: One set of clothing/armour and one weapon(Optional)
Character's goal: Optional, but recommended. What the character plans on doing.
Advantages/disadvantages: That's the big list of numbers and letters in the main post.
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

Hm. Maybe I'll join in again, 'specially since there's now a female human avatar of Hagghaquur as well as a male one. . .
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Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

(1)Strong: +1 to rolls involving strength
(5)Extreme power: Needs very powerfull, +5 to rolls involving strength
(1)Fast: +1 to rolls involving speed
(5)Extreme speed: Needs very agile, +5 to rolls involving speed
(1)Smart: +1 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles
(5)Extreme mind: Needs very inteligent, +5 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles

Why not just make it +1 for 3pts, multi pick, max 5 or 10 times?

(2)Weapon proficiency: +2 to rolls with weapon of choice, can be picked up to 5 times.
(4)Weapon mastery: +2 to rolls involving a weapon of the type selected, can be picked up to 5 times for every weapon.

Have them located like this on the list, instead of apart? And I am unsure if Weapon Mastery should give the same bonus as Weapon Proficiency... Armor Penetration instead, maybe? 3 Ranks, 5 Cost/Rank, +1AP for selected weapon?

(2)Rope skills: The general usage of rope, +4 to rolls involving the use of a rope.

Why not ranked, 2pts per rank, each rank gives +3 or something to ropes, 5 ranks?

(3)Armour proficiency: +2 to rolls involving armour of type selected. (Includes defensive rolls while wearing the armour)

Elaborate on "type selected", weight-category(ex, light, medium, heavy), or specific kinds such as "Leather", "Studded Leather", etc, for the description that is. Is it ranked, if not, why not ranked?

(3)Crafting proficiency: +2 to rolls involving crafting of the type selected, can be picked up to 5 times for every craft.

Add some example crafts?

(4)Shield mastery: +2 to rolls involving the use of a shield, can be picked up to 5 times.

4pts per rank, compared to armors 3pts per rank, any reason for it?

(2)Magic resistance: Character gets +1 to rolls about magic resisting, can be taken max 5 times.
(3)Poison resisting: Character has a +2 chance to resist poison, can be taken a max of 5 times. (Without this, all poison effects the character)

Why different point costs and different benefit amounts?

(4)Bloodlust: Character can attack two times in one turn, but anything that happens to the character will get a +5 to its roll, including grapples, attacks, and even traps.

Any ideas on expanding this, or making other "special attacks", so to speaks?

(3)Camouflage expert: +2 to rolls for staying hidden when using a kind of camouflage, can be picked 5 times.
(4)Natural camouflage: +3 to rolls for sneaking and/or staying hidden. Stacks with other effects.

Camouflage does not equal Stealth, or? Does it account for moving silently aswell? Is cover and/or darkness necessary for it to "work"? How does Natural camouflage work with Camouflage expert? Isn't it unecessary to have both?

(1-5)Natural weapons: Character has natural weapons, granting bonusses depending on the weapon, mostly used in combat, but some things may help with other things. Cost depends on weapon/effect, GM has to approve it first.
(3)Extra equipment start: Start with extra equipment of your choice, remember to let the gm approve it.
(1-5)Different genetelia: Character has different genetelia then normal, granting an effect, or bonus. Cost depends on effect. (Player chooses effect, but GM will have to aprove/disaprove. Having multiple genetelia falls under this.)

It has been proven, time and time again, that these things can cost far more than their shown prices, with "extra equipment" being used as a kind of "ranked" thing for more equipment. Why not just make them have an X cost, determined in the end by the GM?

(3)Natural armour: Scales, or a very thick hide covers the body, giving the character a +1 to his/her armour value. Can be picked up to 5 times, but the price doubles every pick.

Far better than the previous incarnation, but I suggest a 5-10-20-30-50 Price, instead of the current 3-6-12-24-48. :v

°~-=Neutral:=-~° A blessing or a curse..Depends on the situation.
(0.5)Great looks: Monsters are more interested sexually in the character, +4 to rolls of whether or not a spotted monster is interested in the character for a sexual reason.
(0.5)Intimidating: Monsters are more interested in fighting the character, and flee easier...But they may return with allies. +4 to the chance of a monster wanting to fight, and a 20% chance of it going to run away after getting hit.
(1)Extra milk:(Female only) Breasts produce more milk, which helps in a way, but also makes the female more wanted by whatever creatures she meets.

How about noting that these things are actually Ranked, thus takeable multiple times, in their description?

(2)Sterile: (Male only) -1 to pregnancy rolls, can not reduce below base. Can not be picked along with a positive to male seed.
(2)Infertile(Female only) -1 to pregnancy rolls, can not reduce below a 1/20 chance, counts as advantage for points after 2 picks. Can not be picked along with fertile or increase offspring. (This can be used to nullify an opponent with potent seed, or pvp where that is used.)

Why do these cost points.

(+2)Weak: -1 to rolls involving strength(Can be picked multiple times)
(+2)Slow: -1 to rolls involving speed(Can be picked multiple times)
(+2)Dull mind: -1 to rolls involving thought, such as magic, and puzzles(Can be picked multiple times

Superior to former incarnations, thank you.

(+3)Weak willed: -3 to rolls for giving in to sex, can be taken a max of 5 times.

Perhaps note that the "giving in to sex" does not necessarily mean becoming a submissive bitch, but rather just giving in to lust?

(+3)Constantly aroused: -5 to all rolls when being sexually assaulted.
(+4)Nympho: Requires constantly aroused, another -5 to all rolls when being sexually assaulted.

Why not make it a Ranked trait? 2 points for every -3 to all rolls when being sexed up/sexually assaulted. 5 pick.

(+3)Heat(Both genders): Mostly seen in furry characters, When triggered, character suffers -10 to rolls of resisting sex untill sexually satisfied.
(+4)Heat-2(Female version): Same as the first heat, but with added RP that character will try to become pregnant once triggered.
(+4)Heat-2(Male version): Same as first heat, but with added RP that character will try to impregnante a female once triggered.

These. I suggest making it an +X point thing, where the severity of the heat determines how many points one gain from taking it, such as every -5 Sex Resist giving 2 points, if one -must- impregnate or get impregnated, it gives +5, etc.

(+4)Vow of poverty: Character may never own more then 750 gold worth in items. When he/she does, the character will suffer -1 to all rolls for every 100 gold above 750.
(+2)Expanded vow of poverty: Vow of poverty's gold limit is set to 250 instead of 1500, must have vow of poverty to take.

Some example of what something is worth would be nice, or just making it another +X points trait. And how does it handle items stashed somewhere, private property like buildings, etc.

(+4)Weaker to Poison: Effects of poison of all kinds doubled for character
(+2)Weak to magic: -2 to rolls of resisting magic, can be taken a max of 3 times.

Just like the Bonus variants, why are these so uneven/incompareable?

(+3)Coward: Gets a -2 to all rolls for every hostile present. Stacks with other things. Can be taken once.

I think a +5 bonus would be more fitting, given its effect, but thats me.

(+5)Pacifist: Gets a -5 to all combat rolls. May only be taken once.

I suggest clarifying what counts as "Combat Rolls", if for nothing else, to let people know that even defensive or healing magic counts as "Combat Rolls", if situated in a hostile situation(AKA: Battle).

(+4)Honourable: If the character attacks something that is defeated already or doesn't want to fight, all rolls for the rest of the day will suffer a cumulative -3 penalty.

I suggest a +5 point bonus, and a -5 Penalty.

(+4)Love for all life: Character can never kill anything, when the character does kill something by mistake or accident, he will get -10 to all rolls for 5 ingame days.

But killing is what adventurers do! +5 Point bonus, or even +10!

(+2)Extra sensitive: Character has a very sensitive body, making him/her climax faster. (Can be taken up to 5 times, each time making the character more sensitive, at 1 time, it's just a little more sensitive, at 2 times, it's easy to set off the character, at 3 time, its the limit of them being able to control it, at 4 times, any touch sets them off, at 5 times, even the thought of something touching will set him/her off)

I strongly suggest redoing it, I don't care how, but this bloody trait is a freaking eyesore currently!

(+2)Fertile: (Female only) (Requires constantly aroused to get 3 times or more, and nympho to get 5 times or more)+3 to pregnancy rolls(Can be picked multiple times, but can not be picked after chance is 100%)
(+1)Potent seed:(Male only) A pregnant monster may just choose to keep daddy around to stay with the kids, and some can be very persuasive. +2 to pregnancy rolls.(Can not pick after chance is 100%)

Why not just make them the same, bonus/points wise? And remove the Nympho requirement for Fertile, given how the males doesn't have to fuck around with that.

(+2)bigger cumshots: (Male only) Character has a bigger cumshot, which while being purely for show, does intimidate females nearby, possibly making them attempt to capture the male. (Roll for capturing even when normal needs for that are not met, as long as character has this.)

To be honest, I suggest remaking this into something similiar to "Extra Milk". :v

(+5)Multiple-Pregnancies: (Female only) character may become pregnant again even while pregnant, can be taken once for each possible additional pregnancy. Max of 5. (Note this will be heavy on the character, and having 5 pregnancies going on at the same time will land her in trouble, provided she isn't already. Only the first pick gives +5, the second +4, third +3, fourth +2, last +1)

I suggest having this thing give more points at higher ranks than it does now, because who would ever pick it past the second or third rank as it is right now? Also, make a note stating how you'd prefer people to -not- combine this with a fuckhigh rank of "additional offspring", for the average game where over-breeding is just bothersome for everyone. /Rant

(+3)Need for milking: Must have a bonus to milk, character requires herself to be milked regularly or suffers penalties. (Can be taken up to 3 times, each time making the effect bigger)

I suggest a male variant. :B


XSEH, This just got turned up to eleven. :v
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)


Why not just make it +1 for 3pts, multi pick, max 5 or 10 times?
Because I wanted to keep the smaller bonusses(Like just +1) cheap, while having the bigger bonusses a bit more expensive.

Have them located like this on the list, instead of apart? And I am unsure if Weapon Mastery should give the same bonus as Weapon Proficiency... Armor Penetration instead, maybe? 3 Ranks, 5 Cost/Rank, +1AP for selected weapon?
Going to move them on the list, thanks for pointing it out. I'm not going to let armour penetration become easy like that, and having a larger bonus to a weapon is still very useful.

Why not ranked, 2pts per rank, each rank gives +3 or something to ropes, 5 ranks?
Because nobody ever picks ropes anyway, and while they are useful, it will be difficult enough to apply them to many situations.(Note that using a rope as improvised whip during combat falls under weapon proficiency: whips, and not under rope use)

Elaborate on "type selected", weight-category(ex, light, medium, heavy), or specific kinds such as "Leather", "Studded Leather", etc, for the description that is. Is it ranked, if not, why not ranked?

Type selected would be leather, studded leather, scalemail, chainmail, platemail, splintmail, half-plate..Etc. I won't be so lame as to say cougar leather proficiency, elephant leather proficiency..That's just leather. Same goes for metal armours made with different metals.

Add some example crafts?
Alchemy, enchanting, carpentry, smithing, cooking, bricklaying, engineering, if you can think of it, it exists...Probably.

4pts per rank, compared to armors 3pts per rank, any reason for it?

Shields are easier to make, easier to improvise(Any material you can lift works), and cheaper to buy. An inventive player can find shields everywhere, but armour is harder.

Why different point costs and different benefit amounts?

Poison will always effect a character, unless that advantage is picked. Magic can also be countered in several other ways, and even then magic has to be successfully casted. It just wouldn't be fair to also add a high resistance to it.(Though some magic items may offer magic resistance)

Any ideas on expanding this, or making other "special attacks", so to speaks?
I'm open to suggestions, as long as it can be balanced.

Camouflage does not equal Stealth, or? Does it account for moving silently aswell? Is cover and/or darkness necessary for it to "work"? How does Natural camouflage work with Camouflage expert? Isn't it unecessary to have both?
Camouflage is just being unseen, and the two stack. No cover is needed for nat camouflage, as long as it's within reason(Tigerfur works in jungles, not in the middle of a dungeon/castle. Camouflage expert is making use of whatever you can find, while the natural version depends on..Nature)

It has been proven, time and time again, that these things can cost far more than their shown prices, with "extra equipment" being used as a kind of "ranked" thing for more equipment. Why not just make them have an X cost, determined in the end by the GM?

Those were copy-pasted from the original version, I'll fix them after posting here.

Far better than the previous incarnation, but I suggest a 5-10-20-30-50 Price, instead of the current 3-6-12-24-48. :v
So far nobody took the new version yet, so I wouldn't know what is balanced. If the price turns out to be too low it will of course be raised.

How about noting that these things are actually Ranked, thus takeable multiple times, in their description?

Yeah, fixing that.

Why do these cost points.
Because it is protection, Protection comes at a price, risk comes at a reward.
Or that's the general idea behind it all.

Superior to former incarnations, thank you.

You're welcome.

Perhaps note that the "giving in to sex" does not necessarily mean becoming a submissive bitch, but rather just giving in to lust?
I thought that was obvious, giving in to sex doesn't mean becoming something's fuckslut, it just means wanting the sex to happen.

Why not make it a Ranked trait? 2 points for every -3 to all rolls when being sexed up/sexually assaulted. 5 pick.

These. I suggest making it an +X point thing, where the severity of the heat determines how many points one gain from taking it, such as every -5 Sex Resist giving 2 points, if one -must- impregnate or get impregnated, it gives +5, etc.

I'm not seeing how that would be much better, though if people want it I could make a heat(Light).

Some example of what something is worth would be nice, or just making it another +X points trait. And how does it handle items stashed somewhere, private property like buildings, etc.
There's a skill just for identifying value, and it counts all things owned, including buildings and stashed items.

Just like the Bonus variants, why are these so uneven/incompareable?
Same reason as mentioned before.

I think a +5 bonus would be more fitting, given its effect, but that's me.
Eh, I think it's fine with 3, if people take this they are obviously not planning to go into battle anyway.

I suggest clarifying what counts as "Combat Rolls", if for nothing else, to let people know that even defensive or healing magic counts as "Combat Rolls", if situated in a hostile situation(AKA: Battle).
Healing or otherwise directly interfering in a battle counts for a combat roll(Running away not included). It is perfectly fine to search the room or do some crafting while there's a fight going on, but that might not be entirely safe anyway. Disabling a trap that doesn't interfere in combat will also not be penalised.

I suggest a +5 point bonus, and a -5 Penalty.
A +5 bonus to all armed things is a rather big advantage, I'm not sure if I want something that easy to get.

But killing is what adventurers do! +5 Point bonus, or even +10!
There is almost always a non-fatal solution, fighting is what adventurers do, killing is what some choose to do.

I strongly suggest redoing it, I don't care how, but this bloody trait is a freaking eyesore currently!

Agreed, I've been thinking on that one, but I've been more interested in natural armour and other changes.

Why not just make them the same, bonus/points wise? And remove the Nympho requirement for Fertile, given how the males doesn't have to fuck around with that.
Women keep the child with them, they put in more work(Have a bigger penalty) then the male, which would just have sex with something and can then leave...If he can. Changing the nympho thing though.

To be honest, I suggest remaking this into something similiar to "Extra Milk". :v
Yeah, not entirely sure what to change with that one, it's on the to-do list.

I suggest having this thing give more points at higher ranks than it does now, because who would ever pick it past the second or third rank as it is right now? Also, make a note stating how you'd prefer people to -not- combine this with a fuckhigh rank of "additional offspring", for the average game where over-breeding is just bothersome for everyone. /Rant
Agreed on getting more points at a higher rank, but besides that people are going to find the consequences of the mentioned over-breeding if they fail to control their crotch access.

I suggest a male variant. :B


XSEH, This just got turned up to eleven. :v

Give me a day, and I'll make one that goes to 12.
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

Attribute Bonuses: Because I wanted to keep the smaller bonusses(Like just +1) cheap, while having the bigger bonusses a bit more expensive.
Then why not just give the negative variants the same treatment then? :v

Weapon Mastery>Armor Pen: Going to move them on the list, thanks for pointing it out. I'm not going to let armour penetration become easy like that, and having a larger bonus to a weapon is still very useful.
Then make it more expensive! Still, I'd rather have bonus armor penetration for mastering a freaking bastard sword, than in 95%+ of the cases hitting but dealing no damage. :v

Rope Using: Because nobody ever picks ropes anyway, and while they are useful, it will be difficult enough to apply them to many situations.(Note that using a rope as improvised whip during combat falls under weapon proficiency: whips, and not under rope use)
Totally making a whipper character, and also; Who will ever take it then, if its not useful/useable to begin with? :v

About Armor Mastery: Type selected would be leather, studded leather, scalemail, chainmail, platemail, splintmail, half-plate..Etc. I won't be so lame as to say cougar leather proficiency, elephant leather proficiency..That's just leather. Same goes for metal armours made with different metals.
Personally I'd say way too many armor types, but I guess the same goes, if not worse, for weapon proficiency/mastery, so dismiss that.

Bloodlust & Special Attacks: I'm open to suggestions, as long as it can be balanced.
Uh-huh, personally, I suggest making a "Weaboo Fightan Magic" system, as in, similiar to how spells are either thought up before hand, or used spontaneously, people can create flashy, physical attacks in a similiar way, howsat?

Camouflage & Stealth: Camouflage is just being unseen, and the two stack. No cover is needed for nat camouflage, as long as it's within reason(Tigerfur works in jungles, not in the middle of a dungeon/castle. Camouflage expert is making use of whatever you can find, while the natural version depends on..Nature)
Blah. I still think a more "Stealth"-like trait would be better. And what if I make a Chameleon-ic character, which can trigger Natural Camouflage anywhere?

Weak Willed: I thought that was obvious, giving in to sex doesn't mean becoming something's fuckslut, it just means wanting the sex to happen.
Nothing is ever obvious for the typical player. Hurrdurr.

About Nympho & Heat: I'm not seeing how that would be much better, though if people want it I could make a heat(Light).
Because ranked traits are niftier. And I strongly suggest just making the +X point variant of Heat, just to bundle the things up in a single, customizeable trait.

Combat Rolls: Healing or otherwise directly interfering in a battle counts for a combat roll(Running away not included). It is perfectly fine to search the room or do some crafting while there's a fight going on, but that might not be entirely safe anyway. Disabling a trap that doesn't interfere in combat will also not be penalised.
Yes, but I meant for the description of those traits, or noted someplace in the OP. :v

Honorable: A +5 bonus to all armed things is a rather big advantage, I'm not sure if I want something that easy to get.
... What? Bonus to all armed things? I meant how much you get, pointwise, for taking it, unless your jewing information again. o_O

About Fertile/Potent: Women keep the child with them, they put in more work(Have a bigger penalty) then the male, which would just have sex with something and can then leave...If he can. Changing the nympho thing though.
And even so, women end up with just 9 points more than the men, and I still don't understand why the women have a limit on their fertility, based on their libido(nympho)!

The Connected/Homing: XSEH, This just got turned up to eleven. :v
I'ma rape you. >:V
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

*starts redoing Kemi's old sheet*
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

Le bump. (Something bads gunna happen now..)
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

Something bad, huh? Does horrible powergamish traitwhoring count?

I didn't notice a hard limit anywhere, so I went wild with the giant list here. Traits/flaws/feats are my favorite part of the character creation process.
Unless my math is wrong (which is probable), I took 151 points of stuff, without any points left over.

First off:
Natural Weapons & Different genitalia - [I've got 8 and 20 down for them, respectively]

I'm thinking tentacles. Hidden in her back, all sheathed and concealed like. 4 of your regular thick phallic ones, two of these things, and then two more at the base of the back - the "natural weapons", tipped with a big, spear-like chitin/bone thing.

I'd hope different genitalia'd also cover being a futa. Also, a bit more exotic than back tentacles, I'd want another phallic one in her stomach or something, that comes up and out her mouth. Fuck year.

I'm basically envisioning it all to be Echidna, mother (mostly father, in this case) of monsters. Fuck bitches, spawn ettins, get money. I kinda moved this up from the end of the positive traits, to help with picturing this monstrosity. I didn't want to recalculate all the point totals, so, uh, I'll add it further down

+10 freebie points
Strong x4 - +4 to strength rolls - -10 points, 0
Fast x3 - +3 to speed rolls - -6 points, -6
Smart x3 - +3 to thinkin' rolls - -6 points, -12
Enduring x3 - +3 hp - -9 points, -21
Magician x3 - +3 spellcasting - -9 points, -30
Natural Armor x3 - +3 armor - -14 points, -44
Healing Cum x3 - I jizz elixir - -12 points, -56
Healing Milk x3 - I lactate panaceas - 12 points, -68
Extra Milk - Panacea everywhere - 1 point, -69
(I didn't see Extra Cum?)

Unusual Being - I'm a monstergirl, fuck yeah - 3 points, -72
Magic Resistance - +1, uh, magic resistance - 3 points, -75
Poison Resistance x3 - +6 to resist poison - 9 points, -84
Magical Identification, Expert Basic - Magic ID - -73 points, -91
Item Identification - Otherworldly ID - -3 points, -94
Creature Identification, Advanced - Monster ID - -5 points, -99
Herbal Lore, Expert - Herb ID - -5 points, -104
Darksight - Infravision - -4 points, -108
(EDIT: Actually, let's get rid of Magic ID Expert and Herbal Lore. That's a net change of +9 points, I think? Enough for that debt of -5 I have at the end, and maybe some Extra Cum or whatever else)

Beautiful - +5 to sexy - 0
Magic Sperm - Sperm spawns random race/species - 0
(Also listed Magic Womb, but I like the idea of being able to make more of [whatever I am], so I think I'll drop it.)

Parental Instinct - Can identify children - 0
I noticed two instances of this, except one also gives you a large penalty should one die. ...I envision this character spawning a horde of critters and then sending them into the breach, Zerg-style, so that doesn't sound fitting. Not being able to recognize her myriad spawn is probably cool too - Like, infest town, move on, not give a shit if you meet later.

Weak willed x5 - -15 to resist sex - +15 points, -93
Easy to notice - -2 to sneakery - +3 points, -90
Heat - Need to find and impregnate a partner - +10 points, -80
Constantly aroused & Nympho - -10 when sexually assaulted, +8 to start sex - 3+4=+7 points = -73
Sensitive - -10 to prevent arousal/climax - +10 points, -63
Increase offspring x7 - +1 to offspring - +14, -49
Potent x6 - +18 (100%) chance of pregnancy - +12 points, -37
Fetish (strange anatomy) - -4 to rolls when in fetish - +3 points, -34
Not just monstergirls, but stuff like amputees or whatever.
Enduring Seed x5 - Sperm makes an additional 5 pregnancy rolls. +10 points, -24
Need of milking (M and F) x3 - Need to be milked regularly, or she'll suffer massive point-penalties - -9 x2 = +18, -16

multiple pregnancies - Can be up to quintuple pregnant - +35 points, +19
Unlucky - Unlucky. Situaational. +2 points, +21
Naked Start - No equipment at start. +2 points, +23

-28 for Natural Weapons and genitals.

...Hmm, it seems I am -completely- off. ...Something doesn't seem right here. I'll look at it when I wake up, and am not falling asleep at my computer.

Anyway, I'm not familiar with version 1 of this thing. Is it in The Blank Page, too? I didn't see anything on a cursory check of the RP index and archives.
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Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

Something bad, huh? Does horrible powergamish traitwhoring count?

I didn't notice a hard limit anywhere, so I went wild with the giant list here. Traits/flaws/feats are my favorite part of the character creation process.

(spoilered charsheet)

Anyway, I'm not familiar with version 1 of this thing. Is it in The Blank Page, too? I didn't see anything on a cursory check of the RP index and archives.

There is no hard limit on points, but 151 is pretty small compared to some I've seen, besides that, everything I do with DoD goes through the chatrooms linked or over xfire/steam, with characters being send to my ULMF inbox.

Version 1...I'm not sure if it's on here, might have been on the original forum or tentacle haven, if it is here then chances are it's hidden far, far down in the old pages.

Powergaming? No problem, just remember that there are loads of things in the world that can, and will be able to kick your ass, even if you're using a supercomputer to calculate the most powerful character ever. Besides that, go for whatever you want, the goal of this system is character costumisation, not minmaxing. :)

Many things are also still missing from the list since I'm too lazy to edit them in.
Re: Dungeon of Doors(Version 2, chatgame)

I had so much fun making a character sheet for this, I can't even believe it :p,
Anyhow, looking forward to moar DoD, even if it's abit rare to see these days in the chat, it's nice to know that it can happen every now and then.