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Dungeons and Depravity: World of Chaos

Tia: Pregnant-2
Trauma: 9 / 100
C.Level: 1
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 16/16
AC: 15

Charlotte: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 56 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Aevel: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 15/15
AC: 14

Charlotte attempts to persuade, with advantage from Tia: (16,2)+4=20 Success!

The bandit leader looked back at them when they offered their suggestion, before he first seemed rather astonished that the new comers were offering such a suggestion, before outright looking back. "What are you expecting?" He asked the slime.

She rose her hand. "I'm expecting a good deal, you know?"

He looked confused. "... I'm asking how much you want for her."

The slime hummed. "I'm not familiar with money, so give me something of equal worth." She said.

The bandit captain was visibly sweating, before he seemed to defer to the two girls whispering to him. It seemed like the situation was too awkward for him to deal with.
It wasn't too hard to convince the captain, but the scene that followed was actually pretty hard to watch. By the sounds of it, the captain wasn't exactly a bargaining genius, even failing at convincing a slime to sell the Drow for cheap. Charlotte softly hummed for a second when the captain looked at her and Tia for help, thinking for a solution. Well, first Charlotte had to figure out why she wanted to sell the Drow and maybe offer some basic things in return, she didn't have too much herself but the slime probably wasn't expected a fortune. Charlotte approaches the little slime with a smile, who honestly wasn't much smaller then Charlotte. "Ummm... why do you want to sell this Drow in the first place?" Charlotte asked, before she began to search for something inside her bag that she was carrying, taking out a couple of rations and five gold coins. "I don't really have much, but perhaps some gold and food will do? Or are you looking to trade for something entirely different?" Charlotte asked.
Tia frowned as she considered the possibility. Something of equal worth was... Tricky. Mostly because it came down to the slime's own judgement to determine what was equal to her captive and what wasn't. In other words, the problem lay in being able to figure out what would sway it's judgement. She doubted Charlotte's approach would work. The slime admitted she had no concept of money. No, the easiest way to pull this off would be to sway her judgement to align with theirs. Something that'd be harder than it looked, seeing as the slime was something of a simpleton. There was simply no predicting what they'd want. Still, perhaps the former dwarf could buy some time with her negotations. An opportunity the sorceress took to saunter over to the cage. "So... How did you end up in this mess?" She asked the captive drow.
Aevel was a bit surprised when the human spoke to her, but at least she was paying attention to her, like they all should be doing! "Well, I had to deal with this dragon guy named Gayzor or something, do the main part of the work so that some others could go finish up my work, and when I was done and taking a bit of a nap someone apparently moved me. No idea who or where they went. Anyways, I wake up belly still full of his cum and that slime, which looked like a normal not humanoid slime, took a trip inside me and ate the cum, after which she turned into that. Almost convinced her to set me free, if she wasn't too dumb to understand the concept of friendship. She apparently thinks that I have to be her friend, but she not mine, because then I have to listen to what she tells me to do. Why do you care? I thought humans disliked my kind."
Tia: Pregnant-2
Trauma: 9 / 100
C.Level: 1
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 16/16
AC: 15

Charlotte: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 56 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Aevel: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 15/15
AC: 14

The slime first looked at Charlotte. "Why? Why not! As you can see, she doesn't like me, so why keep her?" She answered simply. "Already chained up, why not profit?" She chuckled. "Just give me something. I'll decide! I don't know what's good." She declared.

After Tia and Aevel's conversation, the slime spoke up. "See? Rotten. Only good for sex, I think. Don't buy for friendship. She's rotten. No good. Rotten." She declared.
Tia snorted when she heard the drow mangle Qayzor's name. A bit juvenile, perhaps, but still amusing. She mostly ignored the argument between her and the slime, though. One was simply too dumb to understand what friendship is, the other not bright enough to notice how much of an idiot she was dealing with. Oh well. Still... Something just occured to her. An idea worth testing. "Well, who knows? Maybe we do have a reason to grab you." The sorceress chuckled, showing the chain tattoo on her arm to the caged drow before walking off. Moving to where Cloud was to whisper to him. "Say, can I ask you for a favor? Do you think you could quickly prepare some more of that lemonade? I have an idea."
Hearing the slime talk her down Aevel was once more getting annoyed with it, well she'd just prove how good she is if it keeps being like that. "You just don't understand how great I am." She answered, taking a deep breath before she'd start singing a song in undercommon, beautiful tones emerging from the half-drow's mouth, her choice of song being one she thought showed the beauty of her native language well. Even if it was a song about praising the spider queen, something she didn't think anyone around would understand.

(22 perform check)
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Charlotte blinked a couple of times, looking a bit confused at the slime, before glancing at the preforming dark elf, despite her performance being good, it didn't exactly meant anything. However, the way the slime was talking about the Drow, it really seemed like she only wanted to have a friend. Although, after hearing the explanation of Aevel, it was pretty clear that the slime actually wanted a slave or at least someone to boss around. Well, if Tia's offering wasn't good enough, Charlotte was going to offer being the slime's friend, it didn't sound too terrible, considering if the slime asked for something too outlandish she could simply ignore its request. "Hm... I'll keep that in mind."
Tia: Pregnant-2
Trauma: 9 / 100
C.Level: 1
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 16/16
AC: 15

Charlotte: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 56 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Aevel: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 15/15
AC: 14

With Tia's whisper, Cloud gave a start and a nod, before moving back to the wagon. He didn't seem blind in that moment, as he moved on two feet, and easily found and climbed into the wagon. It was as if he had picture perfect memory that allowed him to find his way to a place he'd been before. Soon, he returned with some of his lemonade. "Here it is, miss Tia." He offered, moving right to where she was before. No matter where she stepped after his departure. Which likely meant he was off a bit.

When Aevel's song came about, everyone was at first stranged by her sudden singing, but when it was actually very good, they seemed placated. At the end of the song, she got an applause, even from the slime. "For a creature so awful, that wasn't awful!" The slime praised in her own way. "Didn't understand a word, but that was pretty good." said the bandit leader.

"Anyway, you gonna give me a thing or not? I will leave and find someone else who will give me something nice!" She declared, growing impatient.
"Right, right, don't get your panties in a knot." Tia rolled her eyes. She had patiently waited for Cloud to return, stepping so that she'd be right where he'd expect her to be once she saw him return. "Thank you." She whispered as she took the lemonade from him, walking over to where the slime was. "So, how about this, then? It's really good." The sorceress smiled, offering the drink to the slime. "I think it'd be much better to have a taste of this and leave her here than keep lugging that cage around, no?"
The slime took the lemonade, and seemed to drink it immediately... By throwing it all over her own body. Rather than get the ground wet and sticky, it seemed like it just mixed with her body. "It is good! Very sweet! Wonderful!" She declared. "I'll take all of it. Then I'll give you the bitter brown one." She declared. "More please!" She desired with a slimy open palm.
"Riiight..." Tia blinked. Well, that was an odd way to drink... But it worked. More importantly, they needed to do something about her demand. "One second, we'll need a moment to bring it out." She said before walking over back to Cloud. "How much of that stuff can you mix? The slime's going to let us keep that drow chained if we feed it enough of it."
This wasn't going to work out, or so Charlotte thought. Even if they could make more lemonade, they probably needed to make enough that it would completely overwhelm the little slime and making it think the supply would last forever. With a heavy sigh, Charlotte could only think of one solution, since the slime had no idea what materialistic things actually were and put no value in them, trying to offer them to her seemed pointless, but offering something of emotional worth would probably work. "I don't think Cloud has enough of that mixture to satisfy this slime." Charlotte answered Tia, before stepping in front of the slime with a gentle smile. "How about we trade friends? I'll become your friend and you give that bad friend to us, but on the condition that I won't be chained up, and I'll still be able to go around and help people." Charlotte offered, before proudly sticking out her tiny chest and giving the slime a good look at her exposed skin. "I promise I'll be a much better friend then her, I got awesome horns." Charlotte said, before pointing at the two gigantic horns placed on top of her head.
Aevel looked at them as they tried to bargain with the slime, with the, she'd guess lemonade from the colour, it seemed they'd actually managed to make some progress, but then the dwarf(?) offered herself. Aevel in that moment decided that the dwarf was likely as big an idiot as the drow had told her. "You do know that we could just make more with a pres spell, right?" She said, giving the dwarf a look, which more than likely revealed her how well she thought of its plan.
Charlotte looked up at the Drow with a strained smile, before shaking her head at the slime. "Sorry miss slime, but if you want me to have this rotten friend, I think you've got to pay me. I do not want her anymore." Charlotte said with a firm nod, before giving the Drow a scowl and returning back to the carriage to wait this entire ordeal out.
Tia: Pregnant-2
Trauma: 9 / 100
C.Level: 1
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 16/16
AC: 15

Charlotte: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 56 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Aevel: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 15/15
AC: 14

The slime chuckled at Charlotte's latter remark. "I know, right? That's why I don't care much what I get her for." She explained. "Okay, that sounds like a deal. You become my friends, and you make me more lemonade. Deal. Now, give me more lemonade." She said, before Cloud was already coming back with another glass, which he splashed over the slime. "This is true happiness~!" She said with a smile, wobbling back and forth with glee.
"...Surrounded by idiots and wankers, with so few precious exceptions..." Tia sighed to herself as she facepalmed. Well, at least Cloud was competent. And nice. A rare combination in these difficult days, one she was starting to treasure somewhat. "Right, that's great and all." The sorceress spoke up, getting back on track. She chose to ignore Charlotte's fit of... Dwarfness, she supposed. Guess that transformation didn't alter her entirely, at least. The drow didn't seem all that promising, though... Then again, she was practically free, and a chained. Worst case scenario, they could use her as a meatshield/spare body to throw between them and danger. "But since we've made our deal, can we get a key for that cage?" The girl asked. "She's not gonna be all that useful stuck inside of it."
Before Charlotte actually made it back into the cart, she twirled around, accidently showing her lack of panties for a brief moment before her revealing outfit fell back in place again. "I don't know what this press spell is, but since you're implying you can cast it to create delicious lemonade, you better keep this slime and me satisfied with drinks." Charlotte demanded with a huff, before hearing Tia ask the slime how to release her. "Why? It'll be a perfect reminder that she got captured and sold by a slime." Charlotte chuckled with a smug smile, if the drow wanted to look down at Charlotte for attempting to trade her own body to free Aevel's ass, maybe she should do so when she wasn't being sold by a simple creature.
The slime lifted up her head. "Key? I don't have a key. I can eat her chains though, if you want." The slime offered to destroy the chains. "You can have the wagon too, I don't need it." She said, before taking another glass of lemonade from Cloud and splashing it all over herself, closing her eyes and seemingly sinking into somwhere called Bliss...
"Well it's gonna be hard with my arms tied up," Aevel moved her hands a bit to make the chains clank some. "As for making delicious lemonade, I can't really create a taste I haven't tried, and I can only change the taste of something with the prestidigitation spell, so it probably won't look right."