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Dungeons and Depravity: World of Chaos

When Tia commented that removing the ribbon would've been enough, Charlotte looked at the well-endowed women in front of the gate, before looking up at the mage, who was similarly well-endowed. "I've got the feeling that exposing my chest wouldn't be that impactful." Charlotte grumbled with a slight glare. Besides, there were a couple of women and men who also had their private parts exposed. When they moved on in, Charlotte gave the guards a tiny wave. What struck Charlotte as very odd was how friendly the townsfolk were, waving in their direction and fawning over Juice, which honestly Charlotte was thankful for. Maybe dealing with drow has softened them up for outsiders, but it was strange nonetheless, since quant little villages like these usually have the reputation of being extremely cautious of outsiders. Hell, their group couldn't look more suspicious if they tried, Charlotte was currently sporting fiery red hair with gigantic horns sticking out the side of her head, Tia was the spitting image of a witch, they traveled with drow and where carried forth by a sentient slime.

"I'm also happy they like you the most."
Charlotte replied with a relieved sigh, though this probably meant they had to keep an eye on Juice. "We could split up and search for popular locations. You can usually learn a lot by going to an inn or tavern." Charlotte mentioned. "Actually, you and Juice should find a place to put the cart, I'll try asking around who runs this place and were we can find an inn or tavern. Splitting up too much in this town might be a bad idea." Charlotte mentioned, as the townsfolk did indeed seem friendly, but also eager to touch each other and most likely them.
Aevel readjusted her dress so that instead of hiding her breasts they were pushed up by it, not seeming very bothered by the fact that people were dressed as they were. She was a bit surprised at almost being abandoned as she took a bit too long in readjusting her dress, wanting it perfect. Seeing the cart moving ahead without her she ran after it a bit and jumped back on. Shortly after they arrived in the town to less than the greeting than what she'd preferred, everybody was cooing and talking about the slime, why was she the center of attention. That would have to change, Aevel took out her Lute and began playing as they rode through town whilst singing a song. (18 lute play and 15 perform for singing.)
Tia: Pregnant-2
Trauma: 9 / 100
C.Level: 1
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 16/16
AC: 15

Charlotte: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 56 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Aevel: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 15/15
AC: 14

When the girls entered town, it seemed like their worry that their odd assembly of a crew would attract attention. However, they didn't seem to think anything of it. As if it was good, or normal.

Juice found a spot to park near the local bar, where other wagons were parked. It was as if this were a normal functioning town, barring how debauchery seemed to be the norm and the townsfolk were pushy onto one another. Such to the point that a man was groaning in frustration as he was carrying a bucket of water from the well while a woman was gripping him from the back, jerking his exposed length in broad daylight.

Aevel's song attracted the attention of a crowd. A dozen men became an audience, joined by a few women that seemed to enjoy the song. "It's a beautiful drow. Large breasts. Shame she still has so much covered though." The men murmured. "Take some more off, get comfortable!" Said a woman from the crowd. Aevel seemed to get what she wanted: Attention.

Meanwhile, Charlotte and Tia would do some basic asking around. A wide build mountain man that smelled of delicious food from a kitchen, his body like a powerful mountain man that worked out every day, would be the first to give them info. "Greetings, beautiful visitors. You two look quite lovely indeed!" He greeted by reaching out without warning, and kissing Tia's breast, his lips sucking once with a parting lick from his tongue, before he slid a finger under Charlotte's legs, and brought the digit to his mouth to sample her taste. (+3 Trauma unless physically resisted). "You taste lovely as well! I know a thing or two about taste, too!" He declared. "You're looking for the one who runs the place around here? Well, currently that's me, until that glutton gets back from his yet another vacation." The chef said with a grunt of dissatisfaction. "He just does nothing and requests food every day. By Chaos, I hope someone does something about him soon. Because of him, there's hardly any excitement around here anymore. It's almost like how it used to be... When everyone just lived their lives and did nothing... But enough of my rambling, want to come into the bar and get treated to some food? The room and board's free to new lovely ladies that want to spend the night with yours truly~!"

Tia's heart thumps. It isn't overwhelming, but the corruption, even if just a droplet in her soul, makes her eyes drawn to the burly man's impressive cock befitting his stature. A feeling she could shake off... But her core became slightly heated.
The sight of the town was a very strange one, nobody seemed suspicious of their group and the townsfolk were lewdly groping and touching each other while working. Charlotte wondered how a town could function like this. Of course to Charlotte humans were already viewed as lazy, being a dwarf, she was used to working extra hard and training every day, being even a little bit lazy was usually frowned down upon. After all, a few rusty gears could slow down the entire machine. After juice put away the wagon, Charlotte and Tia quickly found a man who might know more about who's in charge. The man looked massive and had the faint smell of food on him.

Charlotte wanted to return the greetings, but was completely caught off guard when the man suddenly slid his finger across her sensitive spot. Charlotte's eyes widened in a panic, before her cheeks turned red when the man put the finger into his mouth. Somehow Charlotte managed to keep her calm during that, as her first instinct was to push the man away or punch him in the face, but she assumed that such a thing would be considered odd inside this town like this. And making the excuse that she was a dwarf, who generally are a lot more conservative than humans, probably doesn't work when she was the spitting image of a demon. "Umm, yes hello." Charlotte mumbled out at the man's greeting, before the redness disappeared from her face as she managed to calm herself. Hearing what kind of leader this town had caused Charlotte to frown. "Yes, we're looking for the mayor of this town." Hearing that the mayor was on a vacation, Charlotte thought that this might be a perfect opportunity to ask where he went on a vacation. "Do you have any idea where he goes to when takes a vacation? Even a general direction would be much appreciated. We're pretty good at tracking people." Charlotte revealed. If they could meet with the mayor of the town when he's completely isolated, it probably was going to be the best chance they had on capturing and interrogating him. At the man's offer, Charlotte forced a smile on her face. "I'll probably check the bar out a bit later, and I'll consider your offer." Charlotte replied.
Tia had not been impressed by the village. Honestly, she didn't mind a bit of some good old debauchery, but there had to be some proper culture there. If anyone could just walk up to a person and fuck them, then there was simply nothing special about sex. Without that charm of being something more than just a common, routine activity, it simply lost a lot of it's appeal. And then there was also the fact that everyone felt like it was fine to do whatever with you. Case in point, the fucker running the inn who didn't even fucking introduce himself before putting his mouth where it wasn't welcome. And while that damnable corruption sought to turn it towards this crass way of thinking, the sorceress ruthlessly murdered this feeling without the slightest bit of hesitation, ignoring the physical after-effect. Sadly, she had to refrain from setting his balls on fire. It'd make this whole job much more difficult and thus much more annoying.

Of course, it turned out that their target wasn't even there. Tia sighed in frustration at the news, not liking them one bit. Urgh. At least Charlotte had the right idea. Learn where he went, track him down and end this mess before anyone caught on. Excellent. "Yes. Right now we're likely going to be a bit busy, but we might drop by later." She added politely after the dwarf finished. She... Was kind of looking forward to catching the guy, actually. Sure, they'd have to purify him, but she could find an opportunity to vent some of her current frustration on him in the process. That'd make this much more bearable. "Why does he even go on vacations so much, anyway?"
As people approached and started talking to her Aevel stop singing, though kept playing the song on her lute, she looked around at the people to try gauge how much more dressed than them she was, she didn't want to stand out too much. She looked to one of her nearest audience members and asked: "How you think I should change it up then?"
Tia: Pregnant-2
Trauma: 9 / 100
C.Level: 1
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 16/16
AC: 15

Charlotte: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 56 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Aevel: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 15/15
AC: 14

The man rolled his eyes. "There's no use trying to get to him to make him do anything. He's currently just being a slouch at the hot spring resort he spent countless resources and magic building. It's a spring blessed by Chaos that allows one to bath in the waters, but his blessing just makes people lethargic, lazy and content. He just stays there, eats and fucks instead of getting work done. Sex is great and all, but we still have to do things. We haven't even had a festival in a while to get people motivated to work and fuck. The spring is to the west, just follow the dirt road. Can't miss it." He advised them.

"Everything!" The crowd roared around Aevel. "Let's see some thigh! Let's see some pussy!" The crowd cheered, clearly enthralled with Aevel and getting extremely excited. They were already touching themselves. "It looks like she's in the early stages of pregnancy! I wanna rub her pregnant belly while filling her ass!" The crowd's intent became more and more ferocious.
Charlotte was a bit displeased and surprised to learn that this town knew magic, was it really common place for humans to know that, even for a small village like this? Not that it mattered that much anymore, Charlotte's hatred for magic was nowhere near as severe as it used to be, but she was still surprised to learn this. Of course the corruption of chaos might be the cause of the magic. Charlotte also found it strange that the resort's 'gift' caused people to become lethargic and content, considering that didn't seem chaotic in nature. "Thank you for the information, maybe he'll give us permission to liven up the town a little, as you can tell our companion already went ahead of herself and caused a ruckus." Charlotte replied with a sigh. "Anyways Tia... go get Juice, we don't want her to be unsupervised around here, and I'll see what I can do to save our... great entertainer." Charlotte said with a sigh, before leaving the mage alone with the weird lewd chef.

Charlotte pushed herself through the crowd, most likely bumping her huge and awkward horns against several people in the process, before standing in front of Aevel with her arms crossed, who probably got a bit more attention than she should've. "Oi, don't even think about touching the star." Charlotte yelled at the crowd who were clearly intending to do some obscene stuff if she didn't step in. "If you want to have a 'private' meeting with her, wait after the festival we've planned for this town! I don't want our star to end up exhausted like last time." Charlotte shouted at the crowd, trying to keep the crowd at bay for now. "And unless she specifically wants you, it will cost you some. Of course, supplies will also be a viable method of payment. But for now, enjoy the preview from a distance." Charlotte yelled at the crowd, trying to stick out her small chest as much as possible, in an attempt to look somewhat more intimidating.
"So basically, he's being a waste of space, huh?" Tia commented dryly. Well, that could hopefully make this whole thing a bit easier. Rather than having to search for him, they could simply just go to the place and hopefully gang up on him while he did nothing. Of course, they'd still need to deal with the spring's curse, but that was doable. Of course, first they had to gather everyone. Thankfully Charlotte seemed to be on the same page, at least when it came for the first part of the plan. "Yes, yes. Good luck with that, some crowds can get rather feisty." Suprisingly enough, she wasn't sarcastic about this. "Thanks for the information, chief. I should probably go looking for our companion now, though, before she gets herself into trouble." Nodding at the man, she made her way to where Juice parked the wagon, it see if she was still there. If not, well. She was kind of hard to miss, surely asking around would help her find the slime just fine.
"Oh no, this might be bad, that's a lot of people, okay what is the best way to get rid of them without it seeming suspicious?" Aevel thought to herself, though luckily the dwarf arrived with a good idea. "Oh there you are, why did you guys just suddenly abandon the wagon, you know people always end up gathering around me like this." She pouted slightly to help sell the idea of her being a bit of a diva whilst looking at the dwarf.
Tia: Pregnant-2
Trauma: 9 / 100
C.Level: 1
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 16/16
AC: 15

Charlotte: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 56 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

The man nodded at the two. "Good luck, you two." He bid them farewell, before Tia and Charlotte went to go contain the wagon situation. The crowd let out a jeer at being told not to get further involved, but didn't seem like the kind of people to get too rowdy or fight about such an issue. "Some entertainment group!" A complaint was thrown as the crowd dispersed. Meanwhile, Juice was idling nearby, looking up to Tia when she approached. "I was looking forward to the show as well. Disappointment." Juice replied, seemingly a bit down that nothing interesting happened. "I wonder what there is to look forward to now?" She pondered, as if trying to find some equivalent kind of thrill.
"How about a spring and a certain lazy ass of a mayor?" Tia replied, rolling her eyes. Fucking wastrels, all of them. "The place has an unfortunate habit of turning people lazy, so we'll probably have to bring him out of it to make this work. Or bait him. But either way, he's the source." She stated. "We already know the direction, so all that's left is getting there, and it's not far. So come on." She said, starting to walk towards the enchanted spring.
When the crowd finally dispersed, Charlotte released a relieved sigh. "I don't know about looking forward to it, but since the spring is magic, I prefer if we don't go inside." Charlotte mumbled with her eyes closed, she really wasn't a fan of magic, especially useless sounding magic like that. And when Tai followed it up with a strategy to bait him out or wait for him, Charlotte gave a firm nod of agreement in her general direction. "Let's hope it isn't going to be a pain in the ass to get him out." Charlotte replied. And to answer Juice's question, Charlotte gave her a small grin before she inched closer to Juice whisper something into her ears. "Don't worry, if you stay close to the slutty mage you'll probably get to see a lot of good shows." Charlotte told Juice, before she began to follow the slutty mage.
Tia: Pregnant-2
Trauma: 9 / 100
C.Level: 1
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 16/16
AC: 15

Charlotte: Pregnant-1
Trauma: 56 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Juice looked up at Charlotte, before simply nodding in silent affirmation, and following Tia all the same.

Along the way, they came across a pair of men that looked like they were friends. The curse had made them look impeccably attractive, with the perfect balance of slim yet filled with muscle in all the right places as if they were the definition of male figure. Seeing the girls almost as exposed as they are, they did what all the others did and assumed that they were definitely not chained or heroes. "Heading to the springs, ladies?" Inquired the first man, with short cut blonde hair as if he were some kind of carefully crafted prince. "Enjoy yourselves~ The waters are fantastic~!" Said the other, a man with brown hair and blue eyes. Despite it all, they looked rather tapped for energy, as they made no attempt to assault or harass them. They weren't even erect, which was unusual for the tainted.
Tia raised an eyebrows at the two men. The attractive features were not unexpected, seeing as the curse seemed to have all kinds of interesting effects upon those who were under it's influence. What was unusual, compared to norm for the afflicted, at least, was their behaviour. They seemed calm, peaceful. As if lacking energy, not just relaxed. Was this the effect of the waters? Interesting. "Ah yes, we are." The sorceress replied, eyeing the two. "I take it you're just coming back from there, then? Mind sharing what it offers?" She asked, smiling. "We've heard the waters are incredibly relaxing, but not much about the resort that was supposedly built there. Can you tell us about it?"