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Dungeons and Depravity: World of Chaos

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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The story of the Chaos Dragon, one that seldom few knew about outside of the Kingdom of Pinnocia, told of heroes who rose to stop a dragon who corrupted the world by removing its morals and corrupting the mortals of the land. Those heroes were unable to defeat the dragon, forced to seal her and enlist the aid of their wizard to inscribe a counter curse upon their bodies such that chaos would never touch them or their off spring come the time that the dragon would be free of her seal.

When that day came, The Chained, descendants of the heroes of yore, were ill prepared and ill suited to the task. None of the descendants were prepared to handle the threat, and by the time word got out that Pinnocia had been taken over by the Chaos Dragon's influence, it was already spreading into neighboring lands like an unstoppable plague. With the known hero descendants missing within the chaos of the kingdom, and the dragon far more prepared than ever before, it seemed like only the gods could help stop the tide of Chaos.

As Chaos raged, the rest of the world continued to live and prosper, action being taken against the tide while most others lived their lives. This included three individual women who were so far removed from that kingdom that they never even knew the purpose of their tattoo, their mark inscribed by the wizard of yore. None expected the descendants to fail in their quest, but neither did anyone expect unlikely heroes to appear, to possibly grant hope where most found it lost. In far off lands, these heroines were living their lives in ignorance.

Charlotte was in the midst of a dwarven ceremony particular to her clan. So far removed was she from her original upbringing that the true meaning of the chain was lost on her. She served in the midst of trial by combat among many suiters seeking to best her and take her hand, when an unusual suitor appeared, moving as if possessed by foul spirits. A rather powerful dwarf from an unknown land appeared, and defeated her with surprising ease, sealing her fate to become his fiance as he took her to his bed to mate with her... While she and everyone were ignorant to the grip of Chaos on his person... Of course, his wiles had no effect on her, so it was seemingly just another night with a different fiance... Until the night came, and her suitor began to utter a corrupt spell...

Tia was in the midst of enjoying her breakfast in a loosely populated forest, far from the laws of the land and from those with overbearing morals. She barely had a chance to know that a spell was being cast that would spirit her away from her comfortable situation... Such as it was, time passed by as it always did for her. She took to enjoying a bath out of fancy, later on. Her life as whimsical as her desires. As she sank into her bath, she was unaware of the cage that approached to seal her freedom, as a strange sleep overtook her.

Finally, Sarah, an ever so faithful servant to the people, felt a chill as the grace of the gods seemed to leave the church, and its members becoming ever so less faithful. Her nights tortured by influences of an unknown monster trying to reach her soul, kept away by chains of magical make, as her former friends of the church gathered at her door... "She's one of them... Chaos demands all chains be broken. Spirit her away while she slumbers from the drug we put into her drink. Cast the spell... And send her to 'him'." said the pastor, before menacing figures moved on her helpless figure, and the gods blind to their servant's abduction...

Meanwhile, in Pinnocia... Sages gather, collaborating on the spell their goddess bestowed upon them. In the ritualistic circle they gathered, passing on the scrolls for each to read. "By Chaos will and freedom divine, she demands a gift to her sons. The descendants of the ones who imprisoned her shall be delivered to us, to become the servants of his majesty, Qaysor the Regal... To create new sons and spread the power of Chaos..." they chanted, focusing on their spell... As each of their agents chanted in unison as well... Charlotte, Tia, and Sarah, bearers of the chain, remnants of the old enemy... Willing them forth in their weakest moments to bring them to their master to serve his desires.

With a flash of magic unholy, they appeared. Three women, dressed in naught. A dwarf, a human, and an elf. The man of note watched as his wives appeared, helplessly under a sleep spell. "Do not touch them. I want them to be clean before I mate with them. Clean them and have them ready in the dungeon and inform me of when they wake." he declared, and his minions bowed and obeyed... Taking the three bodies from the main camp and to the dungeons below the captured town...

Tia: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 0 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 9/9
AC: 15

Charlotte: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 3 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Sarah: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 0 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 8/8
AC: 15

The three girls awoke to find themselves inside of a dungeon, far from where they used to be. They were seemingly deprived of their previous belongings.

They were in a cell, closed off from a small room with spartan decor, sans a fresh looking chest that seemed to not have been sitting for a long time. A female drow guarded the cage from the chair she sat on, but she was sound asleep with her legs propped upon the table, her phallus visible just slightly from under her loin cloth due to her legs pushing her genitals outward. The floors and walls were solid rock, and the bars holding them inside their cell were made of shabby wood that looked as ancient and dusty as the caverns itself. In the cell were some odd metal pins, as if they were used for hair ornaments or bun holders. Useful perhaps for picking the lock on the wooden cage, which also seemed brittle enough to perhaps break at the cost of loud sounds, if the one doing the breaking even had the power to do so.
Tia's awakening was slow, as she was not one to rise early or quickly. She was, however, relatively fast on the uptake, and as soon as she realized she was no longer in her bath within the depths of the place she claimed as her home, she sobered up quickly. Rising and taking stock of the situation she was in, her expression turning into a sour grimace as she realized her position. Locked up in a cell, a sleazy drow guard doing a rather sloppy job of keeping an eye on her. She had no idea how she appeared here or why, but these questions would have to wait. For now, she had to get the Hell out of this place.

Rising to a sitting position, the sorceress considered her options. The bars of the cell were decrepit, but she lacked the strength to break them down anyway. Raw force was not her strong suit: she was nimble and had considerable stamina, but explosive bursts of physical power were beyond her. Rather laughably, however, the bars were made of wood. Old, dry wood that would burn well, a worthless barrier against a fire mage like her. The only issue was the drow: would the flames wake her up? Tia knew how to put someone to sleep with magic, but it was not guaranteed to work. She could risk trying to open the lock with one of the metal pins lying on the floor, but this was not something she was used to. She had the dexterity to perhaps pull it off, but not the experience. It'd be a difficult task.

Still, she was not alone. Even if she failed to come up with an adequate answer to the problem, perhaps the other two girls could. For the moment, the sorceress settled down as comfortably as she could in her current position, waiting for the two to stir and get up. Perhaps one of them would even be able to shed some light on this situation. Not bloody likely, she figured, but not impossible. The drow would likely know, but trying to wake her up was likely a very bad idea. It was better to see what these other two were like and enlist them in the escape attempt. That chest outside the cell seemed to be new... Perhaps there was something useful inside?
Charlotte wasn't usually the one to sleep in, but after spending her night with that strange savage dwarf, she really was knocked out cold and needed some time to recuperate. However, when Charlotte felt a cold breeze travel along her naked body, she was forced to groggily wake up. It took Charlotte a couple of seconds of groggily looking around to realize that she wasn't inside her bed anymore, and it took her even longer to realize that she had been captured during her sleep. When Charlotte finally realized that she was captured, she became furious, how dared her captor to sneakily abduct her during the night whilst she was asleep, instead of honorably defeating her in a deal, who would do such a cowardly thing?

Charlotte angrily rose onto her feet and looked around the room for any clues were she might be, but all she saw was a filthy cowardly drow sleeping on the job, who didn't even bother properly covering up her thing between her legs and who also was most likely the cowardly captor that abducted her from her home, and beyond her captor Charlotte also saw two other women, who looked to be in the same situation as her. Both of them looked like they wouldn't be much help to Charlotte, as one of them looked like a scrawny human and the other one was an elf. Although, especially someone like Charlotte knew that looks could be deceiving, that usually wasn't the case for humans or elves. Either way, Charlotte wasn't going to count on them.

Inspecting the cage closer, Charlotte silently scoffed at the hubris of the drow. She clearly underestimated Charlotte by capturing her in such a flimsy wooden cage, which only infuriated her further with how little respect the drow had for her. By now the other two could easily notice that unless Charlotte was stopped she was about to ram her body against the flimsy wooden bars, despite her size, as she was eager to shove her fist into this drow's face for cowardly kidnapping her during the night. Charlotte was going to teach her to never mess with a Rumnaheim ever again, not that she was going to let her live after using such cowardly tactics to capture her.
Tia watched the dwarf fume and rage silently with a raised eyebrow. Not much of a talker, that one. Didn't even care to say hello. How rude. Still, the sorceress could let that slide. What she was less pleased about was the fact that the pint-sized ball of bad temper seemed about ready to make a whole lot of noise. Dealing with that would be troublesome: there was no way the drow was the only enemy around here. "I'd wait with breaking that lock if I were you." The human spoke up, quietly enough to not wake the drow. "If you think that idiot is the only one around here, or managed to somehow put all three of us here by herself, then you must be even dumber than she is. Settle your ass down or wake the other one, it seems we're all in the same boat and I'd rather not have my escape attempt spoiled because you can't think before acting."
Being rudely interrupted mid-charge, Charlotte angrily whipped her head at the warning from the human. With a glare, Charlotte looked over the human one more time, before deciding if she should even considering listening to such a flimsy woman. Charlotte came to the conclusion that she could always continue her plan after hearing her out. "Hmph, I know" Charlotte grumbles quietly. "But if you think those cowardly elves can defeat the likes me you're clearly underestimating me, and at the very least I'm planning to go down swinging instead of being their obedient plaything." Charlotte whispered quietly with a smug grin. "Besides, how was I supposed to know you've not been her for a while? From my experience, you humans and elves are way too cowardly to stage an escape." Charlotte silently chuckled. "Now unless you or the elf have a better plan than cowering in this cage, just stay quiet and let me rescue ya." Charlotte whispered while proudly pushing out her chest with a smug grin.
"Wow. All that, coming from someone whose only idea was to throttle the drow in a fit of rage. Truly, we should leave all strategies to your unparalleled strategic sense." Tia quietly snarked back, rolling her eyes. "All you'd achieve in the long run is going down swinging an empty fist. I'd prefer to actually get out of here." The human continued, looking unimpressed. "And honestly? You could have asked. Really, it was as simple as not pushing your head up your arse. Anyway." The girl reached out, picking up one of the metal pins lying around on the floor.

"There are three options I see here. Option one is to use these to pick the lock. I could try my hand at it, though don't expect anything spectacular. Unless the elf is a proper lockpicker, though, I might be most suited for this task." She noted. "Should that fail, we can either break the cage open or get the drow to unlock it. I'd rather not attempt the latter if I can help it, but perhaps it's not impossible. As for the former, we can either break the lock and guarantee someone hears us fleeing, or set the wood on fire with my magic and hope it burns away quietly enough to not wake the guard." She summarized. "Let's start with the plan least likely to cause a fuckton of noise, hmm?"
Sarah slept much more deeply than usual. When she crawled into bed, however, she thought nothing of her fatigue, assuming it just came naturally from a taxing day. Not suspecting anything amiss, it took her a while to finally awaken, though her sleeping mind did wonder about the strange voices, and why her bed felt so cold and hard. When she was finally roused awake enough, she realized something was very wrong. She sat up quickly and stared at the floor for a few seconds as her groggy mind tried to process why she was on the floor and where this floor even was, but she couldn't find the answers in her memory. She looked confusedly around to find herself in a cage with two strangers... and bereft of her clothing.

"W-what is this?" Sarah asked, her voice showing her confusion and rising panic. "Who are you? Where am I? Where... where are my clothes!?" she asked the two strangers in the cage with her. She kept her voice to a whisper as she became aware of the drow that was guarding them, though she struggled to keep her rising panic in check. She noted that her companions were also nude... the cage must have meant they were kidnapped by someone. Her first thought were slavers, but she wasn't aware of any slaving activity anywhere near her village. And how would they have gotten into the church to grab her, without anyone knowing? Subconsciously, though, she realized the answers weren't as important as getting out of this situation. She hoped her fellows had a better grasp of the situation than she did... though she couldn't tell if their bickering was a good sign or a bad one.
The Drow continued to snore despite the woken girls antics, giving them time to decide what to do about their current situation.

There was also a slight wind passing by, as the dwarf noted. It felt especially uncomfortable against their perky body parts.
"You're clearly underestimating me if you think I can't down an elf before reinforcement comes, a sloppy elf at that." Charlotte grumbled quietly. "Besides, after I've downed the elf I'm planning to use her weapon to cut down whatever reinforcement might come." Charlotte quietly stated. "Hmph, you can't blame me for thinking you're just some cowardly captive, a human still has to impress me with their bravery, usually all they do is cowardly bark at their captors." Charlotte remarks, before curiously looking at the hair ornament the human picked from the ground, wondering what she was planning to do with them.

"Hah, and there I thought you were planning to do your hair for your captors to appease her." Charlotte silently chuckled. "Perhaps you should think about your own strategies before you mock those from others, as I do hope you're not serious about burning the cage. Do you have any idea how fast this closed off room will heat up? I don't know about you, but I'd rather not get cooked alive." Charlotte commented, as she was more than familiar with indoor fires as a dwarf, it was one of the main reasons they preferred using stone and iron over wood for mundane items. "Either way, if you and the elf want to try to pick the lock, don't let me stop you, but I'll have no part in using such a sneaky tactic to break free." Charlotte stated proudly. "And if your plan fails, we're going to try mine, as I'm not fond of the idea of becoming a drow's slut myself." Charlotte tried to say in an authoritative voice, which sounded only bizarre due to her soft voice and petite size.

Seeing the elf speak up in a panic, Charlotte quickly put her finger against her own mouth in an attempt to make her realize to stay quiet, and luckily it looked like the elf quickly realized what situation she was in. "Charlotte Rumnaheim, the proud immortal warrior from Ramnaham." Charlotte proudly and silently stated with a puffed out chest when asked for her name. "The other two questions... I'm not sure, but since we're guarded by a drow, my best guess is that we're somewhere underground." Charlotte noted, as drow had a tendency to live like dwarves, but it really was only a wild guess. "And try to stay calm. Escaping will be a lot more difficult if the drow wakes up." Charlotte whispers, and despite the cold wind waking her up earlier, it didn't really bother her, as the cold breeze only reminded her off home.
"Tia Harrow, and I've no idea about the rest." The sorceress introduced herself to the panicking elf, rolling her eyes slightly. An overconfident musclehead of a dwarf and a fearful elf girl, this did not bode well. Beggars could hardly be choosers, though. Besides, there was a chance the elf could prove capable after calming down and the dwarf wasn't as stupid as she acted. If she really was a warrior of some renown, then she had to be able to learn, at least.

Sighing quietly, the sorceress scuttled over to the door, bringing the pins with her. As curious as she was about the hows and whys of her situation, she recognized that acting was more important than trying to figure them out. They could ask questions after getting out of this prison and learning where exactly they ended up. Plus, the draft was making it rather chilly. She was not very fond of cold and cold places and not just because of her heat-related lineage. Thus she pressed up against the bars of the cage, reaching around to get her hands on the lock and start picking at it, hoping to get it open.

[Rolling Dex to pick the lock: ]

Thankfully, grasping the lock and getting the pins in wasn't that hard a task. Whether she could get it open was another matter entirely, but Tia felt relatively confident in her ability. Still, it paid to have backup. "Say, miss elf? Do you happen to be any good with locks?" She asked quietly as she worked. "Wanna have a go in case I don't open this? Cause the only other option we have here is having the dwarf make a lot more noise than entirely necessary." The girl asked casually. The dwarf's earlier attempt at asserting authority seemed to be entirely wasted on her, along with the mockery. As far as the human was concerned, if the other woman wanted to act stupid, it was none of her business until it inconvenienced her.
Tia: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 0 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 9/9
AC: 15

Charlotte: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 3 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Sarah: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 0 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 8/8
AC: 15

With a *pick, pick, pick,* The lock came apart with ease, and with complete silence to boot. The drow made no motion as she slept. The door to the cell made a soft crunch as it opened, allowing the trio to leave the cell unmolested. Unfortunately, the item Tia used to pick the lock broke once the latch was free, the metal crushing the pin.
"Bah, I'm a bit disappointed that you disabled it that easily." Charlotte grumbled quietly, as she was itching to violently bust out of the cage and make a commotion, as she considered that to be the proper way of escaping. "I'm really itching to charge this elf and take her by surprise, but I'm going to assume you want to do this the delicate way again, and I'm getting the feeling the elf probably wouldn't want me to make a commotion either." Charlotte grumbled, as she was clearly disappointed with how cowardly they were breaking out of this prison cell.
Sarah gave a quiet nod to the other two as they introduced themselves. "I'm Sarah Summerford, glad to meet you both..." she replied. Listening to the dwarf's advice, Sarah closed her eyes and took a few deep slow breaths before opening them again. Though she still felt shaken, she concentrated on staying focused on the task at hand. She couldn't help but shiver from the cold air, though. She was used to warmer temperatures, or at least bundling on clothing during the colder seasons.

"I've... never learned how to pick locks, no," Sarah said to Tia. "I've never had a situation where it came up. I mean, I can try, but-" she stopped mid-sentence as she heard the quiet click of the lock successfully unlatching. "Well, that seemed easy," she commented, impressed by Tia's casual success.

"I do think that stealth is the better approach, yes," Sarah whispered as she heard the ongoing argument of stealth versus force. "We don't know what we're going up against, I'm sure there's more than just this guard and flimsy cage..." As she said that, she suddenly looked thoughtful and raised one finger to her lips in contemplation. "Actually, this almost seems too easy. What if they're expecting us to escape?" The thought had just dawned on her. She would expect poor planning from goblinoids or such, but not from drow or successful slavers. "Let's be careful about this, and not let our guard down..."
"Even if they do, we have no reason to stay here." Tia replied, suprised by how easy it was to pick the lock. Shame about the pin, though, she was planning to keep it. Clicking her tongue in annoyance as she stared down at the broken item, the girl took a moment to mourn the loss before quietly discarding the item. "Right, forget the drow. We gain nothing from fighting her. I don't care how mighty you consider yourself to be, if they have several dozen more fighters, poisoned weapons or other tricks like that, you will just plain fucking lose." She stated, giving the dwarf a pointed look. "And I am almost certain they must have a mage." That would explain the gap in her memories between her bath and the prison.

Still, now that they were out of the cell, it was time to check that chest. It was oddly new. Perhaps it contained something useful? Best to be cautious, though. "Anybody wants to check that chest for traps? I'll see if there are any enchantments on it." Tia announced quietly, beginning her work. She'd rather not get foolishly blindsided on her first step out of the cage.

[Detect Magic Traps: ]
Tia: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 0 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 9/9
AC: 15

Charlotte: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 3 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Sarah: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 0 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 8/8
AC: 15

Tia takes a good long, hard look at the chest in a magical sense. But she fails to see anything wrong with it. It looks like a normal chest.

(Listen check: 20)

The guard shuffles in her sleep, before her body starts moving. She awakens! The drow gets up and looks to see where all the whispering was coming from. She gasps at the sight. "The prisoners...!?" she exclaims at how the trio had escaped.
"It does feel a bit odd that they'd put us in such a flimsy cage." Charlotte whispered, wondering if there was someone that was secretly trying to help them escape or if it was hubris on the drows end. "I'm guessing that someone is trying to help us or that the drow don't think to highly of us, but I don't see any benefit for them to want us to escape, unless they really want to toy with us for some reason. Not that it is out of the realm of possibility with those filthy cowardly drows." Charlotte quietly grumbles, still pissed that she got abducted out of her bed without a proper fight.

Charlotte quietly sat back when Tia was inspecting the chest for magical traps, ready to jump on top of the drow the moment she wakes up. Luckily for the blood thirsty dwarf, the drow did in fact open her eyes. Charlotte grinned that she was finally able to get some revenge for the cowardly way those sneaky drow abducted her. Charlotte quickly jumped into the air and landed her petite bare butt inside the drow's lap, before quickly trying to wrap her legs around the woman's torso and arms. Charlotte tried to hold as tight of a grip as she could, pressing herself tightly against drow, in an effort to trap her against the chair. "Keep your trap shut or I'll knock some teeth out of that pretty mouth of yours." Charlotte excitedly told the drow, clearly wanting the drow to ignore her threat, so she had an excuse to make some noise.

[Grapple attempt: ]
[Intimidation attempt: ]
"Ah Hell." Tia grimaced. This was bad, she doubted they could down the drow in just one move - despite the dwarf insisting otherwise - and she'd rather not end up having to deal with the reinforcements, whatever they might be. Much as she would have preferred to end this quietly, though, it seemed that was simply not going to happen. She lacked the materials to use sleep spells against the guard. Much as she hated to admit it, perhaps this time the dwarf's impulse action was likely the correct course.

Glancing at Sarah and nodding towards the drow, she silently asked the elf to help persuade the the unlucky guard to aid them. Mostly by playing the good cop to Charlotte's bad cop, in case indimidation didn't quite suffice on it's own. Meanwhile, the sorceress walked up to the chest and opened it. Perhaps it was risky, but they were running out of options. If there was something useful inside, they needed it now.
Tia: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 0 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 9/9
AC: 15

Charlotte: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 3 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 13/13
AC: 16

Sarah: Fine, Nude, Unarmed
Trauma: 0 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 8/8
AC: 15

Intimidation attempt, success-lite

The dwarf successfully rushed the drow, and pinned her to the ground. Initially shocked, the suddenly dominant dwarf had the drow... Blushing and growing erect with excitement. "... What are you going to do to keep my mouth shut?" she suddenly cooed. "Punch me and I'll yell for help. But... Being denied Qayzor's women which he claims to all, is annoying." Her erect length sheathed between the dwarf's ass cheeks. "Pleasure me, and I'll help you escape~" she promised, before looking to the chest. "Various stolen goods are in that chest as well. Some of it is probably yours." she declared, allowing the girls to check the chest for free.

Inside, they'd find mostly unusable garbage and tatters of torn clothes. But they'd also find equipment that seemed to be theirs, or very much like theirs.

(Equipment restored.)
"And we have a jackpot." Tia smirked as she went through the contents of the chest, shamelessly discarding everything that was useless before fishing out her belongings. Her staff, her possessions, even her three daggers which she carried around for shits and giggles - not that she couldn't use them. Even her travelling pack was in there, which was neat, and perhaps she could complete an outfit as well. "Well, that's taken care of." She announced, stepping away from the chest to let Sarah pick her stuff out, her attention shifting to the dwarf and the elf. "So. You two going to fuck? Or something else? Does the big scary dwarf need help with that one?" Come to think of it, now that she recovered her arcane focus she could cast her sleep magic. Probably a waste in the current situation, though.
Charlotte looked a bit surprised when she felt the drow's length slowly grow between her ass cheeks, before giving the drow an inquisitive look. "Well... this is a first. Normally people either laugh or cower in fear when I threaten to punch them, never have I seen them grow aroused by it." Charlotte stated, before she felt the entire length of the drow sandwiched between her petite ass cheeks. "Well, if it weren't for those other two here, I'd have to actually consider if I was going to punch your teeth out or not, but since I don't want to ruin everything for them, I suppose I won't" Charlotte growled, before lowering her fist. Charlotte contemplated the offer for a bit, before looking down at the lusty drow. "Normally there's no way I would trust a filthy drow like yourself to help us escape, but considering the flimsy cage we were in and considering you work for what I assume is a self-centered man, I'm actually inclined to believe you." Charlotte said, still looking a bit contemplative thinking about the drow's offer.

However, after Tia agitated Charlotte, she made up her mind. "Hmph, of course I don't need help satisfying one puny elf, I'll make quick work of her and have us out of here in no time." Charlotte proudly stated, before slowly grinding her ass up and down against the drow's length, smothering the drow's thick cock between her small ass cheeks. "Now you better keep your word or else I'll make sure you won't be able to make the same mistake twice." Charlotte tried to menacingly warn the drow, as she didn't take kindly to people who broke their word.

"Now, I hope you'll be satisfied with just my ass, since I'm not going to chance carrying a filthy elven child." Charlotte stated, before her constant rubbing intensified, until she felt the drow's thick cock was fully erect and throbbing between her ass cheeks. Charlotte continued to rub her butt against the drow's cock a little while after it was fully erect, before standing up, releasing her tight grip on the drow and turning herself around. Without a warning, Charlotte drops her petite butt right on top of the drow's face, sandwiching it between her small ass cheeks. "Now make sure it's nice a wet, I've got a stuff a lot of meat down it" Charlotte demanded, before wiggling her ass against the drow's face until she felt the drow's tongue go to work on her.

Charlotte wouldn't let the drow's efforts go unrewarded, if the drow was diligent enough, she'd return the favor, by grabbing the drow's twitching length with hands, before slowly and gently stroking it. After a couple of gentle strokes, Charlotte began to move her mouth closer to the drow's tip, until the entirety of the tip was nearly smooshed against her face, before giving the drow's tip a few curiously lick, licking up any pre-cum that might've accumulated and swallowing it. After Charlotte prepared herself mentally that she was about the shove a filthy elven cock into her mouth, she begrudgingly gave in to her final hesitation and shoved the drow's tip inside her mouth. Charlotte eagerly rubbed her tongue against the drow's tip, before slowly shoving the drow's length further inside her mouth, as she roughly rubbed her tongue against the drow's shaft, exploring the odd exotic taste of elven cock. The entire time, Charlotte continued caressing the drow's cock with both her hands and it didn't take long before her mouth moved in sync with her hands, as her lips soft began to slowly grind against the drow's shaft. With each single stroke, Charlotte managed to shove the drow's cock further inside her mouth, until the petite dwarf managed to shove the entire length inside her throat, keeping it inside her throat for a couple seconds, before sliding it out.