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Elizabeth (Quartz)


Nov 12, 2008
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Elizabeth wakes with a throbbing pain in the base of her neck. "Where am I.." she thinks to herself, rubbing the back of her neck. She tries to recall what was the last thing she can remember, but it is mostly a haze...

After sitting for a few moments her memory begins to return. She remembers sitting at the bar of an Inn in a small town. She had heard of a mysterious temple that supposedly held riches beyond imagination. Only the best thief or rogue could ever hope to make it out alive she would overhear. After sulking at the bar for several nights a strange, clocked man came to sit across the room from her. She sensed something strange about this man and her suspicious were soon rewarded. Shortly after entering, she heard the whispers. "That's one of them," mumbled one patron. "He's got to be a cultist!" murmured another. She had found her mark. As he left, Elizabeth quickly followed. Once out of the inn she was quickly clubbed on the back of the head, out cold.

She pondered her situation for a moment before the very walls seemed to speak. "Young female; you have been brought before the great gods of the Kul-mesh. You will be a sacrifice to our holy beings so that we may continue to bask in their holy light. Escape if you must, but know none have made it out alive."

Not wanting to stay for too long in one place, she quickly takes in her surroundings. There are three hallways she sees. The hallways to her left and right seem to be smaller openings, while the hallway right in front of her is much grander.

Possible Actions: Pick a hallway. (Grand, left, right)
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Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Elizabeth groans as she picks herself up off the stone floor of the temple and tries to think through her massive headache. As her memory came back to her, she began to grow more and more angry. She was angry partly at herself for being so careless, but mostly at the cultists who dragged her here. She broods upon revenge fantasies for a moment before being interrupted by the disembodied cultist voice.

As soon as the voice finishes, she uses the full extent of her self control to reply to the empty room without yelling. "You bastards are all going to die for this. Do you understand me? I'm going to kill you all, take your things, and then leave!"

Looking around at the exits, Elizabeth decides that it was time to leave in case somebody heard her. Frankly, none of the options seemed very good. The large hallway ahead of her was far too open and exposed for her liking, and the smaller hallways left her similarly exposed simply because of how narrow they were. Unwilling to sit around while she ponders the options, she arbitrarily decides on the right hallway and begins to quietly move in that direction.
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Cautiously, Elizabeth makes her way through the hallway to her right, keeping a close eye for any clubs that may rain down upon her again. Before too long, she comes across a doorway. The door is large and has some sort of ornate, archaic writings on its face. She studies them for a moment before realizing that they are a language she does not understand. Seeing no other option other than risking a backtrack, she pushes the doors open and steps into a large room.

As soon as she clears the doorway, the runic door slams shut. A quick inspection reveals that the door has either been locked, or has jammed. Either way, she sees there is no going back now. She takes in her surroundings and is perplexed. She is standing in a large, flooded room. There are streams of water flowing from the ceiling, along with what appears to be a current into a sheer rock face. She panics fora moment, fearing a trap, but quickly realizes that the water level is not rising.

Scanning the room, she sees a doorway to the (admittedly arbitrary) north. There are a series of large rocks between her and the doorway jutting out of the water, and they appear to be withing jumping distance, but they are also wet from the sloshing current.

Elizabeth can attempt to swim across and take her chances with the current, or test her reflexes and balance by leaping from rock to rock.

Actions: Swim (STR check +wet clothes debuff[-1AGI for 2 encounter]), Or leap from rock to rock (AGI check)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Taking a moment to allow herself to calm down after the scare of possibly drowning, Elizabeth eyes the flowing water warily. Swimming in normal circumstances wouldn't be a problem, but it's impossible for her to tell how strong the current is here. It's clearly draining to somewhere, and the thought of being sucked down a drain to drown isn't appealing. She decides that at least with jumping across she can gauge the difficulty.

"What a delightful little stepping stone game these guys have set up." Elizabeth grumbles to herself, before leaping to the first stone.
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

(Luck roll 7+10=17 vs 16; Luck increase of 1)
(AGI roll 6+15+1=22 vs. 19; Trial pass)

Elizabeth, not wanting to risk drowning in some cave-temple, elected to use her leaping skill to cross the flooded chamber. Using the calculated risk of slamming into a rock and slipping, She made her leap of faith. Hitting the first rock, she nearly slipped, not fully realizing how wet the rocks were. She manage to catch herself, however, and pulled herself back up to the pinnacle of her little island.

She was able to take in the room much easier from her higher vantage point. In fact, she was pretty sure she was at the highest point in the room. Looking around for her next lily pad, she took a moment to plan her route. The easiest way from her new position was to take a more round about way. There were more jumps, but they were clearly closer together. Sliding down her perch, she prepared for her next jump.

After repeating her leapfrog several times, she makes it to the doorway. This door is a simple stone one. It does not budge easily, but she was able to open it enough to squeeze through. She found herself in a small, dimly lit room. What she saw in the room is more startling. there is a rather beautiful woman standing in front of her and it took her a moment to find something strange about her, other than her being naked. What she thought initially to be thigh highs were hooves. Elizabeth then made out a pair of horns just under the woman's flowing black hair. It was a Succubus, no doubt in her mind. But why here? "Ahh! it has been too long since someone has visited me," The succubus said, seductively. "Here, come spend some time here, rest yourself..." she sits on a low rock, "...Right. Here." She rubbed her thighs, beckoning Elizabeth to join her.

Elizabeth knows this is dangerous, but is compelled to comply. In her travels, she has learned that if you are able to satiate a succubus before your own will is drained, it will let you free. She can try to please the succubus, or barring that, she can attempt to knock it out and find an exit.

Actions: "Relax" with the Succubus (CON check), Fight her (STR check)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Taken aback by the beautiful demon sitting in front of her, Elizabeth stands dumbfounded for a moment, unable to do anything more than stare. She had never felt this way about a another woman before, but with the succubus' compulsion suddenly the thought of laying with a beautiful woman is rather appealing. A part of her wants nothing more than to give in, while the rest of her mind screams "Danger!" at her. Slowly coming back to her senses, she raises her fists in a defensive posture while watching the succubus warily.

"At first I was wondering why you would be here, but now I see. Summoned and left as a trap in this little temple, left to your hunger? In a way, I pity you. Not enough to stick around though, so you're going to have to step aside." Elizabeth says calmly, using bravado to keep her mind focused on moving forward. Keeping her fists ready, she creeps forward while watching the demon intently for any signs of aggression.

(Think I would have had more fun here with a character with better CON. <.<)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

(LUK 13+10=23 vs. 21; Luck succeeds +2)
(STR 6+15+2=23 vs. 24; STR fails: Life Force: 39-1=38)

Elizabeth approached the Succubus, arms raised in an aggressive stance, but waiting. She couldn't figure out why, but she didn't attack. "You're not going to hit me. You don't want to..." The Succubus said smirking, running her finger seductively over her red lips. She stood and approached Elizabeth. To her horror and confusion, she had lowered her fists, her arms hanging weakly by her sides. she looked deep into the Succubus' dark, deep eyes. She saw a flame in them, and was intrigued.

The Succubus made quick work of Elizabeth's bravado and began on her modesty. She grabbed the back of Elizabeth's neck with one hand and kissed her deeply while simultaneously invading her pants. "Well well... under these pants lies a secret. It betrays you." the Succubus said smiling. Elizabeth knew exactly what she meant. While she had worn proper attire for bar lounging earlier, she had a habit of not wearing panties or bras. He mind was racing, trying to find an out from this assault of pleasure.

The Succubus again kissed her deeply, this time assaulting Elizabeth's pants clasp. Her leggings fall to the floor and she stepped out of them without realizing the complete control she was under. the Succubus began to work on her jacket, again removing it without much effort. "Your nipples betray you my pet," she said as she slashed Elizabeth's shirt, the tatters falling to the ground. The Succubus then drug Elizabeth to the floor, lying on top of her, pinning her lightly to the ground. Elizabeth felt a strange feeling pressing against her pussy. In her few moments of lucidness, she realized that it was the Succubus' tail. The Succubus began to lick her nipples, and that is what finally sent Elizabeth over the edge. Waves of passion overtook her, and in the control of Succubus, Elizabeth passes out.

When she comes to, she felt sore and tired. She looked around and sees that while her shirt is tattered, her jacket and pants were still intact. She examined herself and saw her entire lower body was covered in juices. Whether they were her's or the Succubus' she didn't know or care. What perhaps bothered her the most was that the insides of her boots were somehow soaked as well. She took the time she needed to gather herself and possibly grab her clothing and made her way toward a now open door.

Entering the room, she saw what she assumed was a priest. "My child, I am glad you are here, we have been waiting to start the ceremony." Elizabeth, weary of whatever the ceremony is, she thought that she did not want any part of it.

Elizabeth figures that she has three options. She can knock the priest out, seduce him an hope he then lets her go, or try to reason with him.

Actions: Attack (STR), Seduce (CON), Reason (INT)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Upon waking up, Elizabeth groggily looks around the room. With the succubus nowhere to be found, she takes the time to slowly sit up and take in her situation. While the demon does seem to have left, it's less reassuring than she might have hoped as she realizes it was because the demon was done with her anyways. The thought of being used like that and then simply discarded leaves her feeling used and very vulnerable.

Seeing the remnants of the previous night covering her legs, she immediately starts trying to brush it off with her hands. At the same time, bits and pieces of her memory began to return to her. She remembers the succubus' forceful kisses.. and the feeling of being pinned under the demon.. and the feeling of its tongue against her nipples.. Elizabeth suddenly snaps out of it, having noticed that her hands had abandoned their efforts at cleaning and found their way between her legs instead. Picking up a scrap of cloth from her ruined shirt, she tries to herself clean as best she can before donning her remaining clothes and heading to the next room.

Upon seeing the cultist priest, her focus immediately returns to her. It seems that the one thing that could instantly clear her clouded mind was the sight of those damn cultists. As soon as he finishes addressing her, she walks towards him and forces herself to reply calmly while trying to maintain an innocent expression. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, father.. It's that just that I..." As soon as she gets within a few feet of him, she rushes forward with a punch aimed straight at his face.

(Attack again, because apparently Elizabeth doesn't play well with others.)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

(My favorite bumper-sticker: "I don't play well with others!!" ^.^)
(LUK 17+10=27 vs. 28; Luck fails)
(STR 19+15=34 vs. 10; STR passes

Elizabeth hid her hatred well. Perhaps it was just that the priest had not met a woman that had stood up to him up to this point, but he bought the innocent look. "Do not falter my child, we will wait all th-" was all he could get out before Elizabeth's knuckles contacted the priest's stomach, sending him reeling to the floor. "You... you WHORE! YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLANCE!" he blustered. But before he can get a chance to stand back up, Elizabeth is on top of him, landing a flurry punches and kicks onto the cultist priest. In a matter moments he is motionless. Elizabeth didn't know if he was dead or merely unconscious.

Taking stock of the room, she noticed there were two open doors this time. Both appeared to lead further into the temple, but from there position, she doubted they lead to the same room. She had to decide, take the left door or the right door.

Actions: Choose a door (Left, Right)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Standing over the priests limp body, Elizabeth aims a couple more kicks at the man's ribcage. In between the dull thuds of her kicks landing, she yells at him. "You really thought I would play along with whatever accursed thing your filthy mind thought up?! Serves you right, you rotten bastard!" Having let her anger out and satisfied that he is no longer a threat to her, she moves on towards the doorway on the left.
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Elizabeth, satisfied with the thrashing she gave the priest, makes her way through the left doorway. In what has become almost expected, the door closes. In front of her is a small room with a strange, almost sun-like, artificial light. In the middle of the room is a plant she immediately recognizes as a threat to her. It was a man-trap, its tendrils and vines lined the floors and walls of the room. The more appropriate name should be woman-trap, as it only seemed to feast on unfortunate women who would stray too close to its many vines. She sees a door predictably on the other end of the room. Once again she is forced to tackle this encounter.

Elizabeth might have limited knowledge of botany. She could try to determine which tendrils and vines are weakest and only step on them. Her other option would be to tip-toe through the tendrils, hoping to not step on or trip over one.

Actions: Inspect for the best path (INT Check), Tip-toe (AGI check)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Despite not being one for romping around in forests, Elizabeth recognizes the plant in front of her instantly. She had heard stories of what happens to the women that get trapped by these things. She knew for certain that she didn't want to wake this thing up, but the only exit was directly past it. With no way to go but forward, Elizabeth starts slowly making her way across the room. Focusing solely on not bumping into any of the myriad vines lining the room, she silently creeps across the room towards the exit.

Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

(LUK 8+10=18 vs. 23; Luck fails)
(AGI 13+15=28 Vs. 32; AGI fails! LF: 38-4=34)

Elizabeth began to tip-toe over the plant's tendrils. She was making good progress when her pride, or perhaps rashness, got the better of her. Looking at the tendrils, she decided they did not pose that big of a threat. She felt like she could easily crush them under her rugged boots. This was a mistake. As soon as she planted her foot on the next bunch in front of her. They immediately wrapped around her leg, binding it to the ground. The plant, now knowing where she was, launches a barrage of tendrils at the helpless girl. within seconds, her other leg was secured fast and the tendrils began to work their way under her pant cuffs. She then understood how the plant sapped the life force out of it's prey. Everywhere on here exposed skin, the tendrils left a sticky sap. The sap seemed to intensify any movement along the skin. She felt it flow into her boots and slowly advance up her legs.

Looking desperately for something to grab, she fell forward. One hand is unlucky enough to land into another mass of tendrils and is instantly locked as well. She moaned as she felt the tendrils advance quickly up her arm, even as they passed by her knees. Frantic now, Elizabeth tried to grab with her one free hand a rock outcropping just outside the flower's reach. She knew she was done for if they reached her pussy. She grabbed the rock just as the sap soaked tendrils made it to her breasts. She gasped in shock and pleasure, losing her grip on the rock. Quickly regaining composure, she again reached for the rock, feeling a warmth from the violation building inside her. As her pleasure washes over her, she was able to hold on to the rock. This probably saved her. When she regained her composure, she pulled with all her might.

She was out, but not without casualty. When she pulled herself out, her boots stayed in the mass of tendrils. Barefoot and still soaked in the plant's sap and her own juices, she examined herself. About the only place the sap had not reached were her midsection and waist. She quickly stripped out of her jacket and leggings, hoping that they were salvageable. Still she was covered in the sap, intensifying the slight breeze within the chambers.

She decided what to do about her clothing and then walked into the doorway. There was a hooded man standing there. He did not say a word before charging Elizabeth. He appeared to have a length of rope in his hands.

In her drained state, she still has three choices, she can submit hoping for a moment to spring free before it's too late, she can deck him, or she can try to flee to the next doorway.

Debuff: Strange sap [-2 CON, -1LUK until washed off] resulting in LF of 32
Actions; Submit (CON), Fight (STR), Flee (STA)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Having made it almost all the way across the chamber past the plant, Elizabeth begins to question if she had really identified the plant correctly. The vines on this thing were so thin, surely they couldn't hold a person down. Convinced of her own mistake, she stands up normally. "I'm not sure what I was thinking, there's no way this is a mantrap. I don't know why I'm getting so worked up over this stupid plant." She emphasizes the last part by stomping down on the nearest bundle of vines.

Realizing her mistake as the vines clamp down around her boot, she freezes in shock for a moment, unable to do anything as the tendrils fasten her to the floor. A wave of panic sweeps over her as she feels the tendrils moving up along her legs and down into her boots spreading the warm sap as they went. The mass of tendrils writhing against her skin begins to overwhelm her with pleasure as every spot they touch with the sap screams out for attention. Unable to maintain her balance under the assault, Elizabeth falls into the vines and gasps as she feels them rush up one of her arms towards her breasts. Her mind nearly blanks out entirely as she feels the vines massaging her breasts, which are now more sensitive than they have ever been. Spying the nearby rock, she grabs hold and tries to pull herself out only to have her body betray her at the worst time as she gives way to the onslaught of pleasure. Even losing her grip on the rock, it takes all her effort to simply not give in completely right there.

In the haze of her post orgasmic bliss, Elizabeth grabs onto the rock once more, pulling with all her might to try and pry herself free. As she feels a sudden jolt of pulling herself out of her own boots, she manages to squirm out of the plants grasp and to safety. In a daze, she wanders a few feet more before taking off her remaining clothes off to keep them from being ruined by the sap which was still covering her. She tries to clean some of it off with her hand, only to find that it wouldn't budge. "Ugh.. If only I had something that I could have used to bring some of the water from before with me."

Resigned to not dealing with the sap for now, she gathers her clothes up and stumbles into the next room. Not having much time to react as suddenly there was a strange man barreling down on her, she raises her fists and gets ready to fend him off.

(Beat up the cultist)
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Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

(LUK 11+9=20 vs. 29; LUK fails)
(STR 13+15=28 vs. 26; STR succeeds)

Weary of yet another test, Elizabeth quickly drops her clothing and raises her fists. The cultist lunged forward, managing to wrap the rope around one of Elizabeth's wrists, pulling them both to the ground. While grounded, Elizabeth landed a strong punch into the cultist's side, and he released the rope, freeing Elizabeth. Before he had a chance to get back up, Elizabeth landed a strong kick into the cultist's midsection. She took all the time she needed to finish things and collect herself before heading to the next door.

Entering the next chamber, she found an odd sight. There was a mass of vines filling the room between her and her exit. She had seen vines before, but these were different, they were moving. She did not know if the vines were alive or if something more vile was lurking inside. Either way, she had to get through somehow.

Elizabeth sizing up the obstacle. She has two choices, she can force her way through sheer strength, tearing any vines in her path. Secondly, she could wait until the moment is right, dashing through a brief opening.

Debuff: Strange sap [-2 CON, -1LUK until washed off] resulting in LF of 34 (note: 32 was a typo last post)
Actions: Dash through (AGI) Tear through (STR)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Too exhausted to care about exacting further revenge upon the cultist, Elizabeth plops down next to the unconscious man while contemplating a way to remove the sap. Spying the mans clothing, she pries it off of him and tries using it to scrub the sap away. After a few moments of scrubbing her legs, she finds that not only is the sticky sap not moving at all, but even just the rubbing of the cloth on her skin was arousing with the sap on her. She aims a frustrated kick at the man's body. "Arghh.. Why won't this stuff come off?! And how can somebody's clothes smell this badly?!" Hurling the crumpled rags at him, she gathers up her own clothes again and moves to the next room.

A small wave of panic goes over her as she enters the next room. After her narrow escape from the previous plant, the last thing she wanted to do was go near more vines, and these ones were already awake to boot! She spends a moment trying to figure out a way, any way, around them before realizing that the only way forward was directly past them. Taking a moment to calm herself down, she gets ready to run through the vines at the first sign of an opportunity.

(Dash through)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

(LUK 10+9=19 vs. 17; LUK succeeds, +2)
(AGI 20+15+2=37 vs. 21; AGI succeeds)

Taking a moment, she calmed her breathing, hoping to make it past this evil plant unlike the other. Noticing an opening, she dove for it. She hit the ground and did a forward roll. A couple vines brushed against her, sending waves of pleasure through her limbs. She kept her composure, however, and within moments was on the other side. Looking back at the vines she smiled at a flawlessly executed plan before walking through the next doorway and onto her next challenge.

Entering this next room she was confronted with masses of webbing strung throughout. The webbing was not terribly deep, however, who or whatever put it up, put it up for a reason. Looking beyond the webbing, she could actually see three doors.

Elizabeth has three options.She can attempt to bust directly through, though somew webs are surprisingly strong. Alternatively, she could try to figure out what exactly created this webbing, allowing her the opportunity to easily navigate it's weakest point. Finally, she could attempt to climb up one of the jagged walls in the room and simply go over it.

Debuff: Strange sap [-2 CON, -1LUK until washed off] resulting in LF of 34
Actions: Push through (STR); analyze for weakness (INT); Climb over (AGI);
AND: Pick a doorway (Left, right, center)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Successfully navigating past the vines, Elizabeth turns around and takes the opportunity to make every rude hand gesture in her repertoire at the plant behind her. Once satisfied that the plant thing was made aware of the full extent of her indignation, she moves on to the next room.

Confronted by the next room, Elizabeth takes a moment to ponder what could lay webs so large, before deciding that she would rather not know. Spying the path leading over the webs, she silently makes her way up to the path and begins to slowly make her away across. If all went well, she could just sneak past and nothing would ever be the wiser.

(Climb over, center door.)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

(LUK 15+9=24 vs. 21; LUK succeeds, +3)
(AGI 4+15+3=22 vs. 27; AGI Fails! LF: 34-5=29)

After looking at the webbing for what seemed like months, Elizabeth decided it would be best to avoid the webbing all together and simply climb over. She wrapped her pants and jacket around her still sap-free midsection since she knew climbing with them in her hands would be a bad idea. She began her assent up the jagged rocks. As she was just clearing the top, she slipped. A rock had come loose in her hand and she fell hard to the ground. Luckily for her, she fell on the far side of the webbing, not disturbing it as she dropped past it. This did do some damage. She hit her head and upon standing, she could feel a little woozy. Regaining herself, she walked through the center doorway.

Entering the next room, she found it filled with a large pool of water. As usual the door behind her closed. On the far side of the pool there was a waterfall. Not seeing an exit, she made a conclusion: either this was a dead end and she was trapped, or there was an exit hidden somewhere. Not content to sit here for god-knows how long, she made a choice. The exit must be behind either the waterfall or submerged within the pool. Taking in the options, she acted.

Elizabeth as three options in this room. She can attempt to navigate the narrow, wet walkway to behind the waterfall and risk falling in, getting wet in the process. Alternatively she could just accept she will get wet and jump in. Finally, she can use the water to wash the sap off, guaranteeing her wetness, but removing the sap that has bothered her to this point.

Debuff: Strange sap [-2 CON, -1LUK until washed off] resulting in LF of 29
Actions: Search the pool of water (STA +wet[-2AGI for 3 turns]), Shimmy along the ledge to the waterfall (AGI +possible wet), Wash off then search for exit (+wet[-2AGI for 3 turns])

(Notes: the debuff for the pool is certain. Also, if your test passes, that's where the doorway is, if it fails, it's the other choice. In other words, your choice doesn't matter in finding the door, the check does)
Re: Elizabeth (Quartz)

Peering cautiously into the pool for any signs of danger, Elizabeth slowly creeps up to the edge of the water. Not seeing any apparent signs of trouble, she relaxes and sets her remaining clothes down along the water's edge. "I guess this spring was just here and they built around it. Lucky me, I can finally get cleaned up enough that I can put my clothes back on. Goodbye Mr. Sap, you've overstayed your welcome." Taking her time, she wades waist deep into the pool and starts methodically washing away the sap. Once confident that all of that sap is gone and that she is sufficiently clean, she heads back to the water's edge to retrieve her pants and jacket.

Still dripping wet, she does her best to wring out her hair and shake off what water she can before donning her jacket and pants again. Looking at the narrow walkway, she decides that is the only thing that most of these cultists could navigate and probably the right way. Taking care not to fall in clothes and all, she begins to shimmy along the ledge towards the waterfall.

(Wash off, then shimmy. Also, yay update.)