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ACT Active Ryona Guro [Eluku] Wolf's Dungeon

New Updates
Semen extraction area finished
Forced Birthing table added with some animations
Coming Real Soon (After the forced birthding table is finished)
Hammer Time?

I'm growing increasingly tired of seeing people coming in here wanting all the saves and animations fed to them on a silver platter.
If you want a gallery, go to an art gallery or animation gallery.
This is a GAME, you know, an activity that involves gameplay. You PLAY IT.
Eluku works his butt off by himself not just making animations and images, but the coding, the way Nona and the various creatures move and interact with one another, how much damage Nona takes from each monster's attacks, is it too much or too little, all these delicate intricacies of how the game plays how the things inside it work..
But fuck all that, you just want to see Nona get fucked.
Screw the rest of the Mona Lisa, you just want the face.
You want to climb Mt Everest, but just the last few feet.

I've seen great games get scrapped because their developers lost all their motivation, thinking "Whats the point of making the game if all people want is a gallery?"
I DO NOT want to see it happen to Wolf's Dungeon
I wouldn't be worried about Eluku's motivation, he made Fairy Fighting entirely for free and only starting charging for Wolf's Dungeon because he needed the money. He wants to make his very specific and extreme porn and nothing will stop him, especially not us or anything we could say.
There are recordings some people uploaded to gallery sites, but none go as far as the goblins on the cliff. Maybe some of the mermaid stuff and the milker plant.

Whenever Eluku makes a major update I'll record and share a teaser of the new content with people I know, but I've never uploaded anywhere. Otherwise I'm just patiently shoving money down his throat.
What's an example of a gallery site? I've never been able to find something like that.
Lets put the conversation to bed.

If you really want a local gallery, the attached contains saves at pretty much every rest point and before every major boss. Just copy/paste the contents of one of the aptly named folders into the existing data folder and you have a save for that part of the game. The order of saves get a bit goofy towards the end due to update gaps.


  • Wolf'sDungeon Saves.zip
    18.2 KB · Views: 181
The game have potential to be one of the greatest just by looking how many different modes of gameplay you're presented each stage.
I i would be a game developer, I would be inspired by this game surely, it's not common to see something that it's action, beatemup and fighting at same time >:V

and speaking about fighting, did eluku finished the fight with tiger girl? i think that's the last time i've checked an update here :3
Its been a while since i checked this game, its there been a sustanciable amount of content added after the cat fight on the boxing arena?
2ed Arena fight
Cat Girl
Slug Girl
Tiger(?) Girl

3rd Arena fight (currently worked on)
Researcher / Torture chamber
Its been a while since i checked this game, its there been a sustanciable amount of content added after the cat fight on the boxing arena?

Unless the last time you checked was like 4 years ago, then no. He added a tiger girl, but she has incredibly few animations and is just another one of the arena fight padding matches. The torture chamber is now being worked on, but we're averaging like one animation-move every six months, lol.

We might finally get through it and to the next area by the end of 2024 if we're lucky. This is why I hate patreon/funding. It never speed development up, and from my experience, only slows it down. Look at Dystopian Project. Early on, barely any money coming in, they finished a surprisingly great game in terms of gameplay, pron, and writing.

Now that they're getting patreon buckets development on their next game is sluggish. To be fair, it does already have a lot of content, but as I like to keep saying, they are already at the size of and beyond the funding and development time of masterpieces like Hollow Knight and Stardew Valley, yet can't even finish a game 1/100th the quality, lol. On an engine that does half the work, at that.

I Eluku has an additional job and so on now, but it's obvious he's getting burnt out and losing interest so throwing up payment req seems like a real scummy thing to do when you already know you're going to be slowing down even more.
we're averaging like one animation-move every six months, lol.
Ok, so after i got that first answer i was left thinking that maybe i was highly overstimating the time i didnt checked, but the case that the content dripping its incredibly slow.
This is why I hate patreon/funding. It never speed development up, and from my experience, only slows it down.
Tbh i dont want to jump into conclusions and think that he is trying to milk customers as much as he can, he does seem to hold a good reputation, but i believe he should warp this game up and work on another one, even if its just a sequel to wolf's dungeon (its been ages since our girl even stepped on a dungeon anyway).
Ok, so after i got that first answer i was left thinking that maybe i was highly overstimating the time i didnt checked, but the case that the content dripping its incredibly slow.

Tbh i dont want to jump into conclusions and think that he is trying to milk customers as much as he can, he does seem to hold a good reputation, but i believe he should warp this game up and work on another one, even if its just a sequel to wolf's dungeon (its been ages since our girl even stepped on a dungeon anyway).

Yeah, a bit hyperbole, but development of this game has always been slow and it's even slower now. There used to be weekly updates, even if small or simply "behind the scenes" notes, but now they come once in the blue moon and he's thrown out excuses like he has to get a second job.

And by excuses, I don't mean that in a negative way. I also don't think he meant to this maliciously on purpose, but throwing out a pay service and then slowing down development isn't what I would do either to bestow confidence or help increase followers. Then again, what do I know. I lazily check some of the bigger projects' statistics on graphtreon and some of them are making ridiculous amounts of money (like half a mil a year...) and yet their last actual update was like 6 months ago, lol, so I guess people don't really care.

Not my money, but man oh man do I wish these games would actually complete... Taking a lot of notes from how Star Citizen scams--I mean incentivizes--their blindly fanatical fanbase, I guess.

I too though Eluku would be different and since he did finish Fairy Fighting I supported him, but I really regret it now and canceled a while back. I really wasn't joking when I said the updates were slowing down, though...

Maybe I'm doing things wrong and should instead dangle games in front of people so they give me tons of money I'm not legally accountable for.
I got a problem, after i save, nothing appears in the folder the exe is in. So i cannot press contunue in the menu.
Hello, I'm quite new here, does the tiger girl fight already finished, if so does anyone have video for it...I can't seem to find any on other website...
New Update Released
Nona can now give birth

Coming soon
Vengence, but the scientist is prepared to fight back if cornered

Also, if you see anything you like the look of on the DLSite sidebar of Eluku's website, go ahead and grab it.
Purchases made through Eluku's referral can help him out, it seems.
New Update Released
Added an overall gimmick to the Touture Room, the solution to which is currently secret, Sshhh
Given the scientist a strength gauge
Adjusted the difficulty level of each torture device

Coming Soon
Interactive background objects

If you see anything you like the look of on the DLSite sidebar of Eluku's website, go ahead and grab it.
Purchases made through Eluku's referral also help him out.
Man, this whole sequence has just been super disappointing. Of course Eluku would devote so much time and effort to fleshing out what is in my opinion the worst and most boring part of the game, lmao... all the arena fights are snore fests with barebones animation and the Torture Room plague doctor/scientist/watever has got to be one of the worst enemies in the entire game and yet probably now has the most elaborate content devoted to him.

I really, really hope this gets finished up soon so we can freaking finally move on, yeesh. If he wants more people to support him maybe release more of the content that got people interested in him in the first place. If only he had put this much effort into futa village or the first stretch of the game with all the off the walls enemies...




We're probably going to get Parasite in City 2 before this all hits and that dev is probably six feet under or in prison for tax evasion.




We're probably going to get Parasite in City 2 before this all hits and that dev is probably six feet under or in prison for tax evasion.

Lol, yeah, Monster Girl Quest's lengthy span of time still makes zero sense (we had this discussion in that thread, I am incredibly confident that unless he's writing a 90 hour RPG with utterly unique mechanics outside of RPG Maker, 6 years is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long and there is zero other excuses), but at least he isn't milking people's support those 6 years, which is more than a ton of other games can say.

Regardless, I'm confident both will still drop before crisis point and that future fragment game; one of them had a release date once upon a time almost a year ago that mysteriously just quietly got ignored by the devs with all mentions deleted and anyone commenting about it on steam getting banned lmao. I'm pretty sure both games are low level scams at this point just milking people for as long they can at this point.

But man, there are a ton of games permanently stuck in limbo that still barely resemble a game or are forever "coming soon."

I guess the stock of people that make up ero indie game developers are just a different breed from the non-ero indie developers holding up the gaming industry...

Bright side is that at least Wolf's Dungeon is playable and is making progress, even if that progress is glacial and at times questionable in design choices and pacing, so screw it, I'm going to gave Wolf'S Dungeon the points here.
I'm growing increasingly tired of seeing people coming in here wanting all the saves and animations fed to them on a silver platter.
Frankly put: the gameplay is horrible and I can understand everyone that does not want an overly punishing, frantic button masher fighting style in a porn game.

Crappy gameplay is easy enough to circumvent, if you know how to handle cheat engine but IMHO, every erotic game worth it's salt should have a gallery feature that unlocks as you play the game, so you eventually only have to play it once to access all the lewd content.