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ACT Active Ryona Guro [Eluku] Wolf's Dungeon

Frankly put: the gameplay is horrible and I can understand everyone that does not want an overly punishing, frantic button masher fighting style in a porn game.
If you're having trouble with the gameplay, why not ask for advice, tips on how better to play the game.
I know how to beat TigerGirl because I experimented, tried different methods. This is the same for the previous obstacles in the game.
One method doesn't work? Try a different one, rinse and repeat until you find what works for you.
When you cheat, or get given saves and animations and stuff, you see all of what the game currently has on offer way too quickly, which is how we get people complaining that the development is too slow.
The development isn't too slow, you're just playing the game too quickly. Heck, while you wait, why not start a new game. Challenge yourself to get to the latest point of the game in a shorter amount of time
If you're having trouble with the gameplay, why not ask for advice, tips on how better to play the game.
I know how to beat TigerGirl because I experimented, tried different methods. This is the same for the previous obstacles in the game.
One method doesn't work? Try a different one, rinse and repeat until you find what works for you.
When you cheat, or get given saves and animations and stuff, you see all of what the game currently has on offer way too quickly, which is how we get people complaining that the development is too slow.
The development isn't too slow, you're just playing the game too quickly. Heck, while you wait, why not start a new game. Challenge yourself to get to the latest point of the game in a shorter amount of time
This sounds like those responses bathesda was putting out.
If you're having trouble with the gameplay, why not ask for advice, tips on how better to play the game.
I know how to beat TigerGirl because I experimented, tried different methods. This is the same for the previous obstacles in the game.
One method doesn't work? Try a different one, rinse and repeat until you find what works for you.
When you cheat, or get given saves and animations and stuff, you see all of what the game currently has on offer way too quickly, which is how we get people complaining that the development is too slow.
The development isn't too slow, you're just playing the game too quickly. Heck, while you wait, why not start a new game. Challenge yourself to get to the latest point of the game in a shorter amount of time
You do know most people play Porn Games for the Porn?
You do know most people play Porn Games for the Porn?

To be fair, it's the porn games that are also actually good as games that get 5-digit sales figures on DLsite.

Porn games that are just porn with a shit game attached get pirated, porn games that are actually fun get bought.

That being said, Wolf's Dungeon is fucking miserable to actually play, even if you're into whatever weird shit is on display at whatever section you're in.

Fairy Fighting, despite being an asymmetric fighting game is still actually decent to play - Tiki's got a broad variety of moves and abilities. You can get the feeling that she's the strongest member of a race that just happens to be at the bottom of the sexual food chain in her world. None of the shit she's up against is fair, but it's all within her abilities to handle, and every player will probably have different solutions for every opponent.

Nona's... just kind of bad. Like, with sufficient level grinding and pattern memorization you can attrition every boss to death but none of it is fun.
Nona's... just kind of bad. Like, with sufficient level grinding and pattern memorization you can attrition every boss to death but none of it is fun.

It wasn't so bad before he gimped the stat system. She even had a couple decent moves that would just remove most enemies' ability to do anything to you but those got gimped too. I haven't bothered with this since playing the arena against the second fight he put in.
It wasn't so bad before he gimped the stat system. She even had a couple decent moves that would just remove most enemies' ability to do anything to you but those got gimped too. I haven't bothered with this since playing the arena against the second fight he put in.

Stats were there from the beginning of the second attempt at the game. The arena on the other hand, pretty much turned the game into a bad Fairy Fighting 2.0 sequel.... I said this before, I'll say it again. And we are stuck at the same spot for 3 or 4 years now? Haven't been really following it since the Slug Girl was added, just the random every so long update test but its all the same.
Stats were there from the beginning of the second attempt at the game.
I mean that you now have to play a ball-drop mini-game to get them because fuck you for wanting to choose which stat you increase as an option in a menu.
Last time I played this hongfire was still alive.
It's just as bad as I remember. The on-contact H gets annoying so fast, especially with the fucking goblins double teaming and stun locking to no hp. Guess the dev's answer to that was to just grind exp till you can punt those fuckers dead in one hit then actually make progress
Happy New Year!

New Update Released
Added some things to the Touture room. A mask, anguished pear, and a pair of hands.

Coming Soon
Mask will spray aphrodisiac gas
Hands will grab and molest Nona
The pear will also be used
All three will be combined in an attack against Nona

2023 has come, or is coming to an end, depending on where you are.
Eluku wishes you a happy new year, and hopes you can continue your support.

Please understand, the current frequency of updates is the upper limit of what Eluku can do, due to developing this game alone and also being employed.

If you see anything you like the look of on the DLSite sidebar of Eluku's website, go ahead and grab it.
Purchases made through Eluku's referral also help him out.
Sorry to necro, no updates obviously on a friday... BUT.

Eluku dropped a new animation on both Pixiv and Skeb. Looks pretty interesting but I'm kinda of a sucker of egg laying and being assaulted by your own offspring.
Anyway the Pixiv in particular has a poll of some sort from Eluku and I'm unable to translate it, if anyone's willing to help.
Eluku dropped a new animation on both Pixiv and Skeb. Looks pretty interesting but I'm kinda of a sucker of egg laying and being assaulted by your own offspring.
Anyway the Pixiv in particular has a poll of some sort from Eluku and I'm unable to translate it, if anyone's willing to help.
I enjoyed it too, though I'm not sure if Eluku plans on putting it into the game or not, translating the description says it's not part of the game, and also provides a detailed narration as to whats going on in the animation.

The poll asks the viewer what they like about the animation.
The choices are as follows, respectively.


Be sure to vote, guys
Does anyone have the old game files from around 2018-2019 I can't seem to find them after Elukus old upload site got nuked.
I swear the fat cat girl fight got changed at some point, I remember her breast feeding Nona and stuff as an ending of some sorts.
I can understand everyone that does not want an overly punishing, frantic button masher fighting style in a porn game.

On one hand I'm surprised people expected anything else from the dev that made Fairy Fighting. People wanted an ACT game out of it, so here we are.
On the other hand, you could just hold the arrow keys to autoescape in the last one-- which I wish made a comeback. I agree that there are too many "Game over" grabs that just kill you if you make the slightest mistake, however I'm not entirely against a stressful porn game that you can always just enjoy the porn at a latter time. I do wish there were "Plot warp points" but I digress.
Does anyone have the old game files from around 2018-2019 I can't seem to find them after Elukus old upload site got nuked.
I swear the fat cat girl fight got changed at some point, I remember her breast feeding Nona and stuff as an ending of some sorts.

It should still be in the current builds. To get that particular ending the fat cat must grab Nona WHILE being away from the metal buttplug and suck Nona off. Losing HP to 0 from this triggers it.

There are a few "lost" builds but off the top of my head the only ones remotely notable is the original goblin cliff design which had a bunch of impaled-boobs and the like 12 swamp color designs
There are a few "lost" builds but off the top of my head the only ones remotely notable is the original goblin cliff design which had a bunch of impaled-boobs and the like 12 swamp color designs
What date we talking? I might have that one.
I vaguely remember the original demo having a weird area with mini spiders or something.
What date we talking? I might have that one.

I cant remember. I have it on a laptop I think but I dont have access to it atm. It was one of the first updates to cliff area and irrc only 1 goblin could grab you.

The numerous swamp rework ones are unremarkable to my knowledge unless you like seeing gold
I cant remember. I have it on a laptop I think but I dont have access to it atm. It was one of the first updates to cliff area and irrc only 1 goblin could grab you.
Hey all! Does anyone know how to get past the minotaur and tiger girl? I read through the thread up to now, and it seems like the minotaur statue was unfinished for a long time. Is that still the case? Thanks!
I figured out how to get past Tiger Girl, I just had to get good. But I'm pretty sure the minotaur section is still not in the game, it looks like he's sooo close to finishing the torture room bossfight. Everything is done in that room except for the actual fight with the red skull.
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