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From "The Wondrous Creatures of Odya" by Ophelius Erkutes

Chapter 1: Mammals

-Kisacar (Foulgorger)-
Kisacar are feline carrion eaters the size of a wolf, with an almost hairless skin save for a stripe of brown fur on their back. Their digitigrade legs are thin, ending in four claws in front and three claws in the back. They have a long tail akin to a rat's, but covered in a thin down. The tail is very prehensile and able to grab things. The head of the Foulgorger is feline, with a short, broad snout. Two pairs of tusk-like canines allow this creature to crush bones and devour carcasses completely. Kisacar travel in loose groups of 3 to 5 individuals. Even though a their main food source is carrion it is not rare for them to hunt down creatures that come too close to their feeding grounds or dens.

Actually the term "hound" is not accurate - rather, the Glowhound is related to the badger. It has a stocky body a bit smaller than it's relative and has completely black fur. It's most unusual feature is an oval knob sitting on their skull between their eyes and covered with white hair. As soon as the sun sets, the knob starts to glow. Insects are drawn to that glow and then quickly caught and eaten. Due to that unique method of predation, the Glowhound doesn't feature the strong jaw that the badger has, resulting in a more slender head. It does, however, dig a den where it rests during the day.
Glowhounds have been seen in the outskirts of The Great West, and are assumed to inhabit a lot of the forest.

The Ungabak got it's name from the tribes that inhabit the Acssi Desert south of Bal Shur. The Ungabak looks like a tapir with sturdy legs and a thick brown or grey skin similar to a rhinoceros. Like most odd-toed ungulates the Ungabak is a grazing animal. Though generally peaceful the solitary Ungabak tend to react aggressive when attacked or provoked.

Chapter 2: Reptiles

-True Dragon-
True Dragons are a species of large reptiles living in the savannahs of Bal Shur. In difference to most reptiles they stand erect like mammals. The addendum "True" is added to distinct them both from the reptile called dragon in some languages and the flying creature of myth. The True Dragons vary in size, the smallest being the cat-sized Ashnah Mouse Dragon, while the biggest, like the Pachah Blue Dragon, rival lions in their size. Out of all species, only the Varrantian Red Dragon is known to possess Ignis glands - two glands containing substances that, when mixed and exposed to air, ignite and produce a fireball. The wolf-sized dragon uses this mainly as a defense against larger predators. The glands aren't very big and contain only enough substances for two or three bursts.

-Northern Python (Worldsnake)-
The Northern Python is the world's largest snake. They grow up to 22 feet in length and are rather thick in comparison to their length. It's assumed that their increased girth serves the purpose of holding warmth longer. This makes them more fit to live in the taiga, close to the frozen Wastelands of the north. Still the Northern Python is only active during the few warmer months, in which they are aggressive hunters, feasting mostly on boars and animals of similar size.
The name Worldsnake comes from the pagan tribes that populate the taiga and the Wastelands. They are both worshipped and feared for their fierce nature. In many of those tribes it's a coming-of-age rite to fight a Northern Python with bare hands. The killing of a Worldsnake is a sacrilege to these people, punishable by death.
Re: Encyclopedia

"Nations And Regions" by Gmandi Packpelt

Central Odya

Geann is sitting in the centre of the continent like a spider in its web. It has connections everywhere, making most of it's fortune from tolls and trading. The kingdom is divided into several shires, the biggest of them Goldwoodshire with it's capital Altrist. The Count of Altrist has tried to turn his city into Geann's capital in the past, but he never succeeded against the Royal Military.
The capital of Geann is called Blackmont, it's flag shows a white shield with a golden horse on a red background.

This country, lying south of Geann and bordering on the Southern Sea, is known for its scholars and warm climate. Emeidia is an Empire that used to control large parts of Odya, but it's past its prime now. One of Emeidia's largest cities is Letriochiam, lying on the gulf of the same name. The Emperor carries the title "Son Of The Eternals" and has a god-like status.
Tilias is the capital, lying on the lush flanks of the Coria. The Emperor resides in an enormous temple fortress on it's spire. The flag of Emeidia is blue with a silver crown in the middle.

-Bal Shur-
The culture of the Kingdom Bal Shur is ancient, even older than Emeidia's. It's temples and monuments have withstood the tooth of time as well as the myriad of stand storms blowing from the arid south. Bal Shur borders on the Gulf of Letriochiam and, along the Endless River, on Emeidia itself. In the West it is surrounded by the Southern Sea. The South and West borders aren't clearly defined, as Bal Shur simply tapers off into the desert. The kingdom relies heavily on the few large rivers that allow some agriculture. Large groups of militia travel through the desert and represent the Pharaoh, the king of Bal Shur.
Qil Pha'ar is the capital of Bal Shur. It lies on a major river, the Ra Schoch, which runs into the Gulf. Their crest shows a stylized golden eye on black ground.

-Acssi Desert-
The Acssi is vast. Nobody knows how big it is, not even the nomad tribes that travel from oasis to oasis. The endless dunes house very few animals - mostly insects and arachnids, as well as a few herds of Ungabak and packs of True Dragons.

West of Emeidia and southwest of Geann lies this young monarchy, formed only a few decades ago after a brave hero united several small kingdoms - or so the story goes. Valesse likes to tell itself it plays in the league of Geann or Emeidia, but it's military and economical power is far beneath them. If given the chance it will rise to power one day, but that day is far off.
The capital of Valesse is Lallumbre. Their flag is a bull on a background of yellow and white stripes.

-The Great West-
A vast forest region borders on the west of Geann and the Northwest of Valesse. Only very little of it has been explored, and only a single road has been built into it. It ends in one of the numerous trading posts that mostly live off the furs of the exotic and strange animals that inhabit The Great West.

Eastern Odya

Pentar is better known as the "Dead Man's Strip". It's a piece of land that served as a battlefield for as long as people can remember. The main reason for this are the vast resources that can be found in Pentar's mountains. After the last Pentic War between Geann and Braztenja the Strip has been declared No Man's Land for 500 years. People say that the slain soldiers would rise again in a horrifying legion, should an army cross the border before that time is up.

The great Kingdom of Ice needs no introduction. Originally a union of tribes struggling for survival in the Taiga Braztenja rose to glory over centuries, fending off all invaders and becoming the vast empire that it is today, inhabiting thousands of miles of land, reaching from Pentar to the Eastern Sea. Only recently several small shires broke off the Motherland, creating a lot of strife in that region.
The Czar of Braztenja resides in Barostoye, Brazentja's capital. Their flag consists of three vertical stripes in blue, white and blue again, with a black bear rearing up in the central white stripe.

-The Eastern Kingdoms-
These are the states that broke off Braztenja, hoping to be able to provide for themselves. Not all of them succeed. The countries are constantly shifting as capitals are usurped and revolutions take place every few months.

Southern Odya

-Wei Da-
The Great Empire of Wei Da lies south of the Acssi and as such has long been isolated from the northern states. This allowed Wei Da to thrive and conquer almost undisturbed, seizing almost the entire southern continent and developing a culture quite different than the northern countries. Only a few decades ago Emeidia has started expeditions down below the Acssi and started trading with the Great Empire.
The Emperor resides in the Imperial Fortress in the middle of Shengzhang, the center of Wei Da's culture and it's capital for centuries. The Empire's flag is divided into three equal parts of black, blue and white to represent the Emperor's reign over Earth, Water and Sky.

-Hao Dang-
The Hao Dang are less of a country than they are a horde, a relentless power that managed to wrench a piece of land for their own from the Great Empire's hands. Their riders are feared in the entire south, and when their flags - a silver and golden horse on green ground - appear on the horizon even the strongest men turn and run in fear. So great was the concern of Wei Da that they protected their inner provinces with an enormous wall, known as Wanli Changcheng.

-Dao Yu-
Dao Yu is a smaller aristocracy in Southern Odya, but due to it's position it has managed to avoid being seized by the Great Empire or the hordes of the Hao Dang. Dao Yu is a union of islands in the Southern Sea, the biggest being Tianda. It houses the Palace of Voices, where the Council meets. The Council is the government of Dao Yu and consists out of one councellor of each island.
The Palace Of Voices stands in Shuai, the capital of Dao Yu. It's flag shows 14 red stars on a white background, representing each island.
Re: Encyclopedia

From "Pantheons and Deities" by Jennifer Esmeralda Hale

The Quincian Pantheon
The Quincian Pantheon is the faith accepted by the majority of Central Odya's inhabitants. The Pantheon consists out of five gods, dedicated to specific fields. Each of them is represented by an amulet that is worn by their followers, or for special occasions.

Dhamid is the Goddess of Water and Giver of Life. She is thought to be a Swan Kin with feathers made of sapphire. Dhamid has a duplicity to her - she is gentle and fierce at the same time. It is said if you displease her, she sends a flock of swans after you. But if you live an honest life and honor life itself she will bless you with one of her feathers.
Dhamid's amulet is a small stone found in a river, or a flask of sea water.

Marhed is the God of Air and Keeper Of Wisdom. He is portrayed as an Owl Kin with a white beak and very fine white, orange tipped feathers. Legends say that if an owl sits in the window during childbirth, the offspring will be gifted.
Marhed's amulet is a threefold of bird feathers. They must have been found, and may not be plucked directly from a bird.

She is the Goddess of Order and Justice. Naryas is portrayed as a Wolf Taur with a smooth silver fur. Both of her eyes are blind. She is often shown holding a sword in one hand and a scroll in the other. Naryas is thought to be stern and unforgiving to wrongdoers.
Judges often wear Naryas' amulet - a silver rhombus with equally long lines.

Paltus is the God of Fire and Light, imagined as a Dragon Taur with golden scales. Bright white flames constantly jump forth from a broad crack across his back, forming a fiery crest. The myth says that the sun and the moon are Paltus' eggs, laid at the beginning of time and space.
Paltus' amulet is a triangle pointing upwards, painted in yellow and orange colors.

The GodDess of Earth, Kisim, is both the eldest and most popular of the Pantheon. This may be because of hir second nature as the GodDess of Fertility. Kisim is portrayed as a hermaphroditic (and rather well-endowed) Doe Kin. She is said to have given birth to the sentient races after - let's call it a wild night.
Kisim's amulet is a sphere of clay, decorated with three horizontal lines around the middle.

Some people believe that there is a sixth God representing darkness and death, but others argue that those are merely the absence of the Gods, not the work of another being.

Minor Deities
These deities are not part of a specific belief system or a Pantheon. Their temples are few and far in between, but they have enough followers to be significant.

-The Queen Of Shadows-
While being a dark deity, the Queen is not necessarily evil. She is seen as the embodiment of death, accepting both good and evil, men and women on her Eternal Court. The Queen is portrayed as a black Cat Kin wearing a crimson hood. Only the ones about to die are able to see what's beneath it.
Temples of the Queen are mostly used to mourn the dead and pray for the sick.

Xmor is the God of travelling, and as such is worshipped by showmen all across the country. He is shown as a Capuchin Monkey Kin, wearing colorful clothes and a long staff in hand. Xmor is a jester and sometimes plays tricks on the ones he thinks do wrong.

The God of War doesn't have a single temple in all of Odya. The only time a prayer to Ophius is proper is before a battle. He is portrayed as a muscle-bound Lion Taur. His fur is crimson red, and his mane is of pure fire. He carries spear and shield, both of them made out of bone. Around his neck hangs a chain with skulls. No, Ophius is no generous God. The only mercy he knows is a quick death.
Re: Encyclopedia

"Myths and Legends of Odya" by Dominick Genaro Kaufman

This name applies to a wide subspecies of trees. Moving trees. Legend says that the Gods allowed the Bhorku to withdraw their roots from the ground and use them to walk or slither - however thick the roots may be. Bhorkus are different from treants in that they don't have any human features: no legs, no arms, no faces and no voice. Bhorkus move only when they feel themselves threatened or when the ground they currently rest in can't provide them with what they need. They are rumored to have at least rudimentary intelligence, and many lumberjacks notch a tree with a knife first to find out if it's a Bhorku or not.

A Zerybar or Barktooth is stuck somewhere between plant and animal. They are said to be about the size and form of a medium dog with thin legs that end in a seemingly random number of twig-like fingers. Their flesh is covered in a thick, flexible bark rather than skin, and their back is covered by short branches and twigs. Zerybar have a canine head with a short, broad snout. They don't have teeth as much as sharp, jagged plates of hard bark. Zerybar are assumed to be carnivorous, and their game include boars and deer, which they hunt in small packs.

A Wyru'Gin is not a type of creature, but a type of person. A Wyru'Gin is said to be somebody that has an extremely tight bond to his Kin animal - even more so than normal people. The Wyru'Gin understand the language of these animals and are accepted by them as members of the family. They are said to live within the packs or herds of their Kin Animals and often take the positions of Alpha males or females.