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Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Closing her eyes as he reached out and touched her, the elemental "Mm"d a little, sighing appreciatively. "Well, there's disappearing for a few days because you went and got yourself pregnant," she explained, "and disappearing for a few days because somebody thought it would be great to have their very own air elemental. I guess for humans it's okay; the kidnapping's less for them and for dragons and demons, who can just shape-shift to a size where they can step on their captors. For elementals it's a little different... or at least, it is for me. If I wake up and can't spot that sky tapestry, sometimes I get a little nervous," she admitted, looking more than a little sheepish.

Mehuia's Pleasure: 3/15
Enhuvin's Pleasure: 2/18
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He frowned then, finding something much more wrong with the idea of getting kidnapped to breed, than simply having frivolous sex until pregnancy just kind of happens. "Does that happen a lot?" he asked rather more quietly, hand resting on her hip. "I can see why you have bodyguards. That's horrid."
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Not a lot," she inched forward, preferring to snuggle up to him, even if she'd just met him! She liked him; she'd been honest when she said that. "Agape is very generous with offering sanctuary, there aren't many who'd try to touch me, now..." Grinning faintly, she added, "unless I want them to touch me, anyways." She leaned in for a quick kiss. "If you're bored, we can go..."

Mehuia's Pleasure: 3/15
Enhuvin's Pleasure: 2/18
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Bored? Don't think of it!" he exclaimed. Relieved to hear once again that Mehuia's patron kept her safe, and no longer over-sensitized from the delicious romp they'd just had, Enhuvin was perky once more. He leaned in to steal a kiss from her, a rather more involved one. "I'm lucky to be one of the ones who you want to have, then," he told her, playfully running a hand down her side again, fingers trailing lightly over her lovely form. "You won't have me tossed out on my ass, I hope." The hand around her found her waist and tugged her even closer, as he leaned in for another kiss. Not exactly snuggling, but still nice; he seemed to be gearing up for a second round!
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Quite pleased with the gentle fondling, the elemental grinned widely. "Are you kidding me? I haven't had this much fun in a while." She had brought her leg up to hook it around his waist as they kissed again. "And here people were telling me not to play with strangers. At least I got your name first." Was that gentle self-mockery?

Mehuia's Pleasure: 6/15
Enhuvin's Pleasure: 5/18
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Enhuvin chortled and added, "and introduced me to your bodyguards. And took me home. Why, I'm hardly a stranger at all!" Which was quite the fib, but it made him grin.

His hand at her waist slid downwards, getting a good playful grope in on her butt before sliding up again, following the curve of her spine to the back of her neck, where he tickled the sensitive hairs there and murmured, "I'm starting to wish I had been dumped here sooner. This place doesn't seem half bad," and then leaned in and kissed her again, pulling her body right up against his. She would be able to feel his erection standing firm once again.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Mehuia was about to reply a wry grin in place, when the tickling at the back of her neck caused her to shiver and lose her train of thought. "Mm hm," she managed, tilting her hips so that he got a taste (or a feel, at least) of how slick she still was. It hadn't been that long, after all! "Keep going like this," she all but purred, locking lips with him briefly, "and I'm going to start wishing you were dumped here sooner, too." The elemental nuzzled under his chin, kissing a line from his jaw to his collar bones. She shivered again, but this time it felt a little more akin to a shudder. She was gearing up again quickly, probably more quickly than Enhuvin might have expected.

Mehuia's Pleasure: 10/15
Enhuvin's Pleasure: 11/18
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He wasn't a slouch this time either, erection so hard it almost hurt, throbbing for more action. He groaned back as she kissed along his skin, and his hand curled in her hair, holding onto the silky strands as he basked. There was nothing about this situation that he didn't like: He was bedding an elemental, for crying out loud, a beautiful pale creature who responded enthusiastically and actually seemed to enjoy this maybe more than he did!

He groaned again and leaned in to capture her mouth in another kiss, and moved to roll her onto her back and top her, spreading her legs with his and, if she allowed it, sinking his cock into her with no further ado. It was so beautifully easy, she was so wet! He groaned a third time, entire body throbbing with lust.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

She didn't so much as bat an eyelash as he maneuvered her about, though she did mumble little happy, pleading noises up until he penetrated her. With that, Mehuia gasped and arched her back, legs splayed out for only a moment longer before she wrapped both them and her arms tightly around him. "Oh, Godd'ss..." she moaned, though which deity she was referring to, it was impossible to tell!

Mehuia took immediately to having his cock buried inside of her, rocking with each thrust and mewling ecstatic approval. She was quick to forget about her worries, it appeared, when she was focused on good sex!

Mehuia's Pleasure: 10/15
Enhuvin's Pleasure: 13/18
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Well, what else is good sex for~? Other than, you know, the kind of rolling pleasure the both of them were setting off in one another. Enhuvin groaned and kissed at her throat as he thrust into her, starting and keeping a good pace, though he was goaded to a quicker pace by her delicious mewling moans. Goddess! She was driving him mad. Supporting himself with his arms, he was left with his mouth to lap and kiss at her skin, and he even tried a gentle bite on her shoulder.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Given how quickly Mehuia was to come, it shouldn't have surprised the human that all it took were a few good thrusts and a little bite to the neck to send her over the edge again -- and very thoroughly over the edge, at that! The elemental, balled up beneath him and bucking under his weight, grew progressively noisier as he brought her closer. Finally, her entire body going rigid, Mehuia's cunt spasmed hard around his cock as she squirted new, wet fluid against him. The spasms rolled through one after another, and the elemental, crying out at full volume, managed to gasp Enhuvin's name before she collapsed back against the pallet, shaking and sweating from the strength of a fourth orgasm in such a short period of time. She looked like she was utterly spent, moaning quietly to herself and bringing her arms so that her hands balled over her heart. That had been... well, mind-blowing.

Mehuia's Pleasure: 24/15 (New Status: Fuckbuddy - Mehuvia has become an ally, and will follow Enhuvin and obey most wishes unless given reason otherwise. May fade over time.)
Enhuvin's Pleasure: 18/18 (New status: Minxified - +2 to the agility stat for the next 3 turns)
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

As she came, so did he, pushed over the edge by her forceful orgasm. He buried his face in her neck as he gasped, giving a few more wild thrusts into her before he came against the back of her cunt, buried in her to the hilt. His whole body shuddered with his second orgasm in such a short period of time, and the jolt of pleasure that had originated where they were joined bowled him over and rendered him senseless for long moments.

Then he pulled free of her, sweat cooling on his body, and flopped to one side, panting and satisfied.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

As Enhuvin rolled off of her, Mehuia took a moment to turn on her side, keeping him close (even if she didn't try to engage in yet more sex!) by putting a tentative arm over his chest and burying her face against his shoulder. Now she was unabashedly trying to cuddle with the man, still making a drawn out noise of subdued pleasure once she'd regained her breath. "Ohhh... okay, now I wish you'd come here sooner. I'm glad I found you," she murmured, more than satiated.

Mehuia's Pleasure: 9/15 (Fuckbuddy)
Enhuvin's Pleasure: 0/18 (Minxified 1/3)
((The 'fuckbuddy' status will remain even if the pleasure threshold info disappears, or the status itself disappears. Consider it flipped to 'on' unless noted otherwise. :D)
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Now that was a gratifying thing to hear! Enhuvin curled a sleepy little grin and cast an arm around the woman beside him, granting her the cuddles she seeked. Right about then, he was feeling on top of the whole damn world.

"I still feel like I was the luckier one here. I mean, who better to be found by?" He tickled her skin lightly with the hand around her. As much as he was feeling like naptime would be a lovely idea, he still had questions, pertinent ones. "So, what's the etiquette about finding a place to stay, here? Do I have to go hunting on my own, or do I make an appeal to a patron, or what? Say, if I wanted to stay here, could I?"
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"You can stay here," she told him firmly, even if she sounded as sleepy as he did. "I'll talk to Agape about it... after..." she yawned hugely, then tried again, "after maybe... a little nap."

Mehuia's Pleasure: 9/15 (Fuckbuddy)
Enhuvin's Pleasure: 0/18 (Minxified 2/3)
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

"Oh, good, thanks," Enhuvin grinned wider. "Just what I was thinking." He settled in, readjusting himself a little, but kept her close -- for warmth and because it was nice -- and then he let the post-orgasmic laziness carry him away into a doze.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

When Enhuvin woke, the light filtering through the curtain to the sleeping nook was decidedly dimmer, more like late evening than midday. Probably to his relief, Mehuia was still close at hand, though she'd curled onto her side so that her back was pressed up against him. The air was decidedly calm... and maybe a little quieter than he'd expect.

(2xp for catching a fuckbuddy in Enhuvin's first romp! X3)
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He woke up slowly; once, briefly, he jolted more awake when he realized he was somewhere different than usual but, feeling the warmth of the woman beside him and recalling what he knew about this place, he relaxed again, smiling, and let consciousness return at its own pace. After all, he didn't have anywhere in particular to be.

He looked at Mehuia curled up beside him, still naked, and grinned. It was nice that it was warm enough here that she had fallen asleep without blankets; she was a luscious sight and he marveled again that he had so immediately gotten to fulfill one of his fantasies, in bedding an elemental! More than that, though, she was sweet, eager, and so wonderfully easy to get off. He stroked along her side appreciatively, keeping it light so as not to wake her up.

Coming to her hip, he paused and wondered: What would happen if he had impregnated her? Or maybe, had he? Was that why she had fallen asleep? Then again, with all that romping, it was just as likely that she'd been as exhausted as he had in the same way... He supposed it depended on if she woke up, or if someone came in and swooped her away to lay unconscious for a couple of days. He frowned in thought as he realized the thought of getting her pregnant actually appealed to him. Some primal urge, likely... even if he wouldn't see the offspring. Anyways, she had seemed willing, more than willing, and had said that females got perks for producing offspring. Following this train of thought curiously, he stayed by her side as she slept, one ear open for sounds of her awakening. He'd wait and see for a while if she'd wake up.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

Mehuia seemed content to doze for now, though she snorted and rolled over as Enhuvin trailed a hand along her body. Pressed up against his body, now, she mumbled something that could have been in her sleep, or simply a very groggy greeting.
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Re: Enhuvin's Thread (Kattunge)

He chuckled and settled in, assuming for the moment that that was a murmur in her sleep. For now, he was pleased to hold her and borrow some body heat! Was it getting cooler as the light dimmed, or was that just his body being uncovered for too long?
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