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Eris (Cross_Grave)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Eris

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Starting HP: 90
Starting Mana: 75
Starting Sexual Stamina: 145

Eris' Skills:

Amplify Damage - This skill allows the Necromancer to curse her target to recieve DOUBLE physical damage, or strips Physical Immunity. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted. Magical Attack. If an enemy is under the effects of Amplify Damage, your attacks can't critical hit.

Lower Resist - This skill curses target foe to take DOUBLE elemental damage, or strips all elemental immunities. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted and can't miss. If an enemy is under the effects of Lower Resist, your spells can't critical hit.

Spiteful Spirit - This curses a foe to take any damage it inflicts back onto itself, damaging itself. Mana Cost - 10. The curse lasts 5 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted or miss. Useful when you have an ally to curse the creature trying to rape her. Your companion won't resist while this spell is active on her would be rapist, and it will deal whatever their pleasure damage is to their health, while your ally takes no pleasure. Has a 15 turn cool down from cast.

Shadow Strike - This allows the Necromancer to hit for 400 Shadow Damage. Mana Cost - 0. This spell can't crit hit. Magical Attack.

Class Specific Skills:

Magical Armor - This skill activates at the start of any combative round, shrouding the Necromancer in a protective "armor" that deflects incoming sexual pleasure, 25% of each attack. It will continue to absorb until it has taken a total of 400 damage, at which point the armor will fail and the Necromancer will be subject to the full intentisy of her rape. As the Necromancer gains levels, the armor will absorb more damage, an extra 40 per level. Once the armor has failed, the Necromancer must free herself, or be freed from rape and any grapples, and remain free for ONE full round of turns, starting from the time she was free. If she is grappled before a full round has passed, the timer will reset.

Golem Strike - This skill is default, and so long as the Necromancer is free from rape and able to attack, the Golem will pound away with Physical Damage on her target. It does 200 damage per attack, increasing by 40 damage per level the Necromancer gains. It has a chance to critical hit along with her, and has it's own seperate critical hit roll.

Deathly Touch - The Necromancer has a small chance upon her orgasm to make her bodily fluids toxic to demons. She has a 20% chance of having her orgasm inflict poison status on her rapist. If she does, the poison does 200 damage every turn for twelve turns. If the enemy penetrates her again or continues to rape her while under the effects of Deathly Touch, the poison will spread in it's body faster and be more aggressive, dealing 600 damage for each remaining turn she's being raped. Clever Necromancers may be willing to take a risk and if grappled, allow her attacker to penetrate her again and hasten it's demise.

Eris woke to the sensation of falling, unable to keep herself from landing on the cold floor. As she started to get up, it suddenly dawned on her that she could feel the cold floor on every part of her body, as if she had no clothing
on. Reaching her feet, the first thing she spotted was a large mirror directly across from her, one that showed that she really didn't have anything on! Somehow, her clothing had vanished!

Taking stock of her surroundings, she noticed a large tube of some kind, one that was open. A flash of memory hit, and she realized that was what she'd fallen out of. Before she could think on it further, a hidden speaker activated, and a strange voice filled the room.

"Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure Eris. You have been brought here to provide entertainment. What kind of entertainment you ask? The sexual kind of course. You've been selected to run in my little game, to see if you can survive being raped over and over by my friends. If you do well enough, you may even get to meet me eventually, and then we can have sex too. I look forward to watching you writhe in pleasure many times Eris, do try not to disappoint me. Ah, but where are my manners? If you open your mind to it, you'll discover you have abilities you didn't have before today. To ensure fairness, I've granted you these special powers to help you try and hold out against the pleasure that will soon be crashing over your young, sexy body. You won't find a weapon though, as your skills make you a weapon of sorts. Let's see if your skills are enough to avoid being raped for a time, or if you'll enjoy being fucked from the first encounter. Try not to get broken too quickly, that wouldn't be much fun. Oh, and I've taken the liberty of enhancing your reproductive system, so you'll not only be able to enjoy mind shattering pleasure, but you'll be able to get pregnant many times before we meet. You see, that's part of the game too, how many children can you bear for us. Ah, but our time for idle chit chat is up I'm afraid. It's time for you to venture out and see what my wonderful planet has in store, and to offer you. Do try to enjoy yourself, I'm sure you can find something that suits your sexual fantasies to have lots of fun with! And don't bother trying to hide where you are now, eventually we'll come to get you, and you won't like what happens then. Off you go!"

Moments after the speaker shut off, a door on the other side of the room swung open, allowing some sunlight to filter down the stairwell behind it. It might dawn on her that this place truly wasn't safe to remain in, especially since it seemed she'd been intentionally brought here. Try as she could though, she couldn't remember how she'd been captured, or when it had happened.


1: Move onward and upward.

2: Wait in the room to see what, if anything will come for you.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris woke up to a peculiar sensation, one she couldn't quite place. As she was trying to recognize it, the world kindly decided to identify it for her. Namely, it let her know that she was falling. Rather less kindly, it informed her of that fact by letting her slam into the ground below. Groaning and shaking her head as she tried to get up and regain her bearings, the first thing the girl noticed was the fact that she was naked. Completely naked. What was worse, she couldn't recall where she was, how she got here, what happened to her or even why she was here. Hell, she couldn't even remember what she was doing before!

The incoming announcement snapped Eris out of her thoughts. Lacking any other option but to listen, the girl took in the speech in silence. Her thoughts and emotions, however, were a simmering storm that raged within her. How dare that bastard treat her like a toy, whoever the Hell he was! She was not some slave to be violated on a whim like this, nor a bitch to be bred like an animal! There was fear underneath the anger, considering she was alone and vulnerable in an unfamiliar and hostile place, along with shame at being naked and treated like a cheap slut.

Still, the girl rallied herself, standing up and looking around for something to maybe cover herself with, not that the room seemed to offer much. With a sigh, Eris tried to focus and see if the voice didn't lie about the powers it promised her, blinking in suprise once she felt new knowledge suddenly flow into her mind out of nowhere. A dark power began to rise within her, ready to obey her commands. Some curses, from the looks of it, an offensive power - a magical ability, she guessed - as well as a limited form of protection and a servant to command in battle. Not much, but hopefully it'd do.

Once she was done surveying the room for signs of anything that could be of use to her, Eris set out. There was probably no point in staying here. It didn't improve her situation in any way, shape or form, and she needed to go out and find... Something, anything that could be useful. Maybe some help, if there was someone else like her around. Plus, it's not like she had any food or water in here. For now, survival was the first priority... Though she really didn't like the lack of modesty she had to put up with either.

1: Move onward and upward.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

With nothing else seeming useful to her left in the room, Eris set out, climbing the stairs. Once outside, the world she found herself on was nothing short of breathtaking. Her 'room' was near a cliff edge, overlooking a vast sparkling green ocean, one that was so pure looking it would put the ones back home on Earth to shame. Well off into the distance, she could see some form of sea life pop up from the waves, something enormous. Whatever it was though, it was too far away to be any concern to her. Next she'd be drawn to the nearly orange colored sky, framing a perfect picture for two brightly burning stars, and no fewer than six visible moons. Wherever she was, she wasn't on Earth anymore that much was for certain.

The grass at her feet was a dark red, as if someone had spilled miles of blood over it and permanently stained it that color. However, all of that dimmed in comparison to the sudden appearance of a stunningly beautiful woman, one who almost appeared ... well, she looked like she could have been a ghost, except ghosts didn't have color in their 'skin'.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. I will do my best to guide you through this place. The path ahead isn't easy, and is filled with many dangers. As needed, I will expalin what I can to you, where I can. I apologize that I can't do more for you, though I wish I could. For now though, do your best to survive, and I hope I can help you to escape this ... awful place. Good luck, I will contact you again when the time is right."

Before Eris could reply, the woman simply wasn't there anymore.


1: Move Onward.

2: Stay a moment to process the scenery/what just happened (chance to be caught)
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris looked around, taking in the sight. She had to admit, it was most impressive. The colors were weird, sure, but the scale and natural beauty of the landscape allowed her to forget her woes just for a moment. The strange lifeform in the distance drew her attention next. The creature had to be enormous and she couldn't help but wonder what it was. Still, the most breathtaking sight was the sky, specifically the collection of suns and moons hanging above. She had no idea how the planet was capable of supporting life with this kind of arrangement, but Hell. It somehow worked. Maybe magic was involved, since apparently it was real?

The sudden arrival of the strange apparition startled Eris, who quickly turned around and prepared for a fight. Still, she quickly recognized that this person, Cassidy, was not a threat. A guide of a sort, or a helpful spirit? Or maybe just a trap left by whoever trapped her here? The girl wanted to question her, but the... Illusion? Hologram? Disappeared too fast. Fuming internally, the necromancer gave her surroundings one last look before settling on venturing towards the nearest promising landmark, resolving to think about the events on the way.

1: Move onward.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Moving onward, she found herself in a small wooded area, the trees very tall. Some of them were so tall she couldn't see the tops of them! As she moved along through the area ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Eris: 5 vs. Trap ???: 15.

... suddenly one of the plants growing under the trees came to life, silently grabbing her from behind and spinning her around in it's viney embrace! Before Eris could react to this, she felt a tentacle like vine thrust inside of her and begin raping her! Eris suffers 40 Pleasure since she is weak against tentacle type penetration rape, and gains 60 KP. Eris has 105 Stamina left until she suffers an orgasm!


1: Try to get free of the plant raping you.

2: Enjoy it until you orgasm.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris was mesmerized by the forest she was traversing. The trees were incredibly large, some of them so massive they seemed unreal! She had no idea how many years, centuries even, it took for them to grow this big. Unfortunately, this lapse in concentration cost her. The girl let her guard down and thus was incapable of reacting on time when she got too close to some hostile vegetation. The tentacled plant captured her easily, grabbing at her limbs and restraining her. Before the necromancer could process what happened, she felt a tentacle press against her pussy and quickly penetrate her, starting to fuck her immediately!

The girl's eyes widened and she cried out as she felt the strange plant violate her. Even though it's been mere seconds since it began it's work, she could already feel massive pleasure shoot through her body like lightning. It seemed that the voice from before wasn't kidding about enhancing her to be more sensitive, and she could swear her body reacted particularly strongly to this kind of stimulation. Fighting down a moan, Eris began to struggle, trying to break free and get away from the strange plant before it completely had it's way with her!

1: Try to get free of the plant raping you.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Eris: 6 vs. Plant: 18.

Eris can't get away!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 20 vs. Eris: 1

Eris can't resist her pleasure as the Plant continues to rape her easily. She suffers another 40 pleasure, and gains 40 KP. Eris has only 65 stamina left until she has an orgasm!


1: Try to escape again.

2: Let it bring you to an orgasm.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris struggled and pulled, but the strange plant had too strong a grip on her body for her to do anything. The damn thing didn't even pause for a second as it continued to fuck her, sending more maddening sensations through her body. A strangled, lewd groan escaped her as her body began to respond to the assault, her desire beginning to flare up. Still, the girl was not beaten yet. She squirmed and trashed about, trying to slip free and gain distance from her assailant. If only she could resist that urge to give in and let it fuck her to an orgasm for a bit longer...

1: Try to escape again.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Eris: 29 vs. Trap: 5

Eris pulls herself free!

Fortunately, Eris is not found by any enemy patrols!


1: Move Along.

2: Rest a Moment (chance to be caught)
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

With a loud cry, the necromancer tore herself away from the plant, stumbling as she rushed forward to gain some distance. Landing on the ground, she spent a moment or two panting, gathering her wits after the rough fucking. After a moment or two, Eris finally collected herself. Though she was still a little shaky when she stood up, she decided not to risk being caught again by another plant, electing to leave the place as soon as possible.

1: Move Along.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris decided to move along, not wanting to risk the Plant getting her again. Eris has 101 Stamina now. As she moved along ...

... She spots FOUR enemies coming towards her at once!

Enemy Spawn:

Level 3 Slime Blob: Stamina: 95. Pleasure: 30. HP: 300. Weak vs. Lightning: Special Ability: Stuck on You.

Level 1 Demon Dog: Stamina: 160. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire.

Level 2 Karsetti: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 45. HP: 0. Damage: 8. Weak vs. Physical Attacks. Special Ability: Super Tentacle Bind. DEAD

Level 1 Humanoid Plant: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak to Fire. Special Ability: Tentacle Bind (Physical).

For the moment, Eris failed to notice that there was another person moving in behind her!

Companion Encounter:

Gina Robelltah: Gina is incredibly sexy, and stands about five foot six. She has an athletic body type and mid length red hair. Gina lost her girlfriend to the minions of pleasure here, having been split from her for a brief period of
time. When she found her again, her girlfriend (who was a natural born futa), was getting a blowjob from a shapeshifting demoness who had taken Gina's form and had tricked her girlfriend. Gina couldn't get there to warn her in time, and arrived after she'd already climaxed and started to become corrupted. The two vanished before Gina could exact revenge, and she's been hunting for that demoness ever since, not even sure what she's looking for. Gina is short for a Mathosian. Gina won't give in to any sexual attacks, she will always fight.

Initiative Roll:

Gina: 28 (1st)
Eris: 21 (5th)
Slime: 23 (3rd)
Dog: 27 (2nd)
Plant: 22 (4th)
Karsetti: 12 (Last) DEAD

As Eris realized she was grossly outnumbered and in serious trouble, she heard a loud female roar behind her, and another person went sailing past her, sword in hand aiming for the Karsetti's head!

Attack Roll:

Gina: 29 vs. Karsetti: 15.

The Karsetti never even saw the other woman until it's head was sliding off it's 'shoulder's. In seconds, Eris went from a 4 v 1 to a 3 v 2 after the new woman had killed the tentacled beast! There was no time to savor it though, for as soon as the Karsetti dropped dead, the remaining foes turned their attention on the smoking hot warrior woman!

Grapple Attempts:

Dog: 13 vs. Gina: 25 (Dodge!)

Slime: 4 vs. Gina: 16 (Dodge!)

Plant: 6 vs. Gina: 9 (Dodge!)

In a flurry of moves, Gina manages to avoid all three attempts to take her down!


1: Help your new friend by attacking something.

2: Other?
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Eris cursed as she noticed a whole group of enemies charging her way, blocking her path. She was still a bit worn out from her earlier encounter, leaving her at a disadvantage... Or so she thought. Before she could even realize what was going on, a woman charged forward out of nowhere, swiftly beheading one of the incoming foes! She even managed to dodge all attempts at retaliation afterwards! Blinking as she processed what just happened, the necromancer set herself as she prepared to fight. She had no experience, but she still had her newfound powers and she couldn't simply let the woman face off against three foes alone, even if she was a skilled fighter.

Calling upon her dark magic, the girl felt her abilities come to life one by one. An armor of arcane power shrouded her body, offering protection against the touch of her foes. A necromantic construct of shadow and bone appeared beside her, ready to lay waste to her foes. Magical Armor and the Golem, according to her memories. The girl glanced at her foes, then chose her target: a humanoid plant. Raising one arm, she channeled dark energies through it before releasing them as a bolt of pure shadow aimed straight at the monster.

1: Attack the Humanoid Plant with Shadow Strike.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Attack Roll:

Eris: 29 vs. Plant: 3.

Eris lands her spell for 400, and Her Golem finishes the job by bashing the Plant thing into mulch!

Attack Roll:

Gina: 26 vs. Dog: 4.

Gina clobbers the dog, and kills it too!

The Slime lunges for Gina, who waits until the last moment and then swings her sword upward, literally slicing the Slime in half in a counter attack, and ending the fight!

Both Women Gain 800 XP.

Loot Phase:


Dog: HP Potion

Karsetti: Mana Potion

Plant: Map Piece!

Spotting the potions, and the map piece, Gina was first to react, stepping over and grabbing them up. Quietly, she handed Eris an HP and MP potion of her own, and stared at the map piece. Moments later, Cassidy appeared again.

"Congratulations, you've found the first of many map pieces you will need to escape this place. When you are ready, I will show you how to read it, so you can bypass all the patrols out here, and move on to the next area."

This time, Cassidy seemed to be waiting for a response from them, as she remained visible, and nude ...


1: Move Onward.

2: Rest a moment/talk to either Gina or Cassidy.

((Btw, goddamn nice rolls and killing spree haha!))
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

(Your blood, it shall NOURISH ME! BRING ME THE NEXT FEAST!)

The battle ended as quickly as it began. Between the blast of magic and her servant, Eris had little trouble reducing her target to a paste. The dog fared little better, meeting it's end on the newcomer's blade, and the less said about the slime's pathetic attempt at attacking, the better. Standing down after battle and letting her golem fade back, the necromancer surveyed the carnage, wondering briefly what to do with the corpses. She was snapped out of her reverie when her unexpected ally approached them, quickly looting the things and handing the blonde girl some potions. Eris accepted them gratefully, moving to inquire about the strip of paper the other girl was holding before Cassidy interrupted her.

Deciding that after a fight like that they were probably unlikely to be bothered, the dark mage opted to rest a little and have a chat. "So, uh... Thanks for helping me out here. You're really strong and fast, the way you fought was impressive." Eris began, turning her attention to the redhead. "My name's Eris. I'm guessing we're both here for the same reason, right? To get out of this place?" She introduced herself, waiting for some kind of response from the other girl.

2: Talk for now.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

The other woman nodded slowly, not seeming the least bit phased about Cassidy's sudden appearance. As Eris spoke, she turned her attention to her, smiling slightly.

"Nice to meet you Eris, my name is Gina, and you're welcome. Yes, getting out of here is definitely at the top of my list of things to do today, as it has been for the last six weeks. At least I think it's been six weeks. Anyway, something I wanted to ask you ... are you from Mathos, or Earth?"

((Good to move on when you want to, not placing options since with that map piece, they can dodge patrols all day in that area.))
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

"Eh... Earth." Eris replied, looking curious. "Can't say I've ever heard of Mathos... I assume you're from there?" She asked. "And ouch, six weeks? I just arrived here." Yeah, the prospects of staying around for that long were not fun. "Though at least we've got some clues as to how to move around here. Shall we ask Cassidy how to make use of it?" She suggested, letting Gina make the inquiry if she chose to. If she didn't, well. The necromancer would be perfectly happy to do that for her.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Gina nodded slowly.

"You're the third person I've encountered from this Earth who knows nothing of our kind. It confirms my suspicions that there may be more than a few worlds represented here between the living, and .. whatever these creatures are."

Nodding again, Gina turned and asked Cassidy about the map. As it was explained, the map, when touched in the bottome left corner, would read their current position, and highlight the only safe path to the next area for them. It would also highlight all enemy patrols in a different color, and show, in real time, where they were located. Unfortunately, it was only for that area, and not for wherever they were going to next. Confident she had it now, Gina turned to Eris.

"Are you ready to go?"


1: Yes.

2: Nope.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

"Huh. Wouldn't suprise me." Eris nodded. "Considering I've never seen this world before, it wouldn't suprise me if the asshole behind this brought in people from different planets." The necromancer listened to Cassidy's explanation, internally admiring how useful the map was. When Gina turned to her, the blonde girl replied with an affirmative. "Yeah, let's go. The sooner we deal get out of here, the better."

1: Yes.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

Nodding once, Gina turned to Cassidy and simply nodded. Suddenly both women found themselves standing in a new place, as if they had been teleported. Said new place was eerie, filled with tons of grave markers, and as Gina opened her mouth to say something, Cassidy poofed out of existence.

"Well ... shit. So much for asking her how WE do that little trick ourselves."

Suddenly they spotted what appeared to be a shrine, and then Cassidy appeared again. Speaking quickly, almost as if she were in a hurry to be gone, Cassidy explained what it was to them.

"You have found a shrine of power. When activated, this shrine PERMANENTLY raises ALL of your stat points by 2. If you want it, you must fight Weeping Kelaino and her pet, a Venus Suck Trap. If you don't, then you should leave now. I ..."

Suddenly she vanished, though as she did Gina took a startled step back as something caught her eye. If Eris had been paying close enough attention, she might have seen the same thing Gina had. A trio of large, thick tentacles wrapped around Cassidy's body, that had yanked on her, and when they had, she had vanished.

"Did you ... see ..."

Gina shook her head, her mind trying to fully process what it had seen.


1: Take the shrine after processing what you just saw.

2: Forget the shrine and move on after processing what you just saw.
Re: Eris (Cross_Grave)

"Yeah." Eris nodded, looking grim. From the looks of it, it appeared that Cassidy was having her own troubles to deal with. "Don't think we can help her from where we are, though... Damn it." She hoped the woman would be able to emerge from this unscathed. Looking around, the necromancer took in her surroundings, feeling suprisingly at ease among the gravestones. "You know, this is actually my kind of place, I think. Now if only I had something to actually raise the shmucks here, it'd be much easier for us to continue." She cast her gaze on the shrine before them. Two on two, against opponents who were probably quite tough. It'd not be an easy battle. On the plus side, a permanent power boost? Worth it. "So. You feel like taking the shrine here? Because I sure as Hell do."

1: Take the shrine.