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Erocryptozoology: Searching for the strange, unknown, and surprisenly horny


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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(More of a 'short story' series I'll add to when I get the mood. The basis of this story is that each 'entry' includes a firsthand meeting of the creature, and the information of each creature as well.)

Entry- Northwestern Wyvernkin
Category- Dragonkin
Diet- Large mammals/herbs/berries
Intelligence Rating: 3/10
Danger Rating: 4/10
Family Value: Solitary

Description: The standard wyvernkin physique includes large wings replacing the arms, often with clawed, finger-like appendages to mimic 'hands', allowing for the dragonkin to grasp and hold with more then it's digigrade legs. Often with a crawling gait, the lilth form allows the reptilian to fly without sacrificing the dense bones of the more common reptilian species. Wyvernkin, though they don't actively seek out young wyvernkin, do have human-style breasts to use both as ballast to keep level in flight but also to feed younger members of their race. Fur on the species often covers from the head, much like hair, then to a short mane on the back down to the base of their long, tail, which are armed with large barbs. Unlike other poisons, this tail barb is often used solely during breeding, releasing the inhibitions of their prey and allowing the wyvernkin to breed with less then the usual hassle.
Information: The wyvernkin species are usually characterized as solitary creatures, flying above the treeline and hunting big game animals for food. Solitary creatures, these beasts are often sighted by hunters, who have their game snatched from them only to see it carried to the skies, or those the wyvernkins breed with, though often due to the fact they are left alone afterward, they often believe it was nothing more then a dream caused from a bad trip down a cliff or similar.

Breeding Habits: Most wyvernkin spotted have seen to all be of a female breed, though the breeding habits remove the needs for males of their own species. Females in heat will actively seek out female humans to fill with eggs, then fill out with sperm from the breeding tube. It only takes a few hours before the eggs will vacate, fully fertilized. Often though, they continue to use their victim for longer, if only to allow them to have the chance to fill out their solitude with a vigorous day of pleasure. Often afterward the wyvernkin will retire for several hours, then upon awakening will ensure her eggs vacated her victim and that they are close to where they can be retrieved by others of the victim's kind and then return to the forest to hunt, often taking a large amount of prey to make up for the energy expended.

Habitat Range: Northwestern US, Western Canada


Karen was angry. She'd spend the last few days tracking down deer, but each trail she followed, she'd find it abruptly end, often without much sign afterward of her quarry. As a bow hunter, she reveled in the hunt, but she had never seen animal tracks suddenly disappear like this before. With only one more free day until she had to pack up for a trip home, she wasn't willing to call it quits until she bagged SOMETHING for her trouble...

It was that night when the blond caught a break- after trailing the makeshift hunting trails, she caught sight of movement, and following, she spotted a buck and a doe. Knocking an arrow, she pulled the string and aimed, going to shoot for the buck.

With a loud feral screech, something from a nightmare plunged from the sky, causing the deer to bolt and Karen to release the arrow in surprise. After gliding a bit, the beast dived for the deer, missing only by a few inches as it wheels around and lands, folding it's large wings down to rest on the ground with it's claws. It shook it's head slightly as it gave a growling sigh.

Karen couldn't take it. She drew a new arrow, aimed at the beast, and fired, the shaft speeding at the beast and shooting through it's fur on it's lower back, barely missing striking scales by an inch.

A pair of orange, lamp like eyes latched onto her. They showed a wild cunning, as well as a annoyance for the sudden attack.

Karen bolted, dropping her bow in her haste, running to escape the vile beast she had angered.

The sound of wings filled her ears through the treetops, the loud screeching coming to her ears again as she ran. She'd be lucky if she ran away from it...

A large mass dives near her right, causing her to roll off to the left, as the creature tried to pounce at her. Quickly she ran to her feet, but as she moved she felt something catch at her arm, drawing a small scratch. For now she mistook it for a thistle and kept running, especially as the crackling and shifting of plants told her the creature was shifting to its paws.

Even as she started to run again, she felt her cheeks starting to flush, heart rate raising for a reason other then panic, nipples hardening quickly under the light cameo clothing she wore. Out of nowhere she was starting to feel horny, but she had no idea what had caused it, and wasn't going to stop and find out now as she heard the wings behind her snap open.

It was only after she tripped over her own bow when she realized her blind terror had made her run in circles. Running out of options her rash thinking made her grab the weapon, quickly reaching back for a spare arrow. She wasn't going to be made prey by some nameless terror without a fight...

Or at least she wouldn't have if she wasn't bowled over at that very moment, the creature giving a quiet growl, though it didn't sound that angry anymore by what she could tell. Face down in the dirt, she struggled hard with the beast's weight, which seemed heavier then the thin frame she had seen in the dark would make her expect. As she tried to stretch her arms out to grasp at a branch to try and swing with, she saw one of the wings reach forward and tramp down, holding her arms still.

Karen knew she was beat by then, her struggles only for futility's sake as she felt the pressure of the beast resting down on her. Closing her eyes tightly she wished for her death to be quick.

Instead, she'd feel to her surprise the other wing's claws gently grazing her back. Though she heard the sound of ripping fabric, it didn't quite register until she felt the surprisingly warm scaled flesh against her bare back. This of course caused her to struggle even more intensely. "Y-you can't be serious..." she whimpered out loud, almost as if saying so would make it not happen.

However, even as she was trying to avoid it she felt the hard tug at her waistband and a extra-loud rip of her jeans, letting air flood onto her now-exposed rear and soaked panties, as she continued to wriggle. The creature seemed almost curious at the cloth barrier between her flower and the elements, and she felt it shift slightly as if to catch a better scent wafting from her sex.

Then, she felt something starting to extend from the beast, resting between her asscheeks and soon extending almost halfway up her back. Karen turned pale at realizing that implication, and with a loud scream of terror she violently twisted and bucked against her assailent.

A sharp prick caught her in the back, and with a quick tilt of her head she saw the source- the beast's tail, seemingly ending with a large barbed tip, had stabbed into her shoulder, and she could almost feel the fluid from the tail draining into her, and she realized that with the flow of venom, the more her arousal grew, her panties now thoroughly saturated before the creature started to shift itself.

What happened next was almost too fast for her to react with much more then a quick scream. The creature shifted it's back legs, lining up with it's victim, she felt the tail wrap around the pair of them, soon returning to it's impalement into her back to continue feeding it's venom into her body, and then with a burst of movement, she felt not only the ground drop away, but something overly large slide deep into her, sliding from her cervix to her womb in one fell swoop.

Both pleasure and fear soared in Karen's system as she soon found the pair of them raising above the treetops, the air starting to thin as they went into the clear mountain air. As if to counteract the cold of the air, the heated shaft inside her expanded slightly, and she could feel the tip swelling, locking her and the infernal beast together. Whimpering, Karen realized she'd have to ride this out- literally.
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Re: Erocryptozoology: Searching for the strange, unknown, and surprisenly horny

Entry- Lust Rose (Genus)
Category- Plant/Human Hybrid
Diet- Blood, Sexual Secretions, Soul Energy (Toxic Petal Only)
Intelligence Rating: 3/10
Danger Rating: 7/10
Family Value: Solitary

Description: The standard Lust Rose is identifiable firstly via the fact the main genus's main body is one of a large plant, roses mainly though other viriaty of pods do exist. Inside these surprisenly-hardy plants are the frail bodies of the plantgirls. Standard breeds of lust roses usually are white-skinned and green haired, with thier body connected in the center of the plants via thier feet area. Several vines are also available for the plant's uses, both inside and outside the petals, and the entire plant can burst thorns on almost all it's body, dependant on it's age, experience, and need at that present time.
Information: The Lust Rose's main food supply is blood, however it has grown to a point where it realized not only does intercourse pacify victims, but also increases heartrate, allowing for more of thier life sustinance to flow out during the heat of the moment. Victims of the Lust Rose usually are released a while after, covered in scratchmarks from the thorns that suddenly appear over the pure white flesh that's soon stained red from the injuries they inflict, only to be absorbed back to white innocense before the next meal nears.
There are three known variations of the Lust Rose, all identified by thier petals or other traits. First is the Pink Petal, a docile young Lust Rose who's not quite mastered the art of bloodletting. She's the most timid, and also the easiest to distract to escape from. Next is the Red Petal, also known mostly as Blood Rose due to the savage nature and slightly sadistic playing with thier prey as they feast. Red Petals have been known to hold victims hostage for extended periods, and often leave patches of dried blood on thier bodies to simulate humanoid's warpaint. Finally, and most curiously, is the Green Petal, also known as the Toxic Rose. These Lust Roses were part of magical experimentation, and now instead of feeding off blood they must extract a little soul energy, much like succubai. Now black skinned, with thier petals a violent shade of black and green, Toxic Roses have slight poison atributes to defend against predators, the same poison also acting as a aphrodisac to those inflicted with thier thorny grasp. Often hermephodite in nature, Poison Petals will almost never let go of a victim unless satisfied, making them exetremely dangerous if they were to grab not only a normal human, but a demon-natured creature. The constant intercourse could bring out the demon's depraved nature, leaving the two of them in an almost trancelike embrace until either one expires or they are broken free from outside help.
All Lust Roses have a inverse defense against magic and slashing damage on thier outer petals, with thier inner bodies are surprisenly susseptable to most conventual weapons, as well as the creature becoming suddenly surprised into inaction should a partner suddenly grow forceful on them. Many adventurers have saved thier own skins by either relenting to the rose's advances or fighting fire with fire, causing the rose to orgasm and leving it in a vulnerable state of exaustion, the petals splitting open enough for escape by the soiled but lucky victim.
Breeding Habits: Like plants and mushrooms, Lust Roses work via sporing, every so often releasing spores into the air, or some included into the mess used to breed with thier prey, which is often dripped from them even as they make thier escape, ensuring the plant's seeds go at least a little ways away.
Habitat Range: Deep Forests and Jungles, though sometimes humans include them in other areas, though at great risk.

Re: Erocryptozoology: Searching for the strange, unknown, and surprisenly horny

Entry- Matriach Xenomorph Biomutation
Category- Unregulated Biomutation
Diet- Scavenger, have been known to eat anything from soft metals to human flesh
Intelligence Rating: 8/10
Danger Rating: 9/10
Family Value: Solitary hive with breeding mates/defensive offsprings

Description: Descriptions vary between transformations, but classical transformation signs include growing carapace, darkening of the skin, body hair growing blackened and stiff, and very often increased sexual tension. A data file on a subject, only known on Subject X, is below and shows typical forms of mutation:

Subject is about 5 feet from head to claw, with small batches of black armor on her violet skin. Her nails are long and clawlike, with tri-jointed legs ending in tense padded feet made for leaps. Two rows of three spikelike protrusions go down her back to her waist, the biggest at two feet. Her tail, six feet long, can gain about 12 different bladed protrusions, though all of them can be sunk in to reveal the fleshy end with a rounded tip. Her raven hair glistens in bright light, and her mako-green eyes and fangs make her look even more feral. Her tongue is green and extremely long, at least two feet. Finally, her clit grows into a large, 14" long, 1 and 1/2" wide cock for raping female

Information: Matriachs are the creation of a serum invented by Generation X Bioengineering in late 2000 A.D., and was quickly a success in the black market of transformation serums, among other productions. It is unknown how they got the Xenomorph DNA to help create this creature, but either way, the Matriach is very effective. Most encounters have been with specimens that have escaped containment, and in the anger of being captured, turn their unique powers against the humans that held them. Signs of a Matriach infestation usually include mutilated bodies, victims held in large 'cocoon' structures, puddles of glowing sexual fluids often around the area, and often the ever-present sense of being watched. With the ability not only to see in darkness and thermal heat, the Matriach is an excellent predator, and will often stalk any manner of victims for several minutes or hours, until finally passing a judgment that comes to their whim down upon them. Matriachs have been known to take over facilities they are entombed in a matter of days, and can survive the vacuum of space, making a Matriach highly hard to kill. Add in the fact that it is ever apparent that you are entering her layer, and the psychological game of cat and mouse could be more then even the hardened soldier can stand.

Breeding Habits: If anything, Matriachs only rape when they are sure there is very little resistance, and even then it's a violent show of dominance, to make up when the victim was enslaved and transformed. When a Matriach does come, it comes violently- gallons of glowing sexual fluids are exchanged, often enough to fill a victim in the first go to overstuffed, not that they slow much. It's been reported via several labs- often before they are overrun by their test subjects- that these creatures have been known to get lost in a 'breeding haze', which can last for hours, until the floor literally pools with a glowing pond of creature spunk. Matriachs breeding does have a downside- they are extremely fertile, and those doomed carrying thier seed often are used to constantly breed out 'Guardians'- Large Xenomorphic creatures that are little more then moving walls, as well as sufficiently weaker Xenomorphs by the litters. If the Matriach is subdued, however, they are easily killed by any form of cleaning crew.

Habitat Range: Due to how the serum is administered, there is no real way of knowing how many Matriachs exist. There has been at least three incidents that Matriachs have been sighted in, though considering the widespread use of one of the company's bases of operation, it is easy to expect that Matriachs could exist in much higher, frightening numbers.


Striketeam Omega was the best known xeno-purging group in the sector, and yet they only sent four of us on this mission, Tex thought to herself as the transport slowly chugged to it's destination through space. She had read over the mission briefing though- even if they brought a whole battalion she wasn't sure the squad would escape unscathed. Clearing out rumored Matriach infestations never was a clean job.

Still, as leader of the four-man team, Tex had to make sure the other three, Scarlett, Jaren, and Eagle, were informed. With that, the black-haired trooper stood from the more quiet portion of the transport and moved over to the other soldiers, straitening the jacket that she wore over the synthetic combat armor.

"Allright ladies and gents, I believe we all know what we're going after. HQ wants this fast and wants us hitting whatever's in there either hard or with backup. We are NOT to take any risks. This base sent it's distress signal out only about 12 hours ago and already they've got the entire sector surrounding it on quarantine when they did some digging."

As the three other soldiers- a blonde-haired male that seemed too busy flicking with his fingers to pay attention, a short-cut redhead who besides looking scared seemed intently staring at the screen of information, and a cowled female checking the balance of her rifle- listened in, Tex pulled up the laboratory information sheets that had been salvaged from long-ranged datamining. "The best we can figure out is somewhere on the facility they included a female test subject, only ever identified as Subject 6. We've not got much to work on but it is believed she was given doses of Matriach. I want all of you to stay sharp, specially you Scarlett, I really didn't want a rookie for a job this serious but High Command forced me into it. Any questions?"

The blonde soldier gave a cocky grin as the commander finished. "If you're really that worried Tex, we could stay here and keep the dropship cozy, if ya know what I mean..."

"Practical questions cock-for-brains. NEXT!"

Scarlett, the redhaired chick, rose her hand. "Do we got any idea where to start when we get in there?"

Tex seemed delighted at how fast the private was keeping up. "Actually, yes, though 'Wing E' could easily just be a codename. Still, it would be something to keep an eye out for. Anything else? No? Good, suit and gear up. We land in T-Minus 5 Minutes."


The need, it burned into her, she couldn't control it, she felt her new body burning with it. The flesh here, it was weak, nothing like what her body ached for, the beast needed to breed, needed a womb to fill, needed to cum....

She heard noises. Arrivals. Intruders to her home. She must stop them, she couldn't get caught again, she needed breeding...

They wouldn't escape her wrath...


The airlock slammed open, with the team assembled and armed. Tex was taking the rear, with Eagle, Scarlett, and Jaren going from there. Quietly they filed in, and from there Tex already realized they were going to need some better troops.

The entire entry area was in shambles, bodies and broken machinery everywhere. The lights that were still working flickered, adding to the already creepy situation with the intermittent flickers in the silent station.

"Aw fuck. Okay, spread out and search, keep your radio channels OPEN. That way if someone's under attack we'll hear it. Good luck, we're gonna need it."

As the three of them moved forward, Tex moved to the terminal. Grabbing a nearby keycard- it seems the owner had discarded it in a hurry- Tex slid it in, seeing what she could find on Subject 6.


DATA LOG - Specimen Six Two One Three

Timestamp [RETRACTED] - Subject seems agitated, mutations seem to be causing her body to harden up, in more ways then one. Lab staff are suggested to not enter the containment unit without armed escorts.

Timestamp [RETRACTED] - Subject managed to get ahold of a science assistant, wound up partially inseminating the subject before the creature could be contained again. Said staff member has been put in secondary containment until results are in on if she was properly contaminated. Seeking buyers for the Subject at this time as well.

Timestamp [RETRACTED] - Subject has escaped. All science facilities are on standby until the subject has been recaptu


The log abruptly stopped, and Tex gave a frown, standing back up and undoing the safety on her rifle. Great, a mad subject that more then likely is venting anger on the facilities. Still, mad subject by itself couldn't do all this...


The radio called out in her ear and made her wince, but the sound of fire soon following Scarlett's scream quickly got the commander going. Setting off the relay beacon in her pack - she was sure they were going to need more backup - she quickly started down the hall towards the sounds of combat.


Somewhere in the opposite direction, with music blaring in his headset, Jaren quietly swept the compound as he moved about, bobbing his head with the techno beat. Sure it wasn't professional, but it kept the edge off the mission, specially when a place like this could give someone uncool the creeps...

Unheard by the rock aficionado however, was a soft rustling, and a darkened form slowly stalked the man, glowing green eyes glaring darkly at him. She was angry, but her instincts were fighting her. Breed with the human to settle the fire in her veins, or kill this obvious filth and wait for a more proper prey to deal with her carnal needs...

Jaren continued to coolly sweep the halls, and only knew he was being stalked when a sudden force struck him from behind, sending him flying forward and his gun skidding from his hand. He looked behind himself, and screamed at the monstrous creature gripping him down.

A deadly looking blade appeared from somewhere, quickly silencing the screams. Annoying creatures, hurting her ears with their babble...


Tex was concerned as the screams stopped, however the gun fire was going on still, and using the sound of the unloading rifles, Tex quickly found Eagle.

Eagle was a mess. It was obvious now she was some form of synthetic herself, her left arm having been yanked from the wire-strewn socket while her right was still clamped to her rifle, hood flung back from the woman's tanned- yet mechanicly marred- face, firing at the creatures charging at her, each spindly and blacked carapaced. Quickly Tex added to the firepower, releasing her rifle's payload at the small monsters streaming towards them.

The little beasts were everywhere, charging at the two woman while equally mowed down before another takes it place. Finally, the beasts slowly stopped flowing, leaving piles of small corpses. Tex slowly lowered her rifle. "What the hell are those things? And where is Scarlett? Are ya too banged up, Eagle?"

Eagle grimaced, taking a short moment to flip her hood back over her head, partly obscuring the various optical reconstructions on her face. "One of the buggers grabbed my arm in the confusion, but most of them left when they stole off Scarlett. Think one of em sabotaged by leg though, it's draining power fast."

Tex gave a sigh. "Oh we are SO going to need more guns... Hang tight, I'm calling base before we move onward..."

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