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ACT Shota [ExcessM] 廻るハゴコロ / Mawaru Hagokoro (RJ325142)

I'm not sure if my version is bugged. First tutorial battle. I defeat the girl and nothing happens. "Esc" to skip the tutorial and nothing happens.
This has happened to a lot of people and has to do with your language settings. Make sure you're running the game in Japanese locale. I believe the game also needs to be extracted in Japanese locale as well, so if you didn't do that you'll have to switch to JP and re-extract.
You browse a porn forum at work?
The brass balls you got. Or are you independent?
Jesus christ imagine working in a cubicle, where someone could walk in on you at any time and see what you're doing w/o any privacy.

Though the downside is, even in Coronavirus times I can't work from home. Gotta be there physically to solve network issues, or general user idiocy.
Looks like Excessm's making another game with a target release sometime on 2022 called "Mines Canaria", it seems he's trying a different genre, far different from the games he usually makes from these past years, this time the game's theme is a "Table Game" of Donjara where you line up three sets of three of the same color tile and acquire a donjara tile lineup to accumulate scores and win a round. AFAIK based on the screenshots, (This Is Just Speculation From Here) whoever of the three opponents gets the donjara tile line up first before the player would rape the hero. as the game is played by four simultaneous characters each having their turn lining up their tiles while having 25,000 points each, the player must diminish their points to zero in order to proceed to the next event, there's also an edit feature where you can customize the appearance of the opponents. That's all for now.
Ecchi's started with RPG's,
Then 2d platformers/ 3D vania's,
Now we got hentai Goldfish
I am absolute ass at anything card/tabletop games beyond anything Warhammer or similar, so I'll probably wait for a full save before touching that.
I like this direction.

Randomness is actually an interesting element to play around with as a game developer.

When playing card games like YuGiOh, finding out how to mitigate the randomness of the next draw as much as possible is part of the deck building strategy.
In a game with a certain level of randomness, if the player has options to mitigate that randomness or make the best possible decision to stifle losses, than the strategic options are inherently higher. Not only that, but it's emergent gameplay where you're reacting to things happening as well.

Well... it all depends on how the games are designed though.
I never learned how to play ANY card game, let alone....whatever you just described. Tbh, I can't even visualize what you just wrote down.
I never learned how to play ANY card game, let alone....whatever you just described. Tbh, I can't even visualize what you just wrote down.
it's mahjong for kids.
the game starts with 33 tiles that are shuffled out to the 4 players, 3 with 8 tiles and the first to go with 9. You try to be the first to make 3 sets of 3. A set is 3 of a color, but stuff like 3 of a kind (ex. 2, 2, and 2) or a run of three (1, 2, and 3) is worth more points.

The first person has to discard one of their 9, which the second person can then pick up. At the end of their turn, they have to discard one. Like so, tiles are passed around, till someone completes their 3 sets.

Also, when you have 2 sets complete, and only need one more tile for your last set, you have to call it out, similar to saying "Uno" when you have one card left in "Uno". At that point, If any player discards the tile you need, you can swoop in and nab it, completing your last set and ending the round.

You then steal points from whoever discarded that last piece, based on what sets you have made. The game ends when someone runs out of points.
Eh, if the H-content is decent enough I'll give it a shot.
But so far it seems rather lackluster. Definitely disliking the idea of having less unique characters and instead just being able to play dress up and style up with an interchangeable default mannequin.
If he adds variety to positions it's fine. Tbh there were unique characters, but they all shared animations with only bosses and some mobs having unique sex scenes.
Guys, question related to this game, I've completed everything except the subquest "The Tension" Do any more subquests unlock after completing this?
If he adds variety to positions it's fine. Tbh there were unique characters, but they all shared animations with only bosses and some mobs having unique sex scenes.
He's always done this though...
He's always done this though...
feels like for the last three games every enemy either does POV footjob, POV cowgirl, and if he's feeling extra spicy, POV reverse cowgirl, and all other mobs do some vague rubbing or sitting next to you.

im saying, mix it up. if it's all cowgirl again I think I may sit it out. play with camera angles. Good angles can really be all you need sometimes.
feels like for the last three games every enemy either does POV footjob, POV cowgirl, and if he's feeling extra spicy, POV reverse cowgirl, and all other mobs do some vague rubbing or sitting next to you.

im saying, mix it up. if it's all cowgirl again I think I may sit it out. play with camera angles. Good angles can really be all you need sometimes.
Hagokoro was first person. What else can he do? Doggystyle? Also it's always like that.

Bj, footjob and the two styles of riding.
and i'm sayin i'm getting kinda bored of it.
Hmmm... It's just strange to me because you said the last 3 games.

That would be Smash Boy, Yumesame and now Hagokoro right?
But Parade Buster is the same as Hagokoro sexually. Seriously. It's all cowgirl, footjob, and teasing on the side. So 4 games...
Except One-Shota and it's sequel are also the same. So it's all of his games.

I don't know how far back you'd have to go for ExcessM to still be good for you when his past games are the same sexually.

Ah there is one exception though, the types of foreplay are slightly different in the beat-em-up style games. There's thighjobs and stuff because the character's standing there.

That being said, what kind of sexual content are you expecting from him? Got any links for references?


EDIT: I will say that I largely agree with your statement. Just not about the whole past games thing. One Shota and Kariyume do almost nothing for me sexually since there's only like 3 scenes of actual intercourse in those games.
OneShota's enemies will mostly grab you with handjobs or just plain sitting on you fully clothed, or sitting on your face. 90% of that game is extremely light foreplay that's not even directly touching the guy's dick. Sexually very tame. Just not exciting.
Kariyume is the same. Most enemies don't have sex. They're just foreplay.
Parade Buster is the same. Only bosses have actual sex, with some small exceptions in normal enemies like the slime. Parade Buster is like 80% foreplay.
Smash Boy is the same.

It wasn't until Yumesame that he started doing 3 scenes per enemy instead of 1/maybe 2.
This was a big deal because Yumesame most enemies actually have a sex attack.

It's weird because in some enemies he used all 3 enemies sex attacks as foreplay, so I mean... it's clear he himself hasn't changed much sexually. He's just catering to what fans want.

I think Hagokoro is a great step in the right direction, where each enemy has a clear intercourse animation with the other two anims being foreplay for the most part. He gets to do what he likes the most, and people who actually want to see fucking can see what they came for.

ExcessM's main fetish is teasing, so he doesn't actually care about the sexual act itself. Just the emotion and circumstance around it.
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