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Exeptionally Lewd Beasts - Pervy/TheGuy


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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~The Kindom of Eulevir was once a mighty fortress of light, a bastion against the beasts of the wild, lead by an Elven Queen and welcoming of all sentient races.
At least, that's what history books tell from before the great catastrophe, almost a hundred years ago. It was a story like so many, an evil cult attempting to call forth demonic forces, heroic adventurers trying to stop them. But this time, the heroes failed, spectacularly.
Now, Eulevir is more of a last bastion of civilization against the tides of demonic creatures. Other places of safety exist, dwarven citadels in the mountains, human nomadic tribes that fight with brutal ferocity for their survival, leaving one doubting if they'd not succumbed to demonic corruption more than once.

Skyla is not currently in Eulevir, but she should soon be. She hails from an elven enclave who tried to hide through magic and trickery, rather than military might. It worked well enough.. for a time. But things have become too dangerous and her people, always in small groups to avoid detection, are now moving to Eulevir.

Skyla is currently sitting in the back of a small wagon, whilest the elven spirit seer ahead leads the path, chanting a soft prayer to keep them hidden. She thinks of him because right now he coughs loudly... the magic is rather draining. "Keep focusing, Yandur, soon we'll be in Eulev- No!" Mandas, the guard of the coach shouts, as a 'thunk' noise followed by a soft, cut off scream from the front alerts you to trouble.

A peek outside the Wagon reveals that the poor seer has been impaled by a large, crude metal blade and the attackers.. Goat-men. Muscular humanoids with the heads of goats and furred legs, yet a chest and arms like a man. They growl at the tiny group of elves with malicious intent.. although one notices Skyla peeking, and leers at her with an undeniably different, but no less savage expression...

Skyla has to decide quickly... she is a decent shot, and there's a bow in the wagon, she could join the fight and deal with those creatures.. althoug there are many.
Or she could use the opportunity to flee from the dangerous creatures. Try and sneak her path towards Eulevir, her people have never been warriors after all, but can she even make it all on her own?

(Please start by describing your character shortly.. then what do? Fight or Flee? Hint.. the red option is likely not gonna lead to success...)
Standing at 5’ 9”, Skyla’s midnight black fell to halfway down her back when let down fully, but most of the time she kept it mostly in two twin tails with ribbons. She had pale skin and a large bust, but none of these could stand out as much as her eyes. It was practically unheard of to have golden eyes, and the exotic color old served to make Skyla into an even greater beauty. Skyla was young for an elf, only 24. Barely a young adult, but most didn't even notice. The monstrous world had a way of forcing people to mature fast or die young, especially after seeing her parents kill by the monsters in the world. Despite that she grew into a cheerful and determined girl. At time she was also playful and other, serious.

The trip was nerve racking yet exciting, in a way that only danger could bring. She had been traveling in the back of the wagon for days now with the others from her small community, heading to the only place that could possibly give them some protection from the influx of demonic spawn finding its way into her world, The Kingdom of Eulevir. While slightly exciting to be traveling away from the small home she had known before she couldn't help but grow board after having been forced to stay in the wagon for the entire trip. Yandur said something about making it harder to conceal them if they stepped out of the wagon when they traveled. Her silent complaining to herself ended as she heard Yandur let out a few more coughs. That wasn't a good sign.

She could hear Mandas saying something when he suddenly yelled! She shot up and peaked her head out. The scene of Yandur impaled on a rusty slab of iron that could barely be called a sword would be in her nightmares for a while. Goatmen! "Shit!" The monsters corrupted by demonic energy were a plague upon the world, and now there were so many of them coming for her tiny group of refugees! The one who looked right at her sent chills down her spine. She knew instinctively that one was especially dangerous for some reason.

Instantly, almost without thinking Skyla grabbed for the bow and arrows by her. She was much better with a sword than the bow, but she didn't want to be anywhere near a goatman and their brute strength! She would Fight! Maybe they would be able to scare them off or something, she naively thought. She pulled the arrow back and quickly shot it towards the one who had seen her!

The arrow shot impacts the goatmans shoulder with a nasty sounding Thwack! .. but.. it doesn't seem to slow down the creature at all, infact, it seems encouraged, growling with a demonic voice as it charges forward, horned head ramming the carriage and causing the elfs next shot to go wide, moreso as the creature grabs her bow, trying to wrestle her for it.

Or so she thought, at least, as next the creature leans forward, extending a long, rough tongue.. and licking it along her cheek, goat-eyes drinking her in lustfully, the demon-beasts manly musk crawling into her nostrils..

Again she tries to ready her bow, or perhaps just poke the beasts eye out with an arrow, but her hand is caught, and then squeezed roughly, all the while that lewd tongue keeps licking over her, coating her cheek in warm, wet, disgusting demon-beast spittle as the horny (in more ways than one) creature leers at her, suddenly attempting to drag her out of the carriage, seeming to not care as much about the combat itself.. after sighting its price!
The thought that this might not have been a great idea entered Skyla’s head as she watched the arrow she shot literally just bounce off the charging goatman. The demon somehow seemed even more encouraged as he renewed his charge with even greater speeds towards her. Unnerved, Skyla was slow getting her next shot ready, but it didn't matter at that point as the horned monster actually rammed head first into the wagon! Skyla immediately thrown off balance, and almost even fell straight on her ass. Before she had anytime to recover, the beast grabbed her bow!

Everything was happening to fast! She was prepared to do whatever she could get her bow back, if needed she would just have to drop it! That's when it happened. Skyla froze in horror as the beasts tongue suddenly licked her, leaving a sickening warm and wet feeling along her face. The look in his eyes brought a new round of terror in her. The manly musk of the goatman barely registered.

In full panic mode Skyla actually reaches for her sword at her hip, but he hand is caught before she could do anything! Not ready for the pain from the goatman squeezing her arm or for him to continue his disgusting licking, Skyla cries out! “No, Nooo!!! Get a-away from me!” Still panicking, Skyla flails her free arm at the goats head, throwing a few kicks at him as well. Unfortunately thanks to her wild kicks her center of balance was horrible, leaving her vulnerable to the sudden pulling force.

The goatman's tongue caressed along Skyla's pointed elven ear at the end of a long, lustful lick. Likely not to tease her, but the side-effect of the beasts primal musk as it reached out to grab her helpless body.
To the creature's credit, it seems to oblige the first part of Skyla's request, getting away from here. But not away from her, as it snatched off the elf-girl, her struggling and kicking only provoking it to bleak disapprovingly, before punching her lower belly, driving all breath out of her as it picked her up and over it's shoulders.

Skyla was dizzily disoriented as the creature carried her along, clearly animalistic, but intelligent enough to know to secure it's price. Skyla heard one of her companions shout, before the two of them disappeared over the hill, past several large, dark leaf carrying trees.
The goat-beasts stink reminded her of the urgent danger of her situation, but it's strong, muscular arm easily held her secure. Skyla remembered that these creatures were the equivalent of foot-soldiers in demonic armies... tough, dumb enough to control with ease, but with a malicious instinct of their own.

Skyla found herself half dropped, half pressed down, the creature towering above her, sniffing at her, clearly enjoying her scent, whilest she felt the cool, damp forest ground below her. Rather than focusing on disabling her, the creature gripped the clothing by her chest, tearing it apart, hot bestial saliva dripping onto her half-freed cleavage, as the creature's tongue licked over her cheek. The elf was disgusted at the demonic fluids dripping onto her.. disgusted, but in an oddly warm, perverse way. What had her clan-elders taught her again.. these creatures bodily fluids twisted the arousal of especially females to their own desires.... was that why the creature almost intentionally smeared its spit all over her?
Sparks of pleasure shot through her as the long hot tongue licked along her sensitive pointed ear. Her head felt a little numb as the pleasure hit her. At the same time, thanks to the pause in her panic, the full force of the demonic manly musk hit at the same time!

Scared of the sudden pleasure and of the goatman reaching for her Skyla started to renew her punching and kicking only for the goatman to easily grab her and pull her away from the wagon! It make some noise that sounded… disapproving... as her punches proved ineffective once again. That didn't apply to the goatman's own punches unfortunately. He easily drove his fist into Skyla's lower belly, making her gasp as all the air left her lungs! Her vision went fuzzy and consciousness became vague. Such was the strength that the goatman punched Skyla with.

By the time that Skyla caught her breath once again, overcome the pain, and stopped herself from blacking out, she found herself being carried on the goatman's shoulder! She could make out someone from the caravan yell out as she was carried away from the others.Suddenly remembering what was happening Skyla started to resist once again, but the arm holding her didn't budge no matter what she did. The feeling of danger she felt was growing stronger as they moved farther away from the others.

Suddenly the beast half dropped, half pressed her down onto the damp forest floor while sniffing her scent. The beast easily tore away at least half of her dress covering her large tits. The wat that it then drooled its saliva down onto her was disgusting… in a good way. She could feel her body heating up as she started to desire its attention! Something was unnatural about it all… something about a warning from the village elders. The goatman's saliva was an aphrodisiac or something like that, but Skyla couldn't make out what was so bad about that… it felt good, and something in her needed more.

The creature leered.. yes, that was definitly the expression it had for her, leering down on her. It seemed to approve of her feminine assets and energetically explored them with great enthusiasm, although not in those words. The beast squished her breasts exploratorily, the tip of something red and inhuman looking rising out of its fur, although Skyla's attention was quickly taken by something else...

Two large, sweaty fingers pushed into the trapped elves mouth. At first she thought this was to silence her, but then instead the goatman pushed her mouth open, leaning down to give her a messy kiss. She could feel the creatures hot spit messily mixing with her mouth's saliva as the creature leaned back, twirling it's fingers about in her mouth, toying with her as the creature leaned down, licking along her breasts and tearing on to remove more of her clothing. It was.. disgusting, the hot, sticky saliva, the sweaty, musky scent of the creature, the taste of it's dirty fingers.. Dirty.. and arousing.

Even more intense than the feelings of disgust was the sensation of arousal and lust. The trapped elf wanted to smell more. Taste more. Feel more. The goat-man invigorating a primal, feminine instinct to give in to the dominant beasts stink, appealing, no, magnifiying a base-female urge to mate with a fertile male specimen, details like it's demonic nature and filthy nature melting away as that rough goat-tongue slathered her breasts in warm salliva like an elf-popsicle.
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Just from the way the beast was looking at her made Skyla felt like she was being violated, not to mention the way that it started to explore her body. It was pawing her moderate bust, squishing her breasts with its hands. Somehow even in this situation, feeling the callous hands running over her nipples made the pink cherries harden in shameful arrousal. Skyla wasn't the only one who was getting aroused as the tip of some red and inhuman cock started to poke slightly out of the matted fur of the beast!

Skyla started in open mouth horror until without warning, two the the beasts huge fingers were pushed into her mouth! Wh-what was it doing?! Was it just trying to make sure she couldn't call out to the others? The thoughts went through her mind in rapid fire until her mouth was pried open! The beast started kissing her! The beast practically filled her mouth with his demonic saliva. As it broke the kiss, the saliva started to mix with her own. At the same time its fingers started to move about preventing her from spitting the hot mess out and even somewhat forcing her to swallow at least some of the messy concoction. Out of the corner 9f her eye, Skyla could see the beast’s other hand reaching for her clothing! With its strength it didn't take much to rip most of the rest of her clothing from her body. Shivers of disgust and shame ran through her as she felt a hot and slimy tongue licking her now bare breasts. It was perhaps the most disgusting thing Skyla had ever experienced. The taste of the hot and sticky saliva, or its dirty firngers. Even the sweaty musk that just wafted off of the beast was dirty and disgusting… yet something in her, primal instincts found it all so arousing…

Somehow, even though she was disgusted to her core, she felt much more arrousal and lust for the beast’s touch! She wanted to bury her face into its fur and breath in its musk. She wanted it to touch and taste her body more! She wanted more, and more! The longer this went on, and the more attention she received from the goatman, the more the primal instincts of a female took control!

The creature above Skyla panted heavily, if that was from the view it got or the extertion of abducting her.. or just it's nature, she couldn't tell. Nor was that her primary concern, as that thick, long tongue kept exploring her once pure skin. With little warning, the creature grabbed her aroused nipples and tugged on them, lustfully watching her reaction.. well, in a lustful, wicked way, it appreciated her body at least.

The creature pushed aside Skyla's legs, clearly wanting to get its stinky hands on the treasure between, still panting and drooling and stinking and so undeniably arousing to the elf-girl as the muscular goat reached out, hand gripping in between her legs, squeezing, exploring and testing the elf-girls body curiously, a bit of the demon-goats saliva dripping onto her as she felt it's coarse fur up against her own legs.. it was pulling her close to be bred, positioning itself, ready to take her...

and her body felt too tingly and wobbly to fight it off in time. Or rather, a part of her wanted to just let this happen.. it'd feel good and her disruptive worries would melt away once she got properly fucked. She could feel her body stir and shiver as the warm, no.. the hot tip of it's shaft pressed up against her lower belly, the creature holding her down by her shoulders, overpowering her with primal lust. It'd defile her and once it did, how could she ever go back...

And then, she felt the creature's shaft prodding at her pussy.
The beast was panting heavily above her, just like its touch, its breath smelled disgusting but somehow it was arousing to the weak elf girl. Though the problem of its breath was just in the background of her mind as once again, the beasts tongue started to explore her pale and her once pure skin! Right after the beast suddenly grabbed her cherry pink nipples and tugged on them! Skyla cried out as pain and pleasure rushed through her, with the pleasure gradually overcoming the pain! She lost control of her body from the extreme feelings for a short time!

Because of her being still weak from the beasts previous attack, and her own desires, Skyla onlu had a weak resistance to the beast pushing her legs open! The beast was starting to drool onto her lower stomach and pant even more as it sighted its prize! While Skyla was once again entranced by the disgusting and arousing behavior of the beast, it took its time pawing and exploring much of Skyla's private area. She was highly aware of every time the beast touched her, leaving her hot and aroused wherever ever she was touched. Some part in the back of her mind started screaming in horror as she realized that she was being pulled closer to its crotch, to a better position to be thoroughly bred!

The horror brought by this revelation somehow wasn't stronger than the arousal and lust she was currently feeling! Though it was hopeless as even if the freed herself from the lust and tried to fight back, her body had no strength left in it. Maybe the demonic fluids were also a relaxant, or her body just couldn't bear fighting back against this predator. Predator, and prey! She was an excellent prey who couldn't help but want to be ravaged by the beast! Her whole body tingled in pleasure and grew warm in anticipation just at the thought! There it was! The hot tip of his cock rested against her lower belly, just right above where her womb was! She had the sudden notion that there was no way that cock was all going to fit, and that only made the horny elf even wetter! She had never felt this kind of need before, and deep down she knew she couldn't survive without it after what was about to happen…

Suddenly the hot tip moved from her belly to rub right up against the soaking wet entrance to her pussy!

(Edited. That monstrosity of a post is what I get for trying to write on my phone while also tired. )
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To the goat-creature Skyla's writhing was just an indication of a healthy female, panting below it, waiting to be bred.
She'd not have to wait for long.
It just happened. There was no warning, ceremony or decorum, the creature just took her, thrust deep within her and filled her with its fleshy heat, still growling and drooling onto her once pure body. The creature grabbed her hips, steadying itself and thrusting deep, before pulling back out, pushing into her, humping her. It's long tongue slithered out to lick over her, lick her face and grunt lustfully, poisoning her body with this unnatural arousal.

The creatures thrusting was designed to push that excess goat-cock meat into her, it seemed, filling her up and stretching her with unnatural virility, as her mind was assaulted by primal desires, primal scents and lusts. The goat-man gritted his teeth and drove himself deep into her, thrusting in and out of her, humping her with an inhuman ferocity, easily picking up her lithe body.. and then she felt it a warm, gooey sensation deep within her, giving her body little chance to writhe in growing lust before the goat pulled out, a stinking, reeking splash of hot cum oozing out of her.. it smelled so delicious.. before she was pulled over, pulled around and pushed onto all fours, the demon still hard and more than ready, positioning her...

and just pistoning right back into her waiting sex. Whatever the Salliva had done to her, the goat-cum was a hundred times worse. Her sex ached.. her legs tingled.. as did her head. Small, harmlessly curly goat-girl horns forming on her forehead as her legs felt tingly and melty, thick, dark fur growing on them, although her goat-lover didn't seem to care, just pumping away into her in bestial frenzy, even as with a piercing sensation a bushy tail grew from her back. Throughout all of this, the goats scent never grew less intense or disgusting, but that was fine, it felt so good to get fucked and that scent told her she was about to get fucked. What more could she want? She could feel her goat-pussy puff up in hungry need at the coaxing corruption of that demon-seed, refitting itself to perfectly service the mighty male taking her right now...

(btw, re-review your prior post, I feel like autocorrect assaulted it something bad. :p)
The weak struggling that Skyla managed before being further violated by the beast seemed to only encourage it and increase its arrousal! The almost painfully short wait for the over sized beast cock to drive into her was only driving her lust to greater heights from being so close to release! She finally recieved the great beast's cock without warning. The hot rod of flesh pierced to the greatest depths of her pussy in just one thrust! It filled her in a way that none had before, it felt right being so full of goatman cock! Being driven on by the heavy pants and aprodistic saliva, it didn't take long for Skyla to actually lose herself and push her hips back against her predator! With its beautiful hands holding her hips steady and Skyla’ willingness, the goatman could pound her cunt all it wanted into submission! And fuck he did! He even started to rub his slimy tongue across her face as she was positioned her to be able to thrust into her deeper.

For a demonic beast, he was skillfully thrusting every inch of goat meat of his cock into the now lusty elf. With each thrust Skyla was stuffed with a bit more of his cock, slowly stretching her out, breaking her for any lesser men and claiming her as his own. With his cock now inside of her, the mental assault of unnaturally strong desires and primal lust was renewed and was stronger than before! Skyla cried out in pure bliss as she could feel her lover getting closer and closer to simultaneous climax! As the speed of the thrusting increased, Skyla's eyes gradually started to roll back as she felt pleasure she had never felt before! She was being fucked so hard that her lower body was being practically held in the air by the beasts cock! And it felt so good! She could never go back to anything other than demonic goat cock after this!

Then it finally happened. The beast gave one last thrust, knocking right on her womb, and released his evil and disgusting seed! The already tainted air was tainted further as the overwhelming scent of delicious beast cum filled the air from the thick wads of cum leaking out if her pussy! An intense urge to scoop up some of the leakage and taste it over came her, but before she could, she was suddenly push ed d and pulled by her lover till she was on all fours in front of him!

One thrust later, and Skyla was once again getting fucked into total submission! There was a tingling quickly spreading through her from her lower body. It was just like what had happened with the saliva but 100 times worse! Everything tingled, especially her legs and head but her sex ached… then small and cute curly horns suddenly sprouted from her head! At the same time, her legs went soft and started to feel warm as dark fur sprouted from them! Skyla was alarmed about the changes… until the next thrust, then she cared more about milking some more seed from her lover instead of her changes! Skyla cried out in ecstacy as the changes continued as a sharp pain went through her as a new bushy tail sprouted from her spine. The goat scent in the air was only growing stronger as Skyla was fucked and more cum leaked out of her cunt. It felt soo good to be fucked… and the scent was only driving her pleasure onwards. Her mind was changing from the pleasure… it was all she needed now… was there anything else she could ever want? Something changed in her pussy as it became puffy and even tighter, milking her lover for more of his demonic seed!

The goat-man growled triumphantly, relishing his deep thrusts into his corruption-prey victim, thrusting into her and continuing to fuck her roughly, fill her up with it's beast-cum, whilest her head felt with beast-slut thoughts. She needed this, she needed more of this, to obey this, to be a slave to the beast-cock and it's magnificent musk that a part of her she no longer cared about still identifed as stink. The demonic-corruption had set nice roots into her.. not to make her a strong beast like this one, but an obediant bitch to it's whims.

It thrust deep into her, taking her pussy, fucking her like an animal and filling her with more warmth, whilest her higher thiking... well it was still with her but it was far less important than being a goat-slut for the mighty demonbeast to fuck. With a lowd, bellowing bleak the creature pushed deep into her, filling up her already sloppy pussy, before pulling out, it's cum oozing out of her and from it's shaft.. a shaft presented to the slut for the licking.. it's scent was overwhelming, a goat in heat.. just like her scent.

As the goat leaned back, his new goatslut attending to his shaft, there was a red glow upon Skyla's lower belly and womb, a set of runes, vaguely resembling the image of a goat-head claiming her as she slowly felt her very soul and free will dissolving into a pleasant haze of goat-lust. She was his slut now.. and would serve however he desired her to...

Ending 1: The Goat-Slut

(You can respond, but also, time to reset with the other choice, uwah!)
Hearing the Goatman’s triumphant growl, Skyla opened her mouth to thank her Master for fucking her, but suddenly discovered she could remember how to speak. Naturally an animal couldn't speak, and not bothered at all by this revelation, Skyla moaned her thanks instead as she once again received a hot and sticky gift inside her womb! Gradually she lost her thoughts as well to her inner goat slut, becoming animalistic in nature. The goat slut only desired, needed, more and more goat cum for her slutty womb! A slave to her demonic master, and his amazing musk! Although there was now a very tiny part of her still repulsed by the majestic smell, it was impossible for it to unroot the demonic corruption brought through the musk and cum! It had turned her into an obedient bitch, and she loved it!

Her body felt like it was starting to melt once again with each thrust of the hot rod of goat meat, at the same time her mind was going blank, at least the part that didnt have anything to do with begging and moaning for more cock. Skyla joined the beast’s howl of pleasure with her own as she once again felt her already sloppy pussy being filled with cum. Overcome by orgasmic pleasure, it took a moment to realize that her master had pulled out of her and that his cock was now twitching in front of her, covered in all the amazing juices she could ever want! The pure scent of goat sex that wafted from the cock… the instinctual knowledge that she now smelled just like pure sex as well… that she was in heat, gave another mini-orgasam to the goat-slut!

Her eyes lit up and immediately got to work, licking it like a lollipop, and then taking as much as she could down her throat! She moaned around her master’s dick as intense pleasure came with the forming of the runes over her womb. With the completion of the goat-head rune, everything that made Skyla who she was, melted down and was reforged into Goat-slut! She lived to serve, to please… to breed!

Ending Get!


She could hear the screams of the men outside the wagon, they were panic inducing and unsettling. The thought of helping to fight briefly crossed her mind, but she had always been told how strong the demonic army was. It took multiple men to take down the grunts, and there were alot of grunts outside and not enough fighters. She needed to get out and try and survive! She grabbed her stuff in her backpack, took a glance to see where she could run, and then took off in a sprint from the back of the wagon! She ran off into the woods in whatever direction the enemy was! She was Fleeing!
Skyla took off, having decided that challenging the goat creatures was marginally more dangerous than trying to push onwards to the sanctuary all on her own.
She gathered her things and, somehow, managed to rush away from the goatmen assault, into the woods, panting and exhausted, sweat dropping from her brow as she.. just ran.

It wan't heroic, but it'd keep her going. Keep her alive. Or well.. at least, nonenslaved by twisted demon creatures.
Of course, the forest had a danger all in it's own, and she had not the time to be silent, even with her elven grace allowing her to skip over roots and avoid branches with unerring dexterity.

What she could not avoid, was the howl of a wolf nearby.. and a shiver of cold worry ran down the back of her neck. Just what kind of wolves would live in these demon-infested lands? Well, if she was unlucky, she was about to find out....
She'd have to make her way through the forest, but how could she best escape?
Run for it as best as she could (Bad end later!)
Run for it, but without risking too much (continuing!)
Be cautious and walk at a brisk, sneaky pace (Bad end naow!)
Having run away from the fight with the goatmen, her choices started to weigh down on her as she entered into the dark forest. It hurt that she had to run but she knew deep down that it was the right choice. As she went further and further into the forest, skipping over tree roots and other obstacles with unerring elven grace. She started to grow tired after minutes of full sprinting, and started to slow down her pace.

That's when she heard it… a wolf's howl off in the distance. The sure tell sign that it was on the hunt! The demonic forces clearly had ownership of the forest, what with the goatmen coming out of them… how much more dangerous would a demonic wolf be compared to a normal one? She needed to get out of here. She had heard tales of how far some goatmen had gone to chase women and those wolves were nearby. With that all in mind, Skyla once again sped up to a sprint and went further into the forest! She ran for it as best as she could.
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Skyla rushed onwards, skipping over roots and trees. it would not take all that long to leave the vicious wolves behind, not at this pace. Infact, her senses couldn't pick up anything soon, the creatures left behind.. with her speed she only ever so barely registred it.. the strange, white lichen on the ground and on the tree trunks, squishing ever so slightly under her feet...

And then it slurped, and off came her boot. Skyla stumbled forwards, catching her fall with as much remaining grace as she could muster.. with a //splorch// sound as her hand impacted the white matter on the tree.. on closer examination, it seemed to be some kind of mushroom-growth, she wasn't quite sure of that. It took quite the effort to pull her hand away from the sticky substance, time she spent half bent over and, ever so slightly and ladylike of course, cursing.

At least it seemed that the wolves hadn't pursued her, perhaps knowing of this part of the deeper forest.

That was when she heard it, an odd.. squishing sound, some sort of green creature.. a mobile plant? Wiggling closer.. it was about half of skyla's height, a bulbous body, with little tendril-like feelers for legs that were coated in a strange mucous allowing it to traverse the white growth with ease. At the top of it was a weird, stalk-like growth that ended up in a thick, wet opening. A plant? A strange demonic creature? Whatever it was it seemed to be symbiotic with the white growths, having spotted Skyla, like a spider in a web, and now it approached.. was it going to eat Skyla?

She struggled to get free, when, with little ceremony and decorum, rather than devour her the thick, wet stalk slapped up against her bottom and tried to worm its way into her pants, gurling slightly and dripping a warm, sticky liquid...
Once again skipping and leaping over the obstacles of the dark forest floor, Skyla felt like she was outrunning the wolfs, and eventually she couldn't sense anything coming towards her anymore. That didn't mean that she immediately started to slow down, no she needed to keep the pace for a little while longer to make absolutely sure she lost them. It was because of that speed that she didn't notice the white lichen on the forest floor or on the trunks of passing trees. It squished slightly as she stepped on patches.

It wasn't long till her shoe was suddenly ripped from her foot by an incredibly sticky patch of the white lichen! Her previous force sent her flying forward, and with as much grace as she could manage, Skyla stopped herself from face planting into a tree. Though as she stopped herself with her hand, an especially wet squelch came from where her hand was… Her hand was stuck in the white stuff… some sort of mushroom-growth. Skyla tugged and pulled yet it didn't feel like she was making any progress on removing her hand! She was bent over unlady like and cursed with each tug.

Maybe this was the reason she had lost the wolfs so easily in their own home.

As the thought came to an end, she noticed a weird squishing sound coming from behind her! A green colored...plant thing? Was coming towards her! Her feminine instincts were warning her about the stalk like growth on top of the plant, and she started to panic as it got closer and closer to her! She was stuck in its sticky trap, and it was coming for her! Was it going to eat her?! She resumed her efforts to free herself, only resulting in her pose becoming even more vulnerable and unlady like. That's when she felt something soft and warm hit her ass. The plant thing was trying to worm its way into her pants while releasing some warm and sticky liquid all over her ass and pants! She needed to free herself soon!
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The wiggling elf found her hands stuck in a peculiarly nasty way- the white lichen seemed to be just yielding enough to allow for her to pull her hand away, but also incredibly stretchy, meaning she'd just tire herself out with it.. however, she actually made admirable progress, freeing one hand, and, seeing as she couldn't reach the slobbering thing on her bottom, roughly tugging on her other hand, coming free and falling backwards....

Right against the plant that was, she realized, not going for her ass, as the strange tube on it's bulbous body pushed itself right up into her sex.
The sensation was oddly pleasant a wet, sticky slurping sound as smooth plant-flesh invaded her, before a sudden disgorging of fluids filled her up, a gushing of white, slightly yellow glistening .. stuff.. pouring into her, the plant-thing pumping into her, dislodging a large load of strange fluid right into her sex...

And then, before she could even fight it further, the plant just.. withdrew, leaving her messy and dripping, with a slight swell of her lower belly and a woozyness from the experience of the creature filling her up.. and just backing off, as if in filling her this aggressively, the plant-things duty had been done. It even wobbled back slightly, leaving her some space if she moved threateningly enough.. of course she couldn't move fast, unless she wanted to get stuck again.

But still, the emberassment aside, Skyla seemed to have just made her way away from the disgusting plant creature.. even better, in the distance, her sharp elven senses she could hear the rushing of water. She'd just clean herself off and then... and then.. Her clothes felt tight, mostly around the hips and her lower belly..

That wasn't it, she realized, with a shock, staring down.. she was swelling up, looking four or five months pregnant already!
The nasty, sticky substance seemed to give away slightly with each tug, giving hope to the girl that she might be able to escape before the demonic plant thing got inside of her pants! It stretched more and more till she actually managed to free a hand, though she tired herself out during the process. She immediately figure that it was a better decision to free her other arm before even thinking of dealing with whatever was touching her! With one final giant tug, the girl freed herself, though her momentum was enough for her to fall backwards!

And land right on the plant's stalk like thing! It pushed itself right into her sex, having moved her clothing enough to uncover her own flower! There was a wet *slurp* as the plant flesh easily penetrated deep into her, all the way up to her womb! In the the few seconds of pure shock that hit Skyla, the plant started to pour white and slightly yellow fluids into her, so much that there was a large amount gushing out of her pussy!

Skyla came out of her shock and was about to jump away, when the plant flesh just… withdrew? She was starting to feel really woozy from whatever just happened, and her lower belly was sore with swelling. She could feel the creature backing off now, as if it had no further need of her. “W-what just...happened? What did... you do to me?” She asked aloud, her mind unfocused, yet focused enough to know she needed to get away! She had to slowly make her way past other patches of white stickiness in order to make sure she couldn't become stuck once again.

It felt good to know she had put distance between her and the creature, yet in the back of her mind she knew in this state, if the creature wanted to catch her again it would have no problem doing so. She could even hear moving water in the distance. The thought of cleaning herself off and getting any left over gunk out of her womb was a huge motivator to keep moving! Its then that she finally noticed how tight her clothing was, especially around her hips.

Shock coursed through her as she looked down at her belly, which was supposed to flat like usual, but instead it looked like she was already four or five months pregnant already! “O-oh by the gods, this isn't good…” She muttered almost apathetically from the shock. Was something something growing inside of her, or was it just a huge amount of gunk stuck inside of her womb still? Skyla started to feel dizzy from a mix of panic, shock, and horror. ‘The stream… I need to get to the stream…’ The thought rang out in her mind, and she started to try to stumble away towards the noise.