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Exotic Exponent


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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A CYOA isn't my style, but it did help me generate some ideas. I'm going to continue the story, though there will still be room for reader input. Feel free to post reviews and suggestions.

Chapter +1
And so I thought, 'Why Not?'

The Mini-top's groan woke her up. She understood the bunny type's plight, both from having a hangover as well, and telepathically reading the other's mind. She also knew what the Mini-top would say before she said it. "Ow. I need a healing cycle.

Before the moaning Pokegirl noticed, she focused her energies. Finding her center, the poisonous side effect of the night before were removed from her system, any damage was reversed. Following up, her physical attributes changed; her large tail disappeared, her thick rubbery skin becoming smooth, her legs morphing from digitigrade to a sexy human woman's, and the pronounced eyebrow muscles and slight muzzle giving way to her human face, framed by vibrant purple hair. All before her bed partner noticed.

"Get up, Mini-top," Amada ordered. "I should not have to tell you to drink and eat." She glared at the naked Mini-top, ignoring the rude and threatening thoughts that were meant for her to pick up. She relaxed when the swearing creature stumbled her way into the kitchen. It was aggravating, dealing with the hung over Mini-top every other morning, but it was impossible to tame her while she was sober, as she had a habit of thinking the most violent and repulsive ways to tame possible. At least the Mini-top stopped futilely trying to kill her every now and then.

Telepathically keeping track of the Mini-top, she started up her computers with another set of thoughts as she walked into her tiny office. Her apartment was the smallest she could put up with, but it took less effort to keep to herself that way. Plus, she didn't exactly need to type with her hands. The screens each flashed in sequence, displaying each different log on screen before loading up the applications she used to manage her little financial empire.

She occasionally gave the stock exchanges of the world a glance, noting a wild fluctuation in Capital due to resurgence of security business, and some interesting boons to her stocks from Tropical. She was still having trouble acquiring major stocks in a company, but she wasn't ready to run one in person anyway. Maybe in Crimson if the new laws she caught wind of were passed.

Her other machines kept track of more important things. The various people around the league she kept tabs on, by way of their Pokedex update through the back doors she found on the Blue League's Satellite Network. Mostly Tamers she bought Pokegirls from on Pokebay, but also a few pet owners, ranch hands, law officials, bureaucrats and government employees. On one screen, she had a whole quarter of it dedicated to keeping track of her newest charge, displaying everything from what lines the information was coming to her through to a live video feed from his dex's camera.

Unfortunately, his dex was in sleep mode. GPS tracking, video and audio feed, Pokeball monitoring, heart rate monitor, automated menace detector were all turned off. The only thing that was on was the passive wireless up link, which is how she knew the tamer was back in the Spanking Meadows (temporary) PokeCenter. Of course, at eight in the morning, that wasn't unusual. She checked his history, discovering that he hadn't checked in, which was unusual, but occasionally a NurseJoy didn't bother to check in a tamer she was distracted by.

Even though she wouldn't call him a normal person, tamer often fell into the habits of waking up later in the day. So she didn't give him another thought, letting herself get distracted by her other projects for a few hours.

At half past ten, she began to be concerned. Even if he wasn't awake, his starter at least would have turned it on for him. Dexs weren't supposed to be off anyway, since important messages like All Calls were sent to a Tamer's dexs. But she let it slide. She didn't want the man to feel like she was intruding. After witnessing the aftermath of what he did to the Limbecs that ran afoul of him, she wanted to avoid getting on his bad side.

As noon hour she became annoyed. His dex was still in sleep mode, but was also still sending passive data to the PokeCenter router. But she continue to let it slide, starting up a few casual games to pass the time while she waited for something to happen.

At quarter past one, she let her attention slip from her projects to focus on the Mini-top. She had given the girl the task of cooking, and while the violent bunny type was adverse to doing domestic work, it did have a calming effect on her as well.

It was vegetarian cooking, but neither of them could eat meat anyway. "Not bad, but far too peppery for a human's taste. And rotten cucumbers will make them sick, so don't use those next time."

"Like I'll ever cook for a pathetic human," the Mini-top shot back. Amada kept telling the girl she would eventually be given to a human, and the misandrist would always roll her eyes. At least she stopped thinking about killing men for fun, having been tamed by a few since being acquired by Amada. And as it turned out, she was leaning a bit towards heterosexuality ever since.

"I just haven't found one you want to live with yet. Don't worry, he'll be a good ma-" Amada began, being interrupted by a flashing window on one of her screens. She was concerned is was another pop-up add for the Jenova's Witnesses. Those things were so impossibly invasive, she almost believed the rumors that a Virus VideoGirl was going around uploading them manually. After a second glance, she saw it was an alert she had tied to the Spanking Meadow's Police Department.

Barely avoiding panic, she telekentically pulled her suit out the closet and jumped into it, followed by clean socks and shoes. She turned to the Mini-top, "I have to go. Do not break anything, and do not leave. You may only attack someone that breaks in," then teleported to the roof of the Spanking Meadows Police Department.

She opened her mind to the world, actively scanning to find out what the panic was. A Joy at the center called in a robbery. Teleporting to the Center, she peered into the only mind within.

Laude, the NurseJoy, had awoken for her shift. She was a little late, but Macy, the other Joy, sometimes didn't wake her. She noticed something was a miss when she walked out of the back her the cot and the conditioning machine was in. The primary storage module and healing machine was missing, leaving two wide cavities in the counter they were hidden in. The window provided plenty of light, which was needed as the light bulbs were removed from the ceiling. The chairs were also missing. Running around she discovered that the desks were removed from upstairs, as were half of the linens, all the cleaning supplies, all the mattresses, the looks on the doors, the faucets on all the plumbing (which was turned off), and the hidden computer terminal in the storage room. The MaidYvette that cleaned the place was also missing, as were several ceiling tiles all over the facility.

Adama's balled her fists, and concentrated her every mental effort to maintaining her cool. She had just lost track of the most important person she had ever come across. Someone that could change her life for the better, if she could curry his favor. And now he was gone, either killed by whoever raided the PokeCenter... or the Mastermind behind the heist. That had to be it. Teamers always gave obvious clues as to what they were up to and left glaringly obvious clues that they did it, but this man could just do things.

She needed to find him, but first had to protect him from the authorities, who would have some detective teleporting in throughout the day. She needed to find that dex.