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Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


Demon Girl
Jul 21, 2012
Reputation score
Preface: I've lurked on this forum for far too long. How about I give something back, and do something fun? We're gonna do a little choose your own adventure game going with a variant of old-school rules. I mean REALLY old school.

What do I mean? You'll know it when you see it. Or not, if you aren't familiar. But trust me, this is a real system, and I swear I won't be making things up any more than I would if we were at a table together.

The game will be simple:

You will vote on which character enters the dungeon. Then, each time I post, which I hope will be daily, you will get a series of options. You may only pick one. They will be constrained, but not tedious. There will be no "press x to attack" options over and over, instead it'll be more along the lines of major choices in the first place, such as whether to fight, cast a powerful magic spell, etc.

Oh, and expect some of your girls to lose. But then, this is a dungeon of lust, I think you'll like the result of losing.

So let's get this show on the road. It's time for...

Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Nobody knows how it happened. How the dungeon got here. Some say it pre-dates the existence of humanity, but even the elves don't know its source. It doesn't matter now. For now it has become a lightning rod, a locus of adventurers and heroes who hope to brave it for the riches within. But so few have succeeded. How many lives have been lost to its depths? How many souls have been quenched by the fires within? Once again, nobody knows, but I begin to fear that the cost is greater than what it is worth. I begin to fear that the dungeon is a trap. A lure. And in recent days, I begin to hear its call... - From the Last Papers of the Scholar Eleanor d'Salve.

The Dungeon of Lust lies at the foothills of an ancient mountain range. It is entirely underground, or so it is believed. No other entrance except the one has been found, a sort of ruined temple, crumbling and ancient, its writings so old that not even the elves know it.

Incidentally, there is one important thing to note about this dungeon: Only women are allowed entrance. And only one at a time.

A town has cropped up nearby. It is the sort of boom town you'd expect from a gold rush, hastily built wooden buildings with grandiose facades facing the main street, an economy based entirely on extracting treasure from those brave enough to seize it, and providing for the needs of all of those foolish enough to brave the depths.

We begin there.

The Town of Ox Cross

Within the town you will find several important locales.

Kobold Pie Tavern - A gathering place for adventurers and heroes; the home of the several prostitutes on hand; an eatery for those who don't wish to cook themselves; Kobold Pie Tavern is a local fixture, and a center of trade. Here one can indulge in worldly delights, or even just the pleasure of company.

End-of-the-Road Temple - there are no individual temples to the various gods in this town. It's too small. So all must make do with this ramshackle building. It leaks in the rain, it has no fancy accouterments except for a few old relics purchased from delving adventurers. But followers of all the gods are welcome, and there are idols to each. It is a peaceful place, one where a person can go to purify herself.

The Wicker Golem General Store - Its mascot is a long-defeated wicker golem hanging from the roof. This is the second most important place in town to an adventurer. Here one can buy all the important items, such as rope, oil, torches, and even ten foot poles and iron rations. The owner, Wickson -and yes there is a story there- generally provides adventurers with a nice "dungeon package" that provides all the essentials for a single (inflated) price. Weapons and armor are extra, of course.

The Arcane Square - Several small buildings off in their own little cul de sac, this is where various magical items, alchemical admixtures, tomes and artifacts are traded, sold, and discussed. There is even now a magical library, incomplete as it is, working out of a hastily built shack.

The Bank of the Stolid Dwarf - No dwarves actually work here, but the name is meant to inspire confidence. Here you find a safe place to put all your hard-earned gold, along with safe deposit boxes for your treasures. It's safer for them to be honest, so your things will usually be safe.


Now we come to your first choice, as we slowly push our way into an adventure. You must choose our first victi- I mean adventurer! Yes, she will escape totally unharmed, without any horribly arousing things done to her. Don't you agree?

In any case, please vote, A, B, C, D, or E! (There will surely be more choices later after one or more of these girls reach the end of their adventure. But that will come later!)

A.) Louise de la Valliere, human noblewoman - Louise is the young fifth daughter of a noble house. Prideful and athletic, she has always valued competition and combat. Her energy and rigor is popular with those around her, and she set off on this quest in order to gain the resources to start her own homestead, her own family. After all, as fifth daughter, not even a son, she isn't going to inherit much, certainly not land!

Veteran (Fighter 1)
HP: 6
Armor Class: 4
THAC0: 18
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 200/2000

Strength: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 9 (+0)
Wisdom: 7 (-1)
Dexterity: 12 (+0)
Constitution: 16 (+2)
Charisma: 16 (+2)

Longsword, d8+1 damage
Chain Mail
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 18
Hair: Red (dyed, naturally brunette)
Breasts: A cups
Height: 5'0
Body type: slender
Virgin: yes

B.) Eleanor d'Salve, human scholar - Eleanor, or Ellie as she allows those close to her to call her, is a scholar who has spent two years here at the dungeon, trying to catalog all the information within. During this time she has mastered the basics of magic, and the bespectacled lass has finally decided that in order to learn more, she must make the delve herself. In the back of her mind, she fears a compulsion, but she doesn't allow that fear to stop her.

Medium (Magic User 1)
HP: 3
Armor Class: 8
THAC0: 20
Alignment: Neutral
XP: 250/2500

Strength: 7 (-1)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 9 (+0)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 9 (+0)
Charisma: 8 (-1)

Sleep - capable of taking down an entire group of enemies, or even just one very large one. Once per day.

Read Magic the ability to read scrolls, other wizards' tomes or ancient, magical writing. Once per day, but lasts all day. She generally casts it in the morning.

Dagger: 1d4-1 damage
Comfortable Clothes
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 23
Hair: Green (dyed, naturally blonde)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'5
Body type: Average
Virgin: yes, and frustrated about it.

C.) Inkyrius "Kyrie" Planetes, elfen youth - Elves have known of the dungeon of lust for a very long time, and Kyrie has heard of it from childhood. She's a prodigy, even by elfen standards, young and skilled and full of potential. As such, she's arrogant... again, even by elfen standards. She fully believes she can defeat this dungeon, and has taken great pains to do so. Could she be right?

Medium-Veteran (Elf 1)
HP: 9
Armor Class: -2
THAC0: 15
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 400/4000

Strength: 18 (+3)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 6 (-2)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 18 (+3)
Charisma: 18 (+3)

Charm Person With this spell, Kyrie can charm even a hated enemy into believing her to be their best friend. An intelligent humanoid creature as large as an ogre can be charmed, and would even fight to the death for her.

Unlike humans, elves gain magic naturally, and so no studying will allow them to learn new spells outside of leveling up, and they gain no extra spell slots for higher stats.

Platinum Comet: A magical, silvered longsword with a blazing white hilt.
- it can glow as the spell Light upon command.
- It adds +1 to attack and damage.
- It also becomes sheathed in fire when in use, giving it +1d6 damage.
Final stats: 1d8+1d6+4 damage

Shooting Star: A magic wand of great power, black like the night sky, but filled with stars when in use, which streak out as the spell Magic Missile, which does 1d6 damage and auto-hits.
Can be used 3/day, at which point the stars go out, and the blackness turns blue like the day. Regenerates at dusk the next day.

Elfen Royal Plate: +1 full plate armor.
Boots and Cloak of Elfenkind: Allow one to sneak silently and nearly invisibly. One can only notice them, if in use, with a 1/6 chance.

Age: 97
Hair: Sky Blue (natural!)
Breasts: B cups
Height: 4'10
Body type: very petite
Virgin: yes, and extremely proud of her purity, to boot.

D.) Allison "Curfew" Murphy, total bitch - Curfew is a tough chica, if you know what I mean. A human, and a burglar by trade, she's been around the block and dealt with all sorts of shit. She's out for numero uno... with one exception, her best friend from childhood, lady Agnes Castellan, who some weeks ago entered the dungeon, only to never return. Curfew will be damned to hell before she allows Agnes to die alone. And she suspects that may well be her fate, before all is said and done.

Footpad (Thief 2)
HP: 11
Armor Class: 3
THAC0: 16
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 1375/2500

Strength: 9 (+0)
Intelligence: 9 (+0)
Wisdom: 7 (-1)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 16 (+2)
Charisma: 11 (+0)

Thief Skills: thieves have the potential to pull off outrageous stunts that nobody else could manage. Climbing a sheer wall without a rope. Hiding in shadows out in the absolute open. Unlocking masterwork locks. These are not mere normal capabilities, no. These are well-nigh supernatural in nature!

Open Locks: 25%
Find or Remove Traps: 20% - a double ability. Finding traps in this case means using the ability when there is absolutely no hint given in the description of an area. Removing traps should be obvious.
Pick Pockets: 30%
Move Silently: 30%
Hide in Shadows: 20%
Climb Sheer Surfaces: 90%
Hear Noise: roll of 3 or below on a d6 - can be used when listening to a wall to hear if anything is beyond.

Bow and arrows: d8 damage
Leather Armor
Brooch of the Promise: A gift from Lady Agnes, a silver necklace with one half of a gorgeous rose design. As long as its color remains, the other party is still alive. It grants -1 AC, limited telepathy within range, and greater magical boons when both parties put their minds on it. It retains its color.
Thieves' tools
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 19
Hair: Black
Breasts: D cups
Height: 5'8
Body type: athletic
Virgin: No.

E.) Sister Olivia Marie Alistair, human priestess - Sister Olivia was once a very bad girl. So said her parents, so said her community. So she ran away. But one day, when things looked their worst, she prayed upon a roadside idol and found that the gods of Law answered her. She dedicated herself to her gods, and sought out clerical teachers. And so here she is, living as a sister of the faith at the End of the Road temple. But her gods have spoken to her again: She must delve the dungeon, and rescue those who are trapped inside. She will not rest until she has done so. She's a good girl now.

Acolyte (Cleric 1)
HP: 6
Armor Class: 2
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 150/1500

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 7 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+2)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 13 (+1)

Turning Undead (and more!)

Sister Olivia has the supernatural power to channel the radiant might of her gods against the forces of the undead. If she is successful, the undead forces will flee from her, and will not touch her even if cornered.

To do this, one must roll 2d6, and reach a number higher than the undead creature's required number. For example, a skeleton requires a 7, a zombie an 8 at this level.

Thankfully, due to the gods' grace, this power is even greater within the dungeon. Creatures of lust will react just as undead, and be turned too!

Mace: 1d6+2
Full Plate
Holy Symbol
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 21
Hair: White (dyed, for purity!)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'4
Body type: curvy
Virgin: no (she was a bad girl)
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

D.) Allison "Curfew" Murphy, total bitch

Because you always want to send in your least liked character first. Then you can clear it with your best.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

D cups
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

D.) Allison "Curfew" Murphy, total bitch, for the same reason as Bloodshifter.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

D sounds pretty legit.

That low str int and wis though.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Well, I doubt there will be another six people popping in this early to totally beat the vote, so that settles it. I guess I'm a little surprised everyone went for that without exception. But then, I have no idea what I was expecting. :D Alright, that settles it.

The crowd has spoken! D has been chosen.

Chapter 1: Past Curfew

Out of all the adventurers I met along my journey, the one I hated the most was... well, Kyrie. But everyone hated Kyrie. However, if I had to choose an adventurer I hated second most, it would undoubtedly be Curfew Murphy. This one time she stole my tampons. My tampons! Oh, she had perfectly good money, but seriously, what an outrageous bitch... - excerpts from the Last Papers of the Scholar Eleanor d'Salve

"Why would you do that?!" cried out the little church sister. Curfew just snickered to herself. It was funny, really. Stealing an acolyte's holy symbol while she was drunk and unconscious at the bar was bad enough. She supposed it was technically blasphemy. But when Curfew found that nobody would pawn it (since everybody recognized it as little Olivia's) she gave it back. And woke up the poor skank with a nice fondle of her ample breasts and caress of her delicate lady parts.

"Oh, stop getting your panties in a twist, darlin'. I didn't mean anything by it," Curfew said, taking another sip of her beer. Olivia fumed, face red as a beet. Speaking of red...

"This has gone on long enough! I swear, if you weren't going into the dungeon next I would knock your block off, Murphy!" It was Louise, hoity-toity rich girl with her sense of righteousness and justice and all that crap. Curfew could only roll her eyes.

"Call my Curfew. You haven't earned my name yet, rich kid." Curfew stood up then, suddenly no longer thirsty. These girls were all so boring! But it didn't matter. The time had come.

"It's time anyway. I doubt I'll see any of you again. Good riddance." A hush went over the other four adventurers gathered at the table. None before had ever spoken so brazely of their potential doom.

"Do you truly think there's no hope for you? If you did, then why would you ever dare to enter?" It was Ellie this time, the quiet one. Curfew noted that they'd shared maybe a dozen words in the last week, only glaring sullenly at her whenever they met. Apparently that blessed silence was at an end, for she continued. "Or is your greed simply that great? It reminds me a story I read once, about a species called lemmings. See, everyone, it was said that lemmings had an urge to dive into the sea, instinctual to their race, and they did so in great numbers, jumping off of cliffs so that it literally rained lemmings down upon the waters below."

"Mind your own business, bookworm," Curfew said. And with that, she left them. They had no idea why she was here, or what was at stake. Of course she hadn't revealed to them her connection to their former comrade Agnes. She didn't trust them enough for that, who knew how they could use it against her? But nonetheless, it was time.


Morning. The entrance to the dungeon, left empty and unguarded. Nobody needed to guard it, after all. The four girls had actually come to see Curfew off, but she said nothing to their cheers and goodbyes. She had a goal. Agnes, her Agnes... she would find her, no matter the cost. As long as the color in her brooch remained, she was alive. And that was enough.

The Dungeon Entrance

Cold and dark, the only light came from Curfew's torch. This was both a boon and a curse. If there were monsters this close to the entrance they'd be able to see it. But more importantly, it'd be harder to hide when the only source of light was her own. She looked around, her keen eyes seeing nothing important but ancient writing in languages she didn't know.

Fully cognizant of traps, she went down the one pathway that presented itself, a long and seemingly winding hallway that went down farther and farther. For a time, nothing much was there, and she burned through an entire torch before finally reaching a room.

It was a cavernous passage, with light filtering in from cracks in the ceiling. Finding this, Curfew smothered her torch, and snuck in as quietly as she could. Who knew what treasures or dangers were here? It didn't take her long, hiding in the dark, to find out. The room had originally had three doors, but only one had not collapsed. The room was some great chamber, but it was weird, who would design a temple like this, with the antechamber leading down such a long hallway? Something was wrong with this place.

And then she found it. A small slime, blue, three and a half feet tall, three feet wide. It had a huge, goofy smile on its face. What's worse, it sat near the only door out of this otherwise empty chamber. It hadn't yet seen her, so she still had options. Let's decide those, shall we?

A.) Fight! - Curfew will attack the slime from a distance, using her bow and arrows. With luck, the sneak attack will cause a Backstab, doing double damage! But once the fight begins, Curfew will be at a distinct disadvantage should she either miss or not kill it.

B.) Sneak Past! - Normally an impossible feat, but Curfew was a footpad with a capability no fighter or cleric could pull off. She will use her Move Silently ability to try and sneak past the slime. But who knows how acute the goofy things senses are?

C.) Create a Distraction! - Simple, and not utilizing one of her special skills. She'll take a rock and throw it far to the other side of the chamber. If it makes noise, perhaps the slime will be distracted?

D.) Find Another Way - Maybe Curfew can find some other way through the dungeon, such as a hidden door, or try one of the ruined passages? It's possible, if unlikely.


Curfew's Statistics:
Footpad (Thief 2)
HP: 11
Armor Class: 3
THAC0: 16
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 1375/2500

Strength: 9 (+0)
Intelligence: 9 (+0)
Wisdom: 7 (-1)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 16 (+2)
Charisma: 11 (+0)

Thief Skills: thieves have the potential to pull off outrageous stunts that nobody else could manage. Climbing a sheer wall without a rope. Hiding in shadows out in the absolute open. Unlocking masterwork locks. These are not mere normal capabilities, no. These are well-nigh supernatural in nature!

Open Locks: 25%
Find or Remove Traps: 20% - a double ability. Finding traps in this case means using the ability when there is absolutely no hint given in the description of an area. Removing traps should be obvious.
Pick Pockets: 30%
Move Silently: 30%
Hide in Shadows: 20%
Climb Sheer Surfaces: 90%
Hear Noise: roll of 3 or below on a d6 - can be used when listening to a wall to hear if anything is beyond.

Bow and arrows: d8 damage
Leather Armor
Brooch of the Promise: A gift from Lady Agnes, a silver necklace with one half of a gorgeous rose design. As long as its color remains, the other party is still alive. It grants -1 AC, limited telepathy within range, and greater magical boons when both parties put their minds on it. It retains its color.
Thieves' tools
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 19
Hair: Black
Breasts: D cups
Height: 5'8
Body type: athletic
Virgin: No.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

A.) Surely our "heroine" can handle a single slime, and a little experience never hurts...
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

A.) Surely our "heroine" can handle a single slime, and a little experience never hurts...

...is it time to let you know that you actually get more experience from getting treasure? 1 xp to 1 gp, in fact?

Probably time to tell you that. :)
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

B.) Sneak Past! - Normally an impossible feat, but Curfew was a footpad with a capability no fighter or cleric could pull off. She will use her Move Silently ability to try and sneak past the slime. But who knows how acute the goofy things senses are?

I can't say that I was expecting AD&D, but this is certainly nice.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I might have missed the first vote, but I won't miss the second!

D look for something hidden, obscured, or out of the way to advance!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

B.) Sneak Past! - Normally an impossible feat, but Curfew was a footpad with a capability no fighter or cleric could pull off. She will use her Move Silently ability to try and sneak past the slime. But who knows how acute the goofy things senses are?

I can't say that I was expecting AD&D, but this is certainly nice.

Well, more B/X, but you get the idea! :D You know, I've seen people use pseudo-rpg elements in these all the time, utilizing rules that I just simply do not know, and don't know where to even find. I half-expect most of them to be making them up as they go.

But I guess I'm just not that kinda person. I'd rather use rules I know well. Good rules. Rules that, amusingly enough, allow for very squishy first-level characters, so that we can all get lots of amusing, ah, scenarios.

I might have missed the first vote, but I won't miss the second!

D look for something hidden, obscured, or out of the way to advance!

Well stick around, the more voters the merrier! Who knows how long it'll be before you get a chance to choose the next lady.

Speaking of voting, we're currently tied. I'm not calling this a tie-breaker though, no-siree. It's too soon for that, and it's only two votes for each of the front-runners. Technically it's still anyone's game!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

A! Might get an easy kill and experience.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

4/7 is good enough for me, since the other 3 don't all agree!

The crowd has spoken! A has been chosen.

Curfew Murphy looked at the idiotic creature and frowned. It was sickening. Had Agnes encountered such a thing in her delve? Had she encountered this very one? Doubtful, for it was still alive. Unless... she shuddered to herself. Who knew how these things lived, or what they did.

But no matter. Curfew made her decision, and unslung her bow. She notched an arrow and prepared to attack. Could she kill this thing? Well, she knew she had the element of surprise, so she had best not waste it.

Surprise Round:

"Die, monster," she whispered, and from her hiding spot let loose her arrow.

Dice roll... 6!

The arrow aimed true, alright, but the creature seemed to sense it coming through the wind! It's gooey mass shifted, and it avoided the attack entirely!

"Fuck!" she cried out, and quickly notched another arrow.

But the creature was fast. It was already upon her, ready to strike!

Round 1:

Initiative: 2 vs. 3, monster wins!

The monster charged her position before her next arrow was notched. She had never seen such a fast slime! It launched an attack with its pseudopod!

Dice roll... 10!

But unlike its spring forward, it didn't strike nearly fast enough. Curfew ducked out of the way, making space between the two of them, and fired her second arrow at the creature!

Die roll... 10!

Another miss. This time, the arrow shot right through the goop itself... but didn't hit anything vital. Unlike more developed slime monsters, this one could be harmed by arrows and the like, Curfew knew. She just had to hit one of its large, expressive eyes, or its strange mouth! And yet, once again, she failed, ruing that unlike most slimes, this one was slightly better at avoiding attacks.

Round 2

Initiative: 4 vs. 3. Curfew wins!

But before the monster had a chance to strike again, her third arrow was notched, and let loose. She would kill it. She KNEW she'd kill it!

Dice roll... 13! HIT! Damage... 6!

With this third arrow, she hit it straight in the eye. And suddenly, the monster deflated, as though losing its consistency. The slime died like a cell bursting, and Curfew cheered with triumph.

In the aftermath, she found that some of the slime stayed together, not alive but at least still consistent. She quickly bottled it, yielding a Flask of Blue Slime, known to be flammable and perhaps even drinkable. Nonetheless, she had it safely tucked away.

The time had gone to travel through the only clear passage, and so she did. It was a stairway that went... up? That made no sense, they were only just below ground, the light from the ceiling proved that, and there were no parts of the ruins above ground. Yet go she went anyway, up the staircase to a half-broken wooden door. Even from some steps away she could hear sounds, mostly grunting. It put her on guard.

All she needed to do was peek inside to see what was there: Four zombies, male and only partially clothed. Two of them were on top of what appeared to be a living woman! The woman's face wasn't visible, but Curfew could tell from the rest that it definitely wasn't Agnes.

"Damn..." she whispered to herself. She watched closely for a moment, to see exactly what was happening. And yes, on second look, it was clear. They were fucking her! The one zombie was thrusting away within the woman's pussy, while the other had its cock jammed down her throat. She wasn't fighting, instead simply grunting and giving the occasional moan... but whether in distress or pleasure Curfew didn't know.

But beyond them, on a small pedestal, was a treasure chest, laid out like a lure. And against the wall behind the pedestal were four slots... ah. That was the trap, four zombies hidden until a fool got too close to the chest. And this fool had paid the price.

It was time to decide what to do here. She was clearly outmatched, the four zombies could probably defeat her unless she used careful tactics!

A.) Sneak to the Next Door: All four zombies were distracted by the woman they were already gang-banging, so it would be fairly easy to simply quietly hurry past and get through without engaging. In fact, that might be the safest option by far!

B.) Sneak to the Treasure!: All four zombies are so distracted that if she made absolutely no noise, she'd be able to steal the treasure. She was here for Agnes, yes, but treasure... I mean, come on, it's treasure... (Would use Move Silently ability)

C.) Attack the Zombies: By sniping from a distance, Curfew might be able to take down the two unoccupied zombies while their compatriots were occupied. Then she could take the treasure! No need to fight all four, right?

D.) Fire Bomb!: That flask of blue slime could be set alight like flaming oil, to similar effect. By throwing one onto one of the unoccupied zombies, Curfew could surely even the odds for her fight. Then she could try to get the treasure while the other two were still... occupied. No need to fight all four, right?

X.) Rescue the Girl - Lawful Alignment Only!: Let's be real, it's too big a risk for a single footpad to take on all four zombies and rescue whomever is there. Sorry lady, Curfew is chaotic, and you aren't Agnes.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


I want da Loot. Not bad enough to waste the Slime though.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


Can't lie I really do want some treasure, besides how hard could the zombies be to take down especially when two are occupied with the other lady.