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Face off with a goddess

Re: Face off with a goddess


"She's... stripping off all her clothing? Maybe she has a good reason. Sure wish she'd share it with us...

Either of you think we should talk to her now, or should we wait for the dramatic entrance once it's too late for her to tell us to go away? I tend toward the latter..."
Re: Face off with a goddess


"...the witch seems capable of shredding all articles of clothing with the snap of her fingers... if there is a reason...For now, let's see if the "Director" lives up to what she claims..."

Luna spoke the blonde haired woman's title with distaste as she cocked her pistol. There was more than one way hatred could be utilized asides from blind rage, and thankfully Iris had reminded her of that.
Re: Face off with a goddess

" I...I'm not stripping. Lets just do what the maid said and slowly follow her in. "

With that Iris began to follow the director inside, making sure that she kep her distance. Iris had seen the monsters along the way and did not want to end up like them. Iris was also very happy she had stopped Luna from going off on the director, if she hadn't things wouldn't of ended well.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Jenn is still hesitant to strip, but she decides to leave her backpack with the director's clothing before they go in. At least then if the goddess does decide to snap her fingers, she'll have something to change into...


"Well then, we'll continue to follow her as soon as she's out of sight."
Re: Face off with a goddess


"Fine by me..."

Luna didn't care particularly whether or not she was clothed, seeing as she had killed regardless of her state of dress in the past. However as the clothes might buy her even a single extra second to let off a bullet against the Goddess, she would be wearing them for the slight advantage it granted, no matter how small. Following the others, Luna kept a watch behind them in case the Director had missed anything.
Re: Face off with a goddess

The Director took the clothes she had taken off, and neatly folded them next to the entrance of the theater. Then, she removed a belt from the dress, putting it on. The belt had gone completely unnoticed by all, she must have kept it hidden under her dress. It had some ammo clips, a gun, and a small sword attached to it, though it appeared large when juxtaposed with the small woman.

After the Director had finished with changing, she started for the entrance to the theater, disappearing inside.

As the three followed, they went past the corner that funneled to the entrance, and when they neared the open door, the ever familiar woman in white seemed to materialize out of nowhere, grinning at them with an insane grin from the other side of the door,

"Naughty, naughty!" she said seductively, slamming the iron doors shut as they heard them lock immediately afterwords.
Re: Face off with a goddess


"Well fuck that..."

Jenn goes all "lockpicking" on the door. (woo hammerspace!)
Re: Face off with a goddess


"...Get us in. Now."

With that, Luna begin looking around her surroundings for a possible entryway, while Jenn attempted to pick the lock.
Re: Face off with a goddess

" Jenn, see if you can't get the door open! Ill look for another way inn with Luna! "

Iris knew the director need their help. She wouldn't last without them. Iris quickly began to look around for another way to get to the goddess.

* Search for way to the goddess like Luna. *
Re: Face off with a goddess

Jenn successfully picks the lock, then attempts to open the door...

No good, the woman must have put something on the other side to block entry.

Luna and Iris found a back entrance that was busted open, likely by a monster.



Amy proceeded through the hall, going through the entrance door as she reached the massive opera area. The whole place seemed fit to support hundreds of people.

The curtains spread, showing the woman in white standing on the stage, her arms were spread, as if worshiping some great glory,

"The day of judgment is nearly here!" she shouted, as if acting, "The day when all will be forgiven their sins!" her eyes then found Amy, standing in the audience area. She held her arms out to her, as if wanting her embrace, "Come to me, sister! Let our souls join, as we will show this world the true meaning of GOD!"
Re: Face off with a goddess


"Though here. Now."

Luna made no delay in moving into the back entrance, gun and sword both out and in each hand. Anything in her way would die, she would see to it herself.
Re: Face off with a goddess

" We need to hurry!"

Iris stated after what her sister said. She had no idea how much time they had left to help the director, but she had a feeling it wasn't to much. Iris motioned Luna to follow her and she went towards where they could find the goddess. Iris hoped Jenn was going to follow them, because they didn't have enough time to go back for her. Iris made sure her gun was loaded and her sword was drawn and ready as she went along.

* Iris trys to fins the goddess. *
Re: Face off with a goddess


... damn unpickable big-things-sitting-behind-doors...

Jenn hurries after the others, who found a more useful way in.


"Lets go, they're almost certainly fighting already and we're not helping."
Re: Face off with a goddess

As the three girls hurry through the back entrance, they reach a dark hallway.

The three suddenly hear a whisper echo through the hallway...

"Stop them, my children... They must not interrupt the great ceremony!"

With that, three naked woman emerged from a corner leading to another hallway, they all had white hair, as well as a man's genetailia. They seemed intent on obstructing the girl's path.

One stepped forward, "You are not going to ruin what milady has planned tonight. You may turn back, but should you not, your souls will be forfeit to us."

One in the back spoke up, "Just walk away."

Then the last one spoke in a hysterical voice, "Fuck that, I want to hear them scream as I suck the life out of them..."


Amy took slow steps down to the stage, until she had to climb up in order to stand where the woman stood.

Once she was on equal ground with the woman Amy said,

"If this has to be the end, then so be it. I'd rather lose fighting, than in my bed, crying for what I failed to protect."

The woman laughed,

"You should see how happy Shiva is to see you! I can feel her essence smiling inside me..." she says cruelly.

Amy felt a spark of rage,

"SHUT UP!" she shouted as she charged the woman...
Re: Face off with a goddess


" Get. Out. Of. My. WAY!"

Luna almost screams the last word as she opens fire multiple times on the closest one out of the three. All sinners that were in her way to the Goddess were to die, she refused to have it any other way.

(Action: Aimed triple shot on the closest of the three women, if not possible aim and fire three times, just fire three times at them.)
Re: Face off with a goddess


"Oh, you're right. Sure, we came here to fight your master but obviously your threats will make us turn back."

Jenn draws her rapier, and assumes a defensive stance for the time being. She suspects Luna is going to run out ahead and honestly doesn't mind that in that case she'll see how these things attack before having to defend herself.

(Edit: or she'll lead with her gun, in which case I should endeavor to not soak up her bullets with my squishy body.)
Re: Face off with a goddess

Iris almost growled from anger. She was not turning back, not now. She was going after the goddess, some low rate goons were not going to stop her. Seeing the rage from her sister made Iris want to worry, but she didn't. Now wasn't the time.

Shut up and die!"

Iris pulled her 9mm handgun out and one aimed bullet at the woman Luna was shooting at. Iris was mad. Not as mad as Luna, but close. Maybe rage ran in the family.

* Iris shoots one aimed bullet at the woman Luna is shooting at. *
Re: Face off with a goddess

(Luna attacks)

Iris didn't have time to help her friend, as the first shot Luna fires puts the Futa woman down.

(Enemy attacks)

One of the women ran over at Iris, and there wasn't much room to dodge as she grabbed onto her, forcing her to the ground as the woman mounted her, and began to work her hands into Iris's clothes...

Jenn was ready, but was surprised at the woman's speed. The woman leaped across the hallway like an animal, and knocked her to the ground as the woman mounted her.


(Amy attacks)

Amy took three shots at the woman, who dodged two with inhuman speed, but was forced to block the last with her shield.

(The goddess attacks)

The woman launched a grabbing tentacle out at the Director, who dodged it by somersaulting to the side.
Re: Face off with a goddess

Jenn grunts and tries to throw the girl off of her. (By stabbing her if she can, but in the more likely case of not being able to just pushing will do)
Re: Face off with a goddess

(( All three woman are futas? ))
Iris wished she had fired at someone else. Luna had taken care of the woman she had fired at. Now Iris was on her ground being mounted. Iris had to kill this woman before she got to do what she planned. Iris didn't want to kill someone but thinking about it she doubted this thing was even human any more. Iris pressed gun onto the woman and fired three times, sure it would kill the woman.

* Iris presses her gun against the woman and triple fires.*