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Facility, Codename: Last Resort


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
A large building sits in the middle of a massive snow field. Low visability, constant interference from snowstorms, perfect for hiding a facility containing the downfall of anything that may threaten Humanity.

An APC comes speeding up to the facility, skidding to a stop in the snow, two people perched atop it and many others inside. The rear opens, and Michael shoots out of the back, his right arm grasping his waist, his hand ready to draw his weapons. "Everyone, get your ass moving!" he yells, dashing towards the facility, his right hand pulling what appears to be a katana from his weapons disc as he stops next to a door, waiting for the rest of the team
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Preparing her lazer weapon, she leaps off, hovering about 20 feet above the team, using her enhanced sences to search for enemies, eyes scanning the place. "Searching for targets..." she muttered.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Machine puts on his helmet and reaches for his weapons disk, pulling forth the bulky grenade launcher and loading it before hurrying over to Michael. "What are we expecting?", he calls out against the wind.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

With an easy flick, 366 detaches from the APC as it skids to a halt, using the momentum to propel herself up, enough to catch the edge of the roof. Once there, it was an easy feat to boost up onto the roof itself, and cat steps took her across it with scarcely a nod to her commander. However, barely a minute later, she was back, staring grimly down at the group forming at the doorway.

"No other way in. Orders?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa rushes out of the APC along with the others, her shotgun already out and ready as she takes up a position along the wall near the door.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

*moving out with the others keeping low as she moves P90 in hands held before her looking for targets as she rushed to keep up with the others* "when you need range or cover give the word."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Taking her great bow in hand, Ava followed the others out of the APC at a similar pace. When she had come to a stop, she echoed the words of the black ops.

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"I'll breach. You people stay close behind me, and make sure to keep those weapons ready. We don't know if the place has been taken by hostiles." Michael says, moving in front of the door and kicking it open with his right leg, then running in "All clear!" he calls back out, his katana resting on his right shoulder "366, you will follow up the rear and make sure nothing ambushes us." Michael says, his right hand moving down and placing the katana in his storage disc. "Move in. Sweep the rooms one at a time. Make sure nothing surprises us."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa heads into the facility, shotgun at the ready and stops next to the door to the first room. She takes up position to sweep the room, ready to go whenever another soldier breached. Melissa was confident in her own abilities, but knew she wasn't the best choice to take point.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She buzzes low over the team, quickly leading, lazer ready to fire as she scanned each room. Almost immediately she takes the lead for Melissa, weapon-first as she glides in.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael looks up at the ceiling and smiles, noting a series of pipes and wires running along the hall "Room by room. Ava, follow me. 366, keep an eye on the rest of the team. we're going to go find a computer terminal to get some schematics." Michael says, the four tendrils on his back reaching up and grasping the pipes and tubes along the ceiling, his body hanging as he sighs, then the tendrils begin to move, moving him down the hallway, Ava most likely close behind.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Sam easily keeps up the pace and follows closely behind, weapons at ready.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Command received...

Holding her bow aloft, Ava followed closely behind poised to strike at any time given the order. The pure energy bowstring hummed gently as footsteps echoed throughout the building...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 waits patiently until the last person has made it inside, then swings herself off the roof and through the door in one motion. The Operative advances through the building, taking care at corners, with a silenced pistol that no one saw her draw at the ready.

(Apologies to stragglers.. presume you're in the group, looking cool and doing your stuff :p)
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

*returning her small arm back to her disc she withdrew the PSg-1 from it and hefted it to the ready as she followed along near the rear of the group watching along the side of the scope for movement near the front of the group as she followed*
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael chuckles as he continues his semi-levitation and movements through the facility, his left arm suddenly shooting out to the left "Hold here." he says plainly, lowering to the ground and four tendrils shooting out of his right shirt sleeve, four more reaching up and through his shirt, then down his left shirt sleeve and out "I know you're here. There's no point in hiding." he says, the four tentacles forming around each arm into an almost pointed shape sticking out "Gotcha!" he yells, ducking down and dashing forward, a laser blast shooting where his head had once been, whizzing past him and barely missing Ava "He's mine!" Michael yells, his four back tendrils reaching forward and then up to grasp the pipes above, then retracting to propel him forward directly at the being which fired the blast, tackling it and standing up, two of the tendrils grasping the being's helmet and yanking it off, while another wraps itself around the being's neck, strangling it and causing it to pass out "Serves you right." he says, the tendrils slowly pulling back into his sleeves "We got a Fallen, here. Bastard tried to shoot my head off." he says, the tendrils on his back reaching up once again to lift him into a levitation "Let us continue, Ava." he says, moving once again down the hall
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Sam falls behind slightly, more interested in the fallen Fallen being rather than the mission but remains part of the group.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Let us continue, Ava-"

A dull thud, followed by an explosion and sickening splatter was heard shortly after Michal had begun to move down the hall as Ava let loose an energy bolt from her bow into the head of the unconscious Fallen. The energy within the bolt, after leaving the "stabilizing field" emitted by Ava, began to "superheat" before combusting; splattering the remnants of the alien's cranium over the hallway walls. Having originally been ordered to "kill all Fallen" rather than "subdue all Fallen", leaving an enemy unconscious was unacceptable to Ava unless orders overriding her previous ones were given. After sweeping the corpse of the alien for persisting signs of life and finding none, the soldier devoid of any true emotion followed after her commander.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Moving onward into a new room, Xerberis continued searching for enemies herself. Something was nagging at her, though. The fact the rooms she were entering were quiet...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael sighs as he continues down the hallway, the darkness of the halls practically enveloping him. "Stay close, Ava. There may be more Fallen." Michael says, looking back and forth as he continues, stopping next to a door, the writing worn and barely visible in the almost non-existent light. "Ava. Here." he says, pointing to the door and dropping to the ground, then stepping back away from the door, his right hand reaching down and pulling his katana from the weapon disc on his waist, his right thumb turning on the energy blade "There may be more. You go first."