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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

At the radio calls, Melissa throws her hand to her ear and responds, "Copy, I'm on my way." She rushes out of the MedLab, throwing the labcoat onto a nearby rack as she does and heads into the nearest teleporter.

Stepping onto the bridge, she immediately pulls out her first aid kit and looks around. "Who's hurt?" she asked, first looking to 366, who had made the call.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"What am I not going to believe?" Michael says over the radio and looks at the people gathering on the bridge "Whatever happened, I'm glad you're okay." he says, smiling as he looks over at 366 "So. What's it like out in space?" he asks jokingly before chuckling. He would then sit back down in the chair, obviously pleased with it's location "I put in for Captain position. If they accept. Then I can choose whatever crew I want. Melissa, I hope you will accept my offer to be the ship's doctor. And Ava, I would like you to be my second officer." he says, a holographic display appearing to his right, appearing like a screen and a keyboard "I'm thinking of asking Adria to stay on as pilot and first officer. 366, maybe you'd like to stay on as our Security Chief." he says, turning his head enough to look at the group out of the corner of his eye
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius appeared through the teleporter, onto the bridge, blinking. "That... was odd." She just moved to a seat an plopped down. She looked at the others, making sure the others from... whereever they were before, were there. No mixed up bodies like in those old sci-fi movies? Good!

"Medic? Isn't it obvious?" Lillius pointed to Ava and Xer.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

((Linda is quietly asleep in the far corner btw ;) she's out of sight, so you'll have to look for her, but it's where everyone saw her last))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The bugirl gaved a pained groan about that time, reminding them of her near-consious pain
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The reply came across as rather stunning. "The ships power supply. It's powered by four self contained micro black holes. I mean literal black holes. If the containment ever failed for these things, it would tear a rip in space time like no tomorrow and shred us all to pieces. Despite that though, the concept is sheer genius, I'd love to meet whoever designed and came up with the idea."

Clearly, despite the possible dangers of such a device, Adria was stunned and impressed.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"What kind of power output are we talking about, Adria? How much can those four things put out?" Michael says, his right hand on a button on the arm on his chair. "And what's keeping these things from ripping time-space apart?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 fixes her "Commanding officer" with a cold glare, leaning against the bulkhead beside the prostrate Ava.

"First. Space is cold, and unpleasant. Try it sometime. Second. The Unit called Ava, here.."

She nudges the prostrate Unit with her foot.

"Is in -no- shape to be taking on command. We had to neutralise her after she went insane and started trying to -kill- us. I believe remnants of her original personality are conflicting with the conditioning. Finally.. I am an Operative, assigned to your case. My loyalties lie with the Organisation.. and as such, there is no need for me to hold any post within your hierarchy."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"There's a containment field being powered by the black holes themselves, meaning it can't lose power to it under conventional circumstances. As for the power output... enough to power four planets until their stars go nova I'd say. It's ingenious really, black holes have an unlimited power generation ability because of what they are. Containing one on a micro level and using it as a power source is an incredible feat, and before you ask no, I have no idea how it was done yet so I can't make more."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"I never would have dreamed of it." Michael replies over the radio before addressing 366 "I could always appeal to the Organization to have you stationed here." he says with a smirk as he stands and turns his attention to Ava "When she recovers, I'll be sure to have a chat with her. You must understand the position I'm in." he says, shaking his head "From what I know about fleet command, they'll want to see how powerful this ship is. That means we're probably going into ship-to-ship combat soon. Organizing a crew and officers is first on my list."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

About this time, the apparent mute from the medbay walked onto the bridge. He stopped just inside, and shifted off to the one side, out of the way.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Well, if it isn't our resident mute. Welcome to the bridge." Michael says as he looks around at the fairly damaged room "Ignore the smell of death and decay." he says, sitting back down and typing on the holographic keyboard, a loud beeping being heard "Sounds like old man Holt is calling." he says, pressing a button on the left arm of his chair "This is Michael, what's up?" "Michael. Good news. Fleet HQ wants to see you and your crew in action once the ship is fully crewed and operational." Holt says over the radio "You mean they're actually letting me take command? Never would have figured those old buzzards to let me have any kind of command position." Michael says, lifting his left leg and crossing it over his right "How soon will the crew be here? And the supplies?" he asks, his voice immediately taking on a very serious tone "The Phantasm is going to be bringing all the crew members and supplies within the next hour. Be sure you're ready for them. Oh, and before I forget, we got a message from the Organization. They want their operative to stay on board. Something about keeping an eye on the strongest ship in the galaxy or something." Holt says, Michael obviously smirking as he chuckles "Thanks, Holt. Michael out." he says, pressing the button on his chair once more and clasping his hands together "You hear that, 366? Looks like you're stuck with us."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 turns, hearing her own designation read aloud from one of Michael's reports. On file.. she was 366 "Phantasm". And as there were no such things as coincidences..

If the helmet permitted a smirk, 366 would be wearing one.

"Actually.. I think you'll find, I'm here as a failsafe. Should you die... or.. be proved incompetent, my orders are to take any steps necessary. -Any- steps, Commander."

The last word was practically a sneer, a jibe rather than a term of respect.

"And frankly, sir. Your position is unimportant. The decision to place that.. thing.. in command is yours alone.. but rest assured. I will not allow it to jeopardise the objectives."

It.. or you.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Is that a threat, 366?" Michael says, turning his head and looking over at the Operative "If anything happens to compromise me, I expect you to kill me on sight, but I will not, under any circumstances, let you harm Ava. That girl's been through enough as it is." he says, turning his attention back to looking forward out of the front window at Ganymede "I read her file before they shipped us down here. I also read what little of your file they allowed me to look at. I know the ins and outs of every one of the people under my command." he says, shaking his head sadly. "That girl has been prodded and experimented on for much of her life. I'd rather you treat her like the little bit of human she still has left in her." he says flatly
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 had turned away to inspect the unconscious Ava.. but the Operative stands up very suddenly, crossing the room to where Michael sits far faster than should be possible.

There, the ominous Y-shaped visor opens. Opens, to reveal.... a woman's face. Decorated by scars - one tracing her jawbone, another neatly bisecting one eye, a third marring a tanned cheek. Blue eyes are fierce.

"You don't get it, Commander. She's like me - with every little bit of human stripped away. What we saw down there in engineering was not the "human in her" trying to break out. It was the monster. The monster that would kill us all given the chance. The MONSTER, that only her conditioning holds in check. I won't spare that -thing- a blade to the heart because I think there just might be a person underneath it all."

She takes a breath.. relaxes, and the visor closes over her face once more.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"I don't care what's inside her. She's still a sentient being. And as an officer of the USLD, I'm duty and honor bound to protect sentient life-forms. If anything happens to her, you can bet your ass I'll be the one to bring justice to whoever did it." Michael says, standing with the aid of his crutch "Don't forget that the USLD is the only organization I'm loyal to. You Operatives and your Organization can't push me around. Just make sure and remember that."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Sentient life-forms? Even ones that are trying to kill us? Next thing you'll be telling me to spare the Fallen, even as they rip your throat out. If I see threats, Commander.. they die. The Organisation does not -push people around-. They simply remove them. You'd do well to remember that. Decorated as you are, you're still just a soldier.... and highly disposable. Why do you think you were assigned to this suicide mission?"

Disgust practically drips from her tone. Who did this man think he was? She'd learned a long time ago.. there was no mercy in war.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xerberus tries to get the medic's attention quietly, sliding closer and tapping her on the shoulder. "Erm, hey, a little help?'
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"She's a soldier, dammit. and I'll treat her like one. No one deserves a death for something they can't control." Michael says, his left hand reaching up to grab his goggles and pull them up to reveal his missing left eye "I gave this eye up protecting that ideal. I nearly died protecting sentient life that said they would rather die than accept help from humans. If you can't understand my feelings, then perhaps you should just keep your thoughts to yourselves." he says, sliding the goggles back over his eye "Until we wipe out the Fallen, I intend to hold true to that ideal." he says, obviously something has hit a bad note in his orchestra.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 laughs, for the first time in months. It is not a happy sound. A grim amusement, perhaps.

"A soldier.. a weapon, more like. She and I are the same, Commander. Killers on leashes.. and if the leash snaps.. we must be put down. My leash is simply much tighter than hers. If you think.. giving up your eye, is easy, Reaper.. just wait. You've given up nothing. Not yet."