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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

An odd noise comes from the mute when 366 made the comment about not having given anything up yet. Anyone watching him would have noticed him shift, as if he'd tried to snort, before making a somewhat disgusted face at the results.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa blinked at Lillius at her comment, then said, "The comms didn't say, and I can't see through walls." Shaking her head, she immediately went to work on Xerberus and Ava. Looking at Ava, she softly whispered, "This girl just doesn't know how to take cover, does she." She works quickly, sealing up all her wounds, then turns to Xerberus.

"Calm down, I'm here," she said, trying to comfort the girl. Bug-girl physiology was never taught in med school, so it was touch and go, but she was close enough to human that Melissa could piece it all together. "You'll be fine, it's mostly superficial. A little of this bio-steel adhesive they use for certain cybernetics should hold you over until your carapace heals."

Melissa listened quietly to Michael and Six's argument as she worked. Argument? If either of them were less disciplined it would probably be a full out brawl by now...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Just. A weapon." Michael says to himself in a low voice, remembering what he is. "If the leash breaks and you bite me, I'd just find a new leash and make sure it was stronger. Just because you get out of control doesn't mean you should be killed right then and there. I'm normally one for an easy solution, but sometimes, you have to work hard to find a good solution that results in as little pain t yourself as possible. If the time ever comes where her leash snaps. I'll be there with a new one, ready to reign her back in." he says to 366 in a very quiet tone "You can't imagine what this girl has gone through. You still have your free will in a way. She's more like a Computer then you." he says, his left arm up and on his chest "I've also felt the pain of becoming a weapon. It's not exciting, trust me."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 sighs.. voice dropping an octave or two lower than it should, for just a moment, then catches herself.

"That's why.. I mean..that's why she's still alive. I gave her that chance. I could have killed her, right there, instead, I carried it all the way back here.. Commander.. I.."

The armoured figure turns away, more thankful than ever for the concealment of the power suit she wore like a second skin.

"There are worse things to become than Computers."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Things like being turned into a monster in most people's eyes?" Michael says, turning and walking back to his seat and sitting down "This is one fucked up crew, I'll say that." he says at normal volume "In any case, we need to prepare for our new arrivals."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius sighed. "I didn't mean you should automatically know... I just meant if you looked about the room... oh nevermind." She didn't particularly feel like sticking around for this argument. She was, in a way, a tool as well, having been used as a diplomacy tool, but that was past.

The googirl turned to a console, bringing up a map of the ship. "Ah, the cafeteria. It's probably not too clean in there, is it?" she asked herself. "There were Fallen and stuff killed in there.... Eh... oh well. I need to put on some weight. A thin figure is nice... but this is a bit too much."

"If anyone wants some food, I suppose I'll go see about cooking something up in the cafeteria."


A short trip and Lillius was in the cafeteria. Ignoring the mess from earlier, she went into the kitchen to search for edibles.

((What kind of condition was the food place left in anyway? I know you guys fought Fallen in there and there was left over food, but what about all the venting and stuff?))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

((Mostly, the only losses in that battle were a couple pots and the walls, equipment would be fine, just give it a bit of a scrubbing first ;) ))

Linda had awoken once 366 and Micheal started fighting, listening to it all from her apparently forgotten corner. Micheal blew and blustered, but in her opinion, 366 had it right. She herself knew some of what goes on in those experimental labs, those living weapon factories, and if Ava exploded the way they said she did, she was probably past saving should it happen again.

She raised an eyebrow when Micheal said that he had read all of their files, and her heart sank a little. They really must have done a number to him turning him into the 'hero' that stood there now if he didn't even care about what he found in hers...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria had returned to the bridge after the last communication, and had heard most of the argument, and finally decided to speak. "Some of us also have alien DNA you know. I agree that if problems arise they need to be dealt with. Killing off a crew member should only be done in the most dire of circumstances if there is no other option. Before you say anything 366, no, I wasn't there so I don't know what went on, but if I had been there she wouldn't have been moving for very long unless she has mental powers like those hive minds."

It might suddenly dawn on most of the people in the room after she mentioned alien DNA, that the ship was alien, and had responded to her mental and physical touch, and no one elses until she had altered it's programming. This would likely raise a very large question.

((Also, the ship DID already engage some Fallen ships, that would still be in it's sensory logs and would be available to send should the order be given.))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

((How long would the ship have been abandoned? And/or would the ship even have any food still good? (I hope we're not going to Star Trek route and just going to go REPLICATE REPLICATE LET'S JUST REPLICATE!)))

Lillius rummaged through the kitchen, the fridge, the freezer. "Food? Hello? Food?" she asked no one.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

((Gods no, the ship is based off of Ori technology they have nothing anywhere near that. Only Asgard beaming technology can be tweaked to perform a similar feat, and that's not available here as far as I know. The ship would have been abandoned for a bit I would wager, and it probably has very little left as far as consumable food in the galley by now. You might find some fruit though in a secondary compartment off the main storage node though.))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius grumbled. Nothing worthwhile here, all that was left was moldy remains and not much else.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"As long as I don't have to fight any of my crewmembers, just drop the subject." Michael says, typing away at the holographic keyboard in front of him "Let's see........This ship is capable of being crewed by at least twice that of a standard Scythe Carrier. This is gonna take a big chunk out of our manpower." he says quietly "Adria. When the crew arrives, teach the engineering crew everything you can. I want them to be able to fix this ship at a moment's notice should things go haywire." he says, a beeping sounding as he presses a button and the screen shows up again "This is Holt. Michael, a transport should be docking in one of the bays of the ship. It carries enough men to at least keep the ship crewed until you reach HQ. Good luck, Holt out." the man says over the radio before saluting and closing the channel "Adria. To the docking bays, as fast as possible." he says, smiling as he continues to gather information

((Okay. Before anyone posts anymore, I need to set up a few threads for the ship itself. Give me a few moments.))