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Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Re: Fantasy RP

I didn't say the whole post was wrong. Just that statement.
Re: Fantasy RP

Define "humanoid".
If you mean "stands on two legs", you're going to have a hell of a time getting along with anyone... But if you mean "related to humans", then I think we'll get along just fine, since my people are reptilian and not mammals.

Its the 'related to humans' variety that he distrusts, so yeah Servante probably wont have much of a problem with you, aside from being a walking handbag xD /jk
Re: Fantasy RP

Um, apparently my second character is being ignored. I've PM'd it twice now, and no word.
Re: Fantasy RP

Chibi said that she wont be able to get on until about Wednesday, and she wasnt at home on the weekend so thats probably why Bartnum.
Re: Fantasy RP

WAAARGH! *dies and twitches* This Paper is killing me!

I promise, i swear I'm not ignoring anyone. I've not had time to seriously sit down and look at these guys. My class is killing me and my Paper is already late. The Wednesday assessment may not hold true. This paper is going to take a while >.<
Re: Fantasy RP



LISTEN! *Shot*

anyway, I'm getting closer to that point where i can get things started up. I'll get my bad guy created and then get started work on more world building. I'm going to play with construction paper! <3
Re: Fantasy RP

My second character is approved!

Name: Calcius
Race: Naga
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Description: A Naga with colour tail. Has hair of the same colour, only slightly darker. Hair is mid-back length. Wears a blue and green Robe. Carries Quivers of various sizes on his back.

Personality: Fond of battle, but a nice guy. A bit of a joker, he forms strong bonds of friendship that are not easily broken.

Background: Calcius was abandoned at an early age. He survived for 10 years alone in a Great forest, teaching himself to fight, to hunt, before he was finally discovered by another Naga huntsman, who returned him to civilisation. He is extremely capable in combat, especially ranged. He always carries a bow, arrows and javelins with him, and is also efficient with Spears and Polearms in melee. He has a Spear and Halberd stored in an unkown location, which he conjures to his side when needed.

Illusion - Weak
Conjuring - Medium

Natural Magic: Calcius uses natural magic to manipulate Fire, Water, Wind and Lightning to assist him in battle.
Re: Fantasy RP


Name: Kua Daku
Race: Lycan (Shark)
Age: 20
Gender: Male

Description: Kua stands about 6 1/2 feet tall and is rather built as a shark lycan. His skin takes on a sort of brown, giving his rough exterior a somewhat rusted look. He has large, extremely dark brown eyes, almost black, fitting for his condition.

Personality: Kua keeps mainly to himself but is not unfriendly. He tries to dispel the assumption that he's nothing more than a dumb brute, (granted, he's no genius) who likes nothing more than sleep and eat. He attempts to liken himself to a bookworm by spending most of his time researching things, but they're usually only topics that interest him, usually food.

Background: Kua doesn't really know his family. His mother is extremely distant and only says that his father was "gone" before he was born. He still doesn't even know if she means his father is dead or abandoned them. He tried to deal with the lack of family by spending more time with schoolchildren where he quickly became popular for standing up to bullies, especially with his intimidating size. However, he soon noticed people were taking advantage of his naivety and using him to beat up children that they just didn't like. After that, he would started to read books, deciding it best to keep his head down. But he never really read them, instead staring through them, using them as a sort of shield between himself and everyone else.

Magical abilities: Kua has no magical abilities and knows little about them as they never really interested him. From what he knows, they can be applied to fighting, so past that, magic never really intrigued him because of his aversion to fighting. Plus, he figured, he can always rely on his great strength and tough hide if it came down to it.

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Re: Fantasy RP

My character has been approved as well. Posting it here

Name: Vance Kuruseb
Race: Naga
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Description: Vance is one of the few ugly Naga of the world. His tail is the longest part of his body, stretching four feet long, colored a dark green color, while the top half of his body, the human part, is just over three feet high. His eyes are those of a serpent, but only look that way, they do not give him the vision range of a serpent, only a human. His body build is that of an average man; muscular arms and a tone mid-section. His skin is that of a Caucasian man, and his face is fairly round. Besides that, he has a scar that reaches from his left shoulder diagonally halfway down to his waist, stopping directly above his naval. The rest of his chest is covered in small scars, from years of fighting. His tail sports the most of his scars, all kinds of slices and stabs, attempts on his life for looking the way he does.
Personality: Vance tends to act like a gentleman, always polite and courteous, and never one to pass up a person in need
Background: Vance was born in one of the few villages that had multiple races living together, by the seaside. He was an average Naga boy, following every order of his matriarch, and living a well-lived life. At five, he found out about himself, he had the powers of Enchantment magic. He worked as an apprentice blacksmith from that age, helping to create enchanted weapons until he was fifteen, when his parents decided to send him to school. He now lives on the Main Isle, and is studying to become a better enchanter so he can return home and help his village. He carries with him his true masterpiece from his village: A broadsword crafted by his own two hands, and bearing the symbol of his race on the end of the hilt. When it was created, he said "This sword will protect myself and my honor as a Naga." He holds himself to this oath, and never lets the sword from his sight.
Magical abilities: Transmutation- Strong

Main magical ability: Enchantment; Vance has the ability to enchant weapons with spells to Increase damage , such as burning if it makes a strike on something, or freezing if it slices someone, but is only permanent if cast while forging or repairing the weapon
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Re: Fantasy RP

Character approved, woot!

Name: Orma Mavron
Race: Elf
Gender: Female.
Age: 26

Description: Orma is a 26 year old student elf, and an extremely attractive one at that. Soft Orange colored eyes, and mid back length Pine Needle Green hair are the most prominent features standing out. She stands at 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 112 pounds. While her preference seems to be towards fire magic, she has begun to add lightning as a secondary, and wind to compliment those as well. She is a long range telepath, though she hasn't had cause to justify using it yet. Her teleportation skills are just slightly above average, and she mainly uses this for herself, although not frequently.

Personality: Orma is a friendly woman, though this doesn't mean she spends a lot of time socializing. She prefers most of the time to keep to herself and study, but she rarely will refuse an offer to go out and relax or have fun. She is a kind and gentle person, though she will not be taken advantage of. Beneath her exterior, she is a spirited young woman, longing to have some kind of meaningful purpose to her existence, and she will do what it takes to accomplish her goals.

Background: Orma has been at the school for eight years now, having left behind her home and parents. She has two sisters and a brother, all younger than her. Her father is a talented blacksmith, and her mother is a long range telepath who's primary job is to keep in touch with the other kingdoms of the world, in an ambassadorial role.

Teleportation: 6 (medium)
Telepathy: 8 (medium, long range)

Natural Magic: Fire, Lightning and Wind Magic.

((I've taken the liberty of finding a nice picture for this character, something that I rarely manage to pull off.))

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Re: Fantasy RP

I just noticed that Vance is remarkably similar to Corvus.

-They're both Blacksmiths.

-They both carry a sword that they treasure.

-They both use enchantment magic to cast protective spells on weapons.

-They both have strong Transmutation magic.
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Re: Fantasy RP

I just noticed that Vance is remarkably similar to Corvus.

-They're both Blacksmiths.

-They both carry a sword that they treasure.

-They both use enchantment magic to cast protective spells on weapons.

-They both have strong Transmutation magic.
well crap. xD

Cooincidence is funny. Burrito mind changing a few things?
Re: Fantasy RP

Not at all. Lemme just think what I should change. Hmm......I'll change his Main magic. Sorry if it seems like I mimicked you, Bartnum.
Re: Fantasy RP


I'll get the "story" written up this weekend, and see if i can't get started setting places and continents up.
Re: Fantasy RP

Yikes, I almost forgot about this. I'll be sure to pay better attention now.
Re: Fantasy RP

Re: Fantasy RP

Yeah, were you actually going to DO anything about my character though?
Re: Fantasy RP

*blink* Do anything? Did i miss something? D:
Re: Fantasy RP

he's referencing the fact you posted
hrm. Give me time to mull over this and I'll add some things, and make a FEW edits. >.> I have to figure out language differences, and then I'll PM a "fixed" sheet back to you.
right after his character sheet.