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Fatal Attraction (Eve)

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Nov 10, 2008
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Their money having run out and growing tired of living on the lam the pair of star-crossed lovers decided to journey to London. Erasmus as always had deferred to his master's wishes after giving what advice he could. They knew little of the culture in the city they journeyed to though after years in the smaller towns and villages they should be able to blend in well.

Having journeyed several days from the north their journey was almost at it's end. In the distance they could see the light of a great city as it glowed in the darkness. Erasmus smiled still as youthful and handsome as ever and pointed ahead eagerly. "We are almost to our new home Eve. Hopefully it won't be too difficult to find the court so that we can give up this hiding. I grow weary of hiding such beauty from the world."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Eve still slipped into her natural mode of speech every now and again, but she could maintain a casual, yet educated way of speaking most of the time. "I'm very tired of all the travelling too. I just want to settle down in the local court and move on to having a normal life. Well, a normal unlife, at least." She laughed a little, "I hope that after we settle, you'll change your mind about letting me change you. I don't ever want to lose you."

As far as the PM you sent me about the Torries, I'm willing to attempt the new way just to try it out, but but I am still leery of it.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"Haven't I already shown you that death can't even keep us apart, my dearest love. If you wish it my life is yours to take, especially after we have settled down and you have received permission for such. For now let us figure out where we should be heading." Erasmus says with his easy smile before spurring his horse towards the north gate of the city.

As they draw closer Eve can see a strange desolate house out in the stinking moors to the east of them. How loathsome she thinks as her mind is repelled by it's ugliness before turning her attention to the rapidly approaching city. She had no clue that it would be so large and so beautiful in a way, as she found herself staring towards many spires and steeples jutting up over the walls of the city. She might enjoy it here even if bits of it were ugly she thought to herself.

That's why I said it was an experiment. I'm not entirely sure how well it will work though previous testing was successful. For the most part it shouldn't be much different from a normal Torrie unless you run into something truly super-duper beautiful, which is rare even with a bunch of sexy vampires running around.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"And yet every time I offer, you turn me down." she grinned a little before turning to her contemplation of the city. She knew how cities were, of course, but had only briefly experienced the high life. As ugly as it was, she was still more used to the seething underbelly and knew that was where she would find the most information.

Or where her beloved would, at least. She could never go back to being nondescript now. She needed to steel herself against the High Society, pull on her mask and send out feelers among the wealthy. She had to draw on everything Christien had taught her.

"When we get inside the city, see if you can't find out where the Prince is and when we should be presenting ourselves to him. I don't want to be taken unaware."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"Honestly it is a bit more frightening to think of simply accepting unlife. Even if it is a gift from you my love. I almost wish I could be turned similar to yourself, some things are much easier to do without thinking of them." Erasmus said as they rode. Despite the fear in his voice she could tell that he would gladly accept the gift of undeath if she chose. Of course she also realized that he had little chance of resisting any thing she asked thanks to the blood bond.

Not the blood bond was necessary to gain his love, admiration, or trust. It existed because as a ghoul she had to supply him with vitae to heal or simply in the throes of passion. After she mentioned asking about the prince he nodded happily and added. "Of course, just as soon as we have found a secure place to keep you safe my love. An inn might do for a night but we will need something more permanent if you are to establish yourself."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

She nodded and turned her wistful gaze back to the city as they drew closer and closer. "Things will work out," she said quietly, They have to...

I cannot RP lately. I have the dumb
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

While Eve is distracted by the sights of the city both beautiful ad ugly, Erasmus guides them to what appears to be a rather elaborate inn of some sort. There is no board out front but the size and the neighborhood suggests as good a place as any to perhaps stay the night. Erasmus gently nudges Eve from her reverie and says.

"Looks like it might be a good place for you to stay while I go and wheedle with the lower class. I shan't be gone long my love. Be careful and don't get into too much trouble."

After which he rides off down the muddy street in search of information on the other kindred of the city. Leaving his domitor to look up at the finely made building before her. Whatever the building is it certainly looks inviting she can't help but thinking, even as her thoughts begin to drift back to Erasmus.

That stinks cause I have the dumb lately too, can't write either. We'll just have to find a way to work through it together.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

With her thoughts settling on her lover, Eve barely paid attention to the place she was entering. She took a quick look around the room, trying to figure out who or what she should be talking to.

ohgod. I feel so bad about this post
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Eve stepped beyond the door barely paying attention to anything with the thoughts of Erasmus in her mind. Her distracted mind didn't even allow her to notice the two handsome kindred standing before her in deep conversation until it was too late. She walked right into one who reacted with a surprised look on his face as he stared into her eyes shocking her from her distractions with a comment. "How rude and in my own establishment no less."

The room was spartan in appearance though still of lavish taste, almost like it was hinting at the joys to be found beyond the one door that lead further within.

The two men stared expecting some response from Eve. The one she had bumped into had dark hair and a scowl upon his aquiline brow, a picture of regal nobility as he stood before her. The other had longish blonde hair and tied back neatly and his impeccable clothing was offset by the thin rapier at his waist as he stood staring as though amused by the scene.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"My Lords," she curtsied, "Forgive the rudeness of my interruption. I am new in this city and wished to find a place where I could rest while my... footman gathered some information for me." She let out a small laugh, "I'm afraid I was preoccupied with how amazingly ugly this city is and yet how beautiful at the same time. I apologise for my rudeness."

She was afraid of these two and yet determined to not show it. Her first interaction with the city and she'd almost blundered it away!
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

The dark-haired Cainite's scowl immediately melts away to something far more devious as he bows deeply with a smile. His piercing dark eyes never leaving Eve's own as he says. "Oh there is no need for apologies. That would be a rather rude way to welcome one of my own kind to the city. It is a succinct pleasure to meet you, I am Bayard and this is Guy."

The other Kindred bows deeply as well and smiles though he seems far friendlier and more trustworthy as he says. "A pleasure. You mention being distracted by the beauty of London. Perhaps you are a fellow Toreador?"
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Eve's eyes flick to Guy and her smile warms a little, "My name is Eve," she curtsied, "and I am so glad to be welcomed to the city. It has been a long time since I have been welcomed anywhere." She let out a small exasperated sigh. "Yes, my Lord," she answer Guy softly, "My Sire, in all his arrogance, thought he could control me after my embrace without giving me a chance to feed," she shrugged and shook her hair out, "To his detriment, he never was very intelligent. He sought me because of my beauty and to turn me into a polished jewel of some sort."

Three parts truth with one part lie, this is how you dance with the courts. she recited in her head, confident they would believe her. Now, how to convince them of Erasmus?
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Guy smiles as she finishes and straightens up to say. "One can hardly blame your sire for trying to control such a beauty. A shame for him that he was more arrogance than brains. I am always glad to welcome another of my own clan to London, though it is not quite so beautiful as Paris or even Bordeaux, where I first joined the clan of the rose."

Bayard listens to her explanation though his smile remains more subtle and devious as he says. "Strange that you would come to my fine establishment as the first stop in my lord Mithras' domain. Has my reputation proceeded so far abroad that it attracts beauties of the utmost magnitude to peruse my wares. I certainly hope so.

Is there something in particular you have a taste for or would you prefer to leave that up to me. I keep only the finest choices available, clean and free of any disease, though they would all pale in comparison. Come let us all gather in a more peaceable place while you both decide."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

She laughed, "Nay, sir. I fear i have no idea where I was going and merely following the young man who serves as my footman. He is... delightful and has a much clearer head on his shoulders than I, being... unafflicted, as it were." She turns an honest smile on Guy, "Perhaps you can give me more instructions then, my Lord. I have only the most rudimentary knowledge of my clan and I desperately wish to know more. Ras," she dared not give his full name, "only filled me in on what my sire let him know, which I fear wasn't much." Then she turned back to Bayard, her smile hardening, "I'm afraid I don't require anything at the moment, though in truth even if I did, my money has run its course and I find it up to Ras to make some back for me."
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Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

A strange look passes between the other pair of Cainites at Eve's mention of not knowing much about her clan though it quickly fades as they step into a luxurious sitting room. Almost luxurious to the point of gaudiness but it is still well laid out with only the finest materials. Bayard presents the room with a flourish and says. "Nonsense, even if one is not in need of sustenance they certainly could not object to a few minutes of relaxation and fine conversation. Besides money is unnecessary amongst our kind we can all do favors for each other. The foolish mortals keep me more than adequately supplied with money. Are you sure you won't at least try a sample of my delicacies?"

Guy smiles as he takes Eve's hand gently to lead her in. "I would be glad to help such a refined lady learn the finer points of life at court but first I must replenish myself. Do join us, the fare s excellent."

If your looking for a variant form of Erasmus: Desiderius is the Latin form or there's Ras, Rasmus, Erasmo, Erasme, or Erasmios. Eras just doesn't sound right to me.

Also you should be careful about admitting you don't know much about your own clan. You'll have others thinking you're Caitiff, that way.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Still Eve hesitated, "My Lords, I..." then an idea crept over her as Guy took her hand, "Fine company I can provide, and perhaps fine conversation, but mostly I wish to learn about the city and the way your Prince works. I do not wish to blunder when I go to present myself to him and beg for permanence in this equally fair and abhorrent city." Then she blinked, "Ras must be made aware that I have stepped within, if he returns before our conversations have run dry. It would not do to have him wandering off or to be the main course at someone else's sup."

Whoosawhatit? And she wouldn' know that. All she knows is that she's starving for knowledge
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"There is plenty of time to tell you of Lord Mithras court, milady. I shall make my repast a quick one while you remain in Bayard's company. Then I shall be honored if you would allow me to accompany you to the court of Rodger, our acting seneschal." Guy says giving her hand a small kiss before taking a door to one of the side rooms. The laughter of a maiden issues forth as the door is opened and Eve catches sight of the room beyond.

Bayard takes a seat on one of the luxuriant couches and offers for Eve to join him with his devious smile. Slowly Eve realizes that what Erasmus took to be a fine inn is nothing more than a brothel. Though the main clientele is a bit different than she is used to. "I will have one of my doormen keep an eye out for your footman should he return while Guy is taking care of necessary business. Please join me in the mean while and remember my offer of a luxurious sample always stands for first time customers. Feel free to ask what you will, I am quite up to the current affairs at court."

She does know more about her clan and Cainites than most Caitiff would. Caitiff are clanless vampires, usually because they know not what they really are and don't understand what it means to belong to a clan. They're even lower than the Nosferatu in most vampire's eyes. Eve's sort of on the border between being Toreador and Caitiff but she knows enough to keep from being called one out right.

Just keep going like you are. I'm liking how it's going so far.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Her nerves triple when she finally realizes where she is and if she'd been human her face would have burned with embarrassment. "A sample then," she said leaning forward in her seat, "What do you have?"
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"I try to vary my wares for any sort of tastes my clients might have. Of course those outside of my own clan are not cursed with such a rarified palate. Some still have their preferences however: Young, old, male, female, poor, noble, and so forth. I can arrange for anything you desire given the appropriate amount of time." Bayard says going into his banter with an endearing smile. As horrifying as the thought of where she has found herself might be, this Cainite is still a thousand times more endearing than Baltus or her sire could have been. His words were actually rather enticing as he spoke to her about tastes.

"Come let us look through a few choices shall we? There is nothing to fear from my stock, I assure you. Unlike the humans in this sort of business I want my employees to remain in the best of health." He said offering his arm to Eve.

Before leaving the room he rang a small silver bell and told the man who answered to watch for a young man returning to look for his master. If the young man returned before they were through he was to be shown in and bade to wait for his master.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"I'm not sure," she smiled, "I haven't had enough time to cultivate a palate," a giggle, "Its a little hard to do that when you travel. Let me sample something sweet and not too young, hmm?" She took his arm in her small hands and surrendered herself to this world for just a few moments.
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