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Fatal Attraction (Eve)

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Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"I will endeavor to explain later. I fear this incident may concern your recent arrival." Guy said in almost a whisper as they stood near the entrance to the alleyway. The local peasants seemed to be mostly gawkers though quite a few of them seemed to be as unruly as they were uncouth.

Bayard was already busy making a pretty speech to the commander of the city watch in regards to the incident in the alley. His explanation of the events took Eve by surprise in 2 ways. The first being that it was nothing but outright lies concerning the involvement of the 3 nobles and their servant, the second was that like the rest of the audience Eve found herself nodding her head along as though she believed it. Of course she knew how to use her powers to convince others in the same way, but the Ventrue's words were like pure honey.

They soon found themselves in the cabin of the carriage once more and were soon moving away from the unruly and filthy inhabitants of Whitechapel. Erasmus lay with his head across Eve's lap as her 2 companions sat across from her.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

She smiled genuinely at Bayard, "You spoke rather prettily back there, milord. I fear my abilities in that respect are woefully inadequate. I'm not sure what I could do to repay you, either of you, for all that you've done for me. I am, after all, a stranger." She patted Erasmus's hair softly, "You also got him back for me. My most valuable possession," Tread softly, remember they wouldn't approve. She laid a possessive hand on her young man's shoulder, unsure of what else there was for her to say.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

Bayard seemed pleased by the comment and hardly seemed surprised at the care she showed for the ghoul in her lap. He beamed as he said. "It was nothing really but I do have the advantage of knowing dominate as well as presence. Peasants can be so easy to lead for those born to do so."

Guy seemed a bit more shocked at how Eve doted on the young man but siad nothing as they rode on. "It is my duty to help a lady in need. I could hardly say no to what is a clear edict of my vows. However I must ask if you might have had an enemy follow you to the city. The message on the wall seemed to indicate that they know you are now here."

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. Arikel by the way is the Toreador antediluvian, I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to say Erasmus would know that but it's up to you if you want Eve to realize it or not.
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

She shook her head. "The only enemy I had is dead, burned to ashes," she allowed herself a grin. "He is the only one that would have followed me. Not because of anything I did, but because he wished to possess me."
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"Well it is certainly possible they were referring to another childe of Arikel, perhaps even myself. Though we seem to have avoided any trouble for now as it did not appear to be a forgive me for speaking so bluntly, vampire attack. Now we should see to the care of your ghoul and get you to the court of Sir Rodger. It will be better to handle the pleasantries as soon as possible." Guy said with an easy smile as the hideous sight of the alley seemed to melt from his mind.

Something lingered in the back of Eve's mind as they traveled though. There were so many coincidences involved in the murder though it was true it didn't appear to be the work of a Cainite. Perhaps the mystery would become clearer with time she thought as she gently stroked Erasmus' handsome head on the trip to the north fields of the city.

She had noticed the mansion within the reeking moors upon entering the city and now understood who might live in such a place. it certainly looked like the abode of one the other clans, forboding and lonely. If only the others cared for beauty as much as her own clan.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

She sighed and stared up at the building. "I do wish others cared for beauty," she voiced her thoughts to Guy. "I wish that all could be as pleasant to look upon as they are to speak with, then surely we would be better able to pick our allies with more certainty."

Re: Fatal Attraction (Eve)

"On the bright side we tend to look all the better for the ugliness of some of the other clans. I'm sure you will find the inside far more inviting however. I believe the exterior is Rodger's means of keeping mortals from getting to nosy about his rather morbid studies. The Cappadocians are rather taken with the study of death you see but very wise and worthy of some respect for their insights." Guy said as he helped Eve from the carriage and to the door while Bayard aided her ghoul, Erasmus.

The doorman with his empty stare and ugly appearance hardly reassured Eve as to her initial feelings. However the inside was indeed more inviting if a bit cold, it reminded her of a fancy mausoleum more than anything. No one came to greet them immediately and they were soon joined by Bayard in the foyer. Deciding that perhaps they should continue on to the main hall they found it equally as empty with the exception of a lone figure in dusty robes and hooded cloak standing near a table with goblets of what appeared to be blood.

Guy leaned in closely and whispered ever so softly in Eve's ear. "I advise against the refreshments, they are rather abominable. Just be yourself and everything should be fine."

With a sudden flourish he bowed and spoke crisply and wonderfully. "Ah, Sir Rodger I hoped to find you here. We have a new visitor to the city who seeks welcome. May I introduce the Lady Eve of clan Toreador."

The cloaked man turned and though his appearance was homely he smiled warmly. Though the smile did little to aid his appearance, much like that of one who had been dead for far too long. It was rather disturbing to see him smile upon her so as he waved his hand to the chairs nearby. "A pleasure my dear, please be seated. Would you care for some refreshments after your arduous journey to London?"

Nah, your cool. You just don't post as often as everyone else.
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