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Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44/44, EP = 54, Status = Weakened x2, Much Tenting


Hesitant though she might be to stick around, Kamsa hadn't yet seen any signs of anything illegal going on, and had barely gone past the expansive chamber's entrance. If she wanted to get paid, she would have to keep looking around despite her exhaustion, and after pulling her underwear back up that was exactly what she opted to do. A short walk around the bar that took her past yet more scenes of rampant debauchery and to the dance floor, where a wild tangle of bodies writhed together in some sort of chaotic rhythm to the distorted music being played.

It was hard to argue that the scene was significantly less carnal than any of the acts of outright sex that she had passed. Suspended cages over the floor had people in them, each engaged in rampant debauchery. One had a man with short blonde hair behind a redheaded woman as she pressed herself against the bars of their cage, her face contorted in ecstasy as he railed into her from behind. Another had two pale dark haired women who looked like they might be twins with their mouths engaged so ferociously it looked like they might be trying to swallow one another. Another particularly cramped cage had two women, a long haired blonde and a short haired redhead, on their knees in front of a man who looked to be of Amazonian descent, and from the the look on his face they were both obviously fairly talented. The other five cages were similarly occupied by couples or even small groups, and the floor below them was only mildly more decent.

It looked more like something out of Acheron than one might expect in a proper Badarian city, but here it was anyway; people writhing together, most clothed but some less so or even outright naked. Kamsa didn’t catch sight of Veronica or her two “pets” as she approached the dance floor, but the sensual melee approached the limits of not being an orgy in and of itself. There was an aura about it, a sort of miasma that went beyond the barrage of scents and sounds bombarding the pink haired kitsune, a subconscious urge to simply… Let go. To release her inhibitions and fulfill her most base desires, to find joy in the pleasures of the flesh with whoever was willing until she could no longer move.

It was hard to see anything within the tangle of bodies before her, but many of the people looked like they might be on something. What that something might be and where it had come from, however… That she would have to keep looking to find out, and to keep looking here she would have to progress into the mass of dancers.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

'How can people just openly do.. er...' Kamsa started mentally chastising the continued depravity brazenly on display as she strode past the cages until she realized she, but a scant few moments ago, had just done essentially the same thing. A renewed wave of shame hit her, causing her to lower her head and scurry past and finally to the dance floor.

As she drew closer, the fervor and aroma of the bodies, sweat, and other mysterious hit the kitsune. She half covered her nose with her hand as a strange feeling overcame her. The acoustic side of things were not much better as her vulpine ears flattened at the booming sounds that seemed to hit her in the chest with each beat almost as much as it hit her ears. As she watched the mass of people, the thought of just jumping in with them flashed across her mind and to just go despite her heavy limbs all. The urge caused her to fidget as she observed the spectacle and she could help herself as she bobbed ever-so-slightly to the music.

As her eyes narrowed in from the overall scene to the individual people, Kamsa thought she saw the somewhat familiar look. Having been homeless before, it wasn't exactly a rare sight to see someone turn to substances to ease the pain of a miserable existence. But, she wasn't quite sure whether that was what she was seeing. Between the darkness, jumbles of bodies, faces, limbs, and not to mention the haziness of her own condition, she was having trouble focusing. She rubbed her face and her eyes as she groaned.

Steeling herself, she attempted to work her way around the edge of the dance floor to the far wall. The cautious fox minded her path, carefully picking a path that would not take her too close to the next section over on her left; with how forward people were here, she definitely did not want to get swept up in that. But, she also did not want to get lost in the main throng of dancers.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44/44, EP = 54, Status = Weakened x2, Wow


Going around the gyrating crowd took Kamsa closer to the stage where the man in the minotaur mask was working on his strange platform, closer to the source of the music to which the gyrating crowd danced. There were no wait staff here, only a few extremely uncomfortable looking bouncers standing on the fringe of the crowd, and as she skirted past them at least none of them tried to reach out and grope her. It also kept her from being swept into the dance or fondled by any of the writhing dancers, thankfully, and as she circled around Kamsa would find that the dancing mass was a little less dense along the edges near the walls.

There were gaps here, ways into the midst of the crowd that would let her find out what was going on inside without having to press through too many bodies to get there. The two easiest routes she could see were distinct, one being populated largely by couples in intimate embrace, many of their eyes closed or barely open. A closer glance would reveal that their pupils were dilated heavily, though what might have caused it she could only guess at. The other path seemed to predominantly populated by scantily clad women, dancing alone or in pairs, all of them fairly handsy with each other but with a noticeable frenetic energy to their motions.

If she wished to ascertain why the strange symptoms were appearing on either group, however, she would have to proceed deeper into the dance...
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa paused briefly to stare at the minotaur mask, distracted by the ridiculousness of such a thing. This was followed by pity for the bouncers who, given the shameless displays around them, were probably in quite the similar situation to her, with a painful fullness in their pants.

Keeping herself on guard as she progressed through the crowd, she once again assessed the dancers and for, hopefully, continued safe passage. Kamsa identified two paths, but both had their own strangeness about them. She waffled between the two, even toying with the idea of leaving as she still felt she was in over her head. Her drooping tail swished with her thoughts of where to go.

'They seem distracted so that might be... better?' the fox thought to herself, 'And, they're... calmer. Relatively.' The thought of wading into a sea of potential groping hands did not appeal to her. In comparison, the couples seemed more intent on pleasuring their partners than finding new partners. Settling on her decision, Kamsa trudged forward.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44/44, EP = 54, Status = Weakened x2, Very naive if she thinks she can get through this unlewded


Stealth: ???
Perception: ???

Taking a moment to make her choice would leave Kamsa briefly undisturbed, at least, but eventually she would have to reach some kind of decision. There was something unnatural to this place to be sure, it was too insane to be a natural occurrence here in Badaria at the very least, but the longer she remained the more she felt an aura about it... A subconscious pull to simply give in to the depravity around her and join it, enacting every perverted dream she might ever have entertained with whoever might have shared them.

The deeper she proceeded into the sweeping pressing of bodies, choosing to go among the route that seemed like its inhabitants would be more occupied with each other than with her. For a few moments that even actually worked, allowing Kamsa to drift through the crowd in a sort of haze. It was hard to pick out any real details from the people she glanced at, the nature of their intimate motions somewhat hard to follow with her own raging erection still straining at her shorts. The longer she stayed on the dance floor, feeling the heat of moving bodies all around her and watching the numerous people all gyrating in unison in what almost had to be the precursor to engaging in the depraved acts that filled this place, together only seemed to enhance her urges further.

Kamsa saw more signs that the people here weren't entirely sober, more people who looked too out of it to be within the full use of their faculties, but what they might be on or where they were getting it from she couldn't discern... Not before another distraction came upon her as such things did here. Kamsa found herself embraced from the side, lightly turned and tugged against the offending dancer, but this time Kamsa recognized them. Their platinum blonde hair was drawn up into a ponytail save for two hanging strands on either side of her face that had been drawn into long curls, framing her smiling features, but the rectangular glasses were far too familiar to belong to anyone other than the woman who had greeted her upon arriving in Tahryst.

"You came~ I'm glad!" She said, her arms gliding around Kamsa's shoulders and her face mere inches from those of the pink haired kitsune. Personal space, it seemed, was a luxury she wasn't going to be afforded here. "Want to dance? C'mon, you look tense... I can help you with that~" She said, and began to gently usher Kamsa's tired limbs into motion unless she managed to quickly conjure a refusal. She had the same dilated pupils and noticeable flush as she'd seen on others on the dance floor, but if it was from simple arousal or something else Kamsa couldn't tell without some further investigation.
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Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa trudged onward in a fog and it got worse. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to focus. The bodies and limbs blended together into a sensual mass that she, according to her straining little buddy, wanted to join. What had been strange urges that she could push out before now seemed to fill her mind. The unshakable and lewd images that swam through her mind's eye were not helping either. At times, she could not make out which scene was the one in front of her and which was being oh so vividly played in her head. She wondered if she really was that needy, that need spurred on by her surroundings, or was it something else?


The kitsune held her head in one hand, trying hard to clear her head. She could feel the sweat as a result from the heat of the crowd but also the arousal she was trying desperately to fight off. Her other hand was below, covering the front of her tight undergarments, trying to will it back down.

Then came the sudden onset of panic as something, or someone, attacked her from the side. After a short squeal of surprise, and a bit of resistance, Kamsa could make out a face. Then, the rest of the body cleared up against the backdrop of the sensual horde around them. The fox certainly recognized who she was looking at, but after everything that night, the name escaped her. Then came the realization that something was of about the woman that had grabbed her, as well as those behind her. Subconsciously she picked up on the signs, though if one were to ask Kamsa exactly what was odd everyone she wouldn't be able to say. Her sluggish thoughts delayed Kamsa's realization that she was being willed along.

"D- dance? Er- I- uhm, no I don't...." she stammered out a meek response. Despite her apparent refusal, she only offered weak resistance. "What's going on?" Whether she was asking about Sarita's actions, what was off about the crowd, or about why Kamsa herself felt so strange, even she didn't know.
Re: Fate of Traitors (Tsuki)

Kamsa: HP = 57, PP = 44/44, EP = 54, Status = Weakened x2, Very naive if she thinks she can get through this unlewded



Kamsa found herself among the writhing press of bodies, Sarita shifting in time with the music with their bodies pressed together front to front. The lingerie she wore was a bit fancier than Kamsa's more athletic gear, and the way they moved let Kamsa feel the detailing of the lacy garb as it brushed against her smooth skin. Particularly distracting was the constant rubbing of it against the tips of her breasts, her own peaks visible and vulnerable even through the thin cloth of her top. "We're dancing silly~ Relax! Have fun!"

For the next few minutes Sarita would keep Kamsa swaying in time with her, their bodies tightly pressed together and the heat building up between them seemingly spreading across the pink haired kitsune's entire frame. "I'm glad you came!" She said brightly through the din of the music and the crowd gyrating to it, and as the tune shifted the bespectacled blonde reached up and suddenly grasped Kamsa by the chin, lifting her gaze until she was looking into the taller woman's eyes. Very slowly she leaned in, tilting her head, but for a moment she only grazed the kitsune's lips with her own. Their swaying, guided by Sarita, took on a slower pace as she pressed in, and for the first time most definitely felt Kamsa's erection against her crotch.

"Came packing toys~" She purred softly against Kamsa's mouth, moving in an almost hypnotic manner as she just barely didn't kiss... Until finally, a few seconds later, she actually did. Her mouth embraced Kamsa's gently at first, her lips only barely open glancing back and forth. It progressed over the course of the next song, a sort of haze falling over Kamsa that made her arousal strain to fully escape control. First her tongue flicked against Kamsa's lips teasingly, not pressing through to lap at Kamsa's invitingly until another few moments had passed. She broke the kiss only often enough to breath, and the longer she remained on the dance floor the more she needed the sort of release that Veronica had already provided twice since she'd arrived. Sarita just kept her pinned in their dance, however, her tongue dancing with Kamsa's with ever increasing ferocity as the pumping music built and built.

It built up without payoff, however, the fury giving way to a sort of quiet droning steadiness, and when it did the hand that had been guiding Kamsa's hips drifted across her front. It had been making towards her feminie sex, but when she felt the kitsune's erection straining against her shorts she followed it... And when her reactions to the delicate brushing against her cock and finding it connected at the base revealed that she wasn't carrying something artificial in her shorts. That gave her a bit of pause, her eyes flicking open and her lips pulling apart so that she could glance down, and after a moment her fingers applied a bit of pressure and made a pair of slow stroking motions that sent pleasure thrumming through Kamsa's body. "Is that... Real?"

Sarita's question needn't be answered verbally, as after a moment of molestation she grinned and simply turned around. Sarita had a good bit more heft downstairs than Veronica, and as the curvy blonde pressed against Kamsa she reached back and grabbed the kitsune by the hips, forcing her to remain tightly pressed against the woman as she gyrated her hips into Kamsa's lap. For the second time that night Kamsa found another woman grinding herself against her cock as it was trapped in the soft embrace of their lower cheeks, and for the second time that night it would take some very vehement resistance to get them to stop. Another song would pass with Kamsa trapped in a familiar sort of pleasure hell, and when it ended Sarita would lean back and whisper; "Come with me..."

She leaned a little further and nipped Kamsa on the lips, seemingly not only unperturbed about her unnatural features but actually attracted to them. Parts of her would certainly be happy to accept the relief she was seemingly about to offer, and the jelly-like and feeble her limbs feeling in her limbs would make it hard to keep Sarita from pulling her along. Should she fail to part from Sarita, Kamsa would find herself dragged along through the crowd as the blonde alternated between glancing back at her and looking where they were going. For one frightening moment it seemed like they were heading towards the section that Kamsa had deliberately tried to avoid, but Sarita took a sharp left near the edge of the dance floor and they skirted around the edge, moving through the narrow alley between the arera where bondage enthusiasts came to play and the bar.

She spotted Veronica despite her diminutive height as they passed, near the edge of the crowd. The colorful mute was overseeing Celina and Scarlett as they knelt on a pair of platforms set next to one another, their arms tied behind their backs. A pair of ropes stretched across the space between them, both covered in small knots, and as it ran between both of their legs Kamsa could see it vibrating and coated in the fluids of two naked girls. She could also see that Scarlett's side was thrumming a good bit harder than Celine's somehow, and as she passed Celine moved her arms until a section of the rope under Celine moved, dragging a series of knots across Scarlett's soaking petals until something clicked and her rope began to vibrate harder still. As she passed, Veronica would spot her and grin, eyes shifting color again - left going from milky white to pink and right going from pink to dark brown - and Kamsa would notice that her congealed semen was still all over her would-be domme's rear.

Sarita led Kamsa past that, however, and instead pulled her into a booth that concealed them from sight via a mostly opaque veil. She could hear the sounds of sex all around them here, men and women grunting and moaning in a dozen different timbers from numerous sources. The smell of it was everywhere, but at least here she didn't have to see any of it. Kamsa found herself being pushed onto a bench, and for a moment the busty, lingerie-clad blonde stared down at her with a wide grin. "Why don't we... Talk for a bit~" She purred, but as she swept down and straddled Kamsa, moving to kiss her again, it seemed like she had no intention of actually speaking and every intention of making out again.