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Flash Modding Thread

Mundane Girl

Jungle Girl
Mar 21, 2015
Reputation score
This thread: dedicated to the discussion of all things related to the modification of Adobe Flash (.swf) games and files.

Here you will find tutorials explaining the general technique of altering files, information for changing specific games, and finished mods created by this community.

For the sake of keeping things organized I will periodically go through the thread and update this post to link to useful information.

Moderators: please for the love of god do not merge the following posts into this one. Individual posts will make it possible to link to specific tutorials, this post will be cleaner, and I won't be pushing +30KB of text every time I edit this.

List of Mods
Games listed by alphabetic order, mods by alphabetic order of their creator's name.

By Mundane Girl. Adds a gallery.

Morcreas Universal Axis - Invulnerability
By Mundane Girl. Invulnerability cheat and unlocked gallery.

By Mundane Girl. Adds music and sound, for...reasons.

Witch Girl - Ms. Little Chocolate
By Freunde. Palette swap. Girl has dark skin.

Witch Girl - Uncensored
By JaegerNimrod. Uncensors the game.

Witch Girl - Paper Recolor
By Mrpaper. Palette swap. I don't know what it does because I can't get the archive to extract.

Witch Girl - No Ogres
By Mundane Girl at the request of BigJohnny. Removes all ogres from the game.

Witch Girl - Authentic Mami (with Charlotte)
Witch Girl - Authentic Mami (no Charlotte)
By Mundane Girl. Replaces one of the enemies with the witch Charlotte from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and makes...appropriate adjustments to the Mami cosplay.

Witch Girl - Blonde Witch
By Whitee. Palette swap. Gives the girl blond hair, makes some enemies and clothing transparent.
Information for Specific Games
Witch Girl - List of Useful Colors
Original by Mundane Girl, researched in depth by Freunde. List of colors for use with Flashbulb's palette swap feature.
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Useful Tools

A free, open source decompiler and editor. Has been around since 2010, so it has a mature feature set. If you intend to decompile to .fla format to edit a file using the official Flash software, or to do any serious Actionscript editing, this is the way to go. Its ability to directly modify files is lacking though.

JPEXS is highly recommended by the Flash community, but I personally do not use it and will not be writing tutorials for it. Other contributors to this thread may be of help here.

Necessary if you're going to decompile to .fla. Being the official Flash creation tool it's obviously the best editor. The downside is that it is commercial software with a costly monthly payment model. You could pirate it, if you're willing to deal with the risks involved. Editing decompiled swfs also runs the risk of corruption from lossy data conversion.

I have not possessed a copy of Flash in many years, so I won't be of much help for any issues you have with it.

An in-place swf editor, currently in free public alpha. It is not a decompiler; it is designed to directly modify files. The advantage of this is that it reduces the potential of files becoming corrupted from the "lossy" conversion of data from one type to another and back, as it only touches the minimum amount of data it needs to get the job done. The downside is that it has only existed for one year, worked on in the creator's spare time, so it has some major rough edges and incomplete functionality issues.

However, Flashbulb does do certain things that are unique to it. It can very quickly remove scripts locking files to specific websites, automatically remove watermarks from other swf tools, and easily do color palette swaps, among other things. The author is working on making it so you can modify files using a point-and-click interface much like the official Flash software, and even now it's possible to create basic animations from scratch.

The author is developing Flashbulb under his real identity and so doesn't want to be directly connected to the porn community for various business and personal reasons, but he is interested in feedback and suggestions for useful improvements. I have a direct line to him, so any ideas you post here will make their way to him.

For testing files without the overhead of an Internet browser. Also lets you use the play/rewind controls even if a swf disables them. Can turn swfs into executables, if you want to do that for whatever reason. Make sure to associate the .swf file extension with this program.

Contains almost all of the technical information you would ever need to know when working with swf files. Almost. It's full of links to dead websites and some of the information is flat out incorrect, but it is the most comprehensive resource you're probably going to find. Useful for making hex edits to things Flashbulb hasn't implemented yet.

Free image editor. Good for creating and editing graphics for import to a swf. The interface sucks, so use Photoshop instead if you have it, but it's okay for being free.

Free sound editor, for working with sounds intended for import. Even though it's free it's a quality program, the only limitation being that it doesn't have a built-in mp3 encoder (it has to be downloaded separately).

Free vector graphics editor. You're going to need this if you intend to work with vector graphics and aren't exporting to .fla. The interface is somehow even worse than GIMP, but I'm not aware of any good alternatives.


1. It's Chinese. When was the last time you used a quality product from China? Never. When was the last time you heard about the Chinese hacking into the systems of other countries, flooding the Internet with spam, selling bootleg copies of other peoples' work and/or stealing technical secrets? Probably a day or two ago. Do you really want to run a Chinese program on your computer? No you do not.
2. I'd like to tell you a joke. Imagine a program that does nothing but decompiles .swf files to .fla, what JPEXS does for free, that costs $80. That's equal to four months of using the official Flash program (which you'll also need to edit the .fla files). Imagine additional charges for a physical CD, $13, and "download insurance" (what?) for $8. For $144 you can also get an inferior clone of Flash (what Flashbulb will eventually do for free) and a website banner maker. The joke is, this isn't a joke.
3. Sothink makes free demos of their programs. They insert obnoxious flashing watermarks informing the world that you're using the free version. Flashbulb does remove these with a few clicks, if you want to go this route.
4. Seriously, fuck China.

A set of difficult-to-use command line programs, each performing a different basic function. Doesn't really do anything you couldn't do with much less difficulty in JPEXS or Flashbulb, unless you have a compelling reason to turn a .pdf into a .swf. Hasn't been updated in three years.
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Flashbulb Primer
This tutorial explains the basics of using Flashbulb.

Flashbulb opens in what is called "Tag Mode". In this mode you have five panes (left to right, top to bottom): the File Tag List, the Tag Editor Area, the Library Tag List, the File Properties/Filters pane, and Library Properties/Filters pane.

The File Tag List contains a list of all of the tags in a swf file. A tag is a chunk of data that provides instructions to the Flash player. They can be lumped into three broad catagories: definition tags, control tags and stream tags. Definition tags define a resource to be used by the animation, such as an image, sound, vector image, button, font, text or video. Control tags instruct the player to perform an action, such as displaying an image, playing a sound or running a script. Stream tags are a hybrid of the two, simultaneously containing and acting on a resource.

The Tag Editor Area is used for viewing, modifying, and exporting various aspects of one or more tags. This is the main work area of the program. When a tag is copied into this area, it exists independantly of the file it came from; changes will not be saved unless you transfer it back. This pane is also used for creating tags from scratch, creating Tasks (a set of related tags), and is host to a basic hex editor.

In between the File Tag List and Tag Editor are a set of buttons which act on the File Tag List. You can hover the mouse over them for a brief description of what each does. In the current version of Flashbulb, these buttons are (top to bottom): load file (disk, left arrow), save file (disk, right arrow), copy tag to editor area (right solid arrow), copy tag to editor without loading it (transparent right arrow), insert tag from editor (curvy left arrow), overwrite selected tag from editor (left solid arrow), delete selected tag (red X), navigate out of a sprite (up arrow), navigate into a sprite (down arrow), and description of selected tag (question mark). Buttons that are grayed out are unavailable. Most require a tag to be selected or loaded into the editor area.

The Library Tag List is essentially the same thing as the File Tag List. It can be used to store a collection of useful tags, or to edit two files simultaneously, such as to transfer assets between files without having to manually export and import them. You can also use it to merge entire files together.

The File Properties/Filters pane serves several functions: to view/modify basic properties of a swf file, to select which tags are visible in the File Tag List, and to launch different modes. The filters are mainly to list tags that are of interest to you (such as only listing tags that contain graphics), but they can also be used to speed up the program (if you select the End tag filter prior to loading a file, it will load a lot faster). The "Gallery" button launches Gallery Mode, which displays all of the graphics and sounds in a file for quickly locating tags of interest. Timeline Mode, not available yet, will be a visual point-and-click editor much like the official Flash authoring program.

The Library Properties/Filters pane does the same thing, but for the file loaded into the Library Tag List.

The basic workflow of modifying files goes like this: load a swf using the top button. Locate a tag you want to modify -- either by finding it in Gallery Mode, or by filtering tags by a specific type and loading them into the editor pane until you find the one you want. Click the tag in the taglist then click the solid right arrow. If the tag can be modified you will be given various options, otherwise it will inform you nothing can be done. Do what you want to do, then click the solid left arrow to overwrite the original tag. Repeat as desired, then save the swf using the second-to-top button. I strongly suggest renaming the file -- I usually append letters to the names, so the first edit is afileA.swf, the second edit is afileB.swf, and so on. Now load the swf in Flash player to see if your edit worked okay.

At times you may want to duplicate a tag instead of overwriting it. In this case you would use the curvy left arrow instead of the solid one. Other times you'll want to delete tags, which is done by selecting them and pressing the red X.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Understanding the SWF Format
As mentioned in the Flashbulb primer, a swf file consists of a long list of tags which provide instructions to the player. The list of tags are divided into frames, which are more or less the same thing as frames in a movie reel. The rapid playback of still images, with slight differences between them, creates the illusion of motion. Unlike movies, different Flash files have varying rates of playback, some as low as 10 frames per second, others playing at 60 FPS (the cap for swfs playing in a browser). The higher the rate, the smoother the animation.

Another important distinction is that swf files may contain multiple animations ("timelines") which can play simultaneously and independantly of each other. This is the basis of the "movie clip", also known as a "sprite". The main "root" timeline can be as short as one frame long, yet contain several minutes of animation inside of a sprite. Sprites can be built from other sprites, leading to complex arrangements. A common example in porn games are sprites containing individual body parts (head, torso, arms, legs), which are then put together in another sprite to form a person.

A frame is terminated by a ShowFrame tag. All tags prior to that tag, and following any previous ShowFrame, belong to the same frame. In Flashbulb this is represented by a number next to the tag type. The time offset of a specific frame can be determined by dividing the frame number by the file framerate. For instance, frame 90 in a 30 FPS file is displayed after three seconds. The very last tag in a timeline is an End tag. The Flash player rewinds to the first tag in the timeline when an End tag is encountered.

Now, in order to do anything worthwhile, a swf file must first define a resource that it intends to use. This may be an raster image, sound, vector shape, button, text, and so on. These types of tags begin with the word "Define" (DefineBits, DefineShape, DefineSound, etc.). A number after the tag type indicates that it is a more advanced version. All resources are assigned a unique 16-bit ID. No two resources may share the same ID. If this happens, the Flash player will use the first resource defined with the ID and ignore the other.

Defining a resource doesn't actually cause it to be shown. Doing this requires the use of a control tag such as PlaceObject or StartSound. The control tag uses the ID of a definition tag to show a resource without having to duplicate the original data over and over again. In the case of graphical resources (PlaceObject), objects are placed in "layers" (also known as "depth" or "z"). Layers dictate the order that objects are drawn, with lower numbers being drawn first. Each layer may only contain one object. Trying to place two or more objects in the same layer will cause the latter objects to be ignored.

Flash uses two different types of graphics: raster and vector. Raster images (commonly seen in .jpegs, .gifs and .pngs) are rectangular regions containing pixels which form an image. Vector graphics are collections of abstract mathematical lines, curves and fills in coordinate space. Tags containing raster graphics begin with "DefineBits", while vector tags begin with "DefineShape". An important thing to note is that the DefineBits family of tags cannot be used directly by PlaceObject. A DefineShape tag must be made containing a rectangular shape using DefineBits as a fill, which can then be rendered with PlaceObject. A side effect of this is that if you delete a raster tag but not its matching vector tag, Flash player will show a red rectangle where the image used to be. Make sure to always delete both tags.

Sounds come in two varieties: event sounds in DefineSound tags, and streaming sounds in SoundStreamHead/SoundStreamBlock tags. DefineSound tags contain a complete sound and are controlled by StartSound tags (contrary to the name, StartSound can also stop sounds). Sound stream tags begin with a single SoundStreamHead followed by many SoundStreamBlock tags in the following frames. These types of sounds are played in synchronization with the animation, and have the distinction of acting as both definition and control tags. They're also harder to work with.

Swf files may also contain Actionscript (which are actually compiled programs, not scripts), which gives the format the capacity for interactivity and dynamic behavior. Actionscript comes in several flavors. Actionscript 1 and 2 are effectively the same thing and run in AVM1 (Actionscript Virtual Machine), while Actionscript 3 runs in AVM2. AVM1 and AVM2 scripts cannot coexist in the same file. AVM1 scripts are chiefly found in DoAction tags, but can also occur in DoInitAction and PlaceObject2/3/4. AVM2 scripts require that the file begin with a FileAttributes tag and are only found in DoABC tags.

Like streaming sounds, videos begin with DefineVideoStream followed by many VideoFrame tags. If you're looking at a file that consists entirely of DefineVideoStream/VideoFrame, SoundStreamHead/SoundStreamBlock, PlaceObject and ShowFrame tags, it's an embedded video. These kinds of files cannot be modified with a swf editor. The only option here is to convert the file to another format with ffmpeg and use a video editor, beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Another thing to watch out for, though rare, are files with a very small number of tags consisting of a couple of DoABCs, a DefineBinaryData, and a FrameLabel called "RuntimeFlash". Flashbulb will identify the DefineBinaryData tag as "Clickteam Multimedia Fusion". These types of files are actually emulators which mimic an entirely different virtual machine. They are not true swf files and are well beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Other tags of interest are the DefineFont family (define fonts and various aspects relating to them), DefineText (defines a block of text), DefineMorphShape (a type of DefineShape which changes shape over time), and DefineButton (defines a button). DefineBinaryData is used by AVM2 scripts and can contain anything, up to and including other swf files. DefineSprite tags contain other tags in an independent timeline, as explained above.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Uncensoring Files (Flashbulb)
1. Read the Flashbulb primer.

2. Open the file and use gallery mode to identify the graphic(s) used to censor the animation. This could be anything including black bars, blurry circles, or cutesey shapes like stars or hearts. Click the graphic to go to its tag.

3. Determine whether the tag you're looking at belongs to the DefineBits family or the DefineShape family. If it's a DefineBits tag, locate the DefineShape which uses it. This will almost always be the tag immediately after it. Delete both tags. If it's a DefineShape tag, just delete it.

4. Save the file using a different file name and test it. If it's still censored, reload the original file and repeat step 2 with another graphic. If you see a red rectangle, you screwed up step 3 by deleting a DefineBits tag but not its matching DefineShape. Try again.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Exporting Sounds/Images (Flashbulb)
1. Read the Flashbulb primer.

2. Open the file and use gallery mode to identify the resource(s) you want to export. You can narrow things by selecting filters from the menubar. Click the resource to go to its tag.

3. If there's a button in the editor area that says "export", click it. Otherwise, you can't export it. The former is more likely, the latter happening only for rare formats like ADPCM.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Replacing Sounds/Images (Flashbulb)
1. Read the Flashbulb primer.

2. Open the file and use gallery mode to identify the resource(s) you want to replace. You can narrow things by selecting filters from the menubar. Click the resource to go to its tag.

3. If there's a button in the editor area that says "import", click it. Go to step 5.

4. Otherwise, you can't directly replace it. You still have the option of indirectly replacing it, by making another tag of the same general type (graphic/sound/etc). Note the ID. Using the menubar, click "Tag", "New Tag", the category of tag you want to replace it with, then an appropriate tag type. Import a file with the import button, then fill in the ID field with the original's.

5. Click the left solid arrow to replace the original tag, then save the file. Test the modified file.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Extracting SWFs from Projector EXE files (Flashbulb)
Sometimes games come in the form of an executable file, which is really nothing more than the standalone Flash player with a swf stuck to it. This tutorial explains how to extract the swf from these.

1. Open Flashbulb. From the menubar select "Tools", then "Extract From .exe".

2. Select the executable in question.

3. Flashbulb will notify you whether it found a swf or not. If it did, it will be in the same location with the same file name as the executable, but with a ".swf" extension.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Replacing Colors in a Single Vector Shape (Flashbulb)
1. Read the Flashbulb primer.

2. Open the file and use gallery mode to identify the graphic you want to modify. You can narrow things by selecting filters from the menubar. Click it to go to its tag.

3. Note the tag type. If it belongs to the DefineBits family, it is a vector image. You will have to export it, use an image editor to modify it, then reimport it. This is outside the scope of this tutorial. If it belongs to the DefineShape family, continue reading.

4. Optionally click the "Add Alpha" button if you want to use colors with transparency. Skip this step if the button says "Remove Alpha".

5. Click the "Replace" button. Use the arrows to select the color you want to replace, replace the hex code with the color you want it to be, then press the "+" button to make the change. Repeat for any other colors you want to change.

6. Use the left solid arrow to replace the original tag, then save the file. Test it.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Replacing All Instances of a Specific Color in a File (Flashbulb)
See this post for an alternate tutorial with pictures.
This tutorial explains how to change a specific color in all vector shapes within a file. This is useful for replacing a unique color common to the different sprites representing a single person, such as changing someone's hair color. It is inadvisable to do this for common colors such as pure white, black or red.

1. Read the Flashbulb primer.

2. Open the file.

3. If you don't know the hex code for the color you want to replace, you may optionally locate a tag containing it, click "Replace", then use the arrows to identify it.

4. From the menubar select File, Filters, then Replace Shape Color.

5. Put the hex code of the color you want to replace in the source field. Put the hex code of the color you want it to be in the destination field. You may want to read the text in the window explaining how alpha is handled.

6. Press OK to make the change. Save the file, then test it.

7. If doing this changes shapes that you didn't want to modify, you can optionally load the modded file in the File Taglist, load the original file in the Library Taglist, then use the arrow buttons to transfer the unmodified shapes from the original file to the modded one.
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Replacing Multiple Colors in a File using a Script (Flashbulb)
1. Create a new file using your text editor of choice and make a list of hex codes of colors you want to replace. You can use the color replace tool in Flashbulb to identify these (see the "Replacing Colors in a Single Vector Shape" tutorial). Put each code on its own line. Type the hex code of the color you want to replace it with next to it, separated by a colon. For instance, if you want to replace red with green and opaque black with transparent white, the file will look like this:


2. Make sure the file does not contain anything that is not a hex code, colon or newline. Make certain there is no whitespace. Also ensure there is a newline after the final code pair.

3. Read the Flashbulb primer.

4. Open the file in Flashbulb, then from the menubar select File, Filters, Replace Shape Color.

5. Click the "@" button in the top-left corner to load your script.

6. After the window is done flashing save the file and test it. See the last step of the "Replacing All Instances of a Specific Color in a File" tutorial if there are any colors that were modified that you didn't want to change.

The lower part of this post provides a specific example of doing this.
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

This was originally a PM to a user who requested a tutorial for Hex-Color-Change on the Witch Girl game.

INFORMATION: The hoster of the pics got shut down. Gonna re-upp the pics ... sometime ... hopefully soon

#1 Open Flashbulb and click the "Open"-Option.

#2 Open the Data-Folder of the game and choose a .swf-file.

#3 After Flashbulb completed loading the .swf-file click on the "Replace Shape Color"-Option.

#4 Now open the Hex-Color-List and put the hex-color you want to change in the "Source RGBA"-Field. In the "Destination RGBA"-Field put in the color you want to have. You can use this site to choose a desired color. The generator will give you the hex-code.

#5 After that, save your file via "Save As"-Tab or lower floppy disk.

#6 And overwrite.

#7 If everything was done correctly the desired color has changed when you launch the game. However, the .swf-file you edited, contained only the shapes when she's masturbating/standing/down. Shapes while raped/game_over/3p-rape were not changed during this tutorial!
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

So would these tutorials allow translating of

It seems to be flash from what i saw, but id rather not get my hopes up for nothing :D
Re: Flash Modding Thread

So would these tutorials allow translating of

It seems to be flash from what i saw, but id rather not get my hopes up for nothing :D

Checked out the demo, it is Flash. None of the above tutorials are really applicable to translation. They would be if the game used prerendered images of text, but this one appears to have most of its text in Actionscript 3 scripts. Flashbulb doesn't handle non-Latin languages well, so it shows up as a bunch of in the current version.

With some minor tweaks to Flashbulb it should be possible. The catch is I don't know Japanese, so if I did it it would be a machine translation via Google.

Edit: Flashbulb has been updated. This game has a metric crapton of text. As in, even the demo has tens of kilobytes of dialogue (mostly in data/battle.swf). I'm not really inclined to do the translation myself, though the tutorial in the next post and the extracting swfs from exes one above has all the information to do it if anyone is up to it.
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Re: Flash Modding Thread

Tutorial - Translating Actionscript 3 Games (Flashbulb)
(requires Flashbulb 0.52+++ or above, uploaded today)
This tutorial will cover translating Japanese or other foreign language text contained in Actionscript 3 games. It only goes over the Actionscript 3 portion of the translation process; chances are you will also have to replace fonts, images and DefineText tags to get a fully translated game.

1. Read the Flashbulb primer.

2. Verify that the file to be translated is an Actionscript 3 game. Load the file, click the Filters tab, then check DoABC. If the taglist comes up empty, it is not an Actionscript 3 game; this tutorial will not be helpful to you.

3. Otherwise, load a DoABC tag into the tag editor. You should see lines of text with words like "Boolean", "void", "int", and so on. Scroll down to the bottom to see if there are large blocks of Japanese text. If not, try another DoABC, or if the game has multiple files, another file. If you see , you're probably using an old version of Flashbulb. .

4. It's possible to directly translate the Japanese from this window. However, for the sake of better resolution and backup purposes you may want to copy it to a text editor. You'll need one that supports UTF8 encoding; works well. Make sure to set the encoding prior to copying the text (File - Encoding - UTF8 in Notepad2). Flashbulb doesn't currently support ctrl-A, so you'll have to do it the hard way; put the cursor at the top, hold shift, then hold page down until all of the text is selected, ctrl-C to copy, then paste to the text editor.

5. Translate the text. Don't know Japanese? You can try , but be warned that it does a poor job doing Japanese to English. One thing you really have to be careful about is to not change the number of lines. The program source code is mixed in with the Japanese text, so if you screw anything up, it will not run. If you want to insert a newline into some text, type "\n" instead of pressing enter. Don't feed the entire file to a translation program, it will break it. One line at a time.

6. If you translated the text in an external program, paste it back to the tag. Copy the translated text, put the cursor at the top of the text field, hold shift, page down until everything's selected, then ctrl-V to overwrite it. Ensure there are single empty lines at the top and bottom of the field.

7. Press the left solid arrow to overwrite the original tag. Save the file. If the game has multiple files you may have to save to the same filename as the original, so make sure you have a backup somewhere.

8. Test the file. If your translation worked but the text shows up in big blocky letters, you're going to have to replace some fonts. This tutorial won't get into the details, but your best bet is to replace them with font tags from an English swf. The tricky part is finding fonts with a complete character set; Flash only saves the letters that are actually used by a file. Use the wrong one and yor tet will end p missin letters.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Ah okay, i was planning to just translate the UI / Info, not the actual story and stuff :p dam near impossible to play when i cant read the skill page lol.

Ill give it a shot and see if i can work it :p thanks for the info
Re: Flash Modding Thread

would it be possible to modify Mocreas Universal Axis so the player was invincible?
Re: Flash Modding Thread

would it be possible to modify Mocreas Universal Axis so the player was invincible?

It would be possible ... but how do you intend to play the game without knowing where you're standing? :D

Edit1: Sry, misread, thought you wrote "invisible". Well, making cheat-like modifications will meddle with the Codes inside of the game. It should be possible, but I don't know exactly how. Sadly I'm only specialized in Hex-Color-Change. :p
Re: Flash Modding Thread

would it be possible to modify Mocreas Universal Axis so the player was invincible?
Yeah, it's an Actionscript 2 game -- invincibility is easy to do with those. Having difficulty finding a working download of the full game though, all I can find is the demo.
Re: Flash Modding Thread

Found something, it says "Part 1" though. Dunno if there are several parts but this one seems quite legit in terms of full-version.
(I'm right now uploading the file somewhere).


Edit2: [related to: Witch Girl by Koooonsoft]
When I've the leisure I'll work on my second project (see attachement). Luckily, I've melded some stray hex-colors and reversed unwanted Shape-Color-Changes on my Ms. Little Chocolate which makes modding quite more easily.


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