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Fluffy Tails from Hell (Smokefish, Tentanarix), GM'd by Diagasvesle (Beta)


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
Reputation score
Hello. I am hosting for Randomknight or Smokefish and TentanariX a game of slave hunt over AIM. You can find me easily enough on AIM, just use Mah name and add @live(dot)com to it.

Now as to how these logs work. My logs will be (GM[Insert Number]). Their logs will look (RK(Or tenta)[Insert Number][Insert lowercase letter that is paired to another letter.]) You should be able to understand once you look through them. Now onto the logs.

Also note- I will not be displaying any rolls or anything like that. After all, this is a Beta of SH so just testing out a few different ways of using the system.

Now for an Indexing of System (Indexing by the number in Parenthesis, not the post number) Or for People that do not want to read through the logs to get the what happens.
1. Posts with 1 In parenthesis is the opening post of Kerria and Illy making it to their new home along with the contract in which they much do to keep their home and or buy it.

2. These posts hold the first starting rolls for combat. (Rolls are not Posted.) To see who will have the surprise ambush of the other.

3. More preparation and fluff for first fight

4. Final Preparations before start of Fight

5. Fight Start - Clear Overpowerment against the enemies by Kerria

6. Finishing of the Fight - Very easily done.

7. Looting Times of the Three Banditos - Courtesy of Kerria

8. Evaluation of damage done to the bandits and need to see actual Medical Help.

House that the Duo is Currently living in. On a side note - Barely any changes can be made to it while Kerria and Illy are renting it.
Woodcutters Log-Cabin
Located in Shrinklewood Forest
Owned by Lord Shrinklewood
Being Rented out to Kerria.

House Size: Medium Building - 2 Floors
Traveling Time: 2 Hrs to Closest Town. 3 Hrs when roads are muddy (after a rain). 4 Hrs if its storming.
Floor Plans
-- 1st Floor - Enlarged (Increasing Furnishment Slots from 6 to 8.) --
Has a Pantry that is Built to medium size (Can hold up to a 20 Food/Drink Items) Or can double as an item storage.
Has the master bedroom in which a Plain Double Bed Resides.
Has 2 Guest rooms in each one there is a cheap single bed.
There is also a kitchen which nearby is a plain single slave post.
-- Basement Floor 1 --
Has two Fluid Extraction Devices
Has a chest that is medium size. (Can hold 20 Food/Items)
Has 3 cheap single slave posts

--Just Stat Proportion of the house--
Medium Building - 2 to 4 Hour Period from Closest Town. (Depending on Weather.)
- 2 Floors
Basement Floor 1
- 1 Medium Food/Item Storage
- 3 Cheap Single Slave posts
- 2 Fluid Extraction Device
1st Floor Enlarged
- 1 Medium Item/Food Storage
- 1 Plain Double Bed
- 1 Plain Single Slave Post
- 2 Cheap Single Bed
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Re: Beta SH. Hosted by Diagasvesle for RK (Main PC) and Tenta (Secondary PC)

(GM1 Post) It had been a dark and stormy and spooky week for Illy and Kerria. The poor lava sune, her fur all on end, was miserable from the cold and wet and sticking quite close to her lover/mistress. Well that was how the poor lavasune saw it. For Kerria it had been more of a constant drizzling with grey cloudy skies with heavy showers now and then. Even as they trudged through on dirt beaten paths that had long since gone to mud, making their poor feet quite muddy. Still the house that Kerria was promised slowly showed up finally.

The cabin building or well more of a large woodcutter family home appeared at the end of the dirt path. The cabin looked recently deserted and a sign in front of it spoke of the reason why 'Last Owner Evicted due to being a squatter - Norgoth Bluto - Emissary of Lord Shrinklewood.' Kerria felt something close to relief that shi would not end up evicted due to the fact that she had magically protected papers that granted her this building. Through the papers prevented her from changing the place too much till she had bought it from Lord Shrinklewood. Still remembering the contract the she had gotten for the building gave her five different ways to pay for it.

[Deed of Ownership
-City of Clauswoth-
-Place Contracted - Captiol Building -
-Between - Lord Shrinklewood, Owner - Kerria, Hellhound new slaver-

I, Lord Shrinklewood the 7th of the long line of Shrinklewoods that own the shrinklewood forest, hearby grant you permission to live in the Woodcutter's Cabin that has already been fitted to holding slaves by a bandit squatter who is now being trained to be a slave to me. 'I, Kerria [Insert your own fluff if you feel like] agree to the conditions below.

Renting the Woodcutter Cabin Obligations
1. To maintain living in the Woodcutter's Cabin I, Kerria, shall visit Lord Shrinklewoods Manor every month for a status report.
2. To maintain living in the Woodcutter's Cabin I, Kerria, shall send to Lord Shrinkelwoods coffers 10 Milk Loads and Cum Loads every month.

To owning the Woodcutter Cabin Obligations I, Kerria, shall need to do one of these obligations.
1. I, Kerria, will pay Lord Shrinklewood 2000 Gold, I, Kerria, shall then own the Cabin.
2. I, Kerria, will bring Illy to Lord Shrinklewoods Manor and stay there till I, Kerria, and Illy, have birthed for him each 6 Children seperately. Once this is done, I, Kerria, shall own the cabin.
3. I, Kerria, will pay Lord Shrinklewood 100 Milk Loads of Milk Rank 3. I, Kerria, shall then own the cabin.
4. I, Kerria, will lend Illy to Lord Shrinklewood for 2 months to do with as he pleases besides any permanent markings. I, Kerria, shall then own the cabin at the end of two months and have Illy returned to me.
5. I, Kerria, will go to Lord Shrinklewood for 3 months to do anything Shrinklewood wants besides permanent markings. I, Kerria, shall then own the cabin at the end of 3 months.]

Still Kerria felt relief to be able to get out of the rain. Getting closer to hte woodcutter's cabin, she would pull the key from her sturdy clothes, opening the door, revealing a somewhat dusty cabin but with a pantry easily visible along with a fireplace in the middle and already assorted pots and pans. Kerria knew that there was no food in the food storage. She and Illy checking around could see that everything was as where it was marked and left.

(-Optionals- For Kerria and Illy. To have enough Food to feed the 1st floor storage, Kerria and Illy could have made a bargain to either have fucked partners of Shrinklewoods choosing before leaving or increased the rental properties of intead paying 10 ML and CL they would pay 5 CL but recieve Enough Food to Fill up the Medium Food Storage by month.

-Additonal Optional- For Illy only. Illy was pulled over and offered a strange gem that she could not tell what it did.

-Additonal Optional- For Kerria only. Her naivety of civilization is taken advantage of with her promising to Shrinklewood that she would not wear clothing when in its presence.)

(Rk1) Kerria had been keeping an arm around Ilyysia most of the way to their new home. She was still trying to wrap her head around the contract, as she wasn't the sharped tool in the shed. Still, she wasn't the dullest either, and she figured payment method 2, 4 and 5 would be highly unpleasant to fulfill, while 3 would be... tricky to fulfil, as she wasn't sure about what "Milk Rank 3" meant, and 100 loads of it sounded like an awful lot. She wasn't dropped behind a wagon however, and hadn't allowed herself to be tricked into wandering around naked at all times... Not that she couldn't do it anyhow if she felt like it. She wasn't entirely comfy wearing clothes just yet.

Regardless, after turning the key and stepping into their new home, Kerria would quickly close the door. Food would have to wait, but it was certainly a high priority. She had settled for starting out completely barebones save for what the house itself offered. As soon as the door was locked, she turned, tugging firmly on Ilyysia's clothes, beginning to strip her pet. "Snuggles, no sense wearing soaked clothes, as pretty as they are, they'll just keep you cold.", she growled quietly in annoyance, and as soon as 'Snuggles' had slipped out of her clothes, Kerria would do the same, and then hug the Lavasune tightly, trying to warm her a little before starting to wander through the home, exploring it a little. Perhaps she could find a place to hang their clothes to dry... And maybe she could find a dry bed or thick blanket, anything to assist her with warming her soaked, cold Kitsune lover. (No to all Optionals)

(Tenta1) "Brrrrr..... Oooh I haaaate the cooold, Mistress~ Lava Kitsunes need warmth~ I'd love to get these stinky cold wet things off of me!~" she said as she gladly tossed off her wet cold clothes, before snuggling up against her mistress. "Hrmmm, I cant really make heads or tails of this paper we got Mistress. I dont like to share. So the 2 4 and 5 arent open for debate. Maybe 1 or 3..... 1 will be a lot of work...... I want to snuggles.... Im so cold..... A blankie would be wonderful~" she said lovey dovey as she nuzzled up against Kerria.

(Rk1a) Kerria couldn't help but smiled amusedly at 'Snuggles' eccentric and oh-so-childish behavior. If there was a welcome mat right at the door she'd try to rub off some dirt from her feet, and tell Ilyysia to do the same, and then start exploring the house, keeping the Lavasune close to herself. As soon as she found the doublebed, she'd let out a playful growl, whisking Ilyysia off of her feet, carrying her to the bed, and and lay herself and her pet onto the bad, wrapping the covers around them what she could, but didn't slip underneath them. They were wet and dirty after all, no sense dirtying the bed too much. Once there, embracing each other, she felt it was as good as any time to talk about the contract. "Mmhm, I don't like those points of the contract either... I wouldn't be able to stand you being away from me for so long... And any children we have, should be ours and ours alone to do with as we please.", she nodded firmly, and leant in, kissing the Lavasune softly, while wrapping the covers and her arms more tightly around her little pet. "I don't think they left any food for free here... So we're going to have to see to that soon, perhaps tomorrow...", she grinned a little, licking her lips as she leant in, whispering in the lavasunes ears. "But don't worry, I'm sure I have a little treat for you if you get hungry~"

(Tenta1a) Illy continued nuzzling up against Kerria while sniffing her hair and licking her neck and nibbling her ear before she was plucked up off of the ground, 'eep'ing as she lifted up in her mistresses arms, growing an impish smile as as she let one of her ams dangle to where she could gently and idly stroke her cock. "My mistress's cum is mine and mine alone~ Well mine and any other of slaves, hee hee~" she said as she licked her lips at her mistresses comment about the treat.

(RK1b) Kerria grinned a little bit, growling softly as one of her two cocks was caressed, the knotted member twitching in response. She did give Illy a questioning look at the 'mine alone' comment, but gave the Lavasune's nose a rewarding lick as she corrected herself. "Mmhm~ My seed is mine to reward others with as I see fit, you should remember that~", she growled playfully, and hugged the kitsune tightly against her, giving it her all to warm the meeker one of the two. "Mrr... Once you're warmed up a little, I think we should get started... The day is still quite young... No sense wasting it.", she sighed slightly, nuzzling against Illy's cheek comfortingly. "I understand if you'd prefer staying home than taking another trip through the rain, though... Perhaps we should have ourselves a nap, see if the weather have cleared up a little by the time we wake up?", she grinned a little, a playful growl in her throat. "Or perhaps... You'd prefer something else to do during that time, hmm~? It have been far too long since we last fucked, haven't it~?"

(Tenta1b) "Heeeee~ But Im your first slave~ That makes me speshul doesn't it?~" she said playfully as she buried her face into her mistresses generous bosom, hugging her just as tightly if not more so then kerria was before biting down on her neck gently and licking at her lips inviting her mistress to kiss her deeply. "Heehee, not TOO long~ But I will never complain about my mistress pleasing me~ My pussy is the only thing i dont mind being wet, TEEHEEE!~" she said licking her own lips thinking about recieving her mistresses semen inside of her.

(RK1c) Kerria growled softly, chuckling a little. "Oh yes, a very, very special slave indeed~", she murred the words out with a sultry voice, and as Illy hugged herself to Kerria's bosom, the Hellhound pushed forward, rolling the kitsune onto her back, while nestling herself ontop of her. She kept herself up with her elbows as to not crush down against the physically inferior Lava Kitsune, and growled playfully at the nipping and licking she recieved. The invitation was not missed, and she'd happily lock her lips with Illy's own. In fact, Illy wouldn't have much of a chance to have another word spoken before Kerria's legs pushed between the kitsunes own, forcing them aspread.

Wasting no time, Kerria's kisses only grew hungrier and longer, barely allowing Illy a chance to breath as the hellhound lined her two shafts up with her lovers entrances tentatively prodding against them a little before starting to slowly slide herself in. She'd take it nice and slow to start with, allowing Ilyysia's body plenty time to accomodate to the sheer size of the two, large, dogcocks. As Kerria slid herself deeper and deeper into her pet, her growling got louder and hornier, and it was first when her knots bumped against Illy's holes that she finally broke the kiss, allowing the Kitsune to speak and fully catch her breath, all while the hellhound grinned amusedly. "Mrrrrr... You wamted to say anything, Snuggles~?"

(Tenta1c) Illy nyanned, mewled, panted and moan into the long aggressive kiss as her mistress forced her down on her back to the wooden floor. She wrapped her arms aroud her mistess as best as she could and and ran her hands through her hair and up and down her spine until she felt her spread her legs open and slid her two large knotted cocks up against her openings, gasping out loudly before letting out a long loud lewd sounding meow as she slowly slid deep inside of her pussy and ass hole, mewing, nyaning, and purring as she was humped and pumped as her mistress fucked her slowly, when her mistress asked her if she had something she simply looked at her with glazed over wanton eyes with tears brimming on the esges; "No Mistress, I completely forgot what i was saying, nyan~"

(Rk1d) Kerria grinned, growling triumhantly at the answer she recieved. "Thought as much, good to hear you still remember your place, Snuggles~", she murred loudly, and began to slowly pace up. She had never rolled them off the bed, and as such it would likely creak once she began to thrust in and out of her pet in earnest, a horny growl constantly coming from her throat. She'd settle for a fairly moderate pace, a little rough but not too much, a little slow but still swift enough to not let either of them get too relaxed. "Mrrf... Can't wait for when you enter your heat next time...", the hellhound licked her lips hungrily, a predatory, fanged, grin playing upon her lips as her eyes dreamily stared into Illy's own hazy ones. "That day, I'll be fucking you until my balls go dry and empty, just to make sure you'll be having my puppies...", she shuddered, moaning at the thought of such a thing happening. "Sounds nice, doesn't it?"

(Tenta1d) "Hah..... Yes...... I will give birth to fine hounds, nyan~ Theyll have your brute strength and my superior intellect and beauty~ I would love to recieve all of your semen deep inside of my womb and belly~ Even in my bowels and ass too~ I am your faithful slave after all, Mistress!~ My heat will likely fill these woods with the loud lewd sounds of our incredible love making Mistress!~ NYAAAN!~" she said as she would bite kerrias neck, suckling her tongue and clenchin her shapely legs around kerias body.

(RK1e) Kerria grinned, every word of submission and admittance to being the hellhounds slave coming from the kitsune sent pleasant tingles up Kerria's spine. She didn't mind much as her neck was bitten onto softly, the mild pain it might bring her only serving to rile her up further as she began to semi-roughly pound into the kitsune, her not yet swollen knots threatening to push into Illy's holes with every rough thrust she recieved now.

"Yes, yeees! You are mine, all mine you wonderful little vixen! Mine to fill with seed, and mine to fill with little puppies! I swear, I will never let anyone take you from my side without my consent, and even then, not for long!", she snarled aloud, her eyes almost flaring up in passion and greed. Her hands moved under Illy, one shifting down to slip her fingers amidst the many, many tails, rubbing against the base of as many as possible, while her other moved up to press up against the kitsunes head, fingers tangling with her hair moments before the hellhound fiercelly kissed her beloved pet, her very breath heated like a dwindling fireplace, every hot breath washing into Illy's mouth, as if desiring to fill her lungs and body with nothing but heat and passion.

(Tenta1e) "MMMMM! I am yours, Mistress! I will forever be yours! Please fill my womb with your wonderful hot cum and beautiful and strong puppies! I will teach them to be great slavers and lovers and teach our future slaves to be obedient and lover them like you do me!" She said before her mistress began to firecely and hotly kiss her filling her body with heat and desire. She was on the very verge of orgasm, gettjg closer to the edge every as her pussy began to flood her wet pussy folds.

(Rk1f) Kerria grunted, growling with lust and passion into the kiss, speaking quickly inbetween sloppy kisses. "Beautiful kitsunes and powerful 'hounds...", she rammed herself in, growling aloud with dominance. "... and we'll either keep them...", she snarled, her cocks throbbing with need to spill out their seed. "... or sell them off... can't have too many mouths to feed...", she grunted out the words, her ragged breaths a clear indication of getting close to her own release, but she was considerably more enduring than the kitsune, and likely would manage to go on well after Illy's second or maybe even third orgasm happened.

When it was time, Kerria slammed herself in to a hilt, arching her back as she howled out her peak, her knots throbbing powerfully as they began to swell up, locking the two in place as her dogcocks errupted, releasing jet after jet of hot, thick, and normally virile, cum in large quantities within Illy's pussy and ass, filling the kitsune with wonderful heat. Kerria would buck and thrust franticly during the entirety of her climax, milking herself of every droplet of sperm she could muster for this one climax before laying limply ontop of her pet, barely caring to keep herself up as to not let the whole of her bulk press down and squish the poor kitsune. A rumbling, satisfied, murring coming from her throat as she lazily kissed her lover.

(Tenta1f) Illy let out a long ear piercing lewd pleasure filled scream of orgasm as she reached her first climax, clinging even tighter to Kerria, kissing her deeply, lustfully and passionately. She would also begin thrusting her hips in time and pace with Kerrias, burying her self more onto her dual cocks, as the hell hound finally came, letting thick hot hets of semen pour into her womb, she cry out aloud in delight, before biting down hard on her mistress's neck before finally going limp with her mistress allowing her luscious body to crush her underneath her; too tired to speak or try to get out from underneath her mistress letting herself to sleep peacefully in ther new home.

(GM2) Even as the duo love birds or well mistress and concubine settled into a nap. More so for the concubine then for the mistress. As Kerria held her first slave, and only slave, 'Quickly to be rectified' a small subconconscious thought in her mind that would easily be dismissed unless she took it as her own. As the lavasune fell into a nice slumber, the hell hound herself just laid ontop of her, flittering plans going about in her mind, easily one was to nap along with the lavasune till the rain went away or to go outside and see if she could find anything.. Or even drag the unsuspecting lavasune and hook her up to one of those interesting devices she found in the basement.

But any of those plans was ruined for her as she hear a splash outside. A splatter as if someone was wondering outside. She had heard from lord shrinklewood that there were still bandits in shrinklewood forest and that the last squatter of this place was a bandit slaver.. OR she could easily be paranoid and ignore the sounds and think them to be nothing more then twigs snapping and hitting the ground. But instinct roared within Kerria nad she knew that if she did that it would be at her own folly.

Even as Kerria heard all of this, Illy was sleeping into a nice slumber, cormfortable and feeling protected by her mistress even as Kerria would again hear a splatter. Sounding much like mud being kicked but closer.

(RK2) Kerria would stay with her little pet, sighing in satisfaction after the intimacy they had shared. But she was restless. Far too restless. Indeed, Snuggles was her only slave, and she wasn't satisfied with that. Far, far from satisfied. Still, she had no intentions or desires to rise from the bed for the time being, and merely hugged Illy close as she thought on their situation.

Then her ears perked up and twitched. What was that...? She laid completely still, breathing quietly, to listen on the outside... Footsteps? Muddy splashes at least... Far too frequent to be a mere animal thats wandered too close to her ears. She let out a quiet growl, and slowly rose from her bed, looking around to see if there were any windows nearby. She wouldn't leave her bed yet of course, but she would try to rouse Snuggles from her nap, shaking her gently while speaking in a hushed tone. "Snuggles, wake up... I think we have company... I was warned there might be bandits around this forest, we might have company."

(Tenta2) "Hrmmm, whozzuh, whutsa Mistress? Ah.... I-intruders? Don't worry mistress, I may not be strong like you, but I am smart fast and can set shit on fire. If anyone tries to violate our snactuary here I'll lite them brighter then a Christmas tree! This is my home too and I won't let it be robbed!" She said as she slowly tumbled out of her bed and landed with a lite thud on her bum before groaning out in pain and annoyance, "Owwwww, that hurt...... Mistress, open a window and try to get a peek. If you can point me in the right direction I can lob a firebolt and maybe scare the interloper away, if not turn him or her into ash. Although, if its a her...... I may just singe her a little and let you subdue so I can have a new playmate, teehee~"

(Rk2a) Kerria's initial joy of Snuggles waking up, quickly passed, as the Lavasune's mouth ran without end to the words streaming out of it. And then she tumbled out of bed with a thud loud enough for ANYONE to hear. The Hellhound surpressed a low growl, and quickly leaned over the edge of the bed. The moment Illy said "Open a window", she found her Mistress strong hand clamp down around her muzzle, and a pair of glowing eyes that looked as if they wanted to tear the obnoxiously noisy kitsune apart. Kerria's ears twitched in attention, as she slowly turned her head, trying to make out any changes to the noise outside.

(GM3) Kerria quickly moved to keep the noisy lavasune silent even as she felt happiness at her bimboesh her lavasune was she also felt annoyance towards. Especially as she listened.. She could no longer hear the mud splatters of someone walking through the rain. Now she could head small splatters still too patterned and frequent but now she could tell that the probable bandits were approaching. And Illy had given up any surprise that they may have had.

But now that she was listening far more attentively, she could hear three mud steps. As if it were 3 people closing in. Still if she remained like this they would be opening the door at any moment since they had to be close already for her to hir to hear them. But yet if they knew people were inside the woodcutters cabin then.. if it was bandits they would check at the windows, if it was just travellers they would knock on the door. Hopefully it could be just travellers.. But if its not.. Kerria could feel almost a snuggly feeling in her stomach at the thought of potential slaves.. as long as herself wasn't overpowered. Still if it was bandits and they heard Illy they would assume at least 2 people were in the cabin if not more.

(Rk3) Kerria growled under her breath, hearing the footsteps pacen up. She looked harshly into Ilyysia's eyes. It was a harsh, accusing glare, there would likely be punishment for the Lavasune later on. And given the rainy weather, Kerria wasn't going to assume any sane and ordinary traveler would be paying them a visit this soon after moving in. The Hellhound got up from the bed, and spoke in a hushed tone. "Keep your mouth quiet, Snuggles. Not one word from you unless it is -really- important. Keep your magics...", her ears twitched again. "Might be... three of them... I think, they're heading around I believe... Curses, our clothes...", she cursed under her breath, and finally let go of Snuggles muzzle, the Hellhound quickly dashing out of the bedroom; if they were bandits and would try to break in, she'd want her mace and shield at the ready. Her clothes wasn't important, and Snuggles didn't use a weapon anyhow... And while Kerria didn't strictly -need- weapons to fend for herself, she'd prefer to have them available! "Quick, follow me!", she'd growl out to Ilyysia. She didn't care if anyone spotted her from through the windows... The Hellhound and Kitsune were naked after all, and likely outnumbered; why would some bandits be scared to enter?

(Tenta3) ".............ahhhhhh, okay Mistress........" she whispered silently, her tone more due to the threat of punishment then having to stay silent, "What about my magic? It can help~" she whined before she heard Kerria mention the three intruders, "Three of them...... We need to be sneakies, and try to take one of them out fast to make it a fair fight. You're more of a fighter then me, So you go around one way, and I'll go the other, and try to sneak up and set the thrid on fire. Or maybe try to hide in the walled area or roof and snipe one or two. We need a plan. What do you think Mistress?" She asked her mistress in a hushed as she followed for her beloved owner.
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Re: Beta SH. Hosted by Diagasvesle for RK (Main PC) and Tenta (Secondary PC)

(GM4) The pitter patter of rain kept coming down ontop of the wooden cabins roof. The scent of water mixing with the pine wood smell came drifting from the ventilation slits in the top of the wood. The cabin had seemed to be expertly made especially since there were no leaking water drops. But neither the lava kitsune nor the hell herm hound paid attention to the expertly made roof. Even as Kerria rifled through the discarded clothing of them both along with their items were deliciously close to the bed.

The hellhound was picking up her bronze mace.. It was a rounded bronze ball atop of a thick bronze pole. Meant to serve as bashing someone unconscious or brusing through armor instead of piercing. It had a nice worn leather grip, which the shopkeep she had bought from told her that it meant it would be easy to keep a hold. Through he warned her to rub some fat into it every now and then to keep it from tearing too much. Still even as she picked up the mace and shield, all the while attempting to ignore Illy as she readied her weapons she heard creaking..

Illy herself would find her mistress ignoring her at the moment even as she chattered at her, her hush voice a great deal better then earlier in which she had alerted the bandits.

The preparation time that the duo had was short because just as Kerria was affixing her shield, both Illy and Kerria heard the front door bursting open while they could hear a slamming against the backdoor through it held. Still Kerria could hear two bandits were now in their living room home. Thankfully there was nothing in there yet. Through Kerria could tell that the door hadn't broken off its hinges and hit the ground... Which meant the lock was broken, great.

(RK4) Kerria grinned as she got her hands around the heavy bronze mace's grip, it had been a nice thing she bought herself. And as she was affixing her shield, she growled at Ilyysia. "I told you to be QUIET, didn't I? They're right outside our home, there is no time to-", and then their door got kicked in. Kerria rolled her eyes and let out a resigned sigh, her ears twitching as they picked up something else; a second door, one in the back, didn't get slammed open. And she only picked up two people in the livingroom... The Hellhounds eyes flared up with wicked delight.

"Hurry, they are separated! Stay behind me, keep an eye on the back door; someone didn't get inside yet... And control your magic, I don't want you setting our new home on fire!", and with that, Kerria rushed out of the bedroom. She had no desire to sit back and let the invaders rummage through and plunder her new home, even if it was so scarce in belongings. There would be no stealth, only a terrifyingly loud howl as soon as she laid eyes on the bandits, attempting to scare and demoralize them, as her eyes shone brightly. She was overjoyed at the chance to fight something after this long, even if she wasn't going to risk spitting bolts of flame from a distance, not inside at least. "Face me, cowards! Show me what you got!", she'd shout at the bandits as she ran up to and would slam her mace into the side of the first one she reached. Her blood pumping, and her adrenaline flowing, Kerria's two cocks would be proudly erect and throbbing as she fought stark naked inside her new home... Which undoubtedly would leave an impression on the bandits, one way or another.

(Tenta4) "EEK! Y-yes, Mistress!" Illy said simply as she would quicklyget back to back with mistress to keep an eye on the rear door, She didn't know how she was going to handle the other intruder without a weapon or her magic, so she would quickly look around for an oven pan, or chair, or something to attack the intruder with. She would keep her other eye on the second intruder who had broke down their door and defend her self and her mistress as best as possible, possibly focusing on dodging and avoiding getting hit.

(GM5) Kerria roaring into the living room area, the bedroom door definitely opening outward for her as she rushed out into the living room. Illy felt a shuddering feel of pleasure go through her at her mistresses roar even as she followed behind the hellhound, bounding out behind Kerria.

Just before Kerria rushed out of the room, the two bandits standing in hte living room were looking around. "No one is in here Kalia.." A female bandit said even as the other female bandit nodded looking around the room as she said "True Mal-" Only to be interrupted by the bedroom door opening as the very angry looking anthro herm hound rushed out. The herm hounds dual cocks, still semi hard, were bouncing up and down along with her jiggly firm breasts from her rush. The two bandits, both in mild panick from the sudden roar and scream both attempted to dodge the furious hellhound, neither sure of which the murderous beast was going after.

Kerria rushing into the room would see two bandit females. ( Kalia - | Malia - ) Both girls had jumped to the sides, but the one closest to her and the biggest titted (Kalia) as she swung her mace at the women. The women couldn't have dodged it as she had already tried dodging the stampeding hellherm and now she was paying the price as she felt a bronze mace slamming into her face. The women dropped like a puppet cut from her strings due to the decisive blow to her noggin knocking her out. She would have a nasty bump brewing from there.

The other bandit like out a scream of terror "Kalia!" Even as she held her bronze knife up, her body trembling as she staggered backward as she looked at the hellhound, a vision of a monstrous face with terrifying fangs appearing to her minds eye even as she hyperventilated... a stain coming from her pants as she screamed "Stay away!" Her knife waving frantically in front of her even as Kerria charged her as well her mace swinging.. Malia hadn't bothered to dodge even as her flailing knife was meant to cause Kerria to flinch.. It failed to do so as the hellherm, just used her shield to knock it out of her hands disarming the bandit wench even as she slammed her mace into the girls stomach, knocking the air out of her.

While the back door shook again, but this time, it broke open revealing an angry looking female human. "Kalia!" She screamed at seeing the downed figure. ( Salia) Even as she looked up just in time to see Kerria knocking into Malia's stomach with her mace. "Malia!" As the bandit women, enraged charged towards Kerria only for Kerria's lovely lavasune to get in the way. Illy could feel her heart beating faster as she saw the charging women, a thought screaming inside of her head 'Why didn't I htrow a firebolt at her!? Dammit the others were right about me being an idiot and if my mistress dies..' She couldn't dodge the attacker since the attacker was going directly for behind her mistresses back. And she didn't want her mistress getting any scars on her lovely skin... Illy felt herself stumbling as she caught on the wood, falling flat on her face. As Salia just ran right over her, charging at Kerria her dagger held to her gut to stab inwards and upwards towards Kerria.

But Kerria could hear and feel the charging girl and she dodged out of the way, simply sidestepping and letting Salia stab into her own ally. Her dagger stabbing into Malia's arm causing Malia to let out a breathless groan even as Salia froze in shock at what she had done.... (And if you hadn't guessed it, their sisters. Either Kerria or Illy can pick up on this.)

(RK5) The battle had been far, FAR, too anticlimactic for the hellhounds tastes! The first one had been knocked right out, and the other pissed herself, failed to deliver anything even resembling a good strike, and then pretty much doubled over after a single hit... But there was hope! Someone was trying to attack her from behi-... A thud was heard, and Kerria noticed Snuggles at her feet moments before she dodged an incoming dagger. This was beyond pathetic! The hellhounds eyes flared up with rage, her lips parting and exposing her fangs in a furious snarl. She screamed right in the face of the last Bandit. "WORTHLESS, PATHETIC! I EXPECTED BETTER THAN THIS! WEAK, USELESS!", it was as if staring into the maw of hell itself for Salia no doubt, as a fierce glow and even a few strands of flame was rising in Kerria's throat. She had had enough of this bullshit, and swung her mace horizontally, aiming to simply smash Salia away and to the side if able to. If the Bandit that had been cut by her own ally, even sister by the looks of it, was still conscious... Kerria would just kick her to dreamland before making her way towards Salia, or just glare at her if the mace swing hadn't knocked her aside, with nothing short of murder shining in her fiercely glowing eyes... The Bandit would likely only have one chance to surrender by then.

(Tenta5) Illy cried out in frustration and annoyance as she found she couldn't hit any of the bandits she swung her weapon at, knowing that the Mistress would likely punish her for her inability to do anything to the intruders as well. She still knew better to use firebolts in doors so she figured the best she could do is continue to dodge the intruders attack and try to riposte hopefully scoring some hits on the enemies, as well as keep her eyes on the back door, and let Kerria know the instance he or she made thier entrance.

(Gm6) Kerria felt such anger, such rage at how easy this fight was! Yet in a small part of her mind, she felt that this was just due. After all, these humans couldn't be as smart or as fast as the elusive Lava Kitsunes. Through she generally didn't have to work too hard catching those unique beings since they had a weakness for her. One which she had ruthlessly exploited with Illy.

With her roar and angry look towards Salia, she had that bandit girl, perhaps sister of the other two, peeing herself in fear before she batted herself away with a blow to the temple by her mace, the girl falling unconscious from the powerful blow. Through Kerria should watch her strength... As she looked down at the last conscious girl, Malia if she could remember correctly through her rage she rammed a knee into her face, breaking her nose and knocking her into dreamland as well. Looking down at the three fallen girls. (Four if she counts Illy) Kerria would feel both relief at the end of the fight and frustration at such an anti-clamatic fight.. Still looking at the girls, she could easily tell that all three of them were sisters.. The oldest one looking to be the one with the biggest breasts while the youngest one was the one that had stabbed the middle one. (Kalia oldest, Malia Middle, Salia youngest.)

(RK6) Kerria, once the bandits were dealt with, and even broke the nose of the last one, she finally felt herself beginning to calm down... But she had gone a little too far. Damaged goods wouldn't do her -any- good. With a tired groan, she simply tossed her mace and shield away, it was a lazy toss just to get the things out of her way. She'd turn to Snuggles and help the Lavasune to her feet. "See if there is any firewood available, and water, and clean cloth. We better make sure these ones doesn't end up seriously wounded...", Kerria looked at the bandits, growling quietly. "As weak as they are, we must tend to their wounds, and fast. Now go.", she gave Illy's ass a soft slap, to get her into action and do as she were told; to find a pot, firewood, and maybe some water so she could boil it up, even if it meant gathering it from outside.

Kerria herself turned her full attention to the bandits, and one by one, stripped them down and removed their gear, rolling them onto their backs and began to look over their wounds. She knew a little about first aid, not a whole lot, but hopefully these ones weren't seriously hurt... Once their wounds had been evaluated and seen to by Kerria as well as she could manage, she'd begin to go through their equipment meticulously, to see what she might be able to find.

(Tenta6) "EEP! YES MISTRESS!~" Illy meeped out playfully giggling as her round ass was slapped. She quickly scurried out of the house and to the walled area to to find the things her mistress had demanded, and if she was luck would soon return with said items. She would then quickly go about getting the fire and pot ready for Kerria before returning to her mistress and their newest acquistions. "Oooh, the eldest one has big nice round titties, Mistress, and the middle one has round pretty ass~ They will make wonderful playthings for us once we get them fixed up, teehee~"

(GM7) With both girls doing something, Kerria would get to stripping the trio of bandit girls. On the big titted one, the scent of milk from her breasts came in heavy waves, and as Kerria stripped her, easy milk rivulets were pushed from her heavy tits easily enough. No actual amount of milk would be lost. But looking at the bump on her head, Kerria would see the girl as having a killer headache when she woke up.

Kerria moving onto the one that had been stabbed and broken nosed, she would strip her as well, through she would find it annoying that she wasn't as big breasted as her sister. Still the girls ass was quite good and the hellhound could feel her dual cocks becoming stiffer. Especially as she heard Illy rustling in the background. The lava sunes nice ass teasing her as the naked lavesune walked around.

Finally moving to the final girl, and stripping her she would find her to be breathing slower then the other girls. That blow to the temple wasn't a good thing and Kerria could feel some worry that her slave may require more attention if she didn't wake up in a day or two. Still she wouldn't be worried till then and she knew that her concubine would probably be able to give a better diagnoses then her.

Still checking all the loot from the three, now naked girls she found: For the big titted one, (Kalia) A bronze dagger looking relatively new, frayed leather armor (Tearing 5), a jar holding what looked to be milk (Full 3 Loads) and 52 gold pieces; For the nice ass one (Malia) a bronze dagger that looked to be rusty showing greenish discolorations, seemingly fresh leather armor (Tearing 8), lots of food but it was cheap looking (5) and 72g. On the youngest one (Salia) she found a worn bronze dagger, nearly rubbish leather armor (Tearing 1) and 2 iron collars as well as 25g.

(Inventory Total
3 Leather armor (Tearing 8, 5 1 respectively.)
3 Bronze Daggers (One Rusty, one Worn and one newish.)
1 Jar holding milk (Full 3/3)
5 Cheap Food
2 Iron collars
149 g )

Illy would be bustling about as Kerria looted the girls, through she found easily enough the cooking pot and firewood. She had no way to start the fire. Till she smacked herself and just sent out a stream of small fire to act as the spark and ignitor on the firewood starting up a small blazing fire even as she retrieved some water from the packs along with some leftover rags for patching up Kerria's sturdy clothing. (-Optional- Shakes her ass as she does all this just incase Kerria is watching.)

(RK7) Overall, not a bad haul. Quite a bit of coin and items, even if it was fairly poor quality on most of them. The two iron collars delighted her however, and she'd waste no time using them on the middle and younger of the sisters, while heading up to grab one of her own iron collars to close around the neck of the oldest one. She felt a little annoyed at having damaged her own merchandize like this though... She frowned deeply... She'd have to find them proper medical care... Preferably today, if things went well enough. Kerria wasn't entirely sure if she'd have to tie the women up or not, but that could wait a little... As she looked up and saw the ass of her plaything wiggling enticingly, she let out a quiet growl. A playful one, but she shook her head. Such things would have to wait! She got up and headed over to the fireplace, and would help Snuggles get the water boiling, and then go searching for any kind of cloth that they could boil and then hang to dry a bit. She wanted clean, slightly wet and warm, cloth to bandage the new slaves with, and do what she could to patch them up.

(GTenta7) Illy would be murring to herself, her fluffy tails acting as a nice coat to finish washing herself off of any of that digusting water she got from before. But now her tails were going to be somewhat wet but those were easier to clean by shaking them then washing herself. Oh how she wished for a pool of magma around here to wash herself.. But that was for naught. She had finished putting the water into the pot and now struggled to move it. "Gotta get this onto fireplace before mistress-" Before she yelped as Kerria snuck up from behind, a slap on her ass having the clumsy lavasune nearly causing the cauldron of water to empty onto herself! "Mistress!" She whined even as she turned her head, batting her eyes at Kerria as she whined "Mistress~ The cauldron is too heavy. Could you please help?" As she purposefully rubbed her ass against Kerria's hands. (Str Check Fail.)

(RK7a) Kerria couldn't help but smile at Snuggles playfulness, giving the Lavasunes ass a firm little squeeze. "Mmm~ I believe I can~", she murred quietly. Today would be a good day, she hoped. She would begin to help Illy move the cauldron, two did better than one after all, and hopefully the two of them would get it into place without too much trouble. "You should take a look at the three of them, I did already, and they seem to be doing mostly alright... One's breathing a bit slowly though, we might have to treat her with a little extra care.", Kerria frowned slightly. "We should get you to a temple or something some day, have the priests teach you some healing magic perhaps...", Kerria growled in annoyance, magic was a great and wonderfully useful thing, but it had never been something the Hellhound herself had much of a chance to pursue... Mostly because of her race, hellhounds weren't particularly adept at spellcasting, and she in particular had even more trouble channeling mana.

(GTenta7a) Illy murred, making sure to wiggle her tush into the firm squeezing she recieved from her mistress as she giggled. Smiling happily, the lava sune would pick up one side of the cauldron, shivering at the cold contact of metal against her fur and then skin as she purposefully made her largest breasts dangle ontop of the cauldron, jiggling with each step. Thankfully none of the her milk would get into the water filled cauldron unless Kerria gave her a squeeze. The lavasune didn't particularly care for the three humans, new playmates they might be but they would also take her mistress from her if she wasn't too careful. Best to not let Mistress know that as with Kerrias help, easily hefting and moving the cauldron onto the fire was quite easily done. With the water heating up, Illy pouted inwardly even as she smiled, giggling at her mistress "Teehee~ Kay mistress!" As the lavasune practically flounced towards the 3 humans even as she called back "It has to be a beautiful temple mistress! Because if they don't put any thought into prettying up the temple then that means they aren't good healers!" The impression Kerria could get from Illy's words would be for gold huge and powerful temples, but if she thought about it, Kerria would realize that Illy was pushing towards a temple that was beautiful towards its art.
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Re: Fluffy Tails from Hell (Smokefish, Tentanarix), GM'd by Diagasvesle (Beta)

(GM8) After Kerria had helped or chosen not to help Illy, the hell herm went browsing around the home.. She found some 'clean' linens that were just a bit dusty stacked underneath the master plain double bed. She also found more cheap linens stacked underneath the two guest room beds. Checking down into the basement she found easily enough 3 cheap single slave pots that she could easily hook the 3 sisters too. After she had them checked up. Through there were some dirt crusted blankets on the basement stone floor around the slave posts. Still these were not what she was looking for.

She knew she had some rags leftover in her packs. Having picked them up from rubbish heaps to cover herself when she arrived in town with Illy. Still the rags were not ostensibly cleaned.. But she couldn't tell about the linens. (Whole lotta of fluff in htis post but essenitally. 1 Plain Medium Linen, 2 Cheap Small Linens, and 3 dirty blankets. There is also another plain blanket on the first floor by the plain single slave post.)

While Kerria had been looking around, the lavasune would be looking at the three humans.. Looking at the biggest titted one, she would come to the conclusion that from besides the bump on the noggin, she would be okay with a nasty headache.. While looking at the broken nosed one, well besides the broken nose and stab wound which she could heal by burning it.. best to talk to mistress about it, the stab wound wasn't bad just needed to bandage it up and apply pressure and some heat. While the third one.. Kerria noted that there wasn't any internal bleeding from the smash to the temple.. She wouldn't be able to tell anymore then that besides in time, through Illy was reasonably certain the girls would all be waking up in around 2 to 3 hours.. If they didn't then that would be a cause for concern.. She also shifted the youngest around (Salia) to make her breathing easier.

(RK8) Kerria would look through her options, and in the end, she figured one of the cheap linens would be good enough once ripped into manageable shreds... The three dirty blankets though, they'd certainly have a use aswell. The hellherm grinned with glee, grabbing one small linen and the three blankets, and headed back to the pot of heating water. She would of course have the linen boiled and cleaned on its own first, as it would be used for bandaging. She'd even use her claws then and there in order to try cutting the linen into manageable pieces to serve for bandaging, before she'd put them into the cauldron. And once they got cozy down there, she'd head over to Illy, to hear what opinions she might have on the bandits. "Figured something out? Think you can tend to their wounds once the cloth is cleaned?", if Snuggles were busy tending to the youngest then, the hellherm would crouch, and then sit down on her ass with a small thud, next to her plaything, looking over the slave with a little concern while moving an arm to wrap around the Lavasunes back. If the Lavasune was standing, Kerria would do the same thing but without sitting down.

(Gtenta8) Illy would just be finishing checking up on the youngest when Kerria had finished with her search. She couldn't go that indepth besides just looking at them and feeling them. (And maybe taking a sip from the biggest ones breasts. Not nearly as good as her own kind but it had its unique taste. The youngest had the best tasting of them tho.) The lavasune would just giggle a bit as she licked her lips. Kerria returning would hear the giggling even as she asked her the lavasune turning, through Kerria could have seen her twitch a bit in startlement. The lavasunejust smiled as she said happily "The big one should be fine, the one with a good ass.. Mistress she need something to fix the nose for aesthetic purposes.. Or being more beautiful. I could set it right Mistress but I'm worried that even if I do that it'll still look bad. As for her stab wound.. A warm press and maybe a bit of fire to seal it and she should heal fine without a scar. Its not too deep just angled upwards. As for the last one.. Mistress if she doesn't wake in two to three hours, that means she is going to need professional help.." As the lavasune looked somewhat sad at the prospect.. and perhaps a touched annoyed.

(RK8a) Kerria would slowly nod a little at Illy's words, murring quietly to herself as she tugged the Lavasune closer, and wrapped her big fluffy tail around her Lavasune pet as well as she could manage. She wasn't going to let her sit there and freeze or anything, after all. "Mrf... Yeah, hopefully the weather will clear, and we can drag these to town for proper care and evaluation... Maybe pawn off their stuff too to pay for it all.", Kerria was feeling a little... somber, if anything. There had been no joy in fighting the three women, and now she had to worry about their well being, as they were her slaves now. This whole Slaver business would take some time getting used to. Still, as soon as she might suspect the cloth to be hot and clean enough, she'd get up to fish it up from the cauldron, preferably with some poker or other tool, and try to squeeze some water out of them, so that they would cool and dry faster so they could be used without scalding the bandits. She had also given Illy consent to use her firemagic to try burning the wound closed.

(GM9) Kerria went and fetched bandages using the slowly steaming near boiling water to wetten them. She had to rely upon an old blackish poke that had seen the scars of fire a lot. Still it would serve even as she pulled up the linens, now each full of water and hot. They would serve as a nice little bathing for her and Illy.. Not that either of them would have to worry about such hot water since a hot boiling cauldron like this, at least for Illy, would be a fond shadow feel of batheing in magma.

Illy herself as she looked towards the women's stab wound.. She didn't necesarrily need to burn and close it but it would be interesting and a boost to self-ego as well as pleasing her mistress if she could. But Illy knew even as she began to bring up a stream of fire from her fingers that she would not be able to. Call it intuition but Illy stopped. Still recieving the linens from Kerria after the hellherm had wringed them of liquid leaving only damp hot towels behind, Illy would use one to compress the wound and stop the bleeding even as she just placed the others on the foreheads, the heat would cause the blood and skin to expand thus relieving pressure. At least for Salia. For Kalia they would just need to wait for the towel to cool down and use it as a make shift ice compress..

Still Kerria had enough linens left over to make stretchers. probably one long one that she and Illy could then cart the three to town.. Or She could just fireman carry the two most in danger ones. (Salia and Malia.) Or she could simply wait it out to see if they will wake.. After all Illy had said if they did not wake in the next 2 to 3 hours then they would be in trouble and need help..

(Rk9) Kerria would do what she could to easen the workload for Illy, but she'd still leave most of the bandaging to her little pet. She had lifted all the linens out of the cauldron, and the ones not being used for bandaging would be hung to dry nearby, and then she'd put the dirty old blankets into the cauldron instead. They'd have to bathe some other time, she wanted these old things cleaned a little first. Nice fresh blankets would have many purposes, in particular to serve as makeshift clothes for the new slaves. She grinned at the thought of bringing the free women to town, with nothing but blankets to cover themselves with, if even that!

Still, her first concern was the recovery of the bandits. "We're going to have to bring them to town sooner or later. Not just to let a healer tend to them, but also to have the local slavers evaluate them for us. That way, we'll have a better idea of what we're working with... And can make some purchases, like food and drink."

(Tenta9) Illy would immediately get after bandaging the new acquistions, mostly the youngest as she was in the wrost shape. She would be espeially gentle and carefully the youngest as she tended to her stab wound. Before looking to the middle sister, grimacing. "Mistress, we should also have a doctor or professional look at 'Nice Ass-tan's nose. A messed up snout may lower slave value, and it cant be too good for her either. I say we use washtowels or pillowcaes instead for clothes though, an have them only cover up thier babymaker parts, heee heee~" she giggled mischievously before carefully and slowly applying her firemagicks to the youngest's injury and finsihing up hwr improvised first aid.

(RK9a) Kerria nodded a little as Snuggles spoke, listening to her pet Kitsunes words, she did value her opinion and thoughts after all. "Yeah, definitely take them to a healer later then, as soon as the weather clears up preferably... And after most of them wake up and can walk on their own.", she scoffed. "Yeah, I know, the broken nose ain't pretty and I went too far.", she growled the words out, as if having prefered to not be reminded of the damage her recklessness had caused. "Never planned to give them proper clothes anyhow. They'll be covering themselves with blankets. How they cover themselves I don't care, if they do it at all. Kerria grimaced a little as Illy decided to use her fire magics... That'd marr that ones value no doubt, but if they were kept for personal use it wouldn't matter as much. Somehow, Kerria also remembered the fact one of the women had pissed herself, and quickly headed over to the pile of looted clothes, finding the piss-soaked ones, and using the drier parts of it to swab up any stains on the floor if any... And then she'd just dump it all into the cauldron to have it washed, slowly swirling the clothes around in the cauldron so the filth had a chance to properly loosen off of the blankets and clothes. The last thing she needed was their new home stinking of piss, after all.

(Tenta9a) "Teehee, if we have some spare rope or sheets we should also tie teir hands behind their backs and over the asses so people can se al their naughty bits as we parade them around, let them get used to it~" she teased. "Oh i got a great idea!~ Do an of those milking things in the basement hve any detachable parts? If so we make handmade cowhorns and a tail for 'Cowtits-chan'~" she moked the eldest sister as her mistress would soon discover that she had a thing for making up cute or rather insulting and degrading pet names for their new slaves. "Bu yes, well run then into town once theyre travel ready and able, Mistress"

(GM10) Heading to check the women even after she spoke to Illy, Kerria would pick up at freshest leather armor, the one with no tears at all. In fact the leather armor was better then her sturdy clothes. The only problem was that it would be too tight around her body. Still grabbing and dumping it along with the dirty blankets already inside the boiling cauldron, she swirled it around till she reasonably certain that there was far less dirt and trash on the leather armor and blankets. They wouldn't smell any better, not until she got some soap to rub it into. But for now the blankets were as clean as she could make them. Now all she had to do was dispose of the water and then decide her next course of action.

Illy herself would just keep tending to the girls, making sure that the compresses were sticking as well as using streams of small flames to keep the linens warm without setting them on fire. (Throw me a bone here please)

(RK10) Kerria frowned a bit, the scent would remain fairly bad for some time. Oh well. She'd hang the blankets and armor to dry, not thinking much about the thing being better protection than her usual clothes, after all she prefered comfort over what little defense the tight leather would provide. Perhaps for Snuggles tho... As she then tried to get the cauldron moving, so she could bring it to the door and perhaps dump the by now dirty water outside, she listened to Illy, scoffing a bit. "If we have any spare cloth or rope, we might aswell tie them unless we can use their help to carry the one with a bump on her head. And no, we're not picking apart the devices in the basement, not for something as petty as that!", she snarled slightly, as emphasis that she didn't like her pets crazy ideas on picking things apart merely to humiliate the already humiliated women. And she'd simply not in agreement at the last part. As soon as she had taken care of the cauldrons water and dragged it back in, she'd briefly look at the undoubtedly broken look, perhaps curse and swear a little at its state if it was particularly bad, and then put the Cauldron down near the fireplace before just waiting. Waiting for the Bandits to wake up. Or well, she'd take the time to get herself clothed during the wait, and Snuggles too for that matter unless her clothes were still soaking wet.

(Tenta10) "Mistress~ I think we should have a decent amount of time till our new slaws awaken and get ready to head to town~ Maybe we could 'celebrate' our latest victory and newest acquistions...... Maybe a quick snuggle..... If not something more..... Intimate and intense?" She said rubbing up against her mistress and batting her eyelashes.

(RK10a) Kerria looked down at Snuggles, it was a look of mild annoyance. She put her hand on Snuggles head, and gently but very determindedly, pushed her away... Only to stop halfway, a grin crossing her lips. "Actually, you know what? Sure. Lets celebrate.", and it was with those words she let her hand caress down Snuggles head, stroking her lovingly, and once reaching her collar she slipped a finger into it... And yanked softly, growling agitatedly as she began to drag the Lavasune along towards the basement. "I know -exactly- where you'll be for the next few hours!", and it was with these domineering words she'd start strapping the Lavasune up in a milking device, figuring they might aswell take the time to see how it works, satisfy the Lavasunes need for 'attention', AND be productive about it!

(Tenta10a) "KYUUUUUUUU!!!!!~ WAAAAAH!!!!!! Mistress, what did I do!? I'm sorry! Dont leave me with this cold unfeeling machine!!!~ I wanna snuggle! Oooooooh!-" she cried out helplessly and sadly as Kerria hooked her up on the milking machine, moaning out in ecstasy but also sad and lonely in the cold lonely basement with the stupid machine sucking her milk out when shed rather be snuggling her mustress and recieving her delicious and wonderful semen.

(GM11) Kerria would drag the whimpering lavasune down into the cold... drafty... basement with the slave posts standing up like dreary stocks to keep her away from her snuggly mistress! The lava sune soon felt the cold pumps of the device strapped to her six tits, the machine beginning to whirr to life as the battery gem came online.. Of course that same battery gem could be extracted for a boost in mana. (+10 Points to Mana when in collar.)

Leaving the crying lavasune attached to the pumps, Kerria would head back up. To do what the hell hound wasn't certain herself... Meanwhile Illy could feel the pump slowly sucking on her breasts before it began to vary in its strength and pull.. Its tugging its jumping.. It feel like cold sucky hands were squeezing and massaging her tits without any of the fiery warmth of her mistress! She could feel her milk beginning to bubble up in small droplets by her areolas even as she felt her nipples stiffen from the keen sucking before she felt it.. The slowrelease of her precious milk meant only for her babies and mistresses babies leave her breasts being sucked into the evil machine!

Kerria meanwhile would be by herself.. Of course there were a few things she could do...

(-Optional- Illy begins to whine and cry for her mistress... (-Additional Optional- Kerria listens to her.)

-Optional- Take a tasting of the new slaves.. (Milk them, screw them etc.)

(-Optional- Go out and chop wood! Theres gotta be an axe around here.)


Two hours had gone by. As the 2nd hour ended, low groans could be heard coming from the bandit girls.. The first one to be awaken with a low whimper was Salia. Thankfully she would moan and whimper as she curled in on her self feeling dreadfully cold while she just laid there whimpering the next sister to awaken was Kalia as the oldest let out low groans as she began to tremble her skin prickling in goosebumps even as she let out a low moan "What happened..." Her voice sounding dazed and confused.. While the last sister would mumble out "Ihy ooozeee.."

(RK11) Kerria wouldn't be quite so quick to leave Snuggles side, and even massage her swollen orbs manually unless it would interrupt the machines work, in such a case she'd massage and kiss her pet instead. She wanted Illy's needs seen to, but this wasn't an outright punishment or anything. "What you did? Being unable to control your libido. I know you want my cocks so very much, and I love your wonderfully tight little holes... But we can't afford to fuck around all the time, we have responsibilities now. And one of my responsibilities, is making sure we have food on the table.". With those words, Kerria would head up and check on the Bandits, and then get herself clothed before heading back to Illy again, to cuddle, massage and tease her a little to keep the milk flowing. Every so often she'd head back up to check on the bandits, and then head back down. She didn't mind walking about like that, prefering to keep herself active anyhow... But even as she spent most of the hours with Illy, she had to look after all her slaves to the best of her ability. Kerria wouldn't do anything to the slaves, giving them only minimal attention, and she didn't consider heading out to chop wood either as she'd be busy making sure Snuggles wasn't too cold or lonely in the milking machine. She did love her little Lavasune fucktoy, after all.


After a few hours, when Kerria was down with Illy and heard quiet groans from above, she immedietly turned the machine off, and unless she could unstrap Illy very fast, she'd have to leave the Lavasune behind as she rushed up to see to the bandits. If the Lavasune had been unstrapped quickly, she'd urge Snuggles to come along. As Kerria went upstairs, she'd immedietly grab the blankets, hopefully they'd be nice and dry by now. As she approached the bandits she'd growl at them, a warning, in order to keep them pacified. "What happened? The three of you got beat up, stripped, collared, and your wounds patched up. Be thankful I didn't kill the three of you.", one by one, she'd drop the blankets onto the sisters. "Wrap yourselves up, and don't even think about struggling."

(Tenta11) Illy mews and coos out a little more, much more accepting and content with the ministrations of the machine as her beloved mistress cuddles, shnugs, and loves on her while massaging her multiple large bosoms as the machines milk her steadily. Eventually the combined stimulation of milking and cuddlin would be too much for her as she reac not one but two mind blowing orgasms. After an hour or so she would finally wake up and hear her mistress run to see to their new slaves. She would try to unstrap herself quickly as she could so she could help her mistress see to thier newset additions. "How are you all feeling? The littlest one gave us wuite a stare after that nasty stab wound. Im glad i was able to patch it up fairly well. But you will need real healers before long." She said checking out their new goods.
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Re: Fluffy Tails from Hell (Smokefish, Tentanarix), GM'd by Diagasvesle (Beta)

(GM12) When Kerria approached, the blankets being tossed causally, indifferently, atop the three girls. Her voice had the oldest Kalia, startling as the heavy breasted girl quickly blinked and opened her eyes, her hands going to her waist grasping for something even as her arm hit her heavy breast, causing it to jiggle enticingly in front of Kerria as she yelped "You!" Even as the other two girls, Salia stiffened as where she was huddled in a position beneath the blanket even as the middle girl just let out a low groan.

Kalia's hands couldn't feel anything even as she tried to rapidly look around, desperately seeking an avenue of escape or something to help her fight the being before her. Her efforts were in vain.. She wouldn't be able to get quickly enough to a good tool or even something just to pick up and toss at Kerria for the hellhound had... Kalia breathing was coming quick and fast even as she stared up with wide eyes at Kerria as she said weakly "No.. No we can't be enslaved... No no no..I promised them.." As the oldest took the blanket indeed wrapping herself seeming to go into shock of what was happening to them even as the middle girl looked up at Kerria with sullen scared eyes.. The youngest just stayed underneath the blanket, not wanting to face the music so to speak..


Illy would be getting off the milk pumps as fast as she could.. She felt like her middle and lower pair of breasts were empty of milk and that her uppermost pair barely had any milk left.. They all looked quite saggy but Illy knew that they would perk up after some fun!

(RK12) Kerria grinned toothily, baring her fangs in an amused half-snarl. "Me!", she exclaimed in response to Kalia's word. She let the women take in the situation, her smile fading. "Such is life. You barged into the wrong home, got beaten up, and enslaved for it.", she growled warningly, to make sure the women got no ideas of escape into their minds. "You have the choice of accepting your fate, or struggling.". The Hellhounds eyes flared up. "I remember your previous attempt though... Fight me so patheticly a second time, and I just might end your misery for being so weak.", she allowed the words to sink in, but she didn't give them too much time before speaking again. "However, as the three of you are hurt, some more than the others, I'll be bringing you to town as soon as the weather clears. I'll be taking you to a healer first, and once you have recovered, I'll bring you to the slavers so that they can have a look on you, so I can know what I have to work with.", she leered slightly, feeling quite empowered in her current situation. "Your choice, as I said. Struggle if you don't care for the well being of your friends, or comply if you want me to bother caring about your health."

Once Illy would join Kerria's side, the Hellhound would motion for Snuggles to join her, and promptly put an arm around her back, keeping her close, while waiting for the bandits response.

(Tenta12) "Do not worry~ While Mistress may seem very intimidating and threatening at first she is actually ver kind to those who obey her and are loyal. And believe me once you get used to it you will see being my mistress' slave is not so bad after all~ But if tou truly dont wish to serve us and be my Mistress' pets, we may sell you to another slaver; and he or she may not be so kind as my Mistress! And I seriously suggest you give up any poor ideas of struggling or fighting, I really dont want any of you to be hurt again like last time." She instructed the three women.

(GM13) Kerria's half-snarl towards the trio of women had Kalia flinching from a whispering nos, while Malia flinched as well she still maintained her sullen fearful look towards Kerria. Salia just kept herself huddle hidden beneath the blanket. Kalia kept quiet to herself for long moments even as Kerria's words sunk in to them..

None of the three made any movements besides Salia's shivering beneath the blanket that Kerria had oh so graciously given them even as the biggest titted one spoke "Is there any way you would just let us go?" Her voice held none of the hope that the action would happen even as Kerria could see her biting her lip before asking "Please don't split us up.." This was said with resignation. She wasn't fully trained yet, but neither did she wanted to end up more hurt. Malia, with her broken nose, Just curled the blankets tighter around her, a hateful glare overtaking her sullen glare, especially at Illy's poor words. While Salia, still under the blanket offered up nothing to the discussion, her fear of the situation quite paltable in the small room.

The slave bandits seemed resigned and not going to struggle.. yet. Kerria could feel that but in the limited position that they were in meant it would be a futile struggle right now, especially since the hellhound seemed quite willing to kill them for being an annoyance. Especially with the fact that all she needed were their heads to collect bounties. Still the hardest one to train would perhaps be the middle sister, with her heated hating eyes glaring at Kerria and Ily. While the easiest to train would be the youngest one, the one that had stabbed her own sister...

(RK13) Kerria rolled her eyes, and snarled quietly at Illy after she had finished speaking. "Snuggles, shut up. I am the one who decides their fate.", she moved her hand down, giving the Lavasunes rear a soft slap, and then lightly pushed her away, more of a firm nudge really. "Get your clothes dry and put them on.", she turned her attention back to the bandits, now that Illy hopefully would keep herself quiet while changing. "You are bandits. Only way I'd let you go, would be if there was a bounty on your heads.", she scoffed slightly, her eyes flared up if she'd catch a glimpse of the defiance in Malia's eyes. "If I find a use of each one of you, or that you just play along without a fuzz... Yes. I will keep the three of you together. I am not without mercy, so long as you earn yourselves such a favor."

With this said, Kerria slowly shook her head, and would look out the nearest window if there was one nearby, to see how the weather was faring. "Huddle up to each other, keep yourselves warm. So long as you don't give me a reason to hurt you, I won't. Understood?", and with that, Kerria could only wait for their reaction, and for what Snuggles would be doing.

(Tenta13) Illy whined out a little as Kerria nudged her out of the way growling at her, "such a spoilsport...." She muttered out softly as she stuck her tongue out at Kerria behind her back, "As soon as it is good to do so well take you cuties to a healer and have you fixed up good and proper~ Then after that if you behave or play along well CONSIDER letting you free...... MAYBE. But youll have to be good little slaves and follow Mistress's every order and perform well till we decide when your term is up. But thats enough of that for now, you dears must be starving~ Mistress we have some spare food around here dont we?" She said heading to the food storage to look for something to give the new slaves.

(RK13a) Kerria thought she'd finally have her Lavasune be quiet... But no, of course not, she'd HAVE to continue babbling. As Snuggles repeated after Kerria the part of taking the bandits to the healer, she scowled a little, but let it pass... But as soon as Snuggles uttered those few words, "we'll consider letting you free", the Hellhound had had enough. She turned, her eyes aflame as she let out a furious snarl at the Lavasune. "I AM THE ONE THAT 'CONSIDERS' WHO GETS TO GO FREE, AND WHO DOESN'T, AROUND HERE, ILYYSIA!", the mere fact Kerria chose to use the Lavasunes full and proper name was good indication of her seriousness, or in this case frustration, towards the topic. "I FIGURED YOUR CLEVER LITTLE BRAIN WOULD CATCH ON, BUT APPARENTLY, YOU ARE COMPLETELY INCAPABLE OF KEEPING THAT MOUTH OF YOURS SHUT!", Kerria growled loudly, flexing her claws, oh how dearly she wanted to put her hands around snuggles throat right then and there... But she restrained herself, slowly recomposing herself, but the fire remained in her eyes. "You're sleeping on the floor tonight, Ilyysia. I'll leash you to a slavepost if I have to. And no, don't expect any begging or pleading to get you out of this mess either; you have refused to obey and learn, and WILL be punished for it!", with that said, she wouldn't let Ilyysia have a chance to respond before she turned back to the three bandits, glaring at them. "What're you three waiting for? Huddle up already if you want to keep warm, because those blankets are all I'll be giving you!"

(GM14) The furious roar Kerria had sent towards Illy had caused the three bandit women to shuffle and move closer together. If the furious anthro hellhound was willing t punish her own personal slave then how much worse would they be treated. They watched as the lavasune fell into a sullen silence even as the fericous Hell herm hound turned towards them. The trio of girls, shivered underneath her heated glare. Malia's hate being swallowed by fear, very real fear, from the way she could see burning embers spark in Kerria's eyes. (-Optional- Kerria made Kalia and Malia pee themselves again. A large puddle from Kalia but only a small rivulet from Malia.)

The girls would huddle around eachother, the two younger sisters, now that they were all close together both Illy and Kerria could see their resembelence.. Through the eldest looking sister had a apparently the best genes of the all just due to her breast size. "We-we're already huddled.. And is it possible we can go free please? We.. we do have a bounty on us.. So are you gonna just drop us off at the jail cells?" As the older women looked at Kerria, attempting to judge how the hell herm would react to this knowledge.. Would she do as she said earlier and turn htem in for the bounties or be cruel and keep them as slaves? Through if Kerria knew any better then she would know that these three would probably be only very small and light bounties.

(RK14) Kerria scowled as the oldest of the three bandits tried to be bargain, but shook her head. "I am more interested in what your bodies can bring me, than the bounties. You are not going free.", she snarled quietly. "And don't think about trying to make life worse for me, in hopes of me carting you off to jail... I'd more likely end your miserable lives myself, than see your bodies rot away in prison where they'll do no good for anyone...", she smirked a little, an idea popping into her head... "Or I guess they'd do some good... I'm sure the other prisoners would be happy having three sisters to screw around with... You are related after all, right? No... you are better off with me, not that you have much of a choice."

(Tenta14) Illy looked sadly at the three sisters, hoping her mistress will not seperate or harm the three women. She had quickly gotten the idea to keep her mouth silent as she merely watched the three sister tremble and look sad and fearful at her mistress. She would quickly store the milk she had produced in the basement somehere to keep it fresh until they either drink it or sell it or whatever her mistress decided. She ventured to peek out the window to check the weater. If it was decen and it wasnt too late, she would quietly inform her mistress with a respectful and and defferntial tone, "Mistress. It seems to be better weather now, if you wish to take the three to town."

(GM15) Kalia shuddered even as Malia's eyes kept their fearful glare at her while the youngest Salia just whispered, barely loud enough "Ple-please don't kill us... We-we were just trying to get out of the rain and this cabin was.. was always friendly to us with no home..." Even as Kalia just hugged her youngest sister tightly.. Malia finally spoke but her words wouldn't be understood by them "nish hisson." Even as Kalia just looked at Kerria as she said "If.. If we don't cause you any problems, will you let us go within a years time?" As the oldest look hopeful at that estimation towards Kerria.

Even while Malia just glared harsher at the hellhound. Still neither of the three looked like they wanted to be killed or sent into prison to be.. cum dumps for the prisoners there even as neither did they want to be in her prescence.. Kerria could smell the fear coming off of them..

Kerria could hear that there was no longer any rain coming from the outside, but the roads would still be horribly muddy... (Hint hint town hint hint)

(RK15) Kerria looked at the bandits, the flame in her eyes still evident, even if the fierceness had begun to dim and fade away after her outburst. She frowned slightly, and moved over to crouch down infront of the the three bandits, staring right into their eyes. There was no malice in the hellherms own, but there was also no patience left to be given. "If you only wanted to stay out of the rain, especially after hearing Snuggles noise, you wouldn't have busted down the door if you had friendly intentions... Now would you?", she bared her fangs slightly, her patience was running very, very thin by now. As Kalia tried to bargain, Kerria rose up, giving them a cold glare. "I've already stated my intentions. Please me and I will keep you, and care for you, and do what I can to keep you together.", she snarled quietly. "You are in no position to bargain, so I will remind you; displease me, and I will make an effort in ensuring that each and every single one of you die alone, separated from each other. Especially so if you believe you can overpower me.", she growled quietly. "These are the terms, and they are not negotiable."

As Snuggles came to so quietly and cautiously inform Kerria about the weather, the Hellherm looked at the Lavasune as if confused at first, but then nodded firmly. That... Kerria certainly hadn't expected Snuggles to change -that- abruptly, and it made her feel at a slight loss... But she accepted it, happily so even; with Snuggles now behaving properly, perhaps Kerria would have a chance to deal with the bandits without interruption. "Oh? The weathers cleared? Good, good... Go get us a bit of food, just enough for a small snack for each of us on our way to town, and a leash if you can find it. Just one.", Kerria looked down to the bandits, grinning with glee towards the youngest of them... She knew exactly what she would be doing...

Whether a leash was found or not, Kerria would make her intentions clear; she'd be keeping the youngest of the bandits in check personally, tugging her along by the collar with one hand and holding her mace with the other, and head to down. She figured, preventing the youngest of them from escaping would be enough to keep the other two in line. And if all went smoothly, she'd start heading towards town with all four slaves in tow... Of course, she'd also hand her Jar to Snuggles first, and tell her to fill it with her milk from the milking device, to bring a sample with them to town.

(Tenta15) "Yes Mistress. Ill be back shortly, if Im lucky." She quickly nodded to the hellherm before sprinting off to the basemet to search for a leash and a jar of her milk. If she managed to find one, she would quickly and quietly offer it to her mistress keeping her head bowed and await for her mistress to speak, "Are we ready mistress?" She asked quietly awaiting her mistress' orders and words.

(GM16) The trio of bandit girls averted their eyes from the fiery look of Kerria's own. None of them had the will to stare into the pits of reflective lava that was Kerria's eyes. The eldest winced even as she kept her head turned, not answering Kerria's question. But not answering was in its own an answer that Kerria knew. The fear that came from the girls with Kerria's words about leaving them estranged, far from eachother made their worlds miserable even as they looked at Kerria with even more fear.

"Fi-fine.." Kalia spoke quietly, a tremble in her voice even as Malia just kept her head down now, clutching her older sister while Salia clutched at both of them, their blankets having been moved around to cover all of them. When she sent the lavasune away to go fetch items as well as put up items from their packs into the storages.. The eldest clutched her youngest sister closer, especially with that grin being sent salia's way

Illy while stashing up food items they had recieved from Shrinklewood would push all of the food and drinks into the upper item storage, then taking only 3 food items as snacks for the trip to the town.. She would also grab the bottle from her mistresses pack, heading into the cold basement and filling the bottle up with her milk, only 2 loads of her warm milk were able to enter the bottle, leaving quite alot left in the fluid's storage.

As Illy came back up, she noticed hidden underneath the darkness of the stairs something.. Checking it out she found a long rope modified to work as a leash to form a train of slaves.. Still this could work.. (The Train Leash can be fitted to have 5 Slaves attached along it.) She came up, she gave the train leash towards her mistress.

Kerria in the meantime while Illy had done this had pulled the youngest, Salia, from her sisters arms, the young girl shaking and trembling in Kerria's grasp even as the other two remained silent, hope and trust that the hell-hound would keep hir word. When Illy returned with that leash and gave it to her....


(-Optional- 3 Hour Trip to Clausmoth due to roads being muddied. Do you want more encounters with bandits?)


After 3 hours of travel, and a mishap where Illy had tripped on a broken axle wheel from a wagon, the quintet of people arrived at Clausmoth, the towns wooden palisades standing proudle with two guards at the gates. Kerria could feel their gazes on her, having only left the town a few scant hours earlier. (She left early morning. Time is now in early afternoon. Early Morning was 3 to 4 AM. Early afternoon is 1 to 2 pm.)

After getting past the guards by handing over identification and showing Illy's collar, the quintet were let in. The inside of Clausmoth had more then a few stone buildings, but the larger buildings were still made of wood. The marketplace or open air bazaar, Kerria could hear happening quite well. The slave's guild should still be opened and she could see the capitol building and Shrinklewoods Manor. Still she had came here to check in her new slaves.. But Kerria could feel all the attention Illy was getting.. She would have to worry about people attacking her for Illy.. Especially Nobles of the town. (And before you ask this is a roll.. If Illy attracts too much attention, especially that of a nobles, then expect a large fight with kerria against a lot of guards. So a blatant hint here, Illy should not draw attention till Kerria has made a name for herself.)

(RK16) Kerria would keep a steady march towards the town, only briefly stopping to help Illy back on her feet after the axle incident. Kerria didn't like the town. As much as she had decided to take a closer look on civilization, what she had found hadn't impressed her a whole lot. In particular so the predatory looks in the eyes of the weak... People hiding behind hired guards and mercenaries, instead of using their own might to establish themselves. Such weakness was more than slightly bothering the Hellhound. Her trip through town would be quick, and even if the slavers guild were open, it wasn't going to be her first stop. She was going to keep her promise, and seek out a healer or a temple with such first, to have her new slaves seen to. She would also make sure to keep Snuggles on a very, very, short leash.

(Tenta16) As Illy and Kerria would walk through the busy city, the lavasune would be blown away and captivated by all the new things to take in. Delicious scents of baking pies, meats, wines, breads....... The smells..... My GOD, the smells!!!! She was curious to the many sex shops and brothels and other dins of lust inticing her own already lustful nature. She was amused by the hustle and bustle of all the busy people rushing around performing their business. All the time she would ovserve and be entranced by the busy city life, she would idly grope play with and tease the middle sisters nice round ass....
Re: Fluffy Tails from Hell (Smokefish, Tentanarix), GM'd by Diagasvesle (Beta)

(GM17) Kerria as she entered with the three slaves in a line behind her with Illy standing quite close behind her. Through Illy's thoughts and ways she saw were of the more positive nature, Kerria could see underlying despair in some of the prositutes in the whore houses. Strange marks of slavery on them while some just looked to be fully broken, only giggling and empty eyes as they tried to entice anyone to savour their wares and pay the price. While there were far too loud and cheerful shopkeeps, some of whom were almost desperate and trying to pull customers to their wares. But all of this underlying sadness was broken when the duo with the slaves came to the slave guild.

Kalia, Malia and Salia all visibly flinched and cowered as far back as their collar and leash let them from the buidling. Kerria could see that it was imposing even through it was made of wood. The logo on the building made it quite clear as to who resided in it.. But what sent shivers of fright even down Kerria's spine was the almost palpatable feel of doom and gloom surrounding the slavers guild.. It felt almost too entrenched.. Before Kerria's eye spied a unqiue stone inthe logo, it held a lack lustre black colour but she felt feelings of doom and gloom emanting from it. Illy herself was unaffected to from her joyous happiness at all the smells. Still seeing that it was opened with the entrance guarded by two bear anthros, each quite big, she headed to look around for a temple..

She saw a fanicful temple with a great hospice but from the way she saw the guards eying her, only the rich were permitted entrance after paying a copious amount of money. Still this place sent a frission of bad feeling through Illy as she looked at even as Kerria would continue exploring... Till they came upon a furnished hospice temple.. It was a temple to the healing goddess with an image of a great motherly women with many breasts. None were sure of her species but definitely sure of her fertility.

This placed looked to be what they needed but.. They could easily head to the slavers guild for quick and dirty healing, or attempt entry to that gold in-laid temple with its rich hospice or enter this place. Or they could just find a local medicine peddler... (-Optionals- All throughout the travel, even if Kerria growls at others to back off, more then a few reach and rub against Illy's fluffy tails.)

(RK17) Kerria would be quick to respond to Illy's attempts of groping the middle sister, giving the Kitsunes hand a slap, not particularly hard, but enough to make a point. "You had your chance before we got to town.", she growled in a hushed tone, staring intently into Snuggles eyes. "Stay close, don't touch anything. We'll not linger for longer than absolutely necessary."

Even so, Kerria frowned slightly. The Slavers Guild was obviously not trying to look nice in the slightest, not that she minded much. If only it hadn't been from the evidently magical aura of doom and gloom, she just might've been able to respect the place... Still, it was a bastion of strength in a city of weakness, and that was something even she could, grudgingly, respect. The fanciful temple however, didn't give her an impression that someone like herself would be able to afford it... She had, however, given her new slaves her words that she would seek out some healing for them.

Despite Kerrias attempts to keep Snuggles out of harms way, and despite having to growl more than a few times, Illy's tails wouldn't go unmolested by the looks of it. What something Kerria -could- do however, was making sure her ditzy-brained pet didn't wander off or get to enjoy the attention for too long, as she searched for a smaller, less extravagant, place of healing. A smaller temple or clinic preferably, as she wanted a HEALER for the three bandits, not merely medicine... Magical potions of healing might be something to consider... She would ask a guardsman for directions if she had to, given how she wasn't particularly knowledgeable about where to find what in the city yet.

(Tenta17) Illy flinched and looked downwards with a pout at her mistresses reprimand and orders, "B-but...... B-but, the smells....... It smells soooooo tasty~ especially the sweet things~ I've never smelt such things before.... They smell so so nice...... I WANT SOME!" She whined out but kept to her mistress's orders as she marched along with Kerria and the others to the shrines. She pointed out exuberantly at the multitittied diety at the one healing temple, "Oh, mistress! Heres a less pricey looking temple! It looks to be a temple of a healing goddess. I wonder if it blesses fertilty too with all those tits, teehee~" she said as she secretly blushed at all the tail fluffings she was recieving.

(GM18) Looking at the Temple of Ferility and Healing, the slaves felt relaxed but yet frightened to a far different way. Kalia would be one of them to speak up "Ah.. M-mistress.." She grounded out the unfamiliar word "This.. this healing isn't going to end up with us ruined will it..?" The question held quite a few tingles of fear. Pregnancy and easy births may be common along with the magicks to remove such sighs, but for some people it was quite fearful, especially if they didn't have the necessary food for them and their children.

Still Kerria either assuaging their fears or ignoring them, moved into the temple of the Goddess of Ferility and Healing. Kerria would look around the sanctuary of the place, she could smell the aroma of something quite uniqe. Still looking around for a priestess or priest or even a temple guard she could see none of them. Till at least she heard a voice asking "Who is here?" Kerria turning along with Illy could see a wolfess. She had a black blindfold over her eyes even as she looked at them.. Through Kerria noted the collar around her neck through the color of it was off somewhat. It looked to be silver but it wasn't a true silver collar.. Perhaps a costoume job? But looking down the wolfess's body Kerria could see that canine women had a modest bust but great hips as well as wearing a toga.

"I know someone is here, so I ask again, who is here?" The wolfess asked as her ears twitched at the sounds of Malia shifting a bit away from Illy's wondering hands.

(RK18) Kerria groaned a little in annoyance at Snuggles words, slowly shaking her head. As the Kitsune basicly cried out like a spoiled child, the hellhound rose her hand, clamping it down around Illy's muzzle, shutting her up, and growled warningly. "Then you're going to have to earn such a treat, Ilyysia. Your ceaseless babbling have already earned you punishment. How long will it take before my words reach into that thick skull of yours, hmm?", she scowled and let go of Snuggles muzzle, growling in frustration. The moment Ilyysia so much as started to speak about the temple they were heading towards, Kerria would stop, turn her head quickly, and glare silencingly at the Kitsune. Ilyysia was frustrating Kerria far, far too much for her own good... Perhaps the Kitsune would finally start to realize as much, and DO something that WASN'T going to make her mistress angry.

As they approached the temple, Kerria looked to Kalia, scoffing a little. "Depends on your definition of 'ruined'.", there was a gleeful tone to her voice, but she quickly shook her head. "My only intention is to see your wounds tended to... For the time being, at least.", and with that, she tugged the four females along. Once entering the temple, the Hellhound would look around, a little wide-eyed. This was... A pleasant place, she thought. For once there was something she could genuinely savor in a positive light in this city. This place felt... right, somehow. As someone spoke up, and Kerria turned to look upon the wolfess, she smiled a little. It was a fairly soft smile, and the Wolfess wouldn't need to ask twice. "I am Kerria, I seek healing. For my slaves.", Kerria would cautiously but forwardly approach the Wolfess, allowing herself to relax a little bit, while waiting for the wolfess response, once knowing Kerria's intentions.

(Tenta18) Illy whined out silently and softly at both Kerria clamping her muzzle shut and her harsh glare, but got the message just fine as she kept silent for the most part. The quiet serenity and peacefulness of the temple, the unique smells, the calming aura of the structure...... As they would be approached by the blind wolfess Illys curious nature would show back up again, but she knew better to say anything about it after her mistresses harsh warning. She merely lifted her eyebrows and looked the wolfess up and down inquisitively, [how did she know we were here when she cant see? She must have reall good smelling and hearing or some sort of magic sixth sense..... Wooooowww.....] she thought to herself before she noticed the greenish silver coller [Is she also a slave?.....]

(GM19) Kalia stiffened even as she spoke up "Be-being left pregnant in a dump with no one to care for you.." Left unsaid but heard quite clearly was what happened to the girls mother.. Through that would mean the most dominant trait for the three sisters genes were from their mothers especially with their similar facial structures. Still a sigh of relief came from the oldest Kalia at Kerria's words even as they all followed behind her. Not quite as reluctantly since many of them figured Kerria to being honorable and keeping her word.

The wolfess women stiffened at the approach of Kerria as she spoke sharply "Stay back creature of wastelands, you are- oh." the wolfess seemed to blush even as she said "I am sorry. I thought.. Well I smelt far too much sulpher approaching me.. But you are here to seek healing for your slaves? Would you mind bringing them over there?" As the wolfess pointed towards an archway leading into a sideroom of the temple. If Kerria approached she could see inside a alchemical room with many different herbs growing in and outside of the area. "My name is Eraile, and I am the current and only priestess of Herena. Sorry for the late introductions." As the wolfess began move towards the alchemical room having come from the room of its opposite.. Kerria would be able to peer into there and she herself could see different clothing hanged up in there along with quite a bit of food..

(RK19) Kerria had risen a brow at that little tidbit of the three sisters past, but let it slide. Such things could wait... As the Priestess however, had snapped out like that as Kerria approached, she scowled slightly. "That is what we're known as to cityfolk? How charming.", her voice was of indifference, but nodded. "Yes, I am a Hellhound, and yes, I am here only to seek healing for my slaves. And no, I do not mind.", Kerria sighed quietly, and would bring the slaves with her as she trailed after the wolfess, or simply nudge the slaves ahead if there seemed to be any problem with Kerria following closely. It had been such a nice place too...

"Only priestess?", Kerria's words was curious, questioning, but not much else. She would have the three bandits brought wherever the Priestess needed them to be for potential treatment, but she would remind them of the situation. "I don't want you three making a fuzz, not during or after you've been seen to, understood?", her eyes glowed slightly, as she tried to make sure the three would be compliant while their wounds were tended to. But beyond that, Kerria would try to not be in the way, while keeping Snuggles close to her, an arm over the Kitsunes back, and a hand on her rear, caressing idly. Not in a way that would bring Snuggles any pleasure or the like, but perhaps a good enough feeling that she'd be reminded of the fact her Mistress -did- care about her, despite the Kitsunes failings.

(Tenta19) Illys ears perked up an head tilted at not only the priestess 'addressing' of her and her mistress, but at the past of the three new slaves, [those poor things...... I wish i could comfort them and make them feel better about being ours, but i know mistress would only punish me more for overstepping my bounds yet again. I wish she wouldnt be so mad at me... Im just to used to speaking my mind..... And if shes the only the preistess it must mean that not many people follow this faith; i wonder why?.......] if anyone could read minds they would see the inquisitive and bright fox was not a derp, but her brain simply ran overtime and couldnt keep it in her head and from coming out of her mouth. "Im afraid one them stabbed the other by mistake when they tried to rob us, and mistress dinged ones nose up ba- eep!" She said as she caught herself midsentence and clamped her own muzzle and slinking back behind kerria timidly. "can you fix them up please?" She mewled out behind her mistress addressing the preistess rather smally.

(GM20) The wolfess shook her head saying "There are other denizens of the blasted wastelands here.. Some of them do not take kindly to a no.." As the blind wolfess face twitched before she calmed herself. "A hellhound? What are you doing so far? Doesn't your species dislike civilization?" The blind priestess questioned. Even as Kalia, Malia and Salia were pressed forward needing a nudge for them to get moving towards the alchemy healing room with the priestess following next to Kerria through at a respective distance. (-Optional for Kerria- The hellhound has a feeling she could easily touch the wolfess and not recieve any... reprimands as long as ts not to far.)

The wolfess would say "Yes.. It is quite sad since many do not want to practice the worship of Herena that much here.. Through that may be due to little amount of married couples here who wish to be blessed with strong children. Through I wish the slave owners would at least come here for blessings for their slaves... But yet neither do.." As Eraile sighed feeling sad but both Illy and Kerria would get a feeling that there was something more then just people ignoring the temple. Eraile shook her head saying "no need to scare them.. Unless they are naturally timid? They sound like humans to me.." As Kalia nodded as she said "Mi-mistress we won't cause trouble.. Not here at least.." The spark of rebellion was still in them, but at least they held respects for the temple even whenthey all shrinked from Kerria's glowing glare.

"So, what made you choose to come to civilization?" Asked the Wolfess even as she began to tend to the three girls, making them disrobe..

(Rk20) Kerria merely nodded a little. "A Hellhound. Most of my kind do not feel one way or another for civilization, that is true... I wanted to find out what it was all about, though.", she scowled a little. "Not that I've found many things to like so far. This Temple might be the first, truth be told.", there was a genuine tone to her words, this temple, and what it represented, was indeed something the Hellhound could respect. Even if she had never personally been much for worshipping a higher deity, this place... was just right, in a manner of speaking. As if to lighten the mood a little, Kerria reached out, placing a hand on the Priestess back and stroking slowly, in a friendly, comforting kind of way. Even more so at hearing how infrequently the temple was visited. Although... "I'm quite certain I'll be returning here, even more so if you are capable of blessing us with healthy young...", Kerria looked to Snuggles, grinning toothily, and it wouldn't be hard to make out just what thoughts might be running through the Hellhounds mind right then and there, and she would give her little pets rear a soft squeeze. "But there are more problems, isn't there?", Kerria turned her attention back to Eraile, her words inquisitive, but would let it slide if the Wolfess was unwilling to explain. "They are timid alright...", Kerria looked to the sisters, her eyes stern, a reminder of their new lot in life. "Humans, yes. Three sisters, got scratched up a bit after they broke into me and my pets new home...", she growled slightly, and only barely managed to refrain from cursing as she remembered the smashed lock on the door. She'd have to see to that... Somehow.

As the Wolfess inquired about Kerrias past, she gave a casual shrug. "I yearned to see what civilization was about, and I am not ashamed to say my biggest interest was to learn more about this 'slaver business'. These three you are about to tend to, not counting the Ilyysia, my Kitsune companion, are my first catch.", there was a small tone of pride to her words, despite the weakness of the sisters, Kerria undoubtedly had high hopes of them, and with little intention of just letting them go... They would be the Hellhounds first challenge in this new world she had stepped into, the world of a Slaver.

(Tenta20) Illy blushed at the mention of healthy young wanting to add in something about not wanting children too soon but longing to have her mistress' healthy pups; strong beautiful and intelligent- but she knew bette after her last few incidents. Instead she would stroke the sisters back to comfort them, trying to not overstep her boundries again, but to help stay at ease and make the healing process and transition a lil easier. She would await her mistress orders and be be ready to assist in anyway when she was directed, eagerly swishing her fwuffy tails and looking around anxiously.

(GM21) Eraile a small smile blooming onto her face as she said "Ahh, what perked the interest in explorating civilized lands? Well I shouldn't say civilized but different lands. If I remember correctly, hellhounds travel in packs, almost tribal like.." As the blind wolfesses ear twitched towards Kerria, hoping for an answer of more indepth to her species living. Albeit when Kerria reached out with her hand, the wolfess not stiffening even as she felt the hand on her back to comfort her. Even as Kerria did so, she noticed the wolfesses tail rubbing against her arm pushing it slowly downwards (Unless Kerria purposefully keeps her hand on Eraile's back) towards the wolfesses rear till Kerria's hand was rubbing the firm butt of the priestess of Herena.

"Ah, I could give you a blessing indeed." The wolfess not knowing who Kerria was looking at even as she spoke "Through it would be greatly appreciated if you bring along your paramour, after all another blessing for a healthy birth is a good thing." A happy smile was now indeed on Eraile's face, especially at the prospect of giving a blessing to a happy couple. The wolfess shook her head saying "Nothing you should concern yourself with. Through if it gets a bit too much, do you mind if I call upon your offer of help?" But nothing more would be gotten from the wolfess on the matter.

"Well.. I do know of a good carpenter that could help you fix a problem with your home. But she.. well she takes unusual payments in doing something for her. But she is quite good." spoke the wolfess for when Kerria commented upon the breaking in. "Ah, so you wish to be a slaver? well i hope you aren't like those rotten slavers who just break a poor persons mind.." The last bit was said harshly by the wolfess, through it wasn't directed at Kerria.

The wolfess would take a few minutes checking each sister individually before she huffed, motioning Kerria closer as she told the hellhound "The one with the broken nose, I can set that straight as well as heal it quickly but.. I would need some replacement herbs if you not mind grabbing them whenever your coming to town. As for the other two, the one I'm worried about it the one that has a small bit of swelling on the side of her head. I would like you to apply some cold salve there every 6 hours till it disappears. If she collapses at any time during the salve treatment, please get her to either an alchemist who can brew you a potion to either add or remove blood from her head or a hospital. As it is right now, if she doesn't collapse at all with the salve on her she will be good. As for the final one, just give her some of this.." As Eraile handed to Kerria a small vial with a label 'Headache Clearer.' It looked to have two loads of the potion within it.

The wolfess would then look towards Illy and asked her "Why do you follow Kerria dear?" There was just a simple want to know, curiousity but also understanding if Illy did not want to say anything.

(RK21) Kerria shrugged a little, letting out a ponderous 'hrrm' at Eraile's questioning. "The slaver business, as I said. And while many of my kind do run in packs, there are just as many that do not. I am one of the latter.", Kerria would raise a brow as she felt the wolfess tail, and grinned, more than happily allowing her hand to be nudged down, and would give a small squeeze before merely stroking the firm tush, in a way that definitely conveyed that Kerria appreciated the feminine form and body, especially when so eagerly offered for her to cop a feel.

"I would appreciate it, and I would bring the lucky one along, but that will have to wait for another time, I'm afraid, I have no plans for having children just yet.", she frowned a little at Eraile's words. "Nothing to concern myself with, I can accept that, and while I certainly wouldn't mind offering to help you...", Kerria would squeeze the wolfess rear again, a little more firmly, but not in any way threateningly. "I am not a stupid brute, like so many males of my kind are... I will not promise anything unless I know what I am getting myself into, Eraile. I hope you'll be more clear when you do need me to help you with something.", Kerria would stop the squeezing, and give Eraile's firm tush a soft caress and a gentle pat before letting go. Hopefully that would express the Hellherms dislike of not being told, face to face, about what matters she might be asked to take care of.

Kerria nodded slightly about the carpenter. "Where can I find her, and what should I expect her to ask of me in return?", Kerria merely nodded again at the slaver talk. "I have all intentions of taking care of what I claim, Eraile, a healthy, content, slave is more likely to work well than a sickly, miserly, one I imagine.", 'content', Kerria had not said 'happy' and for good reason; it was evident that she was new at this, but at least she was neither setting the bar super high or super low. She wanted to do well, but not necessarily excel, at least not to begin with.

As Kerria was motioned closer she would approach the Wolfess, listening and nodding. "I can see what I can do. Tell me and Ilyysia what herb you need, and we'll see what we can manage for you.", Kerria spoke in a quieter tone, at least if Eraile spoke in whispers as if not wanting the three sisters to hear it. She grimaced a bit as the sister with a lump on the head was spoken of. "I do not enjoy relying on chance, Eraile. If you think the swelling might be a more serious problem, I'd prefer a proper treatment right away if available.", Kerria merely nodded as she was handed the small vial. "Thank you. How much will this cost me?", the 'this' was aimed at the entirety of Eraile's assistance, not just the vial of headache clearer.

When Eraile looked to Ilyysia and requested to know more about her, Kerria would look to Snuggles, and simply nod, as if telling her she was free to speak her mind.

(Tenta21) Illy scratched her chin for a bit thinking carefully before answering the priestess's questions, "I think I admire her strength.... While I may be intelligent im not very powerful or able to fight much at all.... So its nice to have someone who can take care of me. Also my mistress is very beautiful and nice to snuggle on cold nights, lavasunes hate the cold you know..... Shes is truly a good slaver and takes care of her own, and i like to spend time with her. Why do you want to know, Eraile?"
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Re: Fluffy Tails from Hell (Smokefish, Tentanarix), GM'd by Diagasvesle (Beta)

(GM22) The wolfess smile took a more, lusty edge, when Kerria's hand squeezed her rear and begin stroking her rear Eraile tail begin to wag. (-Optional- Her tail moves Kerria's hand to her tail-hole, and makes her rub around there.)

The wolfess's ears twitched in acknowledgement even as she spoke "The help.. well there are multiple things you could help with, but their not currently anything too much. Most of them just deal with a certain temple wanting to demolish this one to 'expand.'" The wolfess growled out the last bit before her tail kept on Kerria's hand. When Kerria pulled away, the hellhound would notice a slight droop in the tail of the Blind Wolfess but nothing else.

Eraile let out a small wince before she said "She will want a payment in well.. You know about the gems for extra milk right? She has a special set of them that she will want the customer to wear and that will be considered payment. She won't give them to you, but she wants you to wear them for payment. But that is not the only payment, she is amiciable to negotiotiations, but then she would try to nudge it to where you get her lumber."

She didn't comment on Kerria's words of a slaver. When Kerria was close enough she whispered, only loud enough for Kerria to hear. Eraile shook her head saying "As it is now, nothing can be done to fix it. Not in this town at least unless you feel like selling yourself into a indentured contract. As it is now that cold salve will need only 2 applyings at most to knock down the swelling and she should be safe then. And well, if it does happen.. Well I recommend you visit one of the local alchemists and get just ask for a human restore potion. That will fix her up if she does have the problem." As for when Kerria asked for the cost Eraile shook her head saying "You've already paid by telling me a bit of your story. Next time you come around, mind telling me some more?" (-Optional- Her voice drops into a husky whisper "Annndd..." She drags it out, a faint flush visible through her fur (Don't ask how.) "Would you mind spending a little time with this lonely priestess?" The offer was directed only to Kerria, not Illy or any of her slaves.)

Eraile just kept her smile as she said "I just like to hear people speaking. It gets lonely when by oneself constantly in the temple."


The slaves were all prepped and finished and Kerria could decide what next to do. (Alchemist, Slaver's Guild, Carpenter --)

(RK22) Kerria had merely grinned, and while she had let a finger or two slip a little down beneath Eraile's tail, she had abstained from even more intimate touches, likely to tease the obviously eager wolfess.

Kerria rose a brow, nodding a bit, and even growled a little along with Eraile at the mention of the temple potentially being removed in favor of another, less comely and friendly, one. "We'll see about that, Eraile. If this town were to get rid of this temple, they'd be chewing out their own throats.", she scowled, but didn't pick up what she had let go of.

Kerria listened to the Wolfess about the Carpenter, and groaned quietly. "That is... a fairly interesting payment, alright...", Kerria frowned. "Where I 'get her lumber', huh? I suppose this isn't about me going to chop down trees with an axe.", the Hellherm growled quietly, she might be a little slow at times, but she certainly wasn't stupid.

Kerria sighed quietly in resignation, nodding a bit. "I'd rather not. Already in a debt as is. Thank you for your help.", as Eraile spoke of payment already having been met, she smiled a bit in surprise. "Oh? Well... I won't mind telling you more, if that is what you want.", she twitched an ear as the Wolfess next lowered her tone, and grins lewdly as she hears the little 'offer' the Wolfess had. In response, the Hellhound would step closer, brushing her cheek against the Wolfess cheek/side of head followed by whispering into her ears. "I'm sure I can find some time to spend with you, Eraile, it would be a shame to have you go lonely after all... Perhaps you could 'teach' me just what pleases Herena, hmm?", she grinned, and as she leant back, she would nuzzle against the Wolfess nose. The Hellherm was more than willing to spend some intimate time with the Wolfess, and she wasn't one to hide such intentions.

Before Kerria would leave however, she would still share a few words with Eraile. "However... I was considering having these three turned over to the slavers for the night, so that I could have them evaluated.", she frowns a little, turning to the sister with a swollen bump on her head. "I can't say I trust that they would keep that ones head salved properly, though...", she scowled a bit, obviously not enjoying the complications. "I only have a few options available to me, and one of them would require your assistance...", Kerria turned to Eraile, smiling slightly. "Would you be able to take care of her until tomorrow? Naturally, I would offer you payment for the assistance... Not necessarily coin, depending on what you'd prefer~", she coo'd the words out at the end, there was a lewder side to her offer of payment, and it wasn't very subtle either. If the Slaves voiced protest however, Kerria would growl at them. "I -will- have the three of you evaluated at some point or another, but surely you could live with parting with one of your sisters, if it meant she got proper care, instead of having to spend the night among the slavers?", hopefully, Kerria wouldn't have to convince the three sisters that she was merely trying to care for the overall well-being of the most hurt sister, rather than maliciously wanting to split them up. Admittedly, having them split like that, would likely ensure the hurt one not trying to escape, knowing her sisters would be beyond such a chance at freedom... Not to mention she'd be hurt, naked, and have nowhere to go.

(Tenta22) "Milk gems.... Lord Shrinklewoods contract did mention paying off the house with lots of milk.... Maybe itd be helpful.... Unless the carpenter got greedy....." She thought out loud for abit before adding, "Excuse me Eraile? But do you know who evaluates a slaves milk quality? I can produce a lot of milk, but i have no idea if its good or not. Where would I go to see about that?"

(GM23) The wolfess would blink as she said "It actually is where you go chop trees down. She doesn't.. Well she doesn't like men at all. She only likes other girls" A flush here "and herms. Are you a hermphradite? Because if you are, then she will.. Well lets just say you'll get special gems instead of the regular ones." As Eraile let out a soft laugh at Kerria's assumption even as a blush remained on her face. (If Kerria says yes, she will notice an immediately more hungry look in Eraile's counteance.)

Eraile ears twitched as her cheeks brushed with Kerria's even as she let out a growl of throaty pleasure at the tempting offer before she "Mmmmm.. I'll hold you to a very pleasurable that." As the wolfess held a lewd grin on her face, angled so that others would only see a very happy smile while Kerria would easily see all of it. (-Optional- When Kerria leans in so closely, one of Eraile's hands goes to rub along Kerria's thigh trailing upwards against the cloth while the other gently tugs Kerria's hand to Eraile's stomach, lightly nudging it downwards. (Can go all the way to Eraile's nethars, but any fingering will be stopped.)

Eraile listened as Kerria spoke, she held up a hand to her stopping her before she even asked Eraile as the wolfess said "I could look after all three of them as you wish. I can even get them all evaluated here as long as you leave me enough coin to do so. But.. Would you mind if I make use of them to help me around the place?" As the wolfess beckoned for Kerria to lean in again before whispering to her ear "In fact.. why not spend the night here? I can say quite certainly it will be... very pleasurable~" As the wolfess just breathed the last part. (-Optional- If Kerria accepts, the wolfess will whisper "Do mind if I'm in heat~?" (She is currently has on an item underneath her robes to prevent heat from activating for her. Only problem is she can't take it off for long before heat hits her.)

Kalia, Malia and Salia all looked relieved at the offer by Eraile, but Kerria silenced any of their protests when Salia begin to speak up with her words. While when Illy asked about milk quality Eraile said simply "Either talk to one of the milkers at the market or head to the slaver's guild. Some of the milkers may try to cheat you through. As for the milk gems.. The carpenter won't let you use them unless you are trying to get her to do something.

(RK23) Kerria smirked a bit. "Oh, I am a hermaphrodite alright... And you know about us Hellhounds, I assume?", she growled quietly, a playful one, as she noticed the Wolfess 'hungry' look. As the Wolfess got a little touchy-feely, it would now be Kerria's hand to guide the Priestess' own, but she wasn't going to beat around the bush, as she pushed her plated loincloth to the side, and pressed Eraile's hand firmly against the cloth-covered buldge, letting the Wolfess get a proper feel of Kerria's sizeable endowment, even if the cocks weren't potruding from their sheaths, sheer size ought to be enough. She wouldn't let her own hand be guided this time, however, wanting to further tease the Priestess.

Kerria rose a brow at the offer, but grinned joyously all the same. "Oh, is that so?", she smiled happily. "Of course I'd prefer to leave them here in that case, but...", she looked up, briefly, to the sisters, and then back to Eraile. "But I will have to think it over. Whoever I do leave behind, you will definitely be free to make use of, as long as it isn't anything involving sex."

Kerria twitched her ears at the offer to spend the night, grinning hungrily, especially so at the mention of heat. "Mmm... That sounds lovely, Eraile, I certainly wouldn't mind spending the night here and with you... And see to it that your cravings are sated.", she coo'd the words out quietly, this was looking to be a nice day. There was, of course, still some matters to tend to... Again, she would briefly look to her slaves, then to Eraile. "I assume you have someplace where we could tie the three sisters to? With me staying here for the night, I think I am quite inclined to taking you up on the offer of having all three stay here, they are still freshly caught, and in need of training. Ilyysia on the other hand, I have full trust in to serve me."

Finally done with all the hush-hush and whispers, Kerria would step back from Eraile, awaiting the Priestess verdict and decision. The Hellherm was clearly willing to spend the night with the Wolfess, intimately so even, and was overall grateful of the offer to not just look after the three new slaves, but also have them evaluated. Naturally, Kerria would be willing to open her moneypurse when necessary.

(Tenta23) "We need to take them to the guild for evaluation at some point also mistress. Will we do that now or in the morning after we decide if they stay here?" Illy reminded her mistress, she wasnt opposed to staying with Kerria and the slaves at Erailes but she would like to spend one night alone with mistress in her bed at their bew home, she did sleep on the floor after the break in last night...... Which reminded her, "I would be fine staying here tonight Mistress. I rememered the lock was broken. It might not be real safe back at the cabin till we can get it fixed." She said awaiting to see what her mistress' final decision in the matter would be.

(GM24) Kerria could feel the hunger radiating off of the wolfess at her answer even as Eraile refrained from answering her about the hell hounds. Through when she guided Eraile's hand to her cloth covered buldge, she felt the blind wolfess touch her, the woman's hand easily feeling her two seperate sheathes. Kerria could feel herself becoming aroused from the touches, the wolfess surely knew what she was doing to elicit such an arousing touches.

Eraile shook her head whispering back "Oh no, nothing to do with sex.. I was personally thinking along the lines of getting them to help me clean up some of the cellars. Haven't been down there long enough to get off the grime build up. Through now that you mention it.. Could always try firing up an old milking machine.." As Eraile spoke the last part in uncertainty.

The wolfess nodded whispering in answer "Yes through they'll have to sleep together since there is only three triple slave posts. Well could put one to each of them but that would be a punishment for them." As Eraile nodded to that.. Kerria got the feeling the posts were all in seperate rooms.. Perhaps those cellers she mentioned? (-Optional- Before Kerria could lean back or move back, the wolfess purposefully leaned in, kissing her right on the lips. -Additional Optional- She tries to make it a long kiss)

The wolfess just smiled at Illy's reminder to Kerria even as she said "I do not think that will be needed. I have offered to your mistress a place to stay for the night for evaluation. Albeit.. Do you want to take your slaves around the market? Otherwise I can put them all onto one of the slave posts I mentioned."

(RK24) Kerria shuddered, stiffling a small moan as she got an appetizer of Eraile's sexual prowess, grinning approvingly, but she tried her best to keep her shafts where they belonged for the time being; in their sheaths. "Housework and the like? I approve, as for milking machine...", Kerria looked to Snuggles, grinning. "I think such a thing would be more fitting for Ilyysia, truth be told."

Kerria nodded. "Of course, I prefer them together if possible, and only part them if warranted.", as Kerria began to step back, she found the Wolfess stepping forward, kissing her. The Hellherm blinked a little in surprise, but then grinned, and stepped forward again, her arms wrapping around the Wolfess, as she hungrily joined the kiss, letting out a loud, playfully dominant, growl. The large Hellherm would even lift the Priestess off her feet if she got a nice grip, to bring her to a more level-headed height for the kiss... And to make the Wolfess realize just how large her partner-for-the-night were overall. Kerria would allow the kiss to last for a bit before putting Eraile back down, smirking slightly. "If only all followers of the divine were like you...", she coo'd the words out with a coy tone, and nodded slowly as Eraile replied to Snuggles, and then to Kerria again. "I prefer to leave them in your care, Eraile. How much do you expect it to cost for the evaluation, and other expenses? Me and Ilyysia have matters to tend to, after all, but we will return later on."
Re: Fluffy Tails from Hell (Smokefish, Tentanarix), GM'd by Diagasvesle (Beta)

Illy simply smiled and bowed to Eraile, "Thank you very much, you are most kind and generous. But we really should see about getting it fixed at the very least." She said saw before saw the display between Eraile and her mistress, causin her to rub her legs together and whine out a little quietly, "I wish Mistress would do that with me, too...." figting the urge back to finger herself and get herself punished further from her mistress. After they were done and Kerria informed Eraile they had things to do, Illy simply walked and placed a hand on her mistress's before somewhat coquettishly asking, "Are you ready Mistress? Shall we go then?"
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