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Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Taken from his home, the military that had captured Zach promptly loaded him into their wagon without care for handling him gently. His arms were locked behind his back, clasped in iron. For the next few days, he was transported to the prison located within the city. And upon arrival, their rough treatment continued as they pulled him harshly from the wagon, and took him to the underground of the castle. Even if Zachary said anything, the soldiers never said a word. Rather than men with a purpose of finding a murderer, they seemed driven by another purpose, as if locking Zachary away wasn't the finality of their plan. They proceeded quickly, forcing Zachary to hurry as well. It was clear that leaving him in the prison wasn't the end. Although wait awaited him afterwards might have been death, the fact that he was meant to do more than rot was clear.

Pushing him inside, the men removed his clasps. If Zachary had tried to fight, they would have skewered him on the spot with their pikes. So, he was forced to be locked within his dark, windowless cell, in the underground of the human castle. Here, other prisoners, mostly of other races, were seen around him. Elves, Orcs, even a few ugly Dwarves sat in their prisons. The races were constantly either at war or neutral peace, where such peace was only brought when neither side was able to fight. In the following years, they would only regain their strength, and try to slaughter each other anew. Each race was at fault for their own reasons. Humans simply didn't understand where they didn't belong. Elves were violently anti-social, sparking war as they would kill any who enter their lands without question. And Orcs simply loved to fight and die in battle. War was their way of life. Those of the lizard clan had similar views of the Orcs, except they were far more dignified in their methods. Many wars were fought where the lizard clan held dominance in both military power and strategy. But once defeated, the lizard clan did not deal the final blow to their enemies, instead leaving them to suffer in the shame of their weakness.

Such was the way of the world. War was one of the first things many people learned. And many more died as a result of it. And here, amidst other races who were captured and brought here amidst the constant fighting, Zachary remained amidst their cells. Where he might have expected to rot for years, in only three days time, he had a visitor to his cell. A female shape with twin tail hair stepped into the corridor, and walked past all of the other cells, ignoring them completely. Her footsteps echoed louder and louder, different from the sounds of boots pounding at the stone from the man who fed the prisoners their water and slop. The sounds she carried were stern, with purpose, and menacing at the same time. Once the footsteps reached his cell, he saw the figure of a girl, no taller than five feet, her features hidden from the darkness, standing in front of his cell.

"I have followed the threads to this point. They both lead me to you," the girl announced to Zachary. "You're coming with me. You're invaluable to my research. In return for your obedience, I can return two important people you've known into your world, and free you from the fate of spending the rest of your miserable life in this place, beyond the sight of any merciful god."

"Do not ask questions. Do not try to converse with me. I only care to hear whether or not you're willing to be of use to me. Answer yes, or no, or else I will leave you here to rot," she instructed him with strict warning.
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Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Zachary had demanded to know why he was being arrested when the military first arrived for him, going as far as to try to flee from them. Though it didn't take them long to capture and restrain the man, and once they explained to Zach that he was to be jailed for the murder of his mother and sister he showed no more signs of resistance.

Zachary cared not that the villagers thought him a murderer, someone that probably couldn't cope with the death of his father and having to support his mother and sister, and despite his grim future the man had seemed happier than he had done in a long time. Zachary gave the men no trouble as they forcibly moving him to the point that it may have been considered assault and once locked in his cell he sat there in quiet, almost unmoving.

The woman's footfalls fell on deaf ears and as such it took Zach several moments to realise that someone had walked to his cell, let alone addressed him. The young man's gaunt features twist into a confused expression at the woman's offer, wondering why anyone would ever offer him anything. Though it wasn't Zach's 'freedom' that interested the man, it was the woman's other offer. Zachary cautiously climbed to his feet, and for a moment it seemed as if he was about to lose his balance though he grasped the bars to steady himself. "Yes. I'll come with you." Zachary replied, his voice barely audible from disuse, though sounding eager. He caught on to who the woman was referring to, and Zachary would march through Hell if commanded to bring his mother and sister back to life.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

(Of little to absolutely no importance: )

Lifting her hand directly after he uttered his first word, he saw the glint of a small blade, barely long enough to cause enough of a scratch to draw blood, before the girl brought it down in a clean arc, and the lock pad put on Zachary's cell was split, clinking to the ground as the bar door to his cell slowly creaked open loudly. His eyes adjusting from looking at her for a moment, her features became clear. Holding the blade she had used to cut his lock in her hand, it seemed horribly ill suited to perform the task she completed with it. And yet the perfect slice seemed to indicate that it did it's job well. "I am willing to hear your words of desire and conversation now that I know you might be worth my time," she stated simply. "Refer to me as Valdis as you follow my path," she commanded him, before immediately turning on her heel, and stepping quickly, deeper into the dungeon. "There is limited time. If you wish to answer the lonely calls of your lost beloved, then you must keep up with me." she warned him.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Zachary, who had shown virtually no emotion since the death of his mother and sister simply looked on in disbelief as the tiny blade easily cuts through the metal bars. Zach steps back for a moment as the woman's features come into view, unsure whether it was a wise decision to join a woman carrying around such a weapon, though it is only a moments hesitation. As Valdis walks from the cell Zachary staggers behind her for a short while before getting used to walking at a brisk pace. "Valdis? I'm Zachary. Zachary Mareth." The young man goes silent for a short while. "Uh... out of curiosity, what did you mean by I'm valuable to your research?" While grateful for being broken out of jail Zachary is naturally curious as to why he was chosen.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Walking quickly, it seemed as if the girl was pressed for time while at the same time not wanting to exert herself more than she should by doing something such as running. Going the opposite way of the way out, Valdis simply went deeper, and deeper into the prison until she approached a winding spiral staircase that led to the next floor down, and with a hurried pace, stepped down it as Zachary revealed his name. Valdis gave no reply to his introduction, and instinct told him that it was because she felt no need at all to reply to his announcement, a girl who was only concerned with what she was interested in. Although when he was curious, it seemed she was willing to satisfy his curiosity, clearly as something of her interest. Stepping through the lower floor, they were approaching a door ahead that seemed to lead to a deadend room with no spiral staircase beyond.

"Two souls without bodies were wondering together with an intriguing connection. Lingering souls are often lone drifters even when multiple appear in one place. Moreover, they were hopelessly lost as they searched for a third soul that they couldn't seem to find. They traveled over an entire ocean in desperate search for their third connection, and that was when they found their way luckily into my hands and not that of the angel's, who would just send them off to the lands above to grow wings themselves and cut their earthly ties. Once I found them, they seemed to care not for whatever experiments I desired to put them through, and instead pleaded with me through the emotions of their threads to follow their threads, faint threads, to the third. Obeying their wishes purely out of curiosity, these two souls have led me to you along with their desire to reunite with you. I am not charitable, I am merely doing this because the concept of their perceptions of memory and emotion are still so strong even after being separated from the physical world. I want to see how they will react to you, as well as when I give them new bodies." she stated, reaching the end of the long tunnel, and opening the door, before stepping aside to reveal the door to be a void, completely black, as if Zachary would just fall into nothingness if he passed into it.

"Our time is limited outside the barrier. Go through, now." Valdis ordered him.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

"T-two souls?" A hopeful expression appears on Zach's face at Valids' words, his earlier assumptions seemingly being spot on. "Did... did these two souls say who they were? Or why they were looking for me?" Stepping into the final room Zachary let out a gasp as Valdis opens the door to reveal a pitch black void of emptiness.

"I-I've got to go through that?" Zach stammers, suddenly unsure if following this woman is such a good idea. Seems like she could just be trying to kill him. Np, he thinks, shaking such thoughts from his head. Valdis is his only possible connection to getting his mother and sister back, and despite the current risks following her this is a much better option than rotting in some prison for the rest of his life. Exhaling, then inhaling deeply Zachary takes a step forward into the void, ready for whatever is about to happen.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

"A soul is merely a manifestation of energy, you fool. It cannot talk." Valdis replied sharply, before urging him through the portal. His first step was slow, but the moment his foot seemed ready to drop without a sign of touching any ground, as if this door went straight to the middle of the earth. And on instinct, he caught himself before falling into what seemed like an endless void of black. He saved himself from what seemed like doom, before Valdis suddenly brought her hands to his rips, and tickled him so that he'd draw his hands away from the sides, and then promptly pushed him down the void as he'd see her immediately follow down after him, standing straight despite falling as the door above slammed shut, and they both fell at great speeds down into the darkness. Down below, Zachary saw what seemed to be a miasma of various colors that were shifting and warping by unknown influence. Yellow, green, red, and brown were the common colors he saw among the various stream vapors below, which he found himself rapidly falling towards.

"Reaching back to claim me when I'm already headed back," Valdis said calmly, clearly heard to Zachary as there was no wind no distorting in her voice despite their rapid fall. "Such a useless invention their kind did invent." she said, before they fell into the miasma...

... And fell with a harsh, but not deadly thud onto a stone floor, with Valdis immediately following as she fell right onto his back with her butt as he'd hear his spine crack a little from the impact, though there didn't seem like there was any lasting injury from that worrisome sound. She stood up immediately after falling, as Zachary would find himself a basement laboratory of some kind. Various alchemy sets were about, and most disturbing of all perhaps was the fact that Zachary could see blood stains here and there to such frequency that no matter where he looked, there was always at least one stain in view.

Walking away from him and towards a pair of floating orbs, Valdis rose her hand at what seemed to be really bright fireflies emitting a glorious display of various colors of each spectrum, and then turned right back around again to face and approach Zachary. She was silent as she walked towards him, before stopping short of ten feet in front of him. Then, the light in both of the floating, supernatural lights fluttered, before drifting over to Zachary with what seemed to be excitement, and began to orbit around him together. "It's as I thought, they seem to identify you as a soul they've known in the past, and are seeking you out. They don't have the means to quite reach you yet, but that will be remedied. Since they're much more obedient now, could you lead them and follow me? I'm going to give them bodies." she stated.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Zachary's eyes grow wide as he cries out in surprise, not expecting Valdis to suddenly force him into the void. As the two of them plummet the young man allows himself to simply fall, turning around slowly as they fall deeper into the void. Though as they exit the void Zachary lands flat on his stomach, hitting the floor quite hard and knocking the breath out of his lungs. "W-what does she do here..?" Zach thinks to himself as he spots the blood stains on the floor, the worry about following Valdis returning.

Staggering to his feet Zach watches Valdis walk away from him, his vision blurry though he can clearly make out two very bright orbs. "Wha--?" Is all the man can say as Valdis makes her way back to him, the orbs of light beginning to orbit him. "These are souls..?" Confusion in his voice, Zach turns his head to watch these 'souls' energetically spin around him before being drawn back to Valdis. "Um, sure." As the young woman begins walking Zach follows behind.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

"When a soul goes for even a short time without it's body, when it comes time to remake their body, they won't quite remember what it looked like, because the soul's memory only exists primarily in the realm of emotion, and auras. These two likely don't remember what you look like, but your 'feel,' or your presence, is how they seem to identify you as someone they knew." Valdis explains while the two souls occasionally bumped against Zachary, one more than the other, as Zachary could almost tell that what he was feeling was his little sister's zeal, while the other soul lightly bumped against him, as clumsy as their mother often was. It was clear they were trying to interact with him, but it seemed they didn't know how.

Leading him through her fairly sized 'lab', Valdis eventually reached a strange circle that just struck Zach as quite obviously an occult circle. "Stand in the circle, since that is the only way those two will even go near it." Valdis said with a commanding tone. "You can fear what will happen if you do as I say, and on that note, you can also never see your beloved again. The choice is your's, and this is the point where you follow through and choose to trust me. Stand in the circle, or don't. Whichever you choose, do it quickly before their souls fade."
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Zachary listens intently to Valdis' explanation of how a soul functions without its body, a strange feeling of warmth coming over the young man as the orbs of light that are his mother and sister gently bump into him, desperately trying to interact with him. "So they only recognise my presence..?" Zach mutters to himself quietly, a hand coming up to playfully poke at the orbs, and despite his rather abrupt and terrifying 'abduction' a sense of calm is quickly coming over Zachary.

Which suddenly leaves him the moment the man catches sight of the circle. Eyes wide and heart racing Zach once more listens to Valdis' explanation in silence, his eyes never leaving what is quite obviously a circle meant for dark magicks. "I-if I don't stand in that these souls will disappear..?" Stunned by this revelation Zachary is torn between self preservation and possibly getting his mother and sister back, something he has wanted since the day they were slain. As the seconds tick, drawing the deaths of the souls ever closer Zach finally makes up his mind. "Okay, I'll trust you." The young man mutters out finally, and with a sigh he steps into the circle, entrusting not only his own life but that of the souls of his mother and sister to Valdis. "See you in a little while," With a weak smile on his face Zach looks up at the two souls orbiting him.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Poking one of the souls orbiting him, it suddenly reacted with great fervor, spinning round his hand in circles. Something about the reaction reminded him of his sister. Although when he was introduced to the circle, Valdis gave no reaction to his acceptance to step into the circle. Although once he did, Valdis lowered herself to her knees, before suddenly the two souls he had orbiting him were attacked by purple threads rising from the circle as Valdis directed her bandaged palms at the circle. "You may step out of the circle now," Valdis announced to him.

The souls of his mother and sister seemed to thrash in a panic as they were attacked. "It is either this, or they vanish. Think about that before you consider changing your mind." Valdis told Zachary quickly as the two souls seemed to fight against what was happening to them.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

"W-what the hell's going on?" Zach cries out as the dark tendrils reach out and attack the two souls, stepping out of the circle as soon at the threads had appeared. "Valdis... is this really the only way?" Zachary stares at the two souls, his mother and sister, as they thrash violently, afraid of not only what might happen should the tendrils continue their attack but also if he hesitates for too long.

"...Fine... Do it..." Is all Zach mutters after several moments thinking. He didn't like the idea of them being put through pain, however a moments suffering for a second chance at being reborn is better than his mother and sister vanishing. Or at least that's how Zach sees it.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Valdis continued with her ritual once she knew Zachary wouldn't interfere. The two souls continued their struggling until they were pulled under the surface of the ritual circle. Their light vanished as if they were swallowed into the magics below. "Now... Take form, lost souls, and rise again...!" Valdis chants, raising her hands while her fingers moved as if manipulating puppets, before the ground suddenly began to crack from within the circle as Zachary would witness a single hand erupt from the cracks near him, the hand appearing of a disgusting green texture, clawing at the air before suddenly gripping his ankle, and using it as leverage to pull itself out of the ground. There, the disfigured head of what he could only call his dead and rotting sister emerged, and looked right up at him with an ugly, dead expression.

"Big brother..." wheezed his sister's voice, now belonging to this animated creature.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Zach gasps as the two souls are pulled underground, a look of worry on his face. Though as Valdis speaks he turns to face the bandaged woman, Zachary's eyes locking onto her fingers, their rapid movement almost hypnotic. Just as he is about to speak to the preoccupied woman Zachary's attention is suddenly drawn to the magic circle once more, specifically the fissures beginning to form, the very room seemingly opening up, eager to consume the two of them.

Though what was actually to happen went beyond Zachary's wildest dreams. Or in this case, his nightmares. As the mangled hand rises from the split in the floor Zach lets out a stifled cry of shock, his stomach turning at the sight of the decaying limb. Though as the hand grabs hold of his ankle Zachary doesn't bother holding back his fear and horror. "G-get it off me!" Screaming loudly the young man tries in vain to wrench his leg free from the monsters grip, flailing ineffectively. In his mad escape attempt Zach slips and loses his footing, landing with a hard thump on the ground. Visibly shaken, Zach renews his terrified wailing, positively hysteric now, as a familiar, albeit rotting head emerges from the hole. "N-n-n-no, no no no no no! You cannot possibly be my sister! Stop with your lies! Valdis, DO SOMETHING!" Screaming at the top of his lungs now, Zachary turns to the dark magician to help him, unable to cope with the event unfolding before him.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Looking to Valdis and screaming at her, the girl only gave him a cold stare as she focused on her magics. An eye missing from the corpse climbing on top of him, pulling at his ankle before gradually pulling itself up, Zachary found the familiar, rotting corpse now laying on top of him. It's arms wrapped around his body in a death grip, pinning his arms to his sides, before it leaned it's head down, her mouth closing in on his neck, before it greeted his flesh... With merely an embrace.

"I missed you... Big brother..." the voice from the creature resembling his sister said to him in a raspy, rotten voice, before it rose it's head, and he found himself greeted by what he could only call his animated dead sister's lips kissing against his own as a chill goes through his body. She found her one eye staring into his own during the 'kiss' that chilled his entire body, as if he was touched by death, before her mouth twisted in a broken grin. "I'm hungry... Big brother... So hungry..." she moaned, before one of her hands reached up, gripped at his head, and cocked it to the side in a violent motion, and launched her head down, biting against his neck. But rather than feel intense pain, it almost felt as if he was poisoned from the bite itself as a sudden sensation akin to goosebumps quickly rushed through his entire being, starting from his neck. All of his resistance faded upon the bite, leaving behind only a sore feeling from where he was bitten. It didn't feel fatal at all. Instead, he only felt completely immobile, as every part of his body went numb, except for his crotch, which now felt as if all the nerves in his body slithered into his crotch, making every slight movement his risen sister made on top of him force him to become aroused.

"Hungry... Zachary..." she groaned at the man who was now helpless before her repulsive figure of what used to be a cute girl. And with a simple motion of her sickly hand, she gripped the waist of his pants, and pulled them down, freeing the prisoner that was his unwilling excitement. "Eat..." she groaned with a sickly tone, before Zachary felt something slick, and slimy touch against his length, and found her lowering her hips down upon his manhood until he was completely inside of her rotting genitals. And as she 'devoured' his manhood, her eyes rolled back as she let out a prolonged groan.

"She's adapted rather quickly... Yes... She should regather herself in no time at all." Valdis commented, not caring to hear any of Zach's complaints, if he had any as she looked to him. "Your other significant will be taken care of, provided this experiment is a success, then I will restore her with my own power. Until then... Enjoy yourself, won't you?" Valdis said, sharing with Zachary a sadistic grin, before turning, and departing, leaving his sight due to the fact that he couldn't turn his head, all the while his risen sister was now violently thrusting herself down upon his manhood in savage strides, with enough ferocity to match her zombie appearance, as if she was intent on eating his length with her pussy.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

"Oh god, it's too late. I'm... I'm going to die now, right?" Panicking and frantically trying to free himself from the zombie's grip on his leg, Zachary can do nothing as it finally climbs atop him, pinning the man in place with its supernatural strength. The young man, now bound, can only quiver in place as the zombie's mouth draws close to his neck, Zach's screams now only a whimper as he comes to terms with his sudden death, content in the knowledge that his foolishness at trusting a stranger will now bring him to his mother and sister.

Though that death didn't come.

All of Zach's worries suddenly rush from his body as the zombie's lips gently close on his neck for a moment, as if planting a soft kiss on the young man. Zachary's eyes lock with the zombie's eye as it calls him big brother. Surely it couldn't be... Staring at the zombie for a moment Zach's eyes grow wide in shock. While heavily decomposed he can pick out subtle features of his sister, even her voice, while broken from the decomposition of her vocal chords, sounds just like how she spoke while still alive.

"S...Sofia..?" Cautiously, Zach speaks to the zombie, wondering whether it is truly her even with the evidence before him. Though before he can even get a reply the young man cries out in shock once more as what could be his sister's corpse leans forward again, teeth bared, and jerks his head to the side. "W-what are you doing!? Sofia, if this really is you please stop!" Zach's pleas for his life fall on deaf ears as the zombie's teeth sink into his flesh. Though instead of intense pain the young man feels relief. Sweet relief.

A shiver runs through Zachary's body as the effects of the bite takes affect, immobilising the young man's body. "W-what's happened? Sof, what did you do?" Panic setting in again Zach futilely struggles against the paralysis that has taken hold of his body, though quickly finds that it's pointless. As the zombie moves around Zach suddenly feels very uncomfortable, feeling nothing over his entire body except for his member. Which, to his surprise had quickly become erect. "H-hungry? Eat? E-eat what? Sof, what are you do-" Confused by his sister's words Zach watches in shock as the zombie's fingers groped at the waist of his pants, its cold touch sending chills throughout the young man's body. Cut off midsentence as Sofia tears off his bottoms Zach can do nothing but stare in shock as his erect member springs forth from its cotton prison, seemingly ready for what was to come next.

"W-w-what..? N-no, Sofia, y-you mustn't do th-" Stopping midsentence once more Zach can do nothing by let out a low moan as the reanimated corpse of his younger sister spears itself on his willing dick. Despite being sickened by it Zachary cannot help but feel immense pleasure as his sister's mostly rotted genitals envelop his manhood, taking him all the way to the base of his penis before she begins to ride him, quickly building up to a frantic rhythm. Valdis' words go unanswered before she leaves Zach's sight, the young man unable to mutter a word as quick moans are the only thing able to escape his lips.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Sofia responded to Zach's call, her blank, single eye rolling down to look at him, before a rotten smile appeared on her face. "Zach... Zach..." she repeated his name, before her thrusts suddenly tripled in effort, her hips slamming down on his member violently as he felt his essence being drained from him and going into Sofia. It would be all he could do to even buck his hips as he was now becoming his undead sister's food, though a different kind of food than one would have obviously expected. Her hips slid up and down along his length, the slimy insides of her pussy massaging and coating his dick to allow her to fuck him as fast as she desired. And even though her body seemed dead, he felt as if her pussy was clamping down on his cock, pulling on it as she lifted her hips, as if trying to 'suck' more of his energy out of him. "Zach... Love..." she groaned, "Cum... Cum... Cum..." she chanted, as if knowing that Zach was feeling his pleasure build from the sensations of her pussy around him.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Despite himself Zach finds his hands drifting up his undead sister's legs, the touch of her rotten flesh repulsive to the young man, yet he cannot help but continue their journey until they finally find their way to the dead girl's hips, where they gently come to rest. As Sofia builds up her thrusts, her motions quickening in pace Zachary clenches his teeth together as his grunts come faster, surprised by how his hips begin to move on their own, as if Zach's own body has succumbed to the pleasures that he has denied himself for so long.

"S-Sof, p-please... stop... T-this... this isn't r-right..." As Sofia's single eye locks onto her brother Zach shifts his gaze away, desperately looking around for anything other than the corpse of his once dead sister that is currently raping him to look at. Despite his objections Zach's grip on his sister's hips begins to tighten as he feels himself slowly reaching his orgasm, Sofia's lewd chant aiding him closer to giving the dead girl what she craves.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

Sofia continued the pointless act of their mating despite Zachary's pleas. The only thing she ever responded to was his pleasure, and the excitement he was displaying in his length which throbbed with excitement inside of her. And while she continued to thrust herself down upon his lap, her chanting continued as well, trying to eat away his resistance and get him to cum inside of her. And once he did, Sofia began to convulse as if having a seizure as she fell forward and wrapped her arms around Zachary, twitching and spasming as her hips shook worst of all, stimulating him as much as possible as he came inside of her. "Aaahhh..." she moaned with an empty voice, before Zachary suddenly found Sofia's rotten lips pressing against his own, fresh lips.

"Came already?" he heard Valdis' voice in the background. "Did you enjoy having sex with your dead sister that much?" she laughed slightly, before approaching the pair on the ground. "Ah, you've filled her with plenty of energy. Let's have the final stage of the experiment begin!" Valdis announced with the first smile she ever displayed, albeit an evil one. "Now... Become the perfect zombie!" Valdis laughed with wicked joy as she directed her hands at Sofia, and the zombie lifted from Zachary's body on the floor, who was quite drained from the ordeal, as if Sofia really had been eating him and he had naught for blood left to even move. And as she sat on her heels, Zachary would see the rotten flesh of Sofia's body shift before his very eyes, mending, and coming together, and ridding itself of the rotten green texture. "Wait... What are you doing!? That's clearly not your previous form!" Valdis suddenly began to argue seemingly with Sofia, before the green texture somehow shifted to blue, and her hair turns into a colorful pink. What's more, her eye was still missing.

"The experiment was a failure..." Valdis said regretfully, before Zachary would hear Sofia's cheerful voice announce itself.

"Wow! I've always wanted to have blue skin! Ah! And pink hair! So cute!" she exclaimed, before looking down at Zachary, "Zach, have you seen my eye patch?" she asked him, while Valdis stood silently off to the side, appearing confused at the results of her work. And one thing was accurate at least about her, Sofia did lose her eye in an accident. And as someone who had apparently lost an eye as well, Valdis dug into a pocket that no one would have known was even there due to her mysterious dark dress, and pulled out a eyepatch, which she fit over Sofia's head. "Oh, thank you!" Sofia said to Valdis.
Re: Follow the Scythe of Death (Zachary)

As Zach reaches his orgasm all he can do is lie there as he instinctively thrusts as deep as he can into his sister's rotten womanhood, his hands tightening on her hips as Zachary tries his hardest to muffle his pleasure. Though as Sofia's lips lock with Zachary's the young man tries desperately to push her off him, Zach's hands pushing against the zombie girl's shoulders though failing to budge her even an inch. And despite his struggling Zach soon finds himself warming up to the loving kiss of his sister, his resistance slowly breaking, even Valdis' words falling on deaf ears.

Until Sofia is lifted off him. With eyes wide Zachary watches in surprise as Sofia's body is quickly knitted back together, flesh patching up, tendons and muscle reforming, skin growing and stretching to cover the girl's body. Though at Valdis' outburst Zach struggles to sit up, supporting himself with his arms as he looks at the necromancer and then to Sofia. It is true that this new form of his sister's looks nothing like what she had looked like whilst Sofia was still alive, but, isn't her being alive once more good enough..?

"A... a failure..?" With some difficulty thanks to Sofia's ravaging, Zach climbs to his feet and confronts his 'host'. "What does it matter that my sister looks different to how she looked before she was murdered? I am grateful to you for bringing her back, even... even if what she just made me do is a sin. However, you don't get to call her a failed experiment. All I've wanted these past years is for her and my mother to be alive, and you've done that. That should be enough to warrant this 'experiment' a success." He then turns to look at Sofia. "Regardless of her form she's still the beautiful young woman I used to know."