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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Forest

Once again Siphon nodded.

"True, and I wouldn't want to put anyone who doesn't have some ability of their own in harms way anyway. Assuming we can't pull that off, how do we beat them badly enough to convince them it's a lost cause, or that we're not a threat? Though ... I almost wonder ... they seemed unprepared for a vampire, and certainly ill prepared for Mirchelle. I wonder if perhaps we're not the ones they were originally looking for."


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"They certainly seem to have some kind of motive. If they weren't after one of you, they were probably after one of the other students. That or, some other power that would be here."

Corax pauses for a moment.

"Perhaps they were after Charles."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Siphon stopped dead in his tracks at the mention of Charles.

"Dear god, I hadn't thought of that. Shit, what the hell can we tell them then? I mean, we can't exactly tell them, 'oh hey, yeah the guy your looking for happens to be an incorporeal entity that can jump from body to body so you never know where he is.' Then they'd have reason to slaughter everyone here. If you can cut off his supply of bodies to possess ... Theoretically you could stop him, although I'm not sure that'd work. That certainly wouldn't stop them from trying though."


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"So either way, we'd still have to fight them off. Perhaps that really is the way to go, then."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"Indeed. I think perhaps we should begin plans and preparation. I'll let you bring in and up to speed who you think will be of use and willing to help, in the meantime, I'll see what I can do about getting us some help."


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"Shall we call it a night, then? I'll see you later."

Corax levitates above the treeline standing on a disc of metal, turns to face the school, then drops again starts walking in that direction.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"Later then."

After Coraxus was gone, Siphon thought in silence for a short time. Then, he headed away from the school, intent on making some of his plans start churning.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Emily arrives at the forest accompanied by Ellisia, and she walks along the edge until they both come to a small clearing of tree's just a little way into the forest behind the school, away from the prying eyes of the normals.

"You ready then?" Emily asks, taking a stance that would indicate her opening with a kick boxing move though at the same time it seems there would be more to it than that. The air around the young girl begins to shimmer in the same way that had happened when the burger wrapper had been destroyed. If Ellisia was paying attention she'd notice the ground directly below Emily was gradually blackening, as if the temperature in the area was quickly heating up.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

'She seems pretty serious about this. Hope this isn't a bad idea.' Ellisia thinks as she enters the clearing. She ponders the use of her sword. The girl wanted to see how she had fought that night, but turning it on an innocent in a "friendly" battle wasn't really an option. She decided that she wouldn't mention the sword. Hopefully she could do without it. As Emily takes her stance, Ellisia checks her pockets and removes a wallet and bit of folded paper to place safely aside, then returns and with a few simple stretches takes stance. She takes a deep breath, drawing energy from her sword spirit, and speaks. "Go."


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

At Ellisia's command Emily lunges forward at a speed that would most likely take Ellisia by surprise given the young girls age. Thrusting her left fist forward Emily aims to deliver a punch to the older girls stomach, her right fist fist readied to perform an uppercut if her first attack connects. As Emily gets closer to Ellisia she would notice a considerable increase in temperature, the heat wave coming off the young girl causing a slight 'after image' effect.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Ellisia was infact expecting speed, and lucky for her was prepared for such a fast strike. With impressive reflexes and speed of her own she steps forwards and to her right, catching the punch at the wrist and guiding it past her while pulling Emily further in the direction she had struck. In a position to avoid the threat of the uppercut, she attempts to continue the counter, grabbing at the throat and sending a kick to the back of the knee.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Emily, surprised at Ellisia's own speed is momentarily caught off guard and fails to react in time to the older girls counter. However, Emily has another trick up her sleeve, and just as Ellisia grabs the younger girls neck she engulfs herself in flame. Hoping that'll break Ellisia's grip on her Emily would then attempt to swing herself around, using the momentum to deliver a roundhouse kick at Ellisia then following that with a back flip to put some distance between the two.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

The flash of fire did the job. Forced to release her grip, Ellisia's kick isn't propperly effective. As the round house kick swings round she prepares to block it, catching at the foot. What she hadn't prepared for was the unexpected force behind the kick. She catches it, but her eyes get a fraction of a second to go wide as she fails to stop it. The kick plunges into Ellisia's gut, pushing her hands with it, and then her up and off the ground. She grunts out with a grimace, as she sails back and breaks her landing with a roll, coming to stop with one hand on her stomach crouching on the forest floor in some evident pain. With Emily giving some ground she takes a quick moment to recover. She closes her eyes and breathes, seeming to get over the blow quickly she speaks, "Well, I apologise for taking you lightly."

Opening her eyes again as she stands her eyes flash with a fleeting strange light, as a visible aura suddenly bursts around her, scattering a few leaves and some forest floor debris. Releasing her sword spirit to its proper combat ready level now, she suddenly surges forward to attack.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

((Note, this is taking place elsewhere in the forest, far enough away to not readily be visible to either woman, unless they actually have the ability to sense things from a distance.))

Siphon had called in a few favors with things, and not was patrolling. He had chanced upon several advance scouts of the demon hunters, and had descended upon them quickly, and without mercy as they skulked about through the night.

The battle between him and the five scouts didn't take long, they hadn't been aware he was there until he was on top of them, and he easily killed two of them long before they were aware a problem existed.

The other three had drawn weapons and slashed, only serving to further anger him. He killed one by literally cleaving him in half with his claws, while slashing the throat of another and allowing him to bleed out.

The fifth he simply disarmed and power slammed to the ground, allowing the terrified soldier to live as he spoke.

"Your people attacked HUMANS on grounds of learning. I care not if you were hunting demons, or what your purpose was. Your actions directly have placed the very lives you think your protecting from demonic creatures in mortal danger, and yet you continue to press your luck. I give you a message to return to your people. Yes human, this means today your lucky and I shall spare your life, only so you may pass on a message. Your deeds have not gone unnoticed by me. You are to leave the humans here alone, they have nothing to do with whatever hell you think is upon us. I wish to see no innocent lives taken, however your people have left me with little choice but to take matters into my own hands. Therefore, I give to you an ultimatum. Leave the humans at the place of learning alone, and take your holy war elsewhere ... Or face something far much worse than you've ever dreamt of in combat and be slaughtered like the pathetic morons you have made yourselves out to be. Heed my words human, I will not hesitate to kill any and all hunters I see on these grounds again. Your kind are not welcomed here, nor are you needed. That which brought you here has been dealt with, and IF it returns, I will personally deal with it. You are but mere annoyances to me, a mere distraction. Now go, return to your people, tell them of what you have seen, and of the message. Tell them ... they deal with a being not of any world you have ever seen, and are outclassed. Know this, I spare your life tonight, however if we meet again in battle, I will not be so kind next time. Now GO!"

After a stunned moment, the young man got to his feet and ran for his life, leaving his dead comrades, and weapons behind in his haste.

After he had left, Siphon allowed himself to return to human form, a faint grimace on his face.

"And so it must be. They will likely still come, however hopefully by then Julia will have arrived, and they will get a taste of knowledge and common sense. Now ... to clean up this mess."

It took him some time to properly dispose of the bodies, and ensure they would never be found. Once he had done so, he removed a small flask from his clothing, and poured some strange liquid onto himself. Within moments, any trace of blood was removed from his person and clothing, and he quietly replaced the flask, and retreated into the night, vanishing as quickly and silently as he had come, leaving no trace he'd even been there.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

"So you should be," Emily mutters, and watching Ellisia's display she readies herself to roll with whatever attack the older girl unleashes, hoping to counter attack with a grapple, throwing Ellisia down to the floor. If that works Emily will then attempt to deliver a punch to the face.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

As they clash Ellisia plays right into the grapple, tumbling over her small opponent. However rather than landing on her back, twists mid throw and lands squarely on her feet, launching straight into a sweeping kick aimed to knock Emily's feet from the ground, and more to follow.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Emily does indeed get hit by the kick, her feet falling from underneath her though as she tumbles to the side Emily plants a palm on the ground. A sudden explosive force from her hand sends the young girl shooting towards Ellisia, and curling herself up she intends on throwing her full weight into the swordmaster.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

[Only just realised that I forgot about clothing. Supposedly she's doing this fight in her school uniform. Which would work fine, but is a bit thoughtless for her. Oh well. '_' ]

Half way through her follow up kick Ellisia wasn't in an ideal position to react, and so allows her self to fall back away from the explosively propelled girl, bringing her leg back in, and launching Emily up and past her. Thumping down against the ground in the process, she spins her legs round to get back to her feet as quick as possible.
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Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

(Emily would be in her school uniform too, albeit with her steel toe-capped boots and power gloves)

Not being able to react in time to Ellisia's sudden counter attack Emily is sent flying both with the momentum of her own attack as well as Ellisia's. Hitting the ground at an alarming speed Emily bounces for a dozen or so feet before coming to a stop. Almost instantly she climbs to her feet, though this time she waits, taking a defensive stance as the young girl gauges what Ellisia may be planning to do next before deciding what she should do.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Forest

Choosing to press the attack Ellisia wastes no time in launching forward again. Noting what happened last time with the grapple she focuses on using strikes over anything more easily interrupted by a sudden flash of flame.