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Fort Shard

Re: Fort Shard

Em shifts in her saddle, then sighs. Screw the horses, she was getting tired herself. "Alright, we'll stop here for the night. Let's get a camp set up over there," she says while pointing to a small grove.
Re: Fort Shard

Lydia jerked her head up, blinking her eyes, she had began to snooze, "Wha?" She asked drowsily before jerking on the reins lightly to stop the horses. She got up and off on the cart seat, and landed heavily on the ground, her legs almost buckling from having sat for some odd 7 hours. She gets up and peers backwards at Zagan, to see how he was holding up. "Camp, okay..." She murrmerred to herself.
Re: Fort Shard

While he couldn't ride on a horse without problems, a long day of walking on the flats with almost all of his gear in the wagon left Zagan in a much better state of mind and body than the previous two days. Moving over two the wagon, he takes the horses' reins from Lydia to lead them over to the grove and let her take a small break. Alright then, that was much better than riding a horse. So, Lydia, you doing grub again?
Re: Fort Shard

Lydia nods her head at Zagan's comment. "Yes, but all we have for the rations is jerky and coarse bread with either wine or water, your choice on the drinks... unless, hey Zagan, could you hunt for some rabbits?" Lydia also nods her head in thanks to Zagan as he takes the reign of the horses and leads them into a grove. She looks at Em "Depending on if Zagan will hunt rabbits, are you okay with rabbit stew?"
Re: Fort Shard

Probably won't catch much if any in a short period of time right now, but I can set up some snares to see if I can get us one for in the morning. Zagan says before heading off bow in one hand, and a few sticks he breaks off the nearby tree's in the other. If I see something, I'll try and catch it, otherwise I'll be back in a half hour to an hour.
Re: Fort Shard

Three Days Pass
Relocating to the plains