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Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Surprisingly, Desmas found the green skinned girl to be very lightweight, and as he grabbed her hips to lift her up and down, he found that he was suddenly in total control over her, bringing her up and down at his own will, sliding her pussy along his cock. She actually seemed to like being fucked this way, and leaded back, letting her muscles loose so he could easily control her body, and fuck her to his heart's content...
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

He felt a little bad about having his mind wander, but having found the girl to be deceptively light, he took note that he might actually stand a chance in defending himself if he found another girl like her, though she didn't physically attack him like those octopus-women. Reopening his eyes, he looked back at the woman's face. Knowing how light she was, he took a little effort away from lifting her as his right hand moved away from it's supportive position on her hip and moved it's way upward towards her chest, cupping her breast in his hands and playfully squeezing it each time he let her down on his shaft.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

She let out a happy moan as she found Desmas suddenly using her body in such a way, being used as a doll was somehow a turn on for her. She moaned again when Desmas placed his hand over her breast, lifting her own hand, and placing it over his, holding it while he groped her. And after what seemed like a short time, the green skinned woman's moans quickly got louder, and louder, while her pussy squeezed Desmas more, and more, until she threw back her head, "I-I'm cumming!" she announced loudly, giving herself to Desmas completely, letting him control every part of her he wanted...
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas' breaths deepened as did his thrusts, rocking his hips into the girl each time she dropped. He continued playing with her breast with her hand resting on his, massaging it and squeezing it more and more as he felt her muscles contracting, tightly hugging his cock inside of her. The sensation was growing too strong to fight just as she announced her climax, indicating to Desmas that he should as well. He squeezed at her tightly and he lifted his hips even more, so that the small of his back was no longer on the ground and his hand supporting her hip also moved upward, lifting her with his hand directly under her breast, causing her to fall farther and let him penetrate her deeply. finally, he felt himself building and drove himself to the hilt, trying to control his hips against the small spasms to grind his hips into her as he came inside of her.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

The green skinned woman let out a cry of exstacy as Desmas rammed into her, and began pumping his seed into her. Her pussy tightened around his cock, squeezing him, and seemingly milking him as well of all his spunk. And after a moment of orgasmic pleasure, after Desmas had finished cumming inside the woman on top of him, the green skinned girl let out a sigh, and fell forward, landing with her small breasts, and cheek pressed against his chest, with her arms clinging to his shoulders.

After a few pants, the woman lifted her head, looking at Desmas with a wordless smile, seeming to adore him with a glint of satisfaction in her eyes.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

(after a straight month of sex, cuz Desmas is a beast in the sack)

Losing his normal twitchy composure in his relaxed moment of bliss and staring up at her innocent smile, Desmas reached up and stroked her cheek and returned a smile of his own. She still sat on top of him, and considering he had no idea where the humans are that she spoke of, he was in no rush and made no effort to lift her off of him. He thought of so many things to say or ask her, but decided against it as he deemed them all cheesy cliche lines as he rambled through them in his head. He just simply sat there, his smile turning into a full teethed grin as he let out a small breathless laugh.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

She nuzzled her green cheek against his hand lovingly, placing her own hand over his, "I wonder if I'm pregnant now..." she said as if thinking out loud. Her yellow eyes locked with his, and her own toothy grin showed itself when she saw his, "I can't let them go without meeting their father! And I know you must find a place to eat and rest sometime... So, would it be alright if... If I came with ya?" she asked Desmas eagerly, seeming to know where a place to find food was.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas' mind sobered up as he heard her speaking of pregnancy and wanting the children to meet their father. Of course, he had thought to himself. She was looking to mate for children, not just for her own pleasure. He couldn't help but think of how this would affect his stay on the island. He did like this girl, but he hoped this wouldn't be too permanent as he mused on the future. Yeah, that'd just be great. Well, you see kids, I met your mommy when I pittyfucked her cuz I needed to survive. But she never meant him harm, and she was still going out of her way to help him. He couldn't turn her away, there was no reason to. And of course.. there was still the fact it was his children she was carrying. His smile returned and he took her hand, "Lead the way"
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

The green skinned woman giggled, before lifting up her ass slowly, the insides of her pussy stimulating his cock just a little more, before he heard a *pop* sound as his cock was freed, as well as saw his cum leak out of her slit, and onto the ground. And with his hand holding her own, she stood, helping Desmas stand as well.

Then, she blinked, as if remembering herself, before giggling, "Oh! I didn't even introduce myself before spreading my legs..." she chuckled, "I'm Cammy... You gonna tell me your name?" she asked him with a smile, her head tilting to the side.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

His mouth twitched a bit in surprise at the feeling and sound of her removing the two of them, posturing up as the woman helped him. Only then did she tell him her name, and he was a bit shocked as he remembered he hadn't done the same. "Sorry, haha don't worry about it. I'm Desmas, nice to meet you Cammy" he chuckled, holding his hand in a jokingly overly-formal manner. "I like your name, 'Cammy'. Usually people aren't too fond of mine, or at least they find something better to call me." His smile faded as he realized he was talking a bit too much and he wasn't fond of the subject. "Point is, if you want to give me a nickname, I've heard them all, please feel free."
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

The Kappa leaned in with a wide grin, thinking of a name for a moment while she looked at Desmas with her yellow eyes, "Hm... I don't know... I kinda like Desmas... I can't think of anything else I'd call you, besides handsome." she said with a small chuckle.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

As he felt her get closer, Desmas worked his arm around the small of her back to hold her, looking at her, directly into her eyes. For some reason, he hadn't really focused on them before, and now he was taking note of how pretty they looked, but wasn't so spaced out in her eyes that he couldn't hear what she was saying. "Haha, cute. Real cute."

His hand reached down to his stomach as it gurgled, as if to remind him how long it's been since he's eaten. His body only registering now what it seems to have forgotten, his stomach hungry and his legs feeling a little sore
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Cammy blinked in surprise as she heard Desmas' stomach grumble with hunger. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she apologized, "I forgot you're hungry!" With his arm around her back, she stepped closer to him, so that she can snuggle up next to him with his arm around her. "There's a town where I sometimes go... Just go straight into the woods, and we'll eventually find a dirt path, and all we have to do is follow that path." she told him, while her own arm went around his lowerback, her hand sliding down to give his rump a squeeze.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas was still a little uncomfortable with his current situation, but he didn't let it show. Things could be a lot worse for him and he's lucky to have found someone who would at least help him. Thinking about this, he felt her get closer, so he hugged her tight to his side with his hand on her hip. He gave a slight start to the squeeze at his backside, but turned and gave her a smile. Inside though, he grew even more uncomfortable, realizing he knew almost nothing about this girl and he could only imagine how awkward things might become if he did nothing about that. He wracked his brain, trying to think up any conversation, and hoping none of it came out wrong. He had already hurt her feelings earlier, he wouldn't want to tread on that ground, especially with her probably carrying his seed. "So, you were talking about your sisters before. Is it a big family? Are there a lot of you around here?"
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Cammy giggled a little, "Sometimes, I forget who's my direct family." she tells him, "There's so many of us, and there's almost always someone having sex, getting pregnant... And, I hope they'll forgive my saying, but there's always someone who looks almost exactly like someone else... It's hard to even place names correctly. I can't remember the last time someone actually called me by my name." she said, laughing a little, before leaning her head over to rest against Desmas' side.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas' smile dimmed, but still remained being slightly amused and simultaneously saddened by what he thought out loud, "Having so much family, you can't remember who's who? I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like."

Trying to change the subject and hopefully learn more about the island, Desmas chuckled and jokingly poked at her side when talking to her. "Well then, Cammy. What about the rest of this island? Any other different species around these parts? Is anyone else as nice as you?" finishing with a small kiss on her forehead as she leaned on him.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Cammy shrugged a little, "Um... I guess..." she said with hesitation, before looking up at Desmas with a sly smile, "And who said I was nice? I'm just laid back." she told him, a little amused with how highly he already thought of her. But, to prevent any real drawbacks, she gave him another squeeze, hugging him to her, "You just haven't gotten on my bad side yet..."

After walking through the green forest for a moment longer, stepping on the soft grass and leaves, passing beautiful trees full of life and wonder, the sun giving Desmas a feeling of comfortable warmth, and the wind blowing against his face gently, caressing him, they eventually saw what appeared to be a cozy little town. Many different species wondered through the town, all seeming to have all the time in the world, going about their business, talking with their friends, or just relaxing in their houses with the windows open, so they could watch everyone outside.

And best of all, Desmas eventually caught the scent of cooked meat in the air, his stomach growling eagerly for the food with each breath he took.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

His head turned slightly in reaction to her comment of not getting on her bad side. "Remind me not to."

His eyes turned anxiously every which direction as they walked, feeling a strong bond with the surrounding nature, somewhat reminding him that he still was naked, but not so much bothered by it. Well it's not like anyone can see me. And at that thought is when the village came into view. Despite his nudity, which he immediately started to feel ashamed of, he made no motion to cover up as he was awestruck from the closeness that the town gave off. It wasn't over-the-top or overly structured, but the togetherness of these different peoples, different species comfortably being with each other as if they've been together their whole lives it seems.

But then it hit. A whiff of delicious food went across with a small warm breeze. He had forgotten how hungry he was, the enticing smell causing his stomach to rumble painfully from the lack of its own contents. So hungry, even the scent of food was making him sick. His hand moved over his belly as he walked towards where he could tell the aroma was coming from.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Cammy chuckled a little at Desmas as he followed the scent of food like a hungry dog, walking with him as his stomach led him to the overpowering scent, to a large building that apparently was an Inn, as it appeared to have been made to house many people. Walking inside, through the open doorway, what greeted him was the source of the smell, and a room that looked very much like a bar, or a restaurant. Tables with chairs were placed here and there, all made of wood no doubt made from the surrounding trees. Elves, centaurs, humans, as well as some other women that, although they looked human, they seemed out of place, likely hinting at the fact that they weren't humans at all, along with many others, about the same variety of different species that Desmas saw outside, sitting down, talking, eating... And flirting about just as much, mostly on the side of the monsters, looking to mate with humans. A few monsters were flirting with other monsters as well!

And as Desmas checked the room around him, getting used to his surroundings, he suddenly heard a voice greet him from his right, behind the counter, "Another human that doesn't bother with clothes, eh? Welcome!" said a female voice that chuckled during most of the greeting. And when he turned to look at her, he saw a centaur smiling at him, who nodded her head at him when he looked at her, "Goodness, you look starved! Come, both of you sit down at the counter, and tell me what you're craving this afternoon." she told him and Cammy, gesturing with her hand at a pair free seats in front of her.
Re: Fortune Favors... (Desmas)

Desmas looked around as he had tracked down the scent successfully, smiling at the inhabitants of the inn. He suspected that there would be a multitude of other species on the island, but he never imagined how many, let alone amiable ones who could literally sit under the same roof. Based on what little experience he's had with these creatures, one of them raping him, another just wishing for sex, he didn't think he'd see so many that didn't try to jump him the second he walked in nude, which he was quickly reminded of from the centaur behind the counter greeting him. He shook himself off a little, making a mental note to not let his guard down, they've still all been interested in him for only one thing so far, who knows what bounds each will take to get it.

He walked over to the counter and while taking a seat tried to speak, but stuttered the way through, as if trying to find the words as he was speaking. "No..I.. I liked my clothes... or I mean, I like having.. being clothed. I just.. I don't have any, ya know? ...speaking of which.. I also don't have uhh.. money.. or anything like that."