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Forum Court Cases!


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
This was an idea Wolf had, sparked off by the goings on in a DTT thread.

Here you can start a mock court case against another member or simply debate over common topics (in which case you need someone willing to argue each side of the debate).

If you are suing a member, it must not be hateful. As in, you must be sure that you're not going to upset the person you're suing.

The defendant and the prosecutor must then choose whether to defend themselves or choose another (willing) user to be their lawyer.

You may sue an ex-member and obviously a lawyer will have to volunteer without the defendants consent.

Lastly, the two debaters must agree on a judge, or if they cannot agree, I will be judge. :cool: This doesn't mean you can't choose me as your judge normally.

The thread will then act out as a normal court case with the judge making sure everything stays under control, and then in the end deciding whether the defendant is innocnet or guilty, or whether it must be put to the jury (a poll).

If you wish to debate a topic, it will be very similar except there is no obvious defendant so you will have to wait for someone to step forward and play devil's advocate.

This is supposed to be fun, don't let it turn into a flamewar or a board for hate on other members.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

Can I sue you for being my lawyer without my consent with Lumarin as the judge? Or do I have to make another topic about that?
Re: Forum Court Cases!

You may xD

Make a thread.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

I want to sue me because Im a lazy bastard who should be updating the doujin more often. For my lawyers I'll take Darkfire and Chibi, Darkfire to argue the case of what I should be found guilty and Chibi to argue the of why I should be found innocent. For the judge I'll take.........Rule34. That is of course if I can sue myself.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

Haha you may, that sounds hilarious. You should contact those three people to make sure they're willing, and make a thread.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

Awesome, I'll just wait until I get replies from them before starting the thread.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

You know what? We could have a jury.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

What about joint cases? Say, if I wanted to sue two unmentionables who have caused irreparable damage to myself and my signature through the use of theirs. Also slander.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

You guys are serious about your sig things?
Re: Forum Court Cases!

You should sue them separately in case one is found guilty and the other not.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

You know what? We could have a jury.

A minor suggestion.

Once the actual trial is under way, allow the defendant to clearly state whether they want a trial by jury, in which case a limited poll should be allowed. If not, then the judge will make the final decision.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

Darkfire to argue the case of what I should be found guilty

This isn't fair. I can't do it. I just can't.

... Oni's making me do it. I'LL TAKE THE CASE!
Re: Forum Court Cases!

What about joint cases? Say, if I wanted to sue two unmentionables who have caused irreparable damage to myself and my signature through the use of theirs. Also slander.

Techinically, it's libel, since it's in print. Unless they're using voice-chat.

I would also like to provide and for the lawyers out there.

Also, just because it's funny. (But doesn't warrant a thread about the will.)
Re: Forum Court Cases!

Would it be alright to make a legal case against Obe, Dark, and Toxic, for their frickin sig battle? That was so annoying, it was damn close to a felony.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

You'd have three defendants giving them the advantage.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

Cancel my last action. I withdraw my legal actions. Carry on
Re: Forum Court Cases!

I think I speak on behalf of my fellow sig war members that the three of us would like to countersue Burrito, even though he hasn't even followed through with the case.

If the other two guys don't want to help with the case, then I'll drop charges. If they want to collaborate with me, then we'll press charges.
Re: Forum Court Cases!


Having said that, I fully back you on your lawsuit against burrito.
Re: Forum Court Cases!

Excellent. And if Obe joins us, we'll get to rape Burrito!
Re: Forum Court Cases!

not so much suing but I'd like to prove that darkfire is a woman. i am hiring pale as my lawyer.