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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

"You're not bothering us. It's nice to have a man out here when you're just a couple of girls out in the woods." She said with a smirk. "Why not stay for a while? It gets pretty cold out here and it doesn't hurt to bundle up out here in the cold." She invited, while the blue coat girl simply stared back at his gaze. But it wasn't a gaze of conflict, instead it was like being stared at by a predator as a certain feeling of pressure began to tease his instincts.
Grave blinked. There was something about this situation that was eerily... Familiar. He had a feeling he had been met with such gazes before. In fact, he was growing increasingly certain that he had been met with such a gaze quite a few times by now. And the girls seemed quite eager to keep him around. So the question was... Did they really mean just a while when they spoke about staying with them, or a longer period of time? Because he kind of needed to get back to the city before noon. Really, really needed to do that. But going over his past experiences, an outright refusal could be taken badly. "...A little longer won't hurt, I think." Worst case scenario, he'd have to just watch for a good moment to run.
The white haired one threw up a blanket that was warming by the campfire, and wrapped it around the both of them. The heat felt good as he was embraced by the warmth, soon wrapped up together with the white haired girl who pressed up against him. The sensation of breasts touched him, but he didn't know so much from the touch. He knew from the heat. Sensations of her breasts became more apparent from her body heat as they touched his arm. Grinning, she seemed full of intent. Her arm holding the blanket around him embrace his shoulders, and her other hand he felt worming around his hips. "A little friction too... Helps us stay warm~" she cooed, as he could feel his lower half being threatened.
Yeeep, this was already getting a bit out of hand. Grave wondered just how he wanted to handle those two. A fight... Yeah, he'd rather not. It wouldn't help. They were unlikely to listen to persuasion much. Well... Best he could go was go along with this ride and hopefully part later on amicable terms. Still, even now he still had some trouble adjusting sometimes to just how... Forward girls could be, at least when it came to strangers. Wrapping them up like this was just a minor thing. But pressing her chest against him like that? It was impossible to ignore, what with the intense heat he felt against his skin. And she was already launching her assault. Well... There was no point in just sitting there and taking it. "Is this what you'd call just a little?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. His own hand moving to match hers, sneaking around her hips in the same way she was reaching towards his lower body.